The Springfield Herald.
YoL X,
Entered ntthopostolllcont Sprlngtlold Colorado,
as iMu-ond-elus* matter.
Invariably In advance.
Published Friday of each week.
76 cent* pei Inch, single column, each month.
No prefered position given.
Business Local*. 10 cents j*cr line each Insertion.
I. •cal mention, 15 cents per line each Insertion.
Lkoai. Anv.: Final proof noth-e* ss.uo, single
Contest notices 15.00 each.
All oilier legal printing subject to a rate of 10
cents per 11 ic for tlivt insertion, 6 cents for each
additional-nonpareil measure, nine words to a
line, unless otherwise contracted.
These rates will he strictly adhered to.
Official Paper of Baca County.
From Jmnniry Ist. 1 Sofi_the_snfi_
script ion rat os of the He_kal»_wil2
»x> $1.25 pur year, if paid in ad
vance. Subscriptions to the lead
ing papers, magazines and poriod
iculs, taken in connection with
the Herald »t red need prices.
Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher is
reported lying near death’s door.
Ex-President Harrison is the
happy lather ot an eight and a
half pound girl.
The number ot deaths in Bom
bay from th3 plague continue to
average near 300 a day.
Heavy snows in the mountains
have caused much damage. Rail
road trains have been delayed.
Many snow slides have occurred,
causing some loss of lile.
An agent of the Cuban Junta is
said to be in Southern Texas in
listing a brigade of cowboys to
tight the Spanish. They* will go
well armed and can whip double
their number.
'Hie price of steel rails has been
reduced about one-halt and the
railroads are purchasing heavily.
England is buying American rails
at the present prices. The trust
must be bursted.
If the legislature wants to pass
a proposed amendment to the con
stitution, that will meet with fav
orable consideration by the people,
let them adopt one limiting its
sessions lo 40 days.
Senator Vorhees, who iias rep
resented Indiana so long and ably
in the United States Senate, will
retire March 4th by force of cir
cumstances —superceded by a gold
hug. lie will resume the practice
ol law.
(low Bushnell, of Ohio gives out
over his signature, the statement
that he will appoint Marcus A.
Hanna as U. S. Senator to fill the
vacancy that will he occasioned
by John Sherman resigning to go
into the Cabinet.
Hanna 'will go into the United
States’ senate and his chief ambi
tion will be to fri.ine a t a rill bi;l
that will give him as much pres
tige as the McKinley bill gave its
accredited author. That means he
some day expects to he president.
The Spanish arc accused of kill
ing Dr. Ruis at Ouanubacoa, Cuba,
He was an American and a prison
er. The guards claim he commit
ted suicide. Consul General Lee
demanded the body for examina
tion as to cause of death, and was
refused. He asks that war ships
be sent, at once to emphasize lus
request and upon being refused
lias resigned his ollice.
Gen. Gomez, the Cuban leader!
seems to have buckled on his I
fighting armour and commenced
a campaign that is not all bush
whacking. He is in between
Weyler and Havana and has a
force behind the Spanish general
with which he intends to run him
home. The reports ol numerous
engagements are greatly in favor
ot the rebels. Spain with her
well disciplined army can not
figln those Cubans with anv show
of success. It. is doubtful it any
general coitld do better than
Corbett and Fitzsimmons are!
already in the prizefighting state 1
ol Nevada, training for the great
est living show on earth. The
sports that train in the wake of
these noted thugs are there too to
see the fun. Carson City, and
Nevada together with tlie railroads
may profit in a mercenary wav
bur the money secured by such
means will stay with the getters
about as long as a saloon man’s
money stays with him. It is a
rare case when it does a man any
permanent good.
Two Ex-Treasurers.
Senator Barela is after 11. E.
Mulnix with lire and brimstone.
Mulnix had $40,000 ol the state’s
money in the busted Union Na
tional bank and $21,000 in the
busted American National bank.
And further, Mulnix collected less
interest than his predecessor by
$20,000. Barela has introduced a
resolution in the senate looking to
the investigation of all this.
Millionaire Moflatt, who took his
oath before Assessor Ames that he
was poor and not a milhoniare, is
on Mr. Mulnix’s bond.
Recently Senator Barela was
treasurer ot the state cattle inspec
lion board. On retiring he failed
to turn over'the money due the
board. He has not done so vet,
unless very lately. And his bonds
men are not good lor the amount
—too much straw on the bond.
Let the citizens of Colorado know
the whole truth about both of these
eminent public servants. Mr. Mul
nix smiles at Barela’s attack.
Barela explains his shortage and
straw bond with a snnle also.
They are both noble fellows—par
nobile fratrum. And the tax pay
ers are the chumps.—Trinidad
Following close upon the great
slashing of prices in steel rails the
Pennsylvania Steel company post
ed a notice to the effect that the
wages of all employes would lie
cut 10 per cent beginning March
Ist. Three thousand men are
affected. As usual the employes
will make up the loss to the com
panies which they sustain by sell
ing steel rails at such low figures.
As usual, also the company says it
hopes to be able to soon raise the
wages again. Butit will not raise
them. It has an excuse If) cut
down wages and of course it has
done so. Notwithstanding that
the great iron and steel companies
have their own choice ol presi
dents elected a high tariff man
still they do little but scheme
to reduce the wages of men. The
future looks gloomy indeed, for
the employes of the steel and iron
works of the country. —Pueblo
One of our exchanges offers the
following recipe lor making lim
burger cheese: “Take two gallons
of sour milk and set it on the stove
until it begins to froth. Put one
half dozen ol eggs (eggs which are
racked and torn with trouble are
best). About this time throw in
a little assafoetida. stir well and if
you have anv decayed vegetables
around the house, slice them up
and put them in. After it has ac
quired strength take it out to the
barn for four or five days and ten
nights. Then place out m the
boiling sun until it dies, after
which it may be served and tlien
great care should be taken in ap
proaching it.
A Washington, D. C., paper says:
“Pennsylvania is a pencil of a state, i
I The legislature is made up as fol
lows: One gambler, one base ball'
umpire, one preacher, eight, men
who declare they are “gentlemen,”
nineteen who are without occupa
tions, twenty seven lawyers and
one pugilist. Of the members
three were convicted of lnrcenv,
one was tried for murder and ac
quitted, three have been in the in
sane asylums, while eight have
taken the Keeley cure and four
are divorced.” It is to be noted |
that, there are no “anarchists”,
they’re all in the west and south.!
Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly,
For March.
The widespread inrerest in the.
inaugural ceremonies at Washing
ton gives timeliness and value to
tiie article entitled “Ninety-seven
Years in llie White House ” Which
forms the leading feature ot Frank
Leslie’s Popular Monthly for
March. It is written by Joanna
R. Nicholls, and is profusely illus
trated with portraits and interior
views reproduced from new pho
tographs. Then there is a vigor
ous description of the great Lincoln
Inauguration, by lion. A. Oakey
Hall, who was a participant in the
•ceremonies. This is illustrated
with a reproduction of a sketch of
the inauguration made at the lime,
and a picture of some of the cos
tumes worn at the Inauguration
Ball. There are many other inter
esting and important articles in
this number, and some clever stor
ies and poems. “Vassal* College”
is described in a splendidly writ
ten paper by Blanche A. Jones;
Frederick A. Ober writes of“. Some
Natives ol North Alrica,” which
include the Arabs, Berbers. Ton.
aregs and Moors; there is the eon
eluding paper ol Edmund Jen
nings Lee's excellent estimate of
the character of General Robert
E. Lee; “AThousand Miles Up the
Amazon” is entertainingly de
scribed 1)v Clarence B. Riker;
Commisssioner Blechenden tells
ol life in India; the city of St. Louis
comes in for an appreciative paper
bv Charles Thomas Logan; and
there is some illustrated stage gos
sip, a young folks’ department,
talks about new books, and many
other things.—Frank Leslie’s Pub
lishing House, New York.
C. Frost Liggett, of the Sheri -
den Lake press, was m town on
business several days tin’s week.
He returned recently from a trip
to the Carriso gold mines, and re
ports several good prospects being
opened up there. He expects to
return there shortly and thinks
there will he quite a rush of pros
pectors to the camp when spring
opens up.—Lamar Register.
.Several of our citizens have had
a number of prospectors at work
staking out claims near Carriso
Springs where the new gold fields
have been recently opened.—Las
Animas Leader.
A. B. Wallis is packing his house
hold goods and will soon move to
Ilocky Ford, Colo.—Johnson City
Did You Ever Make Money Easy?
Mr. Editor.-! have read how Mr.
C. E. B. made so much money in
the Disli Wnsh°r business and
think I have beat him. lam verv
young yet and have had tilth* ex
perience in selling goods, hut have
made over eight hundred dollars in
lon weeks selling Dish Washers. It
is simply wonderful how easy it is
to sell them. All you have to do is
to show tlie ladies how they work
and they cannot help but buy one.
for the benefit of others I will state
that 1 got my start from the Mound
City Dish Washer Co. St. Louis.Mo
Write to them and they will send
full particulars.
I think I can clear over $3,000 the
coming year, and I am not going to
let the opportunity pass. Try it and
publish your success lor the benefit
of ot hers. 1 J. F. O.
Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Away.
11 you want to quit touacco using easily
ami forever, bcumdo well, strong. mngnoiic,
lull of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac.
the wonder-worker, that, makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ton days.
Over -100,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bae of your
druggist, under guarantee to cure, ;Vv. or
jl.dO. Booklet and sample mulled f roe. Ad.
{Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York.
A, _ Your address, with six cents
* n ■tamps, mailed to our Head-
3 uar,cr *- 11 Eliot ftt.. Holloa,
I // “***•• "ill bring you a full line
* a- 111 samples, and rules for self
_ (k 'lf measurement, of our justly far
* II r I I I mous •:< pants ; Suits, f. 13.25;
Olf P/A [(III Overcoats, f10.25,and up. Cut
>• toorder. Agents wanted every-
Plymoutii Rock Co.
/Charles A. Baldwin &. Co.!■
■ | .*o and 43 wall street. ■ \
\ NEW YORK. ' (
■ Accounts of Banks and Bankers received ■
• on favorable terms. 1
« Bonds nnd Investment Securities. a
f Dally Financial Letter Mai'cd on Application. 1
#Scnd Six 2 Cent Stumps
150 First Class Receipts.
H. W. WPFW O. P A- T. A . I'-iim /V. :
ggg|Zg|j> Steel Tanks
The New Hook Spoon Free to All:
I read in the Christian Standard ;
that Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A. St. J
Louis, Mo., would give an elegant :
plated hook spoon to anyone send
ing her ten 2-cent stamps. I sent >
for one nnd found it so useful that :
I showed it to my friends, and made I
$13.00 in two hours, t king orders!
lor the spoon. The huok spoon is a :
household necessity. It cannot slip !
into the dish or cooking vessel, be- |
ing held in the place by a hook on
the back. The spoon is something
that housekeepers have needed ev- >
er since spoons wore first invented.
Anyone can get a sample spoon by
sending ten 2-cent si.-mips to Miss;
Fritz. This is a splended way to j
make inonev around home.
Very truly. Jeanette S. I
How Die Dipper the Farm.
Father was sick atnl tin* mortgage
on the farm was coining due, 1 saw !
in tiie Christian Advocate where j
Miss A. M. Fritz of Station A, St.
Louis. Mo., would send a sample |
conibinat ion dipper for 18 two cent
stamps, and I ordered one. I saw
the dipper could bo used as a fruit
jar filler; a plain dipper; a funnel;
a line strainer; a strainer funnel; a
sick room warming pan and a pint ■
measure. These eight different uses !
makes the dipper such a necessarv j
article that I went to work with it I
and it sells at very near every
house. Ami in four months 1 paid
off the mortgage. I think l can clear
as much as S2OO a month. If you
need work you can do well hv giv
ing this a trial. Miss A. M. Fritz
Station A, St. Louis, Mo., will send
you a sample lor is 2cent stamps
write at once. John G. N.
Make Your Own Lantern.
Your home is incomplete without
it, and tin* price is within reach of I
all. I ordered one for my own use
ami it was so handv and convenient j
1 went to taking orders for them J
and sold 51 in one day making over
$5 clear. It gives a beautiful white
light, chimneys never break from j
heal, it is always clean and ready. 1
Francis Oasev, St. Louis, Mo., will
send sample lor 13 two cent stamps!
write for one. I got my start from |
him. George B.
Marry This Girl Quick.
I saw in your paper that a 13 year
old boy made $1.25 the first hour lie
worked selling the Ferfeclion Mel
aPnp'Lninpwßk. I ordered a sam
ple ami went to work and tiie first
week I cleared $lO, the second
week I cleared sls. I expect to run
up to $25 a week m the near future, I
as the I’erleclion Metal Tip Lamp- j
wick makes such a beautiful white
light and does away with smokev I
chimneys and had odor and saves!
oil, it is easy to sell. If you wish to j
try it send 13 two cent stamps to
Miss A.M.Fritz, Million A. St. Louis j
Mo., and she will semi you sample i
outfit, this is a good wav to make
money around home. M iss Tima W .
A Wife E:| uul to itCoid Min >.
Will some one of vour readers!
give me a good recipe lor making a |
cold starch? lam selling self-heal -
mg flatirons and iron a little at
everv house and have to use some 1
starch every place and want to
know Imw to make good cold starch
My husband was in debt and I be
ing anxious to help him thought I
would sell sellheating llatirons and
I am doing splendidly. A cent’s j
worth of fuel will heat the iron for
three hours, so you can have per- ]
feet 1 v even heat. You can iron in
half t he time and no danger scorch
ing the clothes, as with the old iron
and you can get the most beautiful
gloss. 1 sell at nearly everv house
as the iron saves so much luel eveiy 1
body wants one. I make $1.50 on
each iron and have not sold less '
than ten anv day I worked. Mv
brother is doing well and I think
anyone can make lots of inonev
anywhere selling irons. J. F. Oasy
tXrCo., St. Louis, Mo., will start any !
one in the business, as they did'
me, if you will address them.
1 Mies. A. Russell, j
A Good Wind Mill—Make it Yourself
I saw one of the People's wind
mills which I saw recommended in
your paper recent cost me st).4t)
and is a splendid mill; my well is
deep, but it pumps all right and
with very little wind; the neighbors
all like it, and as I am a k ml ol ear
penter, I have agreed to put up
nine mills already, on which I can ;
make a nice profit, and there arc!
many others for whom I can put up
mills this fall. I don’t see why ev-j
er.v farmer should not have a wind
mill, when they can make it them
selves for less than $10; anyone can <
get diagrams nnd complete direc
tions for making the wind mill by |
sending 18 two cent stamps to pay !
postage etc., to Francis < ‘asey, St.
Louis, Mo., and there can be dozens I
of them put tip in any locality by
anyone that has energy to do so.
1 A Farmer. |
A double (irimlrr with three burr*.
Cetder draft. Can tie attaehe 1 t..niiv
T\ slse or tnauft of |>mii|>lng wind mill.
S 3! KonvrooJ Terraco, Chicago, 111
|| $lOO.OO j!
|| Given Away jj
)] Every Month jj
to tlio person submitting tho n
4> i iost meritorious iuvuntiuu ••
l > ilm in-x tlio lnonlli. 44
<V. H .-A K U 111-: l\\ TKN TS M
ron INVENT! n:*. mil the U
nJ o/ji-Ct < f this oITi-i- i-i to cm- #4
(-'uintßo-peroon* <>i iut In.out-44
• liu turn <.f min.). At the 44
q »».iiii o time wo wish t'» Impress f 4
f i the Fact Him **■ :: :: to
" It’s tho Simple, jj
|| Trivial Inventions |j
J! That Yield Fortunes !!
—such ra Do I ons'd Ilook II
it iiinl live, ".-ou time Hump,"
4f "*..f ty Ciu.- -I’u 3 m Clo- U
n wr." ".Mi- llmlce.’ etc. it
it Almost • very ono conceives i|
J) Q n l.i-lgnt Mi-n lit bourn lime or 21
nUi -r. Why nor puMtHn prac- t*
I; licJli.-si? Y«» 17 it t.'ilcnts limy 4a
B lie I \ tills ('iructlon. May 21
} ) mnko ymr fortun*-. Why not 2 ■
U tryt :: :: :: B
b llTWrilo for further Information nml *)
44 lueiiliou this paper.
M Philip W. Avlrstt, Gom. Mgr., Jy
tL 613 F Street, Northwest,
44 C3T- Hio reapoti«lhlli»y of ilm* coin pun r it
44 muy lie Jinlgoil l»y the lm-t that its U
M fctoi-k la held liy over .no- tlimidaml
M ’ of ilio liuuliiiK (icws/HucTi in tile
44 United Suited. 44
!!' I r l»p crrrr»n-.r. .1*
dbcrlvcd by nllurlru- adTcrtlHoirpnt* an.l
think you can get tlio boil mude, lliiiMi amt
for a more nonsr. lhiyfroin n-llahlo innnufiirtur<-ni
that have ißilneil r. reputation l.y lu.ncM nnd Mninm
dealing. There lx In the world thnt .-an equal
in innchnnh-al conxtrui-tion, ituruliillly of woiking
|i*rt», (In. iw-Mx of n»l*h. In .ajiiii Mmmi-.iT hoy
at. many the NEW HOMS.
Tho New Homs Sewing Machine Co.
OKAvna, Mass. 1Ioato:i, Mas*. £8 V.viowHq•' or N Y
CiiiCA'io, lix. Br, lan ix. Mo.
yoAXciaco, Cal. Aila:,.*, u*
Atlmy nml Soil, La .Jiiiita, Colo.
DRXTKR SliOfi CO., Inc';.. Capital, JI.OOO.OCv'.
BEST ttl.r.O KKOi: IN Till: IVIIKLD.
"A dollar turrit it it dollar rurvtd."
Thixl.atllt-H-Solid Frotich li.nignln Slid Tint,
tou lloot delivered freo nnvw!i.-re In tlio 11.5., on
■y.j roeelnt of Caiih. Money Order,
■ore* tor
ild boot
o guar'
d irrur,
. Opera
. & i:k!
.nd half
fijtclal terrna lo JJeuUtt.
South of Court House
Lainnr, Colorado.
Prof. Eve, Throat, Female and Siirt'h-nl DDen-eb
Ollice honrd: sto» a. in.. 1 to and, 7toa p. in.
> stolo n. in. Sutulnv*.
thliiK to patent ? Protect your Ideas ; t hey umy
brine you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDEIv*
HUKN «fc CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,
L). C., for their bl.bUO prize oiler.
Kvorvboily Fay* So.
Cu3c:iret3 Catuiv CatharLic, tlic most won
derfiil i.i-.dical ilisi-o-. erv oT the ape. p t*as
ant and i-ci'i-i slung to tin- tusie, act pcntly
and posui . --ly on ki<lne\s. liver and Towels,
i 1.-a idi.-iL' the uutitv hvsl iii. «Hs| • 1 i-nlrln,
cilia lii-ad.telio, .cvi’-. hid Until ■oi *iij ntion
and hi.iotisnoss. Plcnsi* buy anil try a box
of C. 11. C. to-day; 10, 9-'. . f 0 cent*. Hold and
guaranteed to omv by nil druggists.
For Bronchitis
"I i.ever realized the good of a medi
cine so much as 1 have in the last few
months, during wldelt time 1 have suf
fered intensely from pneumonia, followed
by bronchitis. After trying various rem
edies without benefit, 1 began tbe use of
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and the effect
has been marvelous, a single dose re
lieving me of choking, ami securing a
good night's rest.”—T. A. Higginbotham,
Gen. Store, Long Mountain, Va.
La Grippe
"Last Spring 1 was taken down with la
grippe. At times I was completely pros
trated, and so difficult was my breathing
that my breath seemed ns if confined in
an iron cage. I procured a bottle of
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner
had I began taking it than relief fol
lowed. 1 could not believe that the ef
fect would be so rapid."—W. 11. Williams,
Cook City, S. Dak.
Lung Trouble
"For more than twenty-five years, I
was a sufferer from lung trouble, attend
ed with coughing s - severe ut times ns to
cause hemorrhage, tho paroxysms fre
quently lasting three or four hours. I
was induced to try Ayer’s Cherry Pec
toral, and after taking four bottles, was
thoroughly cured. I can confidently
recommend this medicine.”—Franz Hof
mann, Clay Centre, Kans. •
Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr.J.C. Ayer .ScCo., I.owell, Max*.
Bold by all Druggiat*. l’rlce $1; six bottle*,# j.
Promptto act. sureto cure
i |
£ V* *» t DRyGeiSTS I
6rii n ■ i■ ■ V ■HI CARCATCETS CABC.IKETS s— €
\ § A tu-to food. Kti lhotu lihtouko the flow of § A \
At V In tint moutli. lonvliiK l>y tbu mother luukes T 1/
f I fiflTL'lßT'A f the breutii Bwiiot uod tier nillk uiHtlly puru-f BlflTl'mC IT
\V bAlnAnllb 0 perfumed. It I* a iitlvo mid bun u mild f MUStiUid f i
€/ f} | real plennura to tuko bulcertuln hfleet on 4 4 w
\ u *»**»w- fm « »m • ■ thorn Insteudof uhu- the baity, tho only •• *• 61 *•••••••■ \
0 avaliud liquid* or cannon-ball pills. Kufo luxutlvu for tho babo-lioarain. QJ
\ ■ oa.a am,* cmemm mm CAUCAnETH .... CAM'ARETN ■■ ammm a = ——■ i
if tf tt are purely vowulublo mu liked by tint cb 11* A , 0
niinPi Y 4unit contain no mm- drun. They taste J R!CACC \
Ah l UilCLl Ucurlul or other nil::* pood ami do good,. rL£A«C A
Vft . _ #«red nml nmmclin. all kind* of pHt-n-f a
\ «•«•* "»■»« »* • •••"tltto combination *♦— tbwX »« * • '•»■»••• aj,
V never before put together In nnr form. bowele of the srowluif etilld. 0
A ■ « at* ■■■■■» c.».w CAIICARETH ...CANCARETB, ■> > a ■ mm A
7 I A uio iinilieiiilc. Tliu t tNken patiently. per- If
x § ASITI9F3TIf* Q mean* they stop no- m.ientfy areguaran- I*VV9E 9 i
4 1 Mil 1 l«#Er llw X (lluosti’d food from teed to euro any cate UUllk I A
\I X pouring In the •tom- of constipation, no I\
LAXATIVE | in'untnMon In tho I obstinate, or rur-w 61 lAMHTEED If
i I f bowel* and kill ms* cbitoo money will bn I i
V "••• • • • • • eune perms of auy cheerfully refunded ■• ■ »•• • e e =»■ V
ib Ind that breed and feed In tbo aystem. by your own drupplst. \
■ r»rrr*T»ioia CASCARETfI •••• C A»CAKKT* ■em*me.*e m n m « ee f
R e tone tbuatouincli mid ! •i’Jfw If 0
I LIVER I?f. w lli;","i , ,S,?S!K SivV*"rfStl HEALTH }j
i l.lBOro,,: |,...H1,. 11... niilit lo per- f . . \
issmhu. a a eondltlim making fi'tt and e
their action easy at.d natural. health. XAitn’t rlak delay. T
Don't CASCARETS by other medicines you have tried. They \
are new, unlike else that's sold, and infinitely superior. \
i a ox to '^ a y» ** not P^ get t
ErcfflflftM Tho \ your money back! Larger boxes, 25c or 50c. f
R^^^9 o Bowaro , of 0 j Sample and booklet mailed free* Address i
imitations I * STEnLINO REMEDY CO..chicaooi montrcal. cah.i new YORK. 230 A
q a cures Tobacco Habit or money refunded. Makes weak rnen
lao V *"t?.7^atronc- Sold and guarauteed by all druggists. Get booklet.
SA Proof of Quality |
This name-plate with our trade- ES
w mark of “lion’s head in wheel” Wj|
CWWRfek is on every genuine Monarch Bicy
»rw clc, and is recognized the world
W*V f. over as a proof cf quality. It is a
■* jKV guarantee of strength, speed and dur- Qc
int „ I’VT '-_Vfkh ability, Ii represents the bci.t prod- Sr*
Rvi'aJS. « c t of the finest equipped bicycle SGi
M factor/ in the wok F .< There’s K
am I Sfi bd /i °r\ f safety, comfort and satisfaction in inl
possessing a Jt u -x jt jt US
Monarch |
| “The World's ~
M $75 and $100... g
K ...Tandems $l5O S
you cannot afford to buy a Men- fUj
p- ( j*.f arch, the next best arc our Defiance, % m H
U l, r / f r * > v thoroughly high-grade wheels and kV
CUS cheap in price only, r* Six styles for
fC* XMB children and adults s‘lo, $5O and
W“3 <S>LiA $6O. <j£ Fully guaranteed. Send &V
M for Catalogue, u* & Wj
*}: Monarch Cycle Mfg. Co., jgl
Lake, Halstcd and Fulton Sts., 33 Reads St., ffs
g CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YORK, g«;*i Sninplu Kooins for Com- House Kelitted Through
mertunl Mon. lteason- out. First-class Ac
able Rates. coinmodations.
W. C. VINCENT, Prop.
North of Depot. Lamar, Colorado.
Sion. W. J. Bryan’s Book
A LL who are interested in furthering the sale of Hon.
VK J. Bryan's new book should correspond im
mediately with the publishers. The worl: will contain
a An account of his campaign tour . ■ .
His biography, written by his wife . .
His most important speeches ....
The results of the campaign of 1896.
™ 111 ii > ■
A review of the political situation . .
Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting
one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of
bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor
mous sale. Address
W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, Publishers,
341-351 Dearborn St...XIIICAGO.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powdci. —No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes —40 Years the Stsudatd.
No. 27