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WAUK, TWU nATT,Y EAST ORFOOOTAN. PENDLETON. OREOON. TUESDAY. APRIL SR. 1ftH. ETOTTT PAGES SOflf r Dresses' i!!iiini!!inni!nni!i!,,,n!ni!i,"nm,mw,,m,m,,"m',m'"'t"''ni ' MANUFACTURER'S SAMPLES SENT US FOR THIS SPECIAL VALUE GIVING OCCASION $25.00 Values Sale Price $1115 SOME OF THEM ARE WORTH EVEN MORE This is a Kh grade assortment of garments made according to the newest mode. Every style feature is distinctive. There Are No Two Dresses Alike Silk Crepe De Chine, Crepe Meteor, PoDlin, Faille, Taffeta and Crinkle Crepe are the materials used, in purple, green, tan go, Copenhagen, tan, terra cotta and tete-de-nege, a new shade of grey. The trimmings are of lace, moire and flowered silks. Oriental necks and deep kimona sleeves are features of the waists, while peplum, bustle effects and two, three and four tiers are shown in the skirts. Altogether the collection is the most attractive we have ever offered at the price. ALL GOODS PURCHASED WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY WILL BE CHARGED ON YOUR HAY AC COUNT, PAYABLE JUNE FIRST'. Wednesday and Thursday Embroidery and Lace .Specials For three days we offer you your choice of all twenty-seven and forty-five inch widths in laces and embroideries at greatly reduced, pri ces. These are just what you will want for your graduating dress. 75 Flouncings will go for 59 $1.00 Flouncings will go for 79 $1.25 Flouncings will go for '. 97) $1.19 $1.39 $1.59 $1.98 $2.39 $2.69 $3.19 $3.39 $3.98 $1.50 Flouncings will go for $1.75 Flouncings will go for . $2.00 Flouncings will go for $2.50 Flouncings will go for $3.00 Flouncings will go for $3.50 Flouncings will go for $4.00 Flouncing3 will go for $4.50 Flouncings will go for , $5.00 Flouncings will go for Wash Ratine The one popular dress fabric of the season that washes to satisfaction, inexpensive and good looking. Comes in all shades ' for street and evening wear, for suits and dresses, extra skirts; checks, plaids and plain materials; 27 to 42 inches wide. The yard. 25 to $2.00 PETTICOAT SATINS A satin that's guaranteed for service, has the weight comes in all shades including all the lat est colors; 36 inches wide; two lengths to the skirt. The yard $1.25 SILK CREPE DE CHINE For underwear and lingerie. A fine, soft silk material, 36 inches wide; washes and gives good wear. The yard L 75e MALAISSE CREPE Just the correct weight, style and patterns for wash dresses, of best quality and finish. Small neat designs, 27-in. wide. Yd. 12 l-2 QUE! ENTIRE $20,000 STOCK OF Men's and Boys' Clothing IS ON SALE NOW AT ABOUT ONE-HALF PRICE Hart. Schatfner & Marx New Styles Ycu Know the Quality Here are the Prices $15.00 $17.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $28.50 $30.00 $15.00 $17.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $28.50 $30.00 Suits of Suits of Suits of Suits of Suits of Suits of Suits of Suits of LOTA Lot A will Lot A will Lot A will Lot A will Lot A will Lot A will lot A will Lot A will go at; $5.95 go at $6.95 go at $7.95 go at $8.95 tm at - 9.95 go at ?1U.W& go at $11.35 go at $11.95 LOTS B AND C Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits in Lots B in Lots B in Lots B in Lots B in Lots B in Lots B in Lots B in Lou B and C for. and O for. and C for and C for and C for and C for and C for and C for - $7.50 $8.75 $10.00 $11.25 $12.50 $13.75 $14.25 $15.00 Our $17. SO Blue Serge Special The greatest suit for the price in the business will go for . . . .. $13.95 . LOT D Except $15.00 Suits In Lot $17.50 Suits in Lot $20.00 Suits in Lot $22.50 Suits in Lot $25.00 Suits in Lot $27.50 Suits in Lot $28.50 Suits in Lot $30.00 Suits in Lot Blue and Black D will go forl $9.00 D will go for $10.50 D will go for $12.00 D will go for $13.50 D will go for $15.00 D will go for $16.50 D will go for $17.10 D will go for $18.00 LOT E Except Bluet and Black $15.00 Suits in Lot E will go for $10.50 $17.50 Suits in Lot E will go for $12.25 $20.00 Suits in Lot E will go for $14.95 $22.50 Suits in Lot E will go for $16.75 $25.00 Suits in Lot E will go for $17.85 $27.50 Suits in Lot E will go for $19.60 $28.50 Suits in Lot E will go for $20.75 $30.00 Suits in Lot E will go for $21.80 ALL BLUE SERGES in lot3 D and E not otherwise mentioned will be reduced 15 per cent which will make our invincible $20 BLUE SERGES SELL FOR - $17.00 CPU SOW TCio Pcsploo Uorohouoo Where It Pays to Trafe. Save Your T. P. W. Trading Stamps imiiiiimiiimiiiimmiiiiiiiiitimiiiiiiiiu nn liil FOR MEN Men do not all have the 5 same idea of value. For that j reason, you'll have to see our E shoes yourself, and compare the values with others. The 5 closer the comparison, the 5 stronger our superiority will le shown. . 5 5 $3.50 Men's black vici, 5 .blucher and button; a s dressy shoe and none bet- ter for the price. $4.00Men's dull calf, blucher and button, welt solev A first class shoe for $4.00. J $4.00 Men's tan kid, blucher, wide last ; a com . for table, dressy shoe. $5.00 Our strongest line and the best for the price. Tan, and black, in dull calf, viei, kangaroo. You'll find variety equal to the . requirements t of every taste. ' $7.00 Johnson & Murphy, the best in shoe making. Premier and Jefferson lasts in kid and dull calf, the very latest shapes. 1 THE Peoples Warehouse E "Where it Pays to Trade. E Save Your.T. P. "W. Trading 1 E Stamps. E niiinni:iiHiiiiiiiiiniminniiiimiinn? MEXICAN PRISONERS AT FT BUSS TO BE TRANSFERRED 5O0O FEDERALS ROUTED BY REB ELS WILL BE SENT TO NEW MEXICO. SAX AXTOXIO, April ST. General Bliss has received orders to transfer the 5000 Mexican federal 'soldiers held at Fort Bliss to Fort Wlngate, New Mexico. The prisoners were driven across the border by the rebels fol lowing the victory at Juarez, OJinaga and other engagements. Two troops of Twelfth cavalry will make . the transfer. Grain Hearing Opens. WASHINGTON, April 28. A series of hearings on grain standardization and trading in grain futures opened today before the House Agricultural committee. Chairman Lover expected to use the evidence as the basis for bills on both subjects. INCREASE OF COTTON MANUFACTURE. (Wall Street Journal.) Growth of cotton manufacturing In the United States is td be measured by a comparison of the number of ac tive spindles and the cotton consumed by them. It Is necessary to go no fur ther back than 1890 to see the re markable increase. Since 1890, spindles have Increase! 118 per cent, and consumption 129 per cent. The consumption in 1913 was the largest in our history. It was practically all American cotton, as only 232,929 bales of foreign cot ton were used. This was - mostly Egyptian, which Is peculiarly suited for thread making, mercerizing and some other special purposes. Mas sachusetts and Rhode Island used the greater part of this Egyptian cotton as well as the 54,778 bales of domes tic Sea Island. In the last year the cotton growing states have forged to the front, and are now- consuming more cotton than the northern states., with 2,960,618 bales as their share last year. But Massachusetts is still the premier state in cotton manufactur ing, her 10,900,000 active spindles having consumed 1,332,912 bales, while North Carolina comes second. . Found a Core for Rheumatism. "I suffered with rheumatism for two years and could not get my right hand to my mouth for that length of time," writes Lee L. Chapman, Ma pleton. Iowa. "I suffered terrible pain so I could not sleep or lie still at night. Five years ago I began us ing Chamberlain's Liniment and in two months I was well and have not suffered with rheumatism since." For ale by all dealers. Adv. Aviators Sight Fires. WASHINGTON, April 28. Naval aviators flying over Vera Cruz saw railroad bridges at Boca Del Rio, south of the port, burning and re ported trestles at Rico Mofeno ablaze. These places are not the line to Mex ico City. I - Woman Varied Interests Social and Club News, Personals, Fashions, Home Hints and Other Items of Interest to the World Feminine. soeiecv Home Hints and Recipes Mr. and Mrs. John Vert and Miss Ethel B. Wilkle. their niece, have ar rived back in Pendleton after an ex tended and delightful sojourn in the Hawaiian Islands and in California. ?4 Mrs. Robin W. Fletcher yesterday underwent an operation at St An thony's hospital and is today rallying very satisfactorily. Mrs. Charles F. Colesworthv la hos- thls afternoon at her home on High street to the ladles of the South Hill Bridge Club. Mrs. Glen Sturdlvant left yesterday for Payette, Idaho, to visit with her parents. Mrs. J. Herbert Strohm and her mother are op from Hermiston today on a short visit The Care of Children It is Impossible to concetve that anybody, especially any child, was ever helped by living with anyone whose manners were crusty and bad. Freedom of the spirit is gained by living with people, self-controlled and kind enough to have good man ners. Nor is It possible to believe that our own individual freedom of spirit is aided by speaking irritably every time we are a little bit harassed or by doing that shattering thing that is called "losing our tempers.". Most of these things, faults of spirit are as much a matter of habit as the habit of keeping one's hair neat or brush ing one's teeth regularly. Perhaps I am making an exaggerat ed statement when I say that when one comes to the subject of home manners, there are none in too many homes; that the members of the av erage American family permit them selves Inattention when spoken to, and all manner of social vices and this is a very sharp Illustration of the difference between license and free dom. The public opinion of the average home does not stop most grown peo ple from having bad manners toward their children. Consequently, by the time most children are ten, they, al so, have bad 'manners. Neither does the public opinion of the schoolroom prevent bad manners on the teach er's part. If not actual Irritability, then the appalling sternness that again would meet with small success If used toward grown people is freely used to "maintain discipline." Yet we expect that our children, in an en vironment like this, shall always be faultlessly sweet, and it is aston ishing to anyone who Is observing children how very sweet they are most of the time, in spite of the fact that they voice their annoyance with a loud directness which is peculiarly shattering to irritable grownup nerves. Allowing for losses In slack season, three quarters of the women workers In New York city, receive lees than $400 a year. HYOMEI RELIEVES IN FIVE MINUTES Hooks and Eyea. An easy way to mark the correct place for hooks and eyes ' or snap fasteners so they will match and close right Is to lay the edges of the clos ing on a table with the eye side a quarter of an Inch back from the edge of the hook side (the wrong side of the garment up) and mark across both edges with tailors chalk. St. Louis Star. Fine Dessert. 1 A delicious dessert is made of three eggs, the grated rind of one lemon and the Juice of two, half an ounce of gelatin, half a pound of susar. half a glassful of water, says the Dallas ?ews. Soak the gelatine in the water, cream the yolks of eggs and auear tn. gether and add lemon Juice and rind. Beat the white of eggs to a stiff froth stir all together and nut in a ' rlasa dish to set and cover with whipped cream. Piano Polished. When the piano begins to look dim try a sponge bath for it savs the Country Gentleman. Make a suds of pure castne soap and with a soft sponge or cloth go over a small sur face, rubbing i( perfectly dry with a soft silk handkerchief before wettlag another portion. It may take an hour but the piano will look like new when the work la done. . For die Cook. Dried lima beans, soaked over night and boiled till tender, then seasoned with butter and. salt, are one of the best March vegetables, says the Dallas News. i ' Delicious muffins or gems are made by stirring Into the batter made for ordinary gems a cupful of raisins, cur rants or chopped figs. J Smelts are good with . anchovies. Clean thoroughly, fill each with an an chovey dust in a mixture of flour, salt and pepper and fry In butter. Warm Voathor Approaching Makes us think of cool drinks. Our True Fruit Flavors are made of True Fruit pure cane sugar and filtered water. Our summer drinks are pure and refreshing and contain no alcohol. 24 BOTTLES IN CASE for $1.00 Quick auto truck delivery. ' John T. Gagen Factory 113 Lee St Phone 254 M. You Breathe It If your head Is all stuffed up from a cold or catarrh, you suffer with dull headaches and seem lacking In vltalla, or are constantly sniffing and coughing, you need a remedy - that will give the quickest, most effective and lasting relief possible something th atwlll go right to the spot, clear the head and throat and end your misery. Surely use Hyomel all druggists sell It It is just such a remedy, and Is entirely harmless and pleasant to use you breathe It no stomach dos ing. The anMseptlc oils of Hyomel mix with the air you breathe Its health giving medication immediately reach es the sore and inflamed mucous membrane you feel better in five minutes. It Is practically impossible to use Hyomel and not only be re lieved but permanently benefited. Tallman A Co. will refund your money if you are not satisfied. . Ask for the complete outfit $1.00 size. allllllllllllllllllllimilllllllllllllllllllliliu A Spring Tonic Try a bottle of 1 Sarsaparilla 5 Made and guaranteed 5 by us. 5 I Tollman & Go. Leadtaf Dratflsts 'An Important Question . ' Am I developing a cash reserve which will provide an income t or enable me to grasp my opportunity the moment it arrives f Do you know of a better way to develop a reserve than to de posit your income in The American National Bank and pay it out by check I . That plan will give you an incentive to keep your balance growing, and your account, large or small, will be welcome. Tho Amorican National Dank of Pendleton Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon r.Tcn Pcy I lentigo to Paha's Frir.d T Ira not surprised to observe the number of man who come into the store to purchase 'Mother' s Friend,' " remarked a leading druggist. It Is a happy thought to s n d. hubby to the drug tore. "Mother's Friend" is applied externally over the abdominal muscles. - It is a gentle. Anttitnv tntiplMnt penetrates to the fine network of nervei beneath the skin and has a marked tendency to relieve the muscular strain to which these broad, fiat abdominal muscles are subjected. The cords, ten. dons and ligaments are thus permitted to irvicn wimout inn (nrrfwinfiinv .npr. n. train so often involved during the period of expectation. This in part accounts foe the entire absence, la many cases reported, of nausea, morning sickness and other distresses, unch as laceration of toe epl- ? "? .,he. " rh this geatlft fora, of lubrication is neglected. "Mother'. Friend" has been highly recommended by a host of women who Know from experience and by men who know from obaervaUon. Write Brmdfleld Regulator Co., 108 Lamar Bldg.. Atlanta, Ga., and we will send you a valuable little, book to expectant mother a. Any good cold fish can be used for salad If flaked, seasoned with pepper and lemon Juice and served, with young radishes and French dressing. There are 551 breweries In Bohe mia. And the rathskellars are too nu merous to mention. Pastime Theatre "The Home of Good Pictures" ALWAYS THE LATEST in Photoplays :: Steady, Flickerles9 Pictures : : Abso lutely No Eye Strain. A Refined and Entertaining Show for the Entire Family. Next to French Restaurant Changes Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. .Adults 10c, Children under 10 years 5c. Orplhoum Theatre J. P. MEDERNACH, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures FOR MEN. WOMEN AND CHILDREN Program changes Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. See Program in Today's. Paper. ALT A THEATER. Pendleton's Real Show (House Devoted to the perfect screen ing of High-CUss Photoplays Regular program consist of 4 reels of motion pictures and a singer. Admission 10c and 5c, See program in today's paper