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are OODl_ 10‘ this Cigarette and Save Money 0. T. RICHARDSON Special Agent NEW YORK LIFE W ants the patronage ol his Newark friends Office in rkansas Bank & Trust Company Building Room 1G C J m IMMMI O .O P P y y y y y y Notary Public I have served continuously aa No- I Q7 Public at Newark for 92 yearn ■Weeded in getting more pensions, 3th Federal and Confederate, than oyone in Newark. DEEDS AND DEEDS OF TRUST | DULY ACKNOWLEDGED WORK GUARANTEED iEORGE F. CROSSER NEWARK, ARKANSAS S. G. KNIGHT KtTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC 1 'NEWARK ARKANSAS RODMAN, ROE & BONE *HYSICIANS & SURGEONS Office at Head Of Stairs in First National Bank Building NEWARK, ARKANSAS E. A. HORN lonuments, Tombstones and Marble Work »e Me When in Need of Any Thing in This Line NEWARK, ARKANSAS ..— -- CASTORIA For Infants and Children n Use For Over 30 Years always bears the Jgnature of <5 II For a first class || SHAVE or HAIRCUT || GO TO II j. H. BOLES’ ** BARBER SHOP o _—-- ii Sharp razors, clean || towels, and first class || barbers. We respect- || fully solicit your || patronage. . II ___ II Journal Building II Main Street U *% *iH3 Happenings «f Local Interest MOSTLY ABOUT PEOPLE For the best in groceries try J. H. Holderby. -o Rev Owens of Magness was in town Wednesday. -o (). A. Albright of Cushman was in town Sunday. -—o See the last of “White Eagle” at the Royal Saturday night. -o Kodak finishing promptly and reasonably done. J. J. Duncan -o The old reliable Tennessee wagons at the Newark Lumber Company. -o Mrs. O. L. Bile is spending the week in Stuttgart the guest of her parents. -o Robinson Crusoe will conm to the Royal with Friday on Saturday night. Big shipment of sheet iron .just received by the Newark Lumber Company. -o W. J. Waldrip left Monday for Hot Springs to spend a few weeks taking the baths. -o Mrs. A. A. Evans and little son, Willis, spent a few days this week at Bald Knob. -o Ben Williamson of Moun tain View, candidate for state senator, was in town Tuesday. -o H. G. Dasher, agricultural instructor for the Oil Trough High School, was in town Sat urday. -o W. J. Caldwell, a good citi zen of the Oil Trough section was in town on business Sat urday. -o The greatest Western picture ever made by Harry Carey. “Man to Man,” at the Royal Friday. -o E. R. Hooper, candidate for county judge, was mingling with the voters in town Wed nesday. , -o Tax Collector O. O. Wright who is a candidate for re-elec tion, was in town a few hours Monday. -o Prof. S. E. Wells, principal of the Sulphur Rock High School, was in town on business Tuesday -o Little Miss Volena Dearing is spending the week at Nuck olls visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dearing. -o Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barnett of Newport spent Sunday in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.W. C. Martin. -o As long as they last, best grade Cairo Egg Cases and fill ers, knocked down, 45c. Fink & Galloway. -o Congressman W. A. Oldfield who is making a canvass of the district, was in town a short time Tuesday. -o I. J. Matheny of Batesville, candidate for state senator, was in town Wednesday meet ing the voters. -o Man to Man, we’re going to give you the biggest thrill ever shown in a western at the Roy al Friday night. -o Don’t let that miserable tired feeling become a habit. Get rid of it today by taking Tanlac.— Newark Drug Company. -o A full line of staple and fancy groceries at the right prices. We buy your chickens and eggs. J. H. Holderby. Rev. J. E. Snell returned j Friday from Swifton where he attended the Methodist Dis trict Conference. -o Mrs. Lizzie Vaughan of New port spent a few days here this week visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. E. E. Allen. -o Mrs. E. H. Williamson ar rived home Monday from Hot Springs where she spent a few weeks taking the baths. -o Is your appetite jaded? Is your indigestion poor? If so Tanlac is what you need.— Newark Drug Company. -o Drop in at J H. Holderby’s and find out how cheap you can get good fresh groceries. Always the lowest prices. -o Miss Vey Morgan arrived | home Thursday night from1 Memphis, Tenn., where she? has been attending school. Bring your produce in and get the highest prices in cash or merchandise. I want the farmer’s trade. J. H. Holderby Our pasture at Paroquetj Bluff is in better shape than ever. If you have stock to pasture see us. |C. P. Vaughan & Sons. -o We have several pieces of good property for sale, and if you want to buy a farm or town property see us. W. E. Self & Co. -0 Paul Crow who has a po sition with the Casey Drug Co., at Batesville, spent Sun day here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Crow. -o Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ratton returned to their home at Para trould Sunday night after spend ing a few' days here the guests of Mr. Ratton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ratton. -o Do you need flour, feedstuff, bran, shorts, sugar, or grocer ies? You can always get what you want, and it doesn’t take a year’s wages to buy a square meal when you trade with J. H. Holderby. -o Rev. J. E. Snell spent Tues day in Little Rock where he went to place the children of Mrs. Defriece in an orphans home. The mother will be plaled in the State Tuberculo sis Sanitarium at Booneville as soon as arrangments can be made for her admission. -o Owner wants to sell good forty acre farm, five miles from Newark in good neighborhood. Thirty-eight acres in cultiva tion. Has new two-room house neatly finished and good new barn, house and barn cost $425. Farm under good fence and eight acres in coton last year brought the owner as rent (one fourth of crop) $18.30 ?per acre. This is a desirable home and farm for some man Who wants a home to live on and make a good liv ing. Price $35 acre, half cash, balance in one and two years at eight per cent interest. Full particulars at Journal office. y y y H. A. GIRE y y High Class Barber Work y y y y In the tent on y y Front Street y y y y First To Make the y t- Low Prices y y y yyyyyyyyyy J. M. Gibson, a well known citieen of Newport has been ap pointed deputy U. S. Marshal for this district to succeed John Alexaner of Batesville. -o The stomach regulates the condition of the blood and is the fountain head of health or disease. Get your stomach right by taking Tanlae. New ark Drug. -o—r A. C. Marshall, one of Logan township’s progressive farmers was in town Saturday and call ed and had his name added to The Journal’s growing sub scription list. -o The ladies are cautioned to put a couple of extra hairpins in their hair before going to the Royal Friday night, as they may be needed when the big rattle stampede takes place. -o Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Galloway arrived home Thursday eve ning from Denver, Colo., and other points in the West. They made the trip in their car, being on the road a little more than two weeks. -o Holman Brown who is spending the vacation holidays with his parents, Rev. and Mrs J. L. Brown at Walnut Gt'ove, after a years work in the medi cal school of the University of Arkansas, was in town Tuesda -o The question has often been asked “Where did Robinson Crusoe go with Friday on Sat urday night?” Perhaps you can find out by seeing “The Adventures of Robinson Cru soe” serial which starts at the Royal, Saturday, July 22. -o (Congressman W. A. Oldfield and Mrs. Oldfield arrived in Newport Saturday from Wash ington, and Mr. Oldfield will spend a few days in the district in the interest of his candidacy for re-election before returning to his duties at Washington. -o We pay $36.00 weekly full time, 75c an hour spare time selling hosiery guaranteed to wear four months or replaced free. 36 styles. Salary or 30 per cent commission. Gtood hosiery is an absolute necessity, you can sell it easily. Experi ence unnecessary. Eagle Knit ting Mills, Darby, Pa. -o Curt Welborn, formerly of this place, but who is now em ployed at Sexton’s pharmacy at Walnut Ridge, was among the number who graduated at the end of the recent term of the Little Rock School of Pharmacy and successfully passed the examination by the state board, having been noti fied a few days ago that he is now a registered pharmacist. -o How would you like to get caught in a cattle stampede on the Western plains? You can feel your blood surging wildly as you almost feel that you are going to be trampled to death under the on-rushing hoofs if the maddened animals as they come nearer until you can almost feel the hot breath from their distended nostrils. But if you get a firm grip on your seat, you will be in no danger whatever, when this big stampede heads straight to ward you at the Royal Friday night. -o W. T. Jernigan, county sup erintendent of Education, and Burt Arnold, County treasurer, of Batesville, were in town a *hort time Monday morning having been to Paroquet where they attended the opening of the Paroquet school. Mr. Jerni gan states that he was very favorably impressed with the school at Paroquet and express ed the belief that this is going to be a successful term at that place. Mr. Arnold, who, on ac count of his unfortunate condi tion does nt get t visit our com munity much, received a hearty welcome from his friends and former townspeople in Newark who are always glad to see him. Featured at Barnett's Rig |Store are Mens' Oxfords as i low as $:t.50 and up. See these I , ; values. i Subscribe for The Journal, now only $1 a year. -o Robinson Crusoe Is Coming Children Cry for Fletcher's 1 Castoria The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of — on the wrapper all these years just to protect the coming generations. Do not be deceived. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What is CASTORIA Cast of ia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic s distance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Comfort—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. a Theatre Program for the Coming Week isiiuitHiitiiHiumitiiiiihiimiiiiituumuliiHiumitiminnniimliiiiiiiuiiyi' FRIDAY, JULY 14 HARRY CAREY — IN — MAN TO MAN Greatest Western Picture Made This Season HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY “GOING, GOING, GONE” Admission 10c and 30c MMUIIIN SATURDAY, JULY 15 LAST EPISODE WHITE EAGLE Ruth Roland in a Thrilling Western Serial TWO REEL COMEDY Brownie, the Wonder Dog in “TABLE STEAKS” INTERNATIONAL NEWS Important Events of the World Before your eyes Admission 10c and 20c FRIDAY, JULY 21 MISS DUPONT — IN — "Shattered Dreams” Two Shows Saturday Nig ht First Show Starts 7:15 Second Show at 8:30