Newspaper Page Text
SAVED ’ < " 1 GREENBACKS DeQueen, Sevier County and Sur rounding Country on Fire with Excitement and in Hot Haste to Reach that Great Emporium of Low Prices, THE O TDRK RACKET STORE Which handles Everything in Clothing, E rjGoods, Boots, Shoes, Aotio . Tin & u f?. e We are cutting, slashing, slaughtering and marking down orices in all lines. Mountains of these goods are being received daily, vhose lofty peaks are towering skyward from our shelves and countc.s, hut Whole prices sink down deep below the lowest of our competiti rs. When iu DeQueen, at all hazards see our store, goods and prices, which will be gold saved to you in your purchases. Clothing we are bold m declaring that we are peerless both in price and ■quality. Pants from 25c a pair up; Suits from >2.00 up. In Dry C cos. Cents* Furnishing Goods and Notions we pulverixe all com .etition. Needles. 1c a paper Ic. 2 spools good threaj sc. 2 papers pins 5c A good laundried shirt 45c. A “ Gents work “ 25c. A “ Blacking brush 10c. 2 bottles ink sc. A good horse brush 10c. A “ pair men's Men’s socks 3c. Agate buttons, per gross sc. Safety pins, pet dot 2 l-2c In Boots and Shoes our prices simply unnerve, shock and wreck these old high price fellows. A good $1.75 men’s shoo, our price $1.15. On the market is fluctuating so that it is im possible to make fixed prices. Bat we will dig up Rock Bottom figures w tn you are here and in the market for them. The a’ove figures are only a few prices made on the thousands of clean, new and fresh goods upon our counters and shelves ; tl at cause the trade of this and surrounding country to crowd our store oadj and ••care bargains in all lines ; that, make competition stand speechless in wonder and astonishment, and swear, after recovery, that we have either stolen oar goods or gone craiy. Remember, that we represent Chas. Broadway of New York —the lowest priced house on the face of this globe ;md that he •ells to but one firm in each town, and that the New Y'»rk Cash Racket Store is the store here. See us and be convinced that there is no matching our goodsand prices. Respectfully, BUCKNER <Bc CL/ PR. DE QUEEN BEE, j EVANS & WINFORD, Prop* ; SUBSCRIPIOH: SI.OO FEB YEAR. Published every Friday at De Qneen, Arkwest aide court house square. Sample Copies Sent Free. K. 0 p. a G. Time Table. FortM Bound. South Bound Pataca gar. Patten ger. Wo.l3:Mp. m Fo. 411-tta. tn. Local. Local. Mo. a- Fo. Ml!:5»a. m. P. O. Flawbty. Agent. Ctitxroti Directory METHODIST.-ProaaNDK flrot Saaday 11 a m. a»<l 3:snp. m Third Bunday 11 a. «»- Praymeeting wry Wednesday night at Bp. tn. Sunday Softool at ••SOa m Mar. J a. Faaen, Factor laa Kogsm, S B. CVMBEHLAFD PRESBYTERIANS will oe *«t»y tho Mubodtatpaiplt at II a. m fourth I e#3day Ik »•«> moots — Jtrv Arern» Waiow, F«a*er A good $2.00 men’s si e, oi.r price 1.40 A good $2.50 mu..\ 3 , . our price 1.90 A good $3.00 m u’u »u. , < r price 2 25 A good $1 25 ladies’ h i", our price 90c, A good sl.’>' V .h e. cur price 1.00 A good sl. . < our price 1 25 A good $2 "> I . ’ di ,< our price 1 40 A good $2 .5 .. i< si < our price 1.60 . Hats. Hats of every description, wool and fur, all sizes, from 20c. up. In Hardware &T inware our prices are undisputed and un approachable. A good hammer for 10c A gennine steel ham .ei 35 A “ “ hatchet. 35c A good small handsaw, 35c A “ largo “ 50c 2 “ bandsaw files, 5c 1 8 inch file, iOc Tinware at your own p ■ ce, BAPTIST —Preachingat I’. o’clock a in. and at night second Sunday of each month. Rxv C. W ardlaw Pa#-or . SEVIER O O U IV Y M K x- O eonipjf for* tlio best Aowosat: The attention ot the farmers around DeQueen and the mer chants and business men generally has been called to lhe impor anee of putting the roads in proper con dition before the fall and winter rains set in. Farmers, cou it up the cost of your delay and <ee if you do not pay and pay dear.y for it in cost of breakage of vehicles and the strain on your team be sides the great inconvenience and the trouble you must undergo iwhar. your wagon sinks to t».e hub in a mud hole and you must Wade into lhe mud* to prize it oat. Now we ask in all candor, is it .business to delay this matter when i you are aware of the fact that it ; will cost so much ? We would ap- I peal to Lhe citizens of DeQueen as | men of intelligence and here and 'now, put you on notice that y<>u, as well as the farmer, will lose by this dangerous delay. All those who expect to haul their crops over these roads and the merchant i who expect to sell goods know the roads will be bad later on, and the first mutterings of thunder will sound a death knell to your inter : esta, both as farmers and mer chants, and the first dark cloud jwill roil over your business as the black cap ower the face of lhe condemned, lake warning. A glance at the tax bo ks will show a record for this county that is almost beyond the conception of the most sanguineand a dent be liever in the future greatness of Sevier county. The total value of real estate in 1896 was $652,436 while the books show for 1897 r total value of $960,000, an increase of $307,564, nearly 50 per cent The total value of personal prop erty m 1896 was $492,924, and ir J 897 it amounts to $523,276, an in crease of $30,352. The increase in value of lhe real estate io Sevier county i* due largely to the building of the* K. C., P ± G. R. R. Net only the value of the road but it has eu hanced the value of land for mil :> buck and the present town site cd DeQueen is now worth thousands where it was only worth two or three dollar* per acre prior to the building of the railroad. I the taxable \aiue oi leal es tnte has increase i in Sevier county 50 per cent, with unimproved highways what will be the re-ull should we go to work and have the very best roads possible ? Pros pectors coming from other states wou'd be willing io pay m- re for a farm on a good highway than one on a gully The same warning thet applies to the people ot DeQueen and those in this vicinity applies with equal force and importance to ev ery tamer ’n this county ns well as to every merchant in every town in Sevier county. BEE BUZZINGS. Prof. Taylor I*bell of tJhape! Hili spent Tuesday in Locke* burg. Mr. Kichard Ansley, one of Nashvill promiiit nt m rchants. made.u'bi.sitiess (?) txip to Lockes nug last Sunday. J. L. Roberson, a leading Lr m< rof he Rolling Fork v rt ll y, was in Lockesburg on business the firsi of the week. Tinny & LaGrone will he open and ready for business the last of this week or first of next Don’t buy all your good's before you look at their large stock. We need 25 copies of the Bee of Sept. 10th. If any of our -uh scribers can furnish us that num ber we will be glad to have them. El. Our repr* sedative spent last Sunday night at Silver Hill stop, ping at the Smith restaurant where he ate one of the best meals he ha-partaken of in South vest \i kansas. Monday m 'ruing hi called on Collins Bros, the gen eral merchants of that place who seem to be doing a very nice I usi i net’s. | The graded school at Locke - burg opened the fail session Mon day with Professor F. M Maione as princii al and Miss Lida s e t i and Jno. Lamb assistants. Lockes bnrg ha* long been known as »nr of tb<e test towns in 'Ark., both from a moral, ed ,<•«- tt'onal and business standi nt. W ? p»» phe- / f°< the Lockesburg acrool a successful term under the management of Prof. Malone. Chickens and Eggs- I have located permanently in DeQueen and will pay the highest n arket pri-e f<-r produce. Ihayei no goods to sell you and will buy! y »ur stuff for CASH ONLY. I want five hundred good fat ben* with in ten days Bring your chickens, eggs and Tides; no danger of bringing too m ny. lam located • pposite i ae‘ postoffice. Market reports received daily. Jno. L. Peood. DeQueen, Ark. I Mr E, L. Nelson <f the N» r ’•.r,?. vill vicinity mu ’e He a pl»-as •int call Tues. ay an I had us send be Bee to his address. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. i . Ooliiiifis ok lattice LAWYERS. DeQueen. Abx. i Assoii. e Office: Lockes’ urg. i A S CIBSON A W YE R* ! < isu specialty. Dealer in L -al Estate. Fire Insn r.n<e. Ext client farm property i<• < • !e. J. W. Bishop, fit!jrney-at-Law- Ih queen. Ark. J R MILER M D Physician & Surgeon. Offl.- .ion rs from 9t012 a m and from tto r : in Sp. ptii attention paid to the tr rtmentof ruptun DE QUEEN. ARKANSAS. J- M. LEMONS, M D fhijsieiili) qod Sqrgeoi), DE QUEEN, ARK. yv. b. still. Hl NTIS T.’W* W.ll -settee In Sev'er and id’olning eon ci *&. Parties wuhing rny >erviee» wol rail ou, or write ix.e, at Noawo dville, • • Arkansas. £. *. JOH 3)1 , M. D PHYSICIAN 808 SURGEON, I* . ■ Queen. : Arkansas. I. M. BROWN, M. D- Bqrgeop, Dio.-.asm of Fcmalxs a Specialty. Ofiiot T. K. Williams' Drug Store. DR. S. M. SIMONDS, Practising Physician. Ch on c Chill# Treated on I isurance. Ca .c.T aid t).isea#e# of the Eye a Sj, cialty Give me a Tria.l Eagletown, Indian Territory. ifiifloii Is not so good as the “Yellow Stuff” of California, but the stuff you get at DIQU"-N PHARMACY Cannot be excelled on earth. JM DRLG GOTOY, Ihe proprietors, take especial care to procure th*-best quality of everything. The mc«r, complete stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Pharmaceut icals, Standard Patent Medi cines, Druggist Sundries, Fancy Notions, etc. FINE JEWELRY AMD SPECTACLES. Pocket Cutlery, Fine Cigars Touaccos, Snuff-, T«ilet Articles, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Face Powders, etc., Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Putty, Paint and White wash Brusbea, Dye Stuffs, etc. etc. Prescri tions carefully compoudnd at all hours day or night, by Reg istered Pharmacist. MORGAN DRUG CO., PR QUEEN AVENUE. Mrs. ED T. COX, CnnfßDiianßrißS. Chnioß Fruits, Culd Drinks. Tub sunn Burl Organs. Art. for: TEXARUNA TROY STUM GUI DRY toil KLINES STEAM RAKED BREAD. Ice Cream Parlor and News Stand. DI QUEEN AV., DEQUIIN, ARKANSAS. E. C. TYER. 24 year# experience Everything in my line executed in an artistic manner. All style# oi hair-cutting done in the beat style and shaves second to none. rXTRY ME ONCE. GROVES KlSb “tasteless CHILL TDNIE IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 60 Ct 3. C ai.atia. Ills., Not. ifi. 1993. Parts Modtrtae Co., Louw. Me. GenHenjcn:— We sold la«t ye»r, botttet of GBOVL. 3 TAaTKI.ESR CI’ILL TONIC and have bought three prose nlroudy thia year. In all cnar as pe.-teuce ot U yv.irs. In the drug bualneiMi. hava nev-r .eld rn article that garn «ocn nntaaraal antM> tacUun aa your Tonic. Yours truly, Auxrr.CAxa FOR SHE BY MDRlil CRJS CO. BICKHAM HOUSE i- J. BICKMAM, Manager. RA TES 1 "DOLLAR A DAY. The best one dollar a day hotel in Texarkana Everything neat and clean, accomodating ser vants, only short distance from Union depot; Porters meet all trains. special pates BY THE WEEK. SICS VINE ST. TFY.HIT.W. ARKANSAS. C A CLEARY Careful estimates furnished. Satisfaction Guaranteed, FIILIIS BOLGHT AW SOLD. I will soon be permanently located in Dequeen in the real estate business Parties want ing their lands sold, will please nt once have them listed, I have the names of 5,000 actual home seekers that want homes and not speculators and will give what your lands are worth. I have correspondents all over other states. Satisfaction guar anteed. GEO. T. LOCKE. W.J. BINGHHM Contractor ana Builder. All work done according to specifications. Will furnidi plans and make out bills,