Newspaper Page Text
Hood's Sarsaparilla Will purify your blood, clear your complexion, restore your appetite, relieve your tired feel ing - , build you up. take it this spring. Get It today In usual liquid form tablets called Saraatabs. Be sure to or 100 Doses $1. POR SICK COWS H*»Uhf cows give more milk, make richer utter, and require less care. KOVV (CURE la a r v medicine, not a food. It regulates the digestive and generative organs and tones up the entire system. A positive cure and preven tive for LOST APPETITE, BARRENNESS, ABORTION. SCOURS. MILK FEVER, and ail other ailmentsthat sap the cows. Thou health to KOVV KUKE.. Be sure to tend for our valuable free book, "More Money From Your Cows." ilking gth of ds of profitable herds thei DAIRY ASSOCIATION CO., MFRS. Lyndonville, Vt., U. S. A. Mexican Mustang Liniment FOR RHEUMATISM. Mr*. Olive Huntington. Nortons, Ore., says : *• I consider your Mcxirn iment the best of liniments. I have used irt for different ailments and it always K-ave satisfactory results. It is especially pood in cases of Inllammatory Rheuma tism and all forms of lameness.*' 25c. SOc. $1 a bottle at Drug Sc Gen'l Stores Mustang Un Hotel Touraine mad Annex, Spokane Riverside and Monroe—-opposite Review Bldg. Half a block from P. O. SOUTH MONROE ST. BRIDGE. LOBBY look* up RIVERSIDE AVE. RATES by DAY, 60c and up; with PRIVATE BATH. H and up. \VM. SNOW, Proprietor END of new FACTS ABOUT BLUING. Since the placing of RED CROSS BALL BLUE on the market there has been a rapid falling off in the sales of all liquid bluing. Why buy water containing a small percentage of blu ing when you can get a solid package and dissolve it as needed, clothes whiter, lasts longer, and is cheaper. Price 10 cents. ASK YOUR GROCER. Make» A young Canadian came to Washing i«>i last winter and was making a call upon n very pretty young woman whom he met for the first time. •'Do you have reindeer in Canada?" it-ked the young lady. •'No, darling," he answered; "at this season it always snows. • * M yea o*» Eye Salve, nee the PETTIT'S EYE SALVE is the standard, is reliable and coats no more than inferior beat. geode that are unknown. Used by Physicians end Oculiste, helps where all others fail. It $a not the TOBE or BOX that cure», it ii- Th« SAJUVE that does the work. Guaran teed by Howard Bros, under the Government Food and Drugs Act. The Don't be deceived or ly really antiseptic Ey* aisled. £a)ve that has been in the market for year» S-okl by Druggists throughout the world. known ■■'We had a fine sunrise this morn said one New Yorker to another. > » i»g, "■Did you see it? •'Sunrise?" said the second man. ""Why, I'm always in bed beforo sun rise."—New York Ledger. ■ ■ make Inflammatory Rhoumatis mmay Don't wait for you a cripple for life, inflammation to set in. slight pains appear, drive the poison out with Hamlins Wizard Oil. When the first bit o' • 4 Mabel, woncher gimme a vour candy?" "Nope—eth all gone, Donald, but yen can kith me while my mouth ith sticky, if you want to. X won't lick ■ I it. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet, eures painful, swollen, pmarting, sweating r«et. Makes new shoes easy. Sold by sll druggists and shoe stores. Don't accept any substitute. Sample FREE. Address A. 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. T. H "Car Kidder—Sandy, what u» this I've heard fio much } > negie Foundation about? __ . , Sandy—Dinna ye ken? 'Tis outmeal. PILES CURED IN « TO 14 DAYS Tour druggist will refund money if PAZU OINTMENT fails to care any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In Ö to 14 days. If you can break a silver dollar is that a sign that you can break wqter? 50c. No. but the pelican. If the soprano hugged the first bass for a tenor, would the second base bawl? hB» ji 1M iHJisiaffi Beat Cough Syrup. Taste. Good, U.e in time. Sold by Druggi.t.. c o FROM MINING CAMPS The B. C. Copper company treated 12,872 tons of ore during the week. combined treatment of the Granby and B. G. Copper companies for the year total 279,883 tons. The Mail advices received from George town, Alaska, tell of the murder of Gust and John Nelson, wealthy miners. men were shot last July while prospecting in the Kuskokwim rivér five miles above Tulasak river. The The Conquest Mine company, ■which owns eight miles north been reorganized under the name of the Kootenai and Conquest Mining promising looking properties of Newport, has company, with a capital stock of $1, 500,000. talized for $5,000,000. Work will bo commenced in the early spring. Grand Forks, B. C.—Fire of unknown origin recently destroyed the com pressor building and contents at the Emma mine at Benoro. This property has shipped 4465 tons of ore since the first of the year, but the destruction of the compressor and building will ne cessitate the closing down of the prop erty. The Conquest mine was capi The Boundary (B. C.) mines shipped 36,204 tons of ore during the last week, the properties sending out ore being the Granby, 23,515 tons; Mother Lode, 6532 tons; Rawhide, 4810 tons; Emma, 436 tons; Jack I'ot, 329 tons; Athel stau, 89 tons; other small shippers, 493 tons. The total shipments for the year to date are 284,980 tons. The Granby smelter treated 23,680 tons of ore. At a special meeting of the Ferry county (Wash.) commissioners the lease and bond on the old Republic mine, which was granted by the county to J. L. Harper for the new Republic company for two years, has been ex tended for two years from and after March 3, 1912, to the Rathfon Reduc tion works, the corporation to whom the original lease and bond were as signed. The Rathfon Reduction works anticipates adding new crushing and other machinery to its cyaniding plant and is considering new developments in the Republic mine. SKILLED WORKER GETS $10 A WEEK Congressman Berger Demands Probe of Alleged Woolen Trust and It Is Granted. Washington.—Representative Wilson of Pennsylvania, told the house com mittee on rules that the action of the Massachusetts soldiers in stopping the children from removal of strikers ' Lawrence was the beginning of pass port system in the United States. Representative Berger of Wisconsin, the socialist member of congress, ex plained his reasons for asking a fed eral investigation. "AVhat my bill proposes to investi gate now is the relations of the Ameri Woolen company to the strike of its operatives at Lawrence,' «•:i ii he said Tariff and Labor. "The American Woolen company has for years been the recipient of a gov ernment subsidy in the form of a It has been claimed that Yet, high tariff. this is levied to protect labor, in spite of this claim, it is generally that the operatives the lowest paid of those of This strike a re conceded among any industry in America, took place as a- revolt against a duction of about 50 cents per week out of a wage averaging les« than $6 a week." The first witness called by Repre sentative Berger was Samuel Lipson, He said he was classed as skilled workman and earned from $9 to $10 a week, on which he sup ported a wife and four children. He told the committee of times when he earned less and when his family had lived on bread and water. "The days we eat meat are consid ered as holidays by the children," witness said. re a weaver. :i the Before the Committee. At the conclusion of the day of an unusual hearing before the house com mittee on rules proposing an investiga tion of conditions relating to the strike of textile workers at Lawrence, Mass., Representative Victor Berger of Wis consin and Robert McCartney of the citizens' committee of Lawrence al most came to blows, and were sepa rated by Representative Wilson of Illi nois. In the March Century. ill The fiction of the March Century w include short stories by Lucy Furman, Frances R. Sterrett, L. Frank Tooker, and J. W. Muller; and in the serial, "Stella Maris," William J. Locke will introduce the mint of John Risen that journalist's prospective housekeep er, and after describing him as the author of "three or four novels which had all been rejected by all the pub will offer an amus a a - ■ lisbers in London, ing homily on the art of novel-writing, which will greatly interest loyers Mr. Locke's novels. of WHERE DOCTORS FAILED TO HELP -ydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound Restored Mrs. Green's Health— Her Own Statement. Covington, Mo. —"Your medicine has done me more good than all the doc tor's medicines. At every monthly period I had to stay in bed four days because of hemorrhages, and my back was so weak I could hardly walk. I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and now I can I y if.- stay up and do my _Ll _<^2_I work, I think it is the best medicine on earth for women. " — Mrs. Jennie Green, Covington, Mo. How Mrs. Cline Avoided Operation. Brownsville, Ind. — "I can say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done me more good than anything else. One doctor said I must be opera ted upon for a serious female trouble and that nothing could help me but an 1$ ^ <-A t> operation. "I had hemorrhages and at times could not get any medicine to stop them. I got in such a weak condition that I would have died if I had not got relief soon. " Several-women who had taken your Compound, told me to try it and I did and found it to be the right medicine to build up the system and overcome female troubles. — " I am now in great deal better health than 1 ever expected to be, so I think I ought to thank you for it. "—Mrs. O. M. Cline, S. Main St., Brownsville, Ind. Hud Doblc The greatest of all horsemen. sn> s ; my 40 years* experience with hor-c< I have found 8pohn*s Distemper cure the most successful of all reme dies for the horses. j| is the greatest blood purifier." Bottle,50 . and $1.U0. Druggists can supply you. or ma mi fact are rs. Agents wanted/ Send for "in Free hook. Hpohn Medical Co,, Spec; Con tagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. - TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye 'alve in Aseptic Tubes, 25e, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. "When I was coming down the street this morning I ran against a thief." "A thief?" Yes. "What is a thief? "Well, if I should come up behind you and take a nickel out of your pocket, what would I be?" "A wonder." t l } I 1 1 Howard E. Burton, Aasayor and Chemist, Leadvllle, Colorado. Specimen! prices: Gold, Silver, Lead, $1.00; Gold, Silver, 75c; Gold, 50c; Zinc or Copper, $1.00. Mailing en velopes and full price list sent on application. Control and Umpire work solicited. Refer ence: Carbonate National Bank. Blink (the wholesaler)—Well, how many orders did you get yesterday? Gink (the salesman)—I got two ord ers in one store. Blink—What were they? Gink—One was to get out and the other was to stay out. QUININE" UININE. I ONLY ONE "BBOMO That i» LAXATIVE BROMO Q for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c. Look The cement golf ball is something for the devotees of the links to think about for the coming season. A WEAK STOMACH Can be quickly strength ened—your liver can be made active — your bowels will be regular if you Avili but take Hostetler's Stomach Bitters It has a proven reputa tion in cases of Poor Ap petite, Heartburn, Head ache, Indigestion, Cos tiveness, Colds, Grippe, Malaria, Fever and Ague. Sp. N. U. '12 No. 10 DYES FADELESS PUTNAM Color more woods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One iOc package colors lilk, wool and cottes equally well and la guaranteed to give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we send poet paid at IOc a package. Writ« for free booklet, how to dyo, bleech and mix colora. MONROE DRUG CO., Qniucy, Illinsls. FASHION HINTS I Hi I I « I ' i V Double faced material is used for this coal, a quiet plaid showing at the til mi up of the revers, collars and cuffs. Its claim to special notice is in the extra long rever, and the buttons just three, very close together. Mothers will find MrS. Winslow's Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. If Frank is a Baker, is Lauder milk? PleasantRefrestüitô, Beneficial, 0 Gentle and Effective, M ► NOTE THE NAME $ ! CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. In the Circle, on evorij Package of the Genuine. ; 't m 4 DO NOT LET ANY DEALER DECEIVE YOU jf sSSInM? SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA HAS GIVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION FOR MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS PAST, AND ITS WONDERFUL SUCCESS HAS LED UN SCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS OF IMITATIONS TO OFFER INFERIOR PREPARATIONS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES AND COSTING THE DEALER LESS; THEREFORE. WHEN BUYING. CSNTX1R4 six Per" CENT. OF ALCOHOL .habitual cossnmnod, I Note Ife M [CUiFO MA FKj S YRUFft Ü •O CENTS.— * PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN THE CIRCLE. NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKACE.OF THE GENUINE. REGULAR PRICE SOc PER BOTTLE; ONE SIZE ONLY, FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS THE MOST PLEASANT. WHOLE SOME AND EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR STOMACH TROUBLES, HEADACHES AND BILIOUSNESS DUE TO CONSTIPATION, AND TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ft IS NECESSARY TO BUY THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, WHICH IS MANUFACTURED BY THE MINIATURE PICTURE OF PACKAGE. California Fig Syrup Co. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES * 2.25 * 2.50 * 3.00 * 3.50 *400 & » 5.00 For MEN, WOMEN and BOYS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES give W. L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L. Douglas name stamped on a shoe guar antees superior quality and more value for the money than other makes. His name and price stamped on the bottom protects the wearer against high prices and inferior shoes. Insist upon having the genuine W. L. Douglas shoes. Take no substitute. If vour dealer cannot supply W.1~Douglas shoe«, write W. I>,Douglas, Brockton, Mass., tor catalog. Shoes sent •very w lier« 1 delivery charges prepaid. Fast Color JKyrlrts used. f it g>l MS' • &S5 ? 'Vj K yj. a T if: KILLS % GOPHERS m SAGE RATS SQUIRRELS AND PRAIRIE DOGS4 » I I I LfilKli '■"/e I r/f£ß/M#D TßATK/l£S _ REQUIRES NO MIXING OR PREPARATION. ALWAYS READY FOR USE.w CET THE WOOOIABN BBANO n I VHEH you Buy. DEMAND THE BEST. MONET BACH IE NOT ASCLA/MEO CLARKE, WOOD WARD DRUG CO. Portland , ore . i 10 1 The Coughs of Children They may not cough today, but what about tomorrow? Better be prepared for it when it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house. Then when the hard cold or cough first appears you have a doctor's medicine at hand. This cough medicine is especially good for children. No anodynes. No alcohol. Many a child is ca.led dull and stupid when the whole trouble is due to a lazy liver. We firmly bi llevo your own doc tor will tell you that an occasional dose of Ayer's Pilli childr~ ...a, augat -coated, will do such great deal of good. Ask him. ren a aua. tu /. O. ITU OO.. Lomu. Uu. CATARRHA Are you troubled with catarrh? Is your head heavy and clogged? Here is the greatest remedy of the age. Gives in stant relief. Highly recommended. Send 25c coin for box of this wonderful ■salve. Postpaid. Jerome Company, 352'West 15th ftreet, New York City. » d if the printer refused to correspond with the girl in the case, would the typo writer? If a girl can be wooed and won in a month, how long will it take to wo man! "Do you think Cheyenne would love a man who geyser?"