OCR Interpretation

East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 20, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88086023/1918-09-20/ed-1/seq-6/

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Thumbnail for PAGE SIX

i ., in . i .. 1 .1 t ii . i . i-mm mm. na. .1 aim mu
q tn p
' . ? 1 ii-n mil 11 h a-.
ML diJ HLd
Fir five tamm-and frveiis Hwrnpr1 Mr awd Mn. H turner Watt are Iter
rwlr)f the Brit niutmert fr thc,fran Athena fr the Koand-t'iv
ntrnt dreaem. ctMmwt of the VnL AVUHam and e
ed Tos and ihe Work W nntn. jnlBt,4 An erv mN tn Uc-ann-
Wonnv. 'i'tww ra. w 01 wr the , r , M rmm ..,,
remit taw All wn ho have i w
n",,ed ,he ..,, n.M are ,. "
,,nred .Uend any .n-nm, r.r eve- J" ' ,h' - '
Ulna for h tvtrdiel f Kn nnait. all I
who will me of inert- time t . Mr re tn tSenlry and Mr.
id In the a.nre T..)tlriB wmk. F.il- " J. kloOan ar from j
losing are the rlm . ilh the tu li. adman, j
vianr. in rhaiea eetieduled for the' Oharlee 4..hneo and t5uv Kadee
tomma wk are r.-re ftvm The Iteliee for the!
Monday nrtoriio.tn, Mr. N. Iterke- rtound-l'it. ;
It. Mr. lm Adam. eii-rviaora. vr. ,j Vrm. U. A. ta'hrv and1
Monday rirnini. tniaineaa Sirl. , d.urhier. M w. Ktelta twir.t. are'
Mra J bioii. 'Mfnira. n. re fr..m rond.. tuiM the
Tueadat aftimon. Mra. K. I Kouttd-rr.
ffiwr. Mri Janm V ) h, iil-ri
l "f h half mil.
Th Miuaw r- tr"uiihl I ho crow J
( n fwi atiMlii i.mIhv. n "f Ilia
Miiilian iripn rlitlim In Dili r-a aa
jtltivwn fnim hrr mum )uM In (rn
,ff ih araolxlaul. IIT Iniuiy '
( nl M'l loua,
Toiiiiiiv IMuniaa. rmlwhilo mwbny
and at rwnt a doimhlMiy at Tamp
Ijpwrta, aa vrrv mih In ailvnr
aaam today with In. rulw Huff. lHina
la la el-M-r all-ruuml roloy and
am ominly atunia do not covrr II.
Urn ha lilanrvtl won paatly In Ihr
rovKtrta' aiaiidinc rai-a. hvr rival.
Urrii t'dry. Ihhi thrown to Ihc
Irark hrfora hrr horvoi rat! rounded
lha flrrt Inrn.
Tna rirat o( tha rhanilonihlt von
tala f tha day aw a half dorn
buraartko alrls In tha rouithfal axrr-i-laa
fvar takn h.v 1h frmala of lha
IKS'lra. na and all thay moiintrd lha
harka of vlrioua burkara and atald In
lbir rocky arala Ihrooahont, 1'ar
haia Katia Canutt. inner to yaara
aao and wlfa of I'haniplon Yaktnia
lanuti, won rvut favor wit h the
j Frank Tixin and daochtar. Miar
Katrr Irani ar nwa from Ivmt
I'arV.. XV art.. for th Hound. l"p and
arr at lha honaa at Jara. NK lor-
3 IV Kurrhrr. l-rtv t.,in Hl I
' inaaac r. I hrir In lha Inlr-rrM f
it FMnin Lilrt Loan caniiKn in
' IVfitlft.n.
I Mr M Ki nip. of W. Min t I
MiwuH i nrr f .r tha Rund-tp al
lt.v bmf of Mr. a&4 lira Ji. I. Uam-
Wdn.la aflrin.-n. Mii T F. O".
rn. Mra Jim ftw, iwr. iNora.
Thurwilav iflMlnMW, Nm .1. C.
Wwidwnnli, Xr H K. ;!fn!d. au
Ifrrvwora. Thurwlav nriiuic. himr Kuard.
lAim S'aiihnr Jonra. aufrvlror.
Frlrtav afirmoon. Mra. l 1. Hosc-ra.
Mra. 4. C uodm.ir'H, aurrviaora.
A ual at tha homa of Mr. and
alra K T. Avlwt.n aatrdav am thoir
a'n-in-la, 1 r. C. M. Mrbwnrr of t'ra i
. rda momma but htm Mit ihla .1 OUVE JOHN
trofM-almal dtuiea and attr -ne
al lha Rnuad! i and an rvniuiR tti
Happy I'ibwii, dt iart-d lh
morning for tiUi hoina.
j Vr. 'llva Itvna J.Oin 4n-4 al he
Mlaa Marram I-almrr and Min'l r n I'nnland VlB--id..v nutht
Kulh Hill of Iji tnda. hit twrir .t M. , lh. mllr crf ,iunimn1 x. JohB
tha homa of Mra. Jniir urni!h .,.4 ,) a.ught- t.t lha Ufa Aura M
having ai-rn-rd yaalrrday to i-main Kai... ty,r Iu,.thr rf ln.llM..n. and
c"w lha awk and. Mis. lllll l a njlf aiatar of Mra. Corl.l A. PrutM
rf tha hfmtaaa. hf a tea i -rm tl and mall
-n..mn to all tla ptonrvra of t'nia.
Mfttitani of lha -th ltl' Uri- .IHIa c-fuinly. aha and twe riuatand
ftada Hand of ln latd hU aic and tamil havmit livfd in tli'a O'ttn-F'ttnd-t'p
Kitaata In f 'mdV-t.-n wra ! uoill aiuxit a s.r aco a nan lha
Mm mtiimii hwt"rrd ly a diocr fr on.vad in Portland ahn flH.y hirr
a-'hlrti tha crrtan r''ninslita it le'ttna mada ihlr iaoana. Mr lalhar
1-rd raa rrt htir-n. K" rt a'- v a. Mm vHla tn. atid har rldvM
audlanra aa aha uiitrtad hrr lilunffln
Kiit Revenge Scored ""--w ,hruah au iu ii aaoonmant
Attainst Husky Cowboysj0 Aatlor. rldln.lha McCarl alrlmc.
After Year lit Bunchgrass' u "h",d am today m the
I - oowuoya' ralay nui t naatrr i-araona
and Max Uaunl made a rara nut of It.
Bertha Blancetl Finishei?
Relay When Donna
Card is Thrown.
N Inr'n chan Kin of Mitlillra
httn a nmrtiiii at Iht nul of the ftrnl
rtUv which IctiRthfnrd th rc
n covfri Iiud tMtit li t jti-t-
Mjr rMinU-d tal-a in (he c!.;b
room f th lltrar Here prl cluw-t-r
f autumn tutx: 4cKi-f I Jnm
rom. Hf AIfr-d lKk md j;j m
mhan talk f e-lM,tii t h ir
ttwwtm. mhtrh follomcd lc
Rinnd Hutrh. and I in ):( t !'rt
afirli Hldw in htl im.w i tott,
Mn. Hat 4i and Nu l t i rrf y.tni.rf tn rVniw,
W. M Smrh cf IStJiKV 'iul'ta a
fVtdlton .Klit.r.
Jms l'at nf 'au)C' tn t rit
fr (hr Koiind-t'i.
Mr. and Mra. O Ki .f KariH
r rt f.r the Itouttd I p.
P. M. M'tiuwi- tr Ati;vU kt-
hff-c for th litHind- I'jt.
Ira dHraitrti-r und fntt
fHn arr hre from tu- ht.
J. P. Burn'rth f KitiM
M'-. 4 a Kmiid-rp t.it.r.
T. Farm i fim lti .( , 'ii-
m . H Vi'iiiiain!Mn lie ht r
Pax itimrtMn. -tiiforri.,.
"n hri v. ar ihc Iirwi htf child
t r tn i viidu-uw.. t-U m mm th
,(""t:-f .f n hiMrn f'll
.rt-r Jhn. V:rida Jhn Ktfee-r-M
ri" drt Mtw-d ; Italia.".- Jh
ij". Murk P. J-hn. If1I
Aiu-,-.it. May Jaxfh, Tfth
r-oi. IrfUitd. tMinuikerl Jhn
1 rf 4't.f-tiim M. rT3i(i not
t. baa ivr
-f h'tnt b Mi
J-n Jw-ti-, a iMrtMT In tha lcn-
Mm. John hfc txv-i, aa invuild fftr
fifteen M'r. from a atri af fnaratv.
ft- iiuh came at ttM tinc f h
-ah .f hrr dtiUKhtr. Khda
ffrwd iti-n nr t.'. ahwh af-i-i-d
out t-i4" f hr iMd . Atui
h Si v acn .!- ttk4 ter W-x and
hai tu ((- Ih'jaf'UaJ aim- inat
M r. lrH( lft thla flnrr!r fr
J Mrciatad l attend fh fniw-fal.
"Th end of a perfect ti
the etreNrtm afnn up from h
lit.MRml at (he Hound -Cp a they
fv the final cheer with the finish
f the wild horM race and tha euc-ct-wi
f the ninth annual Hound-Up
Ht aurrd f dn li hlalorv
3 the trrtir-rt Hod CriHM Urnedt
---MKcd in the eet.
Kr the fiiTt tint- the eteero prov-
J thfnT-flvn mawtere of nian In the
t -i-l)dKinjr. Iaxt ear the hitlidon-er-rm
ihrrw ther aiecm arcordina to
I 1. '. lata I .-. -al aaa-rtiav lh mm naak Kauiri !
had revert aa he tnwd the hui-kyj tM;it!V4 M'llll TldTIC
CMmtH.ya aloMt on their horn. In) n. p. imurcllr. will kmrnn I'en-
... r., mm a-- aieion liy who la In lha navy, wria
they have r.n until It i. cluuf-tf.H , hia fMn,r ftl tt, nm9t ff HtMh
l a man will he .Me to claim a J ! J America. Ilia vaawel haa ln cufiu,
tr.,n - eteer dnrine the ""'"'' Hon th. African and Houlh Amarlran
4 W thi- d.l-ma the judpe- may l coailt. Th fwllolM(:
f r--d to t - the title to om lnit i . ,,
Stmm of lral IKa In Ilia Nor.
itt Inforniailon for Ihla Ian.
IwruiK-m Will be Anxlald.
lurk. TnlV nnrla to wrlla and Klva !
my la! rraariU to Innoniiao, Utl
of liv fnin j
Vour aon and hrothor. '
.H. 1'. L.ATOI: It 1:1.1.1:. ;
John ilmlrrtnan arllaa of lha llfo at
t'amu Krcnionl alwra ho la In train-1
Hid with a iua kln luq mnipany:
l -1 1. d
I war Pad:
Juat a few llnaa to lol you know ,
I'm allll on lha Job and allva. Thia la
aomo placa and a follow Kola plenty lo
do for I'va I oat all of mv tlarman '
rhaal, or In olhar worda I'm no! fal
any niord hut aa atralaihl aa a poal. ;
A I mra waa uut hr yralcrday and !
aa Iwva had aavaral wood vlalla lo-1
anlhi-r. lt Halurday and ftinilny I
lpnt with Maud and Anuria and aura
bad aplrndld lima and plrnly of !
good aala for that la aura what I'va,
mlaaad. Toll naa lhaae army rooka 1
ara nolhln Ilka ranulnr.
lu ou ramranbar thoaa Hood old ,
llnica In Walla Walla? I ura wlah I
wrra bark. 't
' How I tniBlnraa? I auppnao you ara ,
buy for U mimt bo Kniind-iip III".
Let r Kuck! and klok hall out of j
lha Hermann. I
Kay drop ma a Una and tall what ,
you aia dam, would aura bo lad If!
you did. Your (on,
My addreaa la: Marhlnn llmi font- 1
pany. lh Infantry. Camp Fremont.
Calif. I
..... .. ..... - . ,.. r
We Speciise in oShoes
for the Entire Family
Uy buying and selling for cash vc arc able to
give you better shoos for less money. Come in
and look over our line of shoes. ! ,
lriiear 11111 1 llrown Iai
llcaio, I na la or Military barla.
IM-lno n-Vort
laulhV IWH-ii Unlkln S-
Itifla . SI. Ml ami !.&
iII-m' liray Toi ! IIikHh,
laHila Ih-K all n, tl.M
and l.t.
Mm'a HlandaM Minra tn bnilo
v lam aljilrw $., Mid
(Vuiiiolly or Iti: I'rrxa WrnM,
I nit ton ur la-a aljlm, .. and
O'lnmuotl nai KlMm tor Men. '
hutton. laoo or hal Mtb-a a.lMI
r aim carry full llnr of aliora
for rlilldrm.
The Hub
82 Sample Stores. " " 745 Main St. !
horned Tfa ettcr.
In the r'inff nt mm t me a a
TMide an in former Round ow
i' to the dlfftrultr the h'rea had
tn r.Midinc them h-n thrown.
The re!y raea fnrnnsht-d all the
tiirllln t te ex itert cd In lhee rx
' Stnr rvrnti w it h t ha people mm
t '"-h lotrretied In the hor- mm In
!e rioVrw. Katie Cannlt. wife of
1. H ear'ji rhamiln rider., took th
July 12. 1VII
lH-r Iad aad I-aui
Well we received iiihiI loatcday
and I waa fortunate enough lu receive !
I wo from koine duted April lat and j
May i recttvu. Thank uu for
1 am wall and I hope u ara all ,
well at home. ,
iGGi id
YOU are going, but listen,
bow about
who can not attend the' ROUND-UP this
year. 'They will want to bear all about it.
I aura wi.h I could hat a barn hniua
Kaater. but no-auili luck, lilad lol
f f iii irMtfM tur rvwmfjtMrml kaua. m--i.idiC4lc
w atw4a4ia t'tla t . "I ad-
hr.nk tiandna armed iiiida hraua tna arr- mirlaf tn fajd ur-
bi4mi iiii. a i'r th i:'.tii-i tut .
Lad and I., id it lo lha flnlh. rldln j aida ara all wt.ll. I ueaa 1
l. M--.ny airin Ikinm t'ard. 1 " n,,, know thnm whn I Rot hniia
a 'lh lha lirunihrllrr alrln. waa arc-! ' 'd I wrota lran t'olirn a It-tier
id uiilll ato- fill In mniinlni : olhar day, mil know alia I alMiut
:-'! lx-r arv.iid rhKnai. ahni Iteriha 'li.n l ..u, and I bit tho Kaiaer !! m H
i .i , .
-l aa
lha .tiui. of a jl,rl hondl thai than
allien would niaka him look ai.'k Uy (
nniniii( the aar. H
.-uw aoout ine luldi'la. pemlla and
tho nat, received iheiu all it. K. and 1
I'iMitoat l.k liar f.lai'a in llu- Iirum
l ii r i-trina emuiin her to com'
!..! in ih llntfh.
Mail I it lmx. I a i.l year', rhain
I t..n. on lha J'raina tftilnli. fir.lehed
"'d. lariil juu a utter thanking ou. but'
la lha ointmi'i relay rure, Andy 'for noma reaaon It c-ame bark lo me.
V of I'eudiefon. rnle th- lriim-il am i-m Iohiii uu Hie envelope not
heller ulna and brouahi hi. Mrlna iu prove my ilaim, but Ireiauaa by the
n aiirwd i'i lieier l'irm on Ih tuw II ta Imma it will hata iiat
I'.ir iio. and Man Uai.iit rld-VUed from I rouoy to M. v.. Ilian lo ,
Inn lu. . n home., aete ao rl.e. Ih.l I'rmtU-ton and bark attain lo Ine aud ,
,o..o..vn i.. .r ..i-. ip oi iimn i,ack lu nu. aunt Ian. sl.li. (
lliiid day lo lie an rloioa a t titfitrr. eh! i
winner. j u fur vluii uf Umil i uuiulluiia. I
The Hound I ,. all .rea I... n.ver , h.k. wrillen lo ou aeteral lime. I
rWi" h burkln , ,,., ,h. ,.,ur, , airt , ,,.
''- -"bn Kpalii. I l,a former,,,,,, Jiw( ueaa kjiiii of ml Ittltere '
: M.""" h"v " "
a. dJ I'.ul H.-lll... ol he.. uu IUm , .
. , and """" '"her W Uh A
he hortw. ''Uad-feae ehoaed tip hi ...
.Uler .. d.d A,..el M..key Wren. I. """ '"
.-f.-ll ...d rm.illla. I " ' nd loll n... ahu ;
In .!. rowcirl-. l-.ny ra j.i.rella " "'"""" .urn... i
.... ..o. aoo. .no ,o III. Ilk.
Noa I ran tell ou that I
will uftain issue
f $y. l'll-r. Idaho, luiva Je.ua
f run. better a rioae race. flertha
'if u Iblrd.
have '
never leeii aeroaa aa ri. ruining :
wa were near the roaal of Afrira. llur'
1 tulle... . aomewheia around Hi blifi '
I.I4KK.T lnrtK MAI M, n,iii-. ji . ,i,m , -, .,.,. j
ri.HM'. f home. I d li.ia to lr and aalk !
lIM. imih. au 1 inertia a ar. home.
Mfrt rl-e i taa dailiubl raul. la Ml bi t the ki.l. rai.e all kind, of j
Ikm. He iaaa. a.Tjedioa y, hmt- ; h noa that lli.l arc a Jililu older. I
tU-lntrt 4i-"i.4m-o Ma raaf f4 . I d like la iu a Hum.
bene a tmtrmit laid rl"a i-ter a Well I auraa tin. la all for Una!
ilimr aJte feoarf. lime. 1'iea.e lhaiik t'ni le for tha K I
t bom bio daw. beat III mnaa.iiie.. Hy Ilia .y did
auw-beat Mar. la bmr. a MiiMutladd dad aaiid ma am. I melted a bum li
.4 Urn tn-m Ill.-b uWa line, !. thul lkn aeadaia addremea on !
W-rtMC aetem (itilOilMC. ,,.,, M lot.,er t.B litem plr.M at -
I KnloaiH laiba 14 llea- il.. AH- ,) ,anka. 1
Meoai'MI a t'aai t 11 la ytmr rii.
beMitcli4 twtwa aw rwMi d.e
.Id laidured Ilia abt.
. !
ptiiiimf.M mm. i ii it,
4M. 1lHi"l ftf iia
ICobHaaad from l'aa I.
--a-t. '
Ta Ml . lat pru4 Ibal w la IU ai.4J U tad Uaa rawrau
(MIT UHf fWfa.
14 lf tfjfStctit, Mr irlket. ftr fcaia tteld aiftk la dp
'r,u, juw--d apart iju tdi'Jjf tuJ a,d fi.0.1 vf 1 aa idii4a
ff irraaaa
Tbf ti.a afaur tt4 a -vf vianf MaC fa 4fa4
frai (aa .. d ' avu.ai.if ' ffa ri.ra aatattaa. 4feaa
aaMiu eu uei.i Hf iM4rri fvf iu-b( t hfhm Maar
ad tdVaaa .aaae yf ft tVae t-- a fifN tvr 4twfl.j iwldaMa
kI' in t.e Iwaffi f'f ih yomriie,
-0$t- rf flilf JteACtx Idl'iVM fef.lt
l(),(drd .u in ,f.t ned for tlic
'('(' f Mi' A I' diO at HiKt In
rfr-t.'dr a a fLf-mif tdf ad'i'M lha elite
d- mtttiM ll'K
iiiijtf lil r,iiii,-i, tind lefajltd,"
ad I i iwd.d. ' u.-i t ajJl up'Oft ur mti
I fj w ii an mUi.I U.-tt I .. will l'i
f j l.'i dell pfVOIad. t 1 l$M Itf III 1114 I llM
Mll riMiM. la Mi.l I IIHIN AM)
I 41 I I ! MIT IIH.lrr ll r' !
Tlircc i Souvenir Round-Up Editions
(A bljf Bcparatc cdilion each clay of the thow) .
Covering the Hound-Up from its inception.. s"
Hundreds of illustrations with interesting stories.
All tho winners of all the events at the great 11)18 Kound-Up. t '
All different. bigger and better than ever.
Doosting Pendleton, Umatilla county and surrounding territory.
Showing this sections wonderful resources and tpKrt unities for busi
(, ik'ks imtitutionj and homes. ;
The three editions mailed to any ad
dress for only 25 cents
France 7c extra postage. Other Foreign Countries 13c extra
Thousands f these big booster paers have leen mailed in the past over
this section, the northwest, yes, even the entire nation, ami to the remotest
iiiyts of the globe. We are going to make thia year's KOUNU-UP EUITION
better than ever, Mn,d print more of them. , ,
Get your order in NOW before you get too busy
The following order blank is for your convenience: -
Malen Burnett School
Piano Playing
ti;km ori;.s i i:iiiav, m;it. ztmi.
Am i.
Md-l J.. 9tm4
iii Jj -.'. dr v ' a ( - a ef
(i-i-i.d !.. Ili I'M-'t ahil ; rinli
i . 'I tiM 144 a ,'-, and
It :tm.m ll d tloe. l ha nim h-iva
ft.- I tt -If f$m fhdll till II DUtalllM'
f,f. il Itaaf. ll.4" Oil lHte ClMtlt
Uf.dja i4 1-19 He -ifr tlim i
$.'A itm$ let I fMUfrf flOf !( l4-
I $. , 'f tfmtl l.y lf 'li mi a 01 v ;
1 1. it uri lat, ail we ai'
' A i4 fe d ai'd tmt li (Win ,
w t'l 4 tut tt mi tt.n ti
jr .d fciMeW M "
W l.iJd, I tA'fUrt iAHiir M addfiva
u.g ct(4 f'wn Ih fifrftl f the;
mMt4 J. $t. '.ntt, fitd in n'
r 'f wth I I all
tt,v t4ra) tjcd the f da-Mr ot I
If. t,t,0i 'Ilia 4h4 .j.r Wfe
iHo W,n, .( t Bi-t.n di.ion, A fw hua a lir lotUa of
H.iji i..4 lha l.r.iin ei''Med " - I ' wa.- al a uy il i at ui a.
.r it. .i-artiy (tifertref lef . , -l l' a few Jriai.f J-ie.itf upun a
le a Mti t, aiih l..ft..if -Mrt mtiuiif rum ir a iiHt. Jii
t.ttm t4 '! th wr(ern ! ! I ' llmi iHille.iia H'rn r
r- -r -- !. av A il'iMfl i . I - -Im-. duillwa tlo litlll UH
t, m at (b !... A4t4 i' 111 I ""' wllhuiil aiif j
f iiMjar m !) and w olf In a l. "i mii-iii nc ur kmial Ion, 'he j
whiiiaird etniit oC ll. .., try tn., i'Ml- t.ol l Me of pi itm louffiln Jilt
It mmm an muitt im ant ih- rtn oufch lo rid th ffet of eicry hmdj
h adj a f-i-de Ji mh of eterdtiv, . e tn, aoft roii,, corn l-alwaaii th toeai
Hr44 Mi" on a l'rw.M hoik ,iol the ralliiaM-a on lMHm "f feet, H
rf ooi y MtvoiT i'-r lh id Mo .ifljl Why wall? N
Date 1018
Don't Tut It Off Send In Today. .
East Orcgonian I'ub. C.,
JVndleton, Oregon.
IOnclohid find 2Tc for which please wnd your K.K'tial 1018
Kound-Up Editions jHislpaid to the following address:
, ' Name , . . ,
l'obt Office
Name of Sender
'Do It Now! You'll Be Busy Later!

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