Newspaper Page Text
SALMAGUNDI. ftaf* Mother—‘-Here, Tommy, is some nice castor oil with orange juice in it.” Doctor—“Now, remember, you must not give it all to Tommy, leave some for me.” Tommy—( who has 'been there’) “Doctor's a nice man, ma; give it all to the doctor.” Reader, did you ever enjoy the ecstatic bliss of courting? if you did'nt, then get a little gnl-an-trv. There is a man in Colorado so thin that when the sheriff is after him lie crawls into his rifle and watches liis enemy from the touch-hole. Bgf One of onr exchanges says that Aurora, 111., has a girl-whipping sensa tion that beats that at Cambridge all hollow. A teacher there, for a slight infraction of his rules, feruled several of the older girls, and compelled some ! of the younger ones to raise (heir skirts while they wore whipped on the calves of their legs. “Bill Tompkins what is a wid ow ?” “A widow, sir, is a married, woman that haint got no husband, ’cause he’s dead.” “Yerv well. What is a widower?” “A widcrcr is a man that runs aider the widders,” figy Advising a marriageable girl1 not to marry, is like advising a fish not j • to swim. ; 8®- Wli y arc balloons in the airJike j vagrants. Because they -have no visi ble means of support. 8@“ An editor at a dinner table be ing asked if he would take some pud ding, replied in a fit of abstraction : k • “Owing to the crowd of other matter • we are unable to find room for it.” 8®” A traveller* passing through a little TOwn in Kentucky asked a livery stable man how much corn was usually raised in that part of the Country. He told him there was generally raised from twenty to twenty-five bushels to ■ the acre, that, each stalk had nine ears ©n it, and was twelve or fifteen feet high. “That's nothing to our corn," said the traveller; “tip in Illiuov, where I come from, we always had nine ears on each stalk, and a peck of shelled corn hanging to each tassal, and wo never could raise any corn-field beans with it." , “Why ?" j' 7 “ the corn grew so fast it al - ways pulled the beans up I” Cuba is on the verge of bank- j , ruptcy. Spain is on t he verge ol' revo lution. Bourbonism has ruined both, as it ruined France, ruined Itaiv, ruin * ‘ I cd Mexico. Bourbonism m the past has ruined everything that it touched. ■The spirit of Bourbonism will ruin j everything that it touches in the future. —Chicago Times. Have you any reference to Bourbon ■ Whiskey ? --—_— Dtrsx Retuhning to Dust.—It is as certained by scientific writers, that the number of persons wiio have existed on ' our globe since the beginning of time, amounts to 3G,627,S42,273,075,250.— These figures when divided by 3,005,000 —the number of square leagues on (lie globe—leave 11,320,080,732 square miles of land, which, being divided as before, give 1,314,022,070 pcrsons'to each square mile. If we reduce these miles to square rods, the number will be 1,853, 174,500,000, which, divided in like man ner, will give 12S3 inhabitants to each square rod; and these being reduced! to feet, will give about five persons to , each square foot of terra l’rrma. It will thus be perceived that our earth is a vrtst cemetery. On each square rod of it 1283 human beings lie j buried, eac-b rod being scarcely suffic ient for ten graves, with each grave 1 containing 12S persons. The whole surface of our globe, therefore, has been dug over J.Z6 tunes 10 uury ns ucau.— How literally true is the declaration of the poet: • “Xhero’s not a dust tliat floats on air But onco was living man.” Trials.—An hour in our life will j surely come when we shall be enabled to say that we have not had one trial too much, not one that could have been spared; and the heart will become bur-: dcued with the sense of an awful reali ty, a perception of that wonderful fact that the events of life arc in themselves j nothing; that they arc but the body destined to decay; yet that each, how ever trifling, bears within it the seed that is to exist forever; and we feel ' that we can yield ourselves passively to any circumstances, whether happy i • or unhappy; neither wearing ourselves with regrets for the past, nor burden ing ourselves with cares for the future ; so only that the present moment might add its grain of faith and holiness to the treasure garnered in the hand of jGod against the great day of account. j I>on’t Stand Still.—If you do you -'■f'will be run over. Motion, action, pro / gress—these are the words which now 1 fill the vault of heaven with their Stir ling demands, and make humanity’s heart pulsate with a stronger bound. Advance or stand aside, do not block up the way and hinder the career of others; there is too much to do to al low of inaction in anything, anywhere or in any one. There is something for all to do ; the world is becoming more and more known ; wider in magnitude : closer iu interest: more loving and , eventful than of old. Notin deeds of daring, not iu the ensanguined field, not in chains and terrors, not in blood, and tears, and gloom, but in the leap ing vivifying, exhilarating impulses ot a better birth of the sold. Reader, arc you doing your part iu this work. ( Sayings of Josh Billings:—I lik< (hem kind of Boys w ho are always try ! jug to lift half a ton. Let the world understand that yoi ! can be spit upon, and you are a spitboj i for life. It costs more now daze to feed anc I clothe “etcetera” thin any other fel low in the family. Conscience is nothing but reason more or less educated ; conscience is not sc strong a natural gift as is an ear foi music. If yew are agoing to help a man, be lively about it; promised assistance af ter a while is considered a debt. Don't never profess much, for if yot git it right, nobody will remember it and if you got it wrong/ nobody wil disremenaber it. Some people arc very apt to think that their opinion, backed by a pair ol horses and a coachman is omnipotence, but i hcv, thus far, put more heft ol confidence in brains than I her by long odds in boss feed. Don't forget Hint every man is a beg gar in the opinion of God—“Give us this day our daily bread.” This trying to live on the reputashtin ov a. ded grandfather, is jest about as enterprising as tr\ ing to batch out rot ton eggs under a tin weather-cock. JBleloclt & Co,, Booksellers, stationers, Printers, —AND— Blank Book IH Ai Hi G I? ^ 0) T Uj B E;R », RI5 MAIN STREET, M E JML I * ItIH. Record Books for Coiui/y Officers on hand, and made to order. uovl7-om W. W. WAIR, OF ARKANSAS. —WITH— SI1LOSS Sr BliO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS i CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Hats, FnrniMhingi Goods. Planters’ Goods, &c., ! 17 Main Street, Opp. Odd Fellows Ilall, >ct27-6m MEMPHIS, TENN. E. ROBBINS, E. BRADLEY, 10 Warren Si , N, Y. 1 Memphis Torn). E. ROBBINS « BRADLEY, 223 Second Sired, Adams Block, i BETWEEN ADAMS AND JEFFERSON STS.) Memphis, Term; HARDWARE, Plantation Implements, Mechanics Tools, HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES, BUILDERS HARDWARE, GUNS. Pistols and Bowie Knives. novl7-3m ,Y. S. PICKETT. LEVI JOT. t A LI' H WOUMEJILEY. JOHN D. USSERY. W. S. X»i civet t &Co... mwn ?mm$> —AND— General Commission Merchants, NEW ORLEANS, LA. JAMES A. PAINE.JACK IIORNE. WORMELEY, JOY & CO., Cotton Factors, WHOLESALE Grocers and Produce Merchants, 31© E^-oiit St., Memphis, Tenn. IT will bo seen by the above announcement, that we have established a branch of our house in New Orleans, under the management of Mr. W. A Pickett, an old an experienced cotton merchant in the New Orleans trade, thereby otfering to our customers the advant ages of either market for the sale of eejton and purchase of supplies. jan5- WORMELEY, JOY & CO. J. A. NEVILS. JAS. KOSE. 1 >IC1t 1'OE, -WITH— wmmn m mm* W IIO L E 8 A L E AN D RET AIL GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS, Wo. 1?G fi'ront Street, Tom. McKeon's Old inland, jHetn/zhis, JDennes&ce. figrParticular attention paid to tht sale of Cotton. fi^-All Cotton or other Products con signed to us, is Insured under our opet policies, unless otherwise instructed. - oct27-tf NEVILS & ROSE. Tli© Arcade ! I F you want somethihg that is good call a the Arcade. Hot Tomand Jerry, Brandy Whiskey, Cedrott Bitters, etc. in fact, ever thing that is good to drink. Will buy all kinds of game, and pay th highest market price. 11. B. liETUEIit. i>es Arc, Ark., Jan. 19, !v‘ RES ARC ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW CASH STORE!! "Wdlson & Cool?:, DBS ARC, ARKANSAS, DEALERS IN STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, -<* • 4 L HOIKS’ DRESS GOODS, SIIAWL, HATS, RIDING HATS AND BONNETS, of fcni ^arieof, A good stock of Mens’ and Boys’ HEAD IT-MADE Hats and Caps, , DOTS Am SKOSS, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, STATIONEB-Yj * FAMILY GROCERIES, Etc., Etc. | _ We would respectfully solicit the pub lic. generally, in visiting Des Arc to buy Goods in our line, to honor us with a call. We hope after doing so, they will find it to their interest, to buy from u s . We arcVtrangers in (lie country, have coinc ' among yon with the view of making this our i permanent 'home, and only ask, that by fair ; ^ dealing, promptness and liberality in busi ness, that vAshare a reasonable portion of. patronage. \ WILSON £ COOK. I, Des Arc, Ark\f)ct. 13, 180G.—ootl3 UEOBOr. il’I.ABJB*. r. 11. iuilov. j '* McLARElM HAYLEY, DEALERS IN mk ?mo& § ca A g-jp a A c € t itU i n g, HATS, BONNETS, BOOTS, sfe BOOKS, STATIONERY, $c , \ DES ARC, ARKANSA^. WE HAVE NOW IN STORE OUR FAEal* WINTEE, A large anil general assortment, consisting of Osnaburgs, Brown and Bleached Domes tics, 8-4, 10-4 Sheetings, Tickings, Cotton Stripes, Plaids, Checks, Prints, Etc., Etc,, Etc. A LARGE LOT OF. I READY-MADE CLOTHING, WOOLEN GOODS, BED AND CRIB BLANKETS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS, JEANS, FLANNELS, PLAIN AND PLAID LINSEYS, Radios' Dress Goods, Merinos, Poplins, Delaines, Etc., Dress Trimininars, Buttons, Ladies Cloaks Shawls, Hosiery, Slats, Bonnets, Bonnet Ribbons, Hoop-Skirts, Balmoral Skirts. A LARGE LOT OF queen s w are. 80 Cases Boots &ud Shoes, Assorted, I * — 40 Dozen Men’s and Boys’ Hats, Assorted. ♦ T SCHOOL ROOKS AND STATIONERY, And many oilier articles, all of which wc will sell cheap for cash. 1 We respectfully ask a share of patronage. ! and would suggest to those buying Goods iu this market, that they might find it to their ? interest to give us ft call before purchasing elsewhere. i oct20] UcLlREX A HAILEY. t s. A. STEWART. Stewart, Galbreath & Filer, New Orleans. » W. STEWART, of Galbreath, Stewart & Co., Memphis. HUGH STEWART, A. D. GWYNNE. Des Arc, Arkansas. I i ' j Stewart, GUvraao & Go., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Hardware, FUENITUEE, ETC., I DES ARC, ARK. Our stock embraces the following articles: BACON, CORN, FLOUR, MEAL, CANDLES, COAL OIL, COAL OIL LAMPS, COAL OIL LANTERNS, LARD OIL, TANNERS OIL, GUNS, . AMMUNITION, IRON, NAILS, CASTINGS, COOKING STOVES, TINWARE, WOODEN-WARE, STONEWARE, QUEENSWARE, CARPENTER’S TOOLS, KNIVES AND FORKS, BUTTS AND SCREWS, RASI'S AND FILES, HORSE SHOE NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, CHAINS, GRASS ROrE, GLASS AND SASH, PAINTS AND PUTTY, COLLARS AND IIAMES, BRTDLES AND SADDLES, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, GABY CRIBS, SAFES, TABLES AND CHAIRS, rogethev with a large assortment of useful .nd fancy articles. Wo respect fully invite the mblic to an examination of our stock and ir'iees. -Wc pay the highest rates for Cotton nil other country products. unl6- STEWART, GWYNNE & CO. i WALT & CO. (Successors to Moore & Co.,) AND DEALERS IN LOSE, CEMEXT, PLASTER, HAI) COM, OTS, ETC., If you want Flour of alp'ades and prices, ;o tti Walt & Co’s. If you want Lime, Ct-ent or Tlaster, go 0 VrVlt & Co’S. Vlf you wan! any kir of Feed, go to Walt «Co’s. A you want fine Li tors, go to Walt & Co’s. IfVu want “Gecgia Pine Top Whisky,” go to Yalt & Co’s. If y\ want toiraw rations of all kinds, go to mt & Co’s Iland iVyour rquisitions on green paper, countersigned b one Mr. Spinner, and you shall be sittsfie augt \ WALT & CO. AND DEAlGR IMPORTED W1NEV LIQUORS P DES A1TC EC, HAVE just received, am jffering at tlie lowest market impletc j assortment of' Family Groceries. Win s, &c. Consisting in part of B liiskey Port Vine, Madeira, Clnv Sugar Molasses, and a variety of 3 as an usually found in a first clas- , FAMILY GROCEX35T. MEMPHIS ADVERTISEMENTS. A. ACCARP m- maqevnrt. j B. AaCCARO. B- VACCAI j,. Vaccaro Sc Co., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WISES, L1QU0I SUGARS, ETC.. 324 5TRONT STREET, novl7-3os Memphis, Ten R. S. JONJiS. W. N. BROWN. M. B. JON JOES CROWN & CO., C o 11 on Factors COVtNXISSIONV, Receiving <fe Torwarding Merchant No 28G Froit St., Memphis, Tenn. AFTER a suspmsion of business for111 years, we agah take this method J?' turning our thanks o our patrons and fnt s for their kind and lbcral patronage ,(> °" fore extended to us, with renewed as,finc<j of a continuance of cur prompt and vonn attention to all busness entrusted1 0111 earc. IV'e are prepare! with a large>mn'(ll diotis Warehouse, for storing Cofl‘ . Cotton consigned to us vill he cove W ,n" surance, unless otherwis- instruct) ,ne , the members of the firm vill give s l.™nc l of the business his personil attent: . Jou visit our city, we will be {leased havc ^ou call on us. . _ oct.27-8m . Jonhs. Cn N ' *'• X 0 S3 H H *9 S3 ft 0 0 I t4 A V s A* X *1 H i ? i 0 M i H E I ► ; E j x (► w V H a E H i u *1 ! H K A V A M I X « I 0 E I j ■- < k ® | w I B k r i r9 X H H 3 k 0 S v % <• H n> 3 3 John C. McDade. R. W. Barnes. Barna B. Blue, Bookleeper. J. C. McDADE & CO., COTTOH FACTORS FORWARDNG, AND GENERL Commission Merchants, NO. 280 Froit Street, (Over Brooks, Nely & Co.. ) MEMPHIS, TENN. JJgy" Consignments oCotton and Product solicited. All consigments insured nnlesi otherwise ordered. aug4-6m. = r—- im.i> bLy^s e VirnrHl / ARTiPICIAI -Ji • LKGSA.ND ARMS. •__ '■ The Anatomical Bll & Socket-Joiutct e IA 5 (; Jlat SiJc-MoUomt the Anile like (he Natal One. l' *o. 394 Main SI, Memphis, Tenn jy t l.EtVls* LOOhOOD, General Agent, i Seud for pamphti. augll-Cm - ppr ESSIONAL CARDS. = T rnfej f J. B. TttOMAS, k. Jr'U'3~Ark. 1 1 Brownsville, Ark. q< Dea At iTEWODB & THOMAS, Ar & aw > es Arc and Brownsville, l’ ppIRIE tOfJMTT, ARKANSAS. ee1-tf (<•< >. ~W. Maberry. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ff. and Solicitor in chancery —AND— GENERAL LAND AGENT, COTTON PLANT, W OODRUFF COUNT*!', ARKANSAS. WILL attend the Circuit and Probate, Courts for the counties of Monroe. St. Francis and Woodruff. iuar24 GANTT & BRONAUGH, Brownsville, Ark. H. I’. VAUGHAN, Des Arc, Arkansas. Gantt, Bronaugh & Vaughan, ATYOBHfiYS AT LAW. Will practice in the counties of Prairie, White, Woodruff. Monroe, Arkansas and Pu laski. Prompt atttention given to the collec tion of claims. Taxes will be paid and titles investigated for non-residents. aprl4-3m JDRS. LANE & HERNE V, csidcut pgsiewns -A N D SUKGEONS, OFFER their services to the citizens and vicinity, in the various branches of their , professions. Office at Burney & Bro s Drug Store. mai'8-ly : I. H. HEDGEPETH. T. DI.AKE KENT. HEDGEPETH & KENT, : ATTQMEYS AT LAW. , DES ARC, ARKANSAS. TTTtLL practice in nil of the courts of I V V Prairie county, anil tlie circuit courts of tlie surrounding counties. mar24-Gm WM- T-JONES, ; 1 411G&&S1 41 SAW* ! < BROWNSVILLE, ARKANSAS. TITILL practice in t.he counties of Pulaski, i yd Prairie, Monroe. Woodruff, Jackson and | White Prompt attention given to the collec tion of claims. npr)4-ly Vi .M. U. COODY. ®* MCRAE. j COODY & McRAE, • &1KMHS8T9 41£4W SEARCY, WHITE COUNTY, , ARKANSAS. _ ( Will practice in all the courts of Arkansas. ; „_mar'Ll-_ _ W. HICKS, Formerly of the firm of Cvpert & Hicks. II, R, FIELDING, Formerly of Athens, Ala. KICKS & FIELDING. AT TO ftS SYS AT LAW, Searcy, White Co., Arkansas. I ... . WILL practice in this and the adjacent ' comities, in the District Courts, and Su | promts Court of the State. -We have in connection with our Law Office an ACTIVE OUT-DOOR COLLECTING • AGENCY. Claims entrusted to us will be i' promptly attended to, and if not immediately j collected will be at once secured if possible. Claim against the Government for property.' taken by the U. S forces (whether receipted . for or not)—Bounties Pensions, Arraaes of i Pay &c. promptly attended tft. mar24- HICKS & FIELDING. SOL. F. CLARK- SAM. W. WILLIAMS. JOE W. MARTIN. CLARK. WILLIAMS & MARTIN, Attorneys at Law, LITTLE IlOCK, ARKANSAS. WILL practice in all the Courts, prosecute Claims of all kinds, collect debts, and act as Real Estate and General Agents. Office—-Markham Street, near State House. Jt-1_ I TOM’S SALOON, DEV ALL’S BLUFF, ABK, WHO WANTS A GOOD DRINK OF ! FINE LIQUOR!! Tom is now behind the counter of the BEST SALOON In the place, ready to hand out to all desiring j it, the Finest Liquors that the market affords, j No humbug ! Give Tom a call, and if you love good things, you will be satisfied. marl7-3m tURR & GALLAGHER. s. PEOPLE^r DEALER IN DR Y GOODS, Produce and Groceries, —AND GENERAL RECEIVING, FORWARDING -anu Commiftfon pevrhant, I> 12 V ALL’S BLUFF, ARKANSAS. march 17- fim 1 BROWN, JONES & MELLERSH, | MOUTH WHITE RIVER, 1 RECEIVING, FORWARDING -AND Commission Merchants. | ! i Particular attention paid to Forwa''n8 a'l Goods consigned to them for White ( UUgl ltf If _NEW YORK AnVEBIIsielTSr Splendid KoIict»y pt»,;s Gold and Silve Financial €risis COMPEL L-g T0 8EU In the Course of six M0111h 1250,000-—$250.0 WORTH OF Watches, Clocks, Chains, Rings, Pianos, Mclodcons, S? Machines, Silver Ware, d-c $ ' ALL TO BE DISPOSED of \ ONE DOLLAR £4, Without regard to value ? And not paid for until you know what you° are to receive. I®”After receiving the article, if jt d please you, you can r-<v n it „nd °'! money will, • undc(l -0'' , The stock comprl.;:. , -non^t „,i. Splendid Clocks, Gold and"silvoi' u^1" Itings set with Diamonds, R„hies larnet and other Stones, 1 c* dusters,) Ladies’ set of icleVry el!" Pins and Ear Rings of the most tvi styles, set in Precious Stones ogether with a large assortm™, „ Enamelled and Pearl Sets, Q0m °LGc!<i« Reeve Duttons of the most beiunir,,) l!,s * xents Bosom and Scarf Pins, and ,,f'™'"? variety of Bracelets, Chains, .Musical!'1'' dead Dresses, Combs, Charms, &c " “os In consequence of the great signal' rade in the Manufacturing district'^ f 1°° md England, a largo quantity'0f v.,w lewelry, originally intended for the narket, has been sent off for sflic i(]” tountry, and must he sold at any sue* Under these circumstances the ‘dYATra 30LD JEWELRY CO,” have resolved v.1 AN APPORTIONMENT!1 luhjcct to the following regulations: * Certificates of the various .articles, with ■egard to choice or value are first putiatl relopcs, sealed up and mixed: and,jiJ lered, are taken out by a Blimlfol<je,| b, mfl sent hv tin:- <>iviTicr nil n )n receipt of the Certificate, you will I vhat you are to bare, and then it is -ir9 iption to send the dollar and take thenriS >r not. Purchaser* may thus obtain»k.B delodeon, Sewing Machine, Gold ifiij Jismond Ring, or any set of JcwelrvijuB st for One Dollar. .■ NO BLANKS. 1 SEND 25 CENTS FOR A CKKTTPHRwB In all transactions liv mail, we sl,ali riiarB or forwarding ike ceriitieates. payingpMffl ind doing the business 25 <*t-1;t« eaclt, r,fl mist be enclosed wbeii tb>> certificate or. Five cercificotcs will be sent f(>» B ileven for $2. tbirtv f-ur f> ,-ixtv-kvef»r$fl .nd 10t> fur $15. 9 AGENT.8.—We want agent* in ovnytoB md county in the country, and those aetfl is SHeh will be allowed ten cents on erB Certificate ordered by them provided tlfl omittance amounts to $1. Agents wiiltfl ect 25 cents for evesy certificate,and remifl, •cuts to us, either in cash or postageitujB Agents remitting at once $"<t, will be ontjtfl o a beautiful Silver Hunting Case, Valfl ^cvcr Watch, and also 2<’H cert ideal**. B Please write your Name, Town. County fl state, plainly, and address all orders to fl WATCH AND TOLD JEWELRY COMPANY ■ lecl-4m 80 Liberty .Street, New )fl GftKAT WITCH KSLM ON THE POPULAR ONE PRICE I‘I.A5,B Giving every Patron a JlamhemeamljB liable Hi atch for the low Price fl of Ten Dollars! 9 rt JTISOST IS SX.! A ESI? TO TALI'I kid not to be Paid for unless pel fcotly Satisfactory i I 00 Solid Gold IIunt ing V. atclies $250 to $fl 00 Magic Cased Gold Watches 250 00 Ladies' Watches. Enameled lOOU'ljB !00 Gold Hunting Chronometer 9 Watches 2iiflto3fl >00 Gold Hunting English Levers tlOOteSfl >00 Gold {{unting Dupb-x Watches 15!)to|B iOOGold Hunting Amei iran WatthcslOO>o3fl >00 Silver Hunting I- vers "SOtoj^B >00 Silver Hunting Duplexes T5t^B >00 Gold Ladies’ Watshos fl 1,000 Gold Hunting Lepincs 50t«^H 1,000 Miscellaneous Si vet- Watches oOte^B !,600 Hunting Silver Watches fl >,000 Assorted Watches all kinds lOto^H tfnP' Every patron obtains a Watch bj'iflj trrangement, costing but $10, whilejtjfl >e worth $750. No partiality shown.*B^fl Messrs. J. HICKL1NG & CO., .149 MB way, New York City, wish to immeail^B lispose of the above magnificent Stock. ifieatcs, naming tlie articles, arc plaCw^B tealcd envelopes, and well mixed. Hoj^B ire entitled to the articles named on a^B ;ertificate, upon payment of Ten Wjj^B whether it be a Watch wort h $7o0 oroncl^B less. The return ol' any of our certt^^B entitles you to the article named th^^B .ipon payment irrespective of its^wowB^B is no article valued less than $10isn*B^fl my certificate, it will at once be 5een ^9 this is fl A'o Lottery, but a straiffht-furicaril I iransaciwn, v'luen may r , \ in even by the most fastidious l A single Certificiite will be seiit bjti post paid, upon receipt of 25 cts., live ®r' eleven for S2, thirty-three and clegs3 P mium for $5, sixty-six and more val* premium for $10, one hundred and mOs perh Watch for $15. To Agents or wishing employment this is a rare opp ly. It is a legitimately conducted bus duly authorized hy the Government, an to the most careful scrutiny. ’J’ll Address J. II1CKMXG & dec8-3m 140 Broadway, New T. DEAN, of Dean & McGinnisN, Dean & Hale, Cincinnati. : JNO. D. A DAM S, of Little Rock, T. GAFF, of T. & J. W. Gaft, AaC Indiana. _ f Dean, Adams & &a^ COTTON FACT©! -AND ^omnxissiQa Mw^luadSi X o . 4 0 l X I O X S T R E E { IVexv Orleans- # nrayl2-6m F. ) -FFT1 F>? Watelimaker and Jewfi” DES ARC, ARAKNSA [AM NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL kinds of work in my line. Mend-J ng, Cleaning. Ac. -Thankful for past favors, I ontinuance of the patronage jp* fijlSH towed on me. f I ■ / m