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rAGE RIGHT. DULY EAST OrjrONTA Pr2TPLET0N OREGON. FRIDAY. MAY 15, 10H. EIGHT PAGES NEW FRESH iiams and Bacon Swift's Premium Winchester Let ot send you one and make yoar treaUsta.ppetinrig PICKLES and OLIVES Sweet Pickles in biuk, per quart Jvmit Pickles in bn'k, per quart . 25 23 Stuffed Queen Olives in Vnl 23, 5 Or, 73 and SI -23 ..... . - M fr 1 rVS Selected Qaoon Olives in Ootrles- 40, 63 nd S1.00 STANDARD GROCERY GO. Where all are P eased Court and Johnson Sts. newsy llotcs of Pendleton. w1-t-. leaner! Nnntlay. ' The furw-ral t Mrs. IVlr-r Anderson J ;vil held Sunday iftMT'H at ;S o'clock at the Rpiscorval church. ! Kcv. sinner ofTiciatire. ratinrt at Hospital We. Mrs. Sarah Cole, a patient at the eastern Orefion slate hospital diaJ last inht of mental exhaustion and jine remains ui oe piurpea o I v n. Ir interment. ieceasea mnmi ij lived in that city. I i ' Takw -Viet urn Witbont Mam. i Sheriff T. V. Taylor arrived home i this mornir.s from Ellensberjr. Wn. i here he went to secure Georpe H i ?huwy. anted tw re on a non-sup port charge. Miawty refused to re turn unless extradited. r JlTX) COWS. One car load high rrade Jersey cows and heifers Just arrived and are offered for sale at Oregon Feed Yard. Pendleton, Ore. Cotne and see them. AdT.) ''.tv'. DIAMONDS MOUNTED OR RESET nrniiiMinmiumi Maay lautifnl stones row f howii for yon to select from. GET ONE FOR 'TTER- Wm. H&nscomBi LOCALS 0 Advertising in Brief KATKS. FVr Itae Mrct tDaeni. le Ive II r. aM1toMl hwerttaa. . . Per Ila. ner atoaik II 00 N tooai takes (or lew thai Count erdiaary vnte t tla. Lao la wiil aot e take awe th koae mm4 rcaiittaac ataat accei paaj ardee. Half aa Inch of Iiaia. Following; a sultrr day. a wind and ciast storm of short duration swooped down upon Pendleton from the west last evening about 7 o'clock and Im mediately thereafter a heavy rain felt continuing intermittently for several hours. In all there was a half an inch precipitation, according to th official roeasurements. TliE Jeweler. n:nnmnnnnim:minnnmramramiE 1 the i I HOWARD I I WATCH Has No Comp etitor- S It is UniqucPeculiax and Distinctive. Royal LI. Sanlelte JEWELER 1 Established 1SS7 1 I animnniiiiumrauuamraimiumiiiir; C4r links Now Ready The new golf links just west of the city limits which the local galf club has been preparing for use are now ready for use. They are not as the club uUmately expects to have them, but the greens have been fixed and the flaps put up- Eventually, the club expects to clear the whole ground of all the sagebrush. are you a vegetarian? SDrins Comes But Once a Year j Take advantage of your opportunity to pet these fine fresh vegetables while the growing season is on and they are so ten der and pleasant to the taste. Nothing so healthy, nothing so tiice as fresh vegetables. RIGHT FEOil THE GAUDES EVERY MORNING. Nice Lard heajs of Your: Calta-e. R-UJISUES TURNIPS SPIW CII GREEN PEAS HEAD LETTUCE FIELD LETTUCE ASPARAGUS SILVER SKIN 0 I0 & GREEN ONIONS Frei Tomatoes. S:raTlrries and Gooseberries, Bananas, Or nes, Lemons, in fart everything wanted for liot day" meals. Boynfcoa's Grocery W. L. BOYNTON, Prop. Temple Building. Telephone 14 "Happy is the Man Whose Cloth es Hang on Our Line." Phone 60 get yotxr bundle on our wagon and forever abolish grief and gloom. Litett machinerjr. latest i Jea, modern metLodi and competent help bring your linen home from here in the condition you like to wear them. LET JACK DO IT" The Domestic Laundry Telephone 60 U EUL DO THE REST Game Tomorrow at 2: SO. The baseball game tomorrow after noon will commence at 2:S6 instead of 3; 36 in deference to the fishes of many farmer fans who like to see the teams play but who would be incon venienced by getting out at 5:30. If the patronage tomorrow warrants the assumption that the farmers will at ttcd if the game is held early, every Saturday game hereafter will begin at 2:10. Wanted Girl or woman for gen eral housework. Those JT. Victor and Edison phonographs and records at Warren ' Music Hons. Wanted First class woman cook. Apply at Milk Depot, 117 Railroad st Wanted First class wnmaa cook. Apply at Milk IHpot. IK Railroad at. The Lii Maccabees will hold a home cooked sale at the Peoples Warehouse Saturday. Old paper for aale; tied In bun ales. Good for starting flrea, etc. l&c a bundle or two bundle for lie. This office For sale Two odern cottage lo cated on east Court street, seven blocks from Mala a tree t. Inquire of , v altera miii. For Sale Studebaker buggy and single driving harness in first class condition. Inquire Mrs. Wm, Slusher or Jerard & Temple. 4 saddle horses. 1 3-yr. old grey ' mare, at. 1659, unbroken. 1 broa u mare for sale. Tracy Lyne, Dutch Henry feed yard. When in Echo, stop at the Hotel Hoskins. Fully renovated and under sew management. Good meals and rooms. lie and up. Found, suit case near X. P. freight depot. Owner can have same by call ing at this office, proving property and paying for this notice. The Teacher Training Class of First Christian church will sell Home Cook ing, also delicious home made candies Saturday, commencing at nine o'clock at the Pendleton Cash Market. Large tract of good ralley land in Oregon to be thrown open In May. Good climate, plenty of water and rich soil. For large map and full in structions and information send SI. SO to J. C Dearway. The Dalles. Ore gon. In this way we can make It easr for you to locare and file with- ! out the expensive locator. PASTIME THEATRE SATURDAY ONLY Hearst-Selig News Pictorial! Ve? frtm Vera Cruz ard Tampioo lriuj Americans who fwed iik1 violence and doaih. Remakahle picture talam from Hoarvt-Seliff tlipauh Kat. Shv many transports in inid-ooean. Many olher intent injr news events from all over the world. : We Have Secured This Weekly in Place of Pathe AND ARE SHOWING IT FIRST WEEK OF RELEASE, mating tlia Pastime ahead of any other show in Pendleton on news that is new. Gave In-lead of Sold Liquor Mike Mo ran. former section fore man who was fined 14 for supplying an Indian with Ikjuor yesterday, was technically, but not morally guilty, ac cording to his attorney. Will Peter son. He states that Mr. Moran did not sell the alcohol, but gave it to the crippled Indian in plain sight of a number of people, the Indian, who was an old friend, asking to get it for him. He wanted it to rub upon his body, he said, he being sick at the time. PERSONAL rail! Something New If you have been looking for some thing new, Koeppen's mill have cran- beddies Sunday. Adv. protected by the Government. When you buy V. S. inspected meats at the Oregon Market Uncle Sam tells you that what you get is pur cnoice and tree from infection. Try it Phone (Adv.) Wanted Girl for general house work. Apply 07 College street or phone I15J. Wanted Good, clean rags at tha Cast Oregonlaa of3c. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture ran and storage warehouse. Office 7 Main street Phone 331. run fft ttuk vmrfi ff All persons are hereby notified not i to trespass upon the tract of land! commonly called the north side ceme- j tery while It Is being improved, bj order of JOHN KEAR.NET. (AdT.) Chief of- Police. Notice of Stockholders Meeting. Notice is herebv given to the stock holders of the Pendleton Wool Scouring and Packing Co. that a meet- i ing will be held Tuesday. May ISth. j ISM, In the office of the Company. i E. T. JUDD, President Edwin J. Eurke. Secretary'. (Adv.) j EXCLUSIVE PLUMBERS c&aS. Beddow & Miller Te,r05one J.J.Ycdssge 523 L'ain St. m Shsp Phase 32 Re$.Fh:r.3$09 Notice to Cut Weeds. Notice is hereby given to all per sons to cut or have cut and destroyed all noxious weeds and grasses upon all lots and grounds owned or occu pied by them in The City of Pendle ton or upon the streets fronting on the same forthm-ith under penalty of! the ordinance in such case made and provided. By order of Street Committee. Dated May 14. 1J14. THOS. FITZ GERALD. (Adv.) City P.ecorder Pnimiaeip's Samples from manufacturer direct to you. Save the profit of the middleman C. C. Cochran of Portland, is at the St. George. j William Ruthers came in from his home at Helix this morning. W. H. Burnett of Echo was a visit or in the city over eight. J. H. MeFaiden. former local hotel man. is over from his home at Aber-oet-n. Georze H. Clark, former grocer in this city, is up from his Stanfield ranch today. Hal Corby is now at the head of the women's shoe department in Alexan der's department store. Dale Slusher, whose engagement aas recently announced, is expected to arrive home in the morning. I'M REALTY CEILS HIVE EEEN VM IH KEBI'ISTC!) STATE EKGISEER TO STUDY WATER POWER QUESTION SALEM. Ore.. May 13- State En gineer Lewis announced arrangements have been made f r a trip starting Sunday in a boat up the Snake river ! from Lea i---ton to Copperfield to study i the interstate water power possibil- ilies. About 20 including State En giceer King of Idaho will be in the party. Lewis believes that fcOO.000 horsepower can be developed in that district. During the past six months the realty market at Hermlston has been livelier than for a long time, accord ing to E. P. Dodd. well-knoa n land agent of the project town who was in the city yesterday. He states that there is a big demand for alfalfa land all over the country and the reputation of the government project as an alfalfa country, he says, has caused a flood of inquiries to pour in Mr. Dodd has himself during ti past thirty days turned much land on the project. Among his sales he re ports the folloaing: H. F. In in to M. V. White of Seattle. ! acres. One hundrend acres is in alfalfa and the balance in grain. With the hog. cows and farm equipment, the place; brought 134.00. A building in Chehail was turned in as part pay- j izwnt White is a banker and will fr.ake the jLt dairy and hoS ' form. '" C1 H. F. Irwin to P. A. . and William Kennedy of Portland, i house and six lrts in Hermi.-lon and ; hia unimproved deaert entry. The j consideration involved, was $10.09.. The property was traded for a flat building in Portland. Fterett Eurges to E. W. French of Hoqulam. Wash- 20 acres, partly in proved, for l!300. Fienrh is an ex perienced dairyman, formerly of North Taklma- 8. F. Fhe!dn to M. E. Rokestraw of Canton Wh.. 20 acres, partly im-I-roved. near He mi is on. Rokestraw is an rcharClst of considerable ex perience. E. L. LoveU to A. C. Horn of Port land. r acres partly Improved. Mr. Hirn is poultry fancier. F. B. Ewarae. president of the licrmMon First Natonal Bank, ex- i changed a eottaae la Portland for 21 efies north cf Hermiston. values at 12 COO. n. G. Newport exrhacged some city pioperty for 20 acres of the Don 3. , Fal'-h land, valued at II 000. esino i R heals baby's itching skin p E5IN0L OINTMENT and Reainol X Soap are absolutely free from any thing of a bans, or injurious nature, aod caa therefore be ued with confidence ia the treatment of babies akin troubles eczema, teething rash, chafingt, etc. They stop itching iu.sttly and speedily heal even severe and stubborn eruption. Doctor bare prescribed ResinU 1 jt the past Binctcca yean. BmboI Soap aod Bmaol Oanbafit af sold mli draco. For tnalie vi mrh. wnv to htmauL iC K. bluiuuR. Md. iie!ss spring suits New eprins suits are here and our every day liees you will find to be always the lowest. Iiejrular $12.50 value, our price 97.10 Regular $13.00 value, our riee $8.50 Regular $15.r.O value, our price S9.75 Regular $13.7.5 value, our price Regular $14.50 value, our price Regular $1".CK) value, our price.. . $11.00 . $11.50 Regular $20.00 all wool serge, extra oualitv, our price S10.95 Regular $ 10.5M value, our price 12.00 Kegular $17.00 value, our r'we S 13.93 Regular $20.00 value, our Tice $14.75 liOYS KNICKERBOCKER SUITS. NOR FOLK STYLE for S1.50. 1.95. S2.49, $2.G5, $3.25, $3.15, $3.85, $3.95. Heavy cuff bottom whipcord pants $1.25 Heavy cuff bottom khaki p2nts 95 3Ten' Cashmere pants $15 $1.45, $1.95, $2.25, $2.50, $2.65. Men's work thirts in all colors 38, 2 for 75 Men's black sateen shirts 45 3!eu's jumlx) tripple stitched ventilated ahirts in all collors G5, 95t $1.00 Gauntlet leather faced canvas gloves 17 1-2 Knit wrNt heather fael canvas gloves 15c Heavy knit wrist canvas gloves, 2 for 15c. Heavy kuit wrist canvas gloves, pair 5 Idie riMa-d union suits . 45 Idi-s mu?lin drawers 45 and 65 Ladie vt-rfs 10, 15c, 20c, 25 C'hild's roniju-rs, g.l heavv ones 45 Cliildren's dress- . 39, 49. 63, 69 Ladi- hoiw flnl st reft dr"e 63, 95cf $1.29, $19, $1.65, $1.95. SHOES H)ilIXG IN EVERY DAY. SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. Men's ht'flvv work eh"-; $1.19. $1.25, $1.95, $2.25. $2.45, $2.95, $2.98, $3.20, $3.45. Men's dres (-hoes, lac1 or button S2.45, $2.85, $2.95. $2.98, $3.20, $3.45, $3.65. $3.85, $3.95. Children's W 25c. 35. 40. COc. 70, 93c. $1.00, 31.25, $1.40, $1.45. Girls' Uaby Doll shoes : $1.45 Girl' oxfords and pump6 95, $1.10, $1.20, $1.45, $1.65, $1.70. Pston garters 15; Paris garters 15 Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Rag.' Comforts and Blankets of all kinds and all prices. Drummer's Samples Sam Jinldns, Manager HiUtiiuiilaiiitiuUiuiUtiiiiuuuaiuUiUuiliiU ib a HANG OUT YOUR CE ! LAND OFFICE j Real Ejta.te Exchange jC E. Roosevelt. E. O. Bldg j Pendleton, Oregon Selling Agent for IRVINGTON HEIGHTS The ice vagon started making regular daily in cluding Sunday trips to residences Friday morning, MAY 15th Hang out your card by 7 a. m. as the wagon will make but one trip daily, and that in the forenoon. If you have no card stop the driver and ask for one. IS Pondloion Deo 3 Sold Storage Bo. l)tf..;,.i.Uai.jlliiHUtiu;.liiimui;Ului 13 E-5 '5 E"5