The Springfield Herald.
voi x. motmmrn JO.
lillfrou AND I'tfopiilKI,DU.
£itt*rn*l nttU«M ,0,, Colorado.*
a. hivoiuI-cIum mutter.
Invm lnKly in mlvanrc.
I'ublinlicl Friday «»£ eaeh week.
76 ccutH pei lncli. single column. fHc'.i month.
So jnefero'l |jo*}Ulon jrlven.
Ruslncser-oenlt*. 10 rents per. lt|moiu'li Insertion.
I. .cnl inenttMU. 1-cents |.cr linecarfMusertion.
T.E»i \ I. A nv. : l'iniiI proor notices *£.00, slncle
Contest notices I'*.00 each.
AlFot'lisr Icpal prlullni:-uhjectfto a rale of 10
reals nor line for first Insertion. ' rents for each
udUitlniiiil nonpareil pieiisuro. nine words to a
line, unless otherwise eonrracted. . .
These rales will Ue.MiIf.tiv a<ih«j|cd?0.
Official Paper of Baca County.
From 4ain i ar v 1 -4t 1 the fcn' > ;
MM-i|)li'>n i~:iTca »»i tlic 11i:it \i.i> will
he $1 25 per year. if l>.ii«l in* *»«»
Viince. Subscriplioivs Io tii«» lend
ing papers, magazines an«l period
j< :ils. taken in connection with
tin* IIehai.d at r»'t11iceii prices.
. Denver is enjoying a chicken
; v show this week.
Mexico has been shaken up by
an earthquake.
Gen Coxey is forming: a new
jiartv which has been named' the
United States party. The organ
izers declare tlie People’s party
lias outlived its usefulness.
Orippie Greek is after a new
county.' We see no reason why
she is not entitled to it. *fty their i
wealth the El Paso officials have
prospered and they will oppose
the division.
Secretary of State, Whipple, has
1-1 appointments to make and so
far appointed seven Democrats
and six silver Republicans and
the appointment to make will be
a Silver Republican.
Although Gov. Alfgeld may bo
S.n.rr -l.: \ it rcllec*N no erod'd
upon the managers of the inaug
oral ceremonies at Springfield III.,
to oiler him the insult of not al
lowing him to read his last mes
sage,* according to custom.
Gov. Melntire’s message to the
legislature is about as long as that
of Presiden Cleveland’s. It, con
tains much informotion and many
good suggestions. It is a happy
thought that the administration of
the past two years has lived with
in its income, and the thanks of
the taxpayers are due the officers.
Whatever else may be said
derogatory of the Cleveland ad
ministrations it has put a big high
feather in its cap in the Venezu
ela intervention, and subsequent
treaty with great Britain. Not
u harder question to deal with has
arisen in the past quarter of a
century, and only skilltul manage
ment has prevented a war be
tween (he two great powers. Ru
der t he provisions of the new treaty
war between the countries is of
remote possibility.
Senate bill No. .‘{*2, introduced
bv Senator Paint er, provides that
any person taking up an estray
must notify the county clerk. |
The same senator introduced bill i
Ko. 34, which provides that any
claim* disallowed by the comity i
commissioners an appeal may be
taken before the county court, |
wiien the amount is under two i
thousand dollars. Senator Camp-,
bell introduced Dill No. 31), which
gives the county court exclusive
jurisdiction, in all criminal cases
in which if the accused is found j
guilty he may be sent to the State
The legislature Ins finally got
down to the introduction of bills,
ft took several day - “planning toj
find places enough t•» satisfy the j
different factions of the combine.
Every position that can he pos
sibly found with any show of j
legality, has been filled. No at -
tempt lias been made to cut, down
expenses nor to hold a short sos- j
tdon. 'The ninety days will he
consumed and the clock turned
’’ back on the lust, dav m order that
' nothing may escape the grasping
mud of the mighty law makers j
• Ribipatjoii.
• At noon to day Governor Adams
will be inaugurated in the lirfll of
’ the*!louse of Representatives in
lho*Kyite capital. There will be
no fusfc or fliyumery about the in
auguration. and for the fuist time
since Colorado became a state tiie
taxpa\%rs will not be burdened
with any expenseson tliat account.
Governor Adams believes in the
good old doctrine of plain living
and high thinking, and he is op
posed to saddling (lie people with
au\yexpenditures which can be
avoided*, in times like these. —
Denver Keptiblfean,
i TT_ ' «.*• .«*
The government is now rmrning
11 he Union Pacific railroad through
its receivers and it seems to be
doing the work more«succeggffVlly
than the Union Pacific Company
did it. AVhar great harm could
come to either the railroads or lhe j
country it the government should I
run all the railroads, we would!
like to know? A receivership is
as much a government agency as
any other that could .be devised,
and it is a verv noteworthy fact
' that when the owners of a rail road
cannot operate it successfully the
best thing to do with the property
i*F to turn it over to the govern
ment, until‘ft can again he pul up
on a paving basis.—Denver Pep.
If some of the salary bills intro
duced into the senate become laws,
fifth-class counties like ,Baca will
have to go outof business. One
provides SI,OOO salary fora district
clerk, who here almost does noth
mg, and $1.,200 for Go. Judgp who
does not do twenty days work in a
year. The array of salaries for < ’<>
Judge, Dist.,’ Olerk. Treasurer and
Sheriff would aggregrale $4,000 an
amount equal to our total running
expenses last year; to this must b'e
added the salary of assessor at
$1,200 t 051,500 and Go. Clerk at
about SI,OOO. Coiiuj down and
close us out amt lie done witii us.
Wo can get plenty of people to fill
offices at one-fourth these figures.
There certainly is no immediate
danger of war with Spain’ and the
business men of the east have not
that excuse for refusing to venture
upon new enterprises. The truth
is that they are a cowardly set.
afraid to risk a tafthing upon a
business enterprise, and since that
effects (hem all it puts a stop to
business. It, instead of falling m j
to a tit every time Bryan appears j
upon the streets of Lincoln, the i
business men of Boston and Ne w |
York would invest their money in
enterprises that, would give cm
ployment to labor and make a
market lor farm products’ they
would soon change the aspect of
the situation. They have not
half tlie courage of the ordinary
every-day Colorado prospector.—
Denver Jtapnblican.
With Jeffersonian simplicity
Gov. Adams took charge of tin*
ship of state. The legislature, by
his request, made no appropriation
for inaugural display, as was done
two years ago. 11 i s address isbti- !
sinesslike and straight forward, and
j be means every promise lie makes, i
j The Denver Republican says: i
“As might be expected of a man
1 who has already served acceptably i
: as governor of Colorado, and who
: lias always been a public-spirited i
i citizen and a successful merchant,
(Jov. Adams takes a broad, ration
al, practical view of the duties of!
bis office, and nobodv who knows I
1 him can doubt for a moment that j
i the pledge contained in his inaug j
ural, tliat life and property will be
j protected and that the majesty of
: the law and public peace and or- i
j tier will be maintained during his
administration, will lie faitlifiVdy
I kept.’’
The electoral college, of the
different States, met Monday and
; cast, their vote for president and ;
! vice president. Our own State'
j electors met at the slate capitol. I
A B. McGaffey was selected as j
■ secretary. Eech elector wrote
i upon a card and handed to the
secretary and the count showed
four votes for Bryan and SewaL.
j J’hroe ballots and certificate.! of |
• election were signed by the gov :
ernor au4 attested by U* e Secre
tary of State. Thee packages
were made containing.:! cer
tificate and ballot. One of tin
packages will lie carried in person
by G. W. Thatcher,one of the elec
tors, to Washington and'delivered
by him to the U. S. Senate, on *
package will be delivered t"
Julfce Malletr, of tlie 11. S. Dist.
court, Denver, and one will be i
mailed 1.1 the of the
United Stales.
jj The sheep im-n arjb making an j
efi’or/ to havoGi higher protective j
tariff* plaiml on wool. Titter |
theory*!liafwtiat fs good for one!
is good for a t housand, would be |
all rigid *4 it were true, but it isn't, j
Wit’ll a higher pried for wool tin* I
wool man can afford to pay more!
for his clothes, but where does I
the advantage come in for the|
other 1>39? Let somebody besides
■ the a wool man . figure it out. —
L'uebk) Indicator.
At the first indication of dip
therm'in fhe throat of a child, savs
the Scientific American, make the
roonf close, then take a tin cup
and pour into it an equal quantity
of tar and tarpon tide; then hold
the cup over a a* to till. the .
loom with the fumes. The fbitientj
on inhaling the fumes will spit j
ouL the membranous matter and j
the dipthoria will pnssL oil. The
fumes of tar and turpentine loo's-j
ons’the throat and thus afford re J
liefijhat lias baffled the skill of
physicians.—Exchange. '
0 ... -- . • *’ g
Atlorney General (Airi^giveJtne
following opinion regarding legal
holidays for school teach<^rs:J
“Any legal holiday that recurs
during terrti tnne(tliat is beDwt-n
the day that school
and closes) is a holiday for the
teachers, who receive that
day. if Friday after Thnnksgiv
-n-T.R.Vj :■ ■■••()•(
other days school is dismissed, the
teacher mav make up that time
on Satjirday or anv time that, suits
the directors. The directors should
be consulted and they should re
gard the convenience of the teach
ers and the patrons of the school.
I am constrained to believe the
construction of the law by the
superintendent of public instruct
ion is correct. If you will read it
carefully you will see that she
holds it to be the duty of teachers
to make up all lost days, except
legal holidays. Those days they
are not required to make iip for
the tune and their pay goes on
the same, it, being the intent ot
the law to give them that much
time. I can see no criticism to be
made upon her answer.”
Just What Miners Want.
All who are, or expect to bo, in
terested in mines will be glad to
know that Henry N. Gopp, the
Washington, (I). C.) land lawyer, 1
has revised Gops Prospector’s Man
uel. 'The minernlogical part of the
work lias been almost entirely re
written by a Colorado mining en
gineer, who has had years of ex- i
perience ns a prospector, assayorj
and superintendent ol mines and 1
United States surveyor.
'fhe bobk is a popular treatise l
on assaying and meneralogv. and
will be found useful to ail who I
wish to discover mines. The first J
part of the work gives the United
States mining laws and rcgula J
tions, how to locate and survey a \
mining claim, various forms and |
much valuable information. The I
price is 50 cents at the principal
book stores, or of the author.
Timber Culture, Final Proof —
Notice for Publication.
r.s. I.aml Ofllrr, l.nninr, Culo., Jauy. is: 7. <
Notice ir luM-rliv *jriven Hint I mm II. llnyu* 1
has AIlmI i otlroof his Intention to innkr llnul !
proof before the Uci’civernt liDofllco ;
In Lainnr. Coloniiln, on Tm-olny t'ie S'Jnl *lay of *
February, ISS‘7, on timber culture n|'|>li*ntion !
No. 4.H4, for the s F 1 , section No. 8'J. In Town-
Kill). No. is h Untige, No. II w.
lie unnies an wltnesse*-:
.John A. Uoneh. Lawrence \. Ronoh, MI'on A.
Itulloc.k of Monon. Kansas, mill Itlcbanl (.onus,
of Johnson City. Kama-.
e. II. TltOJfAv'. Register. ;
A. _ Your addrc*3, with six cents
in sumps, mailed to our Head
e-\rV\nn i nu.uieis, II Hint lit., Iluntoo,
in ’ r) w, ll * ring vim a full line
j” jh-fj , / / "t sample j and rules I. r s.:lf
_ L, (r ) I I meas’in'inent, of our justly fa
-f 5 III -nous «S.l Suits. fKl/J'.;
O 5* l/ij/’ U Overcoatr, 25, anil up. Cut
V to oirlcr. Agents wamt.l cvcry
ifl 111 - ' v * K ‘ rf
% MrSHNew Piymoutti Rock Co.
Churning one in One Minute.
! I iiavetriel the Light mug Churn j
you recently dcscrilx-d in vourj
paper, and ifts certainly a wondej-. )
1 can churiiln less than one min j
lie. a.nd theS'ii ter is elegant, and I
. ini gel enua lerably more butter I
iltau when-J 'U use the common i
•hufii. ItoJklhe agency for the
churn heivoP'i every butter maker ]
i hat sees ii ttli' s one. I have sold
liuee d'JctrtLid they give the best i
jiff satisfiietlic I knmv I can sell
10Q in t Ids tm nship, as t hey churn
! st> (piicklv .ij|. make so much more
j hutte-r than if niinon ehtirns and so I
cheap, kumi one in every town
I ship can 1111®'* two or three iiun
j tired dollars^' ■< liing ihse churns.'
| • 11 v Hilda s, - -L 1 . < ’ sei i'c Go . !
pKt. "an gel circulars and
j mil insl lifti;I if-ns so you e;m make
j i»ig moj/cv if Lit at home. 1 have j
1 made :]fbO ifiy oast two weeks and I
have /nevet tt id any tiling in my
! life l^eibre.
\ ' -Jt.
4 *A Wife »• 1 1 .: i* * a Mine .
'\Yili om* of votir readers)
give.nte a i recipe lor making a
rold shirch-A i am selling self-heat
:ng. ami iron a little at
vditmse and have to use some
slaY< h yverv place and want to|
knbw how tn mak«* good cold si arch
uy ! mshanoiwas in debt and I be
iiig anxiouSjf'o help him thought I
would sell »<, mealing flatirons and
I ym doingA-jdendidly. A cent's j
worth offuaPwill heat the iron for
I three hours,I so you can have per i
j feetlv even Aeat. You can iron in
! hall the timljand no danger .-eorc-li
| ing the elotlt *s, as with the old iron
and 3’ 011 caiue- t the most beautiful j
ttrloss. I nearly cverv house 1
the iron saves so much fuel every ;
M)ody wanls.tfne. 1 make $1.50 on
I each iron tiff*! have not sold less
than ten aflf day I worked. Mv
brother is‘dLing well and I think j
anyone lots of monev
anvwhere s* 'mg irons, d. L. Gasy
ifcGo., .St.]# -is. Mo., will start an\
<»ne iir tjie J■■iisi:i«*ss, as they did j
me, if yob w ■ i tddress them.
AIus. A. Ri sseij*.
Did You Ever Make Money Easy?
Mr. Enrri-K -1 have read how Mr.
G. E. B. made so much monev in
the Dish Wash r business and
think 1 have beat him. lam verv
young yef a n i' e haul little ex
o' vi(*.a•*• ■ ■»'11 n* 1 m, Ji .ve
made over eigiil hlmdred (lollais in
ten weeks selling Disli Washers. It
is simply wonderful how easy it is
to sell them. All vou have to do is
to show the ladies how they work
and thev cannot help but lmv one.
for the benefit of others I will state
that 1 got my start from the Mound
Gity Dish Washer Go. St. Louis,Mo
Write to them and they will send
full particulars.
I think I cam clear over $3,000 the
coming year, and I am not going to
let the opportunity pass. Try it and
publish your success lor the benefit
of others. 1 J. F. G.
“Don’t Tobocco Spit or Smoke your
Life away.”
is the truthful, startling title of a
book about No to b; c, the harm
less, guaranteed tabacco habit cure,
that Braces up nicotinized nerves,
eliminates nicotine poisons, makes
weak men gain strength, vigor and
manhood. You run no physical or
financial risk, as No-to-bac is sold
by Friend A Son, under a.guaran
to cure or money refunded. Book
free. Address Sterling Remedy
Go. New York or Chicago.
The New Hook Spoon Free to All:
I read in the Christian Standard
that Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A. St.
Louis, Mo., would give an elegant
plated hook spoon to anyone send
ing her fen 2 cent stamps. I sent
for one and found it so iiselui that
I showed it to my friends, and made
$13.00 in two hours, t king orders
lor the spoon. The look spoon is a
household necessity. It cannot slip
into the dish orcooking \essei, be
ing held in the place by a hook on
the back. The spoon is something
that housekeepers have needed ev
er since spoons were first invented.
Anyone can get a sample spoon by
sending ten 2-ctmt stamps to Miss
Fritz. This is a splended way to
make monev around home.
Very truly, J ran kttk S.
How the Dipper Saved the Farm.
Father was sick and tin* mortgage
on the farm was coming dm*. 1 saw
in tiie Christian Advocate where
.Miss A. M. Fritz of Si at ion A, St.
Louis, Mo., would send a sample
combination dipper for 18 two cent
stamps, and I ordered one. I saw
the dipper could lie used as a fruit
jar filler; a plain dipper; a funnel;
a line strainer; a strainer funnel; a
sick room warming pan and a pint
measure. These eight different uses
1 makes t he dipper such a necessary
• article that I went to work with ii
1 and it sells at very near every
house. And in four months 1 paid
ofl’the moricage. I think I can clear
as much as S2OO a liienth If you
need work you can d. well bv giv
ing this a t rial. Mi-- A. M Fritz
Station A. St. Louis. Mo., will send
you a sample for 18 2cent stamps
write at once. John G. N.
ii $lOO.OO jjj
| Given Away i|
J! Every Mouth Ij
to the* person rubmiUing tiro fy \
I.lo*l uici*tl«i*i<iit*i invention |
it imritr-,' tlio jto-ceMimr month, if
1 VK Sl*. LICK I’ATKnTS io ;
1f * ~ roic in v r.vroß*. an>i thu W .
i\ O oljoot ot tills oircr Is io oil- (J
; in .j:;irr*oii( *>l r.n Jment- <*
: F Ivi* tui-n of mini'. At tins
< , O '- wewi*!i to sn;proaj |
w tlio fui-t that v- :: - U
w ft’s tho Siuiplo, ji |
Trivial Livcntions j| j
5; That Yield Fortimoo lj 1
J, .-•••.•>, ri Do T Hook t* ,
}L n 1 I r. o. "Slid thnt Rnmji.*' i) ,
• • iu i lo- U ■
v.t." ".Mr lirnki*.’ 1 (\
, i A I most .-.-ry iitio concolvcs M ;
;; Q :i In i ;.u il< ;i at. r-nin Hum or 1)
}other. Why not. nut It la jme U
lic’.il i:sl? Vi M'lt tiMoiiti limy # » !
llu ii tills fliruotloii.
li'n’io your formin'. WV.y m.l » !
1:./ :: :: :: :: K t >
t-TWr;'. ' for fm-Cicr InformuLOii and {/
luuiiiiou this iniper. j
\ PIiRJp W. Avirett, Gcu. Msr., Cf
t 623 F Street, Northwest, 5>
t was;:::,:/:;,:., o. C. U
I CBT-riir r**spon K ll»im \- of rh- .nmp m t SJ
h may 1 ny Hu im 1 Hi .t m D
*to i m I.• -I l>y nvei «m«* ilnnisaml O
!•’ Ino l<mlin« uews; unci 0 111 Iho !
O I'ulkNl Suites. C
4■:t. { . ,/ V
[w l \ j
It M • ■ ■ss
r;i . •v-'t.--
■ ifwM t
* ' ■ 1 .
Do nnt ho d©colveil by alluring ndvertlucrients .in 1 I
talak yaa can tict Uio bent lirndo. Unrst nnlvli and
for a more sonir. Buy from rellnblo rnanufiKturcrs
that liavo (rained a rnpulatlnn by limn iumi minnra
nialliwr. Thoro iannnoiii Dio world dm .: n iniial
In mechanical ennui ruction, durability of working
par... fl’i-nen of rinlxli. beauty In .*i|i[u-:irniii*i«, or !iiu
oa many improvotnrnuio.l t.'io WSV/ l-JOftil-.
write ran circulars.
Ths li3i7 Homo Uacliic3 Co.
f •• • 8 N.V.
Obiwh' .(i i.. v.T.«. is yio. i i.iu
Sj h i*UA:Jciaco, Cai.. atuxxtx, C*
Atlniy’nnd Son, l.u ■’> lima, Colo.
DEXTK'R RIIOH CO., Inc’p. Cai.Rtt!, .R .000.0i15.
“.I -Inliar tii r-v? in n ifollar tartitii."
ThUl.ndlt's*Solid 'i-’r<*«i€*li l» .in;olii Kid Tint*
ton liool delivered freo anyv. li re in tlio 1 7 .5.,0:i
--—rec.-i |>t of Caab, Money Order,
' '7 nr I'uilnl Nolo for $1.50.
ij lvnunln every w*y tho boota
j ©old la nil retail atorcs for
1 SJ.SO. Wo mnko tbia boot
| ourselvoo, therefore wo guur
k\ and If nay ouo is not satisfied
"° refund ilio money
"7. or Hentl nnoiher pair. Opera
$ N. T'oo or Common Sense,
\ widths C, D, K. it i*:h.
L| \-A \'ln ,H 1 to 8 and half
P ! [*-, 's*-Nhlzcs. Send your tlte;
l trill Jit vou. '
jiJ- dCNllfuatrated
Dexter Shoe
Special firms to JJtultn.
Tho specific nud universal opinions, con denied,
are us follows: ... ,
"You deserve prent praise, nnd the pratitmie
of the rendiiur world—that portion or it. at !• list,
that is forinnnto enom-h t<> rend I ill. <.1.1. .v
DIVIDE. Iluviiic n Arid oninely uk own, *■. .s
intensely Am* rienn in cost and character.
It ia ‘a- less i r ii- i i aaj. the il ustmuye
features and typoprnphy are cu|.erh-e-i'ial m
quality and umisiialin :»s to the f.iKeinatiny and
Btranee contents thnt fill our columns.
TEN CENTS a copy; (’NT*; DOLLAR a year.
Your newsdealer has it. if not. send to
_», .... |''. ' i''v I'"'''' ' ::' •' •u: • -
, p..ct,-d siieeess Hint will reward > m,r efforts We
nonltlvi l\ have the i t business ofltr nn i genl
i {lint enii lx tumid on the face of this eurin.
sr i jirollt *.u ML'. Oil worth of business is
he in l’ ea*il v and honorably made l»y mid paid io
I hundred, of men, women, hois, nnd pint in our
i employ. You cun nuil.e money fnstci at work for
us than vou have mi' i.i'-:i of. The business is so
, -hsv io lenrn, an 1 iii<trueiions so simple and plain,
j ihat all im'ei'i d from the Mart. Those who take
i ip >id ol the business reap tin* advantage thr.t
nri«es from the sound r. pntation of one of the
eld.»t, most successful, and hirpe-t puhli.liinc
I houses ill Amerlea. >retm* lor vnur.i-lf the profits
that tlio hiisiiu '* so readily iiiiipuilK.soinelv i ielil.s.
1 All hei'iuncrs sue. e.-I yiumllv. ami n oie than
reHlire 111-ir prem.-t e\peel at lon s. I hose who
| trv i- lliul cxuetlv na we H-ll them. 1 here i-plenty
i of room for :t few more workers, nnd we U£ge
' them to hepin m once, it \ou are aUcudi' eui
| ployeil, hut luivc* n few »pure iiioinents, and wish
! to use them to udvnntupe, then write ii* at one**
| (for this ii vour Brand opportunltj). un.l reecve
full imwlvulnrs l.v return mail. Addres*.
| Tllh'fi *- CO., Uox No. *lOO, Augusta, Mo.
TyT'electrE telephone
' ' , Bjili! ant>-l(*lit. no rent, no rays'.tv Adopted
’ » .' toCM.s. VIC !,••• or Country Needwl in every
linnie, shop, Morn ii'nl office. (ireiite*t conven
.• ' ini nnd liest seller on earth.
' »oienlH mnr-.e li-sim o”» to fi.TO |h*p <la».
| ■ .. — ‘ iirU-ht) r- ' ins instriunt nts. no toj., work
yt inn .s liero, i.ny distil'icn. Compit te. rsndy lor
l~ Use Vllion sl’ipl ©d. Can be put Up hy sn» I ne.
. 1 , 1 iii»er out of liver, no rersirimi. hi*t- •, hfo
I'■ 1 \\,..r* .oiled. A mopejr ticker. Mri'e
*—iJ- w. p. lUrr-fcn U Co., Cigi k 10. Columbus. 0
Save Your Homestead Right.
• i.l » * I II It 1 1 I Willi .->1 III < I lll^lil.
! The Department of the Interiori;
is sending out the following circu- I j
! lar to the different land offices: ; 1
Your attention is called to the n
provisions of an act of Congress. I;
i approved Dec. 2D *1)4. entitled “An 1
I act. to amend section 3 of an act to j
withdraw certain public lands I: mn i
private entry, and lor other pur- p
poses, approved March 2d l !
1 Sec. 3 of the act of March 2d ISSUl I
j rends as follows:
That whenever it shall be made 1 1
to appear to the register and re- ;
reiver of any public land office, 1
' under such regulations as the Sec L
i ret ary of J he Interior i.uiv pre
| scribe,' that any-solder upon die
public domain under existing law
'is unable, by reason of a total or
! partial destruction or failure 01
(crops, sickness, or other unavoid- ■
table casualty, to secure a support ;
' for himsell', herself, or those de- \<
! pen lent upon him or her upon tlie j 1
I lands set tied upon, then such reg- ■
ister and receiver may grant to
such settler :i lqave ol absence I,
from the claim upon which lie or 1
j she* has filed for a period not ex
ceeding one year at any one time.
! and such. ."«*t 11 . i rs o granted leave of
I absence shall forfeit no rights by j
‘ reason of such absence: Provided, j
That the time of such actual ah ,
sence shall not be deducted from
1 lie actual residence required by i
And the provision added there- |
to by the amendatory act is as j j
j follows:
That it any such settler has here <
! tofore forfeit ted his or her entry!
. for anv of said reasons, such per
son shall be permitted to make ;
j entry of not to exceed a quarter j
section on any public land suhj ect I ,
to entry under the homestead Jaw j
I and to perfect title to the same j
: under the same conditions in ev- j
1 erv respect as if he had not made j (
! the former entry.
No party will be allowed to make ;
| a second entry under this act, 1111- <
loss his former entry is cancelled j ;
for anv of the causes named, ans- j
| ing before December 20 1SD4. i
; ’fhe applicant for such permis- «
; sion t<> make s'-’cond mdry will be •
; required to file in the district land *
I office having jurisdiction over tiie •
’ I land he desires to enter, an appli- «
j cation for a specific tract of land, •
and to submit testimony to consist •
<>l his own testimony, corroborat- *
led by the affidavits of disintercst
ed witnesses, executed before the
! register or receiver or some officer ;
I in the district using a seal and an- j
thorized to administer oaths, set
j ting forth in detail the facts on!
> which he relies to support his ap
plication, and which must be suf
ficient to satisfy the register and
! receiver, who are enjoined to ex- 1
I crcise their best and most careful
judgment in the matter, that his j
1 former entry was in fact forfeited
’ by reason of his inability, caused
1 by a total or partial destruction or
failure of crops, sickness, or oilier
unavoidable casualty, to secure «i
support for himself or those de- ;
pendent upon him, upon the land i
set lied upon.
The facts to he shown embrace)
! the following, viz:
1. The character and date of
: the entry, dale of eslablishingves
| idence upon the land, and what
• improvements were made thereon
» hv'tlie applicant.
2. Mow much land was cult 1
vated l>v the applicant, and for
» - ‘
| what period ol time.
I 3. In case of failure or injury j
to crop, what crops failed or were
injured or destroyed, to what ex- i
, tent, and the cause thereof.
4. In case of sickness, wliat j
disease or injury, and to what ex- j
! tent the claimant was thereby
• prevented from continuing 11 pop
1 the land, and if practicable a cer
• lificate from a reliable physician
l | should be furnished.
3 j 5. 1 n case of “other unavoida
• ble casualtv,” the character, cause I
l and extent of such casualty, and j
’ its effect upon the land or the
3 : claimant.
r t>. In each case full particulars
1 upon which intelligent action may :
1 . 1
• ( be based by the register and re- |
Why Shouldn't You Become Famous?
Tin* average American reads of’
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the simple, trivial inventions, alter ,
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No. 21
(linos mav 1»o made in ni'.dorn
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The soerotarr of the Fikhnrr I
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informs ns that ineir prices W jii »
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, Main|'to pay postage on t.ii r .’;
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paper to rotnemlxr .:is •.* > _