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Osteel iubstr&e lor The Echo. .U VF. CX IK ADVA* O. WHen yoifwiwho communicate u/hh ECHO Office on rs of Business, Ring up Now Rhone t\o 7^2. \ OL 8 Afkaaainnia- T- 5 Vounj- Mrs.Oi y o 1 MaNiiu, is Lite, vuiuug liar Iwuluvr*. I'. atd lx \>. Aualm Kev. A J Jackson left last Wednesday morning tor Gu dun, Ark ,to attend the South West District Sunday School Conven tion, which will convene ut the above men tinned place. Mrs. Marg tret Da vis is on the tick ist. It is said that -the spraining of her ankle caused her illness. If.iss Birdie L. Killer left la t Saturday for Gurdon Aik. Kiss Hattie Dell is on the tick list this week. U w Prof F J. Gordon was in tie ci’y a few dais last week on business. Miss Ida Elli'-tt of Hot Sj rings is in the city visiting her moth er. Mrs. J M Elliott. Mr. H J. Jones left Thursday Bictrirg fur l ot Springs Mrs Pcsrlie Y ung returned • Sunday n ernirg frem Camdin. Ark. Prof II R Pea e came hon-.e ill ': ■ t wnl nom schc<d aia’ Ut k aft v : . vs 'c»t, i Mr f ■ ■•ire*. v ’ !i.. teen very ill f r several mi Mbs' is y. t ou the sick list and is very sick at ?fr- nt- Mr Green Baggage is having ( a memorial time as he lost his wife and daughter la>t week. Mr. Gurley Canion of Okolona Ark. was in t' < city last week On business When you want «eccrd hand clot hi s callcn Mr H W. Austin, be will treat yeu right. Vr. J E. Patterson of Eva da'c. Tex , writes for the Echo. rt Litt’c Dick Perry is on the sick iist this week Mrs- Della Mitchell was in the city lad week and i• the gms of Mrs- N. O. Blanchard- Mrs Pattie 11: rper o’ Ma’vern is in the city visiting her moth er rrd father. s - r aud srs Bo'mes. jliaivern Noles. I. D. 6 loWfB. n . — Prof. G A Kirton of Arka del । Ma arrived in the city Mi n Any, appeun d b?fo r e the board of i-xntniner-nnd was a- mit’cd to ilie bar i rmd by l r C. Uurn wa deilroycd by fire WednosdHy m mug a: 2 s- m Kra. L. .L. Fun phrey left fhvndny for Gordon to rrprv •ent il e Bh| t st eundsy ScLoc) In tie Scull.w s’ District Cen Veutluu. Mrs. Fannie Bo r-rs returntd frem Ho|e last Friday end is sow confined to her sick room. ^eave bundles at is Xuundru 9mm J'S 3fot .SWir 1 (&to. Last Friday qiltn a number went cuts half mile from town o witness a mate ed gsma be ll'- <en a ladies' and gejilemen's '•.s-eba I t-am The ladies won; -cor. 6 03. TQsy nuts tty le tLa ms elves a- ihe j? .ampions. — 1 Governor Davis spoke here to a largo crovd <a tha ca uit house, Mund »y nigLU Court enmven d kero ‘Monday st d many of the just and unjust wil gi t their due reward. Rev. Wm Davis, Rev. Willi tme Messrs Ik Stewnrr, Tom Pum- I phrey. Mesdames L L Pum j phrey and L ndsay were highly eaieruimd ut tie resid neo of of Mr and Mrs J. J. Moore on I last Sunday eveuhg at dinuer. Kev. Williams of Beaumont, Dx . enroute for the Vapor City stopped here last Sund .y an 1 p-eacUtd two sermons at the First Baptist Church. Mrs nurtla Dennis is on the r ick list this week. Big lime in Hut Springs be gins xionay with the most beau t lu) st d gorgeous flower par^di ever witne^cd auoig color.d people in the Suu'h. Can you cat for i citing? 551 y c rtaioly not. Nor can yen r< a J for nothing my fiiend, so kindly pay np. BSKw 4 * - School Improvement. I - Lea £i e. ■” ^orthv fsHw ci’itm, w> again appeal to you t> help aid a d as>isl u« in our cduea’ional st uugl :— it maintaining cur .rsceprid-j in trying to benefit our pro-ent and future genera ti'.rs We appeal to’y m mother 'Ged’s latest and b< at gift to man.” to pray all you cm to stir op all the good you can an J to give ah you cm for the rob nidi g of • ur s bool. Wo appeal t a you fathers, the l»adcrs of the rncr । tLo provid r ■>f h< mcg and the protec’ors of go d wr mrr, renew y< ur inter est and your energy in our edu ertionai cause; give and urge others to give. Tho chances are that not mury of us will be ib'e to leave our i btldrcn dix mor.ds, stocks and bolds, but we can leave them a useful and substantial pl vce for inslructi jn A little offortfon thn part of every honest pxren’< und unsel fish and ] atriotic friend ana wo will have what w? need and 'van*.—an ornamental and useful -cbool bo lding Jietois a golden opportunity— r Let us make the most of it. “T>»t is make lay while the sun shini'B,” for occasions like tins will not alwa a pres nt them m-Iv »ton», for it will Ire to us} like il U to mmy of our people | in miov pirn of t ds nation— >ur education il pa'U.viy will be' dark at d bme y- We give the | names of ihe few noble and true} , uls wb tI- »vo c mtributod ’o ■ tlie holy c i i-e nf Christian idu '' it on Let o'hers do Hbewise - ■mly th; mire abundantly. July 27 E. D- Hen I rs >n 31 >OJ L F. A n Dr. C. M. Wad i skb) R. b. Torre it 35.00 Grint Wkkersoi 35.00 Nettie Lei 0Q J II- -rn 'b >5 00 FTUd Smill |I 00 'j urs. L. F. Amos fI.OJ HOTSPRINGS. ARK. SAT J EDA Y- AUGUST 12. 1905. .r J. H- Richardson $5 00 t Mrs. J ua. Mir tin $5 oo Geo. m ndeniisll 5) cents . Total #5 i.OJ Thu above is a . list of th who piid the , amount credited titbnr ninri on the School Fund. Wo are doing uiaely and are cnfilm. , 'bat we will s'cue the an»U3? needed U> got our brick soli x>l. We wc-'c >me bic. t > tin tunk. of earnest workers for this fuid l’r>f. J- A. Cirr. With this abl i a si4anee wears satisfied that *e will som uellect the uiujunt needed. E. D. Hinuersna Pres. A. J- Wells, Secy. PROGRAMS Three Nights. ARK. FAIR GROUND. PROF. PHILLIPS, D rector. MAGIC ' IRROR Snow White ... Mist‘Pickett Queen Hrs Figm Prince 3 G Lukhart Carl V il H irna Nymphs —S ddiers -Gra i 1 ?h » rus—Elegant Costum s- Bruti ful Stage Settings Brilliant Coronation of King ai d Queen- tddrejs........ Dr C- M- Wde j S-Un • n .limns Address Miss Mary Flowers Solo . . ..C L Lockhart \d Iress.... Miss Nannie Tei kins Solo. Miss Dickctt \ddress E W Barron Solo Misn Ernie Cope'and Address Q.icen Solo V II Harris Address Kin^ J Chorus ..Company ; COLUMBIA Spectacular Extravaganza! , M’uubit .M'nSTii Oipilitl Vision • M u 'oprlan i Q lecn of Night ... f dn»ltc 0. Wade Queen of Day. .Gertrude B owi Lovers I II L Lockhart ) Henry Thorna Xia ids— Faiiic-- Soldiers Attendants Grand Tableaux Vivant OBITUARY. Keport* ’of the buriais from (Tndertaker Warren's Establish ment: — Mr*. Alice Hill di d ol Tuber culoms. She was Ihe wife ol Hr. Alfred Hill of Coda: G a Us. I Mra. Curry was s'ltp.nd td i Jackson. Tenn. Baby Wilßaoia,child oflUch ard U niiuins. ■Jrs. R -a Washington, »ge 30 years, divd of pdson. Lee Eilbir Curry die.l of ; Tul«. culosis, l Baby King. 1< months old Henry Current of Westover, Ark. Mra Minnie Bradley »• im proi iog. ssrs- K-te Peery, the dreta st ake r has moved to Robin St, Lucy Ihiirnun. I Met w 'li M s FL'yd I’rown, !< f Uulnut St-. A gi-cil y num jteref t! c m a burs > . ..f unded to roi 1 e II w i h <' a ■ m x ^ucta- Itions Q i:te a < eai of ui-iness was a t ud"! ;, Ty w r, rc , Lucy Thu ma i. ghidly V leum. d Mrs. Rkhudsin in th* ir tntdf. Mrs. Shvff/ot Umtivil ' / vl> was also picM a < f tl c ct b. After being served v J, or . licious rifnsl uiti is J.. cub adj urntd tn m et with -is E ;D Henderson, Monday, 'u,- ^p a» Monday i» FidenUon u. t ingatMrs. C C Wilson's, lei alj mimbtrs be qiuinl ti L ( >j, meetings. Mrs A B Sicffy. Pn Mrs Ed [lenderwn. Sij y MissE. 1 Cope and. Kt porter. School Census. /ccctding to the repo 1 ! given by census cletk hjdnay i\ Jo-,' theinciease of silkh) <<i du over last yier numbers u The numbt'rof chiklrtu•>( eas b 1 Ada and aec*ion f- ! White 3,01?, colored 1 7-f, total 5,3.-8 Tboabile c. IdretU are divided according in lie! sections patron the u i< n |g as so lows: West of cree - 1,576.' East of the creek, 1 0 9, Nurit' of North Ikrth r. 1179, b: th ; Nonh B >rder 60. On ' . -„n.i plan if divibit n th • .n I r. u • children ere r m ic t'-d « t !•* ■vns. west <»t tne oicck CUd, of the creek TdL kuuth d Nroh Border 113 Tl e enumeration di cl< m s l n rcu aikable tuct Hat th re are no colon d f in : i» s liri imli of Net th B rdi r. COM SW. Miyor Belding im, ssu d a prcciHtnntiun declaims a !>..lf holiday on next- Tu dduy, Aug. l 51, the day on abich Uh contr-; stone of the new court h us <f! t>ar ard County will be liud. A pngraro has been arrange! consisting of Masonic ci rcuiun jus. addri isms, b i.oon ascenaiuu. music.dancing, athletic gun etc. Notes. wrs. Ameiieus Proton met with a very (minfui aero nt hit Sunday while tryirg to board a s reel carcn i’uik Zve. She i fell from tL< stcf sos the <ar and I broke her leg. hie vas c niid |b» her h'vmo on Cr'M^'at Ave. । »here she received med c J at 'tenilon. List repsr s from h« r home stated that -he was reelin* nicely. Mr*. Pre'st>n is tn </d udy and is the m. ther of Wilkie and P easant Pre.-ton. Mr, Geo E Crittenden is m icb better this week after a few diya il'ness. After sp'ndingseveral mvntb» in the city nm ng rdutiv <■ at< filet ds,‘ S;tss S < l'a J. llnrim •est last Sunday we for' Lt r heme in Chicgo. accompanied by Mrs- Belie McTo'.ium aid L<ttle m as Adi laidc Steha Fai mghter. Mr. Gray Cunningham La letuinid Item Scarry Potash Sulphur r h? iver ed to all parts of the c.' r ijc p r week. Hatfgnllind ; y. Phone E«bo—7s2. ANWUGftW. * Ti:e ku annual Cunivulflov - J er(aiadj<fthe Arkansas Fan passccialiin wlh recur Mondar. । \ug. 14th. at»d in points of i- z , and beauty, ;r<tn:scs to excell ml ir.vijus (Arts along thu, I Hue. '1 he procession codsisuih of th King and Queen’s is beau iiiful y decora ed fioate, Maio luf H-nor unJ Club taHy?b<a, * private vt hides and traps u. ev. ry description business flea’s 11 qucsti inns, zunrdsof honor etc. I I will fi rm at Whittington u< dj ! Ozark Ms. al £: p in. Ai 3p, n . j i Leaded by the Filver Corn t, Band, ibe pande will mote through lie principal aUeets of he city to ihe Ark. Fair Grout d wheyc a splendid series if nth let c <.p^rts and contests ai l li | couuuckd. Atuigbtuili qccui |Ue luronatkn ceremonies it |'’L,. h Mr. Um. J. Tliomps>L | u.d Migs Nancy Mairs will b« !cr wned and jnclaimid as | King and Q ieen of the 4th annu iai carnival. Let every body get ready and be ou time Ik the i grand parade. Contest Results In the race fer Carnival Queen 'of the Arkansas Fair Assi>cia | lien’s it'd . Annual Carnival, the io'ij al ci ntestants were a isscs । Nancy Marrs and .'ary E. F;ow <'• IL. uuicrcandidates slouii S r *'J* • **••• * -a » i-sts r v. Ashterrt. W. S | 1 Gardref ord E K G »k ns wir. j ! Ul judges sr.d gave the folk w-, ing off cial count: Miss Nancy darrs 31-4; “ Wary Flowers 1264 A r W. J. 3 hompson received I ’7l votes. IJis nearest opponent Iwas Dr. Ca vin McDavid ul Little' I .i >ck- who polled 135 votes. Miss Marrs and Mr. Thomp c in were ther. foe declared King; ar-.i Queen respectively of the ' Fourth Annual Carnival. SCHOOL. Mrs S E Roach hasopcrcla. ml.oul in Grand ave. in Cot trill ( hapll fur the bem-fit of the [ children in Ist, 2nd., 3rd , 4th., a d stb. grades. Price sl. pr mor. h per pupil. She hi* en rtd’.id tl.e following names:— Emma Henderson Carry Mac Dav a Cora Mae Pryor i Olivia Alexander J Kosa I^e Guy > Joe W shingtou . I Id i Washington I May Birdie Walker Will Walker Prater Walker I’earl Seals Maggie Adkins I Eva Scott ■ R/.rl Scott (. lande gcott’ ' ihena Cook '[ Norah Chism Fannit* Hanger Cora Crockett R > Rose hattie Christian Robert Ptrer A< nie Keudticka. ON TO PITTSBURG— We leave Aug. IPih. at 0 p. m AU r» r? Obs v. ho aro going tr Pittsburg. Pa with our two ! ( . I 1.K.0f P, leave ycu> nrnne M my office, 418 Mwlver® \ ve. Wo will Lave no »|ieclal cose* ca through to Pittaburg. J. T. T- U'ama. I CARD. To The Public. • I wi-h to state t> the pul h that the sines of cn ertuintueuts ■ will talc place at Whitticgton > Bark H. cd v Aug. 14. to th 2 viz: Bascaali gam< s foot nu e 7 ', seek rr«v, ba.... u .cucns>on icnic, barbecues, King and Bush's Mammoth Show, dancine eviry ti ght ami the grand Flow I i er and Carnival Parade Monday | lug 14lh. at 11 o’clock. | The general pi.LHc is invited |to take part Meet'at Odd Fei lows Auditorium on Gulpha St.. at !• i 3 ; parade tm ves prompt l } ; at 11 o'click, so be on tim .1 Cari.ii ai caps, sashes, and badge w. 1 be furnished every one at the I hall. 3 • u are invited to meet at th kuditoriuth at 1C:3O sharp. 1 also wish to state tn justice to Ur. J. T. T. Watrcu j he has absolutely nothing to do! with the above mentioned series J of entertainments, financially ur cthmuse. I received a lettn from Mr Warren, tnaikd fr n: Hut Springs, July 23rd, stating i that he had given up the । resi ' deucy and ment of thi-j l^th annual Carntva with co other informath n. This kttcrl wt» rereived by me at Manitou* Nprngs. Colo, on July 27 h I 1 left .Manitou at 7.55 and arrived! in Hot Springs, Sunjav, Aug 3 . i at b 3 >. I called at N' r, Warreu s| | place S^nd-y afternoon and was! ■’n-i ' ; c'vex* , lArk. Ik h;id Lft no word r nr me 1 | whoever, On romLy. Aug 3l I ca R<‘ utt Mr K.d< igh, Mn_r. of Whittingtuu Park. Restated to that ihe Carnival was oft. j ' Now -o far al the annual Caret j | val was coucirned. it was a dead > | isauo. | I did nd wishnjy fri •t Is t> be di-sapointed to I inquired if 1 cou’d rent the patkfor the week !uf Aug 14th»to20th. I was in lensed by the tnadager that 1 e would as soon rent it to me as to anyone if 1 could meet I is terms, lie trade his Urns.l accepted thitn closing contract Aug. 4th. L.r Ml.ittirptcn I’aik acd a’l privihges. Aug 4th. I clos d contract w th 1 irg ard Bush aud with Ir< L Will Nash f r music, also cal'cd i n Mngr of Khcllic Bard bod jcc cream privileges to E l erd. Dinurri table to Pr Jclf ( handler, I ar-' beetle to 'Mr. Fred Harvey. 1 wish it u tdi r ‘nd that 1 am re s]Onsibie fir WbHtir.gton Park entertrinmeuts Aug. 14th to 2 »., also all contracts ard p i\ Hegts. Hos irg to inert y<u in the grandest Carnival ard FL wir arade ever given in Hot Frings. I atu Respect fully, Wi I Page, Gen. 4'ngr,' u Park Avg. 14th. to 2e th By Big M Ajority __ Oa Saturday eve. just bes .re 'ontest closfng time; the Eebe dfice icsem'aL I n fuil-fl-ded mun'cipal |>olbri - b oth, due ’<> tbc ontbusiasta displayed by th< upp rUnso: Miss A’ma Booker for Quern c f U e Or riral Ct k r • d Curnival, Miss Hocker Vas easily H e most । ;”lar cnedi ’a'e Ims ever c‘myed to win th s I mor nud Ler Frim-ls ' worked hue busy bees. The ' julgrs were Veters Ashford, '«in< ard Gardner, wbogrve 1 the fi-lowing count*, Mrs. N »ra tl rvor hrs citxraosl for side at 2k' church st. § 408 WORK KUILY DOltt,' 1 bros ads, Leiter Heads, Etc Cem, to Th. Soho. Mbs Aim-i Bouker 6449 .»- Ji M.i-j Ai dei a »n....2b£A M s And >ot> of Little Rock • wis ti • i uly candidate who ( l; ai ,y siioiung against ; Q'iceii Au. J. Tire standiaf l of <tL i > ..nd dates iimamed i same Vuu in last week's i • O Crook at 11 ‘J" lel ut h-<Uloppo ■ i ■ '‘p. He was jvc arid as King Oa ar I. J ?Rk Mhs S - s. Hu r r wiil giva • enl i ,m .. u the y ird of :r ' H ■ ' y> Aug. 21, 22, s i to th ’ National c •v • at 'i'n i ntertaia. his «i ■ •co don a 'ui q i .> ir —>a arriving a MT and j ih' lucky ■’l 1 U - ' e.l .-?! to a frts [‘upptr. ur. id -i s Ja ,s ii are ia the ulty. , Ie very <ll at Ler h idi ■ 11 G >ld st. M - ! m r.ber of u ■ '’U. .r p - . Mr. Frank Hili is in th > c ty v tailing. — • :i no ■ c t j at« 1 d ’,u.! S. u<ii ” < ..- i ,-1 n. Among " were Mrr. ’. " B : Rev. J. W t J i .n, b ; ’ Rnoh ?. — I ' : I- । ni» gonj to Luk da I T. Fo: P >: Ki Su' mur Water— Phone E :ho offic>-753. ' t ait atutuav ! cn ‘o rpead '• y> " । re atives and trends. " E. R G -\ ii; m longer : r n Un d'rtak ng Es’abi s iment. M * M V . .F I! irr, was ill a few days tUis we < n . :i vaa ! mi ng our . i ■!•>,callers this ' wees. — — -"i Mrs. S. riio R< c<h rod reice, among our tuliers Lliursday. W a • Ji so.- Mm. E’ith Will o '*, tl pr’z.‘ -ainner in iba Carnival parade. M: - v . J. G -on of Fi ri i; h, Ailt., Ft o Orgaiozer -lid c Lti-f < f tie Lillie Rock ‘ ■ i C ’i'. 17 among *• >■ ’i • nt v!s -in the city . th s week. C A. 1\ : ar, Deputy er.« •al r . t; o \- . - (in Grand » - .I . O I.' , ; p ’nt a few nys ' . this we k on ' i' । ■ s in coi tied ion ’ with the O der. Mr Dr. Wl. am sis preparing i ^eaut ful fio.t ' r the 35 chil- W<i 111 ( i L v i ich will be •me t f tli ir -•» beautiful features us the Aik. Fair A&so ' I cis’iuii’g Carnival Paeade Mrr. [day. I " wLns you era ili a - id oat of li mor, try a Jew bollles of Put ’j i t ulp li, w .ter. 1 Leno I KJio Offhe—77 — ’ll NO M