Newspaper Page Text
The Springfield Herald. Vol. X. L. A. WIKOFF, t; 1)1 TO It AND I’ItOPKI KTOIt. £iiterc<l attliepoatnlUccatSprlngfleld Colorado, an KORonilfCliiM mailer. SUBSCRIPTION*. - - $1 23 I’EU YEAH Invariably In advance, i'ubllsliol Frlilav of each week. A DVKRTISIXG ItATKS. 76 ccnU pci Inch, single column, cac.’.i month. So prefered |M»nitlon tllven. IlunlncsHLncal*, 10 cents per lineeach Insertion. I. •cal mention, 15 centn per line each insertion. I.Kgai. Anv.: Final proof notices fS.OO, single Contest notices 45.00 each. All oilier legal printing subject to a rate of 10 cents per line for first insertion, 5 cents for each additional —nonpareil measure, nine words to u line, unless otherwise contracted. These rates will bo strictly adhered to. Official Paper of Baca County. From .fannary Ist. ISfifi the sub script ion rates of the Bkhali>_\viH hH .$1.25 per yc.-ir, if paid in ad vance. Subscriptions l«> tlie lead ing papers, magazines mnl period icals. taken in connection with the Hkkai.d ot reduced prices. Mrs. Ilenry Ward Beecher died Monday, at the ago of 85. Denver can furnish more sin cides than any city west of St. Louis. The public schools of Marshall, Colo., have been closed because of diptiieria. Rngosa Springs’ people are go ing to build a house of worship for the M. E, church. The silver men hold the balance of power in the Senate, but there in no disposition to hamper the administration. Senator Wolcott lias returned from Europe. Ho prulesscs to believe that the future prospect ior silver is bright President McKinley has called an extra session of Congress. The necessity lies, in his view, of the passage of a tariff bill. The United States Senate lias lost one of its old standbys in John Sherman. It cannot be ex pected thatllanna as senator can carry as much ability to that body as Sherman did. Dnrrant, the San Francisco mur derer of t.vo young ladies, has passed his case along t he courts to the limit and in doing so has ex tended his lease ot life for two years. The courts are against him and he must hang, within four months,for his crimes. Secretary Bliss, of the 'lnterior department, says he will be careful in making new appoint ments. The men now in ollice will be retained as lar as possible when competent and when consis tent with reason and the necessity of confidential relations. Pueblo people neglected Cripple Creek when they had the chance, and now they cannot easily even get leases. The best thing" now would be to pay attention to Red River and Carriso. Red River and Cochiti are promising great things.—Pueblo Chieflian. Gov. Adams does not intend to have the fire and police depart - ment or the department ot public works used as a political machine, and he is right. The people are the sovereigns, and the officials are the servants under a republi can form of government properly administered.—Denver Republi can. The Silver-Republican party will now become a national party, a call having been issued by the Silver Republican members of both branches of Congress for a provisional national committee. All republicans who believe in the tree coinage of silver will no doubt ally themselves with the new organization. Senator Teller nays that it is not the intention of the promoters of the new party to ! antagonize any other free silver party, but rather to assist in the restoration of bimetallism.— Pagosa Springs News. Some one expresse wonder that we have so many old maid school teachers. An exchange accounts for it in away that {demonstrates tiie wisdom of the sclioolmu’uins. It says they do not care to give up a S4O-a-month job for a sls a month mail. They have more authority in a school room than they have in most households.— Walsenberg Cactus. There is going to be a scarcity of cattle for a year or two; the want of ready cash has compelled cattlemen to sell everything t hat would bring cash and the southern ranges have been pretty well cleaned out. The movement north this year will be light on this ac count, for there is not much left but yearlings. It 13 next to impossible to get t\vo3 and threes. —La Junta Democrat. Gov. Adams has notified the officers of the Fire and Police board ol Denver to keep out of politics. The object of the law segregating this branch of the city government from the other branch was to prevent corrupt manipula tion of affairs for political ellect. Heretofore this board, which is ap pointed by the governor, have held a high hand when it came to the city election. A large party of Lamarites are preparing to go to the new mining camp at Carriso Springs to try their luck at mining operations. They will start m a lew days and take with them a complete outfit for mining operations, including tools, dynamite and bait with which to tempt the goddess of for tune. They will take men along to handle the tools and dynamite, while they look after the bait. —Lamar Register. The distribution ot seeds by the government is to be done on a different plan this year from the old one ol mailing direct. Twelve carloads,of seed will be sent to Denver for this state and from there distributed to different counties by sending in quantities to a few persons for distribution One car has been received and L. F. Mathews and M. M. Mvers have each received a mail sack full of seeds for distribution out ol this car. No legislature like unto the 11 th can pass anv railroad law that will favor the people. No legislature like the 11th .has ac cepted so many free rides. Nearly the whole outfit was down to Las Animas last Sunday, presu tna bly to visit the Fort Lyon reserva tion. Committee after committee has toured the state to visit this and that and every one has b en furnished free rides in Pullman coaches. How ungrateful after receiving such favors to pass a law not in the interest of these roads. Excitement is running high here over the recent discoveries made at the new mining camp at Carriso Springs. The recent assays have shown marked improvement over, the first ones and several large veins have been opened uj). C. Frost Liggett was up from the camp to-day and had an assay ol ore from his mine, which was made by the Price Assaying Company ol Colorado Springs on Feb. 27. It showes $3.40 gold, $11.70 silver, and SG4.O'J copper per ton. This is taken from an average sample of ore taken out near the surface.. He has a vein of it opened up which is 5.V feel across. The camp is rapidly in creasing m population as the weather improves, and several large parties will leave here for that place in a few days equipped with complete outfits for exten sive mining operations. A number ot new mines are being opened up | and a large amount of ore is being j taken out. The new smel.'eri started up yesterday and already has ore enough on hand to last a long time. All indications point to a big boom at the camp this spring.—Special to Denver Re publican. SPRINGFIELD, BACA COUNTY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 181)7. The fact that the Japanese law making body had a bill before it to limit the coinage of silver, gave the gold men of the United States a joyful leap, and they at once claimed that Japan was no longer a silver nation. Japan is still a silver country and liable to re main so for many years. Plucky little Greece replied “No" to the notice ol the combined pow ers to withdraw from Crete. She says she cannot consent to give the Christians of that island over to the Turks to he murdered. The popular feeling in England and other places is so strongly with the Greeks that the powers will j now seek some other plan to (ix ! up tHe matter without war. Ilur ! rah for a nation that dares to do right though too small to enforce her aims by war. Greece will not be obliterated from the map ol j Europe for such a stand. The Power Above And Behind All Thrones Is Public Opinion. PUBLIC OPINION (New York) represents tlie result of culling the most interesting and impor tant articles and items of news from about 3,000 newspapers, magazines , and reviews. A single issue often contains matter from 150 different periodicals. The cost of these publications would amount to hundreds of dollars a week and even by constant read ing no one could gather the assort - ed knowledge that is presented each week to the readers of PUB LIC OPINION. The editors re lieve you ot trouble and cxpi nee. The field ol American and For eign Affairs is thoroughly covered and the best thought of the day is presented under the heads of Sci ologioal. Scientific, Religious. Letters and Art, Miscellany, and Business and Finance. Send to the publishers for a sample copy. Any magazine(except the Ladle’s Home Journal) the price of which does not exceed SI.OO per year, will be sent free to every new subscriber at $2.50, the regular price of subscription, or the pub lishers will send PUBLIC OPIN 1()N one year for this amount and also the Rand-McNallv, 1597, atlas containing 175 pages of new maps Public Opinion Company, 13 Astor Place, New York City. I shall teach a forty weeks se lect school, at Springfield, this year. Will do high school and preparatory college work, in lit eralure, sciences, aigebra, geom etry, Latin, etc. Terms, $2.75 jer month ol four weeks. $25.00 for the \ car. Work begins at once. Corres pondence solicited. W.m. N. Mitchell. Another Smart Woman. My husband is poor but proud and does not want me to work, as 1 have nothing todo I get restless, and utter reading in your paper of Mrs. Russell’s experience selling self hc iting flatirons I concluded i , would try it. 1 wrote to.J. F. Casy 1 ifcCo. St Louis Mo., and they treated j' me so nicely that 1 feel very much J encouraged. As soon ns 1 got my sample iron I started out and sold ; >8 irons the first day, clearing sl2. 1 have not sold less than 8 any day and one day I sold 17. I now have $225 clear money, am! my husband does not know ! have heeii work- ' log, lmt 1 am a Ira id ho will be mad when I tell him. Have 1 done , right or should I quit work and leave him to struggle alone? An Anxious Wife. Yon are doing just right, vour husband should be proud ol you. go right ahead and show the world what an energetic woman can do. That self-healing iron must be a wonderful seller, as we hear of so many that are succeeding in sell ing it. 2 a. gA Your addrets, with six cents sr in », m-ilcd to our llcad- V- ,1 quartets, II Lliot Rt., Poston. >. A V, U ’ /) Rass., will bring you a fug lino . w b— ft j I samples, aml rules for self (i !\ 111 measurement, of our justly fa -3 - 1,1 I 111 I IM pant* ; Suits, f 13.28; , O t-'j Mi II Overcoats, f 10.28, sari up. Cut '<’* /V, 1 w to order. Agents wanted every- i J I I —j where. Plymouth Rock Co. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoko Yonr lato Away. 11 von want lo quit tobacco immg easily and forever, be mono well, strong, muguelte,' full of new lire and vigor, take No-To-Bnc, the wonder-worker, time umlies weak men strong. Many gain ton pounds in ten days. Over 400,(XX) cured. Buy No-To-Bac of your druggist, under guarantee to cure, 50c or #l.OO. Booklet and sample mailed Iree. Ad. Bterliug Remedy Co., Chicago or Now York. That Trip East May In* for business or pleasure, or j both; but pleasure conies bv mak ing n business of traveling East o ver the S. lit \ Fo Route as far as Chicago. Thirty miles the shorter! line be tween Missouri river and Chicago; lHat means (puck time and sure connections. Track is straight, rock-ballasted, with very lew crossings at grade. No«prettier, cosier or more com fortable trains enter (’liiengo than I hose over the Santa Fe. 'J hey are vest ihu led limited ex messes, with latest pattern Pullmans and free chair cars. Meals in dining cars served on plan of paying for what is ordered. I n<] it ire of nearest agent, or ad dress (». T. Nicholson.G.l*. A. Santa Fe Route, Monadnock Building, | (Chicago. /. vv.-.rut-u Highest Honors—World’s Fair. • mSii SffHi*- wmms 'i* A•— Ai V .A IAHNfi Uv A' ’- A j-p) if v v V i-svAl.-l-U MOST PERFECT MADE. . pure C.apo Crer:n of Tartar Powder. Free Ammonia, A!::;:* or any oilier adulterant. /io yfars standard. Ayer s s Pills Arc* t tmqtoirnli d with the view to general gsefillness a:ul adaptability. They arc* composed of tin* pure: t vegetable aperients. Their delicate | sugar-coating, which readily die- | solves in tin* stomach, preserves their fall medicinal value and makes them easy to take, either hyoid or young. For constipation, dyspep sia, biliousness, sick headache, and tin* common derangements of the Stomach j JJccr, and Jiowcts; also, to check colds and fevers, | Ayer’s Pills Arc the Best Unlike other cathartics, the effect ! of Ayer’s Pills is !•> strengthen the excretory organs and restore to > them their regular and natural ac tion. Doctors everywhere prescribe them. In spite of immense compe tition, they have always maintain! il their popularity as a family vied- I icinc . being in greater demand now than ever before. They are put up Loth i;i vials anil boxes, and j whether for home use or travel, \ Acer’s Fills are preferable to any | other. Have you ever tried them V j Ayer 5 8 Pills rcpirit! by Dr. .7.0. A v<t & Co.. Lowull, j S..b! !•>- all lirtiKtfisiM. * CvDi'y Do&o Effect ivo Heart Failure. HOW TO AVOID IT. The epitaph on many a tombstone b “heart failure.” No wonder, when we con sider the immense strain which is put on tiiat siimll organ. Marvelous an it i heating 1 100,000 times and exerting a force tqtial to j 6,184,000 pounds daily, it lias its limit endurance oflen is too severely tested. So common are ui-u.isos of the heart —though j often for a considerable tinio without the suspicions of the aillictcJ person being in the least excited—Hint it is stated that one person, in four has a bail heart! Dr. Franklin Miles, of Mil:bar', lod., lias for years made a special study of all diseases of the hear!, and bis remarkable success lots ma 'e hi name a familiar one in nil parts of our l-.nd 1 lie has found the most common symptom of heart disease to ho pain,distress or t- am; - > ness in the chest, Lac/;,mlnmach, laurels, If: \ shoulder and arm, short mss of breath, tmodu r ing sp- lls, fainting, etc. Mr. George K. Smith, of ID rues, Y;<c Co., N. Y., writes: “Du. MiJ.):Y M:\v Ukaut Odue has tcorlcol wond-rfnUy ok mind and body s» / can do a gr.wl do n -,•• / • /.:«•/ ten years young ■»• and take inor<* inlet e.-: n aflairH. 1 had shortness of breath, palpi tation, pain under left shoulder blade, /» .»/' round the heart, J could not sleep on mg t n 'r ile. Linee I have taken J>r. MU*.! S c Heart Cure I sleep « 'ell. and hare no palp 1 1- It lias made my heart strong-r. I wish •at would print t!ii«, because I want a I io tier what I'Jr. Miles' Heart Care has d« lie ■r me.” For months my wife fiiinTercd with ;> dpi ion, smolneriiig spells, and was unable t*> c < on tier left side. She tried several • tor) without relief. Your Heart (’ire. •-. recommended. After taking three i!lts, *-ho fully recovered her health. ur medicines do what you claim.” —(.'has. i: ni-TM an, Toll do, O. Ur. Wiles’ Now Cava fer Ike Heart is eoin >y all drngsists on u p-sitive g iarantic*. It :<•'{». agreeable, eff.c'ire, mid does cure. Jr Miles Medical Co., Eikhart lud. " WIiiCER’S 55*'» p IKI fFtEB ORIHOE3 "A MONEY MAKER AKD SAVER.” A dnnblo Orlndsr *ltli tiiree burr*. Con’er draft. Can benttirl c ti any *lxc or make of l umpnm- wind mill. | E. B. WINGER, . i f>22 KonwouJ Terraefl, CMcsc”, Ik [ ij $lOO.OO j| !i Given Away i] G Every Month jf t 1 . w \f to the portion rubml'tinjr tho H I i >.: moriioi'ioiiH iitvciitiou *4 { ; Uurintf tlio preceding inonlli. Ay <' W K M '.I i; It K i*A'T BN TS U (I r I.J INVKVTOItf*, mill tliu *5 O »».<.f tiiia offer is to cu « .-ipersons **r mi Invent- si . ivo turn <>f min.l. At tlio {4 « i!!!' 1 ti in* wo wish to l:npress fft «itiu fitet mac v. :: :: i ; It’s the Simple, jj o Trivial Inventions ;< !J Tlict Yield Fortunes j| i'H’li r, Pa T '-n:‘4 I’o-tk Ij 5 i. I r,.0. ‘Vco tlmt Hump." (A ;* s,f. |/ Pin," -Pips m Uu-i.J , , wr." "Mr llrako," etc. m (‘j Al-tto,t ••. cry otio eoncolvcs U O nin itflit il* ant. fionm tlmo or ii : w ( . !i r. Why ti-u putltln pr.ic- <4 ;• t ioal i:s*. ? Y* .C It talents may *4 1 1 0 I i til's direction. .Muy li J t i*i'to your fortune. Why not *4 If tiy Write for f tribe r information and || || THE PRESS CLAIMS GO. I ip Piii'.ip W. Avirett, Gen. Mgrif ii 013 F Street, Northwest, H WASHINGTON, D. C. jj II E35 r ”Tbn responsibility of i tit.*, com pan r Tv H nmy lie Judged l.y the laet Hint Its O M Mo. it m hold liy OVI.-I ..lie thousand f> i) hi ilm li-H.lim; nuivspupuis in tliu tv it I'uited States. <) f. r r . J|pSi§pPß pfeifer- 1 ' ,■; VV Do not •*. riaetdrm! t>y alluring ndvrrtlarmmUand tluiil* you can get the bert trade, tti: flinch and WOCT POPULAR EEYY'NG MACHINE fnr n marie. whi*. Huy from ivllul.h* moiiur-,.-tnr.*ri , that Imvf irainiNj a romti-tion 1.7 l>nnr*t nn-l K.narn • l-.ilim-. Thore loHinnln tlio WnrM tlu.t .rn .'uiial In *ii**. l <*..n.trttctlnn, durchtlit/ of -APrUr* I irt>. iln"*ioas of ilnl Si. l.piiisty .n nppeamnon.or hue ac inuny inipruvunicnU aa U:o NEW HOME. WaiTE FOR CIRCULARS. The Now Uema Sewing HacSina Co. Obanor. Mass. It. -to>.\ M« «. Sj I'mom fij-. woc.N.Y. C'tmtAoo. ii,i_ yr.loci.'H.sio. Hai.x.a^.'iiixas. Pa:. 111A.VC.-.CO, C .L. '..a. ten GALE nY At liny mid Mm, l.n 2 tint a, Colo. DEXTHB fiBPB CO., Inc’n. rnj-I'nl. S|.r,CO.OC:. u;:.sT Gt.r.o snot: in ;iii: av«ss:li>. •*.S tl'tllnr Ktred ha dollar nirnul.”*>* ‘Mill.l I'riMu li tt- HRolu tild Tsuf. ton lfoot delivered free r.* in tlio 1).5.,0u ry rcci’lpt it i t>li. Muncy Ortier, Ti / lipinls every way the boots y . ] ►old In n't retnil utoreo for t**r \ S J.en. We t.:.*ko this boot t'Jt/' £ SI oiirtelves, therefore wo guar — • \ (t liter tlio /<■', style aml r-enr. A «"•» n '-y 010 h not ■atlmic-rt f£r? .v'flr l 2* Y wo "'HI rofiintl tlio r.:i N«f nnot her pair. Opera J ; - \ widths < : .’ ,u iV!' ii £’ in:! j'j Y_- > sizes 1 to S mid half V',s' I / '>,’<■ 3\. ,;c tent fit you. ' •; Illustrated Dexter Shoe Go., Special terms to Dealers. F. MILTON FRIENOt M. O. and SntClioV. South of Court llouso Lain.'ir, Coloi-ntlo. Pref. r.v I*. Throat. FcinalcHiid Siiruienl »Iflca*-e« * lllice hours: .*•: m!• n. m.. 1 t<* *. and. 7 t*» sp. in. 8 to to n. in. Nittnltiyit. WANTED-AM \ DEA STSSRfi® tlilnir to patent? Protect your ideas ; they tnn/ bring you wealth. Write JOHN WUDIJEIi- BUitN CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C., their 11,800 prize oiler. ) j very body buys f o. C.t :.*;»svU < ’cu i r < lull*.urtic. the tnosl won derful m .ii.’il .* ; <» irv of U:c >»; litas a:it Mi l rufi* ■siiTif '.<> tin* tnbiw. a; i jently mi 100 idi .-. ly ..n hi :t.( ' l.veniui I"V , |s. .-!• • 'MI.: til.- ctitiiv ■■•" I 1!'. Oi' |< 1 icii.v, eii .n •»-i laolic, . it uel ..i:* l : i p.l ion rui ) :> i'lMsn ■ ... Pii ac< lu;y t*nu iry n hex of i*. (:. o to-luv; io, v. .»'< mV. i l -ohiand gnarau'ectl to cur • l.y till *- isll. For EroncSrotis “I never realized the good of a medi cine so much as I have in the last few months, during which time 1 have suf fered intensely from pneumonia, followed by bronchitis. After trying various rem edies without benefit, 1 began the use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and tin* effect has been marvelous, a single dose re lieving me of choking, and securing a good night’s rest."—T. A. Higginbotham, Ccii. Store, Long Mountain, Va. La Grippe “Last Spring 1 was taken down with la grippe. At times 1 was completely pros trated, and so ilifileult was my breathing that my breath seemed as if confined in an Iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner bad I began taking It than relief fol lowed. 1 could not believe that the ef fect would he so rapid.”—W. li.Williams, Cook City, S. Dak. Lung Trouble “For more than twenty-five years, 1 was a sufferer from lung trouble, attend ed with coughing s severe at times as to cause hemorrhage, the paroxysms fre quently lasting three or four hours. I was induced to try Ayer's Cherry Pec toral, and after taking four bottles, y\as thoroughly cured. I can confidently recommend this medicine.”—Fruuz Hof mann, Clay Centre, Kans. • AYER’S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr.d.C. Ayer .VCo., Lowell, Maas. Bold by ull Druggist*. Price ft; six bottle*, #5. Prompt to act, sure to cure I/|g|AN BY CATtIASI IC | VSMIAy 1 DRUGGISTS 0 naroamo*poo- CASCAKF.TS CASCAKETfI & o E tii*U) good. Kut tliem Increaxo tlio How of A < » 8 candy |ii l st?rf, , -ba , K. , £ s!i. kl rAii”. ,, ss±| cod:j for : v X V 111 tbo mouth, leaving by tho mother nmi os Y A S cathartic I" is;s , i , „Wi , sns| mothers a P 4 real plensuro to tnko but certain effect on T Boating liquids or cuanon-bnll pills. auto luxutlvo for tlio babo-h.-arius. blo mnllkeil l>y ilmciii:- &° ** " " ****3 O 5 PURELY ls;’S.vr. n .h".?sffi: SSS - .a 'I.W. I PLEASE \ l ll VEGETABLE |THE CHILDREN |# d never before put together l:i u:. n **° ° bowels .;f tlio grow lug child. d Xk CABCA ItETH ... CASCAItETH, l>o t m a smssw A yi A mo untl-optlc. That taken patiently. i>or- A y M AHTISEPTIB |3SsVt*of , M <, MS: SSS’&K'AySSf CURE } \ K X souring In tl.c etom- of constipation, nnf \ $ | LAXATIVE | mentation' 01 In tho onHtmate^'*or' ** v'l'r- J GUARANTEED \* Aft ft bowels nmi kill dls- I'liaso money will tin 0 A 0 m-,, j.-er-us of any clicorfnliy refumli-.i »a.»o-»oos^»sow* (/ £. kind ihct breed and feed In the ny-nom. by your own druggist. \ \ r:tscTi rnrj*i CABCARF.TO •••• <’AS<’.% XX K/l'N r .t »e ssc»t<Bs» & Ot) 5 tone the htoumeb and am *e*d by nil aieg-• J y \K t IlfrO Showelsamlstlmuluto fe« l * ,0 V A o< ¥ ItEALTH } A A X L-SVtn Xtbo lary llvur, mak- P® c ,« ' V i«« • l* « 4 V V v |,. > it, n(n'|r Thi-v lag to rlzs. A »Oc* X w STIMULANT FCR 10 CEMTS |€ Zl .0-0- «■* -j .■■in<lltltm. muUliifr l’ l '' "ml pcniaiiC"! "J—^** <> ——** *—* , \ Ibolr Bclloti c 037 .iiJ n.iur.t. Lcalili. Mon t rial, del—\ \ Don’t judjjc CASCARETS by other medicines you have tried. They a \ are new, unlike anything else that’s sold, and infinitely superior. \ \ -opj-rj Try a 10c box to-day, if not pleased get V rn@§»] . Th ? your money back! Larger boxes, 25cor 50c. 9 \ t'Bowaro'of 0 ’ Sample and booklet mailed free- Address f Y- *3SBr imitations ! OTCnt-INa nEMEDV CO.. ca.c*ao. MONTntAu can.i raw von*. 230 n£\ (F\ curcH Tobaooo Ilablt or money refunded. Hakes woak men y strong. Sold and guaranteed by all diuggijt3. Ucl booklcU 1 A Proof of Quality | ptjd This rame-p!ate with our trade- ixLjx ktvi . - mark of ** lion’s head in wheel” i 3 on every genuine Monarch Bicy- &Q aO> cle, and is recognized the world Jot over as a proof of quality. J* It is a JSa" guarantee of strength, speed and dur- &O «r ? ability, d* It represents the best prod- M Vijf L.vS net of the finest equipped bicycle 03 V% U -'v factory in the world. >*'• There’s 05 ft’p' V?/; V\ f safety, comfort and satisfaction in K g possessing a& J* c* c* J* 1 Monarch 1 H "™ e World-s Fs ™ ril =" K fe} 'MK - 7< - , y fnfl M ra $75 and $100... gj M WMMrfmW ...Tandems $l5O M KJ P "RIDE A MONARCH fij} 8! .I \ AND KEEP IN FRONT’’ £3 8 SIW/'f 8 y'C.fs If ycu carr.ot affoid to buy a Mon- (VJ A y 'A atcli, the next test are our Defiance, lYm WV /“&*** i thoroughly high-grade wheels and w"W Vy-A'- cheap in price only, fc't Six styles for nrj lot 'y v A children and adults S-10, si‘J and M'S US) ’ n! VY 560. <.*’ Fully guaranteed. Send us] H t° r Catalogue. c= c* C C {gj Monarch Cycle Mfg. Co., g 8 Lake, Hakted ar.d Fultcn Sts., S 3 Readc St., 8 g CbnCAGO, ILL. NEW YORK. jjV Larp; Sample* Kiioms lor Coni- iieliitctl Tlirongli mercnil Men. U a ;an on!. 1 irslcliifs Ac :il>le Hnles. coimnodnlimu. gif grp i m TfATIi 1 !' feILVIaK hi A l h liUltjL, W. C. VINCENT, Prop. North of Depot. Lninnr, Colot wlo. Hon. W. J. Bn/an 5 § Book A LL who are interested in furthering the sale cf lion. IV. J. Bryan’s new book should correspond im mediately with the publishers. The work will contain An account of his campaign 1.0:.t ■ ■ . His biography, written by his v/ifs . . His most important speeches . . . . results of the campaign of i£9U. v A /"?' A review of the political situotion . . ■S> AGENTS WANTECD <r Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor mous sale. Address VV. B. CON KEY COMPANY, Publishers, 341-351 Dearborn St....CHICAGO. DR* [S 0 3 jp E 3 - •■i St list flpglllllclkSilS USLiilPowdeK The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powilci —No Aimumiiu; No Alum. Used iu Utiillions of IT-imcs —40 Years the Standard. No. 20.