Newspaper Page Text
"F.TOTTT PAGER PATLY EAST OREOONrAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1014. PAGE SEVEN1 What to Drink this summer need never worry you. Just use our pure Sodas-All Flavors 2 dot. bottles for $1.00 Iron Port Bottled Beer AH the Ingredient we use con form to the Pure Food law. You'll find the greatest life and rest In our bottled goods.'.. Pioneer Bottling Works Best equipped bottling works In eastern Oregon. PAUL HEMMELGARN, Prop. Telephone 177. 222 E. Court St. ' t ' ' , ,'"'''', - ' ' ',', r , A ' A" y M " - Or iiJ r J ' x r - 1 1 -.- sr- w 1 i i- -' r--- - Jiir.r . . w t . tw. ; That New Soap NYAL'S Face Cream SOAP Miimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimimiimiii' For Sale by Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best Cod Dung Low CHOP SUEY CHINESE STYLE NOODLES LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to- date: FIRST CLASS BERVICH I TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Bts. Phone 117 Pendleton, Ore. View of the two port propellers n r.d the rudder of the new steamship Aquitanla, the largest vessel In the w orld. MUTTON MARKET WEAK (Courtesy of the Journal.) PORTLAND. Ore., June 0. There Is a slightly weaker tone generally in the local market for mutton, although lambs are still selling as high as 16 for extra fancy offerings. There was a rather liberal run of mutton over night lif the local yards, and while buying was of good char acter, the market was nevertheless o! a weaker shade. Perhaps the better feeling in the eastern trade for mutton caused buy ers to take hold rather early today in the local yards, although they were offering slightly reduced values. General mutton market range: r.ept shorn yearlings t 4-75 i-horn wethers 4-20 Rest shorn ewes 4.0J Light spring lambs (.00 Heavy spring lambs 5.25 5. S5 Small Hun of Cattle. Th re was only a very limited run of cattle In the North Portland yards over night, totals being but 96 head. The market stood in a rather good condition with practically no change shown in sentiment from yesterday. General cattle market range: Select light steers $7.7508. 00 Good to prime 7. 60 ii 7.65 Good to choice 7.00 7.35 Ordinary to fair 6.75 ft 7.00 Fancy cows 6.75 f 7.00 Good to prime 6.00 & 6.50 Ordinary 5.60 & 5.75 Select calves 8. 50 Q9.00 Hoa-y 7.60 0 8.00 Fancy bulls 5.5005.75 Ordinary 6.50 6.00 Hog Market Is Steady. There was a further showing of weakness for swine at points east of the Rockies 'today, but the trend of WHEAT TAKES A SLIP day of June, 1914. be and they are' KJmrninmmimnfninmmMiyTTTTTnnniinmm hereby approved and adopted; and gil be it rurther s ItesolveJ that the cost of making such Improvement shall be a charge! and lien upon all lots, parts of lots' CHICAGO, June 10. Whc-at mar- and parcels of land to be benefited by, ket showed a bad slump yenterday I ut'h Improvement, and the owners of; with closing values 1 1-8 to 1 l-4c a ?uch loU- PTot lots and parcels of: bushel lower than Monday. The mar, ,m.omJ;, v, lloMa 1Yt S 111(11 VIVIIIVIK ?- J V H,lVy A J M V I y - I. 3 rr .3 ket started under severe pressure with a loss of 1-4 to 3-8c as a result of Monday's big estimate of the spring and winter wheat crops. According to Rroomhall's Interna tional crop report, foreign crops are Kenerally fair with the exception of Hungary. Wheat. July Open, 86 1-4; high, 86 1-2; low, 85 1-4; close, 85 1-2B. Sept. Open 84 3-4; high, 84 7-8; low, 83 3-4; close, 83 7-8A. Dec. Open, 87; high 87 1-4; low, 86 1-8; close, 86 1-8A. The Gi . n Markets. Wheat Pro ucers' price, track basis: Club, 85ft 26c; milling blue- stem, 88c; fortyfold, 86c; valley, 86 0 S7c; red Russian, 84c. Oats Buying price: No. 1 white feed, $22 per ton; gray, $21. Barltjy Producers' price, track basis: Feed, $20; brewing, nominal, $20.60 per ton. Flour Selling price? Patent, $4.- 80, Willamette valley, ,$4 80; local straight, $4.20; export, $3.90j4; ba kers, $4.6004.80. Hay Producers' price: Willam ette valley timothy, fancy, .$13,500 14; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tim othy. $16.00016.50; alfalfa, $13,500 13.50; yetch and oats, $11; clover, $9 09.10 per ton. Grain bags No. 1 Calcutta, future delivery, $8.75 09.00. 4 Millstuffs Bran, $23.50 024; shorts 26.500 27. payment of the costs thereof; and be It further Resolved that an assessment d!s-l trlct Is hereby created to be knownj as Assessment District No. 33. i HlM-rfption of Improvement District o. 38. From the present pavement on the, FT norm line oi court street to tne south toe of the levee of the Umatilla river, Pendleton, Oregon. Commencing on the north line of Court street N. 66 degrees 24 minutes B. 60 feet from the 8. W. corner of lot 7, block 27, Arnold & Raley's Ad dition, thence N. 23 degrees 86 min utes V. 190 feet to the toe of the! levee of the Umatilla river, thence S. 77 degrees 43 minutes W. 163.20 feet, thence S. 23 degrees 36 minutes E 222 feet to the north line of Court street, thence N. 66 degrees 24 min utes E. 160 feet to place of beginning; and be it further Resolved that a copy of this reso lution, together with the notice that the surveyor's estimate of the propor tion of the cost of said work to be charged against each lot, part of lot and j.arcel of land. Is on file in the ofiic of the City Recorder, bj pub lichel for a period of ten day? in the East Oregonian. which newsoirer Is i hereby designated by the Council for the publication thereof, And notice is further given that the Surveyor's estimate of the proportion of the cost of said work to be charged against each lot, part of lot and par eel of land within the assessment dis trict in said resolutions described U on file in the office of the City Re corder. Dated June th, 1914. THOMAS FITZ GERALD. City Recorder. 3 Large bakeries are using electric power to drive the mixing machinery on account of its cleanliness. the local market was considered steady at former prices. In reality there was not enough stuff in evidence at the opening of the hog market at North Portland this morning to firm ly establish values, but the general trade does not consider the market or price changed from yesterday. General hog market range: Best light, 200 pounds ...$ 7.90 Medium 7.80 07.85 Heavy 7.50 0 7.75 Fat pigs 6.50 0 7.50 Livestock Shippers. ' Hogs W. W. Mason, Roosevelt. Wash., 1 load. Cattle Thomas Carmichael. Gas ton. 1 load; W. K. Newell, 1 load; P. H. Brannan, Grand Dalles, Wah., 3 loads; A. Anderson, Goble, 1 load. Sheep Hugh Cummings, Corvallls. 4 loads; C. J. Burley. 4 loads; J. C. Davis, Shedd, 1 load. Ilow'a This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. We, tbe DOderaiKDed, Wt koown, F. J. Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and believe blm perfectly honorable In all bualnea transactions and financially able to carry am any oungauona maae oj nil iirnt. Toledo. O. Ball'i Catarrh Core la taken Internall. acting directly npon the blood and mu coua surface of tbe system. Testimonials sent tree, trice 70 centa per bottle, bold y an urDffgists. late Han aamlLy Fills for constipation CAPITOL ELEVATOR MEN HAVE PRETTY EASY JOBS HAVE YOU The Gas Installed IF NOT We will give you fifty feet of service FREE This to apply only on our present mains and must be a range connection. This Offer for a Limited Time Only Pacific Power & Light Co. "Always at Your Service' Phone 40 llllilll CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FRATERNAL ORDERS, PENDLETON LODGE No. St A. F. and A. M meets tie first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brothers are Invited. VETERINARY SURGEONS. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. flulOnd Y03 HaT8Alwais Bought Bears tne Signature of Farm and City Lo&ns Plenty of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rateof Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street WASHINGTON. June 10. Finding that he was expected to work only five hours a day, an Oregon man re cently appointed as elevator conduc tor in the senate wing of the capltol jtuilding has made an attempt to get appointed through his congressman o nthe house side as well. If he suc ceeds in landing the additional job he will work ten. hours a day and draw $200 a month, which is not bad considering that he is taught the work of running the elevators and paid in full while he is being instruct ed. When congress adjourns. If he Is successful In landing the additional place, he will get $200 a month for nothing at all until December 1, when the two houses will reconvene. Whether he lands the extra place or not, he is drawing $100 a month for five hours a day work, and will not have to work at all during the re cess, but will continue to draw that hundred a month. That Is the pay and those are the hours, of all the elevator men in the capitol and In both office builidngs. No union made any kick about the men standing on their feet so long, and got the hours cut down. The principle is the same as that under which the doorkeepers get $1440 a year for sitting at the many doors of the galleries from 11 a. m. to 6 p. m (or earlier if the senate adjourns earlier). These men get whatever va cations the lawmakers decide upon without any reductions In pay. DAMON LODGE NO. 4 K. of P., meets every Mon day evening in I. O. O. F halL Visiting brothers cor dially invito1 to attend NOTICE OE PROPOSALS FOR CITY. C. P. Strain, C. C; J. H. Gwlnn, PRINTING. K. R. S. Notice is hereby given that sealei, proposals will be received at the City Recorder's office In Pendleton, Ore I gon, up to June 24th, 1914, at 5 o'clock P. m. for furnishing City Printing from July 1st. 1914, to Jan uary 1st, 1916, all notices to be print ed in same type as now specified fo city notices. Samples of job work can be had at the office of the City Re corder. The Common Council re serves the right to reject any and al bids. Dated this 8th dav of June, 1914. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN 8. BAKER, FUNERAL DI rector and licensed embalmer Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded to lay or night. Phone 75. NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CON CERN. Notice is hereby given that by order of the Common Council of The City of Pendleton, made In open Council on June 4th, 1914, no person is au thorized to make purchase of any supplies for The City of Pendleton, except upon a requisition, signed by the chairman of the committee of the Common Council for whose de partment the supplies are needed, and the Common Council will not audit or allow any bills unless the same are accompanied by the proper requisition. This notice is published by order of the Common Council of The City of Pendleton. Dated June 8th, 1914. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder 1, J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 6$, INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and tells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes investments for non residents Writes fire, life and accl lent insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pre. C. H, MARSH, Sec BENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. 815 Main street. Phone 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON street, Carney ft Bradley, Props Livery, feed and sale stable. Ooo4 rigs at all times. Cab Una in oonneo- Oon. Phone 70. W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone 27; office tellephone 20. ATTORNEYS. RALEY A RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT .aw. Office in American National Bank Building. AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. r. YOHNKA. AUCTIONS Ut makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. The man that gets you the money." Leave orders at East Oregonian office. JAMES A. FEE. ATTORNEY AT law. Office in Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON A BISHOP. ATTOR- neys at law; rooms t and 4, Smith- Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at -law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, I and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds. mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND consullor at law. Office In Despaln building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY at law. Office in Despaln building LONDON SOCIALISTS IN AN UNIQUE CAMPAIGN THE OFFICE Phone 299 711 Main Street PENDLETON. ORE. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE A. SCHNEITER. Prop. Are You Sick, Despondent? Do Not Give Up nope YOC CAN UK CURED BY TUB GREAT t D. R. Chen Chinese Herb Co. Masters of All Incurable Diseases. Wonders axe performed every day with Chinese Medical HERBS. CONFIDENTIAL CONCULTATIOX FREE. Hours, 10 to IK a. m. 1 to 7 p. m. Coder Bute Uotr!114 E. Webb Street. LONDON. June 10. "Red Week" v.-ill be observed by organized soclal- j Ism throuKhout Great Britain. Fol lowing the example set by their con tinental comrades, the leaders and active members of the British so cialist rarty will devote seven days to eainest missionary work for the cause, particularly london and the big Industrial centers. The Ideal set for each member is that he shall cause at least one new recruit to be enrolled under the red flag. In the larger towns there will be systematic house-to-house canvassing and dis tribution of socialistic literature. A variety of novel methods of pros elyting is promised. A number of London bus conductors have agreed to risk dismissal by handing a leaflet to euch patron of their vehicles, and a new terror is to be added to the barbers' chair by the declared inten tion of several followers of that craft to expound the doctrines of social Ism to every customer during the week. Elevator men in the tubes will explain to passengers the bene fits of socialism as a remedy for the ups and downs of life, milkmen will drive socialists arguments home with the milk, and postmen wilt defy gov ernment regulations by leaving so cialistic literature at the doorways of possible converts. NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that at a regular meeting of the Common Council of The City of Pendleton, held; on June 4th, 1914. the following reso lutlons were adopted: Whereas, the Surveyor of The City of Pendleton did on the 4th day ot June, 1914, under direction and by requirement of the Common Counci file plans and specifications for an appropriate Improvement or AiatiocK (formerly Star) street, In The City of, Pendleton from the north line of Court street to south toe of the levee of th Umatilla river, by paving the same with gravel bltulithlc pavement, to-i Bother with the estimates of the work' to be done and the probable cost thereof, with a statement of the lots,, parts of lots and parcels pt land to' be benefited by such improvement,' and the percentage of the total cost of Improvement which each of suc!ii lets, tiarts of lota and parcels ot land should pay on account of the benefits to be derived irom sucn improve ment; and Whereas, the Council has examined such plans and specifications ami found the same satisfactory and tne estimates therefor to be in accord ance with the probable cost of such work' and Whereas, the property recommend ed by the Cltv Surveyor to ne incma .,! Within the boundaries of the dis irii't hpni'fitnil is. in the ludsment ofi the Common Council, properly to be BUICKS, CHALMERS & FORD CARS included within such improvement! n-nnn "rntnr flnrnr 110 01 v p,-. district, and no property is exdudeJj Oregon lotor uarage, . lourt. inched therein; and I CAFE & ROOMS FOR RENT Whereas, the improvement of tno rw n Cnf f.5t M nin St. .1 .nn(kxJ ... n0 .nil 1 ' npreintiuuve utovi icu i'ui nun PHYSICIANS. H. 8. GARFIELD, M. D. HOMEO pathle physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd Block. Telephone: Offlca 141 W: rMldence Sll J. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NnW! and second-hand goods. Cask palf for all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendleton to boj household roods. Can and get at prices. 211 E. Court street Phon 117 W. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of aue- Mon sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk an advertising complete that will assure you of having a successful sale. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS, wedding announcements, embossed private Tmd business stationery, etc. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore' gonlan office and see samples. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR- egonlan makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will assure you of having a successful sale. TRESPASS NOTICES. STALLION SEASON CARDS and SALE BILLS of every description printed at rea sonable prices at the East Oregonian. We have a fine lot of stock cuts that our patrons are allowed tbe free use of. BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY n.??- 4 Daily and Semi-Weekly East Oregonian TELEPHONE DIRECTORY U " A Quick and Handy Reference far Bas!neu and Home Tel. Xo. AUTOS FOR, HIRE & TAXI SERVICE Tarkcr Taxi Co., in frout French Rest. 0S-12 TeL No. AUTO GARAGE, SUFTLIES, REPAIRS btone Garage, 727 Johnson St.. HARDWARE AND TIN WORK The Taylor Hardware Co., 741 Main St.. 87 74 AUTO SUPPLIES, HUDSON CARS City Motor Car Co., 722 Cottonwood. JEWELRY AND WATCH REPAIRING E. B. Walker, 129 E. Court St -475 .408 LIVERY Telephone Livery, 505 E, Court St 33 MEATS AND POULTRY banitary Market, 305 E. .Court 43!) The norneo Islands boast a tele- grnph line constructed of mahogany and ebony poles. . This Is no doubt the most valuable telegraph line In existence. .110 Matlock street with gravel Wtnllthlo CLEANING AND PRESSING therefore, be it I Pendleton Cleaning Works, 20G 1-2 E. Alta 169 Resolved by tne common council, of The City of Pendleton that It 1 expedient to Improve, and It Is here MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SEWING . MACHINES Jesse Failing, 901 Main 24 DRUGS AND KODAKS The Pendleton Drug Co., cor. Main & Court 20 bv proposed to improve Mattock (for of Court Vtreer to the 7oVh toe of ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTURES me levee of the umatiiia river by pav. j Vaughan's Electrio Store, 831 Main. ii-.g the same with gravel bitullthio; , PHOTOGRAPHERS, PORTRAITS C. S. Wheeler, 200 E. Alta St .139 lavement and by constructing rurbs GARAGES gutters, drains and all other things Vi 1, . om-ri as shown m and provided for m the' IVndlrton Anto Co., 812 Johnson 541 said plans and specifications; '"'.innnriiTrc be It further uliUl-blUlio Resolved, that the plans anj sped- oray Bros. Grocery Co., 823 Main St. 28 ui'Hiiunii and fpiiumirw nr fiwi-u mi-i PIANOS, PHONOGRAPHS, SHEET MUSIC, TUNING Warren's Music House, 842 Main "St 542 PHOTOGRAPHS Bowman's Studio, 910 Main St. .329-W provement. as prepared bv the City rjTCOCFTCTFS Surveyor and filed with the Recorder XV 1 jo n n x t t 1 n of The city of remdieton on the tth btanuara Urocerj Co., cor Court Si Johnson VO SPORTING GOODS, BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES LaDow's, cor. Court and Cottonwood.. -400