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EIOFIT PAGES PATTV KAST OHKfiONTAN. PRXWETON7. OHM? ON. TIH'KSDAY. AI.TiTTST 27. 191 i. PAGE FIVE (tllllllllllllllllllllllllltlltltllllllllllllllll"! Orphoumj 1 Theatre 1 J. P. MEDERNACn, Prop. 1 High-Class Up-to-Date 1 1 Mo'.ion Pictures 1 1 FOU MEN. WOMEN AND I CHILDREN 5 E ProcTara change S Sundays, Tuesdays, Thuru- a a days and Saturdays. a See Program in Today's a Paper. niimiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimmiiiiiiiii.l- LOCALS Advertising in Brief UATEH. Fr Una first luertloo ...,10c r line, xMltlonnl luaertlon. . . .5c er Una, per muulb 11.00 No Imal talivD for I it! than 25c. loiirit 6 ordinary words to llnr. t I.txala will not be taken over tba plume and remittance muat accom panjr order. FRENCH COMHDEB-IS-CHiEF ON UNO tjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiu I Pastime I Theatre 1 1 "The Home of Good Pictures" ALWAYS THE LATEST a in Photoplays :: Steady, E FliAerlefw Pictures :: Abso a lutfly No Eye Strain. 5 A Refined and Entertaining a Show for the Entire Family. E Next to French Restaurant a a Changes Sundays, Tuesdays, a S Thursdays and' Saturdays. E E Adult 10c Children under E 10 years 5c E siiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiuimiiiiiiitimiiimuuiiH IllllllllllUIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllltllllUllU PENDLETON'S POPU. f I LAK PICTITRE SHOW I THE I I COSY I S Where the entire family cad. E a enjoy a high-class motion E E picture show with comfort, a Fun, Pathos f Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed a Open Afternoon and Eren- a E in. Changes Sunday, lion- S 5 day, Wednesday and Friday. 5 Next Door to St George Ho- a teL Admission 5c and 10a 5 aUllllllllllllllllIIIIIUUlJaNISUUUUIIIIItii HjKiituuiuuiiiiiniiuiiuiuuiuiuuiiiiiiiu a l t a( i theater. 1 Pendleton's Real Show House S Devoted to tho perfect screen- E ing of High-Class Photoplays mm E . S E Regular program oonoiaU a of 4 reels of motion pictures E S and a singer. 0 t Whipple, the home man, to tune jour plnno. Phone 226R. V. . 1 . i nave me latest piayei piano me marKet W. R. Graham. Wanted Woman for house work. 618 Willow street. namea uood, clean raga at .ai uregonlan office. Per sale Nino room house, North nuie. Address, Box 400 City. See W. R. Graham for the Man oelo Player Piano. For rent Rooming ' houae, 602 Water street., Inquire of A. W. Nye. Wanted Woman for general house work at the Eureka Roome, COS Wil low. Phone 243J. Wanted Woman to do cooking an.1 houHework for man and children. Address "J." this office. For aale at a bargain and on terms, fine new bungalow. Inquire W. II. Bell, GolJen Rule hotel. Phone. 25 or 2. Old papers for sale; tied In bun Ilea. Good for starting fires, etc. 15 i bundle or two bundles for 26c This office. For sale Two modern cottages lo oted on east Court street, eeven iloeks from Main street. Inquire of 'alters' mill. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable Furniture van jnd storage warehouse Office 617 Main street Phone 139. For sale Modern seven room house and seven lots, with barn, close to school. I2C00 takes It all. Inquire or address "A" this office. For sale Fine house and garage on the north MIL Just the place for some rancher. Inquire of Bentley & Leffingwell, or write care p O. Box Lost Red saddle with brand T. P., made by Ilamley & Co., taken off of spotted horse at edge of town. Find er return to Ilamley's saddle shop and receive $5.00 reward. For sale State Hotel. 60x100 feet corner Webb and Cottonwood streets, Pendleton. Paying $130 a month rent. Price 115.000. II. O. Stark weather, Milwaukle, Oregon. Sec Lester & Miller for reliable; cleaning, proving nnd remodeling of j men s nnl women s clotnes. yulcK service. "Model Cleaners,"- 114 E. Webb street. Phone 321. For pale Oood five-room house with batli; good barn and two lots, north alile, one block from Main street bridge. Cheap If taken at oni'e. 308 Madison street. Lost Alligator hand grip, contain ing coat and vest, two check books, one on Bank of California and one on First National Bank of , '! own I the -I f,V U' UJ -. E ' '. ,: - - Set- : ' oer-the General Jeffrey who beads armies of France in the war atrains-t many und Austria, is the man w ho is credited with having brought French army to Its present hish point of efficiency. IPFRllAI Willi I I1 -"' lr'a Scott In in from his ranch nenr Helix today. Eph J. Wilbur of Duncan Is among the visitors here today. W. K. Taylor of Athena is tran racting IwnincK here today. Murk A. Sturtevant In In from his home at Pilot Rock today. ll.ili.h X .tanfi id. Echo banker. canif up on No. 6 thi.s morning. j H. A. Williams of Milton, came in i last evening nnd hpent tile ni(!ht here. Jam. Wallace, representative of j tlie NitrthwoK-rn railroad, is here to-1 j Harry Sayer is di-wn today from his ; l-.ome at Cibb'-n as a witness before the grand Jury. v and Frank F. Bramwtll, insurance en of i Grand', are nt the Bowman. llnrini' Walker. former county j f-onimlssloner. came up this morning i from his ranch near Majifleld. j .k.i 11. Thomson, one of Echo's ' Pendleton. I loadinn citizens, was un incumlng i Hl Cross Can Call 00,000. LONDON, England, Aug. 27 The British Red Crops Bociety can call on CO, 000 persons, many of them highly trained, to undertake field ambulance and hospital work. If there is a se rious demand for their services It is estimated that at least S5 per cent of this number will obey the call. The society is the body officially recognized by the war department and acts under the direction of the ad miralty and war office, In conjunc tion with the hospital staff. Its or ganization and status are due to the lessons of the South African war, when various Independent nursing societies, some of them poorly man aged and all interfering with one an other's movements, caused the au thorities no need of trouble. result was tha all societies amalgamated and put under head. NEWS OF FARM WD RANGE Cannot IXlut for Kark-t t'ndef t:i law passed by the last lenislature it, j is illegal for a party buying wheat to i deduct for the weight of the sacks unless an explicit agreement to do so has been made. This law has an 1m portant bearing here as It has been customary for buyers to deduct for sacks. The law prohibiting this Is found on page 65 of the 1913 session laws and the text of the law i as fol lows; Be it enacted by the people of the state of Oregon: Section 1. That whenever wheat, rye, Indian corn. oats, barley, clover seed, buckwheat. hlfalfa seed, timotny seed, iieia peu i seew, dried apples, dried peaches, dried prunes, potatoes, pears, wool, mohair, or any other farm or range produce shall be sold by the bushel or pound or in sacka, and if no spec ial agreement shall be made by the parties to the sale os to what tare or deduction snail oe raaue lur weight of the sacks containing the above produce, no deduction shall be made therefor. Filed in the office of tho secretary of state February 4, 1914. TjM-al Wheat Market There has been no turbulency in the local wheat market today but on the other hand the policy of watchful waiting is continued by the farmers. On the basis of news from Portland showing a slight slump In club prices today the Farmers Union gTaln agency an nounced a quotation of 80 cents for the day. Yesterday they were quoting 81. There is a little wheat changing hands from time to time but the sales are not frequent as the farmers very generally refuse to sell with the mar ket advancing almost dally. News from Portland is to the effect the market has receded a trifle from the high mark yesterday. At Chicago to day the wheat pit was a scene of ex citement with prices boosted skyward and then dropped during the trading IbiilSI mm Smart Styles and sensibleprices in Ladies' Tailor made Garments. Over 250 samples to to select from Pi III ' V French Don't put , off ordering your new Fall Suit, Skirt, Dress or Coat Workmanship. Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning Works 911 Cottonwood St Telephone 791 The were one " Shipping Beef Cattle Nate Raines is making a shipment of beef cattle to S'eattle today. Barley Prices Better There is an improvement in local barley prices. $18 per ton is now quoted as the price whereas $16.50 was a common price not long since. MIMTIA WAR SCHOOL i:CAMP.MEXT IS OVER i PEEKSKILL. N. Y.. Aug. 27. After three weeks of war study offi ! ctrs of the New York nationa lguard ! today broke camn and started for II' T11K JIXGOKS HAD I.ED. j their homes. During the period they With its horrors of devastation, de- ! have been here the militia officers strution, death, the European war! have received Instruction in military presents a ilire picturt- of where the j law, infantry tactics, supply and United States might have been if its' transport, administration and field Adopt New Contraband Role. LONDON, Aug. 27. The Gazette announces the decision of the Erltlsh government to put Into foree the dec laration of London as if it had been ratified. This decision was taken In view of the fact that British, French and Russia had given notice of their Intention to act in accordance with the provisions of the declaration, so far as is practical, during the pres ent hostilities. The declaration of London was discussed at a conference of mari time powers held In London in 1908 09. Among other things it provided for a modification of the law or con traband and rights of seizure and search. It was adopted by the dele gates, but has not been ratified by all the countries concerned. OFFICIALS FOR SPECIAL BONO ELECTION NAMED Admission lOo and 6c H See program in today' papor rilllllllllllllllllllllinilllllllllllllllllllllllir Finder will receive $10 reward for re turning to thla office. Address R. R. Stafford. Passengers for Portland desiring refreshing ride on the Columbia river thould take the Str. Bailey Qatsert at The Dalles, daily except Sunday and Monday, at S:1S p. m.. arriving In Portland at 8:45 p. m. Fare, The Dalles to Portland, tl.00. For sale Registered thoroughbred bay stallion. 5 years old, 16 hands high, grandly bred, to run distance. ready to race, In training two mnths. Also two mares, will trade for 11 SO or 1200 pound horses. Ad dress o. L. McQlnnls, Sl Valencia street, San Francisco, Cal. HoMe to Rent? Why look for a house to rent? See Cox and Lonerg an and let them fig ure on bunding for you on terms. Let your rent buy a home for you. Choice residence siteo, all mod ern Improvements. Telephones I end S01 Adv. V. 8. Will no Greatest Nation. Think what It means when the government guarantees our meats as being pure and free from Infection. Buy V. B. Inspected meats at the Ore. ton Market. Phone 444 Adv. Notice to Elks. There will be a regular session of Pendleton Lodge No. 2(8, B. P. O. Elks, Thursday evening, August 27. Initiation and rcfreshtaents. You urged to attend. J. V. TALLMAN, E. R. THOfl. F1TZ GERALD. Bee. (Adv.) passenger on No. 6 this morning. Deputy Sheriff West of Freewater, came In this morning toappear be fore the grand Jury as .a witness. Elmer Storle. who Is wish the Holt Mfg. Co. In Walla Walla, 'returned home this morning after, an over night stay. Father Oeorge Chabot of St. Paul. Ore., spent yesterday In the city en route home after an extended vlint in Canada. Gus Smythe. Interested with his brotner. Dan P. Smythe in the tbeep business, spent last night hi Pen dleton. Mrs. N. E. Horton and daaghter, Wllhelmlna, who have been spending the past two months with Mrs. Uor ton's sister. Mrs. E. E. Baer, left yes terday for their home in RocaeUe. 111. , to confirm it. people had listened to the ajoling taunts of the jingo who souglit to t-mbroil them in conflict, first with Mexico and then with England, te country of all others with which we should remain upon terms of peace Mid pood will. Talk of war Is one think; the real ity is another. We have plenty of war tall: in this country, coming hiefly from those who exploit it for t-elfish purposes. Fortunately, however, we have not bad to furnish th actual picture of it; and perhaps the reality across the Atlantic will at least enforce the les son of peace when there Is no actual or substantial ground for the conflict. Germans WlUiout News. LONDON". Aug. 27. That the Ger mans are in almost utter lgnorane of any news from the outside world or even of lmortant domestic hap penings. Is emphasized by a copy of the Berlin Tageblatt, dated August 22, which arrived here by way of Hol land. The Tageblatt contains a "rumor" of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson's death, but the paper delcares that It is unable THE LEADER OF THE HEROIC BELGIANS l-xr Trado, Party wants Improved, small house and lot preferred. Has nine lots In 8. Pendleton to trade In on same. Address "K" this office. Adv. lr Trade. Parly wants Improved property, smull house and lot preferred. Has nine lots In S. Tendleton to trade In on same. Address "K" this office. Adv. i Iireka IjoOko, I. O. O. P. Eureka, Lodge, No. 82, I. O. O. F.. will hold a meeting Saturday evening after a two months' suspension. J. E. Montgomery, secretary. Adv. Prnoh Ooliw In Hiding, PARIS, Aug. 27. Paper notes of (0 centimes, one franc and two franca are being printed under the author isation of the government by the Tor. la chamber of commerce to supply change. The first Issue amounts to 10.000,000 franca ($2,000,000). This fractional currency can be exchanged at the Rank of France for large bills. It Is estimated that 2.000,006.000 francs In silver Is now hoarded In France, so that even small coins lire going Into hiding. rmm - - ''ClT" - mm i. . -..rr n . xt - at a -r . a a.' at J m 1 1 ' ' wt IT- 'v. h4"Mf 'v fortification under the direction of some of Uncle Sam's best and most proficient regular army officers. Some of the instructors were from the War College in Washington. Other cours es nt the officers' camp this summer dealt with signalling and communi cation, sanitation and first and and Post administration and inspection. During the three weeks, a provis ional company of infantry, war strength, under command of Lieut. Thomas L Crystal. U. S. A., was on duty as an object lesson for the stu dent militia officers. In illustrating problems of attack and defense the company used ball ammunition, it be ing the belief that the use of the real thing would make the men more care ful, more subservient to discipline and be a greater factor in teaching fire control. German Cruiser Lost WASHINGTON. Aug. 27 The German embassy announced that a wireless message from Berlin said the German cruiser Magdeburg was blown up in the Bay of Finland. It encountered a superior force while entering the bay when the following fleet ran her aground and destroyed her. Most of the is said, escaped. S. Sltows Trade Prospects WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. 26. Consular officers of the United States throughout South America are mak ing efforts under the guidance of the bureau of foreign and domestic com merce to place In the hands of Am erican manufacturers up te date In formation relative to trade prospects Half of the daily consular and trade report Issued by the government to day Is devoted to the publication of this Information under the headings of "Goods Needed in Latin America," "Merchandise Offered by Latin Am erica" and "Publications on South America."' Players Aid Red Cross. CHICAGO, Aug. 27. President Johnson appointed September 1 as "Red Cross Day" in the American League. Twenty-five per cent of the receipts on that day at all games in the league will be given to the Red Cross for its European war fund. NEW YORK. Aug. 27. Twenty- five per cent of the gate receipts at At the regular meeting of the coun cil last evening the Judges, clerks and polling places for the special bond election to be held on September 23 were named as follows: First Ward. Judges John Knight, Mrs. Wil liam Scheer and Mrs O'Danielj clerks, Phylis Parkes, Arthur Mat thews and Rosa Carney. Polling place, Alta House. Second Ward. Judges John Mentley, A, F. May. and C. E. Roosevelt; clerks, R. T. Brown, Mrs. J S Landers and Jamea Johns, Jr. Polling place, basement of Christian church. TlUrd Ward. Judges John McGinn, Robert Laing and Norborne Berkeley; clerks, Mrs. C. S. Wheeler, Norma Alloway and Mrs. Julia Ell. Polling place, city hall. Ilrst Precinct, Fourth Ward. Judges Henry Craig, George Haw and. Mrs. A. C. Koeppen; clerks, Earl all the National League baseball i Wanders, S. II. Forshaw and J. parks September 4 are to be given Van Patten. Polling place. Field to the American Red Cross associa-, school tion for use in Europe, according to announcement made by John A. Hey dler, secretary of the league. ' Mr. Heydler -aid the announcement was made on authority of President Ten-er. Sfconil Precinct, Fourth Ward. Judges Charles Koch. Doss Swear Ingen and J. Baumgardner; clerks, Claude Penland, Jack Blssett and William Evans. Polling place, Bow man hotel. Open Day and Night Meals 25c and up. Special Evening Lunches. THE Quelle lESTMJRANT Gus LaFontaine, Proprietor. Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms in connection Steam Ileated WHY rnnif during the TV 11 1 V J VJF t HOT WEATHER Take Your Meals at Lott's Cafe All the delicacies of the season cuisined by a competent chef. Save fuel! Save heat!! Save your health!!! WE cater to special dinner parties. LOTT'S CAFE Phone 572. 631 !i Main (i ii 1 1 iiii ii iiii i r ii ii 1 1 if 1 1 ii i iii 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 iii im 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 mi ii tn 1 1 iim i 1 1 ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiinmiiiii s ft n 11 P"i r m t n . M 3 5 1 r nl IVUHJlUAi i-i 1 1 11 MS hS urn KIiir AllKrt of Belgium. I Two Saxon Princes, the correspon The defense of the Belgians against i le"t continues, have installed them selves In the royal chateau at Laeken Ineken Is a suburb of Brussels and has a royal park und a residence of King Albert. Another dtsputi-h to the Havun Agency from Heme, Switzerland, says the Herman government has admon ished the public to be economical in the use of kerosene and gasoline. the Invading Hermans has won tho admiration of the world. PARIS. Aug. 2". A dispatch to the 1 lavas Agency from Antwerp sayt that King Albert Is nt present at the lVlKlun nnny headiuartera at Ma- i lines FRANK L. McNEIL. Manager The Blue Mountains Most Popular Health and Pleasure Resort HOTEL RATES $11.00 and $12 00 Per Week FREE CAMPING GROUNDS AUTO STAGE licaves Pendleton every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. Sec Frank Murphy or leave orders at Pendleton Auto Co. MAIL STAGE MsaasBaaasa ansaBaBaaMaaRBaBaBMaaaaBaBaBaBaBaasaaaaaasBBasj Connect with train at Pilot llix k and loavr MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND EH 1 DAY. Hauls Freight ami Mall. a a 3 a a a a 1 Swimming, Dancing Hunting, Bowling, Fishing, Hot Mineral Water 1 .It 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I