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EIGIIT PAGES PAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OFlOyTAELETOK OKEGOK SATTTCTUY, MAY S3. 1014. H NEW FRESH ams and Eacon Swift's Premium Winchester Let u send you one and make your breakfast appetizing- PICKLES and OLIVES Sweet Pickles in bulk, per quart Sour Tickles in bulk, per quart Dill Pickles in bulk, per dozen - o. rr t -v -vi V...l "v K( 25 . 25 .15 Stuffed Queen Olives in Sottles 2o, 50 j5 and Sheeted Queen Olives in oottlea. 40, 6oV and 91.00 STANDARD GROCERY CO. Where all are Reased Court and Johnson Sts. J.J.Wcdasge 523 Uain St. P 1)11 p Shsp Phone 32 Cigars and Soft Drinks HAZELWOOD ICE CREAM THE CHARLES G0L1PAHY Pendleton's Pastime and Refreshment Parlors De Luxe WE cater tc the trade of both .ladies and gentlemen, affording the greatest variety of fruits and flavors and the finest equipped soft drink fountain in the city. ; H&zelwood Ice Cream Sold in Bulk BILLIARD. POOL AND CARD TABLES "Good to Eats No meal is complete without them. We would like to send you an order from the following fresh fruits and vegetables. Phone orders are as safe as a personal visit, because we carry nothing but the best FRESH STRAWBERRIES FRESH GOOSEBERRIES FRESH CHERRIES RIPE TOMATOES YOUXG POTATOES. Spinnach Lettuce Turnips Onions Green Peas Young Radishes Cabbage Asparagus Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Etc. fOO WONDETHY YOONG J$UIE WANTS II iii i ii i r i Urtc it l NEWS OF FARM AND RANGE WEED LAW MUST 8E OBSERVED III COllin DISTRICT ATTORNEY NOTIFIES 'ROAD SUPERVISORS OP THEIR DITTY. 0)nTiU ADOVE YOU SEE HIM TbJfcOW ISIS TgACHEfe IN A FAINTq newsy notes of Pendleton Young Couple Marry. Iris Cornoyer, the fifteen year old daughter of Mrs. Rose Cornoyer of Gibbon, was married last evening shortly before 5 o'clock to Frank Smith. The ceremony was perrormea at the court house by County Judge J. W. Maloney In the presence 01 George Simpson and R .C. Bean. lilil Anybody Loso Harness? Police Officer John Russel this mnrnlner arrested who had been try' lng to peddle a good set of driving harness at any price obtainable and Chief Kearnev and he are now try ing to find the 'owner, for they are convinced that the men stole the set. The man with the harness was nrrestod at the Round-UD Feed Yard, where he was offering it for sale but previously he had visited the Oregon Feed yard. . The officers were now fled and acted promptly. One of th men Elves the name of Conors and the other as R. A. O'Brien. Fishing Party to Deschutes Vf' L.. Thompson. Frank Curl and Tom Thompson In one car and Col J. H. Kaley and Marion Jack In an other will leave in the morning for the Deschutes river on a fishing ex pedition. They will probably go by wav of Wasco but. UDon the advice of the party Just returned, will prob ably abandon their machines ror a waeon on the last les of their Jour ney because of the dangerous grades. 0000000000000 Pastime THEATRE oynto-Vs Grocery W. T BOYXTOX. Prop. Temple Building. Telephone 174 Saturday ONLY " Adventures of Kathlyn" No. 9 Spellbound Multitude w Tnllmnn Is Well Aft.p month's sleee with the mumps J. V. Tallman, popular local druggist and president of the Lom- niorpial Cluh has been upon the for the first time Thnnirh verv sick for a time Mr. Tall- man came through the oraeai in gooa shape and lost but three pounds or flesh. He is not actively at work yet tin la taklnr nn nressinir matters that are before the Commercial Club caln T rrnllr At. I'lll VprsltV. Strain of Umatilla county will be one of the speakers at the annual commonwealth con ference held at the University of Oregon next week. Prof. F. G. Young having Invited hint to open the dis !.. fniinwinir tho reading of a Luomuu ""u " ry - ' paper of a plan of taxation by Chaa v riAiinwav. member of the tax com. mi.inn Thn conference will be hot nn Wednesday. Thursday and Friday and many topics of utmost importance to Oregon win De discuss ed by prominent men. r:iB at. !-30 Tomorrow. The came between the Pendleton and Pilot Rock teams of the Blue Mountain leasue at Roundup Park tomorrow will commence at i:6. ine teams are venely matched and will fieht hard for a victory. A. Bauer statte, who officiated in the Blue Mountain leaeue three years ago and who has been appointed by President Drake to succeed Al Xor Dean, re signed because of trouble at Pilot Rock, will hold the Indicator A farmers' co-operative creamery has been organized at Bend. Iaw Requires Supervisors to Notify Farmers to Destroy Weeds Before They Bear Seed, A Avar on weeds that menace tho farm lands of Umatilla county is to be made in coniormance with tne state law and Prosecuting Attorney Frederick 'Steiwer Is now serving no tice upon all road supervisors of their duty and also supplying them with a copy of the law under whicn thev can compel landowners to de stroy the pernicious weeds. The weeds enumerated as harmrui include the Russian and Canada thistle, the Chinese thistle, Jim Hill mustard, cocklebur and silver salt bush. The law makes It a duty of the road suDervlsor from time to time to ascertain whether or not any of the weeds abound in his district, ana u no to serve written notice upon the land owner to destroy the same be fore they bear seed. On failure of the landowner to comply with the order - the suervIsor has the Dower to hire labor and destroy the weeds himself, the expenses to become a lien against the property. Landowners are also held responsible for the weeds growing on the roads adjacent to their property. The following is a copy or tne prosecuting attorney's letter: "Dear Sir: Considerable complaint was made last year in different sec tions of the county that the weed laws were not being enforced. At that time it was so late In the season that it was Dractlcallv impossible to enforce the law. Its enforcement would have meant great Injury to many property owners. In order that the matter may be taken up mis year In time, I am taking the liberty of enclosing to you herewith copy of portions of the law, particularly as it affects the duties of the road sup- nninr pioase understand tnat 1 nm not attempting to dictate what you shall do as road supervisor. I nm nrivlainir all the supervisors now In the hope of avoiding complaint this summer. If you desire to give no tinea as provided in the law. I suggest that you call upon me, or upon the county clerk, and I tmnK nonces in blank form can be provided for your use. Respectlfully yours, FREDERICK STEIWER. District Attorney. nuvlnar Hoes. A. L. Swaggart. the well known hoi breeder and dealer. drove over from Athena Wednesday to see what the Weston country could offer in the way of "feeders," for which h.e is paying seven cents per nnund. Mr. SwaiTKart Is now feeding about 200 head for shipment, and is In the market for more. Weston Leader. WE are not overstocked! But we want the men to know what we have to offer them at exeptioneal values, not at sale prices but every day in the year (ex cept Sunday) and yet they are lower than our competitors sale prices j& j& j& & J& M'cn'a largo sun hats 10 ."en's full " shape straw lints at - 23 Men's dres3 strnw hats nt 49, 9S. $1.23. $1.40, 91.69. Men's work shirts, extra heavy at 45 Verv full cut double shoulder shirts, $1.25 value 98 Heavy Lib overalls G9 Extra heavy $1 overalls 83 Boys' bib overalls.:. 25 Bo"V extra heavy overalls at Ll 49 Grey mixed sox 5 Heavy mixed sqx, 3 for- 25 Tan sox, white heel and toes, 3 pair ....... 25 Men's 65c neckties 45 35c four-in-hand ties 25 Wo lead, others try to follow in men's suits, see the value we offer at. $9.90 Greys, browns, pencil stripe and blue serge nt 812.50, 814.75 to 816.50. Men's felt hats any shape you may desiro at 98 81.49. 82.49, 82.98. Men's heavy work shoes and every, pair that will stand hp hard knocks nt 81.49, 82.49, 82.98, $3.98. Younsr men's long pants suits at 85.90, 86.90, 87.90, 89.90. Bovs' knickerboeker suits with Xorfolk coats in grej3, browns and blue serees nt 82.98, 83.98, 84.98. You can do better at We Lead Others Follow Sold Washington Farm. C. M. Brotherton has sold his 8S0 acre farm in the Alta district, near Waits burg, to A. M. Loney of Walla Walla. Consideration, $55 per acre, cash. Athena Press. Protected by the Government. When you buy U. S. Inspected meat at the Oregon Market Uncle Sam tells you that what you get Is pure choice and free from Infection. Try It Phone 444. (Adv.) Tlifv Alfalfa llav Crop. The first crop of alfalfa will De reaay 10 cui nhortly. A fairly gooa crop is ex pected, the weather conditions hay ing been favorable for prolific growth. The acreage of alfalfa In this vlcln ltv has been materially increased in the past year. Athena Press. ADDITIONAL SOCIETY M '"I. ii ii .1 .in .m. AiiiiviuLinismJLmL.'LJU.-ls ' " 'JZ i i i "It's an I Wind" gooxb-s ji.'Sq The old adage, "It's an ill wind that blows no one good," applies directly to our laundering. Not only do we wash and restore the original newness of your linens, wiui our modern machinery and methods, but your clothes are aired and renovated with good fresh ozone. Let our wagon be your washwoman The Domestic Laundry Telephone 60 Hearst-Selig News Pictorial Pastime's exclusive news ser vice. Huerta's men stay reb els, hold Tampico; motion pictures of actual fighting; Gen. Taragoza, commander of the Federals poses. Extra Special to the PASTIME 500 FEET OF MOTION PICTUKES S II OWING THE LAST SAD RIGHTS BEING PAID BY OUR NATION TO' THE . AM ERICAN SOLDIERS WHO WERE KILLED AT VERA CRUZ. ooooooooooooo Mrs. P. C. Harvey and Miss Nora Harvey entertained a number of their friends last evening at a shower in honor or Miss SUva Harvey bride-elect of Mr. C. Guy Matlock. The house was tastefully decorated and refresh ments were served. The guests in cluded Mrs. J. P. Harvey, Mrs. H, Kamarath. Mrs Mav ' Frledlv. Mra Manuel Frledly, Mrs. Fred Windsor, Misses Juanite Frledly, Delta Morse, Ruth Herslnger, Hazer Belts, urace Roumaeoux. Lillian Smith. Grace Crawford, Gladys Simpson, Ruth Ber ry, Freda EgRerth, Alma Eggerth, Mamie Vey, Dorothy Bedwell, Caro line Rosenberg, Rosa Gordon, Ethel Woods, Katherine Daniels. Sllllllllllllllli Dale Rothwell OPTICIAN HI Glasses Ground . si and Fitted. H Lenses Duplicated on short H3 notice e HI 5 YEARS SUCCESSFUL PRACTICE in Pendleton E 2 with Hanicom, THE Jeweler 3 P.O. Bids. Pendleton Give 'im a Howard . W If you give your boy a watch give him a Howard. The Howard symbolizes integrity. "He's all right, he carries a Howard watch," wrote Mark Twain in a let ter of introduction. The phrase got the young man a job; and he held it himself for he had a character like his timepiece. That is to say, he was on time, and he was strong, honest, cheerful and reliable. The Howard has been made since 1842, and Howard's made half a century ago are still being carried. Royal M. Sawtelle Established 1887 iiiuinnHiniiimHiuiiiiimiuiiiHiunuHHUHniiHUifira 1 1 - SIPRF.ME TEST OP STRENGTH SAVES FRIEND (Continued from page one.) La Dow and Prultt were on ahead in another car and Stevens set out In pursuit. For two miles he ran over the hills and from an eminence was able to slenal them as they were crossing the river on a ferry. As soon as his fienal was returned he sank with exhaustion and was picked un bv the other car on its return. Thn ta.'n inlnrori mpn werp mnrie na comfortable as possible In the car nn,l taken back to Wasco where med- Irul nfwlHtnnce wna called. All except Matlock were able to come home yes terday. Mr. La Dow took a wrecking car back for the damaged ' auto and tiuraA It Intn IVnnPA where It It Un dergoing repairs. . When It struck one of the front wheels was borken en tirely off nd rolled down the hill a hundred yards. The other damane consisted of a broken fender, wind shield and lamp. Prom a fishing standpoint the trip was one of the most successful ever made by a local party. They brought back 150 pounds of trout, probably the largest and most beautiful ever seen here. Ranging In length from three feet down they were placed on exhibit In the La Dow windows last evening and attracted the gaze of many admirers. E.BALL SUNDAY AT ROUND-UP PARK Pilot Rock vs. Pendleton Blue Mountain Le&gue Game called at 2:30. Fast, clean amateur baseball 25c Including Grandstand