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TUTLY TS3T OKFOONTAN. PFNT1T.ETON. ORFOON. FKIDAV. SKI'TKMIIKK 11. 1!H. EIGHT PAGES ASSISTANT RANGER WILL BE CHOSEN THROUGH EXAM ff'f.f'OO in gold to help American clli en rtranded in Kurope. Krench re servlota sail for France. Other In terefilng events of worldwide Import ance. DAMAGE DONE BY ZEPPELINS IN ANTWERP jimtnmn tl'iia.iiii mil Hill H 1 1 1 II Mil! Ill II tiitnimnrnmimiimminmimiiiMiiiiii liiillilllliiliMutilUliiliiililiilllli THE BANK OF PAnrc six mm mm n mm n i-j iillllli iillUllllliili III U IIUIIUUIIUIliUIWUlllliUilimiuuMHUHit 4 si 11 i i IHsrilHT IXUITI-U AT POUT l.M ANOl.o;s TIT ixm iktouku. The dlstrld loroter 1 Portland, Oregon, announces that an examina tion lor nnclKtant fort ranger will be h-Id thU year on October It and SO, at Jh headquarter sof all forest ujxr isor in tr-gon, Washington and Alaska. An usual t b 1m examinallno will b given under the aupplce of the civil nor Ice rommlwlon, and In accord ance with I L regulation in such matters; and requests for application blank and all Inquiries shoulj he a1Jreed to the Civil Service Com mlwton, Seattle. Washington. . The examination will cover two. main hear.: field work, and office work. The field examination, which will be conducted in the open, is designed to how a man' knowledge of riding and packing, pacing and estimating h re tm. and the elementary botany of forage plant and timber trees. The office examination will deal with OueMions on land laws, mapping, knowledge of sawmills, timber re gions, and woodsmanshlp, and is also designed to show whether a man h.u sufficient knowledge of English to make an intelligent report. The chief requisites, however, in all applicants for this position are a fcno'l atrong physique and experience Thone who have not had at least one Beacon's experience as forest guard are advixed not to attempt this ex amination. There are but few vacan cies to be filled and only'experienced men are wanted, Saiartc for positions in Oregon and Washington run from $S0O to $1100. according to locality, and in Alaska from IliOO to 11500. 1jiw of Vitality is loss of the prin ciple of life, and is early indicated by failing appetite and diminishing strength and endurance. Hood's Sar aaparilla is the greatest vitalize' it acts on all the organs and functions, and builds up the whole system. Adv. ""jr.. Vaudeville for Friday night, Satur day matinee and Saturday night. Le Hoy and Hall In the Comedy Circuo sketch, -The Hube Girl at the Side Show,- have a good act and put plenty of ginger into their various stunts. Their singing, dialogue and acrobatic work are all of the kind that gets the attention of the crowd and holds the Interest. This is a very fine act. The Wolfs also have a splendid act. The singing of the lady member of the duo Is worthy of especial mention. She has a voice of wonderful sweet ness and great range and alngs diffi cult operatic selections in a manner seldom heard in vaudeville. Their selections on the banjo, guitar and mandolin are a real treat to listen to. The Cruise of the Molly Anne." Two reel Broncho. Sensational sea yard in which we have a wonderfully realistic fire at sea and a rescue that looks like the real thing. The Molly Anne certainly had an eventful cruise. Miss Rhea Mitchell, a Portland girl. Is featured. -Our Mutual Girl." Series SI. Margaret sees the latest fall style. She gives a "Finger Print" party and r roves to the satisfaction of all that Donbar was not the one who stole het necklace. An interesting num ber The Motherless Kids."- Beauty. Little Kathle Fischer and all the Ifeauty favorite in a good comedy. -is .""- I.--!''- i .-A3 Pi, 'v'il ',CJf-Wv,'S'"t ''''' "'?.' I : J I t-r.- ' i r.i IV- A. i m ' ; 18 ?tmtm " V-;; si ,a. Ml J. . ;:' :. -. vr-'VUtKVS? V yf aC 1&S' PERSONAL SERVICE Each customer welfare is of personal interest to us. Our growth depends largely upon their success. : Open an account and give us an opportunity of proving our superior service. ' t Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Time Deposits. American National Bank Under Government Supervision Founded in 1889. . Main and Alt Street Z:illlliO!S!!!l!!!!il!i!!!S!!!!!!l!l, chop suey, omnn dishes f-OFY'S KWONG HONG LOW AJZLj A W 116 Wait Alia St., UpiUln, Phone 433 today no one n. the timber owners of this county ; have been remarkably fortunate In Local Playhouses Wbat the rreas Agect Has to Say of Present and Coming Attraction. Mary Fuller at the Vita. This charming actress will be seen today only in 'The Viking Queen" as Queen Helga ruling over one of the . smaller kingdoms of Norway In the of steady rain to do any damage to early days before they became weld-, the crop. ed into one. The cast supporting Miss j "I do not know of a single dollar's Fuller has been chosen for its re- J worth of damage that forest f irea semblance to the hardy Norsemen and have done to Lane county timber." the costuming and settings are true , said 1 E. Bean, head of the Western to the period. As she is considered J Lane County Fire Patrol association, one of the most accomplished actress- "Considering the unusually dry sea- es in the film world should miws the chance to see her. "Face to Face," the 7th story of this regard. A few green trees have "The Man Who Disappeared" with ' been burned but most of them were the English actor. Marc McDermott ' Pitch trees and of no commercial In the title role is still more Inter-1 value. This is the first real t.ppor esting than the preceding numbers, j tunity to demonstrate the new fire Perriton ' finds the girl he loves in Patrol law. The work during the the clutches of President Carter of the , Present season shows what efficient construction company in this num- ! Patrol system will do toward the pro ber. t jtectlon of Oregon timber. I do not 'The House that Went Crazy," Is a believe there will be any danger in .celig laugh producer. tne future to Oregon timber owner Saturday and Sunday: Marv Pick- ' if the patrol system such as was main- ford in 'Tess of the Storm Country" taind in Lane county is employed her famous niristemieee ; all Over the State." I.. . I ll.- . t . -m . ..ere e, 01 uie damage none by bomb thrown from 7x iielliw In Hieir night attack on it mi, lite now capital or Belgium. There the Belgian government ha move,! lee IlruKHCls w evaluated to ine (ernians. . The bomb thrown wore said to have been about 6(M pounds in. vr right. Tliey killed Heveral iM-rson. OtjJiouih Sal unlay Only. The implacable manner in which a Itiii.h wreaka vengeance upon the maa who had wronged and slain his fit her. willa Kalem's two-part drama The Uajah'a Vow," with tense ac tion Such stars as Marian Sais. Jane Mo fo. William West and Paul Hurst J jit'jear In the cast. j With his dying breath the Mahar ajah TUnraitsingl compels his son to hunt down and alay Sir Edward Thomas and his family. Sir Thomas has stolen the Maharajah a favorite wife and then mortally ahot him. Tears later the son came to Ameri ca jun Thomas' daughter is mr rtd to a young lieutenant. The -oung couple depart for India imme diately after the ceremony. The Ra jah slays Sir Edward and his wife nd then follows the daughter and her huland back to India. When nfter several bold but Tutile attempts on their lives,- he drinks a glass of polnon himself and dies at the ban quet table before his horrified guests. Mn.nrho BUlv Wins Out" Essa- rmy. Featuring W. M. Anderson and Mcrpuerite Clayton. Broncho Billy and the coward are loth suitors for the hand of the pret ty , hoo! teacher. Billy wina out and the coward pfans a revenge but is Ualtn at his own game and Broncho Ilil'v is proclaimed a hero. "A Case of Imagination " Mellea A lever comedy full of exciting situations. Grand Theater. Musical comedy of a type to take away the worst case of blues you ever j nad is holding the stage at this play j house for the balance of the week. and the principal comedian. J. W. Clif ford, is making the most of the fun- - ,.,,.. ny situations that occur in "A . l nLESQfE SHOW GIRLS ! C. It. Seitx and H. B. Rankin, su pervisors of the Cascade and Siuslaw iorests respectively, declare that no damage has been done by fire during tne summer in their respective re serves, and say that the rangers and ratrolmen will soon be called in The new cardials' names were not made public officially, but they were known to be: Monsignore BogglanL who was sec retary of the recent conclave. Monsignore Scaplnelll de Legulg- no, papal nuncio at Vienna. The consistory" was the new pope'a first. Following the creation of the two new cardinals and the bestowal of the red hats, he delivered his allocution. As society's only remedy for the world's evils, so strikingly shown by the present European war, he urged the strengthening and elevating of religious feeling, begging the faithful to pray fervently for a cessation of hostilities. Italy to Remain Neutral. AEW TORK. Sept. . Dow Jones & Co. today published this Item on their news tickers: "Itome Premier Salandra gave out the following offl clal statement: 'The Italian govern ment Is firmly determined to main tain strictest neutrality.' This cor responds with the feeling of the peo Pie. although deep rooted sympath ies are felt for England." Ml ii i Pendleton. Walla Wall.. Raniei and Budwcber Bottled Beer Cool and Sparkling Beer on Draught. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 517 MAIN STREET BREDING. HANSEN O MILLER at the Races." ably assisted, by Mr. Fred Cutter and 10 of the most cap able artists in their respective lines that have ever appeared at this house. Miss Thill Jordan with her beauti ful mezzo soprano voice is sincins ORGAXIZE REAL I'XIOX CLEVELAND, Ohio. Sept. 10. I ( you haven't a card, you can't be in the show. Chorus girls at the Star theater, Cleveland's leading burlesque her way Into the hearts of Pendleton I nus and a member of the Colum music lovers with new songs of a' bla burlesque circuit, have organized very high order as well as the ever ' a un'on. wh'ch the girls In every popular illustrated songs. pr. j show on the circuit are simply clam Frank Beaker at the piano has never i orlng t0 J0,n- ne unlon waa or" been eoualed In thi. citv . a md. anW under th leadership of Ha- cal director and the' company in its!"1 Watson wh the bIonde on entire i. ..-i - . .... third from the right in a show organization and proving to be a ! hich recently played here. "You most pteasant surprise. LAXE COfXTY FIRES OCT; XO DAMAGE Supervisors Are Loud in Their PraNe or tle Patrol System and Predict IVw Loe If Ilan Is General. laMime Today. Today we are featuring Mary Pick ford the queen of the screen, and t -v-r body's favorite In the beautiful enr l eel Biograph drama, "Love Am ong the Hoses." Hose Tapley assisted by Etlenne ;irard,t, Edwin Bobbins and Helen t'ontello l featured In the Vttagraph romedy "The Barrel Organ." "Hearst -fc'elig News Pictorial" cn taltw many interesting news events. 'The Voice of Innocence" is a two part ;eor;e Kleine drama that Is very Inten-rtlng. , "The Voice of Innocence." t 1'iilt drama. Beth Latidm, a pretty righteen year old gill, returns home tit the end of a year In boarding hool to find her father, a well l.uiw novelist, engaged to his steno grapher. Although unfavorably Im preaM'd with the wfnan from the -iart, he makes no effort to i-rjade Mm tnt to fulfill hla promise of mar riage. Peth la in love with her fath er's secretary and one day fitida her wicp-riiother pructlKlng her wiles on the secretary. In a fit of temper she Moruwa her rival and during the ar gument her father enters. In a mad tilerrpttto top the girl's tirade the rtep-mother grabs a revolver and elun.l Tit hhot iMlKe the girl slid hlU the father. Beth swoons, and the Mi'timti plarea the revolver Dear her hand. The shot did Hot kill the fath er but rendered him peerhleaa. Beth la wiit to prinnti fur the crime The n-irrUry being ucplcloua has a e rrn operation performed on Mr. Itn lis tid hla H-eerh restored. Then he truth romea out, the guilty one U I'Ulili-hed and Beth la freed to limir the wife of the secretary. The Barrel )rgn" Vltagrnph The Iwllel ttiauii make a barrrl of fun and a barrel of money fur Bunions. The monkey aid hi in In a daring res rue and It all rnda in a barrel of love Heaiat-K. Ilg " New York tier loan, hold war parade Go eminent M iivlf uli!t T lint-awe. curr.Mng EL'GENE. Ore.. Sept. 10. The rain .Sunday night ended the forest fire sea son in this part of the state. All fires that were burning in the Cascade and Coast mountains were entirely extin gulohed. The local weather observer announces that there was. a total pre cipitation of three quarters of an inch. I While the rain at this time will do no good to crops, the hopgrowc-rs who ' had jut begun their annual harvest, are not yet worrying over the rain. mot of them believing that it will j not last long. If it quits within a day i or two it will really be a benefit to the hops. It will take a week or two the houses the dressing rooms are cold and the management Is In no I hurry to turn on the steam. Then, too, once or twice I am told it has never happened to me shows have, well gone broke, and the girls have really had an awfully hard time get ting home. We don't like to buy our ow-n costumes, either, as we have to sometimes. Of course we will never strige. but we want to let managers know we don't like these things. Ves. Indeed, all girls who expect to Jance must have a card." Ri:i HAT BESTOWED OX TWO BY THE POPE ROME, Sept. 10. Pope Benedict XV created two new cardinals and gave their red hats to six foreign members of the sacred college whom the late pope elevated to the purple but who had not 't rstelved their insignia of office. IN ONE MINUTE! CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN-GOLDS AND CATARRH VANISH St.. Xa4y IfM-harge, Clears Stuffed dissolves by the heat of the nostrils. Ilea l. Heal Inflamed Air Iaat ' Penetrates and heals the inflamed, awonen memurane wnicn lines ine Farm &nd City Lo&ns Plenty of Money for Conservative Loans, at Reasonable Rateof Inter est Without Unnecessary Delay. Mark Moorhouse Company 112 East Court Street 1 I A 1 rm. -"V a . witn aw buiidmra. bemr squlp tneot. enlargtd ground, asd may ad ditiooa to i( (acuity, the Uoiverairr of Oregon will begin Its thirty -oiotb year Toetdty, September 15. Special traialns for Rutin Inu. ' naiinn, lsw Mediciae, Teacbinf. U hry Work. Music. ArchitacWs. iw nioing aoa rina ATta. Lsnreat and ttioovnl de rnmnta of liberal educaltoo. Likrary o4 ator ilua M.M Iibm. e ie4aee gy ! aiMia fMiir MipM. N w fiM.M Atmmnmnam Sutiataf la roura of c tatia. Ttiitot frm. ItooaiiMtM I of bn S Writ la eiMo mm4 utmtrtui kekll. Sml KiMfr. UNIVERSITY OF 0RE60N cuatNt oacoow GOOD for BOTH NEW and OLD SUBSCRIBERS Our Special Big Four Magazine Offer Woman's World : Household : Peoples9 Popular Magazine t arm Lile A special arrangement secured by the. EAST OREGOXIAX, enables us to offer to our subscribers for a limited time only the SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGONIAN for one year with a full year's subscrip tion to all four of the above hih-jrrade publications, at the special price of $1.75. . n? Vou HreailM Ywlr. Get a small bottle anyway, just to try It Apply a little in the nostrils and Instantly your clogged nose and ctopped up air passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely dullness and headache disappear. By morning the catarrh, cold In head or catarrhal sore thoat will be gone. ICnd such misery now! Get the small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store This sweet fragrant balm nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Immediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing; Cats rrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous dropping Into the throat end raw dryness Is distressing but truly needl'-ss. Put your faith Just ones In "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. Dutch Henry Food Yard LAYNC 6 HUGHES. Proprietori Good Hay, Grain and Water Large, Horse, Cattle and Sheep Corrals First-Class Attentic n Day and Night Give us a Trial West Alta St M Vi tfl VSV.VAtV FOUR BIG MAGAZINES AND S-W.East Orejionian' rtl 7C ALL FIVE FOR HOUSEHOLD THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR TfWfmLY ft C0orthly Joia-nal fur Jki; SSL-JT. ... I1 ,7f r,r" V 4 1 1 Woman's World has more sub scribers than ajiy other magaxin publlHhed, over two million a month. It's articles, Its stories, Its Illustrations, are the best that motl ey can buy. It Is a magazine to be . compared with ony home maga zine In the country, regardless of price, without fear of contradiction of any claims We make for It. Its stories are by authors known the world over. The Household A favorite magazine In a million homes. Every Issue Is full of new and Interesting features, be sides regular depart ments of Fashions, Home Cooking, Needle work, Foney Work, etc. P ft a p I e's Popular Monthly Is one of the greatest popular fiction and home magazines published. C o n t sins complete stories each Issue, and Is lull of other entertaining feat, ures. You will enjoy this magazine, Tarrn Life Is publication adap ted to the everyday life of the .farm folks, brim full ' of things that help to make the farm life more cheerful and homeltk. Fpeclal articles by authorities on ail subjects of interest to the Up.' to-date farmer. This offer supplies you with Magizines of the Best quality, giving you a year's supply of good literature at a saving of onchalf the cost This U th JJKST aikI bifrreat 'combination clubbing offr ever prwnM to the public The KAST OUWiOXlAtf iiclad in n nouncc to it BiJiwrilxTs tlie roinjb'tion of tin's splcri'lM arrang iiifiit, wbfrcby w run offer "iwh BnVxulfnt lint of publiatioiM In foiififMion with a year' nubwription to tlift Homi-Wnt'kly Vint Orcpofiian at tlio n?markabl( prico of $1,7 ft for oil fiv 'Ibis offer is p( for a SHOUT t j mo only and may l j'nen'nel at any tirno, Jittor fill out tbo ajiliration blank and pv.t your sub Hcrlptiona to tin Ix'foro it is too late, Tbo. b1kV( maa.iiKt offer h bIho kh in conrioHiori with ul wription fo tho j )A I IV KiHt Aregonian, lxth new anl renewal. Jtate fijrnihhel on aplieution. Fill out this blank and enclose with money or rheok to the Kast Orsgonlan. RndoHSd find lilt for WM-h Sehd me the Heml Weekly tust Oregoniah for one year and a full year's subscription Jo (he WOMAN' WOHtJt, HOIJKJIOU) MAOAZINR, PROI'toM POI'IAFt MNTHLT snd FARM UVto to this address: Name rsisi i' t f r i $ i t $ t' S ' f j AddrifM f t t t i t i t t s i f i t t i f