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T irtT'. " 1 r-1l-:-" sag- -s DAILY EVENING EDITION DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVERTISERS. The Rut Oregonlan bti the largest pal circulation of auy pa tier In Oregon, cut of Portland and over twice the circulation ta Pendleton of any other newspaper. Forecast for Eastern Oregon, by U United tales Weather OWnrt at Portland. Unsettled tonight anl Sunday; prr.! ably showers. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL 26. DAILY EAST OREGONIAX, PEXDLETON, ORFGOX, SATURDAY, JL'XE 20, 1914. r VjDp Crr OFFICIAL TAPER . S 4 ! S??5 NO. 8222 10 f H0STIUT1ES SAT CAPITAL REFUGEES Overt Act Against United States Be lieved to be Planned by Dictator ' as Last Resort. MEXICANS INSULT OUTPOSTS Vttr First Tlmo Since Occupation of Vera Cru Baggnge of Passengers lit Being Jlllaged by Hucrta'a Trooi Xcnr City Anti-American Feeling Mirrcd Vp. WASHINGTON, June -d. From a ourco close to lTcsldeut Wilson It is learned tluit at Friday's conference -with tlio president and Bryan, Mln 1ler Xaon urged tluit the Wilson and Hucrtu 'governments make mutual onccsMons and Hint tlio resident re fused to make more tlian already Jiovc liccn nmde. VERA CRUZ. June 20. Huerta Is believed to be planning; an overt act of hostility against the Americans a a means of forcing the "United States to Intervene to save him from the re bels. Arrivals In Vera Cruz from Mexlo City (ull they are convinced he only Is awaiting the failure of mediation negotiations to assume the aggressive, They believed he deliberately is stir ring up an antl-Amerlcan feeling in the capital. Mexican soldiers in the vicinity of Vera Cruz frequently are Insulting American outposts. For the first time rlnce the port was occupied. Mex leans are pillaging the baggage of passengers traveling between the cap ital and the coast. MISSISSIPPI RIVER BOAT SINKS; HELP BEING RUSHED CKKW AXD MEMBERS OF F.XCITV MAX PARTV MAROOXER OX ITFERWORKS. ST. LOUIS, June 20. Help Is be ing ruhed to the crew of the river Hteamhoat Majeatlc sunk In the Mia nlfMiippl by crashing into the water works Intake crib some distance north .f here. ThoiiRh the vesel is resting on the bottom. Its upperworks are above wnter. It U believed members of the crew and a band which was nboard. have taken refuge on them. Earlier reports that there, wjere many fatalities are not believed. Three are reported misMlng from the crew. The musicians numbered about 40. The boat had Just landed an excursion tarty of a thousand telephone girls nt Alton. Illinois. VI AS PROIK)SED TO SETTLE TROUBLE - AMONG THE MINERS BUTTE, June 20. President Mover of the Western Federa- tlon of Miners Is preparing a 4 plan to bring back the seceders from the local union who voted overwhelmingly a few days ago to repudiate the federation In thl district. He declined to give details of the plan" which he proposes to present to the lo- cat federalon officials but It is understood the plan Included a proposition that tho local offl- 4 clals resign and that a new elec- 4 tlon be held, after which the 4 grievances of the seceders will 4 be considered. Horribly mangled, the body of a joung man, killed yesterday morning three miles east of Mcacham by a train, wus brought to Pendleton lato lust evening by Coroner H. S. Gar field and Umlortakcr Haws Judd and' in being held here pending efforts to learn his Identity. Nothing was lound on his body to Indicate his i anic or home but a aggage chec'it was found nnd the coroner has sent to Wcisi-r to claim his aultcnso in the hopes of finding something In it to 1 even I his ldonttty. The body had been run over sev eral times, the legs ,and arms being severed and the body cut In two. The liPitd was also crushed. The baggage check shows that ho had checked a I YOUNG MAN NEAR ME 143 EIIT III MINE BE Fire Breaks Out and Hope of Re covering Men Still in Shaft is Practically Given Up. 195 MINERS HAVE PERISHED Of the Workers Underground When Explosion Occurs Jlut Forty-one Have KscaK-d Alive Bodies of FIN ty-lwo Have Been Recovered In quest W ill be Held Today. I.ETIIBRIBGE, June 20. Tlic fin In the Hlllnvttt eoul mine was partial ly controlled after several hour 'ex ertion and up to noon 93 corpse )ul been removed. Hie rescuers are tolling In the face of grout danger, fighting Imh go and Raines. LETH BRIDGE, Alberta, June 20. With 14 J men still entombed In the explosion wrecked Hillcrest mine, rescuers were driven from the work ings by fire at seven a. m. today. There Is ho question but those still In the mine are dead. Mine oflfclals revised the figures to day Two hundred and thirty-six men were in the mine at the time of the explosion. Forty-one escaped alive. The fatalities numbered 141 Including Superintendent J. S. Qulg ley. Bodies of 52 dead have been re covered. The mine washhouse Is tranHformed Into a morgue and 200 coffins have been ordered from Win nipeg. An inquest will be held this afternoon. CITY PHYSICIAN WARNS ALL TO BOIL THE WATER supply ixtil: gravity system is ready comes direct ly from river. "Boil the water" la the warning note nounded'again by City Physician I. U. Temple In view of the fact that from now on until the gravity system Is completed water for consumption here in the city will be pumped direct ly from the river Into the mains. Yes terday he notified the water commis sioners that the present supply Jeop ardizes the health of the community end they agreed with him that the cit. lzens should be notified of the dan ger. The wells at this time of the yeat ore inadequate In their supply anl pipes draw water directly from the bed of the river. This being the sea ion when typhoid generally develops, there is danger that the waters of the river may become affected and. In crder to make the water absolutely aafe for drinking purposes, the city physician believes it should be boiled. The Thorn Hollow spring water wlli probably be available for use by Juh 15. HUDSON RIVER STEAMER SINKS; PASSENGERS SAVED YOXKERS, N. Y., June 20. Crash ing into a stone barge the Hudson riv er steamboat Tourist was sunk. Its DO. passengers were rescued by a tug Giant Liner La unci ml. HAMBURO, June 20. The Ham burg American line steamer Bismarck, the largest liner afloat, was launched successfully. It is considerably larg er than the Vaterland. n ra KILLED BY T UN DEIFIED suitcase from Hood River to Welser and trainmen think he must have rid. fien through on No. 10, the fast mail. He got off the train for Meachant to get something to eat nnd It is possi ble that he caught. extra freight S02 out of that station The local , men think It probable that he grew so cold that he fell off the moving trnin and wna ground beneath the, wheels. In dications were that he had been drag, ged a considerable distance. Deceased was about 19 years old, rather slender and was fairly well dressed. A report from La Grande says that his name was L. E. Baring ton but Coroner Garfield does not un derstand how the name was learned rnd Is inclined to doubt the Report. TO If SaVsJA , ' ' v ' ' - , -s ; - t". S. S. Oreicon and Rear Ad ml nil Cliarlc E. Clark. President Wilson will he aboard the U. S. S. Oregon when she leads the procession of 'world's battleships from Persistent rumors are current In railroad circles of the Harrlman sys tem that federal Indictments are pend ing against some of the former em ployes of the system who have been let out for violating various rules of railroading. The rumored Indictments, however, have to do entirely with Washington and West End division men. It la said. This Is all rumor, but it Is authora lively asserted that the railroad em-' ployes and traveling men have been called to Portland from Sound points and even nearer home and rumor has leaked out that actions of railroad men was the chief nature of questions rnswered. The list of conductors running out of Pendleton who have lost their po sitions either permanently or tem porarily now includes five of the sev en on the Washington division, three on the dlvlKlon east of Pendleton and five on the west-end division. A re port ii railroad circles has it that some of the remaining conductors were reported by the spotters" but that the company could not discharge all because of the impairment to its service which would follow. The positions made vacant will be filled by promotions. The runs are bulletined and fifteen days must elapse during which time different conductors bid upon them. They arc chosen according to their seniority in the service. Strike May lie Settled. VAXCOUVER. B. C. June - 20. The strike of coal miners which has been on for more than a year at Van couver Island may be declared off soon. The men at Xanaimo are tak ing a ballot today to decide the ques tion of a settlement of the struggle. FEDERAL INDICTMENTS SI 10 BE PENDING AGAINST R.i R. IVIEN i - Above Harvard crew. Below, Vale cr Although Harvard took the preliminary events In the annual regatta at was victorious In the varsity eights, the big race of the day. The margl slight ns to be Indicated in Inches, only. Betting favored the Harvard cro LEAD CANAL OPENING PROCESSION if 4 s ' t T Hampton Roads through the Panama the vessel. The Oregon has been giv canal to San Francisco bay In March, j en the place of honor as a tribute to 191a. In the upper left hani corner, is a picture or Rear Admiral Charles E. Clark, who will be In command of lj NEWS SUMMARY General. Aeroplane crashes into dlrglble and nine K-rsons are killed. One hundred and forty-three min ers still entombed! in Illllcrest mine are tea red to le IiIvoimI rescue. Huerta lieUeve'jl planning an overt act again the United States in order to keep himself from the hands of the rebels. Villa Is reMrted to have named General Angeles as president of Mex ico. Suffragists have meeting with Pre mler AMiuitli hut latter refuses to have equal suffrage hill Introduced in parliament at this time. iAM-al. Mrs. Frances 11. Irlvett succumb t;t paralysis stroke. Maniilcd ImkI.v of unknown boy brought from Mcacham. A. B. Cooley sells local lioldins iind acquires SI.VOOO farm near Burns. Humored discharged railroad em ployees will le Indicted. Citizens are advised to lioll water. lromiiicnt railroad officials here in connection with terminal ,vlans. Ijocal minister will permit male churchgoers to doff coats. Italian who defended home arrest ed for carrying concealed weapons. Mayre May Be Named. WASHIXQTOX, June 20. The Rus sian government has been asked it is learned, if George Marye of San Frm clsco will be acceptable to the Czar for the United States embassy at St. Petersburg. i . HARVARD AND YALE VARSITY EIGHTS j her memorable flying trfp around the; Horn during the Spanish-American war. $43,000,000 IN GOLD IS PLACED IN SUB-TREASURY! MONEY WILL BE AVAILABLE TO OFFSET MONEY MOVE MENT TO EUROPE. XEW YCRK, June 20. The last installment of the large consignment of forty three million dollars in gold was placed in the sub-treasury today. Tankers were notified five million will be available for u.e daily begin ning Slonday. The action is taken to offset the heaviest gold movement from the United States to Europe In years. Since January 1st. It is stated, approximately seventy-five million has been' exported in gold bars and bricks. Wall street men said the movement is due to the fact money Is "cheap" in America and comparatively "dear" abroad. They predict that with the lowering of foreign exchange rates the flow will start back to the United States- LOWER CALIFORNIA WILL BE INVADED BY AMERICAN VILLA COMMISSIONS MAJOR IIOLMDAIIL TO LEAD MILI TARY EXPEDITION. OAKLAND, Cal. June 20 Major Emll J. Holmdahl of Oakland, has been detailed by Villa to equip and lead a military expedition from the state of Sonora to the territory' of Lower California. Holmdahl will In vade Lower California from the east, entering by way of the desert 80 miles In width. Three previous expeditions having failed in attempts under Mex ican leadership. Villa decided to en trust the final expedition to an Oak land boy who formerly was his chief of artillery. ew. Xew London yesterday, the blue n by which the Yale crew won was ao w. E e I I. S E Army Balloon Collapses When Other Air craft Collides With it Over Austrian Field. ACCIDENT 2500 FEET ALOFT Aeroplane Swooping Past Big Gas Bag Kwerves and Plunges Full Speed Into It DlrgiMe Burst Into Flames ) and Both Crafts Crash to Earth! With Passengers. VIEXXA. June 20. A military aeroplane accidently rammed the Aus trian army dirigible Parseval at the aviation field between Enzerdorf and Fischamed, sinking the great airship but itself going to destruction with a total loss of nine lives. The two air crafts were twenty five hundred feet aloft. The aeroplane in swooping past the dirigible suddenly swerved and plunged full speed into the gas bag. Instantly the dirigible burst In to flames. The aeroplane remained entangled in the network of the Par seval a moment, then the. Parseval collapsed and the crafts crashed to the ground, both ablaze. Seven men nDoara me aingiDie ana two in me, aeroplane are dead. The victims included Captain Von Blaschke a well known Austrian avi ator, naval officer and civil engi neer and four lieutenants and two mechanicians. O.-W. Tt. X. HEARS HERE TO DAY TO FURTHER INVESTI GATE srrcATiox. For the purpose of further investi gating the situation and deciding var ious points regarding the freight ter minal yards to be located west of the city a' party of railroad officials con sisting of J. P. O'Brien, vice president and general manager; J. R. Holman, new chief engineer and J. W. Morrow, j right of way agent, were here this morning and accompanied by T. F. O'Brien went over the ground at Pilot . Rock Junction. j The location of the roundhouse. I tracks and oil tans all furnish prob lems but it Is said the plans are pro gressing favorably. All of the land needed by the company has not been secured as yet but It is believed there will be little trouble on that score. A new development is that the rail road will change passenger engine crews here as well as freight train crews after the division point Is brought to the ctty. That will still further add to the payroll Eli PASO. .Tune 20. Carranza Is rcHrt"d in Juarez to have removed (Jcncral Angeles from his .post as con stitutionalist secretary of war. An soles is a supiortor of Ylllu. His re moval. U the report Is true, is taken ux indicating a widening of the breach lH-lwecn Villa and Carranza. Carran za Is now at Saltilio. Angeles Is with Villa, at Torreon. It is rumored that t;cncral Chao, ex-governor of the state of Chlliiiuhuu executed Carraiiia's or der. NIAGARA FALLS. June 20. Tha; Villa has Issued a proclamation ad dressed to Americans declaring Gen eral Angeles president of Mexico Is asserted by the Huerta delegates here. The Huertlstas also announced that Curranza Is preparing forcibly to de 1 ose Villa's friend, Senor Maytorena, as civil governor of the state of So i.ora. The text of the statement wbs: "The Mexican consul at El Paso telegraphs that from private messages Intercepted at Juarez, It Is learned there Is no truth In the reports that the differences between the Vll Ista and Carranxisia factions are sat isfactorily adjusted. Villa issued a declaration addressed to Americans proclainving General Angeles presl uent of Mexico. Carranza Is complet. i i Mil UB FAQ FACILITIES FOR TEBMHL STUDIED VILLA SAID TO HAVE GEN. ANGELES OFMEnCARHOPPOSED SUFFRAGISTS AND ASP MEET; 110 BILL IS III SIGHT Premier Announces to Women He Cannot Introduce Measure in Par. liament "At This Time." INTERVIEW UNSATISFACTORY Still More Vigorous Outbreak: of MJH- tant Outrages May Be Result of Failure to Receive Franchise Im mediately Sylrla Pankhurst, ffl, Xot at Meeting. LOXDON. June 20. Premier At- ' quith received a delegation of six suf fragettes at his official residence In Downing street today. This was In eccorJance with his promise extorted by Sylvia Pankhurst'a threat' to sit on i the s(eps of parliament house, neither . eating nor drinking, until the suffra gettes were given a hearing. Ml Pankhurst, 111 from her prolonged hunger strike in Holtoway prison, wasn't present. The meeting was devoid of sensa tional features and was unsatisfactory to the suffragettes. Asquith heard the delegation and then announced h couldn't Introduce an eoual suffrage biI1 Darilament "at this time" H d!d Dromise to confer w ith Home Sec retary McKenna relative to the for cible feeding of suffragette prisoners. Since the suffragette Insist on a franchise Immediately the general opinion s the premier's refusal to in troduce a bill at the present may pre cipitate a still more vigorous outbreak of suffragette militancy. COEDPOETH, Wales. June 29 Tho railroad station here was burned. Suffragettes are said to have been re sponsible. MEN MAY DISCARD COATS ' ATTENDING CHURCH SUNDAY REV. CLEVEXGER. BELIEVES BEING COMFORTABLE AT SERVICES. IX "Comfort before formality" la the slogan adopted by Rev. E. L- Clevenger. pastor of the Baptist church, and in accordance with that slogan he announces that on summer Sundays male mem- bers of hia congregation will not only be permitted but invited to sit through the service in their shirt sleeves if they so choose. Rev. Clevenger recog- nlzes that a man in physical dis- comfort mnk n nnsir a and he knows that on a hot day many a man stays away from church rather than sit for an hour and suffer. AS PRESIDENT Ing plans to depose Governor Mayto rna of the state of Sonora by force of arms. To this end he qletly is In creasing to 2000 men the forces under Elias Callea. military commander of Sonora. There is every prospect of a break in the negotiations here and the failure of meJIation." Angeles, though Carranza s secre tary of war. U a close friend of Villa nnd all along has been the hitter's candidate for provisional suiosor t Huerta. Maytorena has been at outs some time with Calles, a Carranz--rartlsan. and It Is said th.nt Jteverul days ago Calles would have forced him from office and arrested him If he hadn't received a warning from Villa that he would be held personally responsible for whatever happened i the civil governor. The Calles-Maytorena depute is understood to be ohm of the causes for friction between Car ranza and Villa. WASHINGTON', June 20.-In corn ment on the conversations held Fri day between Argentine Minister Naon of the mediators, and' Wilson and Bryan, the White House Uxue.l the following statement: "Regarding th vbit of Minister Nann, all the presi dent cares to say Is that It wait a gen eral discission of tho mediation situ ation. The president In still hopeful that the mediation plan will succeed. ' NAMED