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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
Great Bargains. ALL6N'§ Great Bargains. K 1 Fdl line of Texas Saddfes d Bridles. Eigtei Price Paid for Hides. A FEW OF ALLEN’S GREAT BARGAINS, f „ r9K ? KO » ERIKS- H " od ~ ' e ^eel< l>ound« f.» »l 00, Ni„ ( . |, ars „f Ovalette soap pionX’ yurg ™ Cer ' 11 '' e,Bconl l ll ‘ ,e “ l ‘ dw ' J ’' ill ' < «G' »t.'oods at price* to suit CAR LOA D OF FLOUR. Wp bavt> jnst bough n oar load of flon' rhean and je.r» going to give one customers the benefit 0 J it. It is of t lie best grade ai?d we are going to sell it be»ow market pi Ices, Call wnd see for your*eif. ALII W USt R ec ’ eve d 8 Car Load of New Goods, come and see them, it is no 111 Dll nUulOl* trouble to show you goods. Come and see us—-you arc always welcome. ALl4jll* - -■ 1 "" ' ~ —— — Populists Taka Notice' The Populis soL Sevier county are requested to meet in their re spective townships on Saturday, October 2nd, to elect delegates to the Convention to be held in Lockesburg on Saturday the 9th day of October, '1897. A full dele gation is desired as business of importance will come before the convention. F. G, Taylor. Sec’y Co. Cen. Com. This Sept. 23,1897. AN INVITATION. A friend has handed us your name saying that he thought you would subscribe for the Bee. Wo mail you this sample copy for in spection. We will place your name on our subscription list and you will receive the paper regu larly unless you order us at once to stop it. If you do not wish to subscribe so» a year, we make you the following prices on snorter time: Three months, 25 cts.; six months, 50 cts.; one year, 1 dol lar. Parties living in other States or counties can remit by postage stamps or money orders. Address all communications to Evans A Winford, DeQueen, Ark. Walnut logs wanted for export. J. P. Brower, Plena, Ark. • ww mw—W.i ■■■■ ii— i m ■ ■——— NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Land Office at CamdrF Ark . ) Be£> . 1897 5 Notice ie herobv given tha‘» , namM settler has tiled nottr*-^*. .I’2’ to make final proctinf * - yf his intention ‘ v-£»- r Tm ans port of bls claim and tniu an.TJ.o--Twill be mvle before the county judge of Sevier county. Ark., at Lockesburg, ou 25th Oct. . 1597. viz : ELIZABETH C. NETHERY. (formerly Rush), of Sevier county, Ark. . H. E 14609 for the S W. 1-4 S W 1-4. Sec. 2J «ud W. 1-2 N W 1-4, 3. K 1-4 N W 1-4 Sec 20 T 7 8. R, 32 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivating of said laud, viz : Simon P Kenoy, Stonewall J Petty, Louis L Petty, John Williams, of Petty, Ark. J. A.. ROBS, Register. NOTICE OP PUBLICATION. Land Office at Camden. Ark., ) Sept. 14, 1097. i Notice is hereby given that the following named settler han fllc-d notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county Judge of Sevier county, Ark , at Lockesburg, On 28th Oct 1897, viz ; E. TAYLLOR LITTLE. of Sevier Co. Ark.. H E 16793 for the W . 1-t N E 1-4 and N 1-2 S E l-4;8oc. 21 T 8 8 R. 32 W. Ho names the fol lowing witnesses toprove hit continuous residence upon and cultivation cf aaid land, viz; James H. Huckabee, An drew J. Mitchell John H Martin, Joe W. Wyatt, DeQuouu Ark- J. A. BOSS, Register NOTIfE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at Camden . Ark ,) Sept. 13. 1897. | Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim aud that said proof will be made before the county lodge of Sevier county, Ark., on October 26, 1837, viz : GREENBERRY LITTLE. of Sevier countv, Ark.. Homestead Entry 16779, for west half of south-east quarter and East half of South-west quarter of section 13. In township 8 Somh. range 82 West He names the following witnesses to prove hie continuous residence updn and cultivation of said land, viz: Westley Murphy, Thomas A hulips. Lit P Prewitt, Elijah Huckabee, all of DeQueen, . ■■■ ■ . R—» 1 'll— ' 1 —I J H BELT •: DIALER IN:- v WINES AND JJQUORS, FINE CICARS JJ? QVEEN ARKANSAS. NSWTQL HRRDWARS CO. ' *'* —| Ambiticus Jlf usekeepers, The only Ex- * ’ Charter O ,J elusive Hard- Sensible Girls, STOVES I ware Store in —- Texas’ Saddles, vie buy An prlda Tiemsolvas Qn being and all kinds ofl our Goods for alletobaka Leather Goods! Cash and » -1 B ‘" Iron ar il picpaied to sell ?.. / f II Wagon wood. A the Best Goods . , f EckfcHU. nice clean stock 1 at same price ’of Shelf Hard-* you have been — thl* P a y in g for an "nd House Fur- inferior article. nishing Goods. -: tOAI» —5C— Wlll W" 'edhpensable. - | COME AND SEE US. j egggggß ■■ 1 ■ j. ■ ii i — - I MW . MRS. L. A. COUCH, ProuriftfivC Rates ifiil.OO I ’ot' or a Week. . JkX&VJ.feO- P e . w ? Vniy and clean. Remember the place, ' COUCH HOTEL, on De Queen avenue, near depot, DI; QUEEN, - * ARKANSAS. i “Proof of the pudding is the plumbs in the pie.” You can get the plumbs by calling on . < o T. A. HANNAH, who is ROUND to sell you goods at all hazards. Cash we want and cash we must have if bargains will bring it in. , Give, us a call, and ?et ! our prices and if we do not satisfy you in quality of ; gcods apd prices we don’t ; want your trade. We mean business and will prove it if you give us acai]. We Sell the De Queen Baking powder and also the finest negligees hirts in the city. T. A. HANNAH, ' > 1 c SUMMER GCODS MUSI' BE SOLD. 12 1 2 cent lawns at 7 1-2 eta. Ladle, shirt whims former price 75 cts. and SI 00—Allen’« hard time price 40 and 60 cent, I All other Sammer Roods sold in i-aine proportion. | iv ENS’ AND BOYs’ CLOTHING. Mena’ puita from 84 to 812. Cbildreu, suits from 75 < t*. io $3 A good 82 man’s list tor $1 25. All wo<d jeans 25 cia. a HORSE COLLAR' . Foi lie next 30 <la)s we we will sell horse <ollars of all ' sizes and kinds at cost. Call and see what we can du for you in ihis lip?, 4 HcKean’s I Ladies Shoes 65 cents per pair, fc '3O Yards Cotton Checks 12 Pounds o! Coffee for SIM ;; 1 yards of Calico for SI.M F r - *T I ■ ■ I haven Large Quanity of Flour and Meat cn hand tliat l„ was bought before rise that I can sell cheap. I « W. G. McKEAN- I'' ■ Cl ® IE EllEEif MI STABLE. I I OGDEN & GRADY Props. I Ml r IW 111 SALE STABLE J We are prepared to give you L I irst Class' Rigs and at Reason- I' able rates, with or without driv- I ers. If you need anything in our I line give us a trial. I OGDEN & GRADY I ■' 1 gsss!?"!!" 1 .. —"far ■ E. E. DYER I Is in the market with a compete 1 line of I GENERAL MERCHANDISE I And offers goods at LOWEST PRICES. I Cheapest Goods in the Territoy. I my OQDS and PICE I CHEAP is the word. I Eagletown, Indian Territory. I new Select stock, I B'ABGAINS. Dry Goods Cheap as the Cheapest I pedon Sh ° eS nt ’ Vo ” r W ” Pri ° 9, W " win meet the ' oal -- I I SMITH BROS.