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PAGE 8TI DAILY ESST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1014. EIGHT PAGEfl . AN IVDKI'KM'KNT NEWSPAPER. I'otiiniK-d I oil j nfl iteml Wkly at I'm- dlrton. 'regno, by the F.AKT OHWi'lXUS I-thLISlUNO CO Official County rarer. Urtrilwr t'nltKl Vrtui Aiwnrlatloa. Ivtitfi4l at 1b iHMtarn- it IVndleton. rwii, wood -r mm mll natter. VriRplionc ON" HAI.K IN OTHER CITIES. Imperial Hotel Stmt Maud, Portland, Orrgun. Ituamaa Neva Co. Portland, Oregon. ON HI.K AT Cblraro Pureaii. iii Purity Rnlldlng. VanLlnelon. l. C., liureau, 501, tour tacntk atrvet, N. V. SCIIHCR11TIOX RATES. nal'T. one year, by Bail $5 00 Itollr. all month, by mall 2.JV0 lwily, three month, by mall 1.23 lwliy, one month, by mail .M lal!y, erne year, by carrier 7.SO I ai ly, alt Booths, by carrier S.75 Illy, three months, by carrier 1.95 lwily. one month, by carrier ft Kwnl Weekly, ona year by mall 150 rteml WeeklT, all moot ha, by mail "5 hrm Weekly, tour moats, by mail... .50 LIKE OF THE IAXD. 1. Here shall we stand. In the joy of the life-giving strength of the land; In the light of the heavenly blecsing it yields The peace and the faith of the world -feeding fields. War thunders will die, as at Love's high command. And God guard the Peace of the life-giving land. II. Here shall we stand In the sunlight of freedom life's liberty-band; Kar from war-hatreds and trlfes that are hurled Sons of the toil that is build ing a world. The rresent is ours; the future God-planned, Shines bright on the dreams of the life-giving land. F. I. Stanton. timber holders secured their timber tfiret-tly or Indirectly through fraud. Most of the timber was acquired for a Mine. More men have gotten rich In the northwest through acquiring timber than in any other way. Why thouM we maintain a tariff on lum ber and shingles In order to further enrich them. Why penalise every home builder, every lumber dealer, every carpenter, every contractor.! every person who sleeps under a roof, !n order to make stiTT greater un earned profits for the Weyerhausers and their ilk? The way to restore prosperity to the shingle Industry In Washington la not to restore the tariff but to Insist that British Columbia shingles always be admitted free, of duty. Free trade In shingles and In lumber will in a short time lower the price of our standing Umber bo that our sawmills can then resume operations without any fear of Canadian competition. Alaskan advices report Lord Wil liam Percy has shot a "spectacled" eider duck after Spectacled Ducks, crawling on his belly half a mile to get within gun range of It. This species of duck, we are told, "has been supposed to be extinct." That supposition has not been shared by anybody resident in the big towns. Thanks to bad lighting, bad ventilation, gas and dust-laden air,- and the banishment of sound, healthful sleep by hideous, unneces sary noises, a majority of the dwellers in modern American cities are ap parently undergoing a transmutation Into spectacled ducks. The real news interest in the Al askan story is not the killing of the duck, but the fact that a Lord named Percy crawled half a mile on his belly to get within gun range of it. Still, perhaps he is not a real hunter, but only a fanual naturalist St. Louis Post-Dispatch. IIOXKU AM) His UltlDK STHAN !! IX JAPAN In view of Senatorial Candidate Booth' recent speech at Albany in which he tried to defend Mr. Ilooth's his timber land record Acquittal. a news story which this paper reprints today from the Weekly Oregonlan of April 11. 10S. is of much Interest. That tory relates to the indictment of R. A. Booth and his brother and gives a line on the operations that led lo those Indictments, It is a story every voter should take time to read. At Albany Mr. Booth boasted of the fact he was not convicted. The Ora fronian story of his indictment said. "The story has It that the sen ator (H. A. Booth) used his . brother as a tool in the forward ing of his plans for the acquire ment of valuable timber land and that on this account it has been a hard matter to land him in the embrace of the law." .N'ow the question is was Mr. Booth's acquittal due to innocence on his part r to the fact he had used his brother as u tool thus making it a "hard mat ter to land him in the embrace' of the law." Should Mr. Booth be a candidate for the I'nited States Fenatorship in view t the circumstances surrounding hi Indictment even if he did escape con viction? . It ia awerted by critics of the new tariff that British Columbia rhingles are being import Wliat lite Slilnte ed through Puget Industry Xeed. sound and are hurting the west ern Washington shingle industry. It nay be true. Hut why ran British Columbia sell athinglcs cheaper than can Washing ton? Labor is no cheaper in British Columbia than In this country. Their machinery does not run any faster. Then why should there be Importation of shingles from Canada? V- A :k y if ; t V : . Packer McFarland. the American boxer whose honeymoon trip has been suddenly cut short In Japan. The fighter and his bride were on a trip around the world. When they reach ed Japan they found that their steam shin tickets beyond that country had been cancelled because of the Euro pean war. Local Playhouses What the Preea Agent Has to Say of Present and Coming Attractions. Orpheu m Tucsd a y-Wed ncsda y, Lillian Walker, Wallle Van. Flora Finch and Hughy Mack have the lead ing roles In "The New Stenographer," Vltagraph. This comedy was enacted ISO times at the Vitagraph theater In New York. The firm of Brown & Jones adver tise for a stenographer and Lucile, a scrawny old maid Is hired. She ia a wonderful stenographer but the two men and their clerk secretly hate the sight of her and are delighted when she falls 111 and sends her charming niece, Lillian to take her place. All three men at once get very silly and pay ardent court to the new beauty. although she does not reciprocate any of their love making, and they get a terrible shock when one day she introduces her husband and the three business men gladly agree that Lu cille's homely face, Is a blessing In dis guise, and a safe and sane business aid. "No. 23 Diplomat." Essanay. Fea turing Ruth Stonehouse. Richard Tra- vers and Gerda Holmes. John and Helen quarrel and he decides to go to Africa. They both take each others pictures to ta framed. The pretty little clerk suspects a lovers quarrel and plays cupld and brings about a happy reconciliation. "Faint Heart Ne'er Won Fair La dy" Edison. Featuring Bessie Learn and Ed Boulden. Few lovers go through such hardships as did Blllte and Bessie. But persistence finally wins out and they receive father's consent. "A Chance of Business," Edison, a clever Edison comedy. "Experiments In Eiectrlclty," Pa the. A very interesting film. YOU SHOULD TAKE PURE UD PLEASANT DR. USPS KEW DISCOVERY. YOU WILL GET QUICK AND PERMANENT RELIEF. Count BaptUte. marry him to Flora "The Corsair." featuring Crane Wil bur and Anna Rose will also be shown. This picture Is an aduptlon from Byron's poem by that name. Fist bewteen Tim Raffcrty an Am erlcan pugilist and a French Kacateur Doe places a largo bet on Hafferty: and wins. Doe starts for home with j Pansy where he opens the Bllllonuire theater for Pansy. The theater not ' being a success Doe murrles the star, j CoilQh, LOOSenS CHeSt. SOOtHeS The Peppercorns having met the , " . ... ... Tubes and Lungs. Start Taking It at Once. Dr. King's 'New Discovery was origi nated 43 years ago. Its wonderful power to atop coughing, cure colds, relieve bronchial and lung affections, made it quickly popular. Its' use steadily increased. Now it is un doubtedly the most used prescription for coughs and colds in the world. Millions of bottles are sold annually, and thousands tes tify, to its merits by testimonials and con tinued use. Why experiment with unknown and untried remedies? Pleasant, tried and true, Dr. King's New Discovery ia guaran teed by your druggist to help you or money refunded. Get a bottle to-day. Keep it for emergencies. "Typhoid pneumonia had left me with a dreadful cough," writes Mrs. J. E. Cox of Joliet, 111. "Sometimes I had such awful coughing spells I thought I would die. I could get no help from doctor's treatment , or other medicines, till I used Dr. King's jxew uiBcovery. i owe my me to this won derful remedy, for I scarcely cough at all now." Quick, safe, and reliable for all throat and lung troubles. Sold by KOKPVeXg Voy Tuewday. The 10th two-reel Installment of "The Million Dollar Mystery" will be shown here today only. The con spirators shanghai Norton and put him on board a whaler; they find Florence In the fishing village and abduct her; their boat takes fire ana they are rescued at sea by the whal er; Norton and Florence meet and In the night they make their escape from the whaler. , This Is a most exciting number throughout. "For Those Unborn." Two reel Majestic. Blanche Sweet Is featured In ono of the finest pictures ever made. "A Brand New Hero." KeyBtone. "Fatty" and the police force make things move In this comedy. Two fine acts tonight. Tendya, Chinese impersonator and maglclun, has a comedy act that keeps every one in a continual laugh. This Is his last night. If you want a good laugh" see Yendys. Ellis and Tlce. sister team, singing. Instrumental music and wooned shoe) dancing make their final appear ance tonight. They are unusually good in all their specialties. n i 1 - - - 1 MMkTMAM b CHICACaiU. Vfl as evidenced by each succeeding per formance speaks volumes for the No sooner had the public learned of the administration's plan to pur chase ships with gov No Protest ernment money In or From Abroad, der to build up our merchant marine and get some of the valuable foreign trade now to be had no sooner was the Plan announced than there began to appear In certain newspapers stories alleging grave foreign complications might result from such a course. It was explained that England and France would object to our purchas ing German ships. Nevertheless the program was ad opted by the cabinet and urged on congress with every' probability , the bill will soon become a law. Now comes from no less a person than Oscar Strauss of New York, who is in tngland, the statement the Eng- MRS. K lish have no objections to the move. He has talked with Sir Edward Grey and seems to know whereof he speaks. Instead of opposing the move the English favor it because it would help them secure some much needed American wheat Evidently the opposition to our ship ping program comes from American sources, not from abroad. Nor would it be hard to find the source of objection. Russian Captive Grieves. LONDON. Sept. 8. The Times St Petersburg correspondent telegraphs: " 'I am unworthy of wearing the uniform of a German naval officer and have sinned against the father land,' are the words uttered by" the unfortunate commander of the Ger man cruiser Magdeburg, which was destroyed by Russian warships In the Baltic on his arrival at St. Peters burg with two other officers and 80 German sailors. "The commander was among the first to step from the train, and seemed to De overcome with grief. When asked his name, he said, 'I have none.' These words and the opening sentences of the dispatch were all the eager questioners could get from him. "The sailors presented a sorry spec tacle, not so much for lack of spirits. for they were comparatively loqua cious, but owing to the originality of their attire. Besides being unkempt and unshaved, their varied garb made them look little like sailors. With the exception of one wearing a parade uniform, they were dressed like Hoo ligans, some wearing civil jackets and naval trousers and others vice versa. Some wore boots and others had none. One had a chauffeur's cap." i VOl'LD Tit FIGHT IXK ESTATE SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 8 Mrs. Katherine Clemmons Gould, divorced wife of Howard Gould, New York Millionaire, has instructed her attor neys here to open a legal battle with her stepfather, W. J. Dayan, and her sister, Mrs. Wong Pun Yue, for pos session of the estate of her mother, Mrs. W. J. Dayan, who died In Palao Alto, California, several months ago. Mrs. Gould's sifter Ella May Clem mons several years ago married Wong Sun Yue, a Chinese art dealer. OHrs Affect Itraln. NEW YORK. Sept. 8- People to hom certain colors represent sounds or emotions have long been laughed at, but scientific work on the sun's rays is proving them to have Justifi cation for their theories. Red, It appears. Is the most excit ing and stimulating of all colors and has a special effect on the activity of the brain. Blue, which so many people In an age of great nervous strain and tension find soothing, is so In reality. Unless one is In a Je presiwd state of mind sea blue cur tains at your bedroom windows have a beneficial effect, 'especially if the house faces the south and gets the morning sun. twing Imported through Puget sound j there can be but one reason. That reason hum to do not with the manu facture of shingles but with the status (f the timber business. In this coun try the standing timber has become monopolized. Through this monopo lisation the available timber Is held t prices all beyond reason. These 1-rlees are further augmented by the fact our privately owned timber does liot have to pay a sufficient tax. If our timber were taxed as it should be the timber monopolists would not liavc such snap. They would relax their grip and we would have less timber going to wasU and there would le more sawmills running. Reond doubt Canadian shingles are CHimlnx to this country, not because Hi HUh Columbia can manufacture biiiftlea any cheaper than can Wash ington but because British Columbia tnilii ran secure timber at sane prices. The way to stop the Importation of Canadian shingles is for our timber inannNles to -lower their sights. Lt them rrll their standing timber to bliiKle factories at Just prices and all will be well. They run afford to do that Wcaum mod of our great It was Bald that during 1913' about $300,000,000 was received for elec tric lighting In the United States. Es timating the population at 100,000,000 this means that each person, regard less of age,, pays $3 per year for elec tric light This is equal to about 1 cent per person per day, or, In other words, two lamp-hours per day per person. PaMlnic Today. Klaw and Erlanger present "The Billionaire," Eclectic Feature Film Co.. present "The Corsair." adapted from Byron's poem by that name. "THE BILLIONAIRE." John Do. "The Billionaire," who owns a controlling Interest in the earth, decides to spend the weekend In Gay Paree and Monte Carlo, and leaves, taking with him Ping Pong, his valet, and a retinue of servants. Mr. and Mrs. Hotpur Pepercorn, newly rich and ambitious to marry their daughter Flora to a nobleman, rail on the aame ship. Doe startles Paris with his lavish spending and Is eagerly sought. The Peppercorns go to Nice In hopes with mingling with nobility and Doe takes a trip to Mon te Carlo. Pansy Good, a cabaret singer, gets In bad and loses her po sition. At the same time Count Bap tlste, the frappe tenor, finds a pho to In his wife's possession, and de termined to find the original, leaves his wife, pleading poverty as his ex cuse, telling her he cannot see her h8re his misery. Doe breaks the tank at Monte Carlo, gives all his winnings to a beautiful and mysterl ous blonde who has lost heavily and Is about to take poison. She, In turn. gives Doe a card written In French. Doe, anxious to find out what the card means hands It to a stranger and is challenged to a duel. The mysterious card breeds wholesale dueling. Doe accepts the challenge, but backs out when he sees the size of the crowd waiting to witness it.. He and Ping Pong make good their es- I cape In an airship. Ping Pong in at tempting to throw a bomb, falls out Pansy Good has a heated argument with the manager of the hotel about her bill. Doe; arrives, and pays the bill, for which Pansy Is grateful and Doe promptly loses his heart. The Peppercorns meet Lieutenant Ladls las, a distinguished army officer, who takes Mrs. Peppercorn and Flora' on a sight seeing tour. Peppercorn plans to entertain the telephone girl and pleads a headache. Doe and Pansy decide to do the town and In the Cafe Chantant, Doe Is recognized by Baptlate as the base. American whose picture he found In his wife's possession. Doe Is again challenged to a duel. Doe, Pansy and the Pep percorns attend a contest Feet vs Alt Tbter Today Only. "By Whose Hand." a two part drama by the Lubln company, featur- 1 company now holding forth and while Ing the all-star cast that appeared In tnere have been organizations appear such well known features as "The ,,m . ,,, . ... Gamblers." "The Daughters of Men." j ,ng at t,mM here weU tX"m and other Klein dramas from great j where who did not come up to repra stage plays. Earl Metcalf, Kempton ( sentatlons made by enthusiastic ad Greene, Arthur Matthews and Mary.vance agents, thla company la prov Keane. The story Is very interesting Ing a happy exception to the rule and and contains many beautiful scenes. "The Prize Employer" and "Brown's Bachelor Supper," two Blo graph comedies with many mirth pro voking scenes. "The Elopement of ElUa" will more than make you laugh and rounds out a swell comedy bill. If you want to laugh be sure and see this program. Matinee every day, 2 to 5. Tomor row, Hazel Dawn the winsome stage favorite in Bronson Howard's Inter national romance, "One of Our Girls' by the Famous Players Film com pany. Coming Saturday and Sunday, Mary Plckford, "The Good Little Devil," In that greatest of all great heart-Interest photoplays, 'Tess of the Storm Country," In five reels. Grand Theater. Tonight at this house will be a gala affair as an added attraction has just teen put on the bill to augment the already remarkable clever program. The steadily Increasing attendance U guaranteed by the manager to b the best ever appearing In this house and he says ask your neighbor who has seen them. Iron Oom for von Undcnbnnr. BERLIN. Germany, Sept S. Em peror William has conferred the dec oration of the Iron cross, first class, on Gen. von Llndenburg. Electricity Is used to dry grain be fore grinding In certain European mills. TerV upon quality you are entitled tp tSti I foScb Supreme Sodas HSi few 10c at jrour dealer VS" VJ vf j Frt For 12 end label a turprne box of wrT I ' "Supreme" Baked Dainties will be ent ljl))Y K yoa absolutely free. 1 lllilill lU.Llllil. Ippiiiiiimiliuutfaiii mi m fGi urn: If rriti.h Columbia shingles are Color. Indeed, efpeclally In flowers, has on extraordinary effect on me ! mental condition. The sight ofi crimson, pink and amethyst rhodod endrons growing in the open air has a curlosly uplifting and Joyous effect. Alfalfa Campaign Boglns. MUSKOGEE. Okla.. Sept. 8. East ern Oklahoma's greatest agricultural event of the year the campaign for "a million acres In alfalfa" began at Mukogee recently with a lunch eon, at which more than 600' Mus kogee county farmers pledged their efforts to the work. Professor P. G-Hoi-Jen. agriculturist, addressed 1000 farmers. The campaign proper begins Wed nesday. From Muskogee six crews will start out In automobiles and will address f5 meetings a day. The first two days will be spent in Huskogee county. Meetings will be held on the farms and In community centers At night meetings will be held In the larger towns. Two days will be spent in Haskell county, and then the scene of action will be shifted to Lefjore county. The territory covered will reach from Le flore on the south to Nowata on the north and Chandler on the east A core of noted agriculturists are here. The Oklahoma state board of agri culture was present at the luncheon in Muskogee and some of the men will accompany the crews. If hf a (urface to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished, or finished in any way, there' an Acme Quality Kind to fit tb purpotc Strong Reasons for Fall Painting 1. The wood is thoroughly dry. Sunntri tun has rttiumtJ all meuturt, 2. Paint penetrates deeper into dry wood. Thi dttptr u pa tht betttr it holds, 3. Fall weather is warm, dry and dependable. LiMlt longer tf aid, dami, rainy days, which endanger Ihi durability of the paint. 4. Wet weather decays and de stroys unprotected surfaces. Lack of paint meant unsightly sad tut valuable property. ' 5. Fall painting keeps out winter moisture. The greatest enemy t$ the life and beauty tf mil strueurit. Ak ut about ACME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT It insures the ereatctt protection and beauty, at the least cost per year of service. Questions cheerfully answered HALF (Si, McATEE 807 Mam Street endleton, Oregon Look to your Office Station ery and Printing Supplies before the busy Pall season starts. For correct printing take your work to mm rn just telephone 1 and our Job Printing Man will call. WE FURNISH Commercial Printing for Business Institutions. Engraved, Embossed and Printed Stationery. Calling Cards and Wedding Announcements. Loose Leaf Binders and Sheets. Sales Slips and Gummed Labels. SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED M imlill'lili liis 3