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DAILY EAST OTCEQOXIAX, PENDLETON, ORF.flOiT, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1914. PAGE FIVE t WIIIIISIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL: "ET0T1T PAOES ivy A LOCALS Of Advertising in Brief KATEtt. Per line first I dm rt Ion. ....... ,10c Per line, additional Insertion . . . . & Per Hoe, pr month 81.00 No local takm for len tban 25c Count 6 ordinary words to line. Locals will not be taken over the 'phone and remittance must accom pany order. PERU HUM rags at the seven'room : . Don't be misled by the glitter of fresh paint and juggled f ig 5 urea when you select your car, for in all probability you will 5 own it for several years and will find to your sorrow that it's 5 what's beneath the surface that really counts upkeep. i any new car looks nice. 1 any new car rides smooth. any new car has power. AND ANY CAR MADE CAN ESTABLISH A GASOLINE MILEAGE RECORD BY COASTING all they need is plenty of hills and smooth roads. 5 The real test will come on rough roads and after six months jjj E or a year's ownership, when you have driven your car several H s thousand miles. mm mm mm E Do you want to pay exorbitant prices for extras that would s 5 buy stock in the factory ? E E If you want to pay over $100 a month for repairs and UP- S KEEP the amount of a new car each j-ear then buy a car S that breaks gasoline records by coasting with the gasoline feed H S fchut off, BUT, if you want the car that always gets there first, develops the greatest power and hill climbing ability and is the E I' cheapest to maintain, OPERATES FOR THE LOWEST UP- s s KEEP then there is only one car that you are looking for, ; 5 : .1.. Wanted Good, clean Cast Oregonlan office. For Rent Modern home. Phone 248-M. For sale Team of black horses. In quire O. K. feed yard. For sale Six good work horses, at 513 Franklin. G. W. Knight. Wanted Work In cookhouse, phone Dave Taylor, Athena, Oregon. Two young women who are compe tent cooks, want positions in harvest. Address "B" this office. Two well located lots In Portland for sale, or will trade for Pendleton property. Address "I" this office. Hazelwood ice cream sold in bulk at the Charles Co., 715 Main street. Fur nlshed in bricks if given 24 hours notice. Wanted Position as waitress in restaurant. - Address "O. A." this of fice. Wanted Position- by competent man and wife on farm or in harvest Inquire 1104 Raley. For Sale Car of big, heavy boned. gentle, ranch raised mules, at John Luck corral. E. M. Robertson, One full blood English bulldog pup, four months old, mother registered, for sale. $15.00. Address "H" this Office. For sale Two modern cottages lo cated on east Court street, seven blocks from Main street. Inquire of I Oration KEWS OF FARM AND RAKGE Sheriff T. D. Taylor is in .SUnfield today. Horace Walker is up today from his home near Htanfield. Judge L. A. Esteb and wife of Echo ore Pendleton visitors. Carl Kupers, Helix banker, is a bus iness visitor here today. Mrs. Edward Ebel and two boys are veiling relatives in Portland. Mrs. Flo Clark of Vancycle came in this morning to visit friends. County Commissioner H. M. Cock- burn is here today from Milton. John Spain, well known Union county cowboy, is in the city today. R. Brassfield of Echo, was among the visitors from that town yesterday. John Moore was up from his home at Echo yesterday and spent the night Ture. B. Calderhead, traveling passenger agent of the N. P. came in this mor ning from Pasco. August Bade, one of the directors of the Walla Walla ball club, was over yesterday to see the booster day game. J. E. Montgomery returned this morning f rom pa visit at King Hill, Idaho, where he has some farming interests. Charles Angell, well know woolbuy- er who waa operated on for appendi citis, is still at the St. Anthonys hos pital but is recovering nicely. Ralph B. Stanfleld, Asa B. Thom son and Carl Gilbert, three of Echo's most ardent baseball lovers, were here for the booster day game yesterday. L. A. Esteb, Echo lawyer and prom inent citizen has been a visitor in Pendleton today. He says Echo will have a stirring fourth of July cele "It's not what you'll get today, it's what you'll have tomorrow S Buick Prices F. O. P. Pendleton, Cars Now Here for Delivery. 1 28 II. P. Roadster..- ?1135 3G II. P. Roadster ?1435 I 28 II. P. Touring $1235 37 II. P. Touring ?1535 Walters' mill. Old papers for sale; tied In bun ales. Good for starting fires, etc. 16c bundle or two bundles for 26a This office. Lost Purse containing $18. two five dollar gold pieces, the other silver. Finder return to 301 Garden and re ceive reward. Wanted Position on ranch or In harvest by experienced woman who is first class cook. Inquire "T" care this office. Expeprlenced woman with two boys, one old enough to work, wants position as cook on ranch in harvest Inquire 601 Aura street. I have Just arrived with a car of big, heavy boned young mules of my own raising. Will sell them at tlje jonn Luck corral. E. M. Robertson Hazelwood ice cream sold In bulk at the Charles Co., 715 Main street Furnished In bricks if given 24 hours notice. Will rent at once to reliable party, furnished housekeeping rooms, with bath, hot and cold water, lights. phone. Muut be taken before July 1st. Inquire 402 Thompson street, 'Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff" shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable Furniture van and storage warehouse. Office 647 Main street Phone 339 Strayed or stolen from my place at Miaslon, black horse weight, about ISuO rounds, branded P. G. on ieft hip and Vft shoulder. Liberal re ward offered for any information leading to recovery of same. L. H. Gelss, Pendleton, Ore. Passengers tor Portland desiring a refreshing ride on the Columbia river should take the Str. Bailey Gatxert at The Dalles, daily except Sunday and Monday, at 3:15 p. m., arriving In Portland at 8:45 p. m. Fare, The Dalles to Portland. 11.00. 1 drogon Dolor garage I Telephone 4C3. P. F. TROMBLEY, Prop. fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitim? 'jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "Lest Ye Forget" we make a specialty of the good things for I SUNDAY'S DINNER A. E. Bloomqulst, former manager of the local creamery and who is now located in Portland, was here yester day and saw the Buckaroos take the fourth straight game from Yakima. Roy Raley left this afternoon for Sedro Woolly where he will assist in putting on a wild west show. Among those who went with his were Glen Bushee, John Tycke and a number of other well known cowboys. Pet Dojr Is 'Furnltnre." PARIS, June 27. The Paris court has Just decided that a woman's pet dog is furniture, and as euch may be seized in default of payment of a debt ah io. buzanne de r'ossingy, a young actress, owed her landlady 3500 rent for a furnished flat. The landlady could not find anything convenient to seize except the little Pomeranian be longing to the actress, and refused to give up the dog till the debt was. paid. The court, considering that the dog was the only valuable possession of the actress, validated the seizure and ordered the animal to be detained at a veterinary a till the rent be paid. After Uie Gra4iopers F. A. BrunHon, manager of the Fort Wayne Fruit Co., has the distinction of build ing and operating the first grasshop per catcher on the project, says the Hermiirton Herald. He built hlg ma chine the latter part of last summer l.ut owing to the late start in getting his hopper-dozer perfected sufficient ly so that it would do the work, he accomplished very little last year in ridding his orchard of the pests. However, this summer he has wrought wonders which again illustrates that the "experts' do not know it all for he built his machine and put it to work in the face of expert advice that "nothing effective can be done toward exterminating the hoppers." Mr. Brunson states that he has caught not less than 80 bushels o grasshoppers on his company orcharj in section 33, which worked in con- Junction with the Bordeaux spray, U holding the pests well in check and he is confident of saving his entire or chard. Mr. Brunson also advocates raising turkeys in the orchard. They not only work well in cleaning up aft er the hopper dozer, but on an invest ment of 125 he will market this faU $450 worth of turkeys. $40,000 From Cherries Cherry growers of the Milton-Freewater dis trict will realize in the neighbor hood of $40,000 from the 1914 crop, according to figures secured from the various fruit handling concerns of the Twin cities yesterday, says the Milton Eagle. For the Royal Anns a fixed price of 365 per ton was secur ed, the buyers preserving the fruit in large barrels for shipment to Califor nia. Prices for the Bings, Tartarians and other similar varieties will run from 31.50 to 32.00 according to the best figures available. Bought Cavalry Horses Two cars cf cavalry horses bought by "Jinks Taylor and Mr. Russell in Wallowa county, were unloaded a few days ago at Athena and will be driven to Walla Walla to be received by the govern ment Weston Leader. Storm Near Athena A heavy rain which nearly assumed the proportions of a cloud burst passed over the coun try southeast of Athena, Wednesday evening. Standing grain was knockeJ down, several farmers reporting dam age in this respect, among them being Walter Adams and Ed Lafave. Athe na Press. LOST! IN CITY TRAFFIC AND COUNTRY DRIVING Many millions of gallons of gasoline. Finder please return to all automobile owners except the FRANKLIN THE CAR WHICH HAS CAUSED WAR TO BE DECLARED ON GASOLINE Pendleton 8 1 2 Johnson St. Auto Go. Pendleton, Ore. Bit tor Campaign - Close. TORONTO. June 27. With the slogan, "Banish the Bar." Newton Wealey Rowell closed the liberal cam paign for members of the new pro vincial parliament to be elected Mon day. The campaign was one of the bitterest in the history of the prov MiUon Tomatoes Ripe New toma toes have made their appearance In the markets, the first few to ripen be ing brought in Wednesday. Regular shipments will commence the first of the week. The price to begin with will run about 31-75 per crate Milton Eagle. Wlieat Market Still OW Evidently the grain buying houses have secur ed all the wheat they nood for imme diate use and aer now out of the market The local buyers all report nothing doing and are quoting prices that do not attempt the farmers to sell. A letter from Mayer Mitcnei to ne read in the schools is to be followed by the "little mothers" in the first classes signing the pledge to be the baby's friend. The program in the schools pro vided for talks by teachers of child hygiene and nurses and practical dem on stration on how to care for the baby. Much of the educational work of baby week will center about the milk stations. There wil lbe special lec tures on matters of infant hygiene. The seaside hospital of St John's aulld at Newdrop on Staten Island, opened. During last season 28.000 mothers and babies were carried on the guild's floating hospital and 2000 were accommodated in the Staten Is land hospital. To riodjre "Little Mothers." NEW YORK, June 27. The little girls of 10 and 12 years who mind the baby while mother is out are be ing honored at the opening of a weeks campaign conducted by the city health department for baby welfare. Terrazas in No Danger. EL PASO. Texas, June 27. General Villa notified the state department at Washington that General Luis Terra zas. Jr., who has been the subject of representations by Secretary Bryan was in absolutely no personal danger. Terrazas has been held a prisoner at Chihuahua City as hostage because of the activity of his father, General Luis Terrazas, Sr., in the removing of cattle from the state. State of Vtali Not to Act SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, June 27. Governor Spry advised the Com mercial club traffic bureau that he found no law had been violated by the declaration of the Union Pacific special dividend of 380.000,000 and that the state would therefore take no action in the matter. TWO POSES OF JOHNSON WHO FIGHTS M0 RAN TODAY Take Uncle Sam's Word for It Our government inspected meats are pure, untainted and Just as repre sented Uncle Sam says so. You run no risk when trading at the Oregon! Market Phone 444 and try us. Adv. There's nothing so nice at this time of year, as a meal prepared from our fresh fruits and vegetables. It will keep you comfortable and preserve your "vim." Order from this list and the dinner will be a success 8 a FRESH VEGETABLES TOMATOES CUCUMBERS NEW POTATOES FRESH PEAS CAULIFLOWER NEW CABBAGE TURNIPS I RADISHES BTRINO BEANS LETTUCE ONIONS ' BEETS CARROTS FRESH FRUITS WATERMELONS PEACHES APRICOTS CANTELOUPS BINO CHERRIES ROYAL ANN CHERRIES PIE CHERRIES STRAWBERRIES RASPBERRIES PINEAPPLE COCOANUT3 ORANGES LEMONS Olives, Pickles, Cheese, Sardines, Kippered Salmon, Ete. I GRIGGS GROCERY FRANK M. GRIGGS, Prop. I 209 E. Court St Telephone 445 UUmnillUIIHIIHnilUIIIIUIIIillllIlllllllUllilUIIIIimilUll!Hlil!!!lli:itU!!llltl!ltlO Stockholders' Meeting. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Building and Loan Association will be held at the office of the secretary, Will Moore, 117 East Court street, in the City of Pendleton, Oregon, on Tues day June 30th, 1914, at 7 p. m. R. ALEXANDER, President. WILL MOORE. (Adv.) Secretary. : ) Notice. All parties indebted to E. B. Walk er, Jeweler, No. 129 East Court St.. City, will please take notice that all payments must be made in person or sent to the above address, and that no one has authority to collect money or incur any indebtedness for account of the above named business, except on presentation of written authority to do so. MRS. E. B. WALKER. (Adv.) Manager Plan Is Urged. BAKER, Ore., June 27. Petitions were completed and a proposed char ter amendment filed for the abolish ment of the commission form of gov ernment in Baker and the substitution of the city manager plan. The proposal will be voted on at the general election in Nobember, and, if carried, will be followed by anoth er election In ten days of five commis sioners to serve at nominal pay, who shall employ a city manager from any part of the country at an annual sal ary of not to exceed $3600. Prisoners Fight names. MILWAUKEE. Wis., June 27. Fifty-three prisoners at the Molwau kee House of Correction got their names on the honor roll when they placed their lives in Jeopardy in fight ing a fire which destroyed the big barn on the prison farm at North Milwaukee. Nineteen head of Holxtein cattle, fourteen horses and a large amount of machinery were saved by the pris oners. The building, valued at 112,-1 000, was destroyed. ' " J t :h -s-y Finn A f f ' j I t : mil H FIRST ROO YESTERDAY TEOIS TOURMIENT Th scores in the first round of the handicap tournament held at the courts of the Pendleton Tennis club yesterday, resulted as mollows: " Nelson beat Owen 6-0, t-0; Bowler teat Crockatt C-4. (-C; Johns beat Chloupek -2. C-3; Oliver beat Sturgis 6-3, 3-6, 9-7; Marsh beat Aldrich 6-3, 4-6. 6-4; McKlnney beat Spell 6-1. 6-2. Dickson and Bishop played two sets, the former winning the first 6-4, while the latter took the second set after a bard fought game, 8-6. This afternoon, commencing promptly at 4, Rinehart will play At kins, Marsh with Bowler and McKln ney with Johns. The prizes for the winners will be a Bilver cup donated by Royal Saw telle for first place, while La Dow's Sporting Goods Store has donated a pair of tennis shoes for the second place winner. In the doubles, which will be play ed next week, the prizes will be. a ten nis racquet donated by Frazler'and a sweater donated by the Peoples Warehouse. Serene E. Payne Is 71. WASHINGTON, June 27. Serene E. Payne, congressman from New York and who- helped frame the Payne-Aldrich tariff bill, and who was dethroned In the famous rules fight which relegated "Uncle Joe" Cannon to the ranks, is 71 years old. The New York congressman m-as re cipient of hearty and cordial con gratulations from his many friends in congress, his friends of the "other side" who are his political enemies, leading in an informal demonstration In Payne's honor. Speaker Clarke was expected' to follow his program of last year and congrtulate Congressman Payne from the chair. Jack Johnson Is said In Paris des patches to have reached flrst-clasi form for his fight with Frank Moran for the championship of the world. Few Americans will believe It till they see him well trained. They don't think a fighter can remain out of the ring four years particularly when he has reached Johnson's age and still regain his old form. Consider, too, that Johnson has been drinking much. The fight has attracted much atten tion In France, where they are fight mad. A battle for the championship of the world, the first one to be held on French soli since Sullivan and Hitchell fought at ChantlUa, has SANTO DOMINGO OBJECTS TO ONE OF Ol U CONSULS SANTO DOMINGO, June 26. The Dominican government has asked the United States government for the im mediate withdrawal of the American consul at Puerto Plata, Frank Henry Anderson of Wilmington. Del., on the ground that he has sided with the re bellion. Mr. Anderson has been sta tioned there a year and a half. The electoral college met to choose a president to take office July 1. Re turns of the voting from the senators and deputies representing seven prov inces Indicate the election of Provis ional President Bordas by a Urge majority. Ex-President Wos y Gil has been elected a senator. aroused the Parisians. The sale of stats will be more than $60,000 if the Frenchmen's predictions are verified. It is hardly possible the fight would draw that sum in the United States. Johnson has so lost the confidence of the public and Mornn has come so fur from acquiring it that American would pay no such amount to see them fight NOTICE OF BIDS FOR STREET IM PROVEMENT. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office f the City Recorder, in Pendleton, Ore gon up to July th at 5 o'clock P. M. for the improvement of Matlock Street from the north line of Court Street to the Toe of the Levee of the Uma tilla river by paving the same with Gravel Bitulithic pavement and other wise improving the same as shown on plans and specifications now on fil In the office of the City Recorder, all bids must specify as follows: Gravel Bitulithic Pavement, including the surface, fin inshlng course and bitumi nous foundation, per square yard 3 Excavation, per cubic yard. $ Concrete curb, straight per lineal foot $ Fill or embankment Pr cu bic yard $ Inlets each $ " Pipe, per lineal foof.... $ Trench. 4 to 6 feet drep.... I Retaining wall, pr cubic yd 8 For entire Improvement com plete $ Each bid must be actx-mpaiited by a certified check in th sum of 8100.00, made payable to the order of the Mayor of The City of IVr.dleton. to be returned to the bidder If unsuc cessful, and to be forfeited If bid Is accepted and he bidder fails to enter into a contract In accordant- with the terms of his said bid, and th Common Council reserves the rirht to rtj-ct any and all bid. Dated this 27th day of J in. lH TIIO.S. Kir, OhUAU, City i'.ecordcr.