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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
v...- ......... » rv B Great Bargains. ALLGN’S Great Bargains. I Tull line d Texas hiife ad Bridles. Highsst Price Paid to Eide A FEW OF ALLEN’S GREAT BARGAINS. ■■■■■■■MBWM'iWikrvcraniMrv' i iMui—imimi'ir-MBnri-' ■■ mn——4l—wf» -■ waOBMBBBMOJ GROCERIES. <1 iod coffee U poniiua tui 8 LOO. Nine bars of Ovah to soap i tor 25cts. Our grocer-' line is complete and we wt J he 1 goods at pricea to suit he (lines. CAR LOAD OF hLOUR. We have just bought acai I ad f flour cheap and we are g< ing to give our customers the benefit of it. It is of lie < st’ gr< de and we aie going io sell it below m h ket pi Ices, Call and see for youi of —■— H I Uli MW 4 - WFl*nter ■ J*®M. m ur.rtuMMMauUßM at HUM MMMMMMMMMMMHMMMOM—MeB JVSn’-T—*• Ij Bii fp'V Go Allen's and trade one dollars worth and get a chance a* SS.IM) No 111 FV I llLbLljil. trouble to show you goods. Come uad see us—you are always welcome. jLhLi* I ; A. C. Sonner of Upland. Neb.. | has spent several days riding! around DeQueen investigating what we had to offer the Nebraska farmer. Mr. Sonner is tin up-to date Nebraska farmer, is a close observer. He expressed him self about as follows in regard to Sevier county : “I am very much pleased with what I have'seen in Sevier county; it is far ahead of what Mena and Polk county have * to offer. Your bottom binds make good grain farmsand your uplands are fine for fruit. 1 have seen corn fields during my stay that will average at least sixty bushels of corn to the acre, and your fruit, I which is grown, is excellent, Vour country is new. and what you want is good, industrious farmers to put your farming lauds in shape. lam well pleased with your people; never meta more pleasant class to associate with. You have a good! town for its age, and, taking every thing into consideration. I believe this is a much better place for my Nebraska neighbors than wbera they are at Bring your corn, I will he prepared <. to grind it Saturday. Mill near stav„ L cker. ts ' ■’> Geo. Hill. o Uncle ” Billie Smith bus taken L. B. Bickford as partner in the management of the European hotel, on Stillwell avenue, between First and Second streets. Extensive im provements are being made and £_.e in contemplation, and the skill hi carpenter, painter, paper-hanger 1 and furnisher will bo utilized to j render the European one of the' most popula. hotels in the city. Go to A. 3. Gibson, DcQueen for Fire Insurance, We heartily appreciate the sup. port given the Bel by the people of Sevier county. Hardly a day passes that from one to a half dozen new names are not added to our list. Our endeavors have been to give to onr readers a newsy, clean paper, run on a high I plane and in the interest of Sevier 1 county. How well we have sue-' needed, wo will leave it to ourj readers to determine. THE TURTLE. A Bro. Jonah, slipping out of 1 duty, went on the waters, Satan- 1 like, fishing; casting hia hook on the right side, he caught many fine fish the day previous to the service nt the liquid grave, where we wit [ nessed the burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus I Christ. Bro. Jonah and his crew i caught a fine large turtle at or near 1 the place where the burial was to take place. So, this is a witness j that immersion is right. God saw I lit to remove him out of the way, ' ho that he should not be a stum-1 bling block to sinners, for the laughers. So, brother and sister, God does not require of yon to have a fine 1 nice glass pitcher of clear, clean water, and just have a little sprin-j kled or poured on your bead, sor 1 that is not an emblem of his burial and resurrection. Dip Dkip. Bring your hides, wool, ginseng ’nd snake root tn Alien’s. N6WTQN HARDWHRfe CO. I _ .. ♦ CABEFULVm a Ambitious Housekeepers, , <BU4W»-ww.rii»riiwi n—w aw—ir iiifiM iiiwwii . J1 pf nb I i ■, (‘ak c’.vsive iiard- Sensible Girls, moves. ware Sore in 1 Texas Saddles.; Howl. Up L: AH priuo thomsolvos on b®lnf? nnd al! t Jmi< id’ ! ( v.r (.mb for able to bake 1.-mi , r Goods •dbv» BIAS?; lit hiuic pine — ~ , ... of Sm*.‘ Hard- . ' a o accomplish this \ou hat e teen wire I mware paying for an :,n(l 1,0 “ r jinferior article. *Ml? mtming Goods. I o*o V d' Are Indispensable. COME ANO SEE LiS? EUROf EAS 808, W Per Bay L. B. BICKFORD. Proprietor. (k LATELY REFURNISHED Neat and Clean. DE QUEEN, - - ARKANSAS ‘ TWA'VMM ■•»-4«rrrfc 4 J. P. Smith,of Ant tre. 1/ ~ once liv' d near wh< re De Juceii now ik, lie vimted bis brc her-ii law. J T. King of Cos'Ht »t, thi > week, and during bin -itu; came ovei 10 “ take in ’’ DeQueen “ I was astonished,” said he, “nt die growth of the loun in ho short a ! lime and with the large s< op ;of ' country around it DeQueen nthf 1 necessarily be a good town. 1 had ' | no idea that I would find so much 1 j business and so many people here,! and such a thing as a i aper being' ' published here was really aston-! 1 iehing, and you may just send the • Bee to me the next six months.”i Mr. Smith is a prominent farmer in his locality, but may return to j Sevier in the near future J. I'd and J. P. Kirg of (loasatot, and J. j i A. Austin, called with him, and ! the former gentlemen int reused j . our subscription list by having! I their names placed upon our' ! books. - NOTICE. ' To WHOM I'l MAY CONCERN ; I have sold out mj entire stock j of general merchandise to the Se vier Co. Mercantile Um, who will [ continue l>u>iness tl the | lac> for merly occupied by m . i AH of my indei tedneis 5 rea . son of this sale laxiiiu 1 ecoine ■ ilue, will be | a d < n piesen ati >n. I 1 hanking my pat on* ft ? a.l pMt favors, 1 beg 10 1 n in Yours, truly, CUAb. HEli BRON. 1 SUMMER GOODS MUSI' BE SOLD. 12 1 2 cent lawns at 7 1-2 cts. Lal shirt waists former price 75 cts. iind $1 CO—Allen’s hard time price 40 and 60 c J All other Summer goods sold in same proportion. 1 5 ENS’AND BOVS’ CLOTHING. Mens’suits from M to sl2. ('lilial suits from 75 < ts. to S 3. A good $2 man's hat for 81.25. All wool jeans 25 cts. a\J HORSI Foi the next 30 days we v,e will sell horse collars ufl sizes and kinds at cost. Call and see what we can do for yon in this line. I NOTICE TO EVERY 0 IE. The Co, Merca itile Co. having bought the • ntire stock of. general merchandise from Chas.i lieilbron at 50 centr on the dollar,! v ill open up in a few ('ays and give ail of DeQ .eeo’s pat ous the benefit of this low purchase. Look on' for unheard of bar .gainsand watch for the date of ! opening in the Bee. Yours, for business, j SiviEß Co. Mercantile Co. Among the distinguished visit ' ors to the city’ this week was Hon. 1 W. I). Lee, a member of the How ard county bar. He left Wednes. day for Dallas, where he has busi ness in the circuit court of Polk 1 county. In speaking of DeQueen j he expressed himself as very much surprised at its phenominal ; growth and the building that is now going on. Fred Brooks, one of Horatio’s society beaux, spent Tuesday here accompanied by lion, Charles Walker, an attorney of that town, who left the following day for Dal-1 las, Tex., with his father’s family.) where they will make their future home. By their removal Sevier county and Horatio lose a good, substantial citizen and business man and one of their promising attorneys. 11. A. F inley is opening his stock of goods this week or DtQueen 1 avenue. o ’*■ —- . —■—■ Di fi b!i ui tails I E. A- CRAIG. AS3T. MGR A H BURG, SEO. I DE QUEEN, ARKANSAS. | ”2” - ~'' ~ y- I " j —- ZLT —- — "' —GZ"" - I rf ****** ,- * , **' I . • . . > . . i Kn 7 Ab ;u*rr« h thp ahntA A'linA A few of the barga : r.s that the | De Queen Lu” lai d Town Site Co are of'ering for sale. No 1 120 awp On ’> ► < . 00 n<-r' < f h..t- to:r l ■ I a: 1 3.*> n<T( •. cl upli. '! ■. v (1 . -, t aboir r pear and fruil t r<-( ► « i. in h< use and line will. A kou.l griin and noke farm No 2 10 acre* od«’mlb'from lewn. 3.5 acrea ini' t ivaticn, good will fi-r I'tin , • xira will fine I A flue [..ace, Write us- it. No 3. wo acri rf'xtr ’i f < i-t o’t< w" 40 ncri’' it?! 'i> loin and to ii'-r * t n.-au t 1 u ;i. 2-5 « is In cultivation, good will, house ant j mune fruit. N> I S 5 aerm of upland rnlh* from ton i. 15 in cu'i’va 100 apple, pear and. 1 mu h tn if., fine t>pring No 5. b’.o arri'F 1 1 ' n » w?«t of town. 15 ni-H ■ in i-ul: v.->- > n I, 1 U‘<‘, ( .;c "I.»- ydn.’f :o ri.iio- n fl: >■ 1 ' ■ :n<*. Write for price* • fui her dlft'-riptio. ». I No fi 142 acres 7 nd! s oust. 40 Ocrea up land . bain ee ( It'o ; ~; < , u >- I t' m Iti’e! in on .■i.-'e: . a fl net I ;i I asl V’-'-. 5 ac! . r :: I 5 ti-no'hy '1 Ilia land liar r n r la g .•>•! "rop A flue place s>r atoi-x d ,n ;gt ..j n<<-)d I I I < 4: r ../ ..z! y.. 4• /, .-.4. 1 j We are in town and have the 3 •I GOODS and PRICES. 3 J SMITH BROS. | ■ .... i t V I E. E. DYER x ======== Is in the market with a complete line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE And oilers goods at LOWEST PRICES. Cheapest floods in Hie Territoj. #®=*TR MY GOODS and PRICES. 1 CHEAP is the word. , Eagletown, Indian Territory. 1 .>0 , 4" ucr* s. H<n.f ine Aiiiua I uubl«- limb* r and i« guod, Conatot bettomi® No. f AO acres acrom Cosßatot river above All bottom lai <1; 85 nfiis in tuitfl lion . HO acr< s 1< r.«■•<! 'I ht se time k.rrwtfl t he bt st luud in the nation 1 No 9 acres G mllea north of iivt.l <-rt <k \ all. \ inn 1; 75 aci< «in foltivatloa unit W e have a low price and cuu t oil til this place. ■ No 10 IGO acres 1 mile from town; lhH all in fine p r.e and xtk; stnall charing; w. 11 etc . Thi» land lies well, has good mH and will he valuable In time. | >' > 11 h;n ncns fl mib a north; all tnH valley land; loins No k; flue mellow soil; inS larm laud; good rang' tn neighboring Mill I Wo would like* to have roJ one brir g us average specimens 1 corn, potatoes, onions, clover ail other products of Sevier countjl for exhibition. I Diqteen Land and