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nATT.T FAST OKKnONTA n. PWOLETOX OKEOOy. TUESDAY. APKIL 21. 1014. EIGHT PAGES Now is the Time to Wear a New Spring Suit Get Yours NOW. Woman Her Varied Interests Social and Club News, Personals, Fashions, Home Hints and Other Items "of Interest to the World Feminine. Children Cry for Flotchor'o k-aum inu MOM IN FURNISHING A MODERN HOME CONSIDER THE MANY POSSIBILITIES IN . COLQMAL for making -window curtains, table covers, lamp shades, pillows, portierc3 and couch covers. MAHARAJA SILK A new wash silk, on the order of "Pongee" with self colored checks. Comes in all colors, tan, brown, navy, grey, Copenhagen, 27 inches wide ; worth more but our price, the yard 50 NUB RATINE An excellent 36 inch Nub Ratine, high fin ish, suitable for suits and .dresses, medium weight ; launders fine ; all colors. The yd. 75 SKIRTING RATINE Comes in small checks, plaids of black and white and colors; 36 to 40 inches wide; best quality; suitable for suits, dresses and extra skirts. The yard $1.00 to $1.25 SMALL FIGURED CREPES An inexpensive wash material, launders fine, with small neat pattern and floral designs ; 27 to 30 inches wide. The yard 12 1-2 15, 20. AUTO VEILS . ; Full size auto veils of best quality chiffon in both plain and embroidered effects, $1.25 to 93.00. "T. P. W. Cleanliness EconomyEfficiency. or living solved in our rure rood bhop ORANGES fresh lot ripe, juicy SUNKIST ORANGES, T. P. W. special, the dozen 15 T. P. AY. SPECIAL BLEND, the BEST 35 COFFEE on earth. BANANAS 500 POUNDS on sale today, POUND 8 ; average dozen. 30 Ttio Poeplos UarohousG Where It Pays to IlilSE FLEET WILL BE OFF I IS BATTLESHIPS IN FOUR DIYI SIOXS COMPRISE FIGHTING FORCE. SOOII All Rear-Admlral Charles J. Badger will have under his command, when the mobilization of the Atlantic fleet off Vera Cruz and Tamplco is com plete, nineteen great battleships In four divisions, each consisting of three or four battleships of the first class and numerous auxiliaries under the command of an admiral. The tonnage, equipment In men, firmament and commanders are as follows: Arkansas Thirty-three guns, 26, 000 tons, 28.000-horsepower, four ncrews, twelve 12-lnch guns; second ary batter', twenty-one 6-Inch; four 3 -inch field pieces, eight machine guns; men. 1100; temporary flagship of fleet and flagship of Rear-Admlral Charles J. Badger; captain. Roy C Fmlth. Florida Twentysix guns, 21,828 ons. 28,000-horsepower, four screws, ten 12-lnch; secondary battery, slx leen 6-lneh, four J-Inch field pieces, lght muchlne guns; men, 1000; flag Rhlp of Rear-Admlral Fletcher; cap tain. William R. Rush. Louixlana Twenty-four guns, 1. 000 tons, 16,800 horsepower, four 12 ineh; Intermedials battery, eight 8 Inoh; secondary battery, twelve S lnch, four J-lnch field pieces, six machine guns; men, 00; flagship of Admiral Clifford J. Boush. Virginia Twenty-four guns, 14,- 41 tons, 1J.00S horsepower, four 12 lnch; InUtmedlute buttery, eight 8-1 TOWELS AND TOWELING At this season of the year is TIME to re plenish your towel supply, whether TURK ISH, HAND-TOWELS or ROLLER; we are prepared to furnish your wants, any quality. Roller crash toweling, in plain white and col ored borders. The yard 5 to 23 FANCY IIUCK, also PLAIN, the yard 25 to 85. Cotton and all linen hand towels, each 5? to 91.00. Turkish towels. SEMI-MODE DRESSES The semi-mode Marionette embroidery dresses made of the sheerest mercerized batiste embroidered in dainty patterns, for children two to six years. Price $2.75 RIBBON PLEATINGS ew shipment of ribbon pleatings in the one and two inch widths, a full line4 of colors. Price, yard 25 and 50 Pure Food Shoo BUTTER fresh, itAL, 2 pound square 60 FRESH DAIRY BUTTER, 2 pounds 55 CANDIES, T. p. W. special sale, pound 20 CHEESE fresh express shipment, cream brick, Swiss, Sapsago and Zig Zag Camen- bert. Trade. Save Vour T. P. W. Inch; secondary battery, twelve 5-inch four 3-inch field pieces, six machine guns; men, 900; flagship of Admiral Frank A. Beatty; captain, John C. Leonard. Connecticut Twenty-four guns, 18,000 tons, 16,500 horsepower, four 12-inch; Intermediate battery, eight 8-Inch, four 3-inch field pieces; sec ondary battery, twelve S-lnch, six ma chine guns; men, 900; flagship of Rear-Admlral Henry T. Mayo; cap tain, John J. Knapp. Utah Twenty-six guns, 21,820 tons, 28,000-horsepower; ten 12-Inch; sec ondary battery, sixteen 5-Inch, four 3-Inch field pieces, eight machine guns; captain, John H. Gibbons; men, 950. Michigan Twenty-four guns, 18,000 tons, 16,000 horsepower, .eight 12 inch; secondary battery, sixteen 5 inch, four 3-inch field pieces, sixteen 6-inch, four 3-inch field pieces, six machine guns; men, 850; captain, Al bert P. TCiblack. New .Hampshire Twenty-four guns 16,000 tons, 16.500 horsepower, eight 12-lnch; secondary battery, sixteen 5- Inch, four 3-inch field pieces, six ma chine guns; men, 850; captain, Ed win A. Anderson. Wyoming Thlrtythree guns, 26,- 000 tons, 28,000 horsepower, twelve 12-lnch; secondary battery, twenty one 5-inch, four 3-inch field pieces, eight machine guns; men, 1000; cap tain, James H. Glennon. Delaware Twentyfour guns, 20,000 tons, 25,000 horsepower, ten 12-lnch; secondary battery, fourteen 5-Inch, four 3-Inch field pieces, eight machine guns; men, 1000; captain, William I Rodgers. North Dakota Twenty-four guns, 20.000 tons. 26.000 horsepower, ten 12-lnch; secondary battery, fourteen 5-inch, four 3-Inch field pieces, eight machine guns; men, 950; captain, Charles P. Plunkett. Vermont Twenty-four guns, 16,- $25. 00 IS THE SPECIAL TRICE OF AX EXCELLENT ASSORT MENT OF EXTREMELY STYL ISH MODELS MADE ACCORD ING TO THE LATEST DECREE OF FASHION. Some of the models are of a more conservative tpe, suitable for more than just this season's wear. There is a wide variety of color ings and cloths. Series, the new wool erepe in crinkle and alligator weaves, suede poplin, sharkskin and hedford cords. Blacks and white checks, tanro and a new soft shade of preen called lettuce, Copenhagen and nattier blue, navy blue and several different shades of tan. . There are no two garments alike therefore the opportunity for unu sual and distinctive dressing at a reasonable figure is most unusual. Get your suit NOW and wear it of ten. See Our Ad on Page Four 15 to 50 The high cost sweet CREAMERY BUT- Hiuui ! coupon Trading Stamps 000 tons, 16,500 horsepower, eight fn,,,nC,hj 8?co"dary baery. 16 5-inch, four 3-inch field pieces, six machine suns; men, 800; captain, George W. Kline. C3 1 DUUln -aronna Twenty - four iB'o tons, 16.000 horsepower eight 12-lnch; secondary battery, six teen 6-Inch, four 3-Inch field pieces six machine guns; men, 800; captain! Robert L. Russell Georgia Twenty-four guns, 14,948 iB. is.ouo noraepower, four 12-lnch Intermediate battery, eight 8-inch; secondary battery, 12 5-inch, four 8 inch field guns, six machine guns; men. 800; captain, Robert E. Coontz. Nebraska Twentyfour guns, 14,. 948 tons, 19,000 horsepower, four 12 lnch intermediate battery, eight 8 inch; secondary battery, twelve 6 inch, four 3-Inch field guns, six ma chine guns; men, 800; captain, George R. Evans. New Jersey Twenty-four guns, 14,948 tons, 19,000 horsepower, four 12-lnch; intermediate battery, eight 8-inch; secondary battery, twelve 6 Inchc. four 3-lnch fiM eilna o I v ma chine guns; men. 800: caDtaln Jn.t,)i T. .TavnA I Rhode Island Twenty-four guns, 14,948 tons, 19,000 horsepower, four 12-Inch; Intermediate battery, eight 8-lnch, four 3-Inch field guns, six ma chine guns; secondary battery, twelve 5-Inch guns; men, 800; captain, Clar tn ceS. Williams. Kansas Twenty-four guns, 16.000 tons, 16,500 horsepower, four 12-inch it.termedfate battery, eight 8-Inch; secondary battery, twelve 5-Inch, four 3-inch field pieces, six machine guns; men, 800; captain, William B, Fletch er. Minnesota Twenty guns, 16,000 tons, 16,000 horsepower, four 12-inch; Intermediate battery, eight 8-inch; secondary battery, eight 6-Inch, four 3-Inch field guns, six machine guns; men, 800; captain, Edward Simpson. $0TCV The first meeting of the Luncheon Bridge Club Blnce the beginning of the Lenten season was held last Fri day at the home of Mrs. Tillman D. Taylor on College street. One of the happiest evenings of 3. B. Coleman's life was spent by him yesterday and it was all unplanned and unanticipated by him. The oc casion was made by others, his co workers in the Baptist church. Thirty-seven of them walked in upon him at his West Court street home un announced to give him a farewell party, as he leaves tomorrow evening for Kentucky for an extended visit. The evening was pleasantly spent In games and with refreshments ana, as a climax to the enjoyment, Mr. Coleman was presented with a beau tiful silk umbrella upon which his name had been engraved. The speech of presentation was made by G. "E. Mason and the recipient of the gift was much moved. Mrs. Julius Roesch returned this noon from a two weeks' trip to Port land, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Pilot Rock and other cities. During their stay In Portland they visited with their daughter Louise and their son Marcus, who is attending Columbia University. In Pilot Rock, Mr. Roesch visited with his sister, Mrs. Matthews, whom he had not seen In twenty-five years. Mr. Roesch did not return this noon, having been de tained with business matters. He will return tonight. La Grande Ob server. Miss Rachel Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Martin, will leave tomorrow for Michigan to spend the summer on the farm of her aunt. Miss Martin last winter suffered an almost fatal attack of typhoid and, though she has fully recovered from the dis ease, she has not yet entirely regain ed her former strength and a few months of farm life her parents think will be beneficial to her. Mrs. Ida Hunziker of Portland, who came up last week to attend a danc ing party In this city, has been visit ing in Walla Walla for the past few days as the guest of Mrs. Victor Hun ziker. Both ladles are expected over from that city today to remain the balance of the week here. Mrs. C. S. Jerard is entertaining the ladles of the South Hill Bridge Club at her home on South Main street this afternoon. Mrs. Ada Spencer and daughter. Miss Grace Spencer of Astoria are In Pendleton and will remain through the summer. Mrs. J. G. Miller left this morning for Cecil near which place her hus band' owns a ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Abner White and son have returned from Walla Walla where they spent a month. Home Hints and Recipes Home Helps. When it is necessary to beat up holstered furniture and it cannot be taken outdoors, a good way Is to cover it with a damp cloth and beat; the dust clings to the cloth! When using a dish pan, turn the handles so that the dishes will not be nicked by striking against the han dles. Coarse sand paper kept near at hand will save much scraping of dish es which are scratched. When hemming children's dresses on the machine use very fine thread. then when the time cornea for length ening a pull will break the threads. Underskirts made of the same kind of goods as the work dress are neat and always look better than a petti coat of another color. St. Louis Star. Fixed Furniture. It Is now considered desirable to have much of the furniture built in to save buying, says the Philadelphia North American. This also preserves a consistent decorative scheme. In the construction of houses brick Is given renewed consideration because of its excellent decorative possibilities. More Knockers. We have heard a great Jeal about the quaintness of the door knocker, but not until now have builders given It a practical place In building plans, says the New Haven Journal Courier. The result is that the Interior door knocker is specified for this and that door among the details o the house plans. The Care of Children As for a baby's clothing in hot weather, the most important thing to be remembered Is that at all times the head should be kept cool and the feet warm, no matter how hot It may be, for there Is nothing that will cause colic sooner than cold feet. Al so, that no matter how warm it is, the little flannel shirt and band should be left on, as It la absolutely Impera tive that there be flannel next to a little baby's skin. On the other hand the unnecessary swathing of a baby In flannel is to be avoided, and even If the weather is not Intensely hot, the baby need not have on both Ha flannel petticoat and flannel pinning blanqet. When the flannel petticoat li worn the white one is not necessary, or If It has on Its plnntng-blanket the flannel petticoat may be left off and a white one substituted. I At night baby should wear a clean band and shirt, napkins, long flannel nightgown and bootees. Restless chil dren require more clothing than those who sleep peacefully. They should be provided with felt ; gowns long enough to be turned up at the bottom and fastened with buttons. In houses where the temperature falls below CO degrees Fahrenheit, a flannel Jack, et may be worn over the nightdress. Warmly dressed in this manner, the bedroom windows may be safely left open an Inch or two at the top and bottom without there being any fear of the baby taking cold. ODD FELLOWS OF UMATILLA COUNTY WILL CELEBRATE Great preparations are being made by the Odd Fellows of Umatilla coun. ty to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of their order In this city next Saturday, April 25. The cel ebration was decided upon at the county convention in Freewater sev eral weeks ago and since that time a committee, consisting of J. T. Brown, I. E. Young. T. D. Waugh, S. A. Barnes and Fred Searcy, has been making arrangements for the occas ion. The program follows: 9:00 a. m. Assemble at Eagle Woodman hall. 9:30 a. m, March to Round-Up Park, led by ' Orphans' Band. I. O. O. F. Home of Walla Wal la. 10:00 a. m. Music. Address of Welcome, R. Alexander. P o m Art. dress, Henry J. Taylor. G. M. Address, W. A Carter. P G. M., Gold Hill No. 129. 10:45 a. m. address, Henry S. Westbrook. P. G. of Hassalo No. 15, Orator of the Day. 12:00 m, dinner. 12:30 p. m Umatilla , county track meet. 3:30 p. m. baseball, Pendleton V3. Walla Walla. Found a Cure for Rheumatism. "I suffered with rheumatism for two years and could not get my right nana to my mouth for that length of time." writes Lee I Chapman, Ma pleton. Iowa. "I suffered terrible pain so I could not sleep or lie still at night Five years ago I began us ing Chamberlain's Liniment and In two months I was well and have not suffered with rheumatism since." For sale by all dealers. Adv. UNION CAMPAIGN IS SLOW. Little Interest Shown In Election to HI! County Offices. LA GRANDE. Ore., April 21. Lit tle Interest has een shown In the coming election to fill the county and precinct offices and with the exception of three or four Important offices, the filing of candidates practically indi cates their election. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DATS. Druggists refund money if PAZO ointment rails to cure Itching Blind. Bleeding or Protrudln Piles First application gives relief. 50c. Adv. INFORMER CALLED ONE OF ACTUAL MURDERERS HARRY VALLON, former New York gambler, who was one of the four Informers that testified against the ouartet of gunmen who were ex ecuted for the murder 'of Herman Ro senthal. m The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, - ana nas neen moue unucr nis per sonal supervision since Its Infancy -6Uca444 Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but ' Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothing 'Syrups. It Is, pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotia substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms l and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years It 1 has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS FBears the - . . . ' The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS PORTLAND, April 21. Following a series of conferences with Police Chief Clark and City Physician Zeig ler, Municipal Judge Stevenson an nounced that users of health destroy ing drugs are to be treated at the city's expense under municipal super vision. It is believed this will be the first time a city has directly under taken the reclamation of drug users. SALEM, Ore., April 21. State Treasurer Kay is preparing to Issue a call for all outstanding state warrants endorsed prior to January 1, 1914. These warrants acount to about $425. 000. This will leave 1675,000 of war rants Btlll outstanding and drawing In terest at the rate of six percent. SALEM, Ore, April 21. That he will take personal charge of a cam paign for Initiating constitutional am endments and .measures Intended to bring relief to the taxpayers after the primary election May 15, was the announcement of Governor West, These measures will provide for the abolishment or consolidation of vari ous offices and boards and commis sions, which he believes are useless or extravagant under existing conditions. Coujrli Medicine for Children. Too much care canot be used in se lecting a cough medicine for chil dren. It should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful substance and be most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough .Remedy meets these requirements and Is a favorite with the mothers of young children everywhere. For sale by all dealers. Adv. I.nhr Secretary on Talking C ircuit, HAZELTON, Pa.. April 20 Secre tary Of Labor William B. Wilson an 1 Clifford Pinchot, former, federal for ester, anrt prominent progressive, were scheduled to address the local Chau tauqua meeting on democratic and progressive policies and principles re spectively. The Pennsylvania Chau tauqua circuit is in charge of the opening of a series of meetings which Imaginary Heart Trouble. Do you pave pains In the region of the heart? Does your heart thump? They were released under 11000 What Is wrong? Do you believe these symptoms mean heart trouble? Or ganic diseases of the heart very sel dom occasion much pain. Nearly all of the pains are caused by some derangement of the stomach. Merltol Tonlo Digestive Is especially recom mended for Indigestion and dyspepsi and for restoring the stomach to Its normal functions and no more Its terrible pounding alarms you What You Have Been Looking For. Merltol White Liniment Is a prep aration that gives satisfaction where a pain killer and healer Is needed. We "heart disease." liniment at any price. TALLMAN & COMPANY Exclusive Agency, : NOSE AND HEAD STOPPED UP FROM COLD OR CATARRH, OPEN AT ONCE My ClcanMlng, Healing Balm Instantly Clears Nose, Head and Throat Stoiw Nasty Calhrriial Dlsctuirgfa. Dull Headache Goes, Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, Just to try it Apply a little In the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose and stopped up air passages of the head will open; ou will breathe freely; dull ness and headache disappear. By morning the catarrh, cold In head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery nowl Get th small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet, fragrant .n.w,J Bought, and which has beea has borne the signature of Signature of will be held here, at South Bethle hem, West Chester, Tancaster, Coates vllle, and Chester. It Is the same Chautauqua management under which Secretary of State Bryan spoke last year. N CHILDREN WHO ARE SICKLY. Mothers who value their own com fort and the welfare of their children, should never be without a box ef Mother Cray's Sweet Powder for Chil dren, for use throughout the season. They break up Colds, relieve Feverish nee a, Constipation, Teething Disorders. Headache and Stomach Troubtes. Used by mothers for 24 years. THESE POWDERS NEVER FAIL. Sold by all Drug Stores, 25c. Don't accept an substitute. Sample, mailed "FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, X. Y Her Scale of Price. Kind Lady (to applicant) I ant sure you would learn to love my chil dren. Nure What wages do you pay? Kind Lady Twenty dollars a month." Nurse I am afraid, ma'am. I could only be gentle with them at that price. Judge. QUIT MEAT IF YOUR KIDNEYS ACT BADLY TAKF. TABLESPOON FTL OF SALTS IF BACK HURTS OR BLAD DER BOTHERS. We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood Is filled with uric acid, say a well-known authority, who warna us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this Irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the ellmlnatlve tissue clog and thus the waste Is retained In the blood to poison the entire .sys tem. When your kidneys ache and fed like lumps of lead, and you have stinging pains in the back or the urine Is cloudy full of sediment, or the bladder Is Irritable, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe headaches, nervoux and dlzsy spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rheumatism In bad weath er, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a ta blespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast each morning and In a few days your kidneys will act fine. Thla famous. salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, comblneJ wlth llthla, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids In urine so it Is no longer a source of Irritation, thus ending uri nary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is Inexpensive and cannot Injure; makes a delightful efferves cent Uthla-water drink, and nobody can make a mlBtake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys clean, and active. balm dissolves by the heat of ' tha. nostrils; penetrates and heals the In flamed, swollen membrane which lines the throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Im mediately. , , Don't lay awaks tonight struggllng for breath, with head stutfed; nos trils closed, hawking and blowing Ca tarrh or a colJ, with its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat and raw dryness Is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith Just once In "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or ca tarrh will surely disappear.