''TV. ♦ M /w 1 w z. joiict U Cl 11 OxOliL VOL. LX The New York Store, Dry liiiiid •, Clollmiji, Gents’ Furnishings, Shoes anil Carpels. 01 SIIO®, GBKTS’ FWISHIW SOODS, BEDKWEAR UTS 4 JUTTING. These comprise a large assortment, but owing to many of the lines being much reduced, as well as many odds and ends remaining fit this time, we cannot specify, but if Low Prices will do it, they are bound to go soon. adies, Misses and Children's low-quarter shoes ard slippers will not sell in winter and are bound to go We say the same of Summer Clothing, Neckwear, Puff Bosom Shirts, Underwear and Hats. If you need Matting now is >our time to buy. O’Dwyer < 2 00 No, 2. “ “ “ “ *• 275 No. 3. “ 3 50 No. 4. “ 450 No. 45. Extension Tables, Turned Legs, per feet ....... 65 No. 50. “ •* Bolted “ Shaped, per feet ...... 75 3J feet Kitchen Tables, Hardwood frame, Cottonwood Tops, • - - - • - 125 I “ “ “ “ “ 150 5 “ “ <« • " “ “ 175 rt “ “ ■< •< >< “ “ 2 00 No. 14. Bed Room fables 19x28, Shelf 12x20 - - - - - - - . 135 Hail Rockers, Oak, Ant. and 16th Cent, finish, from ..... s3.bo to $lO 00 CHEAP EXCURSION RATES TO ST. LOTTIS, VIA THE COTTON BELT ROUTE, ACC UKT the million dollar ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION, (Sopt. 0, to Oct. 22 ) Excursion tickets will be sold at rate ol ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARE lor the round trip (good five days), on Mon days and Thursdays, us follows: September Bth, 12th, 15th, 19th. 22d, 20th, 29th, and October 10th, 18th 17th and 20th, 1892. LOVIS r’Jkin, (October 3rd to Bth). VtILED PROPHET’S PARADE, (October 4th.) Excursion tickets will bo sold nt rate ol ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP, (good lor return until October 10th) on eve ry day from October Ist to Oct. 7th, Inclusive ni > u l 'i lllrt ' ler ‘ol’orrnntion cheerfully lur nshod on application to any agent of the Cotton Belt Route. WB. DODDRIDGE, E. W. LA BEAUME, General Manager. 0. P. & T. A. ST. LOUIS, MO. Magic JloNquiio Lotion, absolute preventative, at Smith’s Drugstore. lllue Lick Springs enter on lap. nt Lightfoot’s Drug Store. HOFFMAN HARDWARE CO. IXT Hardware. Stoves, Tinware, Nails, Cutlery, (Jueensware, Etc. Agents Studebaker Wagons, Avery Plows and KING’S QUICK SHOT POWDER. Pactal Uni iii Tit, Utp, Sbl Iron, Sic., Etc. 220 BROAD STREET, • ■ - TEXARKANA, ARK 1 ’ EI. E PHONE EXCHANGEE H. I. HUEY, Proprietor. DEALER IN FINE DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. TH K KIN BUT Billiard and Pool Tables in the City. BROAD STREET, • TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS TEXARKANA, ARKANSAS. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 27 1892 Magic Mosquito Lotion, absolute preventative, at Smith’s Drug Store. The only soda water in the city nt Lightfoot’s Drug Store. - 3t Traveling men assert that J. W. Stuart & Son carry the freshest, cheap est, nobbiest, and most fashionable stock of gents’ fumings to be found south of St. Louis. Choice selected seed wheat, rye and barley at Turner Bros. 8-20-10 t Choice selected seed wheat, rye and barley at Turner Bros. 8-20-1 Ot . E S WINE OF CARDUI for Weak Nerves. Choice selected seed wheat, rye and barley at Turner Bros. 8-20-10 t Magic Mosquito lotion, absolute preventive, at Smith’s Drug Store. Choice selected seed wheat, rye and barley at Turner Bros. 8-20-10 t Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Boarders Wanted.—l have re moved my boarding house to No. 302, corner Hazel and Clinton Streets, and am prepared to fake a few more boarders—terms reasonable,day board only sl6 per month, board and lodg ing $lB per month. Im. Mrs. Mary Human. w BIACK DHAUGHr tra cures Constipation. Fresh turnip seed, at Smith’s Drug Store. ts The only delightful ice cream soda, at J. A. Lightfoot’s. 3t Fresh turnip seed at Smith’s Drug Store ts x ‘Mem ißw y , Wyßik CEVIS ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts rently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys em effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the ouly remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac tcptable to the stomach, prompt in ts action and truly beneficial in its iffects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and SI bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HO SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. IMISVIUE KV NEW YORK. N.Y. iSSHMEN f,' . K HOUQHLY, FOREVER CURED .i\ , by a now perfected ' Mlontlflc method that ‘ cannot full unlq** the .>, • cn*e In beyond human ' * .’iDI. Von fool |ni|>i..\ "(I r. 4' T tho dny* foot tone- , * \ fit every day I soon luk a J ... }(Z A younolf a king ftinoiu. <*. \ men lu body, mind unci • '’ Wi 7)l'V® heart, Drains and lobiu’ 1 Wz ended. Every obmt»< t ///'fcrn' H\> to happy married lll<» re ’'* ///M l\ IVI// moved. Norvo £.»>.■• •' //// IM U'/ will.energy, brain pov er ‘ ' '//»/ I when falling or lou m .7/ a li\ V restored by thin n- .t ' ii 7/ A ill J mont. Allimiillnnd v.t_' /. | /•( /h\ J ujs( portions of tnobody •> like* 7XI largod and strengths. n ilVi I \ I Victims of nbmic. to,. /Mil i\J cxconiuml reclaim juu VffAlZfß\ 1 & manhood! HuflorerM’ S-Jh folly,overwork,lll Ihh.h 1 regain your vigor! Du p< dospalr.even If In (hr ■ Ktagna. Don't bo dl; I. . cnwlirquHrk. biivor ■ i bed you. Let ua allow that medical BcUinc ... hußlncMhonor *llll Cllstf hero go hnnd In hn "Wrile for out Hook with explanation* u |»r mailed aealed Over M.OOO rel>i< . IBIS MEDICAL 00., BUFFALO, r CHOLERA SPREADING. THE DREAD EPIDEMIC NOW ALL OVER EUROPE. Precautions to Keep It Out of England. The Disease Abating in Paris, but Increasing in Hamburg Washington, Aug. 25. —The United States consul at Teheran wires that the estimated deaths in Persia from cholera are 35,000, 5000 in Mesehed, 13,000 in Tabriz, 8000 in Teheran and 10,000 in other places. Hamburg, Aug. 25. —Considerable excitement lias been caused among military authorities by the appearance of cholera among the troops. Three cases and one death have occured in a regiment temporarily quartered here. The regiment has been ordered to leave Hamburg. The weather con tinues hot which is unfortunately fav orable to the growtli of cholera. Yes terday there were eighty-two new cases and thirty deaths. Papers here, which have been accused of greatly exaggerating the situation, turn on tlie authorities to-day and attack them for persistently denying the presence of cholera in Hamburg. The violence of the outbreak made concealment no longer possible. They claim that if the authorities had admitted at the start that the disease was true cholera, sanitary measures might have been enforced that would have prevented the spread of the disease to the extent which it has new read ed. Advices received at St. Petersburg from Astrakhan on the Volga show that cholera, which lias been raging in that city, has lost its epidemic char acter. The Hague, Aug. 25.—An official proclamation was issued to-day declar ing Antwep infected with Asiatic cholera and ordering a strict quaran tine against arrivals from that port. Paris, Aug. 25. —The sanitary chief of the war office declares that cholera in Paris, Havre and Rouen is abating and will soon disappear. ’Thus far in August there have been 365 cases of cholera and 104 deaths in Havre, not of tlie Asiastic type, however. Many of the patients died immediately after seizure. The steamers Galicia from Hamburg, and St. Andrew from Havre have been quarantined. London, Aug. 25. —Tlie Hamburg American packet company is the first of the trans-Atlantic lines to seperate its tirst-class passengers from emigrant traffic because of the prevalence of cholera in Hamburg. Tlie company has decided to entirely withdraw its fast steamers, Augusta. Feurest, Bis mark, Normanie and Columbia from the Hamburg service for tlie present and henceforth until further notice those vessels will make Southampton their port of departure and arrival. Other steamers of tlie line will sail from Hamburg, and on these emigrant passengers will be conveyed. Cleveland Will Not Speak. Buzzard's Bay, Mash., Aug. 25— The newspapers every day announce that ex-I’resident Cleveland will speak within the next two months in differ ent parts of the counts}'. The fact is, that Instead of accepting any such in vitations he lias felt obliged to decline them till. He does not anticipate making any political trips during the campaign. Struck By Lightning. Gainesville, Tex., Aug. 25.—At 1 o’clock this afternoon the powder magazine in the western part of the city was struck by lightning, causing an explosion. The shock was felt for twelve miles. All houses situated within a mile of the magazine were more or less damaged. Terrible Mine Accident. London, August 26.-—A fearful mining accident occurred tins morn Ing at Park Slip coal pit near Brid gend, a mining town of Clamorgrn shire, Wales. The day shift of min ers had not been long in the mine be fore a most terrible explosion was heard, ’the day shift is comprised of 150 men. Relatives and friends rush ed to tiie pit to leurn the extent of the disaster. The explosion was caus ed by an earth and rock fall. The mouth of tlie jilt is closed. Not a single man of the 150 in tlie mine made their escape, and It is feared there lihh been a great loss of life. Hundreds of miners in the vicinity have volunteered their services and are at work clearing the pit. Work is being pushed as rapidly as circum stances permit. Louis Hdlbron loans money on al kinds of collaterals business strictly confidential. McElrsQ WINS OF C4HOQI lur fsmnla dlwasss. COTTON PROSPECTS. The Crop Will bo the Largest Raised for Ten Years. St. Ixhiis, August 26.—The Repub lic in a weekly review of the cotton crop condition this morning, says: The Inst seven days generally improv ed the outlook for the cotton crop. The best prospects, ns heretofore, are in Texas, where picking has begun regularly in some sections, and where one report says tlie crop will be the largest for ten years, despite the de < reused acreage. Needed rains have fallen in quantities where, although the crops are late, it will be about as large as last year's. There is a better outlook in the Memphis district. Where lateness is the fault of the crop. This is due mostly to the recent Hoods. In mississippi there has been Hindi rain, and in some quarters there is a report of the plant not maturing ns it should. In Louisiana there has been a cessation of continuous raius, followed by cloudy weather, which prevented rust and shedding, so the situation there is more hopeful. In South Carolina there is a little change from the unfavorable condition here tofore reported, which make the crop late and poor. Reports of boll worm are more frequent than a week iigo, but all say their work will not do serious damage. At points caterpil lars are heard of, both in Mississippi and Alabama, but they have not done much harm. Hugh Dinsmore Nominated. Eureka Springs, August 26.—The Congressional Convention of the Fifth District met here yesterday afternoon and nominated lion. Hugh A. Dins more for Congress on the 58th ballot. FALL FESTIVITIES. St. Louis Extends a Cordial Welcome to All. The city of St. Louis has become famous the country over through the agency of her animal Fall Festivities, and from that source lias grilled Hie sobriquet of the “Carnival City of America.’’ For the season of 1892 all previous efforts in the line of entertainment will be eclipsed. The great St. Louis Exposition will throw its doors open to the public Wednesday, September 7th, and will continue to entertain nnd delight thousands during a period extending over forty days. One of the chief attractions announced by Hie management is tlie, engagement of Col. I’. S. Gilmore and ills world renowned bund, one hundred strong. Tlie illumination by gas and electricity of the streets will extend over a larger area and lie on a grander scale than any similar exhibition ever attempted in the world. The thirty-second great St. Louis Fair and Zoological Gardens, Oct. 3rd to Bth, whose fame has been heralded broadcast, will be one of the main attractions of Hint week, and ns has been customary for the last thirteen years the Veiled Prophet will again appear in hie favor ite city, on the evening of Tuesday, October 4th. Tlie Hotel accommoda tions of St. Louis hate been materially increased since last year and strangers are assured of hospitable treatment. The Missouri Pacific Railway and Iron Mountain Route, with their vast net-work of lines extending over the States of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Indian Territory, Arkansas, the West, South and Southwest, in order to encourage travel, have made a remarkably low round trip rate from points on their lines to St. Louis and return during the Festivities. For further information relative to dates of sale and limits of tickets call ou or address any Missouri Pacific or Iron Mountain ticket agent, who will be pleased to furnish same. Dearness Cant be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafhess, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tlie muscous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can bo taken out, and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hear ing will bo destroyed forever. Nino cases out of ton are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will give one hundred dollars for any case of dcafbess (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by tak ing Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Proprietors, Toledo, O. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Dalmation Insect Powder, the best made, at Smith’s Drug Store. ft Choice selected seed wheat, rye aw l , barley at Turner Bros. 8-20-101 aUr-WINB OF OAIIDUI, • Tonis for Woman. Mi. 17 FOUR CHILDREN DEAD. — AND AN UNCONSCIOUS WIFE FOUND BY A HUSBAND. Three of the Children Bitten by a Rattlesnake—The Other Child Drowned. Athens, Ga., Aug. 26.—A farmer named Wilson, living in Madison county, left his home and went to a mill, leaving his wife and four child ren at home. Two hours later he returned to find his wife lying on the floor insensible, with four dead children about her. The story the mother told when she was restored to cousciousness was a remarkable one. She said she had tak en the baby to a spring, leaving the other children in the house. Hearing cries she put the baby down and hur ried back to the house, where she found two of the children dead and the other one dying. The living one said they had been poking their lin gers through a crack in the floor and a hen had been pecking at them. The mother went back to the spring and found that the baby had fallen into the spring and drowned. The third child died when she got back to the house, and the mother then swooned away. Au investigation has shown that the supposed lien was a rattlesuake. Office of J. R. Greer, Co. Judge, j Green Cove Springs, Clay County, [- Florida, May 23, 1891. J Gentlemen: Twenty-three years ago 1 was attacked with inflamatory rheumatism, I was attended by the most eminent physicians in the land. I visited the great Saratogo Springs, N. Y., and tlie noted Hot Springs, of Arkansas, and many other watering places, and always consulting with the local physician for directions; finally came to Florida ten years ago. About two years ago 1 had a severe attack of rheumatism, was confined to my room for twelve weeks and during the time. I was induced to try P. P. P., [Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potas sium], knowing that each ingredient was good for impurities of the blood, after using two small bottles I was relieved; at four different times since 1 have had slight attacks and 1 have each time taken two small bottles of I*. P. 1\ and been relieved, and I con sider it the best medicine of its kind. Respectfully, J. F. Greer. RHEUMATISM Is emphatically a blood disorder caused by inability of tlie kidneys to to throw oft’ certain poisons which ac cumulate in the tissues about the joints and muscles. P. P. I’, very simply, quickly aud surely cures this disease neutralizing impurities in the blood. Experience and science both endorse P. P. P., as the only infallible blood purifier known. Dalmation Insect Powder, the best made, at Smith’s Drug Store. ts When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castorla Wanted. —A young man as stenog rapher and type writer; must be ex perienced, and familiar with business. Address P. 0. Box 10, Texarkana, Ark. 2-25-ts. McElree’a Wine of Cardul and THEDFORD’S BLACK-DRAUGHT are for sale by the following merchants in Texarkana: Smith Drug Company. W A Robinson. S Lemly. E M Williams. Dalmation Insect Powder, the best made, at Smith’s Drug Store. ts CANDY. To Introduce our candy we will send a sample pail of fine mixed candy for 40 cts. (Stamps taken), but only one pail sent to one person, and only 25 pails sent to one county. Charges paid. This offer is for a short time only. Please order at once. Address, The Fancy Candy Co., 702 Choteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 8-22-1 mod* w. Pure and Wholesome Quality Commends to public approval the California liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, it is pleasant to the taste, and by acting geutly on the kid neys, liver and bowels to cleanse the sytem effectually, it promotes health and comfort of all who use it, aud with millions it is the best aud ouly remedy. _ Young men, if you can't get what suit you in Spring Novelties at the Stuart's, you won't find the goods in town. _ Coco Pine Apple Slu’rbert, the belt of all, at Lightfoot's Drug Store.