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Image provided by: Arkansas State Archives
Newspaper Page Text
VOL.'I NO. 50. [ |’|i(rf»s! riwtos! I’liotos! > i All size-'. *ty leß aud P riceß at j hniIEEVUITXTIIHO. I Jn. r-I l» Qu-eunv 1 us a call when you w-int first- ; class wo:k at reasonable prices 5 MISS LILLIAN WILLIAMS, a | a nd N. 0 SALMON, ? Photo Artiflt* » . — .•* * cwoe* I ** LOCAL BUDGET. Gulden seeds ul Morgan Drug: Ladies vest from 5c up at Lnm- I riglit’s. jj U } your straw hat at Lum In ighi’s. Spring clothing, a speccin'ty at faiui'l Ighl s - IS year old whisky at Queen saloon. j W 1 ' Se'ect line Lad’ be is a at Lanilirigl4’g" ver get an ./ns county by election. Editor, does not that smack mart like carelessness on t of some of our present !t wo think the people remember such carelessness ials when they go to the y. is docs not find its way in ste basket, we may have ing to say later on. # Roads. — I ♦ —— ?wenty-fivo off on Shoos, he winter season is about pwi 1 now give our custom ®ty five per cent off on ail J. IL Smith & Bro. liSii, i I 1 SMITH. Prop’r. 'ES, $1 PER DAY rvthiiig new, neat and clean. Is at all hours, cial attention giv n to transients. you visit De Queen and fa {t good meal go to ! TOIL RiverFarmForSaleOrExcMe. ft Red River Vulley, Black land farm of 1052 acres, about •leu north of Hooks, 15 miles west of lexaikami ami about 12 mrtlieast ot New Boston, the county seat ot B"\vie county, courity is situated in the extreme northeisl part ot lexas, be« Sulphur and Red Rivers, is inosJy timbered ami is well ( l by the two uvers named, as well as numerous creeks and ?• Wells can be had any where in the county at a depth of to 30 feet. Climate is mild, the county is healthy and the s ar ° feg'dar, no drouth and plenty of rainfall. New Boston ,n, >’has a population of 1200, is a live, new growing ~,s a 000 court house and jail just recently erected. Over ues of cotton were shipped from New Boston last year. Texar* 1 the principal town oftlio county with a population of 16,000, mads, twenty-eight daily passenger trains, $125,001 U. 8. ■ O’liße and post ofiice, $75,000 Union depot, a line city hail 17 *t churches, good schools and colleges and other public gas woi kH, electi ic lights, .-trees. cars, wagon factories, factories, machine shops and a number » I oilier ndustrlrs H| g several thousand men and is a live up-to-date city. This H 4 tiver front of about two miles 200 acres ot switch cane utkes excellent food for stock all winter, mi I is covered with ln aih of native timber, and makes line agi inlfutal land when * here are 350 acres of black sandy land in cultivation, pro- 1 '•/jt year 50 bushels of coi n ami a bale of cotton to the. acre. 'i> on the south is 288 aero - of black' waxy land, newly fenced b'alitu, fine for agricultural purposes. Joining this is 300 tip laud, hcav’ly ti übcred, except 10 acres i.i culiiva ,l||< e good pasture, 8 good tenant houses 3 rooms each, good 'Titug at each house. Place has wire fence, se\eial hundred J" ‘"'b trees. Encumbrance SIUUO. Valley lands rent for 'Hie. Price sl2 50 per acre. I a-y terms or will trade for I ’' an I IIIt inorig t eif f rude wll justify, It » oil menu bu si "nut to buy or Hade wiite oi call o me at once. Cus Less, De Oueen Aik. — — —Jpa Tv— — PLJf fl "D I dJl'hgDJh\.\L lAlilm vest i. 'penpat Lam- Ol tvlfl / -_ r ' j • —■-—yoar atrj hat at Lam- HOF? JTI HIS VAI M.D-, When yon feel hke mk-g " /) ' SlirgCOH ciemion jusi I rot fine 1 n k a i i PB B W > ’ H.olm..h.y<u l M-i:athom...-Ak P T g °° dS * UL B H pharmacy. X= “ ghts T FinePerfuTT Jfc ’ Mr li J. I’.,•i<»,,J Catfish (torn the Atcha- * m ® • rerlU 9a|r Q ~ ' °•<*/*> - ■ -**• |M,-« n.,,,. „^, r i...,.,,.’*®’- every Friday at _ A I ; ■—< J I>-Queen the timrf ,p buy your lot 1“ OU __ ' Vj * Morgan Drug Co fire agents V fcn Jj^ nd & Town Site G j J J 1 d t‘^d:T l ';;... , Our Stock to Make Rotn I irrvnne -h'i Pll.e Healinu Oil. , 1 -ttlejoh’ ’ . _ . — V T A~ITA. T A. ktff2S±isßE LaOT ENROUTEE were u.c gti'-sis of Ben Lam- hl / « j jm JB °’ ! b i a nd Remmeber the Motto, ‘ Fist come, first served. “« D*. M. L. Norwood, of Iju’keM . ■ . »tei "«irg, ih nth nd’og the State Mn v _ jl Gen. Tu.<i'rnett. ’’ .1. s<...u&.rv £ REGULATORS OF PR ICES. I n •s• Al.«”’ ' mm————————k— w™«gs!—iB ~| » 11 —iw ■■■ ii ■ WJUMMBtiAi 111 «ii i ■ma» i a«rowww»swwßaeenß»^MM |11 11 * ram Lit’’ Norwoodvillo Nursery. 100,000 fruit trees in stock. I am prepared to offer Keifer pears and October Beauty peaches in large lots and will make low prices on early orders. Am also prepar ed to grow spacial orders in June buds of almost any* variety of peaches, and will make the very lowest prices on orders of June buds that is placed with me up to May 15. This is a bargain to those who want tested varieties and trees in good condition at bottom prices. 11. B Rogers, Prop. for Sale Eighty aer< of unimproved land 1-4 mile of city limits, all good ag ricultural land, tine fruit and vege table land. Will be sold at a bar gain if sold soo i. I‘or iuithei in formation address, ‘ . S. ARRINGTON, Lock Box 35. De Queen, Ark. FARM FOR SALE* Thirty’ acres one half mile south of public square, 15 acres in culti vation, balance timber, good dwel ling and bams, well good watci, all fenced. For further informa tion, call on or write E. Darius, De Queen, Ark. — — — .Cisterns Built- Parties wishing cisterns mace oi any kind of stone work done can get estimates, lowest prices and first class work by wiiiing A. ,1. Iliuninell. De Queen, Ark., or leavjlHhfaleis at Bee office. - An Apron. -- W. G. McKean’s ———WWUMIIW ■■■ I ■!! I! I—w FEED! FEED! J McKean’s is the place to buy , your Corn, Oats and Hay, and i everything in the General Mer chandise line. lx" Texas Rust Proof Oats for Sale. x* *!' «z zf z r ix Your Patronage Solicited. W. G. McKEAN, Prop. . I.IIII—■ jri j! n. . i They banish pain t and prolong life. RELIEF I iiw® No matter what the matter is, one will do you . good, and you can get ten for five cents. I j A now sty Ip packet eontaininß ten nrrss-s rsBVLEs In n paper ctr ton (without gins?) Is now for sale H at aoino <lnig rtonw ron nvi; cents. Tins low pi sort is intended l»r tb<> pom :uul th-< c o.onu fl cal <>n i dosen of the tiro cent carton* (140 tahules; can be had by mail tn seiidinir fort v emtit ci nil V f. to the ivtrsNH CHEMICAL COMJ'AMT, No. 10 bpruee Street. New York-or u single iartuu ITEM [• ». taßUl.mii will be sent for live c< nts. Dost medicine e»er made since the world was created. I’ L. J. DAVIS & SON, MMWTIIIW & Ak. WOOD WORK. Horse shoeiim a Snecialtv. DeQucen, 1 Arkansas. ipt ihihh un snu-i W. S RAY, Prop. r LIVERY H 0 ASP SALE s 1 at , v \Vc are prepared to give out pr T irst Class Ivigs and at Itcason- gp able rates with or without driv ers. If you need anything in our line give us a trial. W. S. RAY. ii ———- —= — j] e-’ HOTEL MERIDETH- W. H, Merideth, Prop. Cor. 2nd and lieynekcr Streets. Everything New, Neat and Clean. > DEgUEEN, + Bring your chickens, eggs and butter to Finley’s add get the top of the market, and buy your dry goods, ? shoes and notions. We are in the lead on low prices. We are making a drive on shoes. Don't buy lintil you see me, f H. A. FINLEY. -JinOt ft M merchant st)7 inn clarkk ■■Uhl (% uy 9 , tailors I£M Z u Chicago. WW KU mr fMrW OMrainra /?// Ilf !!/i if ■.A ' “ 1 jo .Jr j) ( JI •mvIUA L r <'\ tasty and stylish made* f '“'lii'W \ to-order oarmknts -- -U. ;IlH'jW -\ A !P oderat e prices. Fit, * ’IL’ It i Wl Finish and Fashion AT ~- .= —See our Sanpies H. A. FINLEY, Agent, DE QUEEN, ARK- _ _-j! The Best oiler Ever Made by a Newspaper i| 34 $1,50 The semi-weekly Republic, the best general newspaper in the w- rid, coi* * taining all the news in eight pages taice-a-week, and the Republic M del Mag azine one year fur $1,50. k - , - -v —Xa *n The Republic Sunday Magazine was the newspaper A home journal of the best class is large pages every week, 4 pdges ol fun, 14 pages of the brightest and best reading piinted. It contains more iiieh-class pictures and cartoons than were eve' attempted in any other publication More noted write's and artists contribute to the Republic Magazine tfi.i.i t. any other Western publication, Tlie Magazine will be sold only in connection with the semi-weak Repub lie. but is mailed separately on Eriday of each week. Address all orders to THE REPUBLIC. St. Louis, Mo. e r>