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DAILY EVENING EDITION TO ADVERTISERS. . , The Rut Oreg-onlan baa th largest pal circulation. of any paper In OrtKon, cut of Portland and over twice tb clrculatloa la Pendleton ol any other newspaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. VOL 2& I II AG SLAUGHTER ISF BODIES ARE TAKEN FROM 1 HOSPITAL TO BE SENT HOME - Pro-Austrian Crowd in Angry Mood, Charging That Plot Exists Against Their People. SERVIAN SHOPS IRE SUCKED TrooM and Police Clash With Mobs I-attcr Have Better of Encounters Hostile Feeling Continues to (,riH Arrangements Made to Soul Hollies Homo. ' SERAJEVO, Juno 29. Troops oc cupied 'strategic iMilnts at Serajovo till afternoon, after a drum and trumpet Bounded a warning for clear ing the streets. It to understood the activity to duo Jess to the anti-Servian rloilna: than the erosion of a bomb, niiKed!y by Serbians In the center of the city, Injuring several persons. Carrying the enieror's portrait, hundreds of Austrian paraded the city, looting Servian stores and real denocH. More than 20 Servians were badly beaten. SERAJEVO, June 29 As a sequel to Sunday's assassinations, pro-Austrian mobs began rioting today. The peo ple charged an extensive Servian con spiracy existed against the archduke and Auetrlans generally. Mobs sacK ed scores of Servian shops and are reported to have killed several Ser vian residents. It Is feared there will be a general slaughter when the mur dered duke and his wife are removed from the army hospital for shipment to Vienna. The fury of the crowds Is increasing. In several encounters with troops and police, the rioters had the better of the fighting. The official account was that the archduke's last words were: "Sophie, you must live for our children." Dr. Dynes, commander of the ar srmy hospital, embalmed the bodies. Arrangements are being made to ship the bodies to Vienna tonight They will be taken by special train to Metkovltch, where they will be put on board an Austrian battleBhlp and escorted by a squadron of warships to Trlete. thence by rail to the capital, where they will arrive Thursday. It was announced the archduke will not be burled In the Imperial crypt at Capuchin church. Vienna, but be side his wife In a private crypt In the castle of Amstetten. overlooking the Danube river. LONDON. Jpne 29. An unexplod ed bomb found by the- police at Sera jovo. unquestionably Is one of those Intended for Archduke Ferdinand, ac cording to a Vienna dispatch. It was made in a Servian gun factory at Ktagujevac, said the message, which added that a large sum of money was found in the room of the assassin, Prinslp. , LONDON. June 29 King George designed Prince Arthur of Connauaht to represent England at the arch duke's funeral. A number of British noblemen Is expected to accompany him to Vienna. - FLETCHER SAYS GARRANZA STAU1K6 OS MEDIATION ADMIRAL from vera cruz is IN WASHINGTON to &.J PRESIDENT. WASHINGTON, June 29. Admiral Fletcher arrived at Washington from Vrn. Crua last night to see the presi dent. It Is said he suspected that Car ranza Is "stalling" in connection with sending representatives to Niagara Falls. It Is expected In administration cir cles that the mediators will ask Bryan shortly to make good his guarantee of a constitutionalist representation be fore them. ' i i NIAGARA FALLS, June 29. That mediation between the United States and Mexico has succeeded, ending his own and his colleague's work, was the statement of Argentine Minister Kaon. "Our duty Is done," he said. "Ev erything rests now with the Mexican people. I cannot say how much long er we will remain here." Nothing further has been, heard irom the constitutionalists. - L jr ! j- - ' 1 - i.i . i i I.. .I.... - . ' ' ' . - i-,.- i '"" ',,., i i . , . , .. , -i.i-,, ,.,,' O W ii ii ... i I DAILY CONSTITUTIONALITY OP TAX LAW UPHELD , DETROIT, June 29. Federal Judge Tuttle upheld the consti- tutlonallty of the Income tax law. John H. Dodge, a manufacturer, questioned Its validity. The case will go to the federal supreme court. OVER 1000 PASSENGERS TRANSFERRED TO SAFETY STEAMSHIP CAIJPORXIA ROCKS IS LYING IN DAN GEROUS POSITION. ON LONDON, June 29. Wireless ad vices received stated that 1016 passen gers on the Anchor Line steamer Cal ilornla, which grounded last night on the rocks of Tory island, near Done gal In a dense fog, have been trans ferred to the steamer Casandra. The California's bow was stove in and the two forward compartments flooded. Thy vessel's position Is considered dangerous, but the owners are confi dent she will be saved. PANIC ENSUES ON VESSEL AS ENGINES ARE REVERSED SAN FRANCISCO, June 29. Pas sengers on the steamship President, from Victoria and Seattle, are report ed In a panic on the vessel off Point Reyes. The ship passed the point In a thick fog. and hearing a warning Captain Zeh, decided it would be safer farther off shore. The vibration when the engines were or dered reversed shook the President 'so badly it woke the passengers, many of whom rushed on deck in alarm. The crew quickly quieted them. Mrs. Ronyagc Is Dead. LONDON, June 29. After a long Illness at the residence of her son-in- law Viscount Deerhurst, the eldest son of the Earl ' of Coventry. Mrs. Charles William Bonyngn of San Francisco, died here today. STAUNCH VILLA SUPPORTER CONUNDS JUAREZ GARRISON r i - Old. Tomes Oretas. General Villa has appointed Col. Tomas Oretas to command the rebel garrison at Juares. He has placed the town under martial law. oretas Is a staunch supporter of the rebel chief. EARED WHEN 1 EAST OREGOXIAN, PEXDLETOX, OREGON MONDAY, JUXE 29, 19H T B AT REED HOME TO BE Residence Midway Between Gibbon and Bingham Springs is Totally Destroyed by Flames. RUMORS SAY INCEKDIARISM Mrs. Reed Said to Have Acaed Queer ly Preceding I Haze One .Person Declares He Saw Woman Apply Matcli Insurance Company Will Likely Probe Into Stories. Fire yesterday afternoon completely destroyed the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Reid midway between Gibbon and Bingham Springs and since the burning ugly rumors have been aflot concerning the origin of the fire. The rumors, some of which are well defined, implicate Mrs. Reed and will probably result' In an Investiga tion. The fire occurred between 2 and S o'clock In the afternoon and, there be ing no way to fight it, burned rapidly and quickly destroyed the house and most of the contents. The place was leased, by Claude Estes, formerly of this city, but Mrs. Reed was living there. Mr. Reed is In Seattle. According to reports coming down from Bingham Springs today, Mrs. Estes had telephoned to Bingham be fore the fire stating that Mrs. Reed was acting as If demented and that she (Mrs. Estes) feared the woman would burn the house. Another re port- Is that-she was--teen-- pouring kerosene about the house before the fire but the most damaging story told against her Is by a young man who works for Estes, who declares he saw her apply the match. He told this yesterday to a prominent local resident who was enroute to Bingham and who stopped to watch the fire. Also he made the same statement to others. Insurance to the amount of (1500 was carried on the, house and $1000 on the contents with Bentley Lef- fingwell of this city. They will Inveg. tigate the rumors which are afloat to ascertain whether they are founded on fact or mere gossip. HOLDMAN MAKES PLANS FOR CELEBRATION ON FOURTH COMMITTEES ELECTED AND EX CELLENT PROGRAM IS BE ING PROMISED. HOLDMAN, Ore., June 29. A called meeting of the Holdman citizens Frl day decided unanimously to celebrate the fourth In real old time style, with spread eagle orations, races, sports, red , lemonade, fireworks and all ac cessories necessary for a good time. The necessary committees were ap pointed and all entered Into the work with a vim and a determination to surpass all previous efforts to such an extent that "Ye oldest inhabitant" shall say, "the best ever." Hon. J. T. I Hinkle of Hermlston, state represen tative, has been secured as orator of the day. The Holdman Glee Club will furnish Inspiring music for the oc casion. The ladles of the United Brethren church will furnish one of its famous twenty-five cent dinner and Ice cream In the afternoon. A ball team is being recruited In Pendleton and as the Holdman team has never been defeated on Its home grounds an'd very seldom elsewhere an exciting game Is expected. Generous prises will be offered foi all races and games and some excit ing contests are expected. The young folks and some of the older ones will dance In the evening. In order that a general good time may be had and all disagreeable ele ments eliminated as much as possible special officers will be appointed to preserve order. A general Invitation Is extended to everybody who wants good time to come to Holdman. CLOUDBURST DAMAGES CITY'S BUSINESS SECTION SIGNAPORE, June 29. Heavy damage by cloudburst at Benkoelen, Sumatra, Sunday night la reported In a message from the scene of the downpour. The buslnrs section, It was stated, was nearly drowned out by the torrential rain. Many build ings collapsed. It was Benkolen which was shaken by earthquake a few days ago. HI ED ? ,"1: PETER I RENOUNCES ) CROW NOF SERVIA A Crown Prince) Alexander. BELGXtADMjWune 9. King Peter I. of Servla. has abdicated the throne In favor of his second son, Prince Alexander, because of ill health. The king left Belgrade for Vranya baths and a royal proclamation was Issued. It said: "Owing to ill health I am unable to perform my duties and In accordance with paragraph 69 of the Servian constitution I confide t government of Servia to my heir, the Crown Prince Alexander." Peter Karageorgevltch, v.' "no is nearly 70 jeara of age, was proclaimed king In 1903. after King Alexander and Queen Draga were murdered by a clique of military assassins. Portland millers are to be allowed to bid for army supplies. REBELS ABANOON CHASE FOR LACK OF AMMUNITION VILLA AND STAFF ARRIVE TORREON NEW MOVE SURPRISE TO ALL. AT TORREON, June 29. General Vil la and his staff have arrived here from the south. It Is stated his entire force would dIso return here. This was a surprise, since it was expected that the federals having evacuated Aguas Calientes and fallen back on Quere turo. the rebels would push on In pur suit at their best speed. The expla nation given was they lacked ammu nition. Hood River county will vote on a 1 75,000 bond issue for the Columbia highway. NEWS SUMMARY General. ArdMlnke Ferdinand and Ids Wire of Austria are murdered by awasNin. Riot break out against Servians. Passengers on steamship Califor nia are taken off vessel after It goes alre. Every precaution being taken in European capitals to protect rulers from assault by agitators.- Arrests be ing made by wliolesaie. Local. Ijou Reed home near Gibbon burns; suspicion points to Incendiarism. . Mcrcliaiits will dose stores on tho Fourth. Murum car goes Into ditch and is wrecked. -. Nebergall alleges his wife couldn't treat him civilly for $500. James Renner, thrown from wagon, sustains broken bones. Little boy burns foot badly by walk ing on tin roof. Religious Indians to hold big canpnieetlng. Panama canal may lie used for hauling wheat this fall. Pendleton takes complete series from Yakima. G I I 4 "" Ays' - I ... J 0 EVERY CARE III Till III PROTECT OF Authorities Provide Extra Guards for Crowned Heads and Prominent Men as Result of Assassinations. AGITATORS UNDER ARREST Dispatciica from Every Capital In E!iroe Tell of Steps Being Taken to Prevent Similar Attempt A Tliat Which Ended in Death ol Austrian Arclidiike and Wife. LONDON, June 29- Dispatches from nearly every capital in Europe told of extra precautions to protect rulers and Important public men against attempts like the one which cost the lives of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, and his consort of Aus tria on Sunday. Guards have been strengthened and arrests made of known agitators and suspects. Police and military authorities were alert In every city. BABY BURNS FEET WHILE STANDING ON TIN ROOF 18-MONTHS-OLD JACK OLIPHANT MEETS WITH PAINFUL ACCI DENT YESTERDAY. . A victim of the sun's heat yester day, Jackie, the eighteen-months-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ollphant, is suffering from two badly burned feet received when he stepped out tf the window of his room to a tin roof. His mother was Just preparing him for the bath and was fixing the water when the little fellow stepped on to the roof which, under the sun's rays. had become as hot as a stove. His (-creams attracted her attention but befoie she could rescue him, both feet had been terribly blistered. A physician was summoned and the in juries dressed but It will be some time befoie the little fellow will be able to walk. THROWN FROM LOAO OF HAY YOUNG MAN BADLY INJURED Thrown from a load of hay when Ms four mule team became entangled rnd unmanageable, James Renner, a young man employed on the John Crow ranch, this morning was run ever and injured so seriously that he will probably be under the care of a nhysician for six or eight weeks at best. His lower Jaw was broken and both bones of one of his forearms. He was driving down a hill at the time of the accident, which occurred about 8 this morning on the Crow- ranch. The wagon running upon the wheel team forced them to crowd the leaders with the result that all four soon became unmanageable. The wa gon was cramped and Renner thrown to the ground. One of the rear wheels passed over his neck, shoulder and arm and, besides breaking the bones mentioned, bruised and lascer ated him badly. The forearm wa broken midway between the elbow and wrist. He was brought to St. Anthony's hospital where Dr. T. M. Henderson set the fractures. The doctor believes he will recover from his Injuries but states that It will be some time before they are entirely healed. His borne is in Portland. Si out Heroine Gets Reward. WASHINGTON. June 29- For he r Ic conduct In saving the Ufe of u man who had been overcome by gas while dibblng a well. Miss Lorls Llpp roan, a girl scout of Savannah, Ga., has been awarded a prize of $50 by the National Red Cross society, it was the first award made to the girl scouts by the society. Elocution Teachers Meet. EVANSTON. III.. June 29. The twenty-third annual convention of the National Speech Arts' association opened here and will be in session all week. Teachers of elocution, oratory and the dramatic arts from all over the country are attending. Sugges tions as to methods of standardizing Instruction in public speaking will be considered at the meetings. Recitals will be given each evening. RULERS F AS RESULT OF COTTON FUTURES BILL PASSED IX HOUSE o WASHINGTON, June 29. By a vote of 84 to 21, the house passed the Lever "cotton fu- tures" bill to regulate speculation on cotton exchanges. . . MACHINE STRIKES DITCH WHILE TRAVELING AT RAPID RATE OF SPEED. Striking a ditch in the road just north of the Lee street bridge while going at a lapid speed, the big Win ton six of John'Mu:nm Saturday ev ening was completely wrecked, but not one of the seven occupants were injured, though all were thrown out. The damage done to the car. is esti mated at 1600. . Mumm was taking six farmhands to his ranch after nightfall. Recent ly a new culvert was placed across the road, and, not being as long as the old one, at each end the ditch was tpen. In the1" "darkness, Muronv went too far to one Bide and one wheel struck the ditch with terrific force. The wheel crumpled up, the steering geer and front axle were twisted, the fenders bent and the engine badly damaged. Fire broke out soon after but was extinguished before much damage was done. Mumm sustained some bruised ribs and several of the ether occupants were slightly Injured. The owner of the car carried no col lision Insurance. The car has been brought in to the Oregon garage for repairs. Another auto . accident occurred Saturday night when a Maxwell car owner unknown, backed Into the mill- race near the temporary bridge being' usea wnue xne wun rireei oriage is. under course of construction. WIFE HAS MISTREATED HIM LONG TIME; SEEKS DIVORCE WILD HORSE FARMER HAS WOE FUL STORY OF MARRIED VNHAPPINESS. W. H. Nebergall. Wild Horse farm- FA OF HQR TO THRONE AND WIFE AUTO IECKE0 BUT OCCHIITS ESCAPE er, today started suit against his wife . nand. his nephew next In line for the for a divorce and the keynote to hi? j Austrian-Hungarian throne, had been complete Is the allegation that at one ' slain with his wife In the streets of time he offered his wife $500 not to'Serajevo, in Bosnia province. As th mistreat him for a month but that she broke her agreement in two days. , His complaint is a long tale of woe. He charges that his wife is Insanely jealous and has accused him, falsely and slanderously, of undue Intimacy with many girls and women ranging in ages from nine to sixty.. Only 10 days ago, she accused him wrongly of making love to her 14 -year old grand daughter. ' - I As an evidence of the cruelty with which she treated htm, he avers that In 1912 while living In Pendleton, be broke his leg so badly that he was forced to use crutches for two years. Thereafter, whenever hi wife grew mad at him,- which was often he al leges, she would kick him on his broken leg. Other charges Include tongue - lashing him all night for an act of neighborly kindness! threat ening to poison, shoot and kill him. abusing him before a crowd of 80 people, cursing him and driving away his hired help. In fact, he alleges, she" made life burdensome for every one about the place Including the hired help and the relatives. The. couple were married In Baker In September, 1S97. Plaintiff asks for a divorce and for a restraining order to keep her off the place during the pendency of the suit, plaintiff being fearful of his life. J. A. Fee Is his at torney. . Sought After 1,500,000 Years. NEW YORK. June 29. The fossil field at Agate, Neb., Is to be searched for specimens of the ' ancient moro- pus, a big clawed ungulate, said to have existed 1.600.000 years ago. The American Museum of Natural hlsUry desires a specimen and Is to send a party headed by Albert Thompson t J l.ok for It. DAILY EVENING E0ITI0.1 Forecast for Eastern Oregon. b United States Weather Observe at Portland, Fair tonight and Tuesday! CITY OFFICIAL PAPER XO. S220 n J ASSASSINATION Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and Princess of Hohenberg are Instantly Killed. MANY ARRESTS ARE MADE Widespread Servian Plot to Supcctl by the Police l-Year-Okl Student Fires Fatal Bullet After Royal Pair Escape from Bomb Which Wast Hurled at Their Auto. ASSASSINATION WILL PROMOTE PEACE. SAYS ENGLISH STATESMAN LONDON, June 2. "The passing of Francis Ferdinand has greatly bettered the pros pect for continued peace in Europe." was the statement of Sir Thomas Barclay, England's foremost international lawyer and originator of the Anglo- French "entente Cordiale." "It seems a pitiless thing to say," he continued, "but the danger of war In central Eu rope is greatly lessened by the assassination. Francis Ferdi nand was a bitter, bigoted man. He leaned strongly toward mill- tary measures to repress those who opposed his policies which always have aroused hatred. Archduke Karl Is a young. modest student of economics. He is willing to take the advice of his elders." ' SERAJEVO. Bosnia. June 29. Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, and the Princess of Hohenberg. his mor gantic wife, were shot dead yesterday by a student in the main street of the Bosnian capital a short tim aftr thev ha(1 SCHwA dpat from hmh hurled at the rovat auto They vere knie, whlle passin3 through the city on their annual visit th anpXfrd nPvInr.p nf Rnsml n.t Herzegovina. The archduke was struck full in the face and the princess was shot through the abdomen and throat. . They died a few minutes after reaching the pal- T"" T VIENNA. June 29. Emperor Fran cis Joseph's death from the shock f his heir's assassination Is feared. The aged ruler seemed dazed Sunday when told that Archduke Francis Ferdi- weather is intensely hot. it is fearel this will add to the collapse of the emperor. Serajevo Is under martial la-. Scores of arrests have been made. Cabrlnovltch, a newspaper corres pondent who tried but failed ! to kill (Continued on page five.) OIL INTERESTS BLAMED : FOR REBEL DIFFERENCES PLOT TO CONTROL MEXICAN RAILROADS CAUSED VILLA1' T OUALK. NEW YORK. June 29 That a plot by American oil Interests to get control of the railroads In northern Mexico caused the break between Cur ransa and Villa la asserted here. Car lansa. It was learned, proposed the appointment of Alberto Pant, 'said to be friendly to these Interests, as man ager of the lines. Villa, It appeared, vetoed the selection and continued General Calzado In position, despite the fact Carranza extorted a resigna tion from the latter. The New Tor Herald published what purported tu be correspondence between Henry Pierce, an oil magnate, and fiher Hopkins, Carranza's confiden tial advisor In Washington. " - ! it Laborers Injured In Expldon. W MILWAUKEE, June 29. Twenty two laborers were Injured, 'vrl probably fatally, by an explosion , In 'a tunnel 1000 feet out aud 10 frt below the surface of Lake Michigan. The cause Is unknown. r RULER FEARED