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daily eto warn TO AnVEKTI.SERS. Tss East Or w,ln baa the hrf t m rlrrulsttnn of any rrw In H r ,. nt of I (inland end over twlr the rlrralatloa h I'eodletoa of snr other aewspaper. daily eek;:;s ecitio: t rn ir. th WHed t re Ol HWI I COUNTY OFFICIAL rAPER. cut official jurrs VOL 2G. PENDLETON, OREGON, MftXn.W, MAY 2, V. U. II ID 1WC0MBEWILL BE OPPONENTS FOR GOVERNOR MM 10 Democratic and Republican Nominees Win Out By Gocd Majorities-M'Bride, Bean, M'Nary and Karris Villi be Nominees for Supreme Court on the Republican Ticket-Smith's Lead Over Bennett is 1526, With a Total Vote in the State of 11,505Withycombe is Winner Over Hoser by 4,707. ikcci.:plete eetorks secw p U'itu vm iv inn u ! REFUSE 10 Ml LAKDIKS OF Ml The following table Kho the rtand- i iiijr at an early hour tday in the dem .PORTLAND. Ore.. May 18 Al though returns are Rill missing from omt of the outlying counties toon of the nomination for state office are in doubt. Withycombe and Smith are the re publican and democratic gubernatorial nominees respectively. Smith leads Bennett by 152 votes, w ith a total of 11. SOS. Withycombe Is a Winner with 4,707 over Mow, his closest oppo tiene. Crawford la third. Late returns established that lie Bride, Bean. McNary and Harris in the order named are the republican supreme court nominees. Brown bested Grant bis nearest op ponent by nearly 700 for attorney general.; Following was the vote for the four republican supreme court nominees: McBride. 3C.CC; Bean. 34.23C; ilc Xary. 32.C; Harris. S2.1C5. For attorney genera Brown will bt opposed by John Jeffry wbe is the democratic nominee unopposed. Browns vote was 24.504. For state engineer Lewis received 28.8C3. and Stockman. Ills opKnent, 16.154. v For republican national committee man Williams had a majority of 7009. For democratic committeeman East erly defeated Canon by a two to one vote. For labor commiasiner Hoff has a plurality of near 13.004. Miller is re-nominated to the railroad commis sion by a two to one vote. WITH 9 PRECINCTS MISSING SMITH'S LEAD IN IMA IS ic. atic race f the gubernatorial ; nommatfon: j Counties Bennett. Manning Smith1 l aker fci,l 121 ". ! Benton 11 17 14 Clackamas... IS 74 141 ' Clatsop 224 57 i: Columbia 0 4 47 1 Coos 234 8 442 Curry ....... ... . . . . . ) Crook 21 ... 3Si Douglas 367 10 S31 1 Gilliam 18 18 22 j Grant 34 3 21 Harney 101 27 11 Hood Kiver .125 1 t Jackson 311 13 Ol Josephine 11 2 10: Klamath 177 S3 149 Lake I Lane 3 307 . 583 Lincoln 2C 2 Linn C3 4 C12 Malheur 132 20 1 Marion 70 4V8 773 Morrow C 14 C4 j Multnomah .2.40 2.JM 3.24 j Polk S7C 113 34 j Sherman 14 3 3 j Tillamook ...S3 38 54 I'matiHa 314 3 l.SC j Union 353 57 r.45j Wallowa 114 11 181 j Wasco 57C 38 2j Washinrton . 7C C7 101 : Wheeler ..... ... ... --- TamhiU 1C3 30 18? j , Totals 10.041 4.581 11.348! 4 SflESlYDHS ARE RESCUED fflH 13 GAYS DIIQFHI SEA Erin EBTB TMIC3 CF l,f!f IflM VJII I M a FELLEWS IS C! 1?J hl'iuu U- MA rr. . and Nei-.n. P 'i.. a S-:- rwT" Tr-Tr. 'rit- loiii i,:r arc v. Bradley. i rd herald. Hrri J T' -1 1. rTl nifcSr -t Tb IrdTrior ' r6r t?a Fellow. K?t today o , No. 17 J'r "3C: V ainvilie t ' i TH ar.rual l!ce of That ro" j e rrard lre mwwi Tuia :: Ml REGULARS IE Til m M t i t f I i ii ':n n : r x r-i . " - - . tn of The Ava'rf All Crrs-ri-sthw V.Vi.-h! the ! " s c T"i,,r ill ! fc -nd mf!r ttt the co- u::r2:3 h..zA wzi ra taci 13 crrasa incce k-ct tix ; 4feter;i ins; T May I rrtir from the office 1 after a rear t Jaith- j --oe and bard work. He declares , . Vlep beti year f saacy p- : ti Tels tbat The honor hai fcan cnrnipmated turn for the as i::;h cbsitehs RefireeaitaUe m Revta r.wH4 twOarii mOti m as L Tbesr ar to afediattaai m-! Maay I3'tnr lBe iMrift ta -More Vicaoriew Cor the Hwtn llidie re Tbrima thw- ICe4e Are JtiUo Exerted ! her f ItraUl 1 er Tolafc. av. IB-' fca dr. ayVir yesrda.y celebrate fc "Ssd ir:t;4ky and I shears of fcis liTe fras bes spe in fmatilia cotnry His birthday was made doot.'y in.! ficuit because ol the tact that be bad ; Jim been selected t the democraCe WASHINGTON. Vy 18. The Ger- HALIFAX. "May 1. The Tcite ; prtv as rw candidste for th o-fjee f man steamship Bavaria ic due at States revenue cutter Seneca rrivec reti?tc.tat:ve from TniatJlla couaty. Puerto. Mexico, todjty with am muni- today ith four survivor of rhe I tin for Huerta. Xp-tilf of the liner's steamer Columbia w-hich was burned ; Amarrr-rjr lake. w-Jtr.T tve Bear fTM aapured the Warhmton ad- at ea 14 days atro. The rrvivr tt- r.a-"ral Jorejit. Xontana. hi ministration the shipment woulj not were picked up yeetteroay. thw bad ssld tc rivaj the lameS Lke Lovi be landed. Instead, they said, it will turned about in as open bt 12 ? tbe Oaaadian Kocktes. It at m AHTV.TON. May J. It fma the While Bit tfasji tje recvlar Uww friian Cm mrnuM afne s ti'IiIk aaicstasa The siatnl of the niinmtUm. all mn suit wbruaer Oncnnr .4 1 ii i Usii ifaas cKe rwsssl tawrial wei sT the lecMMsce the sd IVr4d-t k trmr COLTMEri:, May 1 Headquart ers ol cjwm number i t. t.n:te be returned t Germany haxins bei davs. , T.iZ 1 knatched before the Americaii-lln-: T wmmt-vg n- p(,i -. ,r. - .- . m .-. ir-n Kituatinn became acot. Whrtiier fioer; wear Kendall and Prter Beian-! wticb can be traveled in half a Aay j Sline Wta-kers. sent ut orders de the owners acted Voluntarily or on (. M:tcten LuwuCM-n. fore- 1 by aotnmobi) connects it with rbe I danc? a ra-ike of all cal -.iiers im the Germu a:oveTOm-nf s requeet was nutn. ' railroad at Ei'XigS- A itmc hotel . Ohio. The operators ordered the Wbee the CiJumlua bnmed. three' taw rececliv been cEpiet-4. and! mines closed AprJ lsc One precinct miscing HunY MORE THAN ElfiSHOWS ViHl EE EUILT F03 SUE n aSY TEEMS Cnrkhiirn and Ahwnrth Are in Chfi Race tor County Commissioner, the Former Leading wiin uniy u Votes Gilliland's Lead Increases Over Belts. - iMMtruic. Joint Senator. J. N. Scott; Joint rep resentative. G. H. Biahop; senator. l. C. Brownell; reprtsatitative. . JL Tay lor and A.-W. 4MaiaaofkSs.Jutie. C. H. Marsh: sheriff. T I Taylor; clerw. T. C. Frazier; treasurer, R. O. Hawks: surveyor. F. B. Hays or J. n. Eng lish ; coroner. J. S. Baker. I The following is the total unofficial ' vote in Cmatllla county exclusive of WiO nine precinct yet to be heard ni" 'IFC!"cl in mort c, nd l lrom in Umatilla county, the vote at ,n otrs: the Frldiiv primaries in the Democrat- Iemii.-ratlc. Iz rul-rn'atorlal contt gives Dr. J. Fr governor. Smith. 1C; Bennett C lmlth an apparent lead in this 314: Cobb. 41; Manning. 51; Miller. county oer Judge Bennett, hi near- For national committeeman. Canon. rt conijKtltor, of approxlnateiy 754 Easterly. M7. and the remaining nine prvclncts will KeiwibUoan. j.roaMv increase his lead to 800. HU Governor. PrownelU 100; Carter. total vote la almost three times th 117; Crawford. 414: Dimlck. 132: Cecr. combined vote of Bennett, Cobb. Man- 183; Johns. 2S0; Moser. 23C. Withy- nlng and Miller. .combe. 4C3. In the Republican contest for gov-' For national committeeman. Acker ernor. a neck and neck race was run son. C41; Williams, 752. in this county between Whithycombe' For congressman. Pinnott. 1321. jind Crawford. In the 45 precinct For supreme court. Bean. 1528; Ben Jieard from, the Corvallis man ha soa. 611; Cleeton. COS. D'Arfy. 827: ji scant lead of nine votes over th arris. 651; McRride. $1; McNary. attorney general and this lead may C41; Richardson. 37S. be changed by the other nine pre cincts. The prettiest race among th coun ay candidates Is that between County Commissioner Cockburn and Ash- For attrney general. Brown. .4s; Farrin. 254; Grant. 2: Johnson. IS: Lord. 31C. For labor commissioner. Bynon. ;j!3; Hoff. S37; Madsen. 13C; Miller. soc. Countv Treasurer. Bradley 1S1: Bu- can. 543. Surveyor. Bradley. 10 S8; Klmbrell. 7C7. Coroner. Brown. 1031: Garfield. 70. Commissioner. AUiwrth SIS; Cock worth who entered the primaries 424. .against th present incumbent With For railroad commissioner. Killer, the vote In nine precinct yet to b 72; Patton. 432. received, Cockburn lead th Weston For engineer. Lewis. ; Stock man only 2 vote and, as one of th man. 77. largest precincts out is yet outside. tt County JuUe. Belt. JSC; GilUland. would not be surprising to e him 133. sJcd Into th lead at th finish. I County Clerk. Baling 1123; Tester. Weston proper gave Ashworth a, vote of S against Cockburn's 11 anlj this made a big cut in Cockburn's ma-l jority. I This Is the only race In which re-1 turns later than Saturday afternoon; l.ave caused any change. Gilliland's leal over Belts for county Judge ha slowlv increased, Baling is run well burn. 87 iihcad of Teager, Bradley is still morj Jliiin 700 votes.aheaU of Busan. W Urd Bradley has a lead of nearly 309 .vcr J. W. Klmbrell and Brown i Ua.llng Garfield by approximately J30. ! Ci'Utity Clerk Baling. Justice of the Pence Parke and Justice Scholl of; Echo started canvassing the vote Just Ixforc noon today and It will probab ly be morning before the official vote 9 known. The nine precincts unhear-l from aro I'nlon. Weston outsiklrts. oat Freewater. Falrtlew. Gibbon, Vinson. IlosW Albe and Gurdan. From Vlly enly th cot on th XVmorratlc gubernatorial contest has been received. The Judge In Ihes jt ruction by locking the tally nheeU In the box and an order from the court was necessary In order to get them out for the canvass this morning. ME SHOOTS I HIMSELF WHEN HE FAILS 10 II 001 JAMKS R PAItPEK Mir. rtir. KXIXTIOX TUBE.1T OF S CIBK TO li;iEMS. not TnnainrvMl Tw-ir MKra . . I - . " UV-U V u Mill tta UTl kl.l " T I . ' ' . . . v. VU1- - " the admicunration f serious embar- huaum aere launched but became ' Biauy tral make the urmsti:tf j rassmetit. Had the landing crated. Two were found but tlie'ttird ! refnon aoo-nKbie. ' persisted in the ftiW ates could has been riven ut ?or iot E Jt . not prevent the mn. unities reachinr m uccnmbed to ujurjes and priva- j , j Huerta lor passu. te use anraic tions u ere thro-n oi-rbard. The ; the Americans later. w by. seizing dentb r.01 is mow J3. j Puerto, which surely would have , The Seneca saw one of the boat; t interpreted as a breach of the arm is- y esterday and rushed to the scene tice pending the n-eiiation uerotia- rour of the survivors were exhausted . j t;tns. - snd una hie to speak and t The Brazilian minirter at Mexic. uocoriacioua. Later Officer tT-.r nouiie Kryan Hwruf Tor- and aWe to tali torveEr o? eurn secretary had Iomlsed pucih- th terrible exiwreBe. Mayor W. F. i nI 10 ieoer; repons;Me tot -When the l.t was launched." be i-nTaie rrs s oeatn it ne a as louna on inveslimioa really to have been kilVd inside the federal tCoctiEued n pa irht. TY3 JUIEESU LEUTCHS TO i:iT vmm at mm fjuls, cn. 1 1 By a deal completed. Matlk has f"ld his vacant residence 11 on Raley street to C. P. A. Looer- gan. local superintendent of the War ren1 Construction Co. and A. H. Cox. manager of the Oretroa Lumber Yard, and these two men contemplate the erection of bungalows for sale or ttrms in the very near future. The land acquired has a 700 foot : frontage on Haley street. 2 feet on the south side Just west of tbe Lin coin school and 500 feet on the north side )ut 4pMiNte tbe scbooL The U-ts have a good elevation but are 1 ! enoush to I pnitected fnm tbe strong winds that sometimes blow. ' wrs vox ami uwiican witrir iiuii i J na TT1I " -3 tne location ol tne tots make inem very de:ral.le. beinr situated as they are on the permanent driveway to the eastern Oreeon etate hu-pital and the proposed railroad terminal yards and Just across the river from Round -op Park. The recently Constructed Mat lock bridge and the improvement of the street have added much to their desirability. The plan of the new owners is to erect modern, bungalows npoa tbe lots unes. Consu! Silliman of Sartillo stltl re mained in that city. Bryan said he was aatirVd with 9 the erplamtion from Mexico Otty that bis derarture was delayed by the railroad's 5e- i struciion. He offered rio commert on the case of Parks eonoemirur which. ! i is understood, coihirjr further fca? j been heard 1 In the War Department there is ad mitted conn JU-rabe concern over the i news from San rTsrofro that tre j bridre. 2 miles ouTide of Vera Crui m the inter-oceanic raT-road has leer It was conceded t";j.t ti-. would hamier the American advance to Mexico Oily if such a move shodd lecome netetwary. imid. "there were 13 men abna'd. We took rams at steer na bat somehow got arrwrated frm tbe ther tw e boats. Tbe next mte-nins; we were at . one n tbe waters. I'j: .m the Tins I 4 isnus three steamers pa-wd as but didn't see us For ci dmf and cicbts ! the ertire la sutrired. Then tbe b cuits and hardtack gave etrt and rt , water becane exhaust-d. a Ksry 3 0 , "iier Georjte Hull died. We f!r:'H , him of his cithir.c and drrpped h body into tbe sea. "W spread tarol:n to catch raic . and this probmced our liv. As vnei died we dropped their boiiee tbe s--a. Peter E3r p t-VK-r-tiTT (-! iii be fore the Seneca nea:ed " tios Arrrve New Tork. May 18. The Xi-xin envoy have arrived here. Severa '. Spanish and Mexican resident of the i city met them at the Hotel Astor. the visitors embraciiur and kitnp citedlv In the Latin style. The voys rrjerim:nT(RLix IZm FiS fjlsseb mi i m iw was receifceu in jrencievoai j : this morniiu; from W.Ilii WaTia to leave for VUurara Falls tonvor-. the effect that Mrs Tom F-eryer. wid- and to sell them to residents wanting row. f -w of a f s-mer pr.ominent Helix farm- homes oa easy term. They will put ( "Just Imagine."" said Senor Raba j r and herself a pioneer I'maulla in sidewalks and parkings connect up! whea asked for an Interview. tbat I county, had died in that crty o-urir w rrft the water aad sewer mains and I know nothing of anything. 1 suddenly jesterdav. Ne irf.-matior. make other improve merits. i other thaa that ber dewch was cnex ' J mm ii Ii.. ii I I 1 1 I i 4 ill It i I i - i U iV1;: iff "I I : I? L - . i l v i ' . i ; ; jf - I: :5 " . ' A j i , u iU ---t -' $ h ' 1L a hi a ii a n i"" - - ? ... t I J i UOamill EATTEET CF FLKSTCrS ERIEJITE J I V 1 I 3 ? Tie l'ti'.-J State wit! be repre sented at tbe peace cvoferecce for the liet-it-mer.t of the aexirmn ttxule , at Nara Fa!". Canada, by Aoci- AiMriaw frawrme (ust Jake Jm. r4t ltaer I aaisr premc Court work t such Quastiunsi. r or seveiai L. bwth were in Wash- j bvr'.oo c.Fsult:rg w ith Secretary of - . . i-- - - m ' . m.j m i i . . I aw.. X i-,'.tiit- vvun vuk:t jwe(-n ; d-ft. It i.uaeT lrr.jir x.c ivreo-n.-Ji Y The following appear to be the tw county tickeU: Republic a. Joint senator. C. A. Barrett; senator. OREGON C1TT. May 18. Making good hi preelection threat that be would commit suicide If he didn't win th republican nomination for count ty treasurer In Clackamas county. James K. Pardee, 0. shot himself through th head w ith a revolver at Gladstone, lie died almost instantly. J. N. Burgess; Joint representative. The body was found in a woodshed b Robert X. FJanfleld; representative, a housekeeper. Hi wif died three J. T. Hinkle and R. W. Rltner; judge, month ago. T. F. Gilllland: sheriff. U L. Mann: I lerk. Frank Salfng; recorder. B. S. Last year the fire loss oa the Caa Burroughs; treasurer. G. W. Bradley; adlan timber reserve was th maU surveyor. Wlllard Bradley; coroner. J est ever known, only one-fifteenth ef J. T. Brown; commissioner, II. M on percent of th aera being burneJ .Cockburn. doubtful. I over. ' I W?- d .. . ssii i. ai wss J rf , ; -ym m , i L - ' -. M -" W t, the cnferen.e with the i.nnd ' -V---J1tT ''i,' i.1"V.''I"a. v - ' I if ' r sosnr.. who w&s solicit general in .v.. ., . . . .- JlT Jk.fijp-I J t'A-l"?-.- -V TV.. ac...;r.tra.Kn. ated from the Mexban sttuati.. It e-s rft-- 'vv'-4' 'i:"Lii ' . kNM ' Vv.- --r" 3r. Lrhmana be a 4eep knvm-Urtx h supped that th otf named -i1.. . yvfWFZ-i ' vtT"7 - c?- vk h I V PEESIOEJITS REQUEST FCFt EEFEil CF CUUSE SCORED r j Tn I 4lnew MAATOK hlTHEBXAND W IT All: CASABLANCA. May 18. D 1HCNOVNCES PLAX AS I Relwl troops under Obr, ton ISIOI MHlkO. j y night captured Tepic after WASHINGTON. U.v 18 Thif.,f. hour batt.e It was rviwrted tl tdent's request for a repeal of the ex-! i'sKv shi l'uuera ieft Guaynias ected has been ol.uur.ed by local .. . ..... t m'aa 4ata A a" it mihS &MI -i.-t -1 at ... Mwvuon Clause in u t nam fuucl j - " ' irjt-OP bv r-r tshK .k-xi t rh? tH4 24 1 , . a JF ii V A I - v r . . I 1 f - . ia Li l . lS'' I j ;J ' - 'law, "V ? act was denounced from th. .r .rf ! officers and that Guaywas was pre- the eat by Senate Sutherland of' w s"aer n an nlerve I'tah. ""No such astounding proposition." said Sutherland, "ever was presented to great iegislalive bodv." of ber demise . Xrs Berter. shor-.i- Obregon sail he plans an immediate after th death of her hustvar.d sera"' camimJgn through Mexico City. Guadalajaro 4Cont:nue4 oa Pag S) ta iu.i . . . . ... .a ... ..., , uw ueexi iiiyt rete t-he i triefi by evral g-v c ciuidrvti. . C ' . 1 , V e' " f r v isix n- -r-a w faw ? t ' i f t. ' i i i raa2ViJ!Zea4(