OCR Interpretation

The Sentinel=record. (Hot Springs, Ark.) 1900-current, March 22, 1917, Image 10

Image and text provided by Arkansas State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89051285/1917-03-22/ed-1/seq-10/

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M'ANTKI.) Tn BIA A Ptoek of juioifi
l(*s; Piute per coni wanhd and iimouni
of stork. No flxtuivs So* B I* klii"
* ' in*11 Hill iiiul K, lira ml.
WA3JTF3) DcHvei-v boy willi Id* yob*
Am>iv to The Hal levies
> WANTICP 01,1 false lr«*th: don't
1 matloi If broken < paid also
\ broken :il\ei .11 til l* l» ou i"
I lal, brim: or ml. AK'ut.
> Market fc?t. .17- lw
WANTED A goo.1 colored yaid mull,
v ho can woi k in card n. mxn • u . • i hoi. ■
milk, run an auto. Apply in p« iron, 7<»i
Pio*poct \\e. No n* ed to apply wniun
twdNNreoces. 2-24-tf
WANTED—Ten men to work on farm.
Apply to Dr. A. 11. Houstoy, 312 Oua
chita Ave. 2-14*tf
W ANTKJV--White Leghorn eggs for
hutching Puie blood. Addie.ss Eggs,
caie Sentinel-Hecord. tf
WANTED- To trade an Overland car In
pgr feet condition for buggy ho •
II II4II. phone 9. 1 -14-tf
I WANT to clean your CARPETS and
R1HJ8. Telephone 347 and wagon will
call. Chas. Hotchkiss. Mer. 2-10-tf
Highest market price* paid for
net ad iron, metal, rubbei and rag*.
Southern Iron and Metal Co.{ 4
Ouachita Ave. Phone 1569. 2-8 tf
PRICES paid for second-hand sacks C.
J. Horner Co._10-29-tf
WANTED—8econd hand furniture. Phone
ft. J. 11. 1m my & Sunn. _
c* o oM mat trusses made raw. Reno-j
^W*T and disinfecting. and!
n*ct A\ e,s. Phoncs’977. X-.’.'-jwl
sonip _____
juries I COMPANY
».« tviA iiiyer* of All Kinds of Junk.
vy iU« 4 VaLLEY ST PHONE J69
dd thin . . _ __
!ntrita ihr FOR RENT_
rorooH 11CNT- laaml to work on shniv'.
. ile from race track. In«iun«* II
*1 lit tod.....^ . ..... e 1 . ..
^ENT -5 •mom w • 11 fit lislu d flak
♦*!♦•. 11 i. lip u-d w . 1
u\i 1 « 'aid \ * ! • 1 If-. flow » ' -
. finV ve j a ntla • rir Apply ;«• Mi
ll Yawls, ti*.'' Ouacniia \V*V. or t<.
II. Lewis, 625 Cent nil Ave 3.-22 ti
FOR RF>rr Two furnish'd rornr- for
light housekeeping, in modern, private
home. Phone 14 23. 3-19-lw
FOR RENT—Modern unfurnished two
gtnrv residence, reception hall and s.x
rooms; with sleeping porch and hath up
stairs; furna'e heat. Apply 316 Park
Ave. Mrs \V. S Sorrell-, phone 2373.
FOR RENT—.White Rock Spring. 119
Glade St. 3-1 -1m
FOR RENT—Modern four room apart
ment. unfurnished, with sleeping porch
515 Qua paw 3 20-lw
THE MORGAN HOl'SK. 1 block from
racetrack entrance. furnished rooms,
meals or board. Phone 16.7s 3-l-lm
FOR RENT—Three rooms, modern, fur
nished for housekeeping, on ground floor.
close In. Phone 463. 3-14-tf
LIGHT airv housekeeping rooms, one
block from hath house; electric light-.
$1 50 per week and up. 316 Court St
Phone 1643. __ __ 7-14-tf
FOR RENT ~4-room modern cottage 334
WoJodhlne St.. rear of courthouse. Per
manent tenant. Ah# Levy, 410 Central
Ave. _ ^ __ 2-11 tf
FURNISHED ROOM Large, delightfully
located, on Park Hill, modern, bath. etc.
suitable for couple. Reference*®. Photo
1684 3-It tf
wife, the *eMaunuit connected with the
Great Northern Hotel. Apply at hotel
___3 -4 -tf
POP RF NT —Modern 1, 2. 3. 4
room apartments, all conveniences,
and bath; laundry included. 137
Crest St. and No. 11 Carlton Ter*
race. Phone 1551. 10 -15 - tf
von RRNT-On Park Ave , 713, tha
Mahor house a frame hulldlmr with two
Morlrs and basement: has pIpvpii rooms.
Bfcartv no’-"h»s. bathroom- fitted ont for
•ipctrlc llehts ea' and water: rent $28
Por further Information aonlv to St.
,T- bn's Place. -,»*l W Onird Avo. 11 -0r tf
FOP RRN’T—Nicelv furnished cot
taece and flats, nil modern con
veniences: fl# nor month anil nn.
Take Park avenue car to P*»ll 9t.
Inquire 14 Dell. Phone 2062
FOR RFVT—Kleinnt fornished cottages.
4,>ft and 4‘?9 Whit t ingtcn. AdpIv 4 7
Whitt i net on TMmne 534 11-1 -tf
FOR RENT'—17 room house, kitchen and
dining room, 337 Market St. Cull Miss
Wool man, phone 630 3-4-tf
2 Clean ami Homelike j blocks 2
2 from center of cit v A
A Rates $12 per month and up. •
A 705 Malvern Ave. Phone 860 or A
A 507. Cor. Malvern and Jefferson. A
'1 ... i —
THE McCRARY—The hotel with the
Ideal location -opposite A & N. hospital;
free from dust and noises, coot and picas
ant. and verv convenient to tiath houses
and theater*. Try the McCrary and he
planned. 8- n -if
SIMANTON'S Mud Baths, furnished cot
tages and batching apart manta, lift U*
vine Et corner Pa rk Ave
light housekeeping suites: brick building.
Ideal location Also single rooms with
running water: ana Included 137
Chanel St. Phone 885. Mrs. Chas Ba
ker. Mftr.
apartments. modem, strlctlv first-class
accommodation*, hot and cold running
water. Mrs E Bennington. Mgr. 308
Park Ave. Phone 1023
THE DERBY—«16 Ouachita Ave. For
Rent—Modern rooms and apartments,
everything furnished for housekeeping:
eus for cooking and healing: rooms II,Sf
per week and up. Phone 1192. Mrs C
I* Bradr l-27-ti
THE PLAZA—T.lght housekeeping apart,
slriont* altd furnished room*—all modern
~riclosed sleeping norrhes. beautiful Inca
ton. opposite IT P Superintendent's re*
lence filfl Reserve Ave Phone 964
Irn M. F. Green.
1 Api'ly I.:;: J'lj ikirland AVt*.. 1 block Irani
(Okl.iwti o«i Him. I’liuin*
’ I’VI.Ai'i; IJOTKR Opposite luili nou*es,
iiiodoni lurnislmd rooms. $4.Du nei week
f’ up Womail. a Wiuuk'nrU. owners and
m rniiri U2-4HI Ontral fcv<s. :t-6-tf!
F« »K FIF.N’T KurnNneil rooms,
inuiii . close ic. ..ne l»lo« U of
olfic<\ I1- Malvern Ave.
ft - 4 -1 m
I ! rnished rooms.
FmhIvJiod rooms with private family;
< o u | , t s a I hot wild: 'll Oarluntt Ave , seo
iMni dmit Christian Silence church.
Phone 1628._ 3-2-tf
FOR RKMT Nicely furnished rooms In
11; i\ it" home mu bid • 'i M tlverrt
\ . §1238 1•20-tf
FOR HKNT You can secure nnelv fur
' \ «i iooms with a pi iv Ue family by
calling* telephone 1638. 2-23-t*
FOR Ui;XT One larj^e loom ip private
family; »•»•»>« in; l block of cai line.
Phone 'JUT I. Appl> l :.; Barker Si.
444 Prospect Ave. Phone 2285
_ .-if
FOIt KKNT Kxtra laine room lor two;
trn derrt conveniences. in iui\jtc honn
Address B.. care Sentinel-Record.
NICK I. V KI' 11NIS11KI > ROOMS, rites
reasonable. 13.’L» O-nti.d Avr Phone
571. Steam heat Mrs it Shannon.
H Ml SALK $:'no gets rooming house;
nmi n.iin to April 1st; 7 large rooms, one
laige ho.is,’keening hpom. rented for $30
per month; one largo front room for $7
per week; others for $f» each Pack
! nit eh and office furnished complete;
rids for vjo i„.j hi#.pi!) \.t better loca
tion. runio Square Call at .''ll 1 * c«n
tral \ n 1 t >ne ad only 0*tf
k<>U SALK Modern home of II rooms,
jractieallv new. lot 75x135. conveniently
located to car line and school. Phone
3 16 Ira
FOR s\ll 15 year old horse and one
Ln car-old horse itv broke: gentle
driver. i venra old: is combination sad
dle and driving horse, inquire bo A « en
t in 1 Avr. 3-20-tf
FOK SALK—One fiist class meat mar
ket and one first class grocery and feed
hupincNs; both good locations. IMwnn**
Merchants AMOciation. s 10-tl
FOR s\i.:- One high bred Pointer tof
; '. in old and well trained Call
m;6. 3-9-22
Doing: jrond business, in hoart of
cii n a *ood place for a good man.
Applv to Hobei t It. Meltobert*
225 Valtey St,
FOK SALE -Furnished rooming- house
for sale, containing 11 rooms. 447 1-2
Fenton St. 3-7-1m
Overland car. good order. In use
months, model 75. Phone 1461.
FOR SAFE .a n lint clast
Klb«rtii (teach trees, 1‘J1- cents each,
fresh from Far tons (’reek Nurseries,
Tennesse-. Fall it M K. McGuire’s bar
ber .shop, 20a Third St and nick out
whHt vou Want
home, four and one-half acres ot
land with fi*« room house, con
crete cellar, fine well, sixty fn it
trees, chicken houses and stable,
all undot good wire fence Four
blocks west from Oaklnwn race
track, neat Onklawn school In
Quire at 408 Alcorn Ave 2-2."* tf
FOR SAI/I. Ruach Sisters’ eiegant fix
tures conalatltur of ibow casw, wall
telephone Miss Busch. 1T.S1 1-25-tf
West Orand .> 1065
FOR SALE- Very desirable hotel. ex
tens.ve grounds coaxir.o feet Sprint: and
Pleasant. Applv :ur> Kenton Si j.jf.-tf
FOP. SALE M \ dull an home. 20 acre*!
adjoining raiv irai-k. fumting on CmtrMl
a Venue, t> mom bungalow Phon* p»o?
.1- 1 1 - 1 JTI
I bsP f| ■ : • ■ ■ Bprl
I |
> • • i: ! • i»
I No . Box 3« 4.1.
160 nor A*, one mile from city, on
JVhiiH Sulphur road: h«*t bargain
in oilv must be sold at once,
l*rioo p#r acre. Terms can bo
arranged. Cohen-I^attu R.-altv
< ■ J- 17-tf
l-MK SALE Full hl.tixj White Leghorn
eggs. Call 33*2 Mt. Ida St. Telephone
1;,1S 2-21 dm
FOR BALE- At a bargain by owner. 6
room house and 4 ? ot>m house, all good
condition, gas. water, lights. Homage 95
U . on„ Hower. 1 ii) on Poplar and 4‘> on
Erie St., level lot, two blocks of Park
Ave. If looking for home or investment
s-e me before buying it will pav you
AppIv lu5 Poplar St. or nhone 1331
|,<>L BALE Furnished rooming house
;ir s;i!"' containing 14 rooms 477 1*2
Renton St 3-9-lm
Malvern road, between city limits and
t ountrv Flub; one tract 30 acres, one 10.
and one 2 Ad s 10 line f*TfltfW 14
. Inuuire M m M. J Moonev. Route
2,__2 - *. * r
i FOR SALE—l new. 1 second band Ford
roadster bodies. H M Steele, phone
! 15._^_2-18-tf
Lusbela corn for sale, ftt crib,
on Sumnter Farm. CV«1«r niadea
nvul No delivery. O. H Sump
ter. nhone U’ft8. 7-20-tf
• PAR S M.R Th# fiifnftU'* nrw1 U»iMe f>f
f) the* Hrv;«n Hotel ?i’H WHHt inert on Vv«*
For iiaftk'Ulnifl call or r»hnne 9<»3V* f’en
f trai Av«*. I-tkenan & rhamvoll 3-Jl-.1t
. 1<Y»R SAT.R — Roadster automobile.
'i second hand, hut In pood running
- condition: chcan tor cash Address
P. E. T,, care Sentinel-Record.
FOR SALK Kquitv in modern Grunin]
brick iioii'f, lot uU ft. from, in Denver,]
want am.ill place in Hot Springs Alts.
M.i #
FOR SALK—Copper property, partially1
developed. Whole <>i pail, aria, joining
host property In St. II* lens mining dis
til-t, Washington. For full particulaifi
call or address K. A Sessions, Maurice
Hotel. Hut Springs, Aik. it-22-41
FOR SALK - Pigeons and s*iuahs. Phono
<*20. 3-27-3t
K(Ji;s FOR SALK Single nunli white
Leghorns. burrorl IMymouth Itocks, set -
tings of la for $1 AY. Doming, 152a <Vn
tral Ave. Phone 2272. I-21 -lot
FOR sAL?0—Beauttftilly marked thor
oughbred Fox Tmriei puppies great rat
ter a. Phono :*272. 1525 iVntial Ave.
3-21 -1Ot
For SALK—Ford ..n, 1*114 model. Phone
1854. 130Vi Central \ \ 3-21-3t
FOR SAI.il Small s.>da fountain. Phono
657 __ 2 - -'7-1 in
WH SAI K- Tw»-nt v-four room rooming
house, centrally located. Phone ‘JOS.
__ _ _'» ’7-1 m
1 OR S vr.F Ford nutomohile, e<»od
shape Plionr -1 -1f
1 Ok SALK Finest improv'd sio.-k farm
in <*ai land county, all convenience*;
house. In; in. etc.. 'ft a crew undet fence,
150 in c.iltivation, »iupl*»nenls. slock and
grain in* mdcd \ baigain to the rlgn‘.
rurtv. l-’oi furthei Information -me .1
\V. Stipe all-r o ii.m . Arlington KngineJ
Room .-irl
FOR SALK Splendid chance to buy for
cash or uii Loans, two nine houses in
good In itiuii >i v.‘n rooms, hall and two
laths, fiv. rooms, rail and hath; all
conrenin.. ; c| and *_'»15 (Ydai St. See
"who, 711 Central .\\e. 3-6 «tf
By Non Resident Owner
i Will!" 1 inn here, for short Time
i only. I am offering for sale :ny
i iw" farms, joining, four miles
tioufInvest of Hot Springs, on fine
county road, the 20 acre laitn has
five room house with large hall
arid poreh on three sides; is paint
ed i bungalow lnown and white,
and newly papered There are
two frame barns; fine well of wa
ter whirli never goes dry. one
were feueed with six foot chicken
Wire, three chicken houses.
The foi ls a- iv place has three
room house, porch in trout, large
lug barn. well, two springs and
creek, both places hn\»* Klberta
pea. 11 lives; soil is exceptionally
!?'*"<! *>oih place . lie in valley,
called Pleas, nit Valley Potty
nores of the sixty are in eultiva
lion, all fenced with hog wire
fence, bn Hi ii-e timber. hipkory,
oak and pine
• -1 war tenant raised 4 bales
or cotton on less than five acres
and a\»'raged 41* bushels .if . urn
per cu re, and average of 100 bush
els i>t sweet potatoes to acre.
Only wish to sell because have
ranch interests in the w Wdl
tnako ha 1 gain pm* while I am
here, and it will pa\ you to Inves
tigate. call 3 «4 Central Ave
Phone 2142. 3-7-tf
At TO KOR 8A T.K Roadster, six cylin
der motor. self starter. Willard battery,
nil appointment first . lass c\,sh trans
action. cheap. Add.-- S XXX. care Sen
tinel-Record 2-17-tf
l.os r Diamond shirt «>j tie stud \ Klft
"'ill |'II\ lull \ tit'. t,,r its retain !•' .\
Martin. Milwaukee lintel
1/ist \ fraternity pin. with the name
of " t" Hilliard on tin hark. Iteliirn
to IVI I * 11k \v. and i it' iv* reward of
tr.ni' :t-22-!!t
mattressea made NEW.
People make a mistake In throwing
away their mattresses when we can
renovate them and make them «s eood
as new by our new e eetric machin
ery process,
1 pli ost c ring, furniture repairing,
feather clearing and renovating,
■ nehlon work arid high grade bedding.
All work guaranteed
301-5 Third Street tf. Phone 531
- ->>-—-—.-.
The partnership between R. W. Rec
tor and mvself having been dissolv
ed by the death of Mr Ref or. 1 c'nil
continue the practice of law under the
firm name of Rector and Sawyer,
heretofore used, tills continued use
of his name having been generously
suggested and permitted by his fam
ily. R. K. SAW YBU,
Hot Springs. Ark, Feb. it. l!M7 2-2 -• f
Much Extra Work in March.
It's between seasons now, when few
persons perspire as ntneh as health
demands. The result is double work
for the kidneys, for the kidneys must
throw out waste matter from the sys
tem that is eliminated through the
pores when persons perspire Over
worked. weak or disordered kidneys
need help now. B ll Stone, Heading,
Fa., write-: "Whenever 1 need a kid
ney remedy I rely on Foley Kidney
Fills They have been worth their
weight in gold to me.” A C. Jen-1
Tlr. R \V. Pr.-edlove has returned
to the city and can be found at his
offices on the third floor of the Ar
kansas National Bank building. 2-11 tf
Nolle#- is her»»l»v given, that in purftu- I
.'Hu *• of tin- authority and directions cun- I
tamed in iln- decretal ptd*r of the Chan*'
eery Court of Garland count y made aiul I
entered on the 5th day of March. A. D.
i i ii. (No 63&8) then
pending th»n*in between Arkansas Trust
»’o.. and M J Henderson, trustee, com-;
plainants, and .John I. Smith *v Cor-|
ruliji Smith, defendants, »ne oucrersign
• *d, as commissioner of said court, will
offer for wile at public vendue to the
highest bidder, at the trout door or en
hance of the county courthouse. in
which said court is held, in the county
of Garland, within the hours prescribed
by law for judicial sales, on the 2nd day
of April, A 1» 1**17. tin- following de
scribed real estate. U»-wit Tart ..f lots
11 and 12 of block M2, of South Hot
Springs. Ark . situated in south quarter
of section 5, township M. south range 1!».
west, und more particularly drncribr-rt as'
follows. Commence at the northeast
corner of lot 12. and run thence south
along the we*it line of third street 100
feet, thence west across said lots 12 and
11, to the dividing line between said lots
11 and 10; thence north along dividing j
line between said lots 11 nnd 10. 100 feet;
thence east In n direct line to the place
of beginning, in Garland county, Ark
Terms of Rale: On n credit of three
months, tin- purchaser being required to
execute a bond as required by law and
the order and decree of said court in
said cause, with approved security. hear
ing interest at the rate of 10 p» r cent
per annum from date of sale until paid,
and a lien being retained on the prem
ises sold to secure the payment <<f tin*
purchase money.
Given under tnv hand this 10th div of
March, A. I) 1M7.
Commissioner In Chancery
Notice i* hereby given that in pursu
ance of the authority and direction- 'ou
tlined in the decretal order of the c.h'»n
cerv court of Garland county, made ini
ordered on the 8th dav of Februruy. A
1> i‘*17, in a certain cause (No. 6K»:i>
then pending therein between Fd II
Johnson. 11 nste. for the iJof Rprire.- Sav
ings, Trust and Guaranty Co, complain
.i»d . and It. U. Rutherford. Mary 1-.
Rutherford, S. J. Bmlth and W. 8. Sor
rells. defendants, the undersigned, as
commissioner of said court, will offer for
-ale at public vendue to the highest bid
der. at the front door or entrance of the
countv courthouse. In which said court
is held, in the county of Garland, within
the hours prescribed by law for Judicial
Holes, on the 28th dav of March. A. D
1017 the following described real estate,
tow It l/T»t three <-». Smith's subdivision
of lots seventeen (17). eight (8), nine (9).
ten (10), and part of eleven Ml), and
sixteen (1»;i block twentv-six. (?8), in the
city of Hot Springs, Garland county, Ark
ansas. as surveyed, mapped and platted
bv the !’ S. Hot Springs Commission.
Terms of Sale: On a credit of three
month", the purchaser being required to
execute a bond as required bv law and
tin* order and decree of said cmirt In
said cause, with approved security, bear
ing interest at the rate of 10 per cent
per annum from date of sale until paid
and a Mn being retained on the prem
ises sold to secure* the payment of the
pi i c !nr mone> < liTen under my b md
this 7th dav of March A D. MM7.
Pamml«slonrtr in Chancery
Noti,r Is hereby glwn tn.*t the under
signed administratrix of the estate of
Nathan Thomas, deceased, will apply to
the Probate «v»nrt of Garland county,
Aikansas. on the twelfth dav of March.
1017. or n.s won thereafter as she ran
he heard, for an order authorizing and
directing the s;i'*> of certain pal estate
Indontmt: to said estate, lying and be
ing situated in Montgomery county.
A rka tisas.
West one-half of tbe northeast eighty
acres, part of the southwest of the north
vve t ?wmty-f<mi acres, iwirt nf the West
one-half of the southwest eighty antes
northeast of the southwest fortv acres
All in section thht\-s'\ township one.
range twentv-dwo west, M<>ntgomer>
county. Arkftnttan, t
The above described lands will be sold
for the purpose of paying the debts pro
bated and allowed against the estate of
Nathan Thomas, deceased, and the sur
plus. if any, he paid to the legal and
lawful heirs of said estate.
Given under mv hnd at Hot Spring-.
Arkansas, this seventeenth day of Feb
ruary. 1917.
Administratrix of the estate of Nathan
Thomas, i >ect att< d
Tims. j. Gladioli, attorney for admin
t»t ratrlx
I will sHI at public auction, to the
highest bidder. at W M Dyer's Cm
\ Store. J"4 Central Ave . on the Jlst
<l.i > 01 March. A D 1917, hetw-cn the
boms for iudlm! sales, the following
Personal property, to-wJt: a!! the ac
counts dm \V. M Dyer, and u stock
of grocei ies. consisting of staple and
t:‘p» v groceries. lev ied upon by me as
the property of \\ ,\T. Dyer to satisfy
an execution in my hands against him.
w hit h issued from the Municipal Court
"t Hot Springs. Garland county .in favor
of Scott Mayer Commission Co., in Gar
land county. Arkansas.
Terms: Cash.
P.KAD O SMITH Sheriff.
hv ,7. 17. Dreckeni idge. l» S.
Hot Springs, Ark., March 9. 1917.
I tvi'l sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder,' at W. M Dv i s Grocers
Snuc :’u4 Central avenue, on the .'1st day
of Mar<h. A. D. 1917. between the hours
fot ludi ti ales, the following perao 1
proj»ert y. to-wit One stock of groceries,
consisting of staple and fancy groceries,
levied upon by me as the propci ty of \V
M I »vft!. to srt t Dfv an » vecutlon in in v
hands against him. which issued from
the Municipal Court of Hot Springs, in
Garland counts*, in favor of Ph ckett-.Tar
rell Grocery Co . in Garland <-minty, Ark
Tertr.e: Cash in hand.
lUiAD r» SMITH Sheriff.
V<v J. TI. Brock mu id ire. T». S
Hot Storings, Ark March 9. 1917.
Notice is h**]pl.v given that on the
Ith «iny ot' Mai 'i. A. IV T'*17. between
tiie hours of hide ini sale*. in pursuance
of the ortW of the l*vo«i.;'e f'ourt for
Harland fountv, Arkansas. made on th**
-'7th day of February. 1917. I will, as nd
■ ■ Pet : Such
ftudti, offer for * tie to tiie bintunt b d
her on a e ♦ **«Iit of tnree months. the
Uiuoluiser giving .seourttv for the pay
ni< nt "if th- t»uit‘has* manpv the follow
ing* described real estate, situated in
norland countv. Araknsas. towit The
[southwest quarter of the "outhwe-t quar
I ter of section 9. township 1 north of
ranee 19 west.
THOM vs TTAXT.FY. Administrator
I>nted March 3. 1917. 3-4-211
AVherea^. for the non-payment of taxes
for the y. ar Isr*7 the collector of reve
nue of (larland county, Arkansas, did on
•he 13th d.tv ..i ,I line. 1*9S duly sell to
\\ H Harry tin* northwest quarter of
the southeast quarter of section three
* 31, tow nship three <3» south. range
• went\ i jim west, in Hat land county, At*
And whereas, said lands remained un
redec tiled lfti" two \ l > year* had ex
pired in»m and aflei the date of said
mi !e:
And whereas, said lands were on the
Prettiest Residence Lots in
Hot Springs
See A. J. KEMPNER, Owner
New York-Chicago
Stocks, Grain and Cotton
Private Wire, Service by Permission, Dept, Interior
Branch, ArlingtooJHotel. Phone 577 Geo. Whiteman, Mgr.
•Trcl dav of August, iMi'fl. deeded 1»\ the
count v <!,iK mi said county to \Y. H
I •.• 11 > foi the sum «»i one dollar and
seventy cuts
And whereas, on August 1001. tiio
said \V H Harry iolned by bis wife
r. \Y Hairy. deeded said land-- to
.l.nies M Koacll and Henrietta Ituaeli.
his wifi
And whereas. on October 17. 100-t
Jiitt'es M. lion h. joined bv hi" wi:e. Hen
rietta Koacll, deeded •! lands to the
undersigned. II I. Wall, who Imme.liat
lv thereafter w .a to po "■ -sum o
said lauds, and who has since paid the
tuxes' on said lands foi mm* ihan three
<J> years lu siii • essjon n*1 kt piec. dlng
the mihiicatioM ••! tills notice to confirm.
Now. therefore, time. is hciebv given
to all ma« in.- who ran set tm am tigli*
to said la mis so pinchfe-ed in • onse
QUence oj an\ i^ormalit y m lireg rity
connected with the forfeiture and *al.
of said lands to the ,v.a-.| \\ II Harry
tor the non-pay no nt of ia.\es. as herein
crated, to show « .. .• at the next Juno
t’!'17» term of the 1*. arland t’haneery
Porn t of Hariaud count v. Atkari-as, to
which court, at sii.l term. unplVa t ion
will l*e made b> me the undersigned. (qj
the coufir aia I ion uf said ale and f*ntva-y.
at'ce of r i\ title to said lands, whv the
sub* and conveyance -n mad* should not
bo confirmed
H f. WX1.T,
M'tindy A- Stalbup. Solicitors foi Pe
To the Holders or Garland C.mnty War
rant 8:
You are hereby notified that the fol
lowing is a true copy of an order made
and entered by the county court of Gar
land county on the 18th day of Decem
ber, A I). 1916, calling in the outstanding
warrants of Garland county issued prim
to the 12th day of December, l'H6. for the
purpose of redeeming, cancelling, classi
fying or ie-issuing the same
BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the
18th day of December. 1916 said day be
ing a day of the regular October t.-im nf
the Garland County Court, with me Hon
orable S A. Buchanan, Judge, present
and presiding, th** following among other
proceedings, were had. to-wit.
In th** matter of calling In the out fund
ing wan ants of Garland C unity, Ark
a nsas:
it being hy the Court deemed expedi
ent to call in the outstanding warrants of
said coyinty for the purpose of redeeming,
cancelling, re-issuing or classifying the
same, and for the further purpose of as -
certalning the true financial condition of
<aid Garland County. it is therefor* «>y
the Court ordered that all holders of any
Garland County warrants Issued prior to
the 12th day of December. A. D. 1916,
shall present .same to the County Court
<•! aid County of Garland at Hot Springs,
in said county, on the 26th day of March,
1917, for redemption, cancellation, classi
fication or re-issue; and it is further or
dered that ail holders of any warrants of
said county, who .shall neglect or refuse
to present the same at th*- time and place
aforesaid, as required by this older, shad
thereafter be forever debarred from de
riving any benefits from their claims;
and it is further order-d that the clerk
of this court furnish the Sheriff of Gar
land County with a true copy of the
above order to thp end that he may give,
the notice to th** holders of said warrants
as required by law; and it is further of
dared that th** Sheriff of Garland County
notify fhe holders of sa d County war*
rants to present the same to the County
Court at the time and place as aforesaid
for redemption, cancellation, classifica
tion Oj re-in sue, by putting up at the
Court House door and at the election
pr«*'ducts in each township in said coun
ty. at least thirty days before the time
appointed by the order of »nid County
Court for the presentation of said war
rants, a true copy of said order, and by
publishing the same in newspapers* print
ed and published in the Stnt* of Arkau
s.is (two of which papers shall be pilot
ed and published in Garland County and
Sint-- a for* said and having a bona fide
circulation therein», for two weeks in
succession, the hast Insertion t«» be at
lea«t thirty da vs before ihe time fix.nl by
said County Court for the presentation of
said warrants
Stnto of Arkansas,
County of Garland, rs :
I. Allen Hotchkiss, clerk of the Coun
ty ami Probate Courts within and for the
County and State aforesaid, ifo hereb}
certify that the fon-xoing one page con
tains a full, true and pet feet < opy of th«
order «• f th* County Court of said count}
calling in for examination, cancellation
redemption or re-issue, all outstanding
county warrants as the same appears c»l
record in County Court Re.-ord. Volume
“M.” at Page .*121, n<>w on file in this of
lit witness whereof, I have hereunto set
mv hand and affixed the seal **f s«ui
court, at my office in the i lty of Hoi
Spr ings. At Kansas, this 20th day of De
cember. 11*1 k
And all holders of any warrants
of Garland County. Arkansas, are
hereby notified to present the same to
the Count} Cmrt at the Court House, h
Hot Springs, Garland County. Arkansas
on the »’dh day of March, A D 1917. foi
redemption, cancellation, classification oj
| re-issue, and all person# who shall hold
any warrant of said County and shall
neglect or refu#e <•> present the name ns
reunited h> the order of the County
«'ourt and the notice aforesaid, will be
forever debarred from deriving any ben
efit from their claims.
Done by order «»f tr.e Garland Count}
Court this LGrd da\ of December. 191k.
Sheriff of Garland County, Arkansas
p;|la I
We ere fixed for turrana I
out work of th» kind §
in double-quick time. |
Market Quotations
Branch office In the Arlington Hotel, by permission of the Depart
ment of the Interir.
\ w V.iik. March 21.—After exhibit*
jug conoid- i at 1«- buoyancy, the list final
ly fell l lo* Weight of the heavy realis
ing sales which have been, in progress
on th« upturn 'l fie reaction was nat
tiial, as the advances .*• oreu rathei suo
siantia'lv The stiect has conceived tie*
idea that as a result of tin- action > i th*
commodity market and of vaiimis ru
mois wfiich liave been in circnlafion that
events of importance are in prospect in
connection with the international politi
cal situation. The Internationa l condi
tions in the central powers could q1 it#*
u asonably nuclei go a change for the
wuise. .i, a result of the recent happen
ings in K'isgia. At some lime or otlo-i
the defiant attitude of JJerlin will ha\e|
to alter and perhai>s it may be that after!
.1 w.n dciar.idon b> congr «-s»; on April*
I which see/ps |iiite piobnHet that the
vast army of opponents will cause the
central powers to seriously reflect is in
what the cnnsepuences are likely to Tie
Perhaps that which is now being *1* -
s« rib* d ris a strategic retreat m.ty re
stdve itself into a peace parley' as 111*'
allied pow ei s seem practically determined
run to entertain suggestions while th*
»*n* inv is on soil other than its own
while basic conditions are highly satis
factory ami security prices relatively
eheip, still the situation is surrounded
with so many contingencies that a Judi
cious course would seem to favor a tmd
■ibl; position with pre|er*Ti*'r given tO
the long side on reactions.
New York Stock Excnange Closing
American I>et Sugai . &2 1-*
American Car Foundry . «s \-Z
American Locomotive . 73 3.4
American Smelter jot* 3.4
Artamnda Mining . sr, 1.3
Atchison . ’ 103 3.4
Baldwin locomotive . 57 r*-s
Bethlehem Steel ... ...!!! 1493-1
Butte and Superior . ., 47 j_ •
< Vr.tral Leather . 95
Chile < ’opjH*r .... . ' 25 1 -*
*'bino Copper . fi9 1-4
Colorado Fuel .
Colorado Ons k. 44
Crucible Steel 71 1-4 '
('ul an Cane Sugar . 41
Brie . *»s 1 -S I
Industrial Alcohol . lL\r»3-4'
Inspiration Copp»*j . (j-» 3.$
Kenneeott Chopper . 4ft 5-X1
Marine, common . 31 7.x
•Marine preferred <»,j s'
New York Central . . ] 97 I
New Haven 45
Pennsylvn nla.. 54
1 Pressed Steal < *'• f vi 1.4 '
Heading.1 9ft 1-1
Republic Steel . VJ |-|
Southern PaelfV* ’ 9ft
St Paul . « XI 1-3
Bouthei •> . ■> 1 ■
Studehaker Corporation . 104
Texas Cnmp.*inv ... . . 1L'9
Cfllon Pat 1! i' ■ . . . 1S9 8*8
Cnited States Steel . lift 1-K
Plato • 'oppM . 11S 1-n
Wt *t lnghou ** ....
<hicngn. March ?l Whe.it Market
vers nervoug and *wntlm©iil more evgnl>
divided a< a result of developments sug
p<v t j ug i rulmiimtion of hull markets,
with a peibxl of downturns lik**lv for the
tmmediate ftitui
news in our opinion was the effort by
, foreigners to re-sell previous purchases,
t is understood considerable wan effect
'd. Pen. ** rumors were also perxiHient.
'.in un< onftim«d, and f<tn< i il political
ulvices w«re of an unsettling character.
The art of clipper producers in cutting
‘heir prices to the Knited States gov
ernment for patriotIc reasons was con
strued by some as a. forcrunnw of what
might occur in the grain trade to influ
ence a lower level nf values. The May
i 1eliver> »t times ruled eomporatiVelv
weaker than the deferred futures hut also
'•allied sharply and reflected an increas
ingly tight position as delivery draws
near. Prop reports are still conflicting,
but on the whole are not so pessimistic
is reeontly. and it believed that a
short period of growing weather will
alter the outlook over sections where Ap
prehension now prevails. Hash prices
ire well maintained, notwithstanding the
re-selling and the acute cat situation,
which, however, seems only natural In
view of the light stocks and the belief
'hit supplies will he extremely light ere
the new prop starts to move to market.
Wo believe it will prove the part of w is
dom to confine transactions to the .Inly
md Sent ember, which arc !ik<-!\ to be
Influenced for the immediate future by
improved crop prospects and a downturn
of sizable proportions is not at all un
Porn- liquidation was on fn large
/olume and had a depressing Influence on
value*, aided In nart reaching in the
N»cal market and also at the seaboard
The iittci. however, proved to he in the
nature of a sal** from one neutral foreign
interest to another. A sale of 50000
bushels w is confirmed here at one pent
under Mav by Baltimore lnte»;et;t^ who
bought It nt a premium of Ihii- rents
over Mo-. Outside rash markets show
rd verv little change. holding firm flt
high levels. No. : mixed In Kansas fllv
snlil at $1 17 tier bushel. A oortion , •
the tong lines sold out inrlv are thought
to have hern repurchased nn the break
The load hut into the market was heavy
however, and it will nrohtiblv rnonlre .
few davs to digest It O- anv material
decline the bullish cash situation should
attract purchasers.
Oats: Onp prospects In the extreme
southwest are glowing and conslderahi•
toe*sure is tvdng brought to hear or the
duly as a result of same. The Mav de
It very Is believed to he held hv good
nerplo. which might militate against ,1n
Important decline temnorarily hot n»i
any bulge we are Inclined to favor sales
of the July, Which should weaken per
eentIMv with the advent nf good growing
ix * ncT*
Provisions: Early strength brought
iif pom** lor.il polling m< sl|\ i»> hnldos.
A! the extreme dfllim -lidi'N Rave l*<M
support. Trade large!) ial and mu,
Kei was in *i" «»r 1«-hs governed !■ mtion
o! grain marketa Volume 1 trade av»
• lagt il lijriit \n «tli r ish trad* fairly good.
1 i«ig rnoV'-riu .it pgperted to it ri east* l•.r
a time.
Open. High. Low. Oloae.
M.i \ i v; i-1 i s? i- ■ l s: t t i si i -i
.1 iv l 57 ::-s i 5k 1-4 i 55 1-4 l 55 1-4
so,,i t.it i-i i i j i-i i u 5-s l 4.1 I-i
i ’nrn
M i 1 1 J 1 1 ' 1-S 1. la 5-8 ) 1«» I
I lih 1.1 a II 1 l'i .1-4 l."0 i-s 1 i»0 1- t
S» i»t i.ftS :-i l.ao :i-K 1 »*7 .1-1 l 07 1*1
Ma\ :.s i-i ,:.o i-: .k i s ,58 i-t
.lul. l 57 : \ 5»*. t-l
| I* iK
I Ala \ :'i a.5 1i :::*u 1410
.M a v 10.75 10.75 I1*',1 10 57
Jul> 10 7a JO 70 10.5.* 10 .7
K11 »p
Ma\ !MH> is r.n 17.87 17 87 \
.1 in v IK. 15 is 15 17 07
New York. March '! - The advancing
l* odrn<-\ in • often values continued t*.
d i. and is there was little opnoniti-o
t«» the upward movement t»rlrcs nd\a need
at times iath« r easily. Prominent hull
inf* rests of the early w intei were vei y
enspicuous on the buying side and the
onKide Inuuiry also increased moder
ately Minv peace rumors were in efr
cul.a'.ion and coupled with the unsatis
!a ttii\ W'eather in the central belt
where more rain fell overflight and pre
diction-* for more to follow in tip*
til • vi nnuJa f • d the Iffgn Vfttl6M of
eon-truetive hc lievas The treasury de
partnu ut at Washington in announcing
its policy to insure American ‘'.argot's in
ocean travel .at n flat rate of 3 percent
led to the belief that exports will likely
he aeceler.ited. This w.ih a factor on
the advance md the conviction is grow
Ini ti h gei da()y that tbe tat f il p<>
- it ion will train in strength until a new
harvest A better spot demand was re
ported in the Atlantic states .although
export*, today were nil. opinion is quite
: o lv expressed that events of impor
tance in the international situation are
fast approaching that in their entirety
will At least rrvstalize construelve sen
timent and probably bring about n fur
ther enhancement in tip* price of i»i
High T.nw. f'lnse.
.1 »i imi v .I 8 “,6 18 18..*’, 6 JR.'IH
.March .18 61 19.?0 16 in
Ma v 16 6 * 18 Or. 19.6'' 19 96-87
Julj . .18.$$ 1 - ‘* | v ik jR «
Octobet 18. |8 If.no 18.17 i* ■>«. ><.
I •* • oi1 ei iv 8a 19.55 m.::a 1<? p;
Dr. \V. H. Hickson announces that
bo treats eczema, blood and all kinds
of skin diseases, by a method that is
simply wonderful. Also diseases of
the rectum and cures piles without
, the use of the knife. Twenty years
in Hot Springs. Ci'izens’ Natl. Bank
Bid?., S*81-lm
1:00 P. M.
Has Electric Lighted
, Chicago and Kansas City.
Parlor Car Memphis.
Rle*ant Dlnlns Car
Little Rock to Memphis.
r k —
Opposite Post office.
Phone 141.
w. If. ANDRRSON, c p a.

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