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PINE BUJFF QHIL'f GRAPHIC. .. 1 ..— - 1 •*—• PUBLISHED EVERY DAY (EXCEPT SATURDAY,) —KY THE— Graphic Printing Com’py. J. W. ADAMS, - - - Edltorand Manager W q. ADAMS. - - - Associate Editor. TELEPHONE No. 102. •^“ADYERTISI.VO RATES MADE KNOWN «.N APPLICATION. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Daily, one copy, one week. l.V\ Daily, one copy, one mor^h. Oec. Daily, one copy, s>x months.$T7f> Daily, one copy, one year.S7T.0 Sunday edition one year.•fl-T* Weekly, ppr year.$l.e0 ACL SUBSCRIPTIONS DUE IN ADVANCE WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Entered at the Post-office at Pine Bluff, f rk., as second-class mail matter. PINE BLUFF. \RK.,. April 12, 1896. LARGEST DAILY CITY CIRCULATION. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Congress We are aothorized to announce the Hon. JOHN 8. LITTLE of Sebastian county, as a candidate for re-election to Congress from this, the Second Arkansas Congressional Dis trict, subject to the action of the Democratic party. For State Senator. We are authorized to announce Col. W. P. GRACE as a candidate for State Senator from this, the Eleventh District, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries on April 28. lWlfi. For County and Probate Judge. We are authorized toannounce JUDGE W. I). JONES as a candidate lor re-election to the office of County and Probate Judge, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primar ies. We are authorized to announne JOHN T. MARSH as a candidate for the office of County and Probate Judge, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. For Coanty Treasurer. We are authorized to announce Mr. JESSE R. CORE, of Bolivar township, as a candi date for County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic party. We are authorized to announce Mr. J. SADiNDERS as a Candidate for Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic pri maries. I hereby present my name to the voters of Jefferson comity for the office of County Treasurer, at the ensuing election, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. 1 am familtar with the duties and responsi bllities oOhe office, and if chosen, will en deavor to fill it satisfactory to the people. D. C. HELL. For Prosecuting Attorney. We are authorized to announce Mr.WALTER H. SORRELS as a candidate tor Prosecuting Attorney of the Eleventh Judicial District, subject to the action of the Democratic party. _ We are authorized to announce Mr. SMITH 0. MARTIN as a candidate for re-election to the office of Prosscuting Attorney of the Eleventh District, subject to the action of the Democratic party. For County Clerk. To the Voters of Jefferson County: 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of County and Probate Clerk, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries, and owing to contin ued ill bealtn I may not be able to call on you in your respective townships, however if you should honor me with a second term. 1 shall in the future, ns in the past, en deavor to make an efficient and faithful offi cer. Very truly, Fkank B. Flaniieks, For the legislature. Having been urged by many friends .o be come a candidate xor the. General Assembly of Arkansas, 1 have concluded to do so. My main desire is to add something to the pro tection and advancement of our agricultural, mechanical and educational conditions. I have resided in Jefferson count* and been engaged exclusively in farming forty-eight years, and 1 think I know something of the necessities of the farmer. At the proper time I will meet the voters in their various townships. This announcement is made sub ject to the action of the Democracy of Jef ferson county. Very respectfully. McH. WILLIAMS. We are authorized to announce Col. K. A. ROGERS as a candidate for Representative, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries on April 28. We are authorized to annou nee Capt. 8AM F. HILZHEIM as a candidate for Represen tative, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primal ies on April 28. We are authorized to announce Mr. J. D. CULPEPPERas a candidate for Represent ative subject to the action of the Democratic primaries on April 28, 18%. We are authorized to announce Hon. G. L. BLACKWELL as a candidate for re-election as Representative, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries April28, 18%. We are authorised to announce Mr W. G. STREET!’ as a candidate for Representative subject to the action of the Democratic pri maries on April 28. For the good of the people, although unso licited by any political party or organization, I hereby announce myself as a candidate to represent Jefferson county in the House of Representatives, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. My personal platform is the free and unlimited coinage of silver. Respectfully, A. C. VOWELL. We are authorized to announce Hon. W. E. SALLEE as a candidate for re-election us Representative, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries April 28,18%. We are authorized to announce Prof. L. E, QUINN as a candidate for Representative, subject to the action of the Democratic pri maries on April 28th. We are authorized to announce Mr. C. L. GRESHAM as a candidate for Representa tive. subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. REPRESENTATIVE. We represent the drug tradeof Pine Bluff. The best quality of goous,quickly and correct ly compounded prescriptions, is our motto. We solicit your support on these grounds. Anderson-Meyer Drug Co. Boils It is often difficult to convince peo ple their blood is impure, until dread ful carbuncles, abscesses, boils, scrof ula or salt rheum, are painful proof of the fact. It is wisdom now, or when ever there is any indication of Impure blood, to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and prevent such eruptions and suffering. “I had a dreadful carbuncle abscess, red, fiery, fierce and sore. The doctor at tended me over seven weeks. When the abscess broke, the pains were terrible, and I thought I should not live through it. I heard and read so much about Hood’s Sarsaparilla, that I decided to take it, and my husband, who was suffering with boils, took it also. It soon purified our Blood built me up and restored my health so that, although the doctor said I would not be able to work hard, I have, since done the work for 20 people. Hood s Sar saDarilla cured my husband ol the bolls, aiK?we regard it a wonderful medicine. Mbs. Anna Pktebbon, Latimer, Kansas, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, jl. ; liver ills, easy to take, / to operate. 25 cents. ~~ .. cure liver ills, easy to take, Hood S Pills easy T For Sheriff, We are authorized to announce Mr. C. H. TRIPLETT as a candidate for re-election as Sheriff and Collector of Jefferson county, subject to the action of the Democratic pri marieson April 38. We are authorized to announce Mr. Edgar Brewster as a candidate for Sheriff and Col lector of Jefferson county.subjecttotbe action of the Democratic primaries on April 28,1896. For Circuit Clerk. At the solicitation of many friends I hare decided to make the race for Circuit Clerk and solicityour support. My candidacy is. of course, subject to t.he action of the Demo cratic primaries, April 28, 1896. C. II. FlTZHtJGB, To the voters of Jefferson County:—! hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Circut Clerk, subject to the action of the Democratic party, and respectfully ask its endorsement for a second term. H. A. McCOl . For Constable, We are authorized to announce Mr. JOHN C. GIBBON as a candidate for Constable of Vaugine township, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. We are authorized to announce Mr. JOHN H. TUCKER as a candidate for Constable of Vaugine township, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries on April 28. We are authorized to announce Mr. C. M. PHILPOT as a candidate for re-election to the office of Constable of Vauirint town ship, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. We are authorized to announce Mr. JOHN 8. SEA BROOK as a candidate for Constable if Vaugine township, subject to the action ■jt the Democratic primaries, April 28. For County Assessor. We are authorized to announce Mr. J. H. 8HELBY as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Assessor, subject to the tenon of the Democratic primaries. Editor of the Graphic:—You may announce my name as a candidate for the office of County Assessor, at the ensuing general alction, subject, however, to the action of the Democratic primaries. S. B. WHITE, The Oregan Republicans have instructed for McKinley, and thus the onwatd march of the “little Napoleon” toward the goal of a Republican presidential nomination continues triumphant. Hon. J. H. Harrod is a free silver man and voted for the adoption of the last State platform in the Dem cratie State Convention. In the present campaign. Col. Jones is simply trying to out Herod Har rod; that is all. The indorsement given Judge Bunn by the Pine Bluff Bar and published in this issue is a great compliment to the Chief Justice. There are no abler lawyers in Ark ansas than can be found among the legal fraternity of Pine Bluff. The withdrawal of Mr. Jesse Core greatly simplifies matters ia the Treasurer’s race. This leaves only Messrs. I). C. Bell and J. Y. Saun ders in the field, and with either in charge of the Treasurer’s office the funds of this county will be in safe and competent hands. President Cleveland has made a formal tender of the good offices of the United States to the Spanish Government to serve as a mediator between that government and the rebellious Cubans. The propsition has been cabled to Minister Taylor for presentation to the Spanish Government. Hon. E. W. Carmack, the bril liant editor of the Memphis Com mercial Appeal, has been invited and accepted an invitation to ad dress the local Free Silver Club in this city on the 20th inst., but we venture the assertion that would be bolters will find no comfort in his remarks. His rebuke of Sena tor Tillman in the Memphis Silver Convention is well remembered. Carmack is an earnest silver man, but is a Democrat for all that and not a bolter. John A. Cockrill, the grant sol dier, journalist and war correspond ent, died on the 10th inst., at Cairo, Egypt, of apoplexy. For the last year he has been the special corres pondent of the New York Herald in Japan and the Orient. During his lifetime he edited the Washington Post, Baltimore Gazette, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, New York World, and New York Advertiser. He was a man of unlimited energy and bril liant talents. WE MAKE A BOW. Singular coincidence: Col. B. D. Williams is Senator from Pulaski. He is a Jefferson county planter. Col. W. P, Grace will be Senator from Jefferson. He is both a lawyer and owns a farm. Eoth are about 73 years old. Both are from Ken tucky, and both have spent the best of their lives in Arkansas. They will make a good team in the Sen ate, and we expect to hear of both a most excellent report.—Pine Bluff Commercial. In this connection, while compli menting both these gentlemen, we must also compliment young Adams for declining to run again for the State Senate just now, and for giv ing way for Col. Grace; for the time will soon come when Adams may run almost without opposition for anything he wants, and it is well that Col. Grace should go to the Senate just now. He and Col. Wil liams will work well together in the Senate; and young Adams may become Governor or go to Congress. Wait and see—only a little while longer. We hope the public will excuse us for our extreme modesty—or rather the lack of it—in giving space to the above paragraph from the pen of Bro. W. Jasper Blackburn, of the Free South. Bro. Blackburn has always been kind to us, and we would be less than human if we failed to appreciate his compliments and good wishes and return our grateful thanks for the same. We tip our hat and make a deferential bow to the venerable and venerated editor of the Free South. CAPT. S. F. HILZ1IE1M. In this issue we present the name of Capt. S. F. Hilzheim as a candi date for re-election to the office of Representative from this county ir. the Lower House of the General Assembly of the State, and his announcement will be found in the appropriate column. Of course Capt. Hilzheim’s candidacy is subject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries on April 28, for he has always been a hard-working Democrat and could not be anything else. Capt. Hilzheim is well known to the voters of this county, for he has been prominent in local affairs for the past twenty years, in addition to which he represented this county in the last Legislature. During the last session of the House, Capt. Hilzheim was one of the most popular and effective legislators in that body. This posi tion was not attained by reason of any pre-eminent abilites as an orator, ST. VITUS DANCE A Physician Prescribes Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.: My daughter Mattie, aged 14, was afflicted last spring with St. Vitus dance and ner vousness, her entire right side was numb and nearly paralyzed. We consulted a phy o* sician and he prescribed Dr. Miles’ Restora tive Nervine. She took three bottles before we saw any certain signs of improvement, but after that she began to improve very fast and I now think she is entirely cured. She has taken nine bottles of the Nervine, but no other medicine of any kind. Knox, Ind., Jan. 5, ’95. H. W. Hostettto. Physicians prescribe Dr. Miles' Remedies because they are known to be the result of the long practice and experience of one of the brightest, members of their profession, and are carefully compounded by experi enced chemists, in exact accordance with Dr. Miles’ prescriptions, as used in his practice. On sale at all druggists. Write for Dr. Miles' Book on the Heart and Nerves. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles’ Remedies Restore HealtL for it is well known that the Cap tain is not nor dose not pretend to be a speech-maker; but by reason of his suavity of manner, genial disposition and sociable habits he was on friendly and intimate terms with nearly every member of the House, all of whom regarded him with respect and esteem, and his private appeals to his fellow mem bers for their support of such meas ures and bills as he was interested in proved more effective than any thing he might have said in a for mal and set speech on the floor. In view of these facts we do not hesitate to siy that Capt. Hilz heim was one of the most influen tial members of the last House, and should he be re-elected—by reason of his extended acquaintance and experience—he would undoubtedly be of more service to the people of this county during a second term than during his first term. We com mend his candidacy to the considera tion of the Democratic voters of this county. A $1,500.00 Gift. A $1,500.00 gift is not a thing of every day occurrence, and is not to be sneezed at. Interest in bicycle racing will, no doubt, be greaty in creased among amatuer racers and race-meet promoters, to say nothing of the lady friends of the former, by virtue of the magnificent offer which has just been made by the Gormully & Jeffery Mfg. Co. This company has offered to pre sent the beautiful decorated modle G lady’s Rambler, which was ex hibited and generally admired at the various cycle shows, and is valued at $1,000, to the amatuer rider who, before 1st of November, 1890, shall have ridden the fastest competitive mile made during the season on a Rambler bicycle, fitted with “G. & J. tires, in a regular race, at any meet held in the U. S. under the sanction of the L. A. W. To further illustrate to race pro moters that, although they do not send a team to their meets, they still take a friendly interest in all efforts to further the sport of bicycle racing, the Rambler people offer to donate $500 in gold towmrd defray ing the expense of the jneet at which this “fastest Rambler mile" was made. All claims for these awards must be made through the local Rambler agent, Mr. P. M. Kilroy. 411 dlt If you are a woman; and we be lieve you are. You take the fellow’s advise, to get all the money you can; keep all the money you get until next week, for we are going to paralize the market of this town on dry goods, shoes, carpets, rugs, ladies’ hose, domestics, calicoes, corsets, handkerchiefs, ladies’ under wear, g’’rl’s underwear; in fact every article in the store must go and shall go. We have been sorter fooling along for the past week, but now that the other stock is on the way here we are going to clean this one out. You come early Monday morning before any one else, and see what bargains mean. Goui.d-Galbraith Supply Co Yesterday's Matinee. Saturday afternoon Mr. Frank Graham gave a matinee of his con tinuous performance which was pre sented with such marked success at the Opera-house last Monday night I under the auspices of the Temple Society. The second performance brought out nearly as large an audi ence as the first, and proved to be as popular and interesting. Several changes were made in the program and several new features added. The program was splendidly and satisfactorily executed and liberally applauded. Master John Bloom, as one of “The Funny Little People,” brought down the house. Miss Fanny Kaufman’s song with Master Arthur Mehlinger in the gal lery as an echo, wasoneof the happy hits of the entertainment. Miss Lash, the talented vocalist, sang with her usual sweetness and melody, as did also Miss Blanche Altheimer. Bine Bluff’s charming prima dona. “A Lesson in Acting,” by Miss Nell MeEwen and Mr. Wray Martin was loudly applauded. The charming little song and character artists, Florence and Selma Koseuberg, highly pleased the audience. Mr. Frank Vowell took the place of Mr. Thos. Green as “Rastus Snowball” in the sidesplitting farce, “Big Foot Wallace,” with splendid success. On the whole the program was delightfully executed in its entirety and the entertainment was highly enjoyed by all who witnessed it. We are also pleased to state that the second performance, as well as the first, proved a fiuanciel success for the Ladies’ Temple Society. LADIES—1 make big wages doing pleasant home work, and will gladly send full par ticulars to all sending 2ct stamp. Miss M, A. Stkbbjns, Lawrence. Mich. ...THIS BEAUTIFUL... $1,000 RAMBLER BICYCIi WILL BE PRESENTED to the AMATEUR rider, who, before November 1, 1896,will have richlj the FASTEST MILE made in competition during this season ON I RAMBLER BICYCLE,in a regular race, at any racr?-meet in the Unitfl States sanctioned by the L. A. W. VYe will also donate $500.00 in gold toward defraying the expens of the meet at which this “fastest mile” is made. $15,000.00 EARNED IN (?) MINUTES. It may be in 4 minutes, perhaps 1:50; but there is no time limit 0 string to the gift. For further particulars apply to John Smith,’™ Easy St. (the Rambler Agent.) THIS BEAUTIFUL BICYCLE was the sensation of the New York Cycle show, is silver and gold embossed with gold-plated nippies and other small parts, silver-plated handle bars’ spokes, hubs, and other bright parts, mahogany rims, solid ivoi y turned’ gold-tipped and jeweled handles. The h^ad is crowned with a'circlet of pearls, surrounding an immense amethyst, while amethyst and turquoise gems are set into other parts. Value $l,0u0.00. GORflllMY & JEFFERY JVIFG. CO., Chicago. RflfDBIiER AGENT: P, M. Kilroy. Few People Have Eyes Alike Fully nine-tenths of those who wear glasses have different vision in each eye. Sometimes it's a decided difference—in others only a slight variation. A care less examination will fail to bring out this effect—the same lenses will be ad justed to both eyes—and head-aches and eye strains that medicine fails to relieve are the result. We test each eye SEPA RATELY—select proper lenses—adjust glasses to both eyes. ARNOLD BROS. 212 Main St. DRESSED DUX. Hi ■ CHICKS TURKE RT • • • R. P. Holme pri; ...CALL AND SEE OUR... ALL-WOOL SKIRTS, $1.51 fort ]il I ...OUR LINE OF... j 1 SHIRT •• WAIST CONSISTS OF OVER 100 STYLES. fii (inn an pile r.';s: [ton PWtl J OB PRINTING? Mrs OUR BUSINESS When you want a flm-cla»s job of work done, or brief, book, or Dook iet printed, don’t fall u> give us a ,Nt'w type, new presses and skilled workmen. Reasonable prices. • • » . . GRAPHIC PRINTING CO. Drive out the impurities from your blood and build up your sys tem by creating an appetite and ton mg the stomach with Hood’s Sarsa panlla, if you would keep voureelf well. at*T,8.£ILLB Iare the beet after fceadache! ’2^8818t digeBtion> cure I_S. Blo tehche ••OF" music. 117 West Seccnd Ave ARKANSAS RlV PACKET ED NOWLANU, Ere*. At Gen. Mu* W. H. NOWLANU. General Boat Leaves Memphis every day at 5 p. m. Boat Leaves Pine Bluff evei day at 11 a. m. We make lowest rates from all points. Telephone No. 66 for general niation.