Newspaper Page Text
CONSCRIPTION BULLETIN. (Continued from page 1.) 867—Nathaniel Taylor, Council. 930—Jas. Davis, Marianna. 185—Lem Potts, Marianna. 1398—Claybum Lee Boyer, Aubrey R. F. D. No. 1. 265— Randolph Clark, Marianna. 2064—John Smith. Goodwin. 285—Ernest Daniel, Marianna. 1720—North Smith. Brickeys. 1785—Wm. W. Jones, Goodwin. 2509—Elijah Lee, Marvell. 2554—Tom Terrell. La Grange. 750 1313—Israel Jones. Moro. 2584—Preston Hardie, La Grange. 1602—Will Armstrong. Brickeys. 1968—Sam Murry. Woodstock, Term i 1119—Joe Robertson. Soudan. 1864—Joseph Johnson, Marianna. 1963—Otto Jackson, Pillow Mound 1917—William Taylor. Clifton. 1051—Jas. M. Branch, Soudan. 560—Frank Robertson, Marianna. 303—Henry Dunlap, Marianna. 2121—Otto Folder, Marianna. 563—Geo. Robinson, Marianna. 211—John Buson. Marianna. 1435—Robt. Brown, Aubrey. 1784—Leonard C. Jones, Goodwin. 2513—Robt. Amos Patterson, Mar vell. 2002—Alfred Butler, Rondo. H63—Wm. Grove Chambers, Moro 2605—Jonnie Morris, Marianna. 1989—Daniel Augustus Campbell, Rondo. 2356—Wrm. Edward Tyler, Haynes. 1933—Eddie Wilson. Marianna. 2335—Ross Dillon Hughes. Haynes 146—Alfred G. Samuel. Marianna. 775 834—Robt. Neeley, Council. 1376—Geo. Toney. Moro. 1373—jas. Thomason, Moro. 1008—Jessie Slaydon, Marianna. 229—Jas. Bradley. Marianna. 410—Dommie Johnson, Marianna. | 299—Henry Doby. Marianna. 1075—Earmer Hampton. Soudan. 2391—Ally Dickerson, Haynes. 1189—Levin Sydney Land, Moro. 2606—John Mosely. Marianna. 750—Orlie Berry, Council. 58—Ernest Baxter Gaither. Mari anna. 2394—Spoter Dawkins. Haynes. 2409—Will Green, Dansby. 1443—Cubay Irving Chandler, Au brey. 1654—Golden Head, Brickeys. 2367—Isaac Austin. Haynes. i=9—David Wm. Shea. Marianna. 19—Walter Lafayette Britt, Mari anna. 400—Hamball Ishmael, Jr., Mari anna. 2321—Ayahnes M. Faulkner. Hay nes. 1547—Anthony Robinson. Aubrey. 1875—Calvin McAdoo, Goodwin. | 1320—Ed Keaton, Moro. 800 — 1977—Tom Turner. Starksville, Miss. 4_Chas. Jacob Baldwin. Marianna. 1858—Lawson Johnigan, Palestine 1871—Anderson Mandsth. Palestine 17.‘J5—Jessie Smith. Brickeys. 115—Wm. Burkley Mann. Marianna 8.32—David Mathews. Council. 1180—Trent Graham, Marianna. 2350—Clarence Philpot Forrest City 206—Alonzo Barnett. Marianna. 1865—Early Jones. Marianna. 2178—Geo. Owensby. Askew. 228—Wm. Bradford, Council. L489—Joe Jackson, Aubrey. i 136—Albert Clifford Parker. Mari anna. 872—Daniel Walls. Peters. 1777—Stephen A. Douglass, Pales tine. 311—Will Evans, Marianna. 430—Simon Kellam. Marianna. 2344—Collyer Wesley Lawson, Haynes. 2122—Ira Germany, Marianna. 328—Elmo Fountain. Marianna. 965—Frederick Johnson, Tnomas ville. 2075—Walter Boyd, Goodwin. 96—Glen Hays Leary, Marianna. 825 1519—Gus Motley, Aubrey. 896—Chas. W. Shankle, Marianna. 1098—Otis Lewis, Soudan. 1976—Aura Simmons, Marianna. 624—Peter Thomas, Marianna. 2106—Jesse D. Beauchamp, Mari anna. 507—Will Murdock, Marianna. 2369—Linnie Brown, Haynes. 544—Ambros Pryor, Marianna. 1021—Willie Woods, Marianna. 2190—Thomas Wiggins, Askew. 2144—Otis Lewis Hamilton, Askew 747—John Baker. Hughes. 1883—Alphonza Nickerson, Marian na. 2497—Ray Field Ebron. Marvell. 1269—Roy Grizzell, Askew. 2506—Miles Jacques, Marvell. 2543—Willie Kidd, La Grange. 2423—DeWitt Jones. Hughes. 2573—John Earnest, La Grange. 1258—Robt. Covington. Moro. 2529—Alonzo Williams, Marvell. 2637—Geo. Wilson, Marianna. 929—David Copeland. Marianna. 1508—Thos. A. Lewis, Aubrey. 850 2410—Jewell Garrett. Dansby. 2045—Oscar Daniel Gregory, Good will. 1194—John W. May, Moro. 196.?—Raymond Kneeland. Phillips Bayou. 138—Grady Parks. Marianna. 2618—Jesse Scott, Marianna. 2426—Lovelace Jones, Haynes. 1667—Ad Harper, Brickeys. 1199—Robt. Lee Mills, Monroe. 1619—Phillip Bently, Brickeys. 1794—Jesse C. Maye. Marianna. 2168—Dudley Gibson. Askew. 91—Wm. Alston Johnston, Marian na. 838—Ben Peters, Council. 635—Wesley Turner, Marianna. 1416—Vences E. Motsinger, Aubrey 2261—Geo. Mickel. Marianna. 2278—Melvin Sails. Rondo. 2593—Harrison Johnson, Marianna 2440—Allen Mahn, Haynes. 861—Harve Sentor, Peters. 633—Lenon Turner, Marianna. 1326—John Miller. Moro. 2274—Sim Smith- Marianna. 712—Wm. Woodson, Marianna. 875 17—Earle Brainard, Marianna. 802—Cleveland Ivory, Peters. 1255—Fred Brown. Moro. 1990—Maney Dearman. Aubrey. 2192—Fred Yarbrough. Askew. 2297—Henry Wallace, Lexa. 691—PresTon Williams, Marianna. 378—Sam Hicks, Marianna. 1083—Geo. Ivy. Soudan. 2206—James 'Noland. Rondo. 237—Jake Brown, Marianna. 422—Irby Jones, Marianna. 2295—Richard Walker, Rondo. 619—Dave Terry, Marianna. 1050—Joe Betts, Soudan. 344—Hosy Galady. Mariana. 2072—Thos. Bonds. Wheatley. 2433—Jim Lane, Dansbv. 824—Mack Mitchell. Council. 442—James Lawson, Marianna. 121^—Richard Elias Paris, Moro. 1799—Chas. Stemac. Palestine. 202—Sydney Baldwin, Marianna. 164—Lutie Wm. Vernon, Marianna 268—Frank Collier, Clifton. 900 272—Haywood Conner, Marianna. 1198—Wm. L. McElduff. Moro. 1248—Wm. Burnett. Moro. 1174—Sidney Farrell, Moro. 964—Frederick Johnson, Marianna 866—True Love Tony, Council. 593—Oral Stubblefield, Marianna 407—Samuel Jefferson, Marianna. 262—Claybum Chisum. Marianna. 886—Robt. Franklin Lewis, Marian na. 1830—Will Alexander, Marianna. 1561—James Fredson Smith, Mari na, R. F. D. 2. 1901—Jesse Rollison. Marianna. 1772—Jimmie J. Chandler. Marian na. 1373—Senior Tate. Moro. 1465—Paul King Agrippa Dunn. Aubrey. 2602—Dave Morsaw, Marianna. 883—John Willie Goss, Moro. 2136—Thos. Wiliams. Marianna. 1161—Arthur Tarbet Chambers. Moro. 1861—Claybum Jones. Marianna. 769—Walter Davis, Peters. 1152—Scott Brass, Moro. 1380—Walter Vancer, Moro. For some years, various and sundry concerns have been making beverages which are grouped under the general description of near-beer. Then came Bevo—a cere*l beverage, not a “near-beer, but offered purely for what it is—a delightful, wholesome and nutritious drink. Bevo met with instant and complete success. A whirlwind success. Owing to Bevo’s popularity, some beverages are now being offered in a way to make the appearance of the package look as much like the Bevo bottle as possible. The intention is obvious. But you don t taste the shape of a bot e —it's the flavor of the contents of the bottle that you must depend upon or enjoyment. Then beware of impersonators—don’t be satisfied to try to identify Bevo by the shape of the bottle clone — There are these certain identification marks that are your protection against im’tatior.s. Not just imitations of the I roduct, remember — but those more insinuating imitations which try to deceive you by putting an old failure into a bottle similar to a new success. So look for these unmistak able marks of the genuine Bcvo—demand that the bottle be opened in front of you, then— Look for the Seal See that it is unbroken covering the Crown Top Look at the Crown Top and see that it bears the Fox Be sure the Bottle bears this label Bevo is a pure drink. This means more than that it contains pure ingredients—it means that though you might often well be afraid cf possible germs in milk or water, Bevo, being a pasteurized prod uct in sterilized bottles, is absolutely free from bacteria. Bevo is a nutritive beverage—the fine cereals from which it is made give it this quality. j Bevo is a delightful and refreshing soft drink unlike any you have I • ever tasted—indeed a Triumph in Soft Drinks. You can’t get these good qualities in anything but Bevo demand the genuine. Bevo i» nold in bottles only—sod is bottled exclusively by ANHEUSER BUSCH ST. LOUIS Bevo— NEWBURN GRO. CO. the *J&“Hnrkund Dealers MARIANNA, A!JI1. 2L Distributed bv Newbern Grocer Co. II Ice cold, with a snappy tang, Pablo gives immediate thirst relief. Being pure and wholesome, Pablo is the ideal hot weather beverage. Pablo is The Happy ^iwTnk It refreshes and satisfies all the way down. Just try Pablo and see. You’ll agree with us that Pablo cools and invigorates. And it is healthful too! Made by Pabst at Milwaukee Marianna Wholesale Grocery Co. Distributors 1293—Richard Hughes. Moro. 925 1907—Robt. Smith. Clifton. 366—Wm. Hart. Marianna. 2030—Almus Pannel, Aubrey. 581—Ollie Saunders, Marianna. 2625—Sam Turner, Marianna. 1227—Arthur Wallace Wilson. Goodwin. 2486—Cayce Franklin Fallis. Mar vell. 124—Ray Hays Mitchell. Marianna 481—Robt. Montgomery, Marianna 2415—Darling Hopkins, Haynes. 1937—Aloe Vaughn, Marianna. 895—Johr Thomas Russell, Mari anna. 744—Telford Brooks. Peters. 979—Anderson Lockhart, Marianna 592—Ernest Strong, Marianna. 1409—Wm. Franklin Gideon, Au brey. 1876— Hezekiah Mickens, Marianna 2508—Ambrose Jones. Marvell. 1704—Will Phillips. Brickeys. 1367—Eliza Shackleford, Moro. 2117—Oscar Baker, Marianna. 829—Alec Mathews, Council. 240—Ollie Brown, Marianna. 1028—Walter Wise. Thomasville. 2092—Jesse McGehee. Wheatley. 950 2123—Elmo Germany. Marianna. 499—Sam Moses, Marianna. 2027—Dallas McKinney, Rondo. 2387—Will Calbert, Haynes. 1011—Manuel Sales, Marianna. 590—Henry Stevens. Marianna. 1105—Jesse Murrah, Soudan. 444—James Leatherwood, Marianna 636—Willie Turner. Marianna. 1760—Wm. Wallace, Brickeys. 2457—Roscoe Patton. Haynes. 1877— John Moore. Marianna. 735—Mose Alexander, Peters. 1863—Sanders Johnson, Marianna. 2526—Sam Tilliman, Marvell. 634—Tommy Turner, Marianna. 2363—Mathew Askew. Haynes. 2233— Lee Chesser. Marianna. 1504—Jesse James, Aubrey. 326—Robt. Fordham, Marianna. 1575—Harry Walton, Aubrey. 1453—James E. Croft, Marianna. R F. D. 8. 2065—Jesse Triplett. Moro. 447—Walter Lewis, Marianna. 1728—Ashley Smith, Eblin. 975 1947—Gabe Crump, Phillips Bayou 76—Ernest Hollaway, Marianna. 1897—Arthur Price. Clifton. 2519—Will Seales, Marvell. 1319—Jerry King, Moro. 1892—Wm. Perkins, Marianna. 672—Otto Walton, Brickeys. 1363—Willie F. Stephens, Moro. 1940—Jake Birdsong, Pillow Mound 949—John Hunter, Marianna. 1350—Morris Russell, Morcf. 2118—Chas. Barns, Marianna. 1823—Harrison Chambley, Clifton. 993—Less Nash, Mfrianna. 1306—Lewis Hutson, Moro. 1513—Ed Moore. Aubrey. 1043—Rodgers W. Woollard, Sou dan. 1065—Emerson Foster. Haynes. 851—Octora Reece, Council. 1181—Guy Henley, Moro. 1545—Morris Robinson, Aubrey. 2346—Jesse Owin Maberry. Haynes 1490—Nathaniel Jackson, Aubrey. 2552—Will Adair, Marianna. 1811—Haywood Adams, Marianna. 1000 1413—Wade H. Kearney, Aubrey. 1767—Claud Billingsley. Palestine 158- Andj Tullas, Marianna. 1569 Walter Thornton, Rondo. 2302—Andrew Armstrong, Haynes. 778—Milliam Former, Council. 187—Walter Allises. Marianna, R. F. T). 1. 2597—Harrison King. Marianna. 52—Glen Frazier, Marianna. 105 Tcobt. Smith McClinto.k, Mari anna. 2384—Ernest Calvin, Haynes. 650—Wm. Thos. Walton. Marianna 14°0—Lawrence Womble. Aubrey 1553—Wesley Smith. Aubrey. 3101—Chas. Soencer, Goodwin. •36—Joe Qualls, Council. 1387—Golden Williams. Moro. 36—Lawrence Crek, Marianna. (Contiued on page 5.) Hot Springs, Ark. Nature’s Workshop Majestic Hotel and Bath House Where the pleasures of recreation and the pleasures of get t ng well are delightfully combined, where the wonderful Radio * ^ active hot water baths and the pure air of the Ozark Mountains combined with the many indoor and outdoor amusements, will make your vacation one long to be remembered. Free garage in connec tion. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND LOW SUMMER RATES. * HARRY A. JONES, Manager. I REAL ESTATE For prompt and efficient service see us if you want to buy or sell real estate. FARM LOANS We make liberal farm loans from $300.00, and up at low rates, long or short terms. INSURANCE | Let us write yu»or fire, Tornado and casualty in surance. We can pr periy protect you. j ROBERTSON & BENHAM PHONE NO. 30 r O. C. Sutton & Col Manufacturers of and Dealers in I Brick, Lime and Cement I Send or Write to Us and Get Prices. We Can f Save You Money. TELEPHONE NO. 165 j