Newspaper Page Text
The Springfield Herald. Yol. X. L. A. WIKOFF, EDITOR AND PUOPKIKTOB. K«tcted atthcpONtofilceat Springfield Colorado, art mminiUi'liiHrt mutter. SUBSCRIPTION. - - *1 ST. I’Klt YEAR Invurinlily hi advance. Published Friday of each week. ADVERTISING KATES. 75 renin pci Inch. *lnglc column, ear.** month. No prefered |*n*ltlon given. It nslncsH Local*. 10 rent?* per line ouch Insertion. Local mention, is cents per line cnchlnHcrtlon. Lkoai. Al»v.: Final proof notices 15.00, single foulest notices f.'i.oO each. All other legal printing subject to a rate of 10 rents per line for first Insertion, f> rents for each additional—nonpurcil measure, nine wotxls to a Hue. unless otherwise contracted. These rates will be Htrlctlv adhere*! to. Official Paper of Baca County. From January l«t 1 SIX? the sub scription rates of the Hkkai.q will ho $1.25 per year, if paM in ad vance. Subscriptions lo the lead ln<r papers, magazines and period icals. taken in connection with the Hkkald at reduced prices. It costs about a million dollars a year to run the city of Denver. There is an unusual amount of snow in the mountains this spring. Boulder experienced a big lull of snow on the 22d. It is estimat ed at 40 inches on a level. Spain seems to have little liope of*conquering Cuba. Many prom inent Spaniards, loval to the crown think it a hopeless task and favor the sale of the island to the insur gents. Jackson and Walling, the mur derers ol Pearl Brvan, were hang ed, Saturday. They denied all confessions that they had made in an attempt to get a new trial or commutation of sentence. Horses are being purchased in Wyoming for shipment to Germa ny, for work and driving purposes It they prove satisfactory a regu lar business may be established of shipping horses from the West ern ranges. Latest news from the Cretan affair seems to indicate that tfie powers will have to withdraw and stop meddling with the affairs of Greece and Turkey. War be tween the two governments is lia ble to break out at any time. The flood in the Mississippi riv er has done much damage by the breaking of tlie levee. Millions of acres of land are overflowed and it will be impossible lo crop it this season. Much stock is drowned, and immense damage done to property. The republican tariff bill now before congress is characteristic of that party, in that it asks lor more revenue than is necessary to run the government. And it is also characteristic of that, party where it taxes the things the poor must have, and lets many luxuries, used only by the rich, come in almost free, and in protecting the trusts and monopolies, whereby they can become rich and more powerful. The Borrego gang who murder ed Sheriff Chaves have had anoth er stay of sentence for ten days They were to be hanged Tuesday, and the delay is caused by Presi dent McKinley, who lias not had time to look into the case. Pres ident Cleveland, alter investigat ing, made up his mind that he had no authority in the matter, and re fused to interfere. The people of New Mexico are desirous of the law taking its course and feel that a commutation of sentence would be detrimental to law and order in the territory. Two thoughts have been sug gested by tlie debate on the tariff bill in the House of ltepreseiita lives. One concerns the principle of u tariff and the other the futility of such legislation at the present time as a remedy lor the depress ion under which business labors. Representative Baily of Texas, who is leader of the Democrats in the House, made the stereotyped prediction that b would ultimate ] v p, discovered that people could not become rich 1 y taxing them - ' selves. In this he sought to bring out the fact that a tariff is a tax’ Some delenders of protection have indiscreetly endeavored to prove that the tariff is not a tax. They should admit that it is a tax, but they should deny that in principle it involves the assertion that the effort of those who impose u tariff is to make people rich by taxing them.—Denver Republican. The manufacture of brick from blast-furnace slag has increased from 200,000 bricks m 18SS to 12, 100,000 in 181) 5. In blast furnaces limonite ot the Bohemian sub Si lurian formation is being refined by means of coke, whereby slag is produced. This slag, mixed in granulated condition with caustic lime, hardens to a cement-like muss, from which the so-called slag brick is produced. Such a slag brick, weighing about ten pounds, can, theoretically, bear a burden of thirty-eight pounds per square centimeter, though, prac tically, no heavier burden than about twenty-five pounds is ever put upon it. Hence, 1,000 bricks can be safely piled above each other without any danger of the bottom one being crushed by the weight. The broad side of t lie brick can bear a burden of 10,000 pounds. The manufacture of slag brick is based upon tlie principle that from granulated slag and caustic lime a cement-like mixture may be produced. Tiie slag is transformed to sand, the latter mixed with lime water of a con sistency corresponding to the ad dition of lime desired, and the mixture formed into bricks and pressed.—Mining and Scientific Press, Sail Francisco. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, for April. Some notable articles, with the usual wealth of illustrations, are given in the April number ot Frank Leslie,s Popular Monthly. The most interesting paper, per haps, is that on “The Life-saving Service,” in which Joanna R. Nich olls gives a graphic description of the gallant work of our surfinen. It contains eighteen pictures ot various wrecltF, life-saving appa ratus, groups of surf'nien, portraits, etc. The article on “The Cana dian Girl and her Brother,” by Cora Stuart Wheeler, which is al so richly illustrated, will interest not only those in the neighboring country, but the young ladies of the United States. Mrs. Grace Hudson, the well-known Califor nia painter, contributes a number of beautiful illustrations from her recent studies, and there is an ar ticle about her and her work in “The California Inbian on Canvas,’ by Nmetta Eameu. “Rutgets Col lege,” is well described by George Howard Cowie in the important series of papers on “American Universities and Colleges,” and it is illustrated with portraits, views of the buildings and groups of students. Mercia Abbott Keith gives an entertaining account of a trip on the Mississippi from Mem phis to New Orleans; Howard Paul the clever raconteur, tells of a din ner with Artemus Ward; an old Mexican city. Chihuahua, is de scribed by-Edwardes Roberts; there are some good short stories, including a bicycle story; talk abouf plays, a young people’s de partment, etc.—Frank Leslie’s Publishing House, New York. Southern people who have fol lowed the interesting series of ar ticles on General Robert E. Lee in Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly, will be pleased to learn that a splendid colored lithograph por trait of the great Confederate is offered by the publishers of that magazine for twelve cents in stamps. Prizes For Two Inventors. A highly interesting competition between a large number of new inventions has just beer, decided by a very distinguished Board of Awards, and a handsome ei.sli prize and solid gold medal award ed ns the result, of the decision. For some linn-' the patent firm 4 John We liJerbimi Sc Co., of W :;ii.>n l>. * . have given a month SPRINGFIELD, BACA COUNTY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1897. ly reward pf $l5O to the inventor who should submit the best inven tion from the standpoint, ot sim plicity, novelty and utility. Tiie Board of A wards, composed of Sen ator William Stewart, of Nevada, Chairman; Representative Claude A. Swanson, of Virginia; Mr. John O. Eckloff, cashier of the Second National Bank of Washington, and Messrs. A. C. Moses, of W. B. Mos es's Sons, and Frederick E. Wood ward, of Wood ward cV: Lothrop, two ot the leading merchants of the capital city. This Board lias just, selected the prize winners in the contest participated in by invent ors who submitted their devices during the month of January. The prize of $l5O goes to William Taylor, of Kearney, N. J., the in ventor of a bicycle brake of sim pie construction, and the gold medal to Theodore G. Thomas, of Lamarqiie, Texas, for a monkey wrench of novel design. The railroad pool on rates is broken and a slashing of rates may be looked lor. A decision ot the supreme court given, Monday, plainly tells the railroads that they are outlaws in the eyes of the law when they join these traffic organ izations. Chicago business men are after the big department stores. They are in force at the legislature and it looks like they would succeed ill having a bill pass that will kill these big business ventures. There will be more ol prejudice than business in the law. The copper mines of the whole world are being taxed to their ut most to supply the demand for copper wire and the oilier appara tus used in the application ot elec tricity.—Trinidad News. The many friends of Walter L. Holcomb will be pleased to learn of bis success in securing a posit k n as Secretary of the Labor Bureau. Mr. Holcomb was the first. Super intendent of Public Instruction of this county, and performed his du ty in a manner that won the re spect of all and advanced the cause of education. The Labor Bureau is to be complimented for procuring the aid of Mr. Ilolcomb in this department and it is with pleasure that Hie people ot Morton county and especially the Monitor, join in recommending him to the administration as ail efficient, re liable, and trustworthy man for the position.—Richfield Monitor. Mr Holcomb taught the Spring field school the winter of ‘Bo—oo. I shall teach a forty weeks se lect school, at Springfield, this year. Will do high school and preparatory college work, in lit erature, sciences, algebra, geom etry, Latin, etc. Terms, $2.75 per month ol four weeks. $25.00 for the year. Work begins at once. Corres pondence solicited. Wm. N. Mitchell. Timber Culture, Final Proof- Notice for Publication. U.S. I.ami Ofilee, Lamar, Colo., March i» IM>7. Notice t* hereby given tlint Fvidhmnil C. Stnlnn kerhit* filed notin'of hi* Intention to make dual proof before the Rcglstcror Itueelverat lilaoilier In Lamar. Colorado, on Monday the 3rd day ol May, IS*.;", on timber eultnre application No. 4081, for the S W section No. 1.1, in Town alilp No. a Itniige, No. 40 w. lie inline* a* wltae—e*: J>. A. Kim-hurt. W. V. Shannon, «T.T. Rorn hiiitgh, and L. C. Kdwurd*. all of Springfield, ( olormlo. Also at the name time ami place, viz: LEWIS CL EDWARDS 11. K. No.: 7;0 for the S. E. ', fee. 10 Twp. S> S. Range 4C \v. lie name* the following’ wltne«*e* t*» prove hi* contiuuou* rctddeiice upon and cultivation of, euid luad. viz: I>. A. Rinehart. W. V. .shannon. .1. T. Rora hutigli, ami 1. t ., all of Springfield, Colorado, C. It. Tiiomax. Register. Don't Tobacco Bpit and Smok# Your Lixo Away. II you want to quit tobacco unintr easily and forever, be mtiuo well, strong, tnnguetic, full of new life and vigor, Like No-To-Bac. tho wonder-worker, that makes weak men sirotig. Manv gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bue of your druggist, under guarantee to cure, GOc or 81.00. Booklet ami sample mailed free. Ad. sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or Now ork. «. R1 Your address, with tlx cent* w- IT Hj in tump*, mailed lo our Head- GJ'rtSJi'Tl quartet*. H Llist St.. Bmlob. X k«i».. will bring you a full line * 2 ff-fl J lff of samples, and rules for self _ (L I] II | ! measurement, of our justly fa- D ZIT t-f II J nr mrt* : t* * l.l.Vfi; ° 2 f U'U v r -'in . asr ” % PipmiHi Rots &>. That Trip East Mnv be for business or pleasure, or both; but pleasure comes bv mak ing a business of traveling East o ver the Sunt a Fe Route as far as Chicago. Thirl v miles I lie short ert. line be tween Missouri river and Chicago; that menus quick tune and sure connections. Track is straight, rock ballasted, with very few crossings at grade. No prettier, cosier or more com fortable trains enter Chicago than those over the Santa Fe. ’i hey are vestibuled limited exuresses, with latest pattern Uiilliuans and tree chair cars. Meals in dining cars served on plan of paying for what is ordered. inquire of nearest agent, or ad dress G. T. Nicholson. (LL\A. Santa Fe Route, Mouadnock Building, (Miicago. $3,060.00 A YEAR FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. If you want work that is pleaxntitnnd profitnhl*, wml u* your addre** inimedluich-. We touch men and women-how to curn trout SS.OO per duv to 8.1,000 per year without hiivlnp hud previous rz)ieririice, and furnish the t-mplm ment ut which they cau muke that amount. Nothing dillirult to learn or that require* much time, Ihe work la enay, healthy, ami honorable, and can be done dur. in* davtime or evenings, right in your own local lly, win-rover you lire. Tliu result of a Cow liour*' work often equal* n week'a wage;*. We have taught thousands of both sexes and nil ages, and many have laid foundations that will > surely bring them riches Some of the smartest men In this country owe their success in life to the start given them while in our employ year* ugo. You. reader, limy do a« well, try it'. ' You cannot tail. No c.ipltul necessary We fit von out with Hoinelhiiig that is new, solid, and *iire. A hook hiiinftil of advice is tree to nil Help your, self by writing for it today —not to morrow. Delays are cosily E. C. ALLEN & CO,, Box 420, AUCUSTA. MAINE. Ayer’s Pills Are compounded with tho view to general usefulness and adaptability. They are composed of the purest vegetable aperients. Their delicate sugar-coating, which readily dis solves in the stomneh, preserves their full medicinal value and makes them easy to take, either by old or young. For constipation, dyspep sia, biliousness, sick headache, and the common derangements of tho Stomach, Liver, and Rowels; also, to check colds and fevers, Ayer’s Pills Are the Best Unlike other cathartics, the effect of Ayer’s Pills is to strengthen the excretory organs anu restore to them their regular and natural ac tion. Doctors everywhere prescribe them. In spite of immense compe tition, they have always maintained thoir popularity ns a family med icine, being in greater demand now than ever before. They are put up both in vials and boxes, and whether for home use or travel, Ayer’s Pills are preferable to any other. Have you ever tried them ? Ayer’s Pills c'roparcd by Dr.J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, 1!»m. Sold by all Druggist*. * Every Dose Effective Heart Failure. HOW TO AVOID IT. Tho epitaph on many a tombstone is “heart failure.” No wonder, when wo con aider the immense strain which is put on that small organ. Marvelous ns it is, heating 100,000 times and exerting a force equal to 5,184,000 pounds daily, it bus its limit —its etidtirauce often is too severely tested. So common are utseuscs of the heart—though often for a considerable ditto without the suspicions of the aillicted person being in die least excited—that it is stated that ww; person, in four has a bail heart ! I)r. Franklin Miles, of KlkltarL link, hus for years made a special study of nil diseases of the Itettrl, and his remarkable success has made his name a familiar one in nil parts of our 1.-.nd He lias found the most, common symptom* of heart disease to l»e pain, distress or 0 nder nes* in the chest, buckj stomach, bowels, left shoulder and arm, shortness of breath, smother inrj spells, fainting, etc. Mr. George R. Smith, of I’irnrs, Yates Co., N. Y., writes: “Du. Milks’ New Heart Curb has worked wond- rfullg on minil and body 3» l can do a good dag's work, feel ten years younger and take more interest it n (fairs. 1 had shortness of breath, pal pi nt ion, pain under left shoulder blade, pain round the heart, 1 could not deep on my right i /e. Since 1 have taken Dr. Mile*' S’ u hurt Cure 1 sleep well, anil hare no pidp-ta -‘-it*. It lias made my heart stronger. 1 wish mi would print this, because l want ail to now whet Dr. Miles' Heart Cure has (lone >r me." “ For months my wife suffered with palpi "ion, smothering spells, and was unable to • e.i on her left .side. She tried several ••tors without relief. Your Henri Curs i-* recommended. After taking three •tiles, she fully recovered her health. • •nr medicines do what you claim.’’—-Cn as. ’iiitlvrMAN, Toledo, O. l)r. Miles’ New Cure for the Heart Is sold *v all druggists on a positive guarantee. It * so f*. agreeable, effect ire, anil does cure. Jr, Miles Medical Co.. Eikhart Ind. WINGER’S wVJniiLL FEED QRITIDER HONEY MAKER “ a SAVFff ” ij sioQ.oo iijj | Given Away | \ | Every Month jj J to the parson submitting tho M 1 . i> most ttioriloriaus nivcntiou <6 ( <> during tho preceding month. M . 1) Wli M-J, Ultli PATENTS lb to rott INVENTORS, mid tho U I . J . oujeot of tills Olfei- i i to eit- «■ ! ( !( **uuru*ro persons **i tut invent- if . lve turn of inlnd. At tho 4i | f.onn tiinn \rc wl*ii t<* l.nprchs fi O tho fact that V. :: a fr M j It’s tlic Simple, «■ < J Trivial I:jvonlioti3 Hjj J That Yield Fortunes ! || a— such rs Do I Monk I, . 2 it id llyu, “t-co that llunip." ( f 7 ••riafjty Pin.” “piiis m Lio-if • vor.” •'Air llrnk«•." c-t*:. is ( 1 Almost • very one conceives j e d Q a bright hleu at iuiiuo tiinn or 4 / 2 oth.-.-. Why not put it In prac- 4 ! Sticul us::? YulT it talents nmv 2 j liu ii this direction. May « \ liiaUu your fortune. Wliy not An /. f«>r fnrtlier InformaLoa and <0 A luuutiuu this paper. f “ THE PRESS GLfllA’iS GO. j* \ Philip W. Avlrctt, Qou. Msr., f Z 618 F Street, Northwest, j J WASHINGTON, O. C. f responsibility of thin oompnnr 1 \ may ho Judged by the liu-t that us ft I i stork 1* hold hy< thousand ff I \ ol tho lending news; uuurg in the i a United Suiteu. I f i\&j» i .vr°. not bv Kllurln? oflrortlTmontiif.nJ think you itn g. s tiio bos*, iruole, line.-*. liuUh and I.IOCT POPULAR COWING IWACMINC for • mure sonir. Puy from leliaMe (nunufurtureni that have irained ar< pnutlnn by nml ..innro 1 ('••illng. Tn.'pi Is mini* In the wor'il tli.t mi ••nml In •nv-lmnlcnl rorixtructlon, ilurahillty ot working pnrt*.flnr.|i-s< of Uni,h. 1»-mily in iioiM-nruno'.. or b*s s/i many lmpmn.miT.iii tut Uio NHW HOME. WRITE ron CJSCULAR SI. The H:v? Homo Machine Co. OKAvr.E.MAM. riosTox, Mam. t£ UxiokScv.sßc,K.Y. Cuicaho. Ir.i» Sr. I Attns, Mo. Dallaa. Vkxaj. t-s yu—scibco, Cal. Atlanta, G> rOR GALE DY A (liny and Son, La J naira, Colo. DEXTER RnOK CO., Inc’p. fapitnt, $t '. 128.5 T (it .no suotc :n thk woillo. “A dtoltur sored is a dollar earned.” This I.u<lle«’ Solid Frencli Dnligolii KhlTtnt* ton lloot dithered free niywhrrn in tho U.S..on —» receipt of Cash. Money Order, ■io hoot* ore* for i il* boot o guar ratlHllrd • < >pcra ,?EE ■n.l half IS jlik* i'jtciul terms to healers. F. MILTON FRIENI). M- D and SUKG EON. South of Court House | 1 Lamar, Colorado. Pref. Eye. Throat, Female and Surgical Dlsen -es onu-o hours: Kto tin. in.. Ito 3 nml. 7toa p. in. s to 10 ii. m. Sunday*. WANTED-AN IDEAJBSSiIfSSE t hing to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDtJKR BUUN <fc CO., Patent Attoruoya, Wiksliingtou | D. C., lor their gl,boo prize offer. | r.Tor> body Suya So. Cti3car<.t3 (.'ami v (kithuytic. llie mcsl won der!'..l iin ificr.l .1 Hiv* Irv of the i.’r.e . p ens- | ant nml rui'r alnmr t »> tin- lusie. » ehtly j mi.l uos'liv.-ly on kUtiejs. liver r.nd l-o\vels, ; t-leansiii-7 tho cntiiv svsl m. dir-i < 1 .olds, ciu-o hea'il ohc. . - .« r. buhiliml . onstii nlion nn ihi ion or-*, rirr ;<• buy r,n«i try n box ' ore. c. fj. tn-iluy; ip, :o« crii**. boluand guar uitord to cm- • Ly nil dru> gists. For Bronchitis “I i.ever realized the good of a medi cine so much as I have In the last few months, during which time 1 have suf fered Intensely front pneumonia, followed by bronchitis. After trying various rem edies without benefit, I began the use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, nml the effect has been marvelous, a single dose re lieving me of choking, ami securing a good night's rest."—T. A. Higginbotham, Den. Store, Long Mountain, Va. La Grippe “Last Spring 1 was taken down with la grippe. At times I was completely pros trated, and so dinieiilt was my breathing that my breath seemed as If confined In an iron c-age. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ami no sooner had 1 began taking It than relief fol lowed. I could not believe that the ef fect would he so rapid.”— W. 11. Williams, Cook City, S. Dak. Lung Trouble “For more titan twenty-five years, 1 , was a sufferer front lung trouble, attend ed with coughing s - severe at times as to | cause hemorrhage, tho paroxysms fre quently lasting three or four hours. I was induced to try Ayer's Cherry Pec toral, and after taking four bottles, was thoroughly cured. I can confidently recommend this medicine.”—Franz Hol nuinu, Clay Centre, Hans. • AYER’S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by I)r. J.O. Ayer X Co., Lowell. Mm*. Sol Ihr "I Drusrelst* I’ ‘ :! ,• . . • Prompt to act, sure to euro $ I 25'° so i druggists IT 1 ■ ■ 1 r r 1 utT.. CARCAHETfi f^ ,, ‘ , gw -, M .,. r T |, ofll - „ n , ft ij tunU) 110(1. Uul Ilium IllcroiißU tlm tlonr of § a \ ft fliunv lllkucuixly. Tliuy re* tiillkinuui Mint moth-1 rnnij rnn Ifa I IIAnUI J movo imjr bail lust-} urn. A tablet uutun I DvUn rUll X\ J Jin Uimiiouttt.Joftvlmr by thu mothi-inim-ia T IVI | CATHARTIC t perftimud. It la ;! MOTHERS \X g 4 rual ploimuro to tuko but certain t-fluct on c , n 0 | „ -mmmu, v ouatiny llqulUj or cannon-ball pilla. Bute laxative for tbo babo-iu-r.rnia. A tum CAACAntTH .... rAWAKITH *******m ineaai l w A V • , n«* puinljr vunouiblo mo liktul by lliecbi:- A 4 fJ 2 PURELY hsSJfMbrrSS:'J.Nfo'Jf.l PLEASE If a sural poison. They stop v/liul-colln mill I | VEGETABLE sSilWjl!!™ll!j3 J THE CHILDREN j f Doverboforo puttoKOtliorlif ai^form." Ul * * bowula of tlioVrowlnjj child. & A .nnn nano CA SO A K CTO ...CAACABETH. »->o»Qv»ag<i A Y t tt nro ■intlnupllu. 'i'lint tukuii imttuntly. ft 4 V AI WITISEPTIC | dltfiiMud food' from 1 SURE !<) 41 LAXATIVE I mentation In tbo I obstinate, or pur- I GUARANTEED f? A ft ft Lowola niul kill cHn* chase money will he ft Q > 9 i.’orm* of nujr cbourfnily Ciboioii^ A kind .but breed und feed In tbu »y»tum. by your own rii uuKUt. \ rT iitt rli 1 I, OAACAEETB •••• nma a* «»■»* ■ \ api ■■ '■ ■ " "3 : ono t lit) m oin neb mol ?, r *r |,| f < ?i l '4aii! •» '7?* £ J6s |! LIVER Sfi&rai EiEaLTH U } l STIMULANT irSSSSS.fe.'KS FOR 10 CENTS £ \ft h TlKorom b :»1 1 1. r r„ ; ffa * ~—tmn mail \ t tbo| l r'aDtloi>^uaay*and~uirturn > | l ) ltlUn ’ lu:tk,utf bVuHIV.' rl.k delay. jx Don't judg;c CASCfIRCTS by other medicines you have tried. They \ \ are new, unlike anythingclse that's sold, and infinitely superior. V. \ fA Try a JOc bon to-day, if not pleased get r v Tho ; your money back! Larger boxes, 25c or 50c. > r Sample and booklet mailed free* Address * i's'lor imilationo ! STERLIMQ REMEDY CO., cmicaooi montmal. cam.i NtwvonK. 233 mb cIO A iT*b cures Tobacco Habit or money refunded. Makes weak n . E’CtLp' 3 m BSp/** utronff. Sold and puaraniui dby all tlrugchiU. Oct buokl- - gSSOKBIgS!K^KE:KKSK : SKSHKS!E:B| | A Proof °f Quality | This name-plale with our trade- ir> WV Wk.v . . mark of 44 lion’s head in wheel" VJ “ 00 «very genuine Monarch Bicy- K .*« :, tS'de, and is recognized the world !r» ■S over as a proof of quality. >M It is a JQ %2 ©’• jntV guarantee of strength, speed and dur lO? xw VtX ability. It represents the beet prod- *_> BS VuijcttAy'T oct f‘ ncst equipped bicycle J& C*3 V-y|i/ - f factory in the world. -‘ c There's V ; 1/Q • a safety, comfoil and satisfaction in ** Monarch 1 M ...Tandems SJSO &S H “RIDE A MONARCH M gj j 1 T AND KEEP IN FRONT” 59 vfti y'Cf) ’* J- f yen cannot afferd to buy a Mon- Fb* Joj »>tV A arch, the next best are our Defiance, uj* 8S V< * thoroughly high-grade wheels and £% 58 VamL i_y;' . \ cheap in price only. jZ Six styles for fQS 10l jc£,”/•*.: ’■’fra children and adults $4O, $5O and yV £6O. Fully guaranteed. Send for Catalogue, jt jZ j* jX /VJ Monarch Cycle Mfg. Cc., K Lake, Halstcd and Fultcn Sts., C 3 Reads St., &9 g CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YORK. Sum pie Rooms lor Com House Ke lit ted Tlirnii^U* menmil Men. lteason- out. Firs*-class Ae al)ie Itnles. con.mod itions. SILVER STATE HOTEL, W. C. VINCENT, Prep. North of Depot. Lnniar. Colorado. Elon. W. J. Brya^ 9 s Boc:^ A LL who arc intererted in furthering the sa’c of l.'on. W. J. Bryan’s new book should correspond im mediately with the publishers. The work wiii contain An account of his campaign tour . . . His biography, written by his v.T- . . His most important spcrchcs . ■ . . The results of the canip.ilqn of lo'-K.'. v "'A f r 9~ A review of the political situation . . AQENT3 WANTED <S- Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor mous sale. Address \V. B. CONKEY COMPANY, Publishers, J34I-351 Dearborn St—.CIUCAGO. : ' D B PRIEE’S No. 31.