OCR Interpretation

Southwest Washington labor press. [volume] (Hoquiam, Wash.) 19??-19??, January 19, 1923, Image 1

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88087163/1923-01-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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a? “wig-mm
m of stor.
mm mm
ElffllS flffmf
The team aloha of the Abor
doen Contnl Lthar Council Int Iri
Pmmnt Johnson unttl Ilt wound
that body w culled to or“ by;
atalstohour. Atthgprovlmuoot-j
in n In AM that the alumni
alon. fill W brought
«mt an. t ombu- a! «mom tilt
mm Mr in attending the
m V
W mind from m
Fulton for Brother- Cnrtll. um
and Cyru: Culinary Worku- tor Lo
non Loo ind Joe ha: Tum-ton to:
C. Oolton. cm income. and
the dolom- obunud and noted.
The grind-co commit“. wine]; )3!
been wanking on the non {am
by the John-on mm» coupon, to:
ported that the men wen m üb‘
in; on stunt to man would".
vlth tho M' UM
The gleam of officer; wee the
text order at busineee. In. Joli-em
m eel-veil the council ea with!!!
thehniiem that thence-"let:
dine-tin: we when Ila wee nomi
nete‘d end reelected for mother tern.
Hm zlohneonv he earned "other term
end new result of the elect».
turned out differently. it would have
been e surprise. lire. Johneon 1e
eleo secret-en oi the Laundry Work
ere‘ Union.
Brother Donn-tun Wu lent-cud
tor another tom a flu valiant,
but decflmd. Brother- ll'lynn ngd
Cum m than lon-laud. Broth-t
may” mean by a clan nu
Butler. W and WM‘
Were unln mum secretary uul
trmmr by 1 mum vote. m
is the twentieth tune that Brother
3”“ in bun elected to this
am“. Broth“- thu; in, “Hill
:13” can torn. Blond- n! was un
firm. in: M 1.1
gm:- ot Enema-ad.
Bmilun Zn. Kw. Hahn: and
Dealer-on wan non-hated tor direct
or: at the labor Tull. Drum: 23:
withdraw, tad I”. 10L“! 9M Dem:
lemon won m madman-1:. 1
The newly ducted calm won
duly install“ by Brant nun-u.
Pro-Idem of tho Mantle-l Unlon.
and direct“ lo M mm It.-
The m m m ...
pointed by Pia-float Johan: Grlov
anco mm": mil-em m
Damon. Auditing committee: Olso
gnd Zun.
Bulimia C. flush of the hrs-err
National Council urpd before the
bout mam- omittu aton
bio action on the smchmuom. bill
creating the Mort up! Can-In
ers' Financing Corponiion ‘with a
capital stock of “00,000,000 “to be
subscribed by the United sum gov-i
ernmont" under control of u board of
three directors to fin-nee the purl
chase and Isle 01 um products. He
docluod am “the condition of the
“met in I um annuity com
Turkish “r00m..." ‘
“Morn but m: “W
In 108..” Mid Ir. Huh. “m
on m bul- orwhbh mini-y a.»
march! concern. mum When.
Labor and com have not has.
timed by the urn-w bu. tor the
great army of Mic, speculative
middlonon in” m an “mg-3'
legitimate profit. vim unha- char-cu.
"With mount untam- ot mm.
tion tumors cannot at M of mu.
men and «not roam I his price
for their products without (ova
ment aid. At mt than in no
prolpoct that. m II I m. I“!
get much “W. W wig.- to:
their motile“ in 1”! than any have
in 1922." " .
Replying to opm at it. hill.
who user-t tutti! is 'W n
that it puts the wt into ch.
buying.- and ”his; m. K. r. B.»
ker, president at the brunt Nt
tinnal Council, mu “Mine M-
Lution of toofi my: I g l"-
ernment m “‘0 m .
of mail." '
The prim poured :01- but
product! MY. ‘o‘ W W‘
ducod to tho new mini hm
saga of M m I“! Ibo‘
suffered um Mum ;
v a ‘ 3‘ "g b
Ethn- .Lgm ? 9222 mm
~ “I . +- »~
'7 7! AAAL, _, 7 , .13"
.m c. m who In. bun
I'm at“! pal-Hutu div-actor
u mnnhb M chum. A. 0r...
uy. H. In all u h. tho young.»
"ohm 6w In the United
m Sfilll” flfllllflll
Deputy logml “out liooutlvc, Ro
glou No. 11, Montana. Washing
ton, Idaho and Oregon.
Tho boy of todoy u the man of to
morrow. Who: kind of a man do
you wont your boy to be? What on
you deal to noun :1? We all want
our hon to” h' Doua- no: than we
no. so“, Boy Scout movement In
«mu to!“ but ”until con
nu ma mum: of La
bor. .Ith making I cmtul study or
that ornnmuon 3nd program, has
In” a mord a Mom. It.
. It in non-om And non-mum
tut-y. It 1- : owner-10min; pro-1
nun that takes adunuu of the
{WI HI: We!“ sud his Instinct
‘F‘. b by” doing mm. c“ any
JIM‘HIIM: Mung under-the
.ludmhlp at I. real tie-m with I
wealth of red ho-mn thin;- to do.l
And “and um. at tho than no!
turd, as most Meter-forming;
hum no, he than then m. for
may no put baton him In Inch 111
MW mar mt he can not
not: an: in doing Inch than u
Icy, "MI good turn duly." he II
“I“ all! m hut hab
mm: m 0! him until“- at his
PM In Illa. nae or creed.
‘rs MMbnfldmhm neon;
a! may up. m u hotter
mam But m. 1- optional with an
pl: who do not look before they talk
sometimes uy tint it u a mlunry
mutation. which I: not true 1: my
um 01 the word. A Boy Scout re
ooim “alum! I 0 nanny training
m II no “1!”. ton.” In can
of wu- chu any other boy In our
HIM. '
Org-Mu 60m".
‘ We are now cranking what in
‘cnllod | First Clu- Council. Thi
‘couoilil Mupotmon who com
‘n ”cubic will reprooent every
worth-while plan. of the lite oi thin
community our! will hon run clam
of wanting drive. A drive will be put
on I. also tho 1...” had: and u
tninod mm will be employed to do
vou his out!» “no to mom
training and organising boy: ml
work, counting met-troop eon-1
tolu. o summer comp. etc.
I Ivory Inn ml woman of Abel:
gun will be given on opportunity to
linveot in this program for making our
‘boyl into clan. clowyed. Itmz,
healthy. ml rod-blooded Amorioa
non. .
The Spohne omniuuon of Cun
nm Workers bu written to the tutor
nuloul Madam um; that
m Vice Pro-Mat Huron. located
In Seattle. be sent to Spot... to
moan! . couple or weeks worth; in
W burst of the cult. ~
Mar Rocha: II I city men-i
nun: Gentle. but it in lemon M}
it call (It may for s showtime 3‘
took tin MM” 1)! wrltlilg the “w
mfi a: m. ....
'hon- M o! the Cult V
Ewwénemw “4.31
1m cum [that m a! th
WWI-(bony? .~ ‘
__°3______fl;r______=-H mm mm 1923:,
(H M‘l. M l .U. S. Senstor from Wisconsin
II “The A - derstionist.”
Before offering my a 'wishes for the New Yesr
} wish to present to the mm of the American Federa
tion of stor, through the “um of their official journsl,
my hearty connetalstiens new the fortitude with which
they hsve withstood the selhsssl assault of their enemies,
who hsd intended dun-hm the year which is now just closed.
to crush organised hbor Mvnnder it helpless. The men
end wotnsn who were this sttacked have demonstrsted
tut-they could-not be menial-ted, but were may to stsnd
m forjl‘imifle. eveewhsn the great powers of the
Ideal m were mflmfly turned against them.
In the politics! field, also theimericen workers hsve dur
ing the pest yeer demetrst‘ their intelligence and their
unswerving purpose that the government of the United
States shell be devoted to the service of all the people and
not to special interests. In my opinion the congressional
elections of this yes: were fit many respects the most im
portsnt since those which occurred more than half a cen
tury ago, in which the tide wee turned sgsinst further ex
tension of humsn slavery. *‘lfhe greet drive to create s
condition of industrial serfdoul in the United States has
now, in my opinion, been halted both in the industrial and
political fields. The enemies of progress have not been
completely defested, it is true, but they have at least been
celled to is hslt. ' .
I belie”, therefore, that fiith this New Year we are
entering upon e period in which we shall move forward,
elowly when, but I mm none the less surely, toward the
attainment of higher standards as regards not only the con
ditions of living and emflo‘fuieet of all the people, but also
the conduct of the publicjneiness. It is with this con
viction that we are at the threshold of this new period of
progress end true prosperity. that I offer you my best
wishes for the New Year.
manna mm
+ IS wunmsnw
vote of 18 to I the house judlclery
,eonunlttee voted thet Attorney Gen
-lare! Daughter” ll guilty of no act
that cell- !or hie imminent. Con
greeenen Thoma of Kentucky end;
Bumnen of Ten: voted new“ the
month: mount dumbeel o! the
hpeechment chem“. The ne’er
uy of use commune eleo voeed to eell
the mum of the house to con
neeelaen Keuer'e Inert: at e eulr
m by the committee.
The team may Course-men Kel
‘ler withdrew from the committee cell
‘be W M m- reh'nce to
{the My by Preeldeet Gom
pere In the AM“! Pedereuonut.
current lune:
"WM were browbesten. un
manned. end wherever pee-Ibis hu
miliated. If there remained enythuu
which could be more Indicative of e
leek at much! pole it we: the en
nouncement by Chime. Vol-teed,
utter vitae-eel Md been heard on
only one on. o! 14 emu. w the effect
’tlat judging by what had been pre
vented there was nothing to the
! It may be significant that four
,ipembers oi‘ the committee, including
Whitman Volstead. are lame duckel
{in failed oi reelection in Novem
fiin n-Je mm to main
stint any of the» lame Ma hope
for hive judiciary appointments in
order to “Juliana their attitude in‘
these W
“No loss Mutable and deplorable
uni-tho condlot o! the huflngl wu
tho reporting of the ovont in the (15in
”port The greater put of the
mm In this 1!!ch hu been “my
10! mm! botnnl of I public mat.l
"It I- such work a am done mi
connection with these henrinu tint}
destroy- hith in the newspaper- not
work. irrepenhle injury not only to
the new-upon" them-elve- bnt to
the whole ounce of truth.
“The readout of the A. 1". 0|! L.
and other: preeented evidence 0!
film they had knowelze in reletion
to the protest minet the ”point
ment 0! Wiiiiun J. Bum by Mr.
Daugherty as chief of the secret eer
vice [one of the department. of Jun
tice. It was at the conclusion of the
hearing on thin count thnt Constan
mnn Keller withdrew utter hnving up
to that point exhibited much patience
and forbearance."
A Dangerous Occupation
Many omnlmiom no 00-onnt
ing to provide tho fund: (or bringing
Dr. Coralin- Hoduu. Chicago child
”cannot. to Gnu Huber county
January 3641. Inclusive. Women'-
clnbl, Punnt-i‘ucheu' usocfution.
Anti-Tuberculous lune. Rod Crou.
Home“ mocution. Community clubs.
annua- Ind canny Vl‘odontion ot
Wmn'l Ohio are m cooperating
The following in Dr. Hedger: Ichod
Thursday. January 25—2 9. 111..
mm Ichool Aberdeen; 8 p. m..
Wgatlgorwu high school, Aberdeen.
may. Jmuiry "—B7 p. m., Volta.
oohool. North River; 8 p. m., Monte
uno high school auditorium.
Emmy. Juuery 21—! p. In_. Csl
iow-Cednrville: I p. m.. Msione school.
lunar, June” 88—1280 p. m.. ile-
Ciesry-Church suditoriuls.
Mons”. Jenner: 8H 9. 3.. Wish
ksh Grsm. Aberdeen 8. F. D. A.; 8
p. 111,. Elm: high school auditorium.
Tuesday. anusry 80—3 p. 111.. Mon
iessno high school snditorium.
Wedneedny. luxury 31—: p. m..
County Federstion of Women's Ciuhs‘
Elms Bsptisi church, Main street.
Dr. Hedger has been 3 prscticing;
physician of Chicago for 25 yesrs.i
Chiid weitsre is her specisity. She
arnnised the Child Weitsre Bureau
of Chicago and had chsrge of its‘
corps of doctors and nurses [or many‘
years. ‘
During the put year Dr. Hedger?
wee one of the principal speakers It
the notional nureee' meeting held In
Seattle in June and the Natlonnl
Home Economlce association held in
Corvnlls in June. She gave :1 couree
on Preparatlol for Pnrenthood at the
Oregon Agriculture] college at Cora
vellle lent summer. Last June a three
dny nutrition school was held in Tn
comn under Dr. Hedger. Four worn-i
en from thin county attended. Mi of
these women felt so well peld for
their attendance at thin school that
”my, together wlth the men and
women from other conntlee ln Went
ern Win-hinge:g requeeted that Dr.
led-er mm ' with“ In tho near
future for n more extensive program
Dr. Hedger's tnlks Include "Whnt
the Community Owen the Child,"
"‘Stnnderde of Health." “The Adoles~
cent Boy end Girl" and others which
‘focue on fnmily heelth etnndnrde and
emphnetne centroctive heelth ideee.
The place end effect of foods. cloth-i
ing. ehelter. not end recreation in the
echeme of health. end the neoeeelty
for "teem work" by perente in eeteh
llehinz heelth stonderds for the fern
liy nnd community ere brought out
cleerly and effectively.
Continued improvement in the cm
ploymont situation throughout the
country we: indicated by the dcpsrt’
ment of llbor'e report on condition!
durinsr December, mode public the
utter part of last week. In practical
ly all state- the Iltuution in virtually
every occupation wu reported im.
OFF... OF LA”. PHI...
Price 5 Cents
ll Hlflffflfllfl AI
(sm- Fodorauon lullofln.)
SEATTLE. Jen. l7.—’l‘he etete leg
isletnre wss in session ell or last
week. end while the legleletive scent
of the tederetion wee confined to his
borne due to e severe stack of xrippe,
nevertheless prior prepsretlons mede
brought some of lebor’s plenks to the
forefront during the eerly deys of the
‘leeieletive session.
In 0. recent conference held be
tween Governor Bert end the presi
dent of the Stete Federation of Labor
severei importent questions were
‘dlscuseed, end in the governor’s ed
wdress delivered on the third dey ot
’the session it wee recommended that
the legisleture memoreliee congress
to enact en edequete child lebor lew.
else thet the lesieleture revise up
werds the awards under the stete
workmen’s compensetion lew, end
the declaration made on behalf of the
stete smlnistrntion that they were op
,posed to the menufsctnre of eny com
modities et the state prison thst
could possibly enter the open msrket
in competition with the products 0!
free lebor. These three meesures
constituted en important pen of the
governor's messe'e to the legisleturs
end cover three of the lmportent
plenks leld down in the Stete Federa
tion of Labor's lexisletive program.
The question of lncreeeing the
nwsrds under the workmen’s compen
setion not hide fair to become the
biggest issue before the stete legisla
ture with labor marshalling its
torces tor en efiectlve fight on behalf
of the widow end orphens end the
meimed and injured workmen of the
state. The Federated industries oi
the stete. which takes the place of
the former employers' sssocietlon,
held e meeting In the Frye hotel at
Seettle lest week In d selected a
‘lerge lobby of employers to go to
Olympte to combet any attempt to in
crease in eny wey the ewerds for in
jured workmen or widows and chil
dren. The employers' lobby includes
some of the notorious lebor heters in
the state, emonx whom ere J. C. H.
Reynolds of Spokene. end meny oth
§ers of e like chereetsr.
The proponents fei- substantial in
crosses in ell ewesds under the less
hsve meny friends in both houses,
end A bitter fight is in prospect with
the odds fever-ing the lebor end lib
erei forces.
A large number or lobar moo-urea,
includiu the bill for providing e
mine examining bond, on lnti-in-
Junction bill. the «plight kitchen
manure. Ind the mount. Aiming to
ebolieh ntght work in Marlee. my
oil be introduced during the next
week or ten days. nil More the leg
ioloture adjournl the entire legisla
tive prom-em of the Stet. Federation
of Inbor will be lubmittod to the leg
The president of the State Federe
tion hue recovered from MI lllneee.
and II on the Job thle week at Olym
pia. heading the labor lobby and or
ganising the force: on behalf of le
bor'e lntereete.
HfllllllAM llllllflllll
At the regulnr meeting at the Ho
'qnien Tredee end Lehor Council lent
Mondey night new‘ officer: were
elected and other huelneee of impor
tence treneected. The election o! 0!-
Mere generally brings out ell the
repreeentetivee of the different lo
cele. u every one ie interested in
who in to repreeent them in the (ol
lowing eix month which the newly
elected officer-e will serve.
The following officers were elect
ed: Preeident, Brother Mechnele. re
elected; vice president, Brother
Ford; secretary. C. E. Brown. rev
elected; treuurer, R. Sturm. re
No trouble worth mentioning has
been encountered by the Hoqulam
council in itl doolingo with employ
erl (or name time. All bullneu to
term! to that body by the different
locel union. bu been bundled in on
efficient manner by the committees
and officials.
The Snflorl' mercury stayed any
hen the meeting 0! the Centnl La
bor Council mt F‘rldny. When asked
why In aid: “mom night.” The
null- caught bin. It!" In.
A.” flicker II but in town.
Some will chin he an: Inn.

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