Newspaper Page Text
Adopted By the Democratic State Central Committee- ;o — a a u * ec, i n g of the Democratic central committee, held in iv' 1 of Little Rock, Aik., on I, Is9s, the following were adopted, to-wit: jB 8() lv° ( i, !• That «* primary is hereby called to be held several precincts of the sev ■■counties of the state, on Bat- JMh’, the 7th day of May, 1898, purpose of selecting can. of the Democratic party ayst ßßhe various offices to be voted -JB t ,,e enfiU,n £ Amotion in Sep- by the electors of the state At said primary elec lyHhe names of all Democratic ■■dates for nomination shall be Qs °B£d on the same ticket under th,■■propriate designation of the HUI for which each is a candi- Sar votes shall be cast, the (Ba canvassed, ami the result sing SBii Kit'd, certified and forward lUonJOßccordance with the general prqaHKn laws of the state so far as ble, except as herein other ieaiu^^KrOvidea. Immediately upon of the polls the ballots counted by tho precinct '&■, and, together with a certif. ‘y the result in each precinct bat■O )0 forthwith transmitted to < rman of the county sen (igyjß|mmittee, to be by him de t’*.u||lHEl *° county convention ■■hfter called to convene in ’’ l s s s > that, upon e ’l )l ha ’d ret urns, each .■jjSrnion shall, on said 14th day .11 vJHBh cast up the returns from ~Bperal ptccincts of the coun rsaplfflß B ball send forthwith to the Mian and secretary of the committee, respect- separate cover, at Lit rifcßr ’ a cert ‘d c ale, under I wKds of the chairman and sec Y'' x Ajßbf tho said county conven u'Cl™Mß tie reHU ‘t of the election in the said U'-'/mMB 6 da.V of June, 1898, the HU d secretary of the state > 3 J^B co,n,D * ttce sHull publicly the returns so delivered and make a formal certifi- result thereof, which e, f o ß e fher with the re- 6 ?i3b ■om all the counties, shall *<V jßented to tho state con ven held in the citv of Lit- ViV/cWHr on t,ie 21st day of June, i.x Bll appear from said returns &a<tB WW added up and tabulated, candidate for any given have received a major the votes cast at the lime and in the manner bore then the person so 8a ’ ( l majority shall be JBpme, by reason of so re fil'd majority vote, the ot l * ,e Democratic party for which said votes r '-‘“t'iHßcasl for him, and shall be auc>l UolU ’nee without ibelawß l ' ll oting or contest before all or convention. shall appear, when said flMßre so cast up and tabulat candidate for any given /X-iB received a majority of cast on the day, al and in the manner here orn then it shall be de tLcre has been no nom ' nnn '”hWßmry election, and the i-i making a nomination for sha l be and is hereby £.Bp e in the manner usual in II tlfr en,ions - 2. That, on Saturday, at 2 p. in., at the pre >p, tijßß^ l6 various townships, m , at the precincts in ||Hnis wards in cities, Demo- JBBe tings shall be hold ling ■■Kt the state for the pur- delegates from ’ an Lfowg precinct to compose | JOUUIy conventions which are by Willed to be held at the OOtlVe county seats of all the d ithbaJn the state at 2p. m. on • M rd®/, May 14, 1898. 3. That the various when duly as " May 14, 1898, hr here- P allu in addition to MMtafoss above specified and Ollldr business us shall prop c'lbj^MWl-before them, shall pr<>- tb ttlecl delegate* to com- • "R r; JlMDemocratic state conveu ’ttbemble at Little Rock, • Oftr| ; Tuesda.v at 12 o’clock a*®|| 21, 1898, and that the ■';/* hBBi cpresen tat ion in said 1 jS'WHr® lll ’ oll Bl ,a| l be one del- more for every 200 > fSHr ac U° n thereof over 100 ®®®t for Dan. W. Jones, n A JNBBc nominee for governor - < ■■■shown by the returns on "’JlHßofriee of the secretary « in pursuance of resolutions, and for effectualing the election of the party of the state of > . hereby called to be the piecincts ot (he 7th day of May, 1898, s^» < W|ib®cralic county convene ar®, hereby called to be b»*ld tb® bounties of the state at le s’” 1 Saturday, May, 14, 1898, u, Dfinocruiic stale con ven. AIT 60ST! For the next ISdays we will sell any Shoe in the House POSITIVEY TXT COST. We must Reduce Our Stock to Make Room for the fe IMMENSE HOT NOWENROTE Come Earley and Remember the Motto, “Fist come, first served.” Bevier County Mereantlle Compuny. REGULATORS OF tion is called to assemble in the city of Little Rock, Ark., at 12 o’clock, noon, on Tuesday, June 21, 1898, to transact the business provided for in the above and fore going resolut’ons, and all such oth er business as may be properly considered. The respective coun ties, upon the basis provided for, shall be entitled to the number of delegates set forth below, to wit: Arkansas 6, Ashley 7, Baxter 4, Benton 12, Boone 8, Bradley 4, Calhoun 3, Carrol 7, Chicot 3, Clark 6, Clay 6, Cleburne 4, Cleve land 4, Columbia 7, Conway 9, Craighead 6, Crawford 9, Critlen den 3, Cross 5, Dallas 4. Desha 2, Drew 7, Faulkner 7, Franklin 7, Fulton 5, Garland 7, Grant 3, Greene 6, Hempstead 8, Hot Springs, Howard 5, Independence 8, Izard 6, Jackson 7, Jefferson 8, Johnson 7, Lafayette 3, Lawrence 7, Lee 0, Lincoln 5, Little River 4, Logan 8, Lonoke 10, Madison 8, Marion 5. Miller 5, Mississippi 3, Monroe 6, Montgomery 4, Nevada 6, Newton 3, Ouachita 6, Peiry 3, Phillips 6, Pike 4, Poinsett 3, Polk 2, Pope 8, Prairie 4, Pulaski 18, Raudolp 8, Saline 7, Scott 5, Sear cy 3, Sebastian 12, Sevier 4, Sharp 5, St. Francis 6, Stono 3, Union 7, Van Buren 3; Washington 12, White 9, Woodruff 9, Yell 10. To tal 455, Carroll Armstrong, Chairman Democratic Stale Cens tral Committee. Attest: Gray Corroll, Secretary Democ tatic State Cen tral Committee. AOALL. The County Democratic Central Committee is hereby requested to meet at the Court house in Lockesburg on Saturday, March 12, at 1 o’clock. Every member of the committee is urged to be present in person or by proxy from his Township as questions involving our repre sentation in the state convention are to be considered. Members should, as far as practicable confer with members of the party in their respect ve townships concerning tho propriety of changing from township conventions to primar ies for the selection of state and congressional candidates. This step may be necessary if we ob tain recognition in the state con vention. It would further be well to ascertain the aims of the people on the question of the consolida ted primaries for the selection of aU candidates as this question also is likely to arise. J. 8. Lake, Chr. H. L. Norwood, Sec. Election I .' Proclamation- Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the Incor pointed Town of De Queen, on Tuesday, the sth day; of April 1898, at the usual voting place, for Hie purpose of electing one Mayor, one Recorder, and five Aldermen us said Town to seive for the coming year. Given under my band on this 18th day of February, 1898. Chas. U, Buckner, Mayor. If you want to get a drink of some 18 year old whisky call at the DeQueen Saloon, FEED! FEED! McKean’s is the place to buy your Corn, Oats and Hay, and everything in the General Mer chandise line. M i/ Zs Texas Rust Proof Dais for Safe. \l Jz IZ Zi 'P IX Your Patronage Solicited. W. G. McKEAN, Prop. -MM———— ——T t~~w Til r' • ar wrr ti — ■—QB— They banish pain jUSjjfr ONE J and prolong life. GIVES 0 7 RELIEF. | • i RHWNS No matter what the matter is, one will do you Igood, and you can get ten for five cents. A new etyln packet contalntiiK ntw ripaxs rtßViJts In i paper enrton (without i-l.w) Is now for sale _ *t some drug stores ron airs crnts. This low price.! sort is intruded for tbo poor and the coouonil fl Ml. Ono down of tho tire out cartons (laotabulwl can be hud by mail by scuding forty light cents M to the Rir*«s ChkxicaL Comtant. No. 10 Upruee Street. Sew York-or a imglo carton (TMM 1 w TaRULE*) wiU bo sent fur fire cents. Best medicine ever mado since tho world was created. H L. J. DAVIS & SON, JBk- WOOD WORK. Horse shoeing a Soecialty. DeQueen. Arkansas. HE EE QUEEN IIIEEI STAUB W. S RAY, Prop. LIVERY MP»SALE STABLE. We are prepared to give out; First Class Rigs and at Reason able rates with or without driv ers. If you need anything in our line give us a trial. W. S. RAY, STAVE BOLTS. ♦ We want 2,500 Cords. ♦ We will give you good market, price for all your White Oak. Call on us at once. J H. O’NEAL & SON- BOSE & CO., ?sr 121-12 Olig iW A Difference ofl OjOßKsfjW . Can readi !y be noticed r I 111 n jBM / \ between ill-fitting, hand- m’ s j? / i me ’d°wn clothing and ggSlwww/ / / B0SE& W A llp ® MwpMirs W AUt iNUinfl L-tiTm tast Y an d stylish made* fl] twill \ I to-order oabmknts at & 1 i umslu _\ I moderate prices. Fir, AfflWl \rZT Finish and Fashion ilimtU* I \\l guaranteed. Try us and naarn-* Hbggi \\| you will be satisfied. SMMrtMdM H. A. FINLEY, Agent, DE QUEEN, ARK- . .I- 1 111 . ■ 1 'JU.-.'.. ..■■ 2 J . .1. I It The Best oiler Ever Made by a NewspaperJ 34 $1,50 The semi-weekly Republic, the best general newspaper in the world, con taining all the news in eight pages twice-a-week, and the Republic Model Mag azine one year for $1,59. at> The Republic Sunday Magazine was tho newspaper success ol 897. A home journal of the best class, 18 large pages every week, 4 pages ot fun, 14 pages of the brightest aud best reading printed. It contains more Ei/h-clasa pictures and cartoons than were ever attempted in any other publication. More noted write's and artists contribute to The Republic Magazine I i.-.n to anv other Western p iblication. The Magazine will be sold only in connection with the semi-weak Repnb« lie. but is mailed separately on Friday of each week. Address all ordcra to THE REPUBLIC. SI. Louis Mo.