. e e e e eoo 11 ‘ THE DEMOCRAT. J. W. Garonen, Edito: and Prop. WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1892 : RATES: Daily, per month by carrier..............$ 50 Daily, six months by manil..cvniiin 3 00 Daily, one year by mai1............0eveeeees 6 00 Weekiy, one year by mail. ....... ..... .. 1.00 Weekly, six months by mai1.........c.0... 50 All communications shoald be rnddressed to the DEmoCRAT, The Daily and Weekly Texurkana DEo- CRAT are entered ut the postotlice at Texar kana as second-class matter. Democratic Ticket, 3 For President, GROVER CLEVELAND, of New, York. For Vi e President, ADLAIE E. STEVENSON of Illinois, For Presidential Eloctors, E. W RECTOR,of Garland, DR. J. W. BROW N, ot Ouachita. Ist disteict, R J WILLIAMS of St. Francis. 2ad district, JAS B WOOD of Garlend, Brd district, W V TOMPKINS of Ncvada. 4th district, M L DAVIS of Yell. Ath distriet, N T MORGAN of Beuton. 6th district, J 8 THOMAS ot Morroe. For Congress, Third District,, THOS. C. McRAL, of Nevada County, For Governor: WM. M, TISHBACK, of Sebast'an. For Secretary of State: 1L B. ARMIS L EAD, of Franklin, For Auditor of State: C. B MILLS, ot Monroe, For Treusurer: R. B. MORROW, of Sebastin, For Attornay-General: + JAMES P. CLARKE, of Ihillipe. Fer Superintendent of Public Instruction: JOSIAL, H. SHINN, of Pulaski. For Commissioner of State Lands: C. B. MYERS, of Puluski. For Commissioner of Agriculture, JOHN D. ADAMS, ot Pulaski, For Associate Justico Supreme Court: W E. HEMING WAY, of Jeflerson. For Prosecuting Attorney Bth judicial cireuit J. M. CARTER, of willer. o e e . e e S T 1y ANKROUNCHDMEN IS, | For Represextative ~Weare authorized to announce Will I Kirby as a candidato for Representatiye of Miller county, Ark., gutject to the action ol the Democrat:e convention, v ¢ are authorized to snnounce A M Garrison ss a candidate for Kepresentative of Miiler county, in the next Legislature, gubject to the nction ot the demociut ¢ party, For County and Prebate Judge We are anthorized to announce Jos Bed dingtield, of Bee h township, s a candidate for County and trobate Judge of Miller Couuty, subject Lo the action oi the Demo cratic party. Wo ara authorized to announce I, I, irio dell a8 a candidute for county and probate judge of Miller county, ruuject to the uction of the Democratic party. We are authorized to announce Dr. G. il Wootten as a eundidate for County and 'ro bate Judgo of Miller couuty, subjoect to the wetion of the Democrat purty. Woure authorized to announce A. 5. Joues ol Beech towuship as a candidute o1 County and Probute Judge of Miller Coun ty, subjoect to the action of the Democratic parly. —_— For shenil, M g ure anthorized to announce James T, Diilard us a candidate for Sherit! f Millor county, subject to the action of the Demo- Qrauic party. Weare authorzod to announce A. B. Blythe as o candiduts for re-o.oction to the office ot Sheifl of Miller county, subject 1o the uct.on ot the Democratic puriv. Wo are authorized to announce Jesse Coe as a candidate for the oflice of dherith or Mil ler county, subject to the action of the Dem oeratic purty, We uro authorizad to announce Thomas M. Deau of Garland Towpship us u candi date for sherif of Miller county, subject to the action of the Democratic purty. We are authorized to aunounce Joha H, Trigg us a candidate tor Shenfl’ ot Miller county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic party. —ee For Circuiv Clerk, We are authorized to nnnounced. V. Scolt as a candidate for Circuit Clerk ot Miller county, subject Lo the action of the Demo .cratic party. We ure authorized to announce Lucullis Winham as a candidate gor circuit clers ol Miller county, subject to the action ot the Democratic party. We are authoriz:d to announce Osgood Whittemore as n eandidate for the oflico ol Circuit Clerk of Milier county, subiect to the action of the Democratic varly. Wo are authorizad to announce 'fl' San dersoa as a canvidat) for Cirenis Clerk o Millor county, subjet to the acton of the Democratic partv, Wo aro authorized to announce B. W, Adams a8 & candiC.o for re-election to the o lice of circuit clerk of Miller county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic burty. w——— For Counvy Assessor, Wo are authorized to announce E..J. Pat terson of Sulphur townshlp, as a eandidute for Tax Asscesor of Miller County, subject to the action of the Democratic purty- We are authorized to annouce Josoph A, Pierce, of Days Creek township, a5 w candai date for assessor ot Miller County, subject to the action of the Demoe atie varty, We are avthorized ;to announce Isaac Roberts, of Boech township, as a candidate for Tax Assessor of Miller County, subject 1o theaction of the Democratic party. Wo are authorized to announce W, D, (Bully) Joues, of Garland Townstip, as u candidate for tax assessor of Miller county, übject wo tneaction of the Democratic party. We are authorized to announes Roy Nush ofHoman ‘Lownship, us u candiduto for Tax Assessor of Millor County, subjoet to the action of the Demceratic party. We are authorized Lo announce Dr. J, N, MeCasland of Sulpbur Towaehip, as a can didute for Tax Asscssor of Miller couuty, eubjoctto the action of the Domocratiz party. _ For County Treasurer, " Wo are authorized to announce A, A, Adums as & condidato for treasurer of Miller county, subject to the action of the L'emo cratic parvy. — For Constuble, We aro autborized toannounce Z, T, Few as & candidute for re-election to the oflice of Qonstable of Garlund township, subject to the action of the Democratic party. We are authorized to annonnce Jo Vinson a candidate for Constuble of Gurland ‘gomhlp. subject to the action of the Dem ocratic party. — s For Coroner, ~_ Waare authorized to announce George Wi Orr s a candidate for Coroner of Millor % ounty, subject to the action of the Demo \“‘t'» C M’; - Wa are authorized to aunounce Otto Par - kins as u-mdm for Ceroner of Milier - Uounty, su to the action ot the Demo ~ eratic party. o - For Jusuice of the Pence, | . Woureauthorized to announco W. B, - Wooks as a enndidate for Justico of the Peaco Al o tc nsh Py Subject to the aotion 41/ he Demoon o primary cloction July 23, e———— e e e— e— st e FANCIED JUSTICE. It seems to hurt some of the + Fourbon Democrats “awtully bad” 1 to hiave a conveniion «f the honest hard working poop’e come toge'h« "|erand embody a plank in their )| platforw: condemnstory of the mob | and the causes which 12ad to the )| horrib'e actions of an irresponsi- I ble, trerzied and blocd-thirsty | crowd of men who tr. nmple on law | to secure fancied jusice —Arkan - | sas Fanaer, | Now, white men of Clark Coun | ty, this 1s Sattler's version of the sop 'hat the Third per'y offers the negro for his vote. 'l “HoNEST HARL: WORKING PE)- PLE ' Great Scott] Do you know tne committee that wrote that sop .| Did you ever hear of L. P. Keath. | erston, the man that stole Cate’s scal in Congress, and voted with the Republicars for the nfamous force bill while oc:upying It. Da you know that 1 Glasby, a big buck negro, was on that ecmmit tee, then are you surpriged at the 80p. Y7O SECURE FANCIED JUSTICE *’ White men of Arkensan, is 1t a fancied justice that you se'k to gecure, when your mother, wife or daughter has been bruta'ly out raged? We ingiat that you answer tbis question with your ballot Wasit a fancied justice that the people of Texarkana meted out to Ed Cey? Wasila fancied justios that 1,69 ot the best people in Little Rock gave to the negro brute | that kad outraged, yes, murdered that little sickly five-year v'd white girl? Sutier writ+s such ar ticles s the above to catch votes | for the Third party; bt they won't catch, Allthe respectable negrocs object to the Jower class of heir race being upheld in such he'lish crimes. ‘We know of negroes i this connty, that would bura off their eye-brows in an effort to push ore of their own rece into the bot tomiess pits of hell, fer the com mission of the crime that Sutler the white editor of the Arkansas Farmer says it is “fincied justice™ to barg them. Dirty, dirty 8u ler.—Okaloaa Messenzor. T How’s Ths? We offer one hundrel dollars re ward for any cuse ot caturrh thu cannot be cured by taking Ilail’s Catarrh Cure. F.J. CanNey & Co., Proprietors, Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known I'. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, aud believe ham perfec ly hoaorable in all business tran:- actious, and financially abie o carry out any ohligations made by their firm West & 1 RUAX, Wholesale Druygists, Toledo, O, Warping, Kisnan & Makvin, W holesale Druggists, To edo, O. Hali’s Catarrh Cuie is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous suifaces o' the gystem. Testimonials sent fre» Price, Tdc per bottle. Soid by ali druggists. Im I is reported that petitiony ave being goton up in this, the 2rd district calling upon Capt. A", M. White to become » candidste for Congress agamst Hon, Thos, C. Mcßae, This, of course, is a Third Party moye, and 18 being rilgned golely by the reformers. Thes~ petitioners need not give them selves any troulle or lose any sleep on account of Capt, White He will be a candidate upor i own motion, it the petition is pre | sented to him or not. e is hun gry for an oflice.~Stephens Mom tor, Capt. White, peérsonally, is an | elegant gentleman, but wholly un f fit for the pesition ty which he as piree-—is not the peer ot Mr, Me | Rae in any respeet—aud we do not | see how any man, with State pride, |and having the inferests of his | country at heart, will eupport | Capt. White in prefcrence to Mr, ‘| Mcßae. ', WueN a child is born the attend. ‘| ing physician gets sls and the edi | tor gets bll if he happens to | make a migtake in the dato, | weight orsex. When a marriage -1 {8 to’emnized, asat always ghould ' be, the mimster gets $lO or even S6O; the editor gets a nickle or two perhaps, for rome extra copies, ‘| provided tho list of presents 18 [ privted, When a death occursy the undertaker gets 850 and the | editor gets a few more nicklos for E gome extra coppies. The world appears to be one sided, and the [ editor on the wrong side —lix. | Tom Mcßaxr bas made an cxcc!-l | lent congressman, and always ‘| proved true to every trust reposed ‘[in him, All who love State pride, |and desire to gee the Third Dis. [ trict well represented, will vote | for hin in November, : rsem——— Lyr every Democrat i Miller! | County vote 1 tha primary elec. t.on July 28th, | m’li';‘;"fi T llh'!lllf'gf JHHIN |!w "“”l“;‘ 2 { ‘ et : N RN N \\\\& it Wi ;il ! ’|' IH s~ = '?s\fw o \:\~§<,~“ NN N\, | Jir; il?i‘ lé | Fil 2D — SSI dij - i %}\ N (_.h \MT W‘ ‘ ..: oz A‘"?:? e || 4 1 r H q"i f '\\ For over 25 Yeais e -f~(~ n uy“ I"I:i £ .;! T Blackweli's . z, DURHAM, N, C, h,’l“ iy |R, ' ] tit « "// i \\\‘\ \ i ;;!‘ ‘::.w . ’; Wi RN |ot B I A QA S I ST AT 2 F | edih\ e | sucxns R ¥ G 3 I ) ~,_/////// it '.;N ¥h‘ d 's‘“4"',;\ ) [ Im =SSk x;.lmliJ.iflii!‘illx.if,,'...dr A‘,,‘é,,f,;,:;% N 3 et e e i e ) | | Cor FrsupAckis makingas)len.' | did campaign, : g ——— i | Frvemen, up to date, have re-' fused to act as Chairman of the! National Repub'ican Mxecutive ' Committee. Why not appoint Son | '| Ruseo!l? | (_'unmhcrlu];fi; (:IIA’{Q-,—(:&T.-I-B and Diare : riea Remedy | Can always be depended upon, It. is pleasant to take and will cure ' | eramp, cholera morbus, dysentery I | and diarrheea in their worst forms. | | Kyery family chould be provided with it, 25 and 50 ce2i t bott'es for sele by Swith Drug Co. : ) [ —————— | WhiLea member of Congress | Gen, Jim Weaver was tne author | of a Military biil in line with the | demand of the Bt. Louits platform, | but the amount hie proposed to ap- 1 | propriate to make gocd to the ex | Federalsoldiers the difference b - tween gold and paper money was only $300,000,000. Ivis duc the ‘| people ot the United States for Gen, Weaver to let them know ir he still stands by his bill. Cor. Warrpng, Clayton’s candi dute for Governor, in his cam. paign speeches, gives inore tme to talking of the steatage by Dem ‘ ocratic State Treasurers than any thing els 2, but fails to toll thit durieg the days ot Clayton’s ad ministralion, his minions did more stealing in the counties of Arka - sas than that of every defaunliing State Treasurer (Quay excepted) in the entire United Btates since the Declaration of Independence was adopted. It Baves the Cliddren, Me. (. H. Shawen, Wellsviile, Kas., says: “Itis with pleasure that [ epeak of the good Chawmber tain’s Colie, Ciolera and Diaarhoea Remedy has done my family dur ing tha last fourteen years, Ia the | most obstinate cases of summer complaint and diarrheea among my children it acted like a charm, making it never necessary to call in a physician, I can truthfully say that 1n my judgment, based on years of experience, there is not a | medicine in the market that isits equal,” For sals by Smith Drug | Company, | Wonder if the Repubicans in Arkansas will try to bring about » reconciliation between Powell (layton and Wm. G. Whipple, their candidate for Governor? A house divided against iteelf can notv hope trstand.—Stephens Mon tor. There is no reconciliation neces sary. Powell Clayton ordered | Whipple’s nomination cr it never wouid have been made, Nearly | one hundred dslegates to the con | vention that nominated Col, Whip | ple were Federal oftice hol(lws,‘l | whn hold their oflices by virwie of Cli yton’s say so, [feis emphati. | eally the Boss i Arkansas, IO VR T R R R RO e L 8¢ , 2 Qe MOTHERS FRIEND”? i RTY TAOV | | MAKES_CHILD BIRTH EASY, | Celvin, La,, Deo. 2, 1880,~My wifo ured MOTHER'S FRIEND beforo her third confinement, and says she would not be without it for huandrods of dollars. | DOCK MILLS. Sent by express on receipt of price, 1,50 per bot- | | tle. Book *To Mothers " hailed free. | | BRADFIELD REQULATOR CO. | FOR BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, ATLANT A, QA : x ey | b 3 ( (‘Qmw”’ Y ‘ N - L) ”! | | Vi YN \ . N \ Y 2 #AA | N‘ i \J # ' ) " Tk" { 7| Fun 1 LW i) "--3sé For 1S A — ) | Two., All children enjoy o drink of : ’ Hires’ Root Beer. £o does overy other member of tho family, A% cent packnge makes orrnllonu of this delicions oe, sYo oetLt 3 ' i sty N 1 umn'um»d' ty “-s“' 0 hultation 1s s ' T i . e a4 ee 35 2m " Tho Nervous Systom Js tha Man.! | ‘Sgi By, A T | qll ERLYS ) [ ,i;?gl::;.‘x'){: BJJ. G. JACOBS AT 52, ! (-"‘:4 | A\ | i Promptly relieves Sleeplessness, Mental or Phyeical Exhaustion. Loss of Appetite, Malancholy. l.oss of Power and General Debility ‘lt builds vp the health and strongth ot the sufferer from the first dose Under its use a large clas® of dvspeptics and neur sthenies will flad this sci ntifiz com | pound a panacea for their ailments and dis | @lsos, g | £ . . N sovarsion Remedy . & ! 1 | i LU iy A UMY T, For Rhumst'sim, Nervous Debility, Spinal Afiections, Dyspepsin, and all the peculiar gilents which renders so many unfi' for the dutics of life. It ig without d übt the par oxce lence of all bu'lding-up remedies ever given to the publie. A dosa taken before rativing afforls the sufferer a refreshing night’s reposa and several boxe: cures the wor:at eases of weak and broken down meh and wome, ; It contwins the active principles of Ceiery combined with Phosphoric Acid, Culcium, Viagnesia, [ron snd Sodiam, 1t is pleasant in it's effects und never fails to benefit. I r weak and debilituted fomales it is the best remedy within the whole range of mate ria meaica, A : Price, SI.OO per tox, by m-il prepaid; 6 boxes for $. Jacops Tuarmacy CoMpany sole Agents, Atlunta, Ga. R QAXET positive n e N v enres he BA T P-‘ ly cures the ‘ @F@ QL En tollowing isenses: {5 sué}‘ MERES Rheumatism Scrof- REEERY ~ ulay, Pimples, OOId e : i sipelag, Mercurial AanTan, B Affections, Uhronic e 5N Eek sat Oy A o) fens Nasal Catarrh, LA 4 Rt Syphilis 1n all SIS PAREY o' its Stages Pl e da e B Enlargement ~ o i S Y T the Spleen & Livm- Oy Bo ) e hoSpleen & Liym t-,»z,-;:erf.{»;. el phatic Glands g._.}{-";\;'g%,_gj,‘y;{j-j, K Sealy Affections of Gl YW IR Hn the ©Skin, Female {8 v e- A ml;.‘:”,m Digorder:, Kidnoy “.3,1 T Diseases, and sl R aenie PYEEEN dscuccs arising B¥ISAYEYMEDICINERD B Bty from an impure L _saws vous (6 bR, condidon of the A S (e 7o G FRRRBROR ] o), (U invigor (o STV T TTEY iI A ood, mvigor: LR BBV (< 1,1 I)uilds up the entiro system, causivy o lasting and per manen’ curg, SAXET is pleasant to take, and does not color or damege the testh. 1t contains no mereury, arsenic or stryehnine. Sureprompt positive. S&"SOLD BY SyMITH BRUG CO~sg RADHRJAD (PARKENKER) TINY TADLE, In Effect-Tunel, 1821, UK, iOUTHWES ERN ROAD COTTON BELT ROUTE. ‘ d _Arrives, Departis. | No 1 at 10:20 p m. Nolat 1045 p m No 2 at 6:00 n m. No2nat 6:2oam ‘\'n 3 at 9495 o m, No 3 ut 0:66 wm | No 4 at 6:30 p m. No 4 at 6:65 pm #1 L., 1. M, & B, Arrions Departs hlat 8:00 & 54 at T:BS 8, m 767 ut .46 p, m. 752 at 7:45 p. o o 5 ull 209, m, 766 at 2:25 p. e Ali north bound traing mako diroct con aection with all truins leuving Memphis, * C. E. Ewnvpunr, Ticket Agent 1A NEGONTINENTAL, LAes Deprrts 2 720 bom,