Newspaper Page Text
/ IR City y © News '<a* G 1 M 3P / r " Elk City, Idaho, December 25, 1903 Vol. 5, No. I $2.oo The Year V d IS A STRONG COMPANY I:. The Kamiah Mining Company is IncorpWated With a Capital t .Çtock of $2,000,000— Have Purchased SixteèP Claims in Buffalp Gulch — Extensive Development, j j >■ "The Kniniab Mining Company has been incorporated with a capital stock of !j!2,000,000. The seven trustees naim ed for the company are: E. L. Marvin, James J. Turrish, Minor A. Kinne, in Robert L. Edmiston/ Wüliam T. Bird \ sail, Phil Gerhai-t and Harry K. Cross. " The above notice appeared in the Spokesman*Review of-Spokane, Wé*te, i December 10. This company has pur* chased sixteen daim» in Buffalo Gulch and neighboring tertittaty and proposes with the opening of spring, to inaugtt rate development on a large scale. It* | property is located tnree and three- j fourths miles northwast of Elk City on j -j a veit porphyry dike which has gold in 0 • paying quantities. Very satisfactory Xsissays have been secut-ed. Besides the , _-, . u rphyry;<Jeposits there are -six quartz all of Which promise well, within 1 J £ • I H ! I f Ï *S 13, K the ground* held by the "Company. 71 ■ I SPECIAL STÀfE CORRESPONDENT. /» General Manager Hogan and family have again taken up tlwir residence it Orogrande. Miss Mar/ De Borde, of York, Montana, who is Mrs. Hogan's erg. Sugars W\ 1 sister, accompanied them. Below Is « brief synopsis of the dif ferent properties in this vicinity; THE VENDETTA GROUP. Owi if four qu rt.-d on • t] T] [r river. Öision of d feet of j open ciitJI ha* beer, done, which shows ettemvow body of free milling q THE OREGON GROUP. J. M. Hinton is working on) off-laims which are located OR top ^ Mr. Hinton is stopifl|p utoTJ gi-adt ore which will ue to 1 ^^rimastra in the spring. Wmjj^L PORPHYR V OLf RÉ£ llllll^As '.'n .v l'owfB(*aé ■ » of T he mm * er«-d % .11 ™ , , m di toto tond __^HBrty if* fèwJDptotot work * '■ HI ill Si snlitlr of n H tyl the Key to to"- pivjxd'ty srTsfy is at present ft lias been go i rock for forty Sfcb. Ml-. Uafiaon 'oi In c.'liii p assays on this is f ot t rocky maMONU »tri < h GHnuy /Co< sists of throe chcmi lyitiff parallel On the Diamond wit;« fou* •i u> "jmk lacovery is a tour foot being in gold. gb grid., jpikl or# u good us ertige two Uiw with ' ic.s IU i\ g. ^ luti pPffr tl - feel of ore in sight and tla wide, botii No- 3 i pc along y, tlw lodgt iter PP^Tn-ing about Un Ue cuiry ing good values, the i.wi'Ui of ISu. pa. rake» U if. Abou) eui| Uw ihs,;overy lisas is abj of good V»'o and fl/0 feet ■ Ug- ierlge Us- Umi .its • >M * levvi. £ tv, i u\* 4 tike i iv ai aw £«.*>( ii■ M« *4^ ' r ui liVfil litv Ik* V-ftäÜ *o.f:C»l i./f Lhv . tijiii&l'jud I w c ■ *tU uil a U ei I or. iifi.a.d IffUii gi us| (s o' 1 .and.', wlto is sUgiliiy u «V U.|| k, .t. A' ! J t I ;( pf *1ii > U Uti- C) j / V Uh ti i-lrA un U at"* i I The MtNirrô News is iffformen upon gcWd authority that the Kamiah Mining company has large financial backing and is among the strongest comp ante* Elk City dft%rrct. Thfe''5vffi be aval uable addition to the mining interests of this locality, and it is euch companies that propose to spend thousands of dol 1ai*s frt devetepmont during «oming year that aid in bringing tJ*e ÿMMtibtf ities of the Elk country before the world ûftèl -aid m attracting the capital that must first be interested before Ike district can be properly introduced to the rmrÄVkg 'Céorld. At the first meeting of the trustees f the Kamiah company, E. L. Marvin ^ e]ccted president; william T. Bird* , _ _ . T ,. sail, secretary and M. A. Kinne, treas J 9 _ urer. Headquarters of the company will be in Spokane. STAMP MILL For The LE ROY I j a I ! ; j mining enterprise of. great magnitude, s now being successfully completed in our district, namely. Le Roy gold min ing company, incorporated under the | laws of the state of Washington, with ! a capital stock of $1,000,000, at $1 par j value per share. The main office of the ' company is in Philadelphia with its manch office in Spokane. ■■be property ernsists of nine full 1 is situated one and one-half .north of the famous Hogan mine ^^^^Htwenty stamp mill. Within its ytwlMnFte Le Roy property has a great JppHfii ce of wood for :!1 purposes, as nr a water power sufficient to run ten. »I imps in all seasons. It* ore bod 'iaDÄverage 300 feet wide and are of the A new, and what promises to be ! j ^toru nature and m exactly thd same ^brrnat m as the Hogah mmé ■ PPuntione-i. which latter promises to he-. i»ome the greatest producer of gold o„ the contient, as a low grade proposi tion, the great advantage of the Hogan formation being that two or mdre tons can be milled per stomp, even superior to twenty stamps on other t^. of its ore while a single tea « being milled in the average quartz tnhie. of tliis kinâ, ten stamps Thus, on a mine aie equal and free milling properties. A great number of assays prove H ore dejxrails on !>■ Roy average f.-orn Jf2 to $24 per ton and the main objaset in erecting the present mill is to tlioiougli ly de n lui-st rate, by JV ill test, the exact oummtiicial valtw; of tlicse vast depouite. FuiGhermore, De Hoy owns on bhfc I ivt '1 gl out wau-i pOWC -1 loi the innta) latiuti of an electric plant tf 1000 horse power sulli-1 citml to nuit and pi'olit by itE iiiiincuse bodioB of ore now in sight. J' rnnk H ye, of Spo peri aient of tlu e r h i* ■it'lJT tlip.» tlie \ it bU tiiie, cv*upitiiy, i -jutii n d it JHS#' It U »mm,* I ijt: **0 ßl'O^tiKl dJi6 tiÂ44Jiàài i u vOÙ bull Ijj v * 4iiU r?\'UX) wumi ii» « * i ; Uii BHIXfO ü; you;i «ÜJHHCJUÏ'TION \ k MR. HOGAN HOME Will Make Several Changes in t>hc Mill at. Orogrande General Manager Wm. Hogan, of the Crooked River Minn. g & Milling Co., who has been outside for the past two months, has returned to Orograndc. Mr. Hogan will make several important changes in the mill this winter. New copier plàtÊé will be installed, the ore b; ns ^vift be remodelled somewhat and sevo ^a5 nedc^tory changes will be made to the handling of orts Mp Hogim^while oh his eastern, trip. stopped off at Lead and DeaûiXvtroch South Dakota, whenfe ne kteked over some of the gold in thài suction, amon g theWi the faiftous Homestake! which haâ almost one thousand stamps dropping. The capacity of this mill is about 4000 tons per day. While the margin of profit is small the immensity of the plant makes it a good dividend paye?-. Mr, Hogan, while enthusiastic over what he has seen in tire Black Hills, believes that the immense bodies of free milling ore in this vicinity will, with development, equal or surpass anything in the Black Hills. —OrosgVandc Correspondence. WORK ON ABERFOILE Company is Pushing Development and Will OMrtirtue All Winters. The wovfc bf developing the Àberfoile mine is beîiig pùshed steadily forward and will continue during the winter. This property consists of ten claims located on whiskey creek, about five miles northwest of Elk City. There are known to be six quartz Veins- tra versing this fine group and a porphyry dike over 100 feet wide. The quartz veins range from two to twenty feet in width and ail of them, as well as the porphyry, return assays that warrant future dividends. About 700 feet of practical werk hos been placed on the property and arrangements to build a mill next summer are completed. The management of this mine is modest in expressing the situation, the board of i control Is imbued to tet the work speak ■ for itself and when the mill start* it is not likely to stop. 'There is a Vast de potet of ore that will give returns for decades to come once tlie reduc tion i 3 property inaugurated. T5lfi company was organiz £<j & y< ^. v/itl f headquarter at , Sp$>kwie> Prof. Walter C. Brower is piVtitdent> j. v . Wiuchnm, secretary, A. V. Chamberlain, assistant secretary and G VV. Rucket, treasurer. Prof! lhx>wer is manager of the work ut the mine. Probably less 1ms been said about tills groug of claims and work done t)vm in the case of. any min . ing projjerty 1« Idaho. The company is bjuurmrily strong and j has been carefully and oconor.iicn.Uy managed. D, D. McFarland, who been foreman of t!*e ALmm-IoIU- nan lias from tlie date of ir.uuguru work, lint proved to be tlie in Uw right place .tie« of right man A/NOTHMt l;t AL I sud J. G, Cfnaascbi o Bond Pi OpvM-t-y. Abe Ho j 'I hen booth f It is repgyted i - . ■ Ijé-' J <i y *v«f -Ult »tMVv Hé tMWli i«L 1>* I iii* gi prot n Uj AU ut >1 Ml L w * »1, ito HjlÜliÉ n 1" to-t 4U éM*y ym » ; A«# 1 ** 0*"* j ^jjf L ■* M/ 4L À yi o to k' 1 by iéuMI Our Protest made Effective Very Encouraging Reports Received From Washington, D. C., Regarding Remonstrance Sent to Senators Dubois and Hey burn. —Prompt Action Taken The citizens of Elk City and district will teng remember November 29, 1903. its On that memorable day our local Déclaration of Independence was prac icaliy made, In our old town hall, under it the Stars and Stripes bespangling its ceiling and walls of roughly hewed logs that grew on these noble hills, here in 'God's own country, ' ' Indeed, never Were the people of this whole sectioÄ more firmly determined than since that meeting to enforce their rights, as free-born American citizens, not of any one special class, but of ail classes alike, and burst the miserable bonds of red-tape, that have to ute-iec esarily and ridiculously, but most an noyingly hampered and irritated them since the last few years. In fine, the nnited community of Elk City and district now begs the sec retary of the interior to fully under stand that this free, enlightened and patriotic section of the 'Mnland empire'' is no place whatever for red-tape ' 'rules and regulations" so-called, which are the quint-essence of stupidity from a practical standpoint, and which can alone breed contempt for the real laws of the land, cause untold annoyance and injury to the best class of citizens and ultimately petty official corruption and brutality to the detriment of the whole community at large. In other words, we are wow living un der a state of things that our people cannot and will not longer tolerate. On the one hand, it is absolutely con trary to the spirit and letter of our na tional laws and constitution. While, on the other hand, the remedy is very simple, indeed, provided cur direct and popular representatives are listened to at Washington, thus causing bureau j '- rn ^* c littleness t_ give dciTinitely away ! to American manliness. | We all love, respect and practically I adore" Uncle Sam. '' To us no king, I or P rcsuicnt is or can ** ! Änd rnùre noWe than he - Un fortunately, however, we cannot deal , ... , .. , with the grand ideal of our i ,ultion ' but must his 8ub oi-di . As say the French: "It is far better to deal directly with God than with ^ And ^ ** n "* n " 18 llev « r »">« 1 f&,cibI >' realized than when dealing j " certu " 1 puciianim/jus agents, ol a ; ^,7 er ' " eWU * d with * Iittk 1 a • . ... I Now ' h '' wevc ' r " th * °" !1 10 rol ' : '*f 1 proi>e. Ws and in the nght di Uur energetic protest of tlu "* >th u : "** ijfcen , heait in mgli lUarUrs, and is ahoody being made ; eft<tct * Vfc b > vur **** »^resematives at ' I iiiir.gto* V: On Dfeceml>or 2 J. L C. Me lÿicl t:;a> rest of tlw couuuittee on the 29th sent a strong p j Ü. denutoi lAibots stati ces Slid rigiits und askn ms ffrt )■ ; n Ü. :st V. our gnen au us assistai ■ H w ent ii to per. id iii v >ti ice of t LiAîls« his y and t SCCUSiC Ü B. Vl iU UlUi VV ra». MU. tvuA a 4 i A* * Ta A l ta I# «toh ' V/ * « the Lewiston Tribune published in morning columns the energetic let sent it by Dr. Strong respecting our meeting of protest on the very day was held. And we take pleasure irj thanking the Spokesman-Review, of Spokane, Wash., for the following that tiers, appeared in its recent issue of Deo. 18, in favor of our just cause : ELK CITY SENDS A PROTEST Odious Rules and Regulations by For est Reserve Agents. Dubois Takes The Matter Up Early Closing of a Portion of the Bitter Root Forest Reserve is Probable. Washington, D. C., Dec. 17—Senator Dubois has deceived the remonstrance of a mass meeting of the citizens of Elk City, Idaho, against the rules inv posed by agents at the Bitter Rcot Forest Reserve. Chargea of burden some rules and regulations to which the citizens and miners are subjected wt re sent, including copies of permits, appli cations, etc., that Vvepe of such a na ture as said to annoy and harass ser \ The senator took up the matter per sonally with Gifford Pinchot, chief of the forestry bureau, who assured him the early closing of a portion of this reservation was contemplated by the department, and the senator was asked to request his people in Elk City to send affidavits, maps, etc., to sustain their contention that a portion of the reserve should be eliminated. The îffiNiNG News will keep its lead ers fully posted of the progress and phases of our legitimate fight agains" unwarranted rules and rtgt latlon» - the reserve that can only lead to official injustice, petty tyranny and blackmail in our midst. And we will ever be the faithful and vigilant servants of the whole community in this, as in ail other matters pretaining to its prosperity. In fact it was with this special erd ip view that the founding ol the MIN ING News was hastened at the present time. \ 1 S. W. Smith left on the seventeen »' . an extended trip to Butte, Mont., an(j Utah, and may possihiy cxU , nd gg. vt8 jt fto ban Fronc-su. S. W. SMITH AWAY. Goes to Butte and Salt Lake on a Easi ness arid Pleasure Trip. I < Hi iccecîic.i he will combine ixitiiv r with pleasure and wid endeavor to in terest capital iu the vaikjs clsiinr tlwr la.- owns in this locality. For twei.i . one yeais Mr. Smith lias tliia ti> to a: clouds ol \ lIMI th iiii itl vest ills dt is he is tia ol u number of U ainuiiii la re. Be« uw > UH he has spent Uv.usmids of 'Mi ll develepnaml sork, mtC tlie ol ids knowi .dga of mc.e« ,.n<. is tin,- penult of thrt work, iimUrm lw lu e is tiw ' le - « nd tiis Ifusmi sity weit d l,i v T ai to. w j is- ,e JKJ sc >< l c yin \.ÿ ► ►|i 4 lu i Mi, V yi*V ' $4*i u WlA u Df* n, a,» tf'ihH 9i ( / tx » f U »f / .] l ;