He replied next day, refusing to receive them. Dec. 31.—South Carolina adopted an oath of abjuration and allegiance, and sent Commission ers to tho other Slave States, with a view to the formation of a Southern Confederacy. Jan. 2, 1861.—Governor Ellis, of North Caroli na, took possession of Fort Macon, at Beaufort, the works at Wilmington, and the United States Arsenal at Fayotteville Georgia troops in pos session of Forts Pulaski and Jackson, and the United States Arsenal at Savannah. Jan. 3.—Florida State Contention met at Tal lahassee South Carolina Commissioners wrote an insulting letter to the President, and went home. Jan. 4.—Fast-day, by proclamation of the Pres ident : it was generally observed in the Free and the Border Slave States, but disregarded in the South Fort Morgan, at the mouth of Mobile Bay, and the United States Arsenal in Mobile, seized by order of Governor Moore, of Alabama South Carolina"Convention appointed seven delegates to " the General Congress of the Se ceding States." Jan. s.—Steamer Star of the West sailed from New York with supplies and reinforcements for Fort Sumter Governor Hicks, of Maryland, published a strong Union address to the people South Carolina Convention adjourned, sub ject to a call by the Governor. Jan. 7. —Meeting of the Alabama State Conven tion Meeting of the Mississippi State Conven tion Meeting of the Tennessee Legislature...... Meeting of tho Virginia Legislature Senator Toombs, of Georgia, made a violent Secession speech in the Senate. Jan. B.—Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Interior, resigned, after treacherously betraying the sailing of the Star of the West to reinforce Sumter. Jan. 9.—Star of tbe West rr~ Charleston, and was fired upon and drtVen back to sea by rebel batteries Mississippi Convention passed a Secession ordinance, 84 to 15. Jan. 10. —Florida Secession ordinance passed, 62 to 7. Jan. 11.—Alabama Secession ordinance passed, 61 to 39 Philip F. Thomas, Secretary of the Treasury, resigned, and John A. Dix, of New York, appointed in his place United States Arsenal at Baton Rouge, Forts Philip and Jack son, below New Orleans, and Fort Pickens, on Lake Pontchartrain, seized by order of the Gov ernor of Louisiana Legislature of New York voted to tender the whole military power of the State to the President for the support of the Con stitution. Jan. 13.—Virginia State Legislature adopted the bill calling a State Convention Commo dore Armstrong surrendered the Pensacola Navy Yard, and Fort Farrancas, to the Florida troops; Lieutenant Slemmer, in command of Fort Pick ens, refused to obey Armstrong's order, and saved that important fortress to the Union. Jan. 14.—South Carolina Legislature declared that any attempt to reinforce Fort Sumter would be an act of war. Jan. 16.—The Crittenden Compromise practi cally voted down in the United States Senate, by the adoption of Mr. Clark's substitute, that the Constitution is good enough, and Secession ought to be put down Arkansas Legislature voted to have a Convention Missouri Legislature voted to hold a Convention Major-General Sandford, of New York City, tenderecfto the President the services of the First Division of 7,000 men ior any service which may be re quired Colonel Hayne, iv tbe name of Gov ernor Pickens, demanded of the President the surrender of Fort Sumter; the President refused to receive him in any official capacity. Jan. 18.—Massachusetts Legislature tendered to the President all the power of the State to sup port the Federal Government Virginia Legis lature appropriated $1,000,000 for the defense of the State. Jan. 19.—Georgia Secession ordinance adopted, 208 to 89; Alexander H. Stephens and Herschel V. Johnson voted in the negative Tennessee Legislature called a State Convention. Jan. 21.—Alabama members of Congress re signed Jefferson Davis took leave of the Senate, in consequence of the secession of his State. Jan. 22.—Sherrard Clemens, of Virginia, made a strong Union speech in Congress. Jan. 23.—Georgia members of Congress re signed Emerson Etheridge, of Tennessee, in a speech in Congress, declared Secession to be rebellion, and to be put down at any cost. Jan. 24.—Arsenal at Augusta, Georgia, seized by the State. Jan. 25.—Correspondence between Governor Brown, of Georgia, and Mayor Wood of New York, about seizure of arms by tho New York police Rhode Island Legislature repealed the Personal Liberty bill. Jan. 26.—Louisiana Convention adopted a Se cession ordinance, 113 to 17. Jan. 28.—Texas State Convention met at Aus tin. Jan. 30.—North Carolina Legislature submitted the Convention question to a vote of the people —the first recognition in all the South that the people had any right to a voice in the matter Ex-Secretary Floyd indicted by a Grand Jury for malfeasance and conspiracy Revenue cutters Cass, Captain J. J. Mo»*»»w>n 4 a_<_ McClel land, Captain Breshwood, surrendered to the Louisiana authorities by their commanders. Feb. I.—Mint and Custom House at New Or leans seized by tho State authorities Texas Convention passed a Secession ordinance, 166 to 7, subject to a vote of tho people. Feb. 4.—The Rebel Delegates mot at Montgom ery, Alabama, to organize a confederate govern ment—Ho well Cobb was_hosen chairman The Peace Congress met at Washington, ex-President Tyler presiding. Feb. B.—Colonel Hayne, commissioner from South Carolina, unable to get recognition, finally left Washington The Montgomery Convention adopted a Provisional Constitution Governor Brown, of Georgia, seized New York ships in Savannah Harbor, in retaliation for the seizure of arms in New York. The ships were released on the 10th Little Rock Arsenal surrendered to Arkansas. Feb. 9.—Jefferson Davis and Alexander H. Stephens elected Provisional President and Vice President at Montgomery. Feb. 11.—President Lincoln started for Wash ington. Feb. 13.—Electoral vote counted—Lincoln and Hamlin officially declared elected. Feb. 18.—Jefferson Davis inaugurated Presi dent of the Confederate States of America. Feb. 19.—Enthusiastic reception of President Lincoln in New York City Fort Kearney, Kansas, taken by the Secessionists; soon after retaken. Feb. 21.—Jeff. Davis appointed his Cabinet — Toombs, Sec. State ; Memminger, Treasury, and L. P. Walker, War Governor of Georgia made another seizure of New York vessels. Fob. 22.—President Lincoln's night journey from Harrisburg to Washington, in order to pre vent an anticipated outrage in Baltimore. Feb. 25. —News received of the surrender and treason of Major-General Twiggs in Texas. Feb. 26.—Captain Hill refused to surrender Fort Brown, Texas, under Twiggs's order. Feb. 27.—Peace Congress submitted to the Senate their Plan of Pacification. Feb. 28.—Vote on Corwin's report from th* committee of 33 :—the resolutions-adopted—l3f to 53. March I.—General Twiggs expellod from thfr army. March 2.—Revenue cutter Dodge surrendered to the Rebels at Galveston. March 4. —Inauguration of Pres't Lincoln Texas State Convention declared that State out of the Union. March s.—General Beauregard ordered to take command of the rebels at Charleston. March 6. —Fort Brown surrendered by special agreement. March 18.—Supplies cut off from Fort Pickens, Pensacola. March 22.—Dr. Fox, of the Navy, visited Major Anderson, as special messenger of Gov ernment. March 25.—Colonel Lamon, Government mes senger, had an interview with Governor Pickens and General Beauregard. March 28.—Vote of Louisiana on Secession published—For, 20,448; Against, 17,296. March 30.—Mississippi Convention ratified the Confederate Constitution—7B to 7. April 3.—Long Cabinet meeting on Fort Sum ter business Great activity in the Navy De partment Rebel battery on Morris Island fired into a schooner—nobody hurt South Carolina Convention ratified the Confederate Constitution lUU>I6. April 4. —Virginia Convention refused, 89 to 45, to submit a Secession ordinance to th« people. April 7.—General Beauregard notified Major Anderson that intercourse between Fort Sumter and the city would no longer be permitted Steam transport Atlantic sailed from New York with troops and supplies. April 8. —Official notification given that sup plies would be sent to Major Anderson, by force —if necessary State Department declined to recognizo the Confederate States Commissioners. April 9.—Steamers Illinois and Baltic sailed from New York with sealed orders. April 10.—Floating battery of the rebels at Charleston finished and mounted Large numbers of troops sent to the various fortifica tions. April 11.—Fears of the seizure of Washington. Troops posted in the Capitol—oath of fidelity ad ministered to the men Confederate Commis sioners left Washington, satisfied that no recog nition of their government would take place under President Lincoln Beauregard demands of Major Anderson the surrender of Fort Sum ter. Tho Major declined Bids for Treasury Notes opened—whole amount taken at a premi um. Aril 12.— Actual Commencement of War.—Bom bardment of Fort Sumter began at 4.30 a. m., and continued all day ; partially suspended at nightfall. Tho rebels had in action 17 mortars, and 30 large guns, mostty columbiads. The reb els fired at intervals all night; Sumter was si lent Pennsylvania Legislature voted $5.0,000 to arm the State Fort Pickens reinforced. [continued next week.]