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r ; PAOR RiX DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENPLETON, OREGON", TUESDAY. APRIL 51. 10U. ETOHT PAGES i - i It i T I! i; r SPORTS K MILTON TAKES LEAD IN THE B. t,l. LEAGUE ri!T KOCK DEFEATED SUNDAY UY SCORE OF 0 TO 4 GOOD GAME. TOO. PILOT ROCK, Ore.. Aprli 21. (Special.) Milton-Freewater estab lished herself as the leader of the Blue Mountain league Sunday by handing a defeat to the local bunch. However, the victory was not won by default. The Pilot Rock players bat tled the visitors until the last and the came was a pretty one to watch. Score, Milton (. Pilot Rock 4. ATHLEETS OF UMATILLA COUNTY I'EET SATURDAY STARS OK VARIOUS SCnOOIJS WILL CONTEST FOR HONORS AT ROUND-UP. Next Saturday afternoon the ath letes of the Umatilla county schools will vie with each other for the championship of the county at a meet STOP ANNOYING PEOPLE BY COUGHING. STOP ATTRACTING UNDESIRABLE ATTENTION, EOT? ?o rua oc w MMIWUMHI L CHICAGO. ILL. WISHES if Vyvamm and send as lJ ffPfcrJ' U mtd Ubda (facaimila I jf-Z vt I 'iTJlSif II BWainappcrfeftcortKr) Y.I' "ztZi' U froni H.rxVin'i 'Subiim j B . kbcuit-u rood a Wruit jg9jfvtff . jA v jtf&L I fVtiW fnH Sampto a VrC?a boa of 10 different, delectable, baked N JtiZJZ dainties all produced under the lame J .fjftJ farorable conditions that pat the If W rt f WV superior goodMaa into SI 5 NT S Vt "Supreme" Sodee II 2" Jj J Idc at roar Dcaien II TaJVvlTl i r- HARADOM SON 11 a I is I Portland. Oresuo It di:iiuiuiiiiiiuiiii!niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiii!iiniiiiiiiMiiiii::iitu:iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ttreMttlhi E This L the powerful combination we offer yon. OUR STRENGTH S lies in our ample capital and law reserve, and best of all 5 in the integrity of our Officers and Directors. S . IX POIXT OF SERVICE . " S we extend every facility and convenience required in the S 5 transaction of business! New depositors and old alike 5 E mu'ive every consideration. ,. . s f Tho Amorican National Bank Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon iiiintitinunniniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif? to be held In this city. The meet Is an annual affair but until this year has been staged at Athena. However, because of the more central locution of Pendeton, it was switched here this year and as a result there will be more schools represented. Pendleton high school for the first time will not enter a team, the school authorities having voluntarily with drawn from the meet In order tha' the competition might be keener. Pendleton high being a larger school than any other has always developed a team that could win the champion ship without much difficulty and this fact made many of the schools reluc tant to enter their athletes. N. V. iMga. Victoria 7. Tacoma 6. Spokane 7, Portland 1. Vancouver 11, Seattle 0. - Federal League. Indianapolis 7. Kansas City 2.' St Louis J, Chicago 1. National League. St. Louis 2, Chicago 0. American League. Philadelphia 8-6, Boston 2-0. HAIL STORM HITS UNION. UNION, Ore., April 21. A severe storm passed over this city Sunday. Hail, rain and an electrU display alarmed the people. Pure and Pleasant Dr. King's New Dis covery Drives Away Cough and Cold. Makes You Feel Fine. You know how very embarrassing it is to constantly cough at parties, in church and other public places. Besides suffering the distress of coughing, 'ou regret the annoyance to those with whom you are brought in contact, and decide not to go out again while your cold lasts, causing yourself much inconvenience. "Every winter," writes Mrs. M. 0. Cross, Granbury, Texas, "I suffered with severe coughs and colds, but since using Dr. King's New Discovery, I have not been bothered or annoyed with either for over two years." Ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr. King's New Discover'. He will refund your money if not satisfied. KOEPVKNS ' ! HEIR TO ASTOR FORTUNE ILL I s. . , -r' v. -1 i VIXCEXT ASTOR. NEW YORK. April 21. Th nevs that Vincent Aator, "the young master 01 me great fortune left by his father. Col. John Jacob Astor, was stricken with pneumonia at the home of his Deautiful fiancee. Miss Helen Dins more Huntington, at Staatsborg, N Y.. has shocked the friends of th couple In New York society. Their wedding had been set for April 30. MIXAM MILL. DESTROYED. Hre of Unknown Origin Causes $2, ooo vantage; Partly Insured. LA GRANDE, Ore'., April 21. The sawmill at Minam was destroved bv rire entailing a loss of about 12J00. and carrying insurance of 11250. The blaze started under the mill proper, which is located on the hill Just back of Minam. No clew as to the origin has been found. Manager Goff states that the mill will be rebuilt as soon as the'in- surance adjustment Is made. A summer resort hotel Is to go up on Tslltcoos lake, Lane county. CONGRESSMAN MARRIES HEIRESS WITH A MILLION WASHINGTON. April 18. More than three thousand repre- sentaUves of official and resi- dent society this afternoon at- tended the wedding of Repre- sentative Henry D. Flood, chair- man of the house forelsrn af- fairs committee to Miss Anna V. Portner, member of a not- ed Virginia family. Miss Port- ner is worth a million in her own right. The wedding at All .Soul's church was one of the most brilliant social events since the White House wedding, and because o the prominence of both parties attracted the lead- lng diplomats, cabinet ' oficl- als, congressmen and senators. Miss Genevieve Clark, the speaker's daughter, was one of the bridesmaids. The others were Baroness Marie Bumgar- ten. Misses Hanna Taylor, Cor- nelia Clagett Douglas Fuller of Winchester, Va., and Lucy Martin, daughter of Senator Martin of Va. The bride is a striking bru- nette beauty one of the five sisters known as among the prettiest girls of Washington's social elite. ADMIRAL BARCLAY FISK, V. 8. X. Of the United States War College, who Is one of the most able men In the navy ordered to Mexican waters with the fleet. Local Playhouses What the Prew Agent Mas to Say of Prevent and Coming Attractions. Orpbeum." f For Tuesday's change. John Bunny and Flora Finch In "Bunny's Scheme."- It Is a good one and a funny one. Ethel haa refused tc marry John for about, the fiftieth time. A couple of his friends are to be married and leave on the Florida special for their honeymoon. So he and Ethel decorate the car. John secretly buys tickets and keeps Ethel there until the train pulls out. She finally sees the rumor of It all and John finds a preacher on the train and they are happily married. "When & Woman Guides.' Blo- graph. Featuring Claire McDowell. To make the mayor see things as they were tne president of the women's po litical league told him she lived in the tenements. His party bosses owned them and the bill passed his chance for governor would be gone Yet it became a law and the mayor realized wherein lay his strength. ' "Dlnklesplel's Baby." Edison. An amusing comedy. "When Thieves Fall Out." Sellg The story of a girl saved for a bet ter life. Pastime Tuesday-Wednesday, The schemes of an unscruDulous parasite and gambling leach, on so ciety, are frustrated apparently by fate. A trusting girl Is made to suf fer, and a family almost disgraced In "Tangled Webs," a Pathe two-part sensational masterpiece. The story Is of a society parasite whose extrava gant habits bring htm up sharp be fore the stern reality of the Impos sibility of his position. "Millions for Defense." Vltagraph comedy, featuring Myrtle Gonzales. "When a Woman Wills She "Will." That's exactly what "Blllie" did to make good her boast Hlckvllle s Finest" and "Rings ana KoDDers" are two Blograph com edles. Coming Thursday and Friday, Mary ficiciord in "The Bishop's Carriage Cosy. The Hindle Trio in their dutch mu sical act are among the most, pleas ing ana ail-round satisfactory acts ever in this house. The character of a near sighted and somewhat crab oed German musician nntflno- Vila children through their music lesson was most amusing and the mis chievous pranks of two pupils brings many laughs. The song In German by the two younger members of the trio causes lots of laughter also. They have a wide range of musical selec tions and their playing of the old fa vorite songs brings merited applause. This fine musical act will be here two more days, Monday and Tuesday. Nichols and Nichols in their com edy acrobatic act are most amusing, too. One of this team works In n clown make-up and Is continually pulling off some funny stunts. They will be on the bill Monday and Tues day, also. Miss Gladys Rahe. soprano soloist. In some new songs. "The Tie That Binds."' Two reel Majestic. A beautifully told film story, so full of heart-interest and real humanity that It will long be re membered. "One Hour of Youth." Thanhous- er. Wonderful snow and Ice scenes are features of this picture. In which a genie gives the old man his youth ngaln for Just one hour. . "Too Much Turkey." Prinreiw Mu. riel Ostriche and the Princess players In a speedy comedy. . Coming Wednesday. Ma lor Wright and his dancing bugs. Alta Tlwater. ' Tonight again the Vin Moore com pany. In a new and made to laugh at comedy, "Don't Lie to Your Wife." New pictures as openers: "One of the Bravest," a two part Gold Seal feature. r House opens at 7:30. Pictures, 8; Look Your Best Get rid of that depressed feel lng commonly known, as "the blue's." Ee cheerful and at the first sign of any disturbance of the Stomach, Liver or Bowels ' . . .. ift, . . . . t- - . take , ; HOSTETTERS Stomach Bitters Dingo Takos Off Callusos Wear your shoes rlKhtuwny. No more pnln or burniiiir. Only a moment to apply. "Illnfro" stops piiln and quickly re moves wornt corns or ciiIIukor, no pads, planters, salves or rutting with danger Of blond poison. Ail rlmiirilKta VKv Or by wail, Dennlson Pharniacal C'o Chicago For sain In Pnndleton by Tallnian & Co. ALTA THEATRE LAUGH XIGIIT, TONIGHT "OOtrT LIE TO YOUR WIFE" Tho Vin ttooro Co. TOMORROW NIGHT "the tun awo the hcur" ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY GOOD CHEER AIDS DIGESTION OF FOOD Dyspeptics Can Make the Ret of the Family Happy by I'slng a Lax live Tonic. The temper of the family and the good cheer around the table depends so much on the good digestion of each Individual present that the ex periences of some former dyspeptlea who overca s their trouble should be of Interest to those now suffering In this way. The best advice one can give but It la advice that Is seldom heeded is to eat slowly and masticate each mouthful carefully. However, If slow eating and careful mastication fall, the next' aid Is one close to nature. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. This remedy is an excellent dlgestant, and In addition to helping the digestion of the food acts gently on the liver ami bowels, r'ddlng them of the ac cumulation of waste that should long ag have been passed off. It Is safo re lable, pleasant-tasting, and result are guaranteed. Maj. S. Martin of Joplin, Mo., now 77, thinks Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin has helped him to ' longer and happier life. He has not felt so good In years as he haa since taking this excellent medicine, and in spite of his 77 years, he says he feels - like a boy. It is the Ideal medicine for indiges tion, no matter how severe, constipa tion, no matter how chronic, bilious ness, headaches, gas on the stomach, drowsiness after eating and similar annoyances. You can obtain Dr. Caldwell's Syrup curtain at 8:30. One show only. Adults Sac; children, 25c. SECRET WATCHERS PLACED. Deputy Sheriff Lake Hopes to Un ravel Dynamite Mystery. ST: HELENS, Ore.. April 21. Se cret watchers were placed in lumber camps of Columbia county by Deputy Sheriff Lake, who Is making every effort to capture the man or men re sponsible for the destruction of the Ollmore home by dyuamite Friday night A close scrutiny of the movements of all suspects will be maintained by Deputy Sheriff Lake and his men Bloodhounds were again unable to lend any assistance In solving the mys Weak Women! m Some women are weak because of ills that are common In Girlhood Womanhood and Motherhood The prescription which Dr. R. V. Pierce uses most successfully In diseases of women which has stood the test of nearly half a century Is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Take this in liquid or tablet form as a tonic and regulator! "M KatJ- Richardson, ol Beazlty. Euex Co.. Va. uy. "I atcem It a pleasure to testify to the wonderful curative qualities of Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription. For tome years I suffered greatly with weakness peculiar to my sex I was treated by several physicians but gradually grew worse. One of my friends told me of the good results of your Favorite Prescription." I went to the drug store and got a bottle, and after taking it, with the "Pleasant Pellets," I commenced to get better. I never knew what happiness was, for I was always sick and complaining and made others as well as myself unhappy. So you sec what a debt 1 owe youl" Dr.Pierce'sPIeatantPelUts -egulate atomach,Uver, bowel ITGBeOOIlO Pendleton. Walla WalU. Rantes and Budweber Bottled Beer Cool and Sparkling Beer on Draught. Fine Wines. Liquors and Cigars. - 517 MAIN STREET BREDING, HANSEN 6 MILLER Quicker, Cheaper, Better Hot Water All over the house plenty for the toilet and bath ample quantities for the kitchen and laundry, and all with very little attention and at a low cost for fuel You simply connect a ' r ........ . , RUUD . Tank Water Heater to your range boiler, light a match -'and turn on the gasin a few minutes you have an abundant sup ply of piping hot water. Eliminate the de lay and drudgery of the coal fire. Save time, labor and money. Use gu-heated water. This little heater does a wonderful .work and will giv you many years ct econom ical, reliable aer Ykse. Ob display at our abowreeni. 112.50 Installed Pacific Power & Light Co. ' Always at Your Service" if isA JLtwsm'mwwiiJ MAJ. S. MARTIN Pepsin at any drug store for fifty cents or one dollar the latter size be ing bought by heads of families al ready familiar with its merits. Re sults are always guaranteed or mon ey will be refunded. . when you use Syrup Pepsin you will see the fallacy of chewing mints and tablets or of taking cathartics, salts, pills and similar drastic medl clnes. Unlike .these. Syrup Pepsin does not lose its good effect, and by automatically training the stomach and bowel muscles to do their work, soon restores these organs to normal. Families wishing to try a free sam pie bottle can obtain It plstpaid by addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 419 Washington 'St, Montlcello, 111. A postal card with your name and ad dress on It will do. tery, and the dogs were returned to Clatskanle. Deputy Lake believes the dynamite plot wasjthe work of discharged work men. RECALL OF MAYOR SOUGHT. Petitions Also Request That Two Los Angeles CouncUmen be Ousted. LOS ANGELES, April 21. Recall petitions directed against Mayor Rose and CouncUmen Conwell and Snowden were formally placed In circulation. They were sent out by the Property Owners' Protective association ' of West First Street. Mayor Rose is charged with falling to protect citizens In the natural gas campaign. 1 gmimmiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiifii I C1AAA AA 3 to 1 1100,000.00 I 2 AVAILABLE TOR WHEAT LAND S sbjj S3 F LOANS I R M S With re-payment prMUg'ei for s s 3 or $ yean, at S Frank R. Atkins. I Representative 120 East Cofrt St Poadletoa a siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuil? Now's the time for spring tonics get a bottle of rital's Hot Springs Dlood R:n:dy An efficient and re liable remedy free from harmful ingredients. Koeppen's The Drag store that serres SEE For Uoodlos Chop Stay and China Dishos of all kinds, served to order. New hard wood fixtures; private booths for parties. We cater to the high-class trade no rowdyism allowed. rong (long Lon 110 West Alta St Upstairs. Back of Tallman drug store. Phone, 433. Harm Uonthor Approaching Makes us think of cool drinks. Our True Fruit Flavors are made of True Fruit, pure cane sugar and filtered water. Our summer drinks are pure and refreshing; and contain no alcohol. 84 BOTTLES IX CASE for 11.00 Quick auto truck delivery. John T. Gagen Factory 113 Lee St Phone 2S4 M. wfMiiiwiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiHiu s A Spring J Tonic I Try a bottle of F. M S. Sarsaparilla f s Made and guaranteed f Tallman & Go. Lsiadtag Drnftlits jf i nultcrlands Amen-1 ccn Llortago Dan!i nllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliiiima ' I