Newspaper Page Text
The Springfield Herald. Yol. X. L. A. WIKOFF, EDITOR AND RltOl’Rt ETOII. fin tori I 'l nt tin* |iont»nic«iiil Springfield Colornilo. ns snnoml-clnrtH m.iuur. SURSGRIRTION. • - $1 2'. RE 11 YEAR I nvni lnlily In lulvannr. I’libllrtlied Frlilnv «>f ctu*li week. ADVERTISING IIA TICS. T S i'cii t» p<*i Inch, single eolunin, cao’.i inontli. No preftfrctl |Kwltlon jrlvcn. Bunlno** Local*. 10 cents per llneencli Insertion. 1. .ml mention, I.*. cent* per line oacli Insertion. I.koai. Apv.: Final proof notices $5.00, single Contest notice* sj.'.'Osj.'.'O each. All other legal printing subject to a rate of 10 cents per line for llrst Insertion. 5 cents for each additional—nonpareil measure, nine words to a line, unless otherwise contracted. These rate* will be strict!v adhered to. Official Paper of Baca County. From January Ist 1 >»!>■'> ilie su_b_ script ion rales of tlio Herald will lx* SL2S |km* year, it' pai<l in ad v;iin-e. Subscript ions to tlx* load i mr papers, magazines and period i< a Is, 1a k <mi in connection with t In* Herald at redneeil prices. The cost of keeping the militia at Lendville, reaches over $200,000 ( mwi. Algci has accepted a place in McKinley's cabinet as Secretary of War. The potato trust at Greeley sue ceeds in keeping their favorite “reds** at 00, <’ perewt. The Wolcott hill for an interna tional monetary conference has passed the senate almost unani mously. The Leadville trouble seems to ! last settled. The militia has bee n withdrawn on the advice of | t he sherill. A bill in the legislature would make the county attorney,county physician and road overseer,elect ivc offices. ~ i There is'an interesting tight in the legislature on tlie bill provid ihg'Hrat a county treasurer shall not succeed himself in ollice. Miller, ten years; Dow, seven years, and McClurker live years, are tlie sentences ot the Denver ■ 'ommercial National bank wreck ers. George Taylor, one of the Meeks murderors who broke jail, ha.-, been arrested in California. M:. scaffold is awaiting him in Missouri. The light for the new county of ('ripple Creek is bitter. El Faso or rather Colorado Springs, don't want to lose the greatest mining camp in the world. A bill lias been introduced in | tlie legislature making it unlaw-1 ful for a county superintendent to hold a teachers certificate while holding that ollice. It seems to be a sure thing that Lyman J. Gage, the Chicago bank er will be secretary ol the treasury. :le will do all in his power to kill i iver and aid the banks in securing a law whereby they can issue all the currency of t he country. Slate Superintendent Fatten has demanded the interest on the state warranis that have been de clared illegal The treasurer.ot course will not pay it. It would aggregate $215,000 and would be a nice little sum for the schools to get hold 01. Three men held up a store in the heart of Kansas City one day last week, and secured between $l.O ) ) and $2,000, and .pimping in- j to a buggy made their escape easily. Thieves are becoming bold and daring, and are possess ed wit h the confidence that brings a wave of prosperiy to themselves. The defeat of Senator Dubois py the Idaho legislature was ac complished after a long and hard struggle. It is a hard blow to the silver forces and was won no doubt by the gold party, only after the I expenditure ot much money. The j silvercause would have been great-! ]y strengthened by the reelect ion of Dubois as unanimously as Teller \yas reelectet} by Colorado. Nevada will hereafter be the Mark and bloody ground' for prize fighting. A lull has passed I lie legislature of that state and been signed by the governor, that will permit such frauds. Wednesday was a genuine snowy day, and the lleccy flakes did not cease to fall till they had piled up on each other eight inches high. It was warm, and much melted a? it fell. Yesterday being warm the depth of snow was greatly reduced, making it better traveling for the teamster caught on the read. r l he melted snow will make the ground wet. to considerable depth, insuring early range for stock. Gov. Adams is to be commended for declining the invitation to con t ribute to tlie McKinley “triumph” m Washington on the 4th of next month, 'fhe inauguration of a president has assumed very much j the form of those “triumphs” with which victorious Roman generals were greeted in ancient days. 11 Is beneath the dignity of the govern or of a state to march in the train of a newly-elected President. It may be idle to hope for a return of those days of simplicity and true democracy when such ostentatious displays were not the rule. But a governor may record a protest by declining to lend himself to the glorification of an official who should set an example of modesty rather than of pomp and gaudy show. —Denver Republican - We are glad to see Lamar citi zens taking an interest in the Car riso mines. They are ready to put a stage line on via this place just as soon as travel warrants. Excitement is on tho in lease over the gold find at Cairiso. 'flic news seems to have spread hundreds of miles, and people from a distance are going in. Look out for a genuine mining camp soon, with more than one little smelter there. A railroad will be the nex' talk. The excitement over the gold district near Corriso Springs con tinues to increase, anc a number of prospectors from Cripple Creek are coming in. A stage line and express company lias been organ ized here, and will soon put on a line ol stages between Lamar and CarrisoSprings.—Lunar Register. The Carriso Smelting Company has received an application from a citizen of Wyoming for work in their smelter. It is wonderful how fast and far mining news travel Our citizens are daily receiving in quiries from states east ol us re garding the mines at Carriso and many are preparing to visit the camp, who have land in this coun ty. If the camp proves to be a paying one land in Baca county will be more valuable, and her cit izens engaged in farming and stock saising will all'be materially benefitted. The Carriso Smelting company's machinery reached Lamar on Tues day and will he freighted to its des tination as soon as the weather moderates. According to reports there are a number of people in j the camp now and the old pips ' pectors on I lie ground think they i have struck a good thing. The smelting company is now erecting a stone building and expects to be ready lor business in thirty days. After that time the value of the ore there can be more accurately determined. The road from La mar to the Carriso country is the most direct as well as the host from any town in the valley, and it is the intention to at once estab lish u daily stage line between these two points to care for the travel that may Ij3 looked for in case the Carriso mines meet the sanguine expectations of their owners. A large party is going from Lamar next week to make a thorough investigation ol the ilis j t net. —Lamar Sparks. An exchange gets off the follow ing: I want to he a farmer and till the virgin soil, and labor in the sunshine to stew and sweat and boil; 1 want to own large acres l whereon the rye to sow, and SPRINGFIELD, BACA COUNTY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1807. watch the corn stalks, waviu and hear tli ! mortgage grow: 1 want to he a farmer anegrow a hubbnrd squash, the big pumpkin am’ potato an 1 other stuff, by goslr ! want to be o farmer, 1 do, upon my word, but I liavn't got Ihe money to buy a gopher knoll. 'fhe Old Soldiers and W. R C will observe Soldiers' Day, Feb. 22. as usual with a grand harvest feast and oyster dinner,and entertain ment. Everybody invited to at tend. A good time is exported. Fntcrtainment free, dinner 25 cts. including one dish of oysters. Can have as many dishes as you want by paving extra. Only one dish free with the dinner, (’hi: dren hall fare, babies free. Fro ceeds, alter all expon-es are paid goes to the Fost or Corps. S. W. Co:.e. F. C. Tlio d.ininu “ EnllHted For t’.ic War."; nr “Home U'uar.l*,” to be given by the Labile* of I thy W. It. C. pnnnlec* to be a very good e:i- I tertalnmciit. The following Is the cu»t of | character*; Robert Tmewortli, . Mr*Miser I Col. Rowell Alf Allen j Ho*cn Jenk* Irwin lConkel 11 Irani .leak* Rather tloilwln j MiiJ. lloxer Clinrle* Alien lion. Grant J. F. Harrison Crimp Crit Allen : Mr*. True worth Dolphin Konkel Mattie Trneworth Novilla Vnnoradol j Guylio Gifford Susie Harrison 1 Program. Song Choir , Prayer Rev. Mitehell | Addereas or welcome Judge Stew art : .Music String Rand Yiilnntoor Exercises Old Fashioned dinnor, oysters included from 12 odork to 10 I*. M. Sale of W. It. c. quilt 1:30 Public Installation of otllcers W. R. (’. 2:30 Evening entertainment commencing prompt ly at 0:30 Com; dodo Robertson, Mrs Vanorsdol, Ed Shields, V. S. Van Waugh,.!. O. Vanorsdol. Com. on Ente: t linment; Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Cilbort. Coin, on Music; Alice Cole, Josie Robertson, Novllla Vanorsdol, Edith Martin. Com. < >ii ( ooking oyslers; Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Vanorsdol. Com. on making coffee; Mrs. Alien, Mrs. l Miser. | Com on setting table; Mrs. Graham, Mrs. ! ( oiii on idling and taking up tickets; Mr. I Smart, Mr. Rrooks. j Com. to wait on tabie; E. F. Martin & wife, I Win, Hooker and wife. Re option committee; Ed Shields, J. W. Wil- I sou. Com, on decoration; Josie Robertson, Edith Martin, Alf Allen, Sam Smart Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away U out iuuaeeo uuu ..j ll you want to quit tobacco using ensih ami forever, boimuio well, strong, magnetic, full of new life aiul vigor, take N'o-To-Bue. the wouder-worlter, that makes weak mot strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days Over -100,000 cured. Buy No-To-I!ac of your druggist, under guarantee to cure, 500 or SI.OO. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. {Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Timber Culture, Final Proof- Notice for Publication. U.S. Land Ollice, I.nmar, Colo., Jany. 2 lSi>7. Notice is hereby "given that Isaac 11. Ilaye* bus filed notice of bis Intention to make dual proof before the Register or Receiver at his ollice in I.nmar, Colorado, on Tuesday tlsc 23rd day or February, 1807, oil timber culture application No. -1514,’f0r the s E section No. 30, hi Town ship No. 2H s Range, No. 11 w. He mimes as witnesses: John A. Roach, Lawrence A. Roach, Milon A. ltnllock of Mnnon, Kansas, and Richard Goans, of Johnson City. Itausa*. C. 11. Tiiomax. Register. A Good Wind Mill—Make it Yourself I saw one of the Feople’s wind mills which I saw recommended in your paper recently,it cost me $5). 40 and is a splendid mill; my well is deep, but ii pumps all right and with very little wind; the neighbors all like it. and as I am a k'nd ol car penter, I have agreed to put up nine mills already, on which I can make a nice profit, and there are many others lorwhom I can put up mills this fall. I don't see why ev ery farmer should not have a wind mill, when they can make it them selves tor less t ban $10; anyone can got diagrams and complete direc tions for making the wind mill hv sending IS two cent stamps to pay postage etc., to Francis Casey, *St. Louis, Mo., and there can ho dozens of them put up in any locality by anyone that has energy to do so. 1 A Farmer. Churning done in One Minute. I have tried t he Light ningChurn you recently described in vour paper, and it is certainly a wonder. I can churn in less than one min ute, and the butter is elegant, anti you get considerably more butter than when you use the common churn. I took the agency for the churn here and every butter maker that secs it buys one. I have sold three dozen and they give the best ol satisfaction. I know I can sell 100 in tins township, as they churn so quickly and make so much more butter than common churns and so cheap. Someone m every town ship can make two or three hun dred dollars selling those churns. By addressing J. F. O isey A Co , St. Louis, von can get circulars and lull instructions so you can make big money right at home. 1 have made SSO the past two weeks and I have never sold any tiling in my life before, 1 ' The New Hook Spoon Free to All: I read in the Christian Standard that Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A. St. Louis, Mo., would give an elegant plated hook spoon to anyone send ing her fen 2 cent stamps. 1 sent or one ami found it so useful I hat i .-Lowed it to my friends, and made 1*13.0.) in two hours, l king orders or I In* spoon. The hook spoon is a .muse ho Id necessity. 11 cannot slip into ll»t* dish oi cooking vessel, be ing held ia ll*;* place by a hook tin • In.* back. The sj non is something tha* housekeepers have needed ev er since spoons were first invented. Anyone can get a sample spoon by sending len 2-rent stamps to Miss Fritz, 'i his is a splonded way to make monev around home. Very truly, .1 eanette S. How the Dinner Saved the Farm. Father was sick ami the mortgage on I lie farm was coming due, 1 saw inJiie Chrisii.m Advocate where Miss A. M. Friiz of Station A, Si. ; Louis, Mo., would semi a .-ample j combination dippi r for 18 two cent stamps, and I. ordered one. I saw i the dipper could lu* used as a fruit j.jar filler; a plain dipper; a funnel; I a line st miner; a strainer funnel; a sick room warming pan and a pint measure. These eight different uses makes the dipper such a necessary article that 1 went to work with it and it sells at very near every house. And in four months 1 paid olfthe mortgage. I think I can dear as much as S2OO a month. If you need work you can do well by giv ing this a trial. Miss A. M. Fritz I Station A, JSt. Louis, Mo., will send Iyou a sample lor 18 2 cent stainps write at once. John G. N. Make Your Own Lantern. Vour home is incomplete without it, and the price is within reach of all. I ordered one lor my own use ami it was so handy and convenient I went to taking orders for them and sold 51 m one day making over $5 clear. It gives a beautiful white light, chimneys never break from heat, it is always clean and ready. Francis Casey,St. Louis, Mo., will send sample for 13 two cent stamps write for one. I got my start from him. George B. Marry This Girl Quick. I saw in your paper that a 13 year old boy made $1.25 the first hour he worked selling the Fcrfection Met al Tip Laowwick. I ordered a sam ple and tr> work and the first week 1 cleared $lO, the second week 1 cleared sls. I expect to run up to $25 a week in the near future, as the Ferlection Metal Tip Lamp wick makes such.a beautiful white light and does a wav with smokev ] chimneys and bad odor and saves j oil, it is easy to sell. If you wish to! try it send 13 two cent stamps to i Miss A.M.Fritz, station A. St.Loui-! Mo., and she will send you sample ; outfit, this is a good way to make money around home. Miss 'Tima \V. Last week I cleared, afto - * pay ing all expenses, $355.85 and tin* i month previous S2OO and have at the same tunc attended to other business. 1 believe that any on j ergetic person can do equally asi well as I have had very little ox-| perience. The dish washer isjust lovely and every family wantsone which makes selling very easy. I do no canvassing. Feople hear I about the Dish Washer and come I or semi for one. It is strange that j a good, cheap disii washer has! never bo foe been put oil the* mar ket. The Mound Oitv dish washer fills the bill.* With it you can wash anil dry the dishes for a j family of ten in two minutes with- ; out wetting your hands. As soon as people see the washer they want one. You can make more money and make it quicker than with any household article on the market. I leel convinced that any lady or genleman can make from • $lO to sl4 per day around home. , You can gel full particulars hv | addressing fhe Mound City Dish 1 Washer Co., St. Louis Mo. They help von get started, then you can ! make money awful last. A. L. (J. j A Wife Equal to a Goid Mine. Will some one of vour readers give me a good recipe lor making a cold starch? lam selling self-heat - j ing flatirons and iron a little at every house and have to use some ; starch every place and want to know how to make good cold starch i My husband was in debt and I be j ing anxious to help him thought I would sell sellhealing flatirons and I am doing splendidly. A cent’s 1 worth of fuel will heat the iron tor | three hours, so you can have per fectly even heat. You can iron in ! hall t lie time and no danger scorch ; ing the clothes, as with the old iron and you can get the most beautiful gloss. I sell at nearly every house J as the iron saves so much luol evciy body wants one. 1 make $1.50 on each iron and have not sold less than ten any day 1 worked. My brother is doing well and I think] ; liyone can make lots of monev i i- nvwherc selling irons. J. F. Casy iVl’o., St. Louis, Mo., will start any one in the business, as they did me, if you will address them. I Mrs. A. Russelr .$ $lOO.OO jj p Given Away i; j !i Every Month j> O *- 7 fv ; O to the porasm pubini't n:, r tho 4> | J; il.iruuj tin; |>r<;cc(limr month. Ift | < ) Wl3 B>* UU 13 1* A V !•: N Tfl 4ft o . ro.t IN VKNTOUS mill tho 4ft c • ' i> .Ji-ct «.f t'ii » off*r to on- 44 I < v Kii.uro pc-r-oni ... aa Invent- 4ft i Svo tin-n of mm '. At tho 4ft ( p ,;:i" 11 mo wo wi>.i to I; ! v tho fact ti.ttt - :: :: i\ i |? It'£; tho Simple, {! }; Trivial Inventions jj | [* That Yield Fortunes !| il —e'K ,l i r 3 Po I on'r'.i lloolc J) i an 1 Kyu. *Voo that Hump,'' U Jk “S if iy l*iii." “l’i; - s m Clo-JX O v.r.'' •‘Air 1 Iraki*." etc.* ci )( Almost ■ voryono coiicolvcs I / > A ;\ hrlifht lihst ut Homo itiiiocrii Oth v. Why not put It. lit prao- I t t ioa! us; ? V«»I it talents ran v< > ! ) 1,0 it (hit A.motion. May JA i in.i’»o yom* fortune*. V. liy not ft* O tST'WTito for fni thiT Information tinJ '? | THE FRESS CLAIMS GO. If ft 610 F Street, Northwest, 4ft WASHINGTON, O. C. JJ Zft g3T”nic responsibility of thin i-nmpnnf h U may ho JmlK«*'l by tho In. t that mO ff stork is l.e'il by ov«-i ..n«- ihuusaii.l tft i 4ft of Ihe bullion dcWbputiers in tho O 4t United States. O Jt o _ a _ t a r 7 YHRs « aj«ews M|rfw ♦v?°i no * ,w * <!ecpl yJ hr nllnrlntr nilrrrti-omentHiini tiunic you can Ret ttso beat mndo, tlnrst fin lull amt MOST POPULAR SEWINC. MACHINE for n mere sour. Buy from nlinbh- innmifiu lun ni tlmt l.oTe iraln.,l a reputation by lion. «t nntl 'quart' dralinsr. There In none in the world that ran fount In in.-ehani-al c-nM ruction, durubililv <f working pni. Nnenem of finish. Ix-uutr In n|.pcnrnneo, or tins , ca many improvement* a* the NEW HOKE. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. The Hew Horae Sewing Machine Co. , Or aho r., Mari. Boatok, Mass. CSUhiokSo. uik.N.Y. CIUCAOO. lIU ST. l/.ns, MO. DALLAS, TEXAS. B-ui >tunciBcu, Cal. Atlanta, aa. roa SALE B*.» At liny nml Son, I.u.luntM, Colo, I DFITI.U finOE CO., Ine’p. Capita!. 81,000,000, isijst 0t.r.0 snoi: in t»ii: would. “A dollar faced la a dollar earned." , ThU I.iul levs’ Sol til Kre ncli Hungoli* Kid Wilt ton Hoot delivered free anywli. ro in tho 1.’.5.,0a ■y Order, $ 1 >5O. 10 boots orc« for lid boot •u guar satlmloX ra.m.-y . Opera lull half our site; fit you. ustrated Ut A. tn unua uu„ boston. S&eclal terms to Heaters. F. MILTON FRIENDi M. O and sum; EON. South of Court House Lamar, Colorado. I’ref., Tlinmt, Female and SitrKirnl l)li>ciwes I i Ullcc hours: 8to1) a. in., Ito r. and, 7toB p. in. 8 to 10 a. in. Sundays. 0/, Winger’s Steel L ° w , orUV ‘ v “ ,r Ul j f£, r J i I H -'oei Ta " k '' hoiriilat..r- a-Mldrlnd 'r/ii Ail \‘- :rV er . K. i.. U IXdKIt. “4jlU K« >-.»'< oil Terrace. Clileasto WANTED-AN IDEAJHSSIBB t liiiiß to puten: ? Protect your iileas : they inny bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDUBIt* BUItN «fc CO., Patent Attorneys, Wnsliiiiglon, I>. C., for their f 1,800 prize offer. A Sura Thing for You. A transaction in which .vouruunot losciaa suro tiling. Dii.ommcss, sicl: In ailaclio, fur icil tongue, lc-. cr, piles ami a t liou:.;i:ul oilier i 1 ■ 3 are caused by constipulion ami biiipfrish liver. Uascarcts Candy Cathartic, the won deriul new liver stimulant and iutcs iual tonic are i.y all di*ugg>sts guaranteed to cure or money rofuiKlcii. (J. C are a sure thing. Try a box to-day; 10c., 2.T«\, 60c. tsamplQ uud booklet free. Bee our big ad. Everyl;o«ly Suyu So. Cascurot3 Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical dis«*o\cr.vof tlie age. p eas ant ami reiTvsinng to the tusie, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire syrUm, dispt 1 < olds, cure lieadaclie, tevrr, luibilunl constipation nnii hi iomness. Please buy and try a liox of C. c;. c. to-day; 10, -J'. i(»« ents. Bold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Did Yen ever Make Money Eas; ! Mr. Editor.-! have read how Mr. C. E. li. made so much money in Ihe Dish Wash i r business and think I have heat him. lam very young yet and have had little ex perience in selling goods, lml have made over eight hundred dollars in ten weeks selling Dish Washers. It is simply wonderful how easy it. is to sell them. All you have to do is to show the ladies how they work and they cannot help hut buy one. for the benefit of others 1 will state that I got my start from the Mound City liish Washer (Jo. St. Louis,Mo Write to them and they will send full particulars. I think I can clear over $»‘i,0()0 the coming year, and I am not going to let the opportunity pass. Try if and publish your success lor the benefit of others. X J. F. 0. CATHMTO | CUBt COHSTIPATIQH f to * ALL 7 as* so* Dnueaisrs <P FQ*| CASr.T7fF.TS CASCAItETfI — r . d * u t:iNto Kuutl. EiiLllieui IncrciibU tin; tlor/ of A A \ i CANDY IjiUS-X'-bMffi BOON FSB D | GATEAHTIC MOTHERS |? eeallna liquiuiorcumiur>-bali"gll'l8. tCIUI < f *“ IU -ti’ro 'l’uxu Labc^T-nri* 4 .n» o ■ i iiooLva ura j (U| . t .| y voueiiiblo rrollke.t liy tbuclill-% 1 * * * 1 A | PURELY jSM'iY'J.b'SSK PLEASE fi 21 UE3ETABLE l:s ZX2A t sti&- !5J { THE CIIILDREB \ f V • «rcd amt nru a eclon- ull kinds of pnrn-v 4 n \ ■ |Ho co m b I n n Uo n Mte« Ibnt l!v.i In ttm dm tm ffX T O never before put together tu hut form. bowels of lliu growldr child. (J A a CASC.tBETfI ... CASCAItETfI. A ftl AUTISEPTiG pSHifS'S &S£SSI CURE B sourtiiKln tbo Btom- of constipation, no ¥ Jl\ q LAXATIVE 6U&RAHTEEB V .a- ) 1 ' liorinv o’f any clieerfully refiini'.i <t A A kind '.list orccd and food la tbo s/.-tum. by your owa ilruyvlit. \ \ OABCARETB •••• CASCARETM u asao c ».■■» F 3 tonotboMomurhnnd ore po.d by all drtiß-* \ £ B tUCQ X bowcisundBtliuulate Plata for SOc. ».»»•, J $ f 1,1 ES f Ills \rti l cl cr '« fflftS buo.' TYfc j LtALTH I d STIMULANT ?S'";'Sv3l FOR GEHTS | tbolr action easy and natural. ' U * beuitb. iFon't risk delay. \ «^Don f t judge CASCARETS by other medicines you have tried. Thby a \ arc nev/, unlike anything else that f s sold, and infinitely superior. \ > Yry a XOc fco:c to-day, if net pleased get v w I ®^- S Tho your money back! Larger boxes, 25cor 50c. 0 _ o Boworcot o ' Sample and booklet mailed free* Address A Nrtfflity imitations I * STERLING REMEDY CO.. CKICAQO; MONTREAL, CAN.; NtW YORK. SSO a »\5 CS A cures Tobacco Habit or money refunded. Makes weak men B strong. Sold and cuarunicccl by ull druggists. Get booklet. Large Sample Kooms for Com- House Refitted Througli inercial Men. Reason- out. First class Ac able Rales. coinmodalions. SILVER STATE HOTEL, W. C. VINCENT, Prop. North of Depot. Lamar, Colorado. fton.’W. J. Bryan’s Book yA LL who <ire interested in furthering the sale cf Hon. W. J. llryan's new hook should correspond im mediately with the publishers. The work will contain An account of his campaign tour . . . His biography, written by his wife . . Vk His most important speeches . . . . >“r> The results of the campaign of 1896. V : \ " r, > / " 1,1 A /''' A review of the political situation . . ■£t> AGENTS WANTED <3- Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor mous sale. Address W. G. CON KEY COMPANY, PubEishers,' 341-331 Dearborn St—.CHiCAGO. UTrAHQtJAIirTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY or THE COUNTRY. WILL ORTAII. MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF r r” ’ Ii _/_ . a K 1 ' i'V • * *4,- • .7." cd — 1 r,„ ...V —V- r -fcm.! V CI-- •v: w THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & P/tCIFIC RSiLWfii, Including main linoß, branches and extensions East atid West of tho Missouri River. The Direct Route to and from Chicago, Joliet, Ottav.-o, Peoria, La Salle, Molinn, Rock Island, In ITJjINOIS— Davenport, Muscatine, Ottumwa, Oskaioosa, Dos Moines, Winters-AL, Audubon, Ilarlun, and Council Biuffs, in lOWA-Minneanolis and 3t. Paul, In MlNNKSOTA—Watertown and SioLtx Falls, In DAKOTA—Cameron, St. Joseph, urn Kansas City, in MISSOURI—Omaha, Falrimry, and Nelson, An NEBRASKA—Horton, Topokr, Hutchinson, Wichita, Belleville, Abilene, Caldwell, in KANSAS—PontI Crook, Klnffflshcr, Fort Reno, In tho INDIAN TERRITORY—and Colorado Sprinps, Denver, Pueblo, in COLORADO. FREE Reclining: Chair Cars to and from Chicago, Caldwoll, Hutchinson, and '.'odge Olty, ana PaJace Sleop lng Cars between Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Travorsos new and vast areas of rich farminu and grazing lands, affording tho host facilities of Intercommunication to all towns and cities oast and west, northwest and southwest of Chicago, and Pacillc and transoceanic Seaports. MACNIFiCENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, Leading all competitors In splendor of equipment, cool, woll ventilated, and free from dust. Through Coaches, Pullman Sloepers, FREE Reclining Chair Cars, and (east of Missouri River) Dining Cars Daily between Chicago, Des Moines, Council Bluffs, and Omaha, with Froo Reclining Chair Car to North Platte, Neb., and betwoon Chicago and Colorado Springs, Denver, and PuebVi, via St. Joseph, or Kansas City and Topeka. Splendid Dining Hotels (furnishing meals at seasonable hours) west of Missouri River. California Excursions daily, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from Solti Lake, Ogden, Portland, Los Angeles, and Sun Francisco. The DIRECT LINE to and from Pike’s Peak. Manitou, Garden of tho Gods, the Sanitari ums, and Scenic Grandeurs of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Solid Entrees Trains daily between Chicago and Minneapolis ani St. Paul, with THROUGH Reclining Chair Cars (FREE) to and from thoso points and Kansas City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit Lake, und Sioux Falls, vis Rock Island. Tho Favorito Lino to Pipestone,’water town, Sioux. Falls, and the Summer Resorts and Hunting and Fishing Grounds of the Northwest THE SHORT LINE VIA SBNBCA AND KANKAKEE offors facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayotto, and Council Blulis, fc>t Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and bt. Paul. For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired information, apply to any Tlckr Oth co in tho United Status cr Canada, or addross E. ST. JOHN, OHN SEBASTIAN, Oaml CHICAGO, It-’. IHn'l Ticket »»•» As«u. No. 21