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EIGIIT PAGES TUILIA MEETING IS IT TO CLOSE EC.UirMEXT FKOVES HIGHLY MtXIXSII'L- TKMPER.1XCE IS T1IE THEME. (By J. M. Coraellaon.) The encampment of the Tutullla ccarregaUba closed m ith the aenrlcea -biath; timing. During the time of aampmret special emphasis ha t fcilj o temperance work anJ infraction to voters relative to the fatl ruction. Incident to this Mr. R. P. Hutton. assistant superintend ent f the Oregon Anti-Saloon League, was Ith the ramp and addressed the People several times. He was well received and left a food Impression ta the minds of the Indiana. The Total!! congregation shared their feast with the Cay use camp and on f and-iT afternoon a large crowd of the Christian Indians accompanied Br. Kattoa to Cayuse where he ad dressed aa aa-lience of three hundred r more, both white visitors and In lians. All were given a healthy welcome by Car-tain sHiomkln. the head man f tie Cay use camp, and Captain hnmiLla responded m a hearty wet ctme address, saying: "I am fully la sympathy with what on have been teX'xg as and I know the evils of Intemperance, it has destroyed many cf eur strcng young- mea and chil dren, and unless It is stoppej there will be nothing left of our people but the old women. But what I want to knew and be assared of la that In case we are able to pat the saloons out f bustsea will it also be possible to! eSttt ap the drugstores? Unless we! do this tt seem te me a futile effort. ( I want to say to you. I Join hands with ya In this work and I expect te rc-ter and cast my vote In the fall against this, our enemy and destroyer.- Kev. B. F. Harper preached the ttrmB Sncday morning and assisted tie missionary. J. M. Corneilson. in tie jirtr!y communion service. Tie Interest was very good during The entire encampment and 141 par teek cf the Fourth of July dinner aad later Joined in many games. !t. B. F. Harper kft for MUtoa 6 FARM AND O CITY LOANS May b obtained to repay mort gages, remove encumbrances, pur cfca or Improve, real estate, from to tea years time. Special r.ileres; corresaoadeac Invited. X C. General Agewcy. 7I Cas A nertrte BUc Deavcr, Cola, or rbrtaa Bid, Saa Francisco, Taltx. That New Soap NYAL'S Face Cream SOAP uanifiHiuiHiKiiiinmiinummr For Sale Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best . i . ME before you build no matter if it' a home, a barn. out-buHfJing, or a- remocleling of your house or store interior -V I m A 5ash, doon, thlngle, liar 'J wood, store front! 2nd fixture, rosU, pbster, brick, eand oefiient, roofing, tic, Vood and Rock Springs Coal L. BURROUGHS his home, this morninc. Mr. Hutton Is In Pendleton for conference with the Umatilla County Ministerial society alons; the lines of his cam palipi work fur the county. Stings or bites of Insects that are followed by swellings, pain or Itching should be treated promptly as thev ar poisonous. BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT counteracts the poison. It lr both antiseptic and healing. Price 25c. SOc and 11.00 per bottle. Sold by all dealers. Adv. 0 5. Hr-l-l I'I'-ONE AUKKSTKU- X)ll THT niOM DEKKXDKK MINE JACKSON. July 4. J. V. Jones, an employe in the Defender mill. 20 miles east of here, was arrested at Gait, chargnd with having robbed the mill of amalgam. He was returned to Jackson in charge of the -therlff and lodged in Jail. When the baby la suffering the double affliction of hot weather and bowel disorders, the remedy needed Is McGEE'S BABT ELIXIR. It re duces the feverish conditions, corrects the stomach and checks looseness of the bowels. Price 25c and 50c per bottle. Sold by all dealers. Adv. r.iST TKAIX ItOIJA OYKK KMBAXkMKNT KICHWOOD. Ky.. July 4. Queen and Crescent southbound fast passen ger train No. 11. the "Royal Palm special." running between Chicago and Jacksonville, was wrecked near here when the rails gave way on a new fill. The engine and two car rolled over a twenty-foot embank ment. The fireman Jumped, but the engineer stuck to his post and was badly crushed. The passengers es caped Injury. A bad taste In the mouth comes from a disordered stomach and back of that Is usually a torpid liver a condition which invites disease. HER BINE Is the remedy needed. It cor rects the stomach and makes the liv er active and regular. Price 50c. SoU by all dealers. Adv. Finland Stacgcrs liWng Co. PORTLAND. Ore.' July 4. The hirh ,t of living problem Is being solved here to some extent by the people f Portland through the estab lishment f a municipal market In one of the principal streets of the -iv Althnuch opened but a month ago. the market has expanded until l now occupies two blocks, t runs, vegetables, poultry, dairy foods. In fact even thing produced on the farm U being sold by the producer direct to th. consumer at prices that are com pelling grocers to cease carrying these foodstuffs. An added Incentive to trade at the public market is the freshness of the products offered lor sale. When you feel laxy. out of sorts and vawn a good deal In the daytime. you can charge it to a torpid liver which has allowed the system to get full of impurities. HERBINE cures 11 disorders produced by an Inactive liver. It strengthens that organ, cleans the bowels an l puts the sys tem In good healthy condition. Price Sc. Sol 1 by all dealers. Adv. Sl.OOO.OOO list Jlaniwd. NEW Vi'RK. July 4 Application f.w the conotructlon of a 12-story fire proof apartment house for Vincent Artor has bn filed with the building superintendent The structure will ccupr the entire Broadway block from Eighty-ninth to Ninetieth street and from 20J to 20 Eighty-ninth street snd Z tt 212 Ninetieth street Charles A. Tlatt Is the architect, and the cost hss been placed at 11.00. v. Doing hsrd work In bent or stoop ing pnitton puts a stitch In the back that Is painful. If the muscles have become sprained, you can't get rid of It without help. The great penetrat ing power of BALLARD'S ENOW LIN IMENT will appeal to you most strongly at such times, because It Is the very thing yoa need. Prlco I5c. lc and M M per bottle. Sot J by all dealers Adv. juintiuniinnmiuimiiir. get my prices U you want it cheep or good, we can 11 your cider MILL WORK TO ORDER TLj gfeatt-fct ttock nd variety in UmtUilt Co Wit y oi JIATTOMIOftECOAy, PENDLETON, OREGON. JMOXDAY, JULY 'J, 1914. HOLD-l'l MK'.V 1OXr"IiS TO TISAIX UOIIUKKY, (Contlnued from page one.) About J:30 he met th .n ! walking on the track lust at Hilrard' which is only 17 miles euxt of the' scene of the robbery. He fjuestioned J them and asked If they knew Hugh 1 v nuney. "He Is my cousin." prompt ly admitted Stoner and It was this ad mission that decided the officer to hold them. He did not search them then but upon reaching La Grande found $355 cash on them. This was tnother suspicious circumstance and notification was sent to Sheriff Tay lor, who, with Chief Agent Woo.!, was en route to Kamela to run down another clew. They wired back to hold the men until their arrival. The two officers reached La Grande about 5:40 a. m. and went uirecuy to me county Jail. The La Grande officers had failed to shakts the prisoners In their story that they; knew nothing of the hold-up and ad- muiea afterwards that they would piobably have released them later. After comparing them with the de scriptions received from the railroad men. both Taylor and Wood were convinced they were the robbers and commenced to "work" upon them. Stoner, the more youthful. wa se lc-cted first and steadfastly denied anv connection with the robbery. The of- there la hardly a neighborhood in ficers talked to him quietly, assuring ! "' cit-v. town or hamlet in this them they had the evidence against country wherein some woman has them and that it would be better foi ' "t found health in this good olJ hlm to make a frank confession, i fashioned root and herb remedy. If "You boys don't look to me like you S'ou are suffering from some woman- are old hands at this business and It will be better for you to make a clean breat of It." Taylor told him and aft er a good deal of persuasion. Stoner admitted his identity and told lull story. the Meadors was then taken off by himself and questioned. He was even more stubborn than his companion, He admitted knowing Manning but alluring description of the wonderful held fat to his story that he and gambling and amusement resort it in fctoner had no connection with tha tends to launch. j The company is to acquire 250 acres "Have you and Stoner been tojeth-jof land and to operate under a char- er for the past week?" he waa asked. ' ter "Insuring absolute freedom from Yes." was the answer. au interference for a period of twen- Would It have been possible for ty-five years." according to the prom- him to have taken part in the rob- of ,u progpectus. but no state- -O..UU.. ,ur auinj hj- lay- lor queried. "No." he replied. "Then if he says you and he wen with Manning, wha' about It?" "He wouldn't make such a crazy statement," was the reply. Stoner was then brought in, some-! V. hat reluctantly, and VI...! dors saw that It was true his pal had confessed, he backed up at once. "If that's the way of It," he said. I "I give up. I'll tell you anything you want to know." Search for Ilooty. j After that It was not difficult to- get the full story and their promtse to take the officers to where they had cached their plunder. Securing a special train, the four men were con- I veyed to the point where Deputy Patcheler had arrested the men. ' There they recovered the big dla-( mond ring stolen from H. B. Royce ot Walla Walla, and two other rings, one set with opals and the other with an emerald. Meadors had bad them tied together In a back pocket when picked up but. pleading that he want ed a drink, was permitted to stoop ever the water. Undetected he lifted up a rock In the bed of the stream and deposited the tell-tale rings un der it. This was in Five Point creek. Another smaller diamond ring was found along the track where Mea dors had thrown it as Batcheler or dered them to step aboard the ca- Loose of a pasning freight. Having secured this much of the ' bootv. the train went on to Meacham nd while Chief Agent Wood kept nieat. The bear threw aside the food Meadors at the station. Stoner piloted r-eld out by the keeper. With one Sheriff Talor over the hills to the lurch he reached Zimmerman, caught ether caches. One waa located on his right leg in his mouth and tried one of the north prongs of McKay! to make a meal of it. treek under a bank. In it were thej The keeper yelled for help. A cTowd expreos orders. At milepost 2. a ( of spectators stood by and heard the hort distance from Glover siding. , animal crunch the bones in the man's the other eipress packages, two re- I ,.K but could lend him no aid. Wo volvers, one a .45 automatic and the men screamed and men ran f&f the ither a .11 Smith Wesson Special, j fher attendants. The bear was snd cartridge belts were found- finally driven off with long poles. Moner told Taylor a 2S-J0 rifle was J Zimmerman was rushed to a tAspen- tildden in anomer m. ..c ...... sway but they aid not go auer It. This rifle, they said, belonged to Manning. t'rod M-nipW With their visitors and all of the stolen booty, the two officers came tn down the mountain to Pendletoa in the special train, arriving here at 7:10. Fully 2000 people bad been waiting at the depot all afternoon, eager for a glimpse of the bandits When the three sections of No. 17 ar rived, men, women and children stampeded to the rear end only to be disappointed. The offkers put their men in a tsaU-ab at once but It was surround ed by such a mass of humanity that it could hardly proceed- All the a ay to the court liouae, the mob rated alongside and tha doors of the sheriffs difW bad to be locked to keep out the throng. Neither of the youthful robbers a-jM-ur.d in tlu U'dt eX'lted but luuh d lJ joed about the crowd tli u4 drawn A they were placrd in (lie jjll, they tullied and t hull kid the officers for the courtesy with vkhuh Ihey lud lt ell trrat-. TliruUKhoul I he trip in'Hlu-r hud been handcuff ti. Sheriff T"'or i 'lil f Ate M Wood ispr'M tlulr Implicit toiifl dill. In tin- stories I "Id by the oun lelluws to Hi" HfcC that llu had lielfr before beel implicated ill ally irliiiv and wei unly Influenced c take a hul4 ill tho ubUl b Mull Hills'. 4Ju1t fdeiiUfV. M unions". J'.wn thouyll ill o nu ll Iiu4 ceiled III '"pli' i sp'uru tar i Pin belli, II olll'i l Iji II. V tli HiyliM .Jll )l K' J (liclll UP III II il"H linn'. Im Imd I'lucllcully SMUIt4 l mcS.i I ! iji ad bulidX " in. I llull VMilllie) but MUS M.lii'"i !""!' I'ud been .,i,li.i u luk I "I III." null. ..dbic j i Mjiuilntr wii I Llllli!! Ill ll-'llll III cf J'". 4' Wl(ll It .i wm.i Hi I i .li M..t N..r,..n.,i 'Saturday through the bank anl throush the assistance of Chief Agent Joseph Jones of the Oretcon Khort Line, they had learned that the check had been canned in the saloon of Boomer Sc Fuller of Cokevllle. It bore their endorsement across the back- They had presented it for pay- mt'nt. ',toW'eJ mc-nt, had learned that it had been and had returned the check to Manning. They had also heard from Dr. Ma dera of Cokeillle to the effect that he had made out the prescription founl on the dead body. In copying the prescription, the Baker druggist had written the physician's name "Na deau." gtofferg had also been com municated with. Had they not found the two fugitives within a few Jay the two officers Intended going direct to Cokevllle to begin their search. Taylor and Wood worked almost without sleep or food from Thursday night until last night and their long tramI' through the mountains and """er narosnips. logetner with tne nervous Rtraln nave a'mot exhaust- ed them. The success of their efforts. however, makes them feel amply re paid. ASK YOU NKIGHUOIL So many thousands of women have been restored to health by Lydia E Plnkham's Vegetable Compound that '' wn' don't you try it? Adv, For Monte Carlo at Panama. LONDON, Eng., July 4. The "Ca- Kino National de Panama Company, Limited." with the early of Shrews- bury and Talbot as chairman, which plans to start a second Monte Carlo at Panama, gives In a prospectus an ,.. made of what authorltv is to give the charter and to insure the freedom from interference. The "ca sino is to include most of the attrac tions of Monte Carlo, a big hotel, an orchid garden which will be one of ; the wonders of the world, a, bathing Pavilion, pigeon shooting grounds. tennU court. 8lf courses and the BamDiing nan. Panama is advertised as a splendid winter resort. It is pointed out that passengers will have twenty-four hours on land while the steamer traverses the canal, so that a constant patronage is assured. Forty per cent dividends on the 4 pound shares are predicted, KpcuiNt-atlon there Is not so much In the ordinary vacation is there is In a single bottle of Hood's Sarsap arilla, which refreshes the tired blood, sharpens the dulled appetite, restores lost courage. Take Hood's Pa rsa par ilia this summer Adv, Ptdart Hear Attacks Kefjoer. ST. LOCIS. Mo.. July 4. Crazed by the excessive heat of the last few days a polar bear In the Forest park zoo attacked and severely injured its keep er here. The injured man. Henry P. Zimmerman. 2 years old. is at his home with one foot mangled and the other cut and badly bruised. Zimmerman had climbed to the top of tne b'&" outdoor cage to give the tr his customary evening meal of r. wh,re phjican, ld hu wound, would not prove fatal unless blood poisoning sets in. Hull at !-nre PrriU Many. CHICAGO. July 4. A realistic im itation of a bull fight was given near the loop with a snorting, charging, bellowing young bull and a bunch of overall clad toredors. The exhibition which alarmed pedestrians occurred in streets near the Dearborn street rail road station. For more than an hour the bull charged about the etreets. sending pedestrians scurrying in doorways and other places of refuge only to coax them out on the sidewalk a minute later to laugh at the eff.iru of express company employes to surround the rebellious beast. When the tredir crept up on the bull and Its rapture tuenied cvrluin. it would wheel about and dunh away with a bell.ia of tri u in ph. i ne nun. named i. jtrji.xa w us f n-1 kidneys In tlielr efforts to eipel It uily captured at Wm j:h, Brili (Sown1 from the blood. They become lug I'unul nirect. Athlete of Hie police i gluli and weaken, then u suffer w Ith department aided in he roundup The I dull misery In the kidney region, annual had l iulwn out a crai In sjsburp pul" In the back or sick liead f rein lit elicd near the icjil..rn street ache, dlxxlnes. your utoniadi mum 11 tit i'MllMSIled t.l l-'n.l,r l.wa "OHmii tru-" I iai.l. i'lil'A;, juiy i - fpei-ui u.. Hi. Of the Jtoleltlllli i i,..u,Ji ( 1el.e l.Kull.l an nil. hh, rhliiiM. (.r I I Hie .IiII,ii(.. ,,( i ('Mini. I.Iea I'i eli llie ., ..f jf J.-,n, M IHel. hullf. KM. f.'UllJ a dljfl fill li'l ('.'.I mi u H.iiijj Jv..ig l.jlik ''he 11 'i I Iejt.lli1li! . illl .. ( jih , ! ,)!,. I n II. .11 Villi Ml. ill Ihf ujleliU tellll ll "illHWIll (lUH' ill I'll,..,) Till' Mill nil ''HH au .Hu' I. f W'l l:, ..' ,n. Illllllilil . .in Imljlll .m illirl llu' II. if II. ' III 1. 1 1 1 Hi J ' ' I .il I fir i li' In. i, I,' l.lnl i' el .i I I, mull,, I j ..llu. I(. uf m -1 '. 1 1 1 1 . Mil1 i .Hi , Local Playhouses What the Pretw Agent Ha to Kay of Present and Coming Attractions. Orpheuiii. Tuesday and Wednesday one of the prettiest and most unuwual pictures shown In some time Is "Me and Bill," Two part Selig. Featuring Guy Oli ver, Wheeler Oakland and Bessie Eyton. An unusual and poetic play, show ing the life and love of father and son through three generations, with th! daughters and mothers with them. How the two pairs of chums begin life snd progress to silvered age make a series of wonderfully picturesque and Interesting human documents. "A Terror of the Night." Edison. The ninth page In the active life of "Dolly of the Dallies,- featuring Mary Fuller. Dolly Investigates a haunted house and turns the hose on the "ghost," who proves to be an old enemy of hers." "The Wages of Sin." Kalem. Fea turing Ruth Roland, the popular "Kalem Girl." in a lively comedy. Military Tattoo at Aldershot, an Interesting Kalem half reel. is VuM ln Monday-Tuesday, "Adventures of Katlilyn" Series No. 12. "The King's Will." After the death of the King of AUaha, I'mbal lah, manager to reinstate himself and orders Kathlyn to take the throne which Rhe unwillingly does, and he has Colonel Hare thrown into pris on. But Kathlyn soon secures his release. Through the testimony of a e . narem, Linoauan is sen- tenced to prison for life and made to work on the tread mill. The will of the late king Is discovered. It be queaths a vast fortune burled on Vol cano Island to Kathlyn. Bruce, Kathlyn and party start for the ls lanj to secure the treasure. Umbal lah through the help of a servant escapes and learning of the burleJ money starts out to try and find It first. A swinging bridge spans the corge leading to Volcano Island. This Umballah cuts after our friends have crossed over It. No sooner than the bridge fell than there was a tre mendous hush the earth trembled, the slumbering volcano belches forth fire, lava and rock. Umballah has cur friends in a trap. No human agency can save them now. "In the Days of Slavery." 'Edison, featuring Mabel Trunelle, Bigelow Cooper and Herbert Prior. A story that involves the early Jays on the Mississippi. Old timers will appre ciate this offering. An exciting and meritorious picture with a pleasant ending. 'The Accomplished Mrs. Thomp son." Vitagraph comedy. Featuring Lillian Walker. Cissy Fltz Gerald and Antonio Moreno. As a housekeeper, she Is most familiar with the man of the house and his wife. A gentleman who visits them takes the forward creature away, then everything Is cleared up. Cosy Monday. The Imperial Trio, harmony and comedy singers and musicians will be the vaudeville attraction for Monday and Tuesday. They are probably the best harmony singers we have ever had and they also have a wonderful tenor singer as well as an extra good violin soloist. "The Heart of a Crook." Two reel Kaybee. A story In which excitement and heart Interest are well blended, pnd In which the crook shows that he is not so bad as he was painted, v "The Decoy." Muriel Ostrlche and Boyd Marshall in a prettily told film story. "Izzy. the Detective. Reliance. This Is one of the famous "Izzy" se ries -of comedies, and Is a continual laugh from start to finish. Alta TtK'-tor. A f,'li Vltatrraidi Hiibjevt of lm- portaiM. "Ilic. Iilu Kom. The old florist (Van Dyke Brooke) spends years of patient toil to dis cover a means whereby he can-produce a different kind of rose a blue cne. His rival (Leo Delaney) learns of the discovery and Immediately plans to obtain a shoot from the one bush which the old man has. He steals a shoot In an Ingenious man- URIG ACID IN MEAT CLOGS THE KIDNEYS TAKE A GLASK OF RAI TS IF VOl'H HACK 1II HT8 OH I1I.ADDF.H llOTHKIta. If you must have your meat ever day, eat It, but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, says a noted authority who tells us that meat forms url acid which almost tiaralvies the tonjtue Is inaifl an J alien ths weath tt is ba. you lime rlieunwtio t iiijc' The urine vela rluuily, full of eii li. i lit tlie eliuiiiieU oft. n jji't .u e anJ liriijfe.i, olilljilntf ou to nick relief tao i.r (I. in times dmlng- (he iunli(.' Tj lieullalle (luu Irrliulin ui hi to ilraiiai llie kl.tlii'M and f!uli off! j the boily's urinous iii ft ft.ur j ouni'is of JaJ full frmn any pliur- , ina l.ei; taks i lablrspuonf ul In l.i i.f wuler l.efol lireakfjet f .f t few i1.i unj .iur H,'. iir tr, then I H. t f lif 'Pl famous sails I muile i from llie .l ii f juji'ia anl I. m..n ' jus. .ii. I in J mini lid. la. mill ha 1 I, cell UMd f'T . in Mliul.i I I f) uin) llili'.!.ile iltlly'lll Hll,.v, li',,, ,l I I i.Uallle l n il, I l In urllli o II io I r lllll.l(e. tlll el. I I i I.U.I.b I 1 V I III JW- J..-1 I- , l' ' :i,. i i m . . iii lii I ;.. . .u l i. ... f . - a .1 ' i. ' " i i : . i I ' . ' .1.1 , I , MiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiMiininuiiiniiniiiiuiiiiuiiiMiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiu4 I Tho Alexander Dopt. Store j Tendleton's Bippest snd Best Department Store. 2 I July Clearance I of Ratines J I Most all colors plain or fancy, suitable for summer dresses. 1 I Sold in the regular way to 1 $2.00, your choice of any cloth i in the house I 1 48c Yard E ALWAYS ASK FOR S. & II. TRADING STAMPS. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuHtmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii ner. The florist's daughter (Norma Talmadge) determines to find the missing shoot and restore it to her father, thus preserving the invention. It is rtseored. however, by her clev erness in pretending love for the ri val and leading him on until the stolen Bhoot is recovered. The sub ject has been handled with the best the Vitagraph can produce. The three stars, Leo Delaney, Norma Tal madge and Van Dyke Brooke, carry the Interest excellently. "Broncho Billy Outlaw," with G. M. Anderson. A Mexican tries to avenge himself upon the sheriff by wreaking vengeance upon the sheriffs wife. Broncho Billy enters the fight and comes out with flying colors. "Ribbons and Boxing Gloves." A Biograph comedy. Watch our lobby for the photo stars appearing in our photoplays. POT AND KETTLE. That Mrs Brown is a very cruel woman. When her Tom and my Jack were fighting she pulled Jack's hair." "Why didn't you prevent her?" "Well, I was boxing Tom's ears and didn't see what she was doing." Resinol heals itching skins RESINOL OINTMENT,' with Resinol Soap, stops itching instantly, ouickly and easily heals the most distressing cases of ec zema, rash or other tor men tin? kin or scalp eruption, and clears away pimples, blackheads, red ness, roughness and dandruff, when other treatments havs proven only a waste cf time and money. Beware of Imitations. ftiaot Ointment sad Rmaot Soap are sold byrr tfrucsut. WntetoDtplK. JUaiBol, Baitimura, Md..f vatnsto-l. Peadletoa. Walla Wall,. Raafaa and tydweber toetled S c Cool and Sparkling Beer on Draught. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cig&rs. JI7 MAIN STREET MEOINC, HANSEN 6 MILLXft Farm and City Loans Plenty of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rate of Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street THE OFFICE Phone 27) 7 M PENDLKTON, ORE. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE A. SCMNEITEIl, Prop, PAGE TTTREE What to Drink this summer need never worry you. Just use our pura SodasAll Flavors S doz. bottles for $1.00 Iron Port Bottled Beer AH the Ingredients we use eon form to the Pura Food law. Too'll find the greatest life and seat in our bottled fooda... Pioneer Bottling Works Best equipped bottllnr works In eastern Oregon. PAUIi HEMMEXGARX, Prop. Telephone 177. 222 E. Court St. Cod Dung Low CHOP 7 CniXESK STYLE NOODLES LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS SERVICE TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Sta. Phone 117 Pendleton. Ore. SUEY T'.. I" I M.,1 ,. r I ' ,I,U C..l I.Ml. I l ,1. I.'W l If I i n ' I.. -I ' i'j H i Hi M' J i ' I ' i i. ul!;liJJiu'iUlliIyuyJl;y!;:i;l;(J!lW!MlMlllllllllllullllil: ()...J,J, .,M,,.M ! 1JIl,Vo.)