Newspaper Page Text
FIGHT PANES rollumiun Gmm to Jull. NEW YOIIK, Aug. g. Much a he dislikes to order men to Jut for fail ure to pay allmon and civil debt, Justice IJlackmar in 8ieclu term of the supreme court recently signed en order committing Nlcholastll. Hoff man, a policeman, to Sheriff Swasey's Jail for fulling to pay $49 alimony and 75 costs In his wife's separation suit; Mrs. Cuthcrlne Hoffman, of 144 Parry street, Maspeth, L. l tho plain tiff In the suit moved for Hoffman's commitment. Onco before tho defendant wns In the "Jug," but after a few day he paid up and got out. Then unpaid almony accumulated to the extent of 149 and as tho money was not forth coming tho motion to acrid him hack to Jail was made. Axsvi:it tiii: call. IVnillcKm I'coplo Iluve I'oimd Hint TliU In Necessary. ' A cold, a strain, a midden wrench, A llttlo cause may hurt the kidneys. Kpclbj of backache often follow. Or some irregularity of tho urine. A splendid remedy for such attacks. 'A medicine that has satisfied thou sands. Is Donn's Kidney rills, a special kidney remedy. . , Many Pendleton people rely on It. Here la Pendleton proof: Q. W. Knight, retired fanner, 613 Franklin street. Pendleton, Qre., says: "For eight or ten years I waH troubled by pains through rhy back and kidneys and sometimes In my sides. I had to get up several times at nlKht to pass the kidney secretions and there was a groat deal of sedi ment In them, that looked like brick dust. I tried a box of Dunn's Kidney nils and they soon relieved the back ache and regulated tho action of my kidneys. All I said about Doan's Kidney Pills when I recommended them soveral years ago. holds good. You may continue to publish my statement for the benefit of other kidney sufferers." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Knight had. Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Props.. Buffalo, N. Y. GOLD ALONK AtX'KITI : AT I KI INCH (JAM1X(J TAISLKS PAULS, Aug. 10. A number of Americans from points outsldo I'ariJ leached here. One from Aix les Bines wild a crowd of Americans was sit ting around tho gaming tables, when the news arrived that war wns lmmn mnt. in a moment every piece of gold had disappeared from tho table to be leplaeed by note and silver, but the troupers piiHhed tho notes back refus ing to take, anything but gold. (.'einiiui C'rul-T Faht!t. BKIILIX, Aug. 10. German's re el litly completed battleship cruiser fc-eydlltz has developed 89,738 propell er horsepower on Its official trials. This Is tho highest horsepower de- eloped by any battleship with tur bines In the world. The Seydlitz registered an average fpeed exceeding 28 knots per hour,' which gives her rank with the armor ed cruisers Moltke and Goebcn. The day of tho turbine cruiser of 100,000 horsepower appears not far off, for Germany has thus far increased the horsepower of such vessels with every successive one. .The Von der Tann, the first, had 79.802, and the figure has risen steadily. DAILY FAST ORFGONTAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1914. PAGE SEVEN llicli IWrreil at Itesort. BERLIN. Aug. 10. One of Ger many's famous medical spas, Koden tiial, near Asohuffenburg, Bavaria, will henceforth be barred to rich people. It has been bought and will be reserved for workingmen. Tho purchaso has been made by tho imperial Insurance department from state funds, and the spa will be reserved entirely for workingmen nnd women Insured by the state and sent to Hodenthal for treatment by their insurance fund office, upon the of ficial physicians' certificates. Hotels, baths and ull other things connected with tho resort arc now the. property of the state. Yri k Store In IVhkI Klot. HITCHIN. Eng., Aug. 10. A rise In the price of food led to riotous scenes here. Extra policemen who were brought into town had a fight with tho crowds, which wrecked a provis ion store window and smashed tho windows and doors of the proprietor's house. MIIIIIIIIIIIIMIII'IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIinillllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllK (before you build) no matter if it's a home, a barn, out-building, or a remodeling of your house or store interior get my prices If you want it cheap or good, we can fill your order MILL WORK TO ORDER The greatest 6tock and variety in Umatiila County of k' mW wmm I Sash, doors, shingles, hard wood, store fronts and fixtures, posts, plaster, brick, sand I cement, roofing, etc. 1 ' Wood and Rock Springs Coal b. l. burroughs! jj Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Telephone 5 5 7lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilll'.llllllllllllllllllllllllliiiliiiiiiui KR0NPRIN2ESSIN CECILIE AT HEAD OF REGIMENT r 1 (!'' ' 1 1 't A t J - . 's S ' f M" "it if lii V V4 s A : - ,v .' The war fewr has 'permeated the I popular women of sGermany: In the sevral rows the crown prince, her Women of (Jermanv as well m the; men. Kronprinzessin Cecelie. who I ' hu.sban.l. has had with the kai.-er, she . ... i n:,s stood ith the man yhe loved, an honorary colonel of a reg.ment In J When .he and the crown prince rode the (jerman army is here fchown utidown Unter den Linrlrn P.tnrHav Woman, IUJcctcd, Kills. POItTI.AVIl (ra Anir k Trar ! Jlill because he refused to fulfill his prorn- ife of marriage, Mr?, Uella Marsha, J a stenographer, Knot and mortally Wz. wounded Eernard C. Linstrom, trea- ; urer and manager of the Oregon Ar- j t 'ficial Limb company, for whom she j i;! said to have divorcer hr-r husband j 3 two years ago. j r?i The shooting was the Immediate I ri-sult of a rjuarrr-l in the Palace ho- I t'l, Twelfth and Washington streets, j g r!i.( en his way to " the I Good Samaritan hospital. Mrs. Marhh was arrested a few min I'tes after the shooting by Patrol-mr-n Windorf, Maas and Holland. Khe confessed the murder to Dep uty iJlKtrlct Attorneys rtyan and Ham-meisly. iF.veu iiflUIZI State of 'iiio, dry t Toledo, bueiw County. Frank J. Cheney make oath that he I nlor imrrnrT of th. r.m r.r v i ru.-. k Co.. rjotni; btifllnofiit In rh ritw r.t t nh. County and Stnte aforeoaid. an1 that ,"J fr"! will pay the tnui of ONE UlX iJl'.Kn IOI.LAIt8 for earn and ercry fane f i atarrb tiiat r-annot be ctirod by the uh Jf HALLS CATAi:l!II CI ItE. UlAXK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and ,itritwd in ?VTmP' tLU Cll da' f December' liitll A. W. CLEASOX. n ... n Notary Public, nail Catarrh Core Is taken Internally Sill art flirwllr nmin th. t.rA .-A cons Burfarea of tbe iyateia. Send for tes- liuwuium, iree. ,, V- J- CHEXET & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all DriiKKlsts, 75c. Tak Hall's Famllj Pills for constipation. CHICHESTER 8 PILL How Convenient, G)m fortable and Economical a GAS RANGE was, you too would have one Pacific Pover & Light Co. "Always at Your Service' Phone 40 E-3 i T - I f A . 1 . - ii X i. f,' I III. la l.d n l (,oit r,.V'' Cs talc l imh t;uo P.iLbo. W s3- UJTll ilbrr. I!nrrroar ; ; Z lIAJO.3 ;UAM FILL. fg p , the head of h"r reuinieiit ni:irchinL through the i tre. ts of Ilerlin. The Kronpi inzesi in i;i one of the most ' the echo. night aftf-r the declaration of war agaiiiKt Hussia she was cheered to AMERICAN WHEAT MAY BE SOUGHT 8Y CAKAD ItH'OItTS IXDH'ATK DITV WlIX HE IlKMOVKO: Kl'KOPKAN M.V15KICTS lllGHFIt. PRIG E OF noes CLIMB IN PORTLAND MARKE T (From Sunday's Journal.) PORTLAND. The sharp advance in the price of hogs at North Port land during the week was due direct- a.. .n n i .i.'iy to tne smaller run in tne local auk. iiauu in uie ... . , . ,, yards although the sharp advances in speculative wheat world comes near it. . . . v . . t the east were influences of note. being demoralized to the extent of j The market for hogs was very at being upside down. A sample of this - tractive at all American points during was noted In the late news from the I the week's trade. Receipts at all Canadian northwest where wheat : points continue below the actual re prices broke 4c from the high point i ouirements of killers and for that at Winnipeg on prospect that the Ca- reason prices generally have main- nadlan duty on wheat may be taken . tained a steady upward movement, tff. The tariff bars have been In fa -1 Locally the run was very small, to vor of this country for years and ! talinit during the week but 1723 heal. now the Canadians with a short crop i compared with 3064 last week and 016 the previous six days, bimiiar CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FRATERN AL ORDERS. PENDLETON" LODGE No. S2 Jv A- F. ' and A. meets tkc first and third Mondayi of each month. All visiting brothers are Invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed einbalmer Opposite postoffice. Funeral parlor two funeral cars. Calls responded to lay or night. Phone 75. and this country with an enormous surplus fenr that wheat may move tho other way. The rumor about the removal of the Canadian tariff had t.o bearish effect here certainly. It' was a big bull market in wheat of a ' tore the present bullish movement spasmodic character, with the action I mbsides. Hi prices aitogeiner greater than mo volume of trade Justified or tiie news conditions are showing in the eastern trade and forecasts are being freely made in the Chicago market that liogi will advance to at least $15 be J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em oalmer. Most modern funeral parlor, norgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63 ATTORNEYS. 1 HA LET & RALET. ATTORNEYS AT -aw. Office in American Natlnna.1 Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AT law. Office In Despaln building. CARTER A SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAME3 B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON & BISHOP, ATTOR neys at law; rooms I and 4. Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 1, S and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. A SHARP DEMAND WallaWalla Beer Prevails All Over-WHY? I'ecnuso It is a splendid beer. It has tho delightful aroma, the rich flavor, the effervescence nnd the tang that characterizes tho high qual ity brew. Try a mso of KloMcr Urau Ixiulod oer. On sale at OITICK SALOON mix i:t kai: III! FWItV i:iH)T SALOON IIOWMAN llli for the day Indicated. Liverpool was 3-4 to 1-7S higher, which was to be expected. Prices there were helped by the lowering of the bank rate, selling of cargoes off coast at full prices and the unfavor able crop reports from the Canadian i.orthwest. Advices indicate a light er run of wlftat to nearly all primary markets for the time. IJoth hard and red wheat cash prices were sharply advanced at Kansas City for the day. The bullish influence of the corn trade was a feature on the buying side of wheat. Hack of the excited and advancing market is the belief that another week may bring a clear ing up of tho export situation to some extent nt least. Much of the bull feel ing Is based on the teory of heavy supplies of breadstuff s for Europe at some time In the near future. lient. Sept. Open 92; high, 93; low 92; close. 94 3-4. Dec Open, 97 1-2; high 100; low, 97 1-2; close, 100 A. May Open 105 1-2; hich. 107 7-8; low, 103 1-2; close, 107 7-8. 11 to (.ruin Markets. .-elected stceivs New crop club. ! ''"oil to prime f.-.rtvf..i.i vif .;"d to choice oruiiiary t 'air Fancy cows The fact that Europe is clamoring for foodstuff supplies from America i nd that millions of pounds of hams, bacon and lard have recently been sold for that account by leading east ern packers, forces an unusually strong tone for swine on the hoof. General hog market range: Pest light 200 pounds 900 Medium $.65 8.73 Heavy 8 25 ii S.50 Fat pigs 7-50 ti 8.00 (attic Market Just Holding. Market for cattle was Just about nble to hold Its own during the week. Tops sold early,in the week around $7.50 and while there were few sales at this price, this was due principal ly to the fact that little real good quality was available In the steer di vision. There was a record run of cattle In the yards early this week and nat urally, this had a direct effect upon values. Market for cattle is showing con siderable strength at points in tho east. The usual summer decline is t ot being lorced; in fact values there have been almost stationary during recent weeks. General cattle market range: S 7.J" Farm and City Loans Plenty of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rateof Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street Wheat Nominal: Jiily-AtiKtist, S3r S4c bluestifi, S7e; red Russian, S2c. Outs Nominal: New crop, buy- iiiig price: No. 1 white feed, $21.50: j milling, $22 per ton; gray. $21. Flour Selling price: Patent, $4. Wlil.iiuette valley, $4.70; local straight $ 4 . 7 : export, straight, $3. 70; cutoff. $a.S0; bakers." $4.50 ft 4.7". Hay New crop, producers, price, Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $12 50'ir!14; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, $15 16; alfalfa, $12 13; vetch and oats, $9 5t 19; clover, $S per ton. Grain bags No. 1 Calcutta, future delivery, $S; oat bags, $7 50. Mlllstuffs Bron, $12; shorts, $26. Rarley Nominal: New crop, feed, $20; brewing, $21 per ton. Good to prime ordinary Selected calves Heavy Fancy bulls . . Ordinary Steady Tiailt 7 251i 7.33 7.001f 7-23 6.50 6.23 6.00 fi 6.10 5.50 8.t)0i! $.25 7.50 4.50 'ii 4.73 4.00 . .5 for Mutton LNSritAXCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans on "ity and farm property. Buys and e'.la ali kinds of real estate. Does general brokerage business. Pays caxes and makes investments for non residents Writes fire, life and acci lent insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLET & LEFFINGWELL, REAL .sstate, fire, Ufe and accident insur ince agents. 815 Main street. Phone 104. LlfERT AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE. THOMPSON street. Carney A Bradley, Prop Livery, feed and sale stable. Goof rigs at all times. Cab Un in conne 'Jon. Phone 70. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTY Veterinarian. Residence telephone 27; office tellephone 20. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. 3. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND consullor at law. Office In Detpain building. ROSCOE R. JOHNSON. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Deepaln bulldlrg PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD. M. n ttduito ;athie physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd Block. Telephone: Office J41 W: r1denc 811 J. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER " IN NlT and second-hand goods. Casa pa for all second-hand good3 bongs Cheapest place in Pendleton to fca. household goods. Call and get sir prices. 2i e. Court street. Pkon 271W. AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. TOHNKA. AUCTIONED makes a specialty of farmers' etoc) snd machinery sales. "The man tia gets you the money." Leave order. at East Oregonian office. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OH. egonlan imv.. . . , . 77 . m . fKiui7 or ane adv.rttl auctioneer, clerk a& advertising comDlt ,. you of having a successful sale. MISfTTT.T, S Vrrvr-o ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATION, announcements, embosse private and bnntn.. .. ... Very latest styles. Call at East' Ox, s-onlan office and sea cample. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR- egonian makes a specialty 0f auo tlon sale bills, cards and advertising. We can furnish auctioneer, clerk an advertising complete that will asaur you of having & successful sale. TRESPAS3 NOTICES. STATtto SEASON CARDS anrt sate- dttto of every description rr!nt a sonable prices at the East Oregonian. We have a fine lot of stock cut thai our patrons ars allowed tbe fre os or. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY E- Bcriptlon for county court, circuit court, justice court rail ... ... for sale at East Oregonian office. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY cask or give trade for Umatilla county farm, J20 to $80 per acre. Address, Box 12, Athena, Ore. r BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY--- Are You Sick, Despondent? ff5 Do Not Give Up Hope YOU CAN BE CURED BY THE GREAT D. R. Chen Chinese Herb Co. Master of All Incurable Disease. Wonders ar performed every day with Chines Medical HERBS. CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION FIIEM. Hours, 10 to IX a. m. l to 7 p. m. Under Bute Hotel 1 14 E. Webb Street. A FAI.SK STANI.ltl) OF Cl'I.TFUK has gained ground In thbj century which looks upon the bearing and renring of children as something coarse nnd vulgar to be nvolded, but the advent of euecnlcs means much for the motherhood of the race. Har py Is the wife who, though weak and ailing, depends upon Lydla E. rink barn's Vegetable Compound to restore ber to health, and when headaches and backaches are a thing of tho past, brave sons and fair daughters rise up and call her blessed. Adv. ltrcnkM Up IVnoc Meeting, SAFFRON.WALDEX. Eng.. Aug. 8. A hostile crowd broke up a peace meeting in the market place, stoned the windows of'the labor leaders smd hauled down tho red flag and burned it. ' Mutton market has Jogged along in Its own peculiar way here during tae iat week. There was practically no change in quotations from last week. Llttlo real good stuff was available aside from lambs and these sold nt $G generally for extreme quality. Good wethers nnd ewes were scarce and whatever good stuff was offered, quickly sold at the best prices. Run of mutton at North Portland was somewhat greater for the six days than during the previous week, totals belli:? 69S4 head compared wim 5712 head. A year ago for this sunia week the run at North Portland to taled 12S3 head. Mutton market conditions cast of the Rockies have remained strong generally all through the week wltu most points quoting en advance over lust week. General mutton range: Best shorn yearlings $ 4.75 Shorn wether 4.40ir4.M Rest east mountain lambs 5.90 5f 6.00 Best shorn ewes 4 00(f 4 25 Valley light young lambs. .5.65 Ji 5.85 Heavy spring lambs 5.005.50 In a London church tower there is a clock which strikes the hours nn,1 quarters, but has no dials nor other visible evidences of the time. Daily and Semi-Weekly East Oregonian I &LKPHONE DIRECTORY A Quick and Hand, Reference for Bm!nsl and Home Tel. Xo. 1 AUTOS FOR HIKE & TAXI SERVICE Tarker Taxi Co.. in front French net.-.. 9S-12 TeL xo. AUTO GARAGE, SUPPLIES, REPAIRS btone Uarape, 727 Johnson St 74 AUTO SUPPLIES, HUDSON CARS Lity Jilotor Car Co., 722 Cottonwood.. -475 HARDWARE AND TIN" wnnrr lhe Taylor HaraVareCo., 741 Main St S7 JEWEIJiY AXD WATCH REPAIR1NU talker. 129 E. Court St. LIVERY -550 BU1CKS, CH.VLMERS & FORD CARS Oregon Motor Gara.ffe, 119-21 W. Court. Telephone Livery, 505 E. Court St Si 4CS CAFE & ROOMS FOR REST Quelle Cafe, 626 Main St .110 CLEANING AND PRESSING Pendleton Cleaning Works. 206 1-2 E, Alta 169 HEATS AND POULTRY ganitary Market, 305 E. Court HUSICAL INSTRUMENTS" SEWING MACHINES Jess Failing, 901 Main ..43'J 24 DRUGS AND KODAKS The Pendleton Drug Co., eor. Main & Court 20 PORTRAIT PHOTOG RAPHER C. S. Wheeler. 200 K, Alta St .53.1 ELECTRIC WIRING AND FIXTURES S. L. Vaughnn'g Electric Store, 831 Main.. .139 GARAGES Tendleton Auto Co., 812 Johnson.. .541 GROCERIES Gray Bros. Grocery Co., 828 Main St. 23 PIANOS, PHONOGRAPHS, SHEET MUSIC, TUNING Warren'g Music House, 842 Main St. PHOTOGRAPHS Bowman's Studio. 916 Main St.. .542 .329-W GROCERIES Standard Grocery Co., eor Court ft Johnson tfl KPOKTING GOO! BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES UlWt, uor. Court and Cottonwood. .400 4