f March 8, 1919
| At J. E. Bowen’s Slaughter Pen
| Will sell the following: 4 Brood
J Mares; 1 two-year-old filley; 6
mules, one and two year old; 50
I head cattle; some milch cows with
I calves and some expecting to be
fresh soon.
fe Sale begins at 12:30 p. m. All
sales under $10.00 for cash; over
$10 note, with approved security
at 10 per cent interest.
Sale conducted by
I J. E. BOWEN, Manager
life 0 ' ^ . *
Special to Independent.
E Little Rock, Feb. 24—Information
was received yesterday of the death
of Capt. Jno. C. Newman, editor of
the Harrison Times, at his home in
Harrison on Saturday nipht, of dia
betes. He was one of the best known
tnen in the newspaper fraternity of
■ssgrfe—~....... i-T....-i
- -hl-'jn.i——sz
| Arkansas, having been engaged in th<
publicatio of the Harrison Timet
for more than thirty years. He hac
served as president of the Arkansas
Press Association and in the Spanish
American war was captain of a com
pany of volunteers in an Arkansas
regiment. He was a noted musician
and for years was director of the
Newman Band of Harrison.
Your Grocery!
Yours for Getting the Most
and the Best for the Money
We want every family in this section to
make this grocery store their trading place. You
will at all times find the best quality foods, the
largest variety and lowest prices for GOOD
GROCERIES, and a hearty welcome every time
you call. We really—and truly, appreciate "your
I J?. J. W/se Grocer^ Co.
j|. ' ^ *
r Let us show you our new Spring
Goods which are arriving daily.
H A swell line of Silks, Crepes,
I Satins, Dress Ginghams, Percales,
Ladies’ and Children’s Gingham
II- •
Dresses, also a big line of Ladies’
$r*<- . 7
Spring Hats, Shoes, Hosiery.
Domestics from 11c and up.
Ginghams from 15c and up.
Calico from 12c and up.
■ft; £ - ^ ' V-'-. ' ^ v. ~ '
Garden Seed
Triumph Potatoes
I Onion Sets
I Alfalfa Seed
and Seed Oats
I We carry the best Flour in Town
I Bowen’s Cash Store
At these prices and see if
you can beat them.
Pork Chops _35c
Pork Roast_30c to 35c
Whole Pork Shoulder, per lb._.25c
Good Home Made Sausage,
per pound _30c
Pork Link Sausage, per lb_35c
Spare Ribs_25c to 30c
Weiners, per pound_28c
Liver, per pound_20c
Beef Brains, per set_15c
Pork Brains, per set_5c
Round Steak, per pound_38c
Porterhouse and Loin Steak,
per pound _40c
Chuck Roast, per pound_30c
Chuck Steak _35c
Prime Rib and Rump Roast,
per pound _33c
Brisket of Beef, per lb_25c
Boneless Stew, per lb_25c
We keep a fresh supply of
meat on hand at all times
and will deliver to any
part of the city. All we
ask is a trial.
W. A. Fike & Son
Third & Beech Sts.
Phone 371
Editor and Publisher.
Entered at the postoffice, Newport,
Arkansas, as second-class mail matter
DAILY—Single copy, 5 cents; per
week, 15 cents; per month, 50 cents;
per year, $5.50, in advance, by carrier
in city, by mail in country.
WEEKLY—$1.50 per year, payable
in advance.
’Twas a foolish man who tried to
“get” the Tiger of France. A sneak
ing assassin could never do what
brave men have essayed and failed,
o o o
President Wilson perhaps knew
better than anyone lese that his re
quest that no public discussion of the
League of Nations plan be held in the
senate until his arrival and explana
tion of the plan would be in vain. A
senator can no more keep from talk- ^
ing than a razorback can be kept out
of a cornfield by a rail fence. The
more momentous the subject and the
more delicate the situation, the surer
it is that it will be flaunted to the
four winds with all the loose and vi- j
cious statements of a backfence gos
siping tournament. Somebody ought
t' induce Mr. Maxim to constiuct one
of his famous silencers for the hu
man mug, and then make it one of the
well-known “perquisite* of |
of the United State*.”
o c o I
The most needed thing >1
county is a system of gl
The present condition ofl
ways leading to Newport isl
to convince every one of thfl
The way seems to be opfl
county to realize the establfl
better roads. Several disfl
been formed, but some of fl
be more active,
j We have stated before H
is not a single sensible®
against good roads, while H
favoring them are number®
Newport cannot get ahc®
good roads leading to it. H
ers will do their trading
products in the town tha®
roads leading to it. ®
Newport bankers, men®
business men favor good®
will not balk at helping paH
But more than that is
personal campaign for },etH
imperative. One canno®
much about the subject wh®
skepticism. ®
And it requires some®
might otherwise be given®
to boost good roads. BuH
boosts good roads he bo.HI
Every man ought to m.-®^
ject a hobby. For, men,^B
afford to miss this opj^^
make the county the I®
state. Keep behind these H|
til they are put through. H|
Additional LH
Hon. Lyman F. RceL^H
son of Batesville were :^H
night on their return
where they enjoyed ' HH
celebration and flight _ HH
that day. HH
S. M. Bains and son,
in St. Louis this week
and pleasure combine.!
Miss Mary Frances R - HH
to join them from l.mlflH
lege for a day or two.
Mr. and Mrs. George HH
went down to Weldon -HH
noon to spend the r/»'"H|§|
Sunday, having gone • . HI
tie nephew, the new • K||
Mrs. Robert L. Melt- a H|||
NOTICE—Any r-l- «•: Hgi
for disabilities may get HSl
tion relative to rehab;! t.HH
cational training by U
E. L. Lamkin, District
ficer Federal Board f HH
Education and Reha!' ..’.HH
Chemical Building, St i HH
order of the Adjutant HSll
England. ^^H
Miss Hele McDonal<HH|
Galloway College at •S*':HJ||
on No. 4 Saturday,
in the afternoon to vlsltUH
for two days. She "I9||
achool this afternoon ":,HH
Mrs. William C.
baby daughter arrive- UH
on this morning's **;t . HH
make a month's > ‘ : HB
Mr. and Mrs. Join* ^ Hmffl
the many friends d ' HHH
- - • KM
\ | ' mm
Spring Suits ■
We are receiving dailyH
shipments of clothin^H
which our customers willH
want for Spring wearH
Men, you cannot afford toH
miss looking at our stock.^B
Cheap only in price. ^fl
Let us order your Spr/V/y^B
Jacobstein Brfl