Newspaper Page Text
‘ Q j® bee! Al 3 & WINFORD, Props • . , ' . PER YEAR. P Udi .' f. I every Frida}’ at I’e '.’ic.-n Ark -west side court • Pou ,-quare. C j ■ i .. :. ;C. <’ P. & G. Time Table. X ■ B.iird South B ut. 1 F ;er. iger. ;•« ■ 3 : .■> p. in X > I I i 5J a . io j.o'* 1. No. !J i h* p rn. No iHililWa n. P C Ft.UIE. V AgfAi CHUaiIC DIRECTORY. 1 , ;■ pm ! ‘ S ... h;. 11 t )• ■, •pr ( .,g . v<ry W I. ■ s-'lny in-at nt ■> p. n. KEV. J A I‘alim. Pa? or 111 A KuukUS. S S r l”.; IO RLA.ND I’KE-B. I ERIAN- Will <><•- c V. -tli' 11 ..nipit tit 11 a. m ; arih s.i...l;iv in i tcii in’ nth Rev A;. stin I* st-a. I.U’HSf — I’nwnln ■■'a' 11 o’i'bk in:.: .1 a* mzhl I'couii S-.rd.t;. ..■•.< i uotith. KkV ( Hakil;w Pastor Law York Racket Store Pruo Li . A good Hammer, $ 10. A genuine Steel Hammer, 35 A genuine Steel HatcUt, 35. A good large Hand Saw, 5'C A good small Hand Sa 35. 20 lbs of I.' Sugar for 1 00. Best ?2 00 Shoes for 1 4;>. All other goods at proportion ately low prices. We lead; let them wuo can, fol low. Hespectfully, B CKNEH. & < 'LAPP. AN INVITATION. A friend has handed us your name saying that he thought you would subscribe for the Bee. We mad you this sample copy for in spection. We will place jour name on our subscription list an I you will receive t..e paper regu larly unless you or ler us at once to stop it. If you do not wish to subscribe for a j ear, we make you the following prices on shorter time: Three months, 25 cts.; six months, 50 cts ; one year, 1 dol lar. Parties liv .r.g in other States or Countb-i can remit by postage stamps or i. oney orders. Address tjli communications to Evans £ Win ford, De(<pieen, Ark. ATrs. F. P. Pettus returned home Tuesday evening after a months visit with relat ves and friends in Parker anil 0t1...r counties in Tex. Mr. Pettus has no doubt kept a Batchelors hall to perfection dur ing her as he said to the writer: “Every dish, frying pan and everything else in the kitchen has been use and I am mighty glad my wife is coming back. C. L. Carroll, a prosperous young farmer residing in the Bed Colony neighborhood, accompa nied by his brother, W. E. Carroll, was looking after some matters of business here the first of the wo k and made the Bee a pleasant call. He had us add his name to our subscription list. The latter named gentleman informed us that he would have his platform and scales ready to weigh cotton here in a few days. Misses Daisy McCown of Lock“s burg and F.'ti • Locke of this place left the first of the week for Ox ford, Miss., to enter the Oxford college. They will he greatly missed by their many friends at both places, among whom they are very popular. Esq. Geo. T. Locke accompanied them as far as Texarkana, where they joined a large number of students from Texas and Louisiana. 'Phe public spirited, enterprising citizens of Lockesburg never db things by halves. A Bee repre sentative had the pleasure last Saturday afternoon of witnessing the drill by the military company organized there only a short lime since. A better selection of troops can not bo found, and after train ing, they will present a soldierly appearance second to none in this or any other State. '1 he company is composed largely of young men with a few ex-< Confederate vets., whose step i? as light, as of BEE • W. B mton of North*’ -st Mi -sor • i was prospecting in these parts t * past week. B< n F. Miller, of Eagletown, T. wis in the city last Saturd ’ on b ionesji, * t C .aider Heilbrnn and C. ’ . W<d s hit Tue- lay for Texarkiu , tc ’ tend a few day . i * Ac ilapa holi-so atob a li.ii . kuna hut a •huffa ka ti. i ho >so uebaffa bin ia boke. Try R i ler’s Royal Remedy’ *< r the blooa ; it never fails. At tl e Morgan l.’-rug DeQe ■ :n uve. Buy • n acre of land of J W\ lie ar I raise your own gardt n and kee£ your uw ; cdiicker.s ai d cow. E. Y. V’iliianifort, of the enter prising firm of W Hiainson Bro?., un. Io a busim is trip to White Clifi’s Tut s lay. Atnonr the prominent farmeis of Red Colony, wl > were in the city ping the tit ;t < f tne weet , was Mr. Geo. Parkjr and wife. Full ime of laties, gents a;. 1 y ut .s sho> s at McKean’s i styles and .-i:es. Call ar.. 1 s.? them an 1 you are sure to be suit* . J.ew : - He Ibron the l>-ading je - :u d ’’ ket bi '* *r of TeX:tl ■ atm, was in the c y a couple f day? this week locking after Lu - ness interests. Aj ix Star Diarrhea Remed ’ beans the list for the cure of dy eni'.'iv, dmr.hea .nd a.I bow 1 . c>mp.auits. Try it at DtQue* a I’bar macy. I. W. Olmstead, a prosperous farmer of Chapel Hill, made us a short call last Saturday ami left a dollar on our table to pay for the Bee for one year. Excursion tickets will be sold on Sept. 12th, return limit 14th. Special train will puss DeQueen about 1 p.m. on that date, and will leave Kansas City on 14th nt 6 p m. to ieturn. §5 for round trip. Hicks Jones, for the past few years connected with the enter prising firm of Scott & Pride, Ultima Thule, returned Tuesday from an extended visit to his parents in Washington county,this State Merrideth A Allen, painters and paper hangers. Prayer meetings at. ,he Me. .o idisl house, w- : ich were suspend’ d during the j rjtracted meeting re cently conducted by the Bap' st brethren, have been resumed, .d will be held everv Wednesday night hereafter. The Bee office was visited Tues day by two of I‘arai li'ta’s in s' prominent C' l izen* i. * the pel s of Dr E. E. Whitaker, a proiai nent young physician, and Mr Sam Houston Nelson, an enter prising fai mer. i Get your blood in shape. The hustling season is coming, and yoi; should get rid of that tired feeling Roeder’s Royal Remedy is the medicine for men, women and children. For sale by Morgar Drug Co., DeQueen ave. Mrs. Ben Lambright was here Tuesday viewing the eights arounc her future home. We hope she will soon be here permanently to take her place in DeQueen so ciety and save our friend Ben hw weekly trip to Lockesburg. The Methodist denominate >r will hold a protracted meeting ai DeQueen, beginning on Saturiij before the fourth Sunday’ in tember. The l , other reven-nd gentla fci£ n t<| assist the pastor in Ithing. This bi rm- ftrflHilßlHrx frender forever just as soon as in my her hand you can put a < A that is tter. I invite you back into the good old- Ahioned religion of your fathers —to If God whom they worshiped, to the •ble they read, to the promises they jirned, to the cross on which they pg their eternal expectations. You Se not been happy a day since you 'ling off: you will not be happy a Hute until you swing back. fl here is a large class of persons in jillife who have still in them nppe ws that were aroused in early man* 'id, at a time when they prided them \cs on being a ’’little fast,” "high 4-rs." "free and easy," “hail, fellows )11 met.” They are now paying in •inpoiind interest for troubles they j 'fleeted 20 years ago. Some of you e trying to escape, and you will — t very narrowly, "as with the skin your teeth." God and your own u* ouly know what the struggle >!■ W. - ram a:.- J The nndersigne 1 has returned home, sick, from a good revival meeting, in which I was earnest y engaged, at Damascus church, ti e . miles U"rth of C. Burt’s. Tne ’ meeting was ronducted by Elders W. IL Lurt aid J. C. Tolbert. 1 1 fee! that God has greatly bless ?d us, up. 1 very i .uch so to see and bear so” ourse ves tne brave young sister ' 1 year i of aye, daughter o! 1 br tl •’! and sl.-ter Rayburn, a 1 rne.ube on * y >ar, witt -.-'ing for the ! r>t I. She read a chapter and .. cun bi"' I praver service which L * bad a a rand ami glorious effect. Afterw is 1 ‘ “ W ier»’ art thou ? ” (Gen, iii., 9.). This leaves out no one, so Bro.' Bur;, with the text accompanied by the Holy Spirit, leaves out no one. First to the churidi, then to - backs’iders, <hen to sinners—he , m.t ie this app icable and forcible • to a!!. T ) much So that, it resulted in a glorious and grand revival, . the church built up. b . ;-li iers reclaimed, si. ners convicted and. mourneis con erted It makes ne so happy to ;e the sinners con victed and (• inverted and made • willing t<) fol.ow t'n dr rlcs-e l Sa 1 vi >r into the liquid grave, and thereby wii. ng to follow Him in • al! es His c unmanus and ordi . nances .And ai>o other young ks- t”i> witrn ssiag for ( br-.'t, and ■ taking up- ti. :■ cm and working . for Christ ir. th* altar and else where. We feel t i thank God that this was Hi- meeting and our meeting —a union on earth and afterwards a reunion in heaven. ‘ Seveial additions to the church 1 —we say, the ’rue Church of God. IE. I t‘j pleasure of-; t*ing ne i brother and two .-inters c th -same! . family baptized. May God bless . the labors of His servants, and I i send more laborers into the vine-j yard, is my prayer; for the bar- | 'vest is white and the laborers are few. J. A. Bennett. Rose Cream A ermifuge is gua-1 ranteed to expel the worms. At DeQu ee n Ph a r ir. a cy. C. L. MEDcARIS, CARPENTER, con tractor and JOBBER I Estimates an t bills fare shs- i on abort notice. wirmn ■ wr. wMM» in* — rwiiw w. p. m’quilliams BARBEPi SHOP. REMOVED TO CORNER s-TILI.WELL AVENL E and SECOND STREET. 15115^0.X WO, An up-to-date tonsonal ar tist, will be found at the chair. Sharp Razors, Clean Jewels. Try Us y* ■’ W 2 GTA RAXTEC SATISFAI TIOX JS 1 > l-Col:: 11 ; MiUi'iiOO' ;;.ic s.i * i pfact: ’>n (- . a Approved Bond. • *lW<tW r ''*x>■ VMM**n 'TV;? i1 * v<..>O-far r 'p® W BJB3 gift Rrj; £&a > M ""L— J.gfy9K£<- -*l Il*- : ‘ ? *"A j lUdP FATaVfWSW train. e vo-xR FA I|/ 44i -v< ,„, ; V( r® 3&. v .x'<v - WTELESS i;C ’ HILL wr:! g& E! S the “>4 ® g g “■; i fcj RB La Botn is JUNTAS GOOD FOR ADULT 3. ‘’ PRICE 50ct«. GAI.ATIA. It LS., Nov. E, I!3X BU<J lpnrl«MfHlU neCo., Bt. l/outs, Mo. Giro iton* -'!■)-, — W.« --W hisi year. 0)0 bottles of 1 •••..,>'■ . ■ .-' - - ■ - ’- '■ nd haw of 11,. m"< '• 17 •■ I ■' ?T In r. ' ,ur nx- su, yi r ■ .' 'ui.' mv '' ii-'.un m<mu..v uu. > ■ lours t: tly. u . A ..'«.r Cahr and FDR SALE Er MORGAN bR-JG GO, I iDeQUEEN IJO'FKL. MRS. J. G. PROPRIETRESS. BEST : HOTEL : IN : THE : CITY. hv nr Mnnth. < ry xVow IXcMit liricl Clean On S .ill veil Avenue, South Side Court House Square. Awm'rrniFiio Mcilif, Do you know that we can sell you anything von want as CHEAP as the CHEAPEST. That our goods are all NEV/, NEAT : AND : CLEAN. Remember that we do not only carry a complete line of DRYGOODS, GROCERIES, riiitii ee, C‘oYfiix«, But that we can lit you out with any thing you want, (’all and see us and be convinced a. j lEfDJSK<)>3 ■■■ — -«• 9SB - — Arkadelphia Methodist C olloge Situated in the beautiful and heath-, ful town of Arkadelphia, Ark., about live hours run from De (pieen. APLK JW WY. A J4P KBWi. <7<yu;m; <;>.F £TUPY- .ABT .AND TERMS VERY RGhSGNh BL.E- This is the place to .-end. your sons and daughters. For catalog and further information, address REV. c. yOPE, ArMelphh, Ark. I3ICKHAM | •r DOUSE * J. C. 15ICKHAM, 1 Tv MHinder. , i1 * 8 P.ii’o Ynoff ! <W<imFWßh’>vW ,W | in Texarkana Everything neat and clean, accomodating ser- , vants, only short distance from Union depot; Porters meet all trains. ' SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK. srr. TEXAKKANA, I ARKANSAS. 1 W.J. BINGHAM Contractor and Builder. Ail work done according to specifications. Will furnish plans ami make out bills, E. C. TVER, i 21 y »nre ••xpi-ric iev Everything In my • |-| n nrl tic i ini ei , \. t ■ • the r-cutting done in tbn bi, -i. !• and m-ivi" second to no- ? K’TRY MF ONCE I FAMS BOUGHT AM) SOLI). J will soon be permanently located in Dequeen in the real estate business Parties want* home seekers that want homes and not speculators and will give what your lands are worth. I have correspondents all over other states. Satisfaction guar anteed. GRO. T. LOCKE. Mrs. ED T. COX, I OanfscLianßrigs, Ciiniun Fruits, Cnlb Drinks, Tabnona unb Cigars. Agt. lor: TEXARKANA TROY STEAM LAUN DRY and KUNE’S STEAM BAKED BREAD. Ice Cream Parlor and News Stand. DE QI EEN AV., DEQVEEN, ARKANSAS. 1 Mrs Emma Welcome. Miss Jenui® Giles WELCOME & GILES, MILLINERY and : : : DRESSMAKING Will open in Allen’s building Ang 1 l \ ’ C A CIJJARY Cootl’itcfoi- :p)0 .BtiilJep Careful estimates furnished, 1 Satisfaction Guaranteed.