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f tw a v FTfTTTT PAGE Local Playhouse uah,i Mtoi unrAMjauAH. rnJHiLKTTW. OREGON. JlOXDAv. JULY 20, 1914. Catarrh is Often Deep Seated Local Congestions May In dicate Much Internal Inflammation. 4 Jiit l"-(niir rattrrb affects the note and lliriat, 1 Hlf n-allie how dcrp-wltod It liikj' lir onUI it cretin Into the bronchial iitii tm titles dean Into the Inner, the tray to trfit ra:rrh is to recpfulie thr furl that It It in (be him 4. Aid thre tt ly one blood r-orlflcr that (an tx-atfc'T ut-4 It It 8 S. 8., liie moat )'irT'ul. Hi moat acarrliinc, the moat m mi:nve blood remedy kmwtt today, for II ( tint a mlnrral, but a TeprtaMe remedy. T ie BMitlrtnal cooipi ncntt c( 8. S. S. tra relatively Juat at eawntltl to well-balanced hra'ilt aa th nutritive properties of th rauia, mr-ata, swear and fata of food a. Any lur-al Irritating Influence ia th blood It rrji-riM by the tiue ri;a and eliminated .r raaoa of lh slioiuiating lcflomce of H. K. K. Vimi ww.n ft lire lt wnniWful ln- flut-nre It Uie of liPadarne, a de rid l Hearing of th air iiaaaa". a ateadily Jmprorrd naal rttodnlna. and a of uidilr r!.f mat iu-mr boar completely ratarfh ofti-s tnfft the entire tTttem. Imi find K. S. S. oa tale at all drug tn-ea. It la a rmarahle ritnedy for any ml all blood iff en tan, turti a enema, rah. Input, tetter, juwrlaat. bol!a. and all ni hit rtlwaaod roodltlona of the blood. For ai-il advice on anr Mood dteae write Me.ll Ipt.. The Swift Si-riftr Co 552 Fwtrt niiir. Atlanta, (ia. Carefully avoid any and all auhatltiitea for S. S. S. There ia nothing "Jut at Citod." Jack Lamar and AnnasBlanford in "The Funny Usher and the Chorus Girl Cosy theater Monday and Tuesday. ORGANIZES POPULAR DUG CLASS Miss Ellen Birch of Astoria Is the guest of Misses Julia and Jennie Heggman. Mrs. Price ar.d Mrs. Smith were Hermiston visitors Thursday. Mrs. Fred Fulton entertained twelve young- ladies at her home on the Furnish project in honor of her sister Miss Elinor Eakln of Astoria. E. S. Lunwall has been In Pendle ton for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Jenks of Portland spent several days looking over the project C. W. Filer of Portland spent sev eral days in Stanfield and while here he sold J H. Wallace. F. Frederick -son and J. B. McCoy each a piano. What the Preta Ami Ha to Kay of Preaamt and Coming Attraction. iTi:miTiN; m:ws ntoM stax iii:li ami the fvunisu project. (Sixrial Correspondence.) STAXFIF.LD, Ore, July 10 Mrs. 15. A Price ff Portland has organised a dancing class, which is very well patronized. Mrs. Price is a charming lady and very proficient in her work. J. M. Hodges of Pilot Rock was call In on his many friends here Friday. Everybody is always glad to tee Jack. P. H. Euchvlr gave one of his pop ular dances at the Watts auditorium Saturday night which was welll at tended. Several from Echo were present Mrs. W. P. Ward was a. Pendleton visitor the latter part of the week Mr. P. H. Buchhols and son Vine returned home Friday from a months vlait in Portland. C. C. Paine an old time resident of ftanflcld. but now of Pendleton. Is pending a few days here. Frank Connor of Pendleton Sun da; ed nith his parents Mr. and Mrs. C W. Connor. T. O. Tates and family and Miss Mabel Conner motored to Pilot Rock Punday. Mrs. Levi Wills entertained about thirty-five of her lady friends Friday afternoon at a lawn party. Painty refrenhments were rerved and a mo?t delightful time was spent MU.s Mjtmle McCormlph is rpondini a few days with h-r sifter at Baker. Mrs. H. E. r.urtholomew and Mrs. H. Z. Harris were fh ippint; in Pen dlton Thursday. Mrs Talnr and Mrs. Fred Fulton drove i Echo Pjturday. Stops Xeoralfflai Kills Pain. Sloan's Liniment elves Instant re lief from Nenralgla or Sciatica. It goes straight to the painful part soothes the nerves and stops the pain. It is also good for rheumatism, sore throat chest pains nd sprains. You don't need to rub It penetrates. Mr. J. R. Swinger. Louisville. Ky, writes: "I suffered with quite a se vere Neuralgic Headache for four months without any relief. I used Sioan's Liniment for two or three nights and I haven't suffered with 'my head since." Get a bottle today. Keep In the house all the time for pains and all hurts. 5c. 50c. and 1100 at your druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for all sorea A dr. Tlie Orphrum. For Tuesday and Wednesday the tenth page in the active life of "Dolly of the Pailies," featuring Mary Fuller. "Dolly Plays Detective,- Edison. Malone. the manager of the "Comet" and Dolly go to a dinner party and during the evening a necklace disap pears from the neck of one of the la dles. Dolly flirts with a count who Is also there and several davs ltr as he is leaving her home, some ladies call. During the afternoon another necklace disappears and Dolly is sus pected. How she tricks the count and discovers he Is the real thief makes a very Interesting picture. "His Wife and His Work." two Bart Vltagraph. featuring Myrtle Gongalea and George Holt The artist's wife objects to his em ploying female models as she knows nothing of art They separate but later through a hard lesson she real- lies her prejudices are foolish and re turns to her Joyful husband. ' "A Boarding House Scramble. Ea sany. A comical tale of hoarding house love. Japanese in V. S. Institute. XEW TORK. July 20. Dr. HIdeyj XoguchL hitherto an associate mem ber In the department of pathology and bacteriology of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, has been made a member of the Institute. This Is the highest rank in the orga nization and is held by only six other men. Dr. Xoguchl is a Japanese, but has passed a large part of his life in this country. 5ince he became connected with the Institute in 1J0J he has be come known as one of the leading bacteriologists of the world. He iso lated the germ of rabies last year. Another important change announc ed yesterday by the board of scientific directors of the institute was the pro motion of Dr. Louise Pearce of the department of pathology and bacteri r.lory from the rank of fellow to that of asFistant. Phe came to the insti tute la.t August from Johns Hopkins university and Is the first woman who has Wn made an assistant to Dr. ;rr."-.n Fiercer. Pastime Tonight The Adventures of Kathlyn."" No. 13. "The Court of Death." This cul minates this singular series of adven tures, that has proved an "open se same"to a new interest for the world In moving pictures. Synopsis: Kathlyn and her party, hav'ng escaped a dreadful death from the rain of fiery lava, observe its sub sidence with profound gratitude. The dangers that infest the Island, the fruiUessness of their search, inspire them to get away from the place of death and destruction as quickly as possible. They learn from the wounded slave that UmbaUah has de camped with the treasure. He has a decided advantage in start but they take up the chase unfalteringly. When Umballah reaches his native heath, he hides the treasure in a near by Jungle which happens to be the lair I of leopards. He is unaware of this, i but before they have time to hide the gold the leopards return and Umbal lah and his followers flee. Kathlyn and her party having landed and be ing informed of the situation ko into the jungle and secure the treasure and present it to the Supreme Tribu nal. After many exciting incidents in which our little party are the victors Umballah. the master villain is cap tured and put to work for the rest ot his days upon the tread milL Kathlyn gives the gold to the poor and is freed forever from the throne by the Su preme Tribunal. A week later, ac companied by her father, her sister and the faithful Bruce, they reach the coast and set sail for their beloved California. "Dr. Smith's Baby." Vltagraph. featuring Maurice Costello, Mary Charleson. Robert Gaillord. Harry T. Morey and Phyllis Grey. Doctor Smith suddenly finds himself father of Doctor Smith's baby. Both doctors live in the same appartment house. The baby's mother arrives and the mystery is explained. "His Sudden Recovery" and "Who's Who" are two laughable Lubin com edies on the same reel. One cf the things that irritate the , M-nate is President Wilson's uncanny j ha Mt of getting results. I of Appetite is commonly grad ual; one dish after another Is set aside. It is one of the first Indica tions that the system Is running down, snd there Is nothing else so good for it as Hood's Sarsaparilla the best of all tcnir. Adv. mmm. ...... i r-wm j m - tc . : - tw w M$2&m v v.- ByMr&Janet MSKenzieHill Ms FREE Our inrtructkxif. to the famou editor ci Ll. Boston Cooking School .tEame were: "Get up a Look of recipe of the things people Lke best i- ind the best vy to make and Uke each one. Then write it out so plainly tliat even an inexperienced houtewife caa't have a failure." The Gxl'i Dool"wai the result Some of the 90 recipes were origi. nated. many of them were improved upon, and all were personally tested by 7 l knowT uthorily on cooking in America, and ahe tell to clearly bow lit msde everything that one cannot go astray. WMe one of the cake, and pastry are elaborate enough for any occatn. the rrapes are all thoroughly practical and call for no expensive and unusual ir.gred.enti. b addihoo to teliing bow to nuke than, the book beautiuBy fliittu-ated n color. howing bow to arrange and lerve the diahe appeuzkgly. Me than half a mffionof Cook'f Book" are now in we in Amer ican household. Yet the demand u constantly increasing. Many said two or three at a time is cnv to trimA. 1 keetien. Don't depend oo borrowing one from a neighbor lave one of your own. How to Get The Cooks Book" Cy Monday. Jack Lamar and Anna Buanford in the comedy skit "The Funny Usher and the Chorus Girl " will be one of the vaudeville acts tonight. They are certainly funny and get a bunch of laurhs all throuch their act. The DeFerris Sisters have a beau tiful singing act with elaborate cos tumes. It is seldom that one hears better singers than these two girls; their act Is a real treat to all music lovers. 'The Painted Lady" 2 reel Majestic. Dorothy Gish. Mae Marsh and Blanche Fweet have the leads in this beautiful film story. "The Sky Pilot" Keystone. Mabel Xormand and Charlie Chaplin In a speedy airship comedy. "The Veteran's Sword." Princess. Muriel Ostriche and Boyd Marshall In a patriotic offering of great heart ap peal. Tuesday one day only the third two reel instalment of "The Million Dollar M)irtery." Thanhouser's motion picture sensation. b every Vk caa of K C BaLia Powder ia packed' a cokited cmLcaL Srod tit oar of tlteae certiucatet ?pa oa puaiat canj 1 you Ur) with your same and ad. At. 4aiiJy wrilMQ, and TU Coot BA" wj ba aaiUl (tc of tWc Oulf ooa book lut e.b. ciulmc laUrvMi Jaque Mfg. Company, Chicago Si "W ,7' - - - .1 J" ALTA THEATER VJtajrraHi Kobjoct Wltti Dor othy KHIy, jimm Morrison and Georae Cornier. The False and the True." a strong Vltagraph subject with a youthful cast of Vltagraph stars. The story is of a girl who. blinded by a discharge of dynamite, marries a man she things her fiance. Restored to sight she finds her self married to another man. She is glad of it when she learns the truth. Dorothy Kelly, James Morrison and George Cooper capably handle the leading roles supported by George Stevens. The photography and mounting Is fully in keeping with the story, which in strength la rarely found in a single-reel subject This could have been made Into an admir able two-reeler. "Andy Has a Toothache,- an Edi son story by Mark Kwan and induJed In the "And-" series featres the di minutive photoplay star. Andy Clark. "The Gypty Gambler," a powerful dramatic story of western and gyps) life with Prlnoess Motia Darkfeather and Arthur Ortega In the lead The Captains Chair.' Bellg dra ma Matinee every afternoon. 2 to 5 p m. The coo!ent place In town. IB9 ilbscn HTAKE advantage of our present exceptional offer and get one of these popular and pleas ing set of dollies. Nothing will tickle your little ones like an "Anna Belle Doll" A Set of Dolls FREE to YOU! by paying your subscription for a year, NOW A Great Big Beautiful Doll and 2 smaller dressed dollies for every boy and girl in the city. Hurry and get yours! 7i - rr - i a w 1 J ft V. A) ( ' ; Bigger ' m ml These 3 dol lies are beau tifully printed on one large piece of mus lin all ready to cut out and stuff. They have gold en hair, big brown eyes and are very life-like indeed. JLOTUXL HEIGHT, 7 i cchb Than a Baby 'mn winni n: m Wc wUl also & ve FREE a jet cf these SoI!s for One New Yearly Subscription