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hfill. Grand Master Odd ws, Renounces Shireg Gift and Criticises Orphans Home _* j Gazette) the Arkansas Grand Independent Order of irs has no moral or legal je $200,000 which it secur the estate of the late A. W. IShirey of Walnut Ridge, Grand Mas ter C. W. Highfill of Paragould pro poses that the money shall be turned oxer to Mr. Shirey’s heirs. Yesterday he advised the Sliirey heirs to file suit against the Grand Lodge, because he believes the mon ey was obtained through fraud. Mr. Shirey, a wealthy resident of Walnut Ridge, was murdered about three years ago. In Mr. Shirey’s will the entire es tate of about $400,000 was left to the I. O. O. F. lodge of Arkansas. The heirs brought suit to break the will M ^ soon after. Before the matter come j to trial it was compromised with the ■ result that the lodge received 40 per | cent, the heirs 4 0 per cent and the ' widorv 20 per cent of the estate. Since he was inaugurated last month, Grand Master Highfill has been in vestigating the matter and his action yesterday in instructing the heirs to bring suit resulted from his investi gations. He was in Little Rock yes terday and in an interview at the ■K- ifn»iAw loot nifrht nntlinori liis; reasons for his action. “I believe the brothers of the lodge who reached the settlement with the heirs of the estate did so with the belief that they were in the right,” said Mr. Highfill. “My knowledge of the matter led me to investigate it since my inauguration as grand mas ter, and I have come to the conclu sion that the property was obtained virtually by fraud. Mr. Shirey’s will proves that he was incompetent at the time he drew it up. The provis ions for the use to which the money was to be put by the lodge were pe ^f*/ uliar and many of them were impos sible to perform. 1 do not believe the will would have stood in law, and I feel that the order cannot afford to take any part of any fund that has a taint about it. Doubtless the broth ers who made the settlement looked at the matter from a legal standpoint only, but 1 propose to settle it in a manner that will be rjght froimeverr standpoint.” f Mr. Highfill said he did not I know the exact number of heirs, b 11 Re lieves there are five or six. H com municated with one or them ester day over long distance telepho e and advised him to bring suit agaii st the lodge, he said. He said he h is not conferred with any of the trus pps or other officers of the lodge reg rding the matter. The part of the estate now hands of the lodge has been tised for sale by the trustees Grand Lodge, 1. O. O. F. of i sas, the date to be December 30, and #y the proceeds to go toward an indus trial home, according to one of the rjii u v loiuiin ui inc ouucj nm. t uc : trad advertised consists of approxi mately 6,000 acres of farm and tint-! 1 her land near Walnut Ridge, in; rence county. It is probable the1 first act of the heirs will be to ask ; a restraining order to prohibit the sale of the land. Another matter which Mr. Iligh fill has declared his intentions of j changing is the manner of maintain ing the Odd Fellows’ Home for Or phans and Widows at Batesville. “1 visited the home last week,” lie said last night, “and 1 found i( in a j deplorable condition in many ways, j I am preparing a statement to send1 out to members at large in which I j shall advise that in every case where! it is possible the inmates be removed until the conditions can be remedied. My advice to all who have relatives j there is to take them out if possible j until the conditions right themselves j so the inmates can be properly cared ] for. The home as it is now is a dis grace to civilization and to Odd Fel lowship. I shall immediately appeal to members of the order to make spe cial contributions in order that things may be put in better condition there. “I found the conditions unsani tary and the children improperly clothed. The food is insufficient and the conditions throughout the home are in an indescribable condi tion. There are no decent mattresses on the beds and the only good pillows are some donated to the institution by the Sister Rebekahs of the state. I learned also that a number of chil dren had been discharged from the institution without having placed to their credit the money which the in stitution had the use of during the time they were there, free of interest. I shall ask that a guardian be ap pointed for each minor there and that suit be brought against the trus tees in the interest of those who have not received their estate when they came out of the home. Many of the orphans who go there have a sum of $500 or $1,000 when they enter. The tru tees are allowed to use this in the interest of the institution without paying interest during the time the child is there, but the child is sup posed to have the principal placed to his credit when he leaves. I have found about 12 cases where this has not been done and I shall ask the guardians when they are appointed to bring suit for the amount. “I believe the conditions at the home are largely due to insufficient funds for its maintenance, and I shall endeavor to remedy this condition by getting contributions for it from members of the order. I have no blame to put upon the superintend ent, W. D. Crawtord. and Mrs. Craw ford, and I believe they have done the best they could with the means at hand. The institution has an indebt edness of $11,000 and there has not been sufficient funds to pay the in terest and keep up the expenses.” Mr. Highfill is preparing a state ment explaining in detail his opinion regarding the Shirey estate and the condition of the home at Batesville. This will be sent to every member of the order in the state within a short time “There will be nothing hidden from tlie members and the citizens of the state.” he said last night, "and 1 am sure the matter will be more easily settled if it is generally under stood.” < )biuiai\\. .Mrs. Eliza Branch, wife of Grover Branch, died Uec. 8th. She leaves a father and mother (Mr. and Mrs. Joe 'to.iti), o..f 'ii' .tficr, Wiley Nor ton; also one sister, Mrs. Luther Lawrence. She is also survived by a baby. She was very popular with a large number of friends and her death was sincerely mourned. A Bouquet, for Mike. Hon. Mike Huddleston, prosecut ing attorney of the second judicial circuit, and a citizen of Paragould, has announced that at the proper time he will be a candidate for at torney general of the state. Mr. Hud dleston is a talented and well school ed lawyer and would fit nicely in the position. It goes without saying that he will receive practically the unani mous support of Eastern Arkansas.~ Marianna Courier. EVER SALIVATED BY CALOMEL? HORRIBLE Cnlmnel is quicksilver and acts like dynamite on your liver. -10— Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. It's mercury; quicksilver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calo mel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous calomel just remember that your druggist sells for 50 cents a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and can not salivate. Don’t take calomel! it makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day’s work. Dodson’s Liver Tone straight ms you right up and you feel great. Give it to the children because it is perfectly harmless and doesn’t gripe. (advt.) BEAUTIFUL WREATHS, SPRAYS, ETC. Our Roses - and all cut Flowers—are the. ■ j^BpSaaniltbjjc, finest you can rind. A Oenerous supply ot preen * With every order. Prices always Reasonable. VESTAL Sr SoN:^ LITTLE ROCK, ARK. W Tax Collector’s Notice. The taxpayers of Greene county, Arkansas, are hen by notified that I will be at the places named below on the dates mentioned, for the purpose of collecting taxes on real and per sonal property for the year 1914. Cache township, Walcott, Monday, January 4, 1915. Bryan, at Light, Tuesday, January 5. Shady Grove, Shady Grove school house, Wednesday, January 6. Salem, Lorado, Thursday, January 7. Poland, Finch, Friday, January 8. Spring Grove, Jim Little’s store, Monday, January 11. St. Francis, Bethel Station, Tues day, January 12. Main Shore, Miller’s school house, Wednesday, January 13. Lower I^ake, Brighton, Thursday, January 17. Upper Lake, Hartsoe’s Bridge, Friday, January 13. Hurricane, Marmaduke, Monday and Tuesday, January IS and 19. Hopewell, Ahlf’s store, Wednes day, January 20. Blue Cane, Fritt's school house, Thursday, January 21. Reynolds, Post Oak school house, Friday. January 22. Jones Ridge, Delaplaine,' Monday, January 25. Breckenridge. Lafe, Tuesday, Jan uary 26. Union, Gainesville, Wednesday, January 27. Crowley, Beech Grove, Thursday, January 28. Evening Shade, Swan Pond school [house, Friday, January 29. Sugar Creek, Commissary, Mon day, Feb. 1. Friendship, Halliday. Tuesdav, Feb. 2, 1915. Hays, Wall’s Chapel, Wednesday, February 3. Clark, Paragould, court house, from Thursday, Feb. 7, to time of closing books. Will thank all taxpayers who pay on real estate to bring their last year’s receipts with them. ALBERT M. WOODS, Tax Collector for Greene County. COLDS & LaGRIPPE 5 or 6 doses 666 will break any case of Chills & Fever, Colds & LaGrippe; it acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not drioe or sicken. Price 25c. FALLS 75 FEET IX WELL; ESCAPES WITH BRUISES | Harrisburg, Dec. 30.—Will Harr I j fell 75 feet in a well at X. T. Wliit I taker’s farm, four miles east of this | city, and escaped with a few bruises. While Harr was descending to recov er lost buckets, the rope broke, and be was burled to the bottom. Chamberlain's r ough Remedy. I From a small beginning the sale and use of this remedy has extended to all parts of the United States and to many foreign countries. When you have need of such a medicine give Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy a trial and you will understand why it has become so popular for coughs, colds and croup. For sale by all dealers. (advt.) Investigation in North Carolina lias shown that school attendance in cotton mill communities is always lower than in rural or even mountain districts. RUB-MY-TiSM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c The Siamese have a superstitious dislike of odd numbers, and they stu diously strive to have in their houses an even number of windows, doors, rooms and cupboards. _ Notice of Sheriff's Sale lYi’iler Kexe cution. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 1 as Sheriff of Greene County, Arkansas, will on the 25th day of January, 1915, at the east door of the Court House in the City of Para gould, Arkansas, between the hours of nine o’clock in the forenoon and three o'clock in the afternoon of said day, sell to the highest bidder on credit of three months, purchaser to give bond with approved security, ; the following described real estate situated in Greene County, Arkan sas, to-wit: The North half ( 1-2 I of tlie North- i west quarter (1-4) of Section Nineteen (19) in Township Eighteen (18) North, Range Four (4) East, being the property of W. M. Proctor. This sale will be made under the power and to satisfy an execution in my hands issued from the office of the Circuit Court Clerk of Greene County, Arkansas, ttpo-i a judgment rendered by A. 11. Hays, Justice of the Peace, a transcript of which has been filed in the office of the Circuit Court Clerk, which judgment is against Clias. Arbaugh and W. M. , Proctor and in favor of \V. R. Garner ' for the sum of $354.80 together with accrued interest and cost Given under my hand this the 31st lay of December, 1914. .1. A. GROOMS, sheriff of Greene County, Arkansas. By D. \V. Taylor, D. S. (no.118) FARMS FOR RENT. Stewart A 1 uit, Attorneys. w-tf "he Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head iecause of its tonic ami laxative effect. JLAXA 'IVK ItROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Jiiinme and does not cause nervousness nor iugiiiE in head. Remember the full name and uok for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. I i Iflr?llfa——wr- .MMWm—«■ iwnni j. ...i i I . i Notice (.1 Sheriff’s Sale 1'nder Exe cution. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That I as Sheriff of Greene County, Arkansas, will on the 25th day of January, 1915, at the east door of the Court House in the City of Para gould, Arkansas, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and three o’clock in the afternoon of said day, sell to the highest bidder on credit of three months, purchaser to give bond with approved security, the following described real estate sit uated in Greene County, Arkansas, to-wit: The South half <1-21 of the Southwest quarter (1-4) of Section Eighteen (18) in Township Eighteen (18) North, Range Four f41 East, being the property of MT. M. Proctor. This sale will be made to satisfy an execution in my hands issued from the office of the Circuit Court Clerk of Greene County. Arkansas, for the sum of $104.58 together with accrued interest and cost which ex ecution was issued upon a judgment rendered in the Circuit Court of Greene County, Arkansas, in favor of Vehicle Supply Company against W. M. Proctor and ,T. W. Wineger for the said sum of $164.58 together with interest and cost. Given under my hand this the 81st day of December. 1914. J. A. GROOMS. Sheriff of Greene County. Bv D. W. Taylor, D. S fno.119) Warning Order. In (lie Chancery Court of Greene County, Arkansas—April Term, 1915. .T. F. Hasty. E. F. Hastv and W. C. Hasty, partners as J F. Hasty & Sons, and W. C. Hasty, Trustee, Plaintiffs, vs. S. D. Wright, et al. Defendants. i ne ueienuant, s>. i). wrignr, ue ing a non-resident of the State of Arkansas, is warned to appear in this court and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs within thirty days from this date. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Chancery Court this 30th day of December, 1914. (Seal) FRED WATSON. Clerk of the Chancery Court. (no.l 171 Notice to Settle. 1 All parties whose accounts with ! me are past due, are hereby notified that settlement must be made by January 13, 1913, otherwise I will proceed by law to collect the ac counts. *22&wlt BANKS JOHNSON. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUIN INK and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 59 cents. In Melbourne no Sunday papers are permitted and no hotels are al lowed to open their bars. Cures Old Sores, Other [winedies Won’t Cure. The worst cases, no matter afhowlonjj standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at the same l ine. 25c, 50c, fl.OC The average depth of the sands on the African deserts is from thirty to forty feet. J. N. ROBERTSON, Pastor. The output of musical instruments in this country is constantly increas ing, but the number of factories is on the decrease. MOTHER! THE CHILB ISIGOSTIVEj BILIOUS If tongue is ruated, breath had, ach sour, don’t hesitate. —31— Give “California Syrup of Figs” at once—a teaspoonful today often saves a sick child tomorrow. If your little one is out of sorts, half sick; isn’t resting, eating and acting naturally—look, mother! see if his tongue isn’t coated. This is a sure sign that its little stomach, liv er and bowels are clogged with waste. When cross, irritable, fever ish, stomach sour, breath bad or has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, soar throat, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of ‘ California Syrup of Fig.s" and in a few hours all the constipated poison, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, play ful chid again. Mothers can rest easy after giving cause it never fails to cleanse tlie lit-j tie one’s liver and bowels and sweet- j en the stomach and they dearly love I its pleasant taste. Full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups printed on each bottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a :>0-cent bot tle of “California Syrup of Figs;’’ then see that it is made by the "Cal-j ifornia Fig Syrup Company.” fadvt.) Sandalwood trees in India are generally found in an altitude of I 2,000 to 3,000 feet. — The pineapple pack in Hawaii, this ' season is expected to roach two mil-1 lion cases. Canning pineapples was; begun only in 1900. I — I Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if FAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Files in 6to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. France makes nearly 20,000,000 pairs of gloves yearly, and of these) 18,000,000 pairs are exported. flow To Give Quinine To Children. FEBRILINE is the trade-mark name given to an Unproved Quinine. It is n Tasteless Syrup, pleas ant to take and does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know it is Quinine. Also especially adapted to adults who cannot take ordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate nor .„>ise nervousness nor ringing in the heau. Try it the next time you need Quinine lor any pur pose. Ask for 2 ounce original package. Thu name FEBRILINE'i blown iu bottle. 25 cents. NOBODY SPARED. kidney Troubles Atack Paragould Men and Women, Old and Yeung. Kidney ills seize young and old. Often come with HI. le warning. Children suffer in their early years— Can t control the kidney secretions. Girls are languid, nervous, suffer pain. Women worry, can't do daily work. Men have lame and aching backs. If you have any form ol' kidney ills You must reach the cause the kidneys. Doan’s Kidney Pills are for weak tidneys— Have brought relief to Paragould icople. Paragould testimony proves it. F. R. (’lark, 502 N. Third St., Par igould, Ark., says: “One of our fam ly complained of her back hurting >er and her kidneys were very weak, khe used a box of Doan’s Kidney ’ills and they strengthened her jack and made her kidneys normal. Lately she has needed a kidney rnedi ine and she intends to use Doan’s Kidney Pills again.’’ Price 50c, at all dealers. Don’t (imply ask for a kidney remedy_ iet Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same hat Mr. Clark recommends. Foster Vfilburn Co.. Props., Buffalo, X. Y. (advt.) (iray for Congressman. Batesville, Dec. 31.—Hon. A. G. Gray, one of the members of tlie next legislature from Independence coun ty, is considering the matter of en tering tlie next race for congressman from the second district to succeed Congressman W. A. Oldfield, and is receviing many solicitations to an nounce hi scandidacy in the i.tar fu ture. Mr. Gray led the ticket -n ti is county at both the primaries .id >e cent general election for enresema tive. Five Cents I’roves It. A Generous Offer. Cut out this ad. enclose with 5 cents to Foley & 'o., Chicago, 111., and receive a free rial package containing Foley’s Hon ?y and Tar Compound for coughs, -olds, croup, bronchial and lagrippe oughs; Foley Kidney Bills and Fo ley Cathartic Tablets. For sale in four town by Hardesty ft Lackey. (advt.) Wife Escapes Burning Home. Heafer, Ark., Dec. ‘U.—Very dam aging fire occurred at the home of H. C. Miller, a prominent farmer living one mile east of Heafer and four miles west of Bridge Junction, Ark., while Mr. Miller was away from home. His wife escaped with her three little children without sustain ing any bodily injuries. The origin of the fire is not known, but is sup posed to have caught from a defec tive flue. Demand lot* the Efficient. Alert, keen, clear headed, healthy rnen and women are in demand. Modern business cannot use in office, actory or on the road, persons who ire dull, lifeless, inert, half sick or ired. Keep in trim. Be in a condi ion that wards off disease. Foley ’athartic Tablets clean the system, teep the stomach sweet, liver active uid the bowels regular. Hardesty & Lackey. fadvt.) When the devoted Belgians are ?iven opportunity to restore and re arganize their war-torn country they might do well, first of all, to remove it to a safer and less exposed posi tion on the map New Orleans Times 1 IV U* till'. What She Wanted. "I want to stop my baby’s cough,” taid a young mother Tuesday, “but [ won’t give him any harmful drugs.” 4he bought Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. It loosens the cough luickly, stimulates the mucus mem branes and lielps throw off the cliok ng secretion, eases pain and gives lie child normal rest. Hardesty & Lackey. (advt.) In Huddersfield, England, the uu ?mployed are now a little in excess if 4."»(>, whereas under normal condi tions at the same time of the year lie unemployed number about 300 TEN DOLLARS REWARD— ron gray filly three years old ne^ hiring, blind in right eye; has larbed wire cut on on-1 of her eet. Also one dark colored little, two years old next Strayed fro mmy place five lortheast of Bono. 1 will lollars reward for recovery lescribed stock. W. R. SI lo, Ark. --- Workman’s Fall Is Mammoth Spring, erday morning at Oh i: 30 o’clock, Arti; vhite, loading tiesj lipped on the toard, crushing hat he died in ears of age ai: -lie child.