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Image provided by: Idaho State Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
Mid Winter Sale on Gents Furnishings Until Feb. 15th we will give you 25 per cent discount, FOR CASH, on, all purchases made in Gents Furnishing goods. This means one-fourth off from regular prices. We need the money you need the goods. Why not take advantage of this All purchase subject to discount must be SPOT CASH. offer. ßee us for your wants in the Grocery and Hardware line. Yours for Business TSè O. C. LAPP CO., Ltd. Stores at: Harpster, Elk City. Personal < and Otherwise Local Mention f? Ed. Hansen, has returned to Orogrande, from outside points. Miss Zeta Fox, is visiting with Mrs. Geo. Renner, on. Red river. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finley were in town getting supplies this week. Dr, J. N. Davis, of Topeka, Kas., was in town the past week, on business. About twenty thousand pounds of mining supplies are now en route to Dixie. 0. C. Lapp came in from Harpster Monday. He will be here for a week or ten days. James Murphy, one of the owners of the Center Star, re turned from Seattle this week. There will be a sheet and pil low-case ball in the I. 0. 0. F. hall, Saturday evening, the 16th. Geo. F. Tait and L. Pederson have gone to Dixie, where they will be employed at the Majestic. Mrs. John Harbison, of Moun tain Meadows, has returned from a visit to her old home in Mis sruri. Several freight teams arrived in camp this week. The mer chants are getting in their sup plies while the roads are in ex cellent condition. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Jackson, spent several days in Elk City the past week. They have gone to Dixie, where they will be em ployed the coming summer. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E! Hamilton of Hillyard, Wash., are the proud parents of a baby girl. Mr, Hamilton was formerly editor of the Mining News. The Postoffice News Stand has just received a fresh shipment of candies, nuts and fruit. We are headquarters for every thing good to eat. 0. C. Lapp Co. You can get all the news for $2 a year in the Mining News. All kinds of laundry work done —wash days Monday and Thurs day. Mrs. L, A. Painter. Old papers for sale at Mining News office, 10 cents a bundle. The Mining News for $2. Elk City Reduction Co. Treasury Stock For Sale. 1 The Board of Directors now offers its first allotment of treas ury stock to the public at 25 cts. per share, par value one dollar. The money received from the sale of treasury stock will be used for the completion of the plant, and for the purchase of such machinery as will be nec essary. It is hoped that all those want ing to further the interests of the camp will subscribe liberally to this first issue of stock. Make all checks payable to G. L. L. Baskett, Treasurer, Elk City, Idaho. Elk City Mining News a year for $2. -- S Ÿ 3 S THE Magazine that makes Fact more fascinating than Fiction «3 POPULAR g |M£OaAMCSr I aJ&L ■ r "WRITTEN SO YOU CAN UNDCRSTANQ IT'' w A GREAT Continued Story of the World', *'*• ProsxeM which you may begin reading at which will hold any time, and forever, is running in your interest Popular Mechanics Magazine Are you reading it? Two millions of your neighbors are, and it is the favorite magazine in thousands of the best American homes. Il appeals to all classes—old and young—ipen and women—those who know and those who want to know. 250 PAGES EACH MONTH 200 ARTICLES OF GENERAL INTEREST The "Shop Notes" Department (20 pages) gives easy ways to do things—how to make useful articles for home and shop, repairs, etc. "Amateur Mechanics " (10 pages) tells how to make Mission furniture, wireless outfits, boats, engines, magic, and all the things a boy loves. $1.50 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES IS CENTS Ask your Newsdealer to show you one or WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLE COPY TODAY 300 PICTURES POPULAR MECHANICS CO. 320 W. W.,hinglon St., CHICAGO r Reports Examinations ! j ; W. C. McNUTT I Civil Engineer and U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor. Idaho Orangeville l -V/EBSTEkS I f New International Dictionary THE MERRÏAM WEBSTER? Rpmn.o 11 Is a NEW. CREA- - TION, covering every field of the world's thought, action and culture. T be only new unabridged dictionary in many years. , Reran,» R defines over 400,000 - Words; more than ever before appeared between two • covers, a 7 00 Pages, 6000 Il lustrations. Reran»» *t the only dictionary _with the new divided page. A "Stroke of Genius." Because ** an encyclopedia in IB — ■ - a single volume. ^ Because R * s accepted by the - Courts, Schools and Press as the one supreme au thority. Because ho who knows wins - Success. Let us teU you about this new work, ' : I ] I I WRITE for specimen of new divided p&ge. G. ft C. MERRIAM CO,, Publishers, Springfield, Mass. Mention this pape?, receive FREE » set of pocket m&pe. G. E. YATES, Physician and Surgeon Elk City, Idaho. R. Kemp Welch, Consulting Mining and Mechanical Engineer Complete Economic, Mineralogical and Mechanical examinations and reports of Mines and Water Power Plants. ELK CITY, IDAHO. and Real Estate Trust Building, Philadelphia, Penn. R. McGREGOR TJ. S. Mineral Surveyor Elk City, Idaho. A. S. Hardy, Attorney at Law Office over First National Bank. Practice in allcourts. Min ing and Corporation Law and general practioe. I Grange ville. |j Idaho G. L. L. Basket! :Druggisfc Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Stationery and Cigars. Physician's Prescriptions carefully com pounded. ..... Deputy Recorder Elk City Mining District. Legal Mining Blanks for Sale. Notary Public. ...... Idaho. Elk City, T Wesley Packer, Vice-President. Chas, JW. Butler, President. T. P. Tolleeson, Cashier, Bank of Stites CAPITAL, $10,000. We do a General Banking Business. Incorporate^ Under jätate La\y 1» 'Telephone Central at "News" office. Connections made with all stations from Elk City to Clearwater river. Long Distance connections with Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Also connections with Western Union and Forest Reserve Offices. Stites=Elk City Electric Light & Telephone Co., Limited. P. E. ELLIS. President and Manager. JWVMVUWmMUVMVmwUUUMVMWUVUMUMUVWUWMH«} 7) The s .* Miners Exchange i • • • The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. FRANK STECKNER. Prop. » «'< vv HARRY'S PLACE • ft • The Finest of WINES, LIÖUOR.S and CIGARS HARRY W. CONE, Prop. m Hotel Dixie J. M. HAYNIE, Prop. I DIXIE, IDAHO. Headquarters for Mining Men.