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TACK SIX DAILY EST OREGOXIAy, PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 2.', 1PU. EIGHT PAGES SPECIAL JAIL TO BE INSTALLED FOB II! "IF PERKINS GOES AY ROOSEVELT Local Playhouses COl-ONFI, DFCLAUKS CllAIUMAX OF PROGRESSIVES MOST VSKFI L MEMBER. NEW YORK, June 25. Theodore Roosevelt, who returned to America (IHMll, ORDERS WORK TO BE pom: ixm aocommoda . tiox or prisoners. In n-cponce to a public demand, the city council last evening ordered con-J on the Imperator last night, vigor iiirtd In the city hall a special Jail t ousdy defended George W. Perkins, for tlie reception of such women chairman of the progressive national lrlinern an are occasionally arrest- executive committee, whose resign a - d. Heretofore, the women have been tion as chairman was demanded re or fined with the men, heing sep- cently by Amos Pinchot, who assert, craii-d only hy cell walls and having ed that Mr. Perkins affiliation with l, privacy, (certain big business Interests made Chief of Police Kearney was the him unfit to hold his positions, first to make the request for a sep-J "When they read Ferkins out," said urate Jail and he was supported by Colonel Roosevelt, "they will have to the ministerial association, women's read me out, too." 1u1jx and many private citizens. Thej The colonel reiterated that he would council at no time took any stand : not be a candidate for the governor pcaiiist such a Jail, the lack of one 'ship of New York this fall, heretofore being the result of an ig-l "Mr. Perkins," said the colonel 'n riorance of the need for one. j bis reference to the national execu- Councilman Dyer last evenlg re- ( tive chairman, "has been, on the ported that the cost of a Jail for wo-1 whole, the most useful member of the men 14 by 14 would not be large and . progressive party. No man has served upon his motion. It was decided to! with greater seal and disinterested- leave the matter to the house com mittee. It Is probable the Jail will be build -under the recorder's office. What the Proas A pent lis to Say of Present and Coining Attractions. ' Cosy. Wednesday and Thursday, Rrownle and Theresa in a singing, hard-shoo uanclng and comedy act, will be one of the vaudeville attractions. The Musical Sherman in a complete change of musical specialties will be her for Wednesday only, playing on the banjo, guitar and xylphone. Owing to poor train connections, I cur other act, Fred and Eva Hurley, win not open until Thursday, when they will appear In one of the liveli est and funniest acU in vaudeville. Picture program for Wednesday Cannery, cannery. Is the cry of the Albany business men. ness. Perkins' Zeal Praised. , "He has striven in absolutely good faith for the principles of the party, both as regards' corporations and bus iness generally, and as regards the group of questions dealing with the welfare of the wage earner and his economic and social advance. As for The antiseptic powder to be shak- "l"B ",m " ol J . wne" .h. Tf w.nt ret'that 18 done- "y nave to read me out. too. Colonel Roosevelt gave out a letter CSE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. en into the shoes. If you want rest, and comfort for tired, aching, swol- 1am Yt!v ft tic A nn'a Tnot- Ease. It relieyea corns and bunions !from H"oii Rice, the explor of all pain and prevents blisters, .ore r' in wh'cn DJ' c hf waa ml8' and callous spot Just the thing for; V1" wvhe" he the dl3C0V dancing parties, patent leather shoes,!";' the River of Doubt. fnr hreakinr In new shoe.. It Colonel Roosevelt was met at quar- 4. th. rrMtt romfort discovers of antin h? Mrs- Roosevelt. Dr. and h . T it todav. Sold every-' Mrs- Richard Derby, his son-in-law o I ,3 . . 1 l 1 A. oiiu uauguieri Arcme xiooseveiu Quentin Roosevelt, "W. Emlin Roose velt. George W. Perkins and Dudley Field Malone, collector of the port The party was on board the steam yacht Joyance. where, 1 5c Don't accept any sub stitute. For FREE trial package, ad dress Allen S. Olmsted. Ie Roy, N. T. HEAVY MEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS SPARKS FROM THE TELE- GRAPH. Orpheum. Thursday and Friday, "The War of the Lilliputians." Two part Path-i. One of the most novel and fanciful ' I Onrl Til II n.lrt The story is of the victorious strug- .7nl"i Wi' Kle of the Lilliputians against a race c'T ' "'l of giants. The king of the giants is A " ;torm on the des- in love with the Princess Picfolina of '"J? t "V 16 f ' ' the Lilliputians. But she scorns him "VtL . ., T. ' being engaged to Prince Colibrl. . .tl"J , Key! ThA i-i n ,i sone- Fatty" has his usual amount brought to ht r,r t. in., of troubles in this speedy comedy. prisoner w., iv ra7 Mutual Weekly No. 73. Important PENiiETON I KIIIbTIKI I 1 I fl ft BVSft prisoner. Her lover army and they defeat the giants and rescue the beautiful princess. ' Hunger Knows No Law. Vitagraph. A wealthy girl protects a poor man and his family and her lover thluks she is infatuated with the man. but when he learns the girl's generous mo tive he begs forgiveness and she glvea him his long sought for answer. A Pair of Stockings. Selig. Fei events of world wide Interest. Alta Theater Today, For the litst time today, '"The Se cret Formula," with Carlyle Black well and Bert Hadley in the leads. This is an excellent offering inasfar as plot, story and acting is concerned. , "Claim No. 3," Is a well told min ing story excellently produced and turlnir Adrienne Kroell well tn vxiugmpneu. 1 ne psycnoiogicai re- young bride and groom, a young bus- venf,e U something new. lness man and hu flnnc n .mo 1 Eugenics at Bar U Ranch," Is are the personages of a charming comedy drama around a pair of silk stockings. Pastime Today. The long heralded and much talked of six-part motion picture drama, "The Squaw Man," was produced for the first time locally at the Pastime theater this afternoon, and from every standpoint it Is one of the few great motion picture dramas of the day. Dustin Farnum, the popular mati nee idol, and former legitimate star, appears in the role of Jim and is just as fascinating as he was on the acting stage. comedy that will please all, Coming tomorrow, "The Hunted Animal," second of the man who dls appeared series Edison-Marc Mc Dermott production. Don't Forget Cliautauqc Week. The Chautauqua which will begin here on Saturday evening, July 4, is now being presented In California with great success. To some towns into which it has gone this year it was an entirely new feature and many of the people received their first impres- Carston slon of wnat the Chautauqua really is. in tresno, a city or 40,000, the , Daily Herald of June 13 says: EAT LESS MEAT IF YOU FEEL BACKACHY OR HAVE BLAD DER TROUBLE. J. F. Freeze, an Insurance agent, No man or woman who eats meat who has been barred from his wife's regularly cn make a mistake by . home by a court order, broke into the flushing the kidneys occasionally, room In which she was sleeping at ays a well known autnority. ieai , Denvert shot an4 killed her and then forms uric acid which excites the kid- fhot himseif. He was taken to a neys. they become overworked from .hospital, where it is said he cannot the strain, get sluggish ana rail o recover. imer me wasie ana po wiu An agreement that will end the DlooJ, men we get sick, nearly u:strike.ot aDout 5000 men ,n the Ka rheumatism, headaches, liver trou-j.nawha coaJ fleMi of Wegt Virginia ble. nervousness dizziness, sleepless-, WM reached at. Washington, when neM and urinary disorders come from; repregentatives of the operators and sluggish kidneys. the mine workers accepted proposals The moment you feel a dull achei t. , . In the kidneys or your back hurts or b th thfree conciliators ap- 4, fftv f,,n! Pointed by Secretary of Labor Wil- of sediment, irregular of passage or attended bv a semiation of scaldlna. atop eating meat and get about fourwer arrested at Butte. Mont, on ounces of Jad Salts from any phar-1 warrant charging that they were ln nacy; Uke a tablespoonful in a glass stigators of the riot which broke up f water hefnr breakfast and in a . ln paraae oi tne miners- union, "The Squaw Man" was evidently r s nrst cnautauqua Closes staged in the Rocky mountains, for tonight. Thousands of people have the scenery is magnificent and the received their first Impression of a beautiful sun sets shown In several Chautauqua the past week. The Ideas parts of the picture could happen no- of a Chautauqua varied from the rl where except in the glorious Pacific diculoua to the sublime, from the vau slope. i Seville circuit, paying law wages, to "The Squaw Man" In six parts, two the camp meeting of fifty years ago hundred and sixty-four big scenes and and from tn sideshows of a circus to requiring a cast of players exceeding a barbecue. Fresno Is delighted-with six score people, numbers among Its the muslcal, literary and artistic pro cast probably a more nondescript va- ductions of the Chautauqua and is rietv of nationalities and denomlna- ver' anxious for the return of the tlons of anv motion Dlcture ever nro- same another year. duced. ' Tne chautauqua has the world's best Dustin Farnum is a true born Am- musical and grand opera talent, as well as some of the most noted lec turers and entertianers that have ev er been assembled In the west before, and those who have enjoyed season tickets are looking forward to a most enjoyable week. son. I G. Gregory and William Devaney erlcan citizen; Princess Red Wing, the Indian actress, is a real American In every sense of the word. Dick La Reno, who plays "Big BUI" in the piece, is a French Canadian; Jack-Ellis, who plays a prominent role. Is a native of Sweden; Miss Kingston, "La- dy Elizabeth," of the picture, is a na-! st- Iuto Heiress Betrothed, tive of London. Eng., while Baby ST- LOt-'IS, Mo., June 25. A few Derne, is a native of Australia, and nour8 arter tne Durtai or James camp George Hawkins, the only colored beH. the millionaire railroad financier man in the picture, comes from Port friends of his only child. Miss Lois of Spain, Trinidad, In the West Indian Campbell, learned of her engagement Islands. to .tizey u. tsurnnam, a young law- Among the 50 cowboys used In the 'er of this city. Inheriting her fath- plcture are natives of Norway. Argen- er s estate, valued at 530.000,000 to tine, Brazil, Chili, Australia, Xew Zea- $40,000,000, Miss Campbell will. It is land and Mexico. expected, within a few days become "The Squaw Man" is at the Pastime the wealthiest girl in St. Louis. The tonight, also tomorrow matinee and announcement of her engagement was night. not authorized by the family, but. ac- few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice com bined with lithla, and has been used for generations to flush and stimu late the kidneys, also to neutralize Blame Drink For Insanity INDIANAPOLIS, IND.. June 2 2. Alcohol is the chief cause of insantiy according to Dr. T. D. Adierman. a specialist in nervous and mental dls the acids in urine so It no longer eases of New York, who addressed causes Irritation, thus ending bladder J the National Electric Medical associa weakness. Jad Sails Is inexpensive nnj can r.ot injure: a delightful effer vescent lithla-water drink which tion here. He declared the United Sta tes is progressing toward the stage where it will be one large insane as' jlum. everyone should take now and theu ! "Y e have practically become known to keeD the kidneys clean and ac- as a nervous nation," asserted Dr. tive and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious , kidney complications. ROSES Adierman. "We rush and we hurry turning night into day, and we hurry the bod yto decay with tobacco, al cchol, drugs, sexual excesses and abu ses. We nlust stop this disastrous rush and headlong hurry. "Alcohol makes more Insanity than ail other causes combined. Where it is not the initial cause it Is the devel cping cause. In the United States there are 200,000 Insane and the same number of feeble-minded, which ex- 1 rA.rl. v,a r.simV,infri Htrenzth of the SIX BIG DAYS "P Entertainment Worth While Something Doing Mornings Afternoons . and Evenings A ITIlTirUTAIllMrri!TQ 10 Concerts - 10 Lectures - 10 Specials SAVE $3.90 S.afor $2.50 Children's Season Tickets ONLY 01-00 SPLENDID MUSIC. Ciricillo and World Famous Italian Band. (4th Day) Thaviu Grand Opera Company. (4th Day) Dunbar Singing Orchestra. (6 Young Ladles) Lyric Glee Club. (Male Quartet) Hann Jubilee Singers and Elwynn Trio. DR. F. W. GUNSAULUS, World's Great Preacher. DR. THOS. E. GREEN, World Renowned Orator. NG POON CHEW, Famed as "The Oriental Mark Twain" PETER McQUEEN, War Correspondent on "Mexico" GET A SOUVENIR PROGRAM BEST AND CHEAPEST VACATION cording to the St. Louis Republic, Mr. Campbll knew of the engagement and gave his approval before his death. Eola will have a $5000 church. KAISER'S YOUNGEST SON IN MORGANATIC MARRIAGE answer to this condl- I have 10.000 ro?es ready for Immediate deliver', all grown in the open ground, and grown in Heppner. All are on ow roots, comprising 170 varieties of the tjet vpr hlnnmlnflr utrtfl nnjiltlve- I ly guaranteed true to label. Many 8rm' and navy .... ...i ! "There Is En . . . , . i . ' tion and It is in safe and sane eugenics giving their preference of colors, i ' ih.t thor. i , The world mu.t see to it that there l I will always give any rose of lne ,.,.,,. . mf n end women. There should be laws to prevent the propagation of defefect ivea, to prevent marriage between fee bl mnlded and insme. There Is no- r,.r a lr,rtrra to do except to equal value In exchange for thoee that do not entirely pl'-ae you. I will also donate, as a forfeit, ten choice ever blooming roses for ev ery error I make In filling your order. I refer you to J. 1 Vaughan, the electrician, as to the merits of my roses, Mr. Vaugban having over E0 of my roses growing in his yard. Address. HARKY CCMMINGS Beppner, Oregon. Princess Ina Marie Bassewltz and rrince Oscar of Prussia. Prince Os car Is the fifth and youngest son of the German Emperor, and his fiancee, Princess Ina Marie, is lady-ln-waltlng to the Kaiserln. Because of the vast difference in their social ranks the Princess will be obliged to forgo all right of succession to the throne either for herself or her children. vMmiiiimuu:iuiin:iiiiMiinnmiiiun ! Wo I I KQIIEY "0 LOAN I mm I 5 on wheat lands exclusively, E for 3 or 5 years, with re S payment privileges. OVER 1 10,000 DISBURSED 5 IN ONE MOXTIL S M H ltepresenting the largest for ts eigu loan corporation in 2 Oregon. "THERE'S A REASON." TT t. r Ail l,..-ome ardent advocates of eugenics. Dr. M. A- Carrifker of Nebraska City. Neb., denounced the corset as re sponsible for most of women's illness. Dr. K. K. Hufnoll of Minneapolis said he did not see as much harm in cor sets as he did In high heeled snoes. Prl.n for Tattoortl Iiandit. MOUNT VERNON, June 25. Charles Hopkins, known in the north west as th tattooed bandit, was con victed in the superior court here on a charge of murder and was sentenced to serve a term of twenty years. Hopkins was charged with tne murder of Antolne Olson near Mc- Murray on the night of March 28. The words "true love" tattoed on his lin gers gave him the name by which he is known and proved a means by which the authorities traced him. s 120 Et Court St. Pendleton ItllUltatlllUIIIUIIllllUilUllUIIItllillUl PURE RICH BLOOD PREVENTS DISEASE Bad Llond is responsible for more ailments than anything else. It causes catarrh, dyspepsia, rhennia ti:n, weak, tired, languid feelings and worse troubles. Hood's Barnaparilla hag been wonderfully successful in purifying and enriching the blood, removing scrofula and other humors, and building up the whole sytem. Take it give it to all the family so as to avoid illness. Oct it today. - r ' 'J? v ' ' . - - v ' 'At ','-' . V - I a ' Kl Iowa's law Found Valid. DES MOINES, June 2 Judge Smith McPherson, of the federal court handed down an opinion upholding the constitutionality of the Iowa workmen's compensation act or em ployers' liability law. The law was passed by the last general assembly and relates to era loyer's llablllay for personal Injury sustained by employes in line of duty, fixing the compensation and a meth od of securing the payment. BREATHE FREELY! OPEN NOSTRILS AND STUFFED HEAD-END CATARRH Infant Roller AVlien 'Xose and Head Are Clocced from a Cold. Stops Na.sty Catarrhal Discharges. Dull Headache Vanishes. Try "Ely's Cream Calm." Get a small bottle anywny, just to try It apply a little In the nostrils and Instantly your clogged noae and stopped-up passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; lullness and headache disappear. By morning the catarrh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery no1! Oet the small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any druj store. This sweet, frig- rant balm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the In flamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing re lief comes Immediately. Don't lay awc'.te tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nos trils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous dropping Into the throat, and raw dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith just once In "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or ca tarrh will surely disappear. "The Seven Ages" Of the User of Tea Garden Syrup TEA GARDEN BTRUP affords a delightful and nutritious a food for arrowing children it builds sturdy bodies and satiifles the physical need for healthful sweets. not canes, lor coomn PURE syrup Is needs Use It for hot cakes, for cooking, for candy and whenever a strictly aa. fUve th coupon on the left nd when you have tan Ik thm to your trocar end h will (It you a jar of Ta Qardnn Prervei abiolutaly FREE! Save Coopoa Free rrnerre. Name. City. Qrocer's Name. Pacific Coast Syrup Co. Portland, Or. 0s fcS I 'Cf i