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The Springfield Herald. Yol. X. L. A. WIKOFF, EDITOR AXI) PROPIUKTOU. Entered at the postofllreat *prlu£tlcld Colorado, ns second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION. - - flSBPKttVKAK Invariably In advance. Published Friday of each neck. \ I) VEKTISI!<ti HATKS. 75 cent* |»ei inch, single cnluuiti, each month. No prefered position Riven. Iluslncssl.oe.alx. 10 cent* per line each insertion. Local mention, IB centa per line each Insertion. Lf.oai. Al»v.: Final proof notices 15.00, alnglc Contest notices fS.OOench. All other legal printing subject to a rate of 10 rents per line for Hint insertion, fi cents for each additional— nonpareil measure, nlue words to a line, unless otherwise contracted. These rates will be strictly adhered to. Official Paper of Baca County. From January 1st lSUfi tlie script ion rates of the Herald will be $1.25 per year, if paid in ad vance. .Subscriptions to tlie lead ing papers, maga/ines anti period - icals, t.ikon in connection with the II eh AM) at reduced prices. Oh, for a legislature that would not shrink its duty to -perform! The Borrego murderers have been executed. The president would not interfere to save their lives. The Mississippi llood sufferers have applied to President McKin ley for relief, and Congress will make an appropriation for that purpose. Judge Walter (J. Ilines, of Trin idad, has been appointed commis sioner of the penitentiary, bv Gov. Adams. Judge Ilines has many acquaintances and friends in Baca county who will be glad to send him greeting. A stage-driver in Wvoming was lost in a blizzard last week, from Tuesday morning till Friday night, and was tramping through the snow oil foot most ot the time. His team perished, and he was about crazy when found. The big cities of Ohio have re pudiated the new administration by giving democratic majorities, while Chicago has gone over whelmingly for the democrats and iroe silver. The spring elections in other states have generally gone against the goldbugs. Denver city election resulted in the success ol the Taxpayers tick et by a big majority. This ticket was supported by one branch of the Peoples party, the National Silver party, Taxpayers and Wa ler-consumers. The straight Mc- Kinley candidate lor mayor re ceived very few votes. McMurray the present incumbent came near having a majority of all votes cast. Denver is not to be outdone by San Francisco and Kansas City, in the matter of seeing airships. Thousands ot Denverites will swear they saw a huge monster guided through the atmosphere by a man. From the fact that the kite was seen late in the afternoon of election day, we are inclined to believe only the Democrats and Republicans saw the vision. It was victory flitting away from them. Notwithstanding there is con siderable sentiment against the law abolishing capital punishment, we believe it an advance step in civilization. Killing people is a relic of barbarism. We tail to find by statistics where its influ ence lessened crime. We do not believe that crime will increase nor that inob violence will be practiced to any greater extent with the new law in force. Give Senator lingley one mark high up on the reform wall. An extra session ol the legisla ture has been called by Gov. Ad ains. This was made necessary by the failure of tlie-assemblv to pass the appropiation bills so the state machinery can be oiled and kept running. Not content with a steal as to employes, these McKinley republicans and populists saw an other way to get a dig at the mon ey ol the people by not doing their c]uty pi providing for the running of the state and passing the appro priation bills. They are a long headed set, those fellows. We are indebted to the State Superintendent of schools for a copy of her Arbor Day circular. We will plant trees this year on the 16th. inst —next Friday. It is made a holiday and all schools are expected to lead m the observance of the day. The Stale Superin tendent is anxious that much effort be put forth that trees be selected and plauted with care. In her address to teachers and officers she says: “The school children of Colorado, by means ot the annual rites of Arbor Day hold a tremend ous power that is working belief icent results for their State. Rec ognizing their influence in the preservation of forests ami the cul tivation of woodlands, all pupils will take an active part in tiie les tivities of the April holiday. Teachers should make each pupil feel a personal responsibility. It is the individual acceptance of public duties that fosters patriot ism and loyally. It is, therefore, urged that programs be arranged with the view of giving each child some active part. Commissioners’ Meeting. The board of county commis sioners met in regular session, Monday, April sth, at 1:00 p. m. present Chairman Godwin, Com missioners llall and Jones, and County Clerk Mathews, when the following business was had and done, to-wit: County treasurer was instructed to refund to M. M. Myers SI.OO military poll and SI.OO county poll erroneously assessed for the year 1894, with accrued interest paid on said amounts. Petition of Alice Thompson ask mg that the valuation ot her per sonal properly for the year 1896 be reduced $600., 6ame was allow ed, said property not being in the state. Petition of J. W. White for re fund of tax on land erroneously assessed to him, granted, and amount paid, $5.14, ordered re funded. Petition of W. 11. Stone for re duction of his tax for the year 1596 was rejected, and clerk instructed to notify him accordingly. The poll and military tax assess ed to Geo. W. Miles for the year 1896 ordered stricken from the tax roll, for the reason that he was not a resident of the stale at that time. Duplicate county warrant for $7.00 ordered issued to J. T. Allen in lieu of warrant No. 1822, same being lost. Claim of the Out West Printing Co. for $11.69 lor blanks, examin ed and allowed on contingent fund, also claim of Lewis F. Matthews for money expended. $22.50 allow ed on same fund. Claim of James Herbert for SIO.OO allowed on ordinary fund. Treasurer instructed to receive $15.00 in full payment of all tax es on lots 1 to 24 Block 64, Spring field annex. Adjourned to 8:30 a. m. April 6. Met as per adjournment, lull board present. Petition of Fred Harvey asking for a refund of taxes of 1896, ex amined and treasurer instructed to refund slOl to Fred Harvey on account of the tax of 1896 being erroneously collected. Action of board in making refund is bused on schedule as originally returned by said Fred Harvey. Board visited the jail and report cells in good condition. The resignation of C. M. Gordon as justice of peace accepted to take effect when his successor has qualified. On motion L. A . Wikoff was appointed to filFsaid vacancy. The county treasurer is instruct ed lo proceed at once to collect all delinquent personal taxes. By mutual agreement the claim of the Board of county commis sioners against E. F. Marlin for $94.54, fees erroneously paid to lum during his term ol olfice. on account of General School Mon eys collected, will be submilted lo the District court upon an agreed statement of facts. SPRINGFIELD, BACA COUNTY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1897. The following claims allowed. .1 F Harrison |)o*tarc F. 24 •I F Harrison Bcrv cotrons lUI.II Mary E. Colo •• -• Sup’t *: 15.50 100. I. A Wikoff et.itlottery ft..v Mary 15 Cole postage .'<• Valuation of personal property of Isaac Like for the year 1596 re duced fromsloso to 700. Board adjourned to 1:00 p. nr. Met as per adjournment ad present when the following busi ness WQB transacted: The following claims were ex amined and allowed and clerk in structed to draw warrants on or dinary fund in payment of the same: claltml alin'd J. G. Ward services Co .Sheriff (l LA Wikoff county printing 50 70 LF Mathew* services ns clerk 125 110. .1 nroli G. Ward rare eo propty 25 1J.50 —#12.5) laid over Wm. S. Stewart serv diet atty 10. Poll and military tax of J. L. Duncan for year 1896 ordered stricken from the tax roll. The following claims were al lowed and clerk instructed to draw warrants on the ordinary fund in payment of same. Titos. 11. Godwin services as co com 10.(0 Elijah Hull « “ 18.0 > J. I*. Jot tea •• “ u.::o Minutes of sth and 6th read and approved. On motion board adjourned. J. Bridwell, of Motion, last Mon day sold a bunch of2S cows to one of our Stanton county dealers. —Johnson City Journal. Thejgold excitement in Carriso is running high. We are in hopes that another Cripple Creek has been discovered.—Richfield Mon itor. John Irwin returned yesterday from a trip to the Carriso country and brought back with him speci mens of float ore that is scattered broadcast over the country in a territory two miles wide by one hundred miles north and south. The oie is very heavv and it is es timated to be about 75 per cent of copper and silver.—Las Animas Leader. A pretty Kansas girl has been arrested on the complaint of a young man, who efiarges that she “did suddenly, forcefully and in tentionally hug him, thereby caus ing him great confusion and men tal anguish.” The court ought lo sentence that voting man to eat it bale of hay for being an ass. —Louisville (Colo.) Sun. Seventeen wanderers enjoyed the hospitality of the jail on Fri day night. They were all arraign ed for vagrancy Saturday morning, but Attorney Watson proved that all of them were honest working men who had started out to meet the wave of prosperity and were compelled to go farther than they had expected. The prisoners were accordingly discharged.—Lamar Sparks. Sugar Beets. The State Agricultural College of Colorado is desirous of asoer taming how much of Colorado is adapted to the growth of sugar beets. The authorities are desir ous of having several tests made in each of the agricultural coun ties of the State. A supply of the best quality of seed has been ob tained mid seeds will be sent tree of charge lo those who apply for them and who will agree to take good care of the crop and report results to the College. Address all requests lor seeds to the State Agricultural College, Fort Collins, Colorado. Iho attention of mining men throughout the entire West is at present being directed to the pla cer diggings ol Bolivia, South America, from which locality the most alluring reports come. If you have any idea of trying your fortunes in this country be sure and consult with Messrs. Shepperd & Cooper of the Chicago & Alton International Steamship Agency in Cooper building, Denver, who can give you correct and reliable information as to the shortest, quickest and cheapest way to reach the gold fields and can book you through from any point in the West, J. L. PETTIGREW A of the LAMAR DAILY MAIL & STAGE LINE. Leaves Lamar: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Leaves Springfield: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, of each week at 7:00 a. in. He is prepared to convey pnssoii gers and express matter promptly and safely at the following rates: Passengers one wav $2.00 “ round trip $3.00 Express, common packages 25c. Large ones more. freight: less than 50 pounds, Ic. per pound. Over 50 pounds, Ac per 11*. Thai Trill East May be for business or pleasure, or both; but pleasure comes bv mak ing a business of traveling East o ver the Santa Fe Route as far as Chicago. Thirty miles the short.ert line be tween Missouri river and Chicago; that means quick time and sure connections. Track is straight, rock-ballasted, with very few crossings at grade. No prettier, cosier or more com fortable traiu9 enter Chicago than those over the Santa Fe. i hey are veslibuled limited exoresses, with latest pattern Pullmans and free chair cars. Meals in dining cars served on plan of paying for what is ordered. Inquire of nearest agent, or ad dress G. T. Nicholson. G.P.A. Santa Fe Route, Monadnock Building, Chicago. Timber Culture, Final Prool- Noticc for Publication. U.B. I.aiiil Office, La mac, Colo., March 11 is*. 7. Notice it* hereby given that FerdinandC. Slulnu kcr li:m tiled notice of hit* Intention to make limit proof before the Register or Receiver nt bin office In Lamar. Colorado, on Monday the 3rd day of May, 181.7, «m timber culture application No. 41SS1, for the 8 W }Hccllmi No. 13, In Town tdilp No. 2111* No. HI tv. He names m* wlt:ie*M*a: I). A. Rim-hurt. W. V. Shannon, .I.T. Horn luiugli, and L. G. Edwards, all of Springfield, Colorado, Aim) at the Mime time and place, viz: LEWIS (i. EDWARDS 11. K. N<>.: 7MI for the N. K. 1 , Sec. 10 Twp. 20 9. Range HI M. lie name)* lho following witnesses to prove hli* continuum* residence upon and cultivation of. suld laud, viz: l>. A. Rinehart, W. V. Shannon. T. I! uo haugli. ami K. 1. Stalnaker, ml of Springfield, Colorado, C. B. Thou an. Register. I shall teach a forty weeks se lect school, at Springfield, this year. Will do high school and preparatory college work, itt lit erature, sciences, algebra, geom etry, Latin, etc. Terms, $2.75 per month ol four weeks. $25.00 for the year. Work begins at once. Corres pondence solicited. Wm. N. Mitciiell. POP U- s - SALARY LIST Ulirr U CIVILSEHViCF C ULES vith CfiriUElT EXARIITATICIT QUBSTION3, e.vv>. t V iv I. Army, Navy ui.l Dipt mai.t I’.-y i aide T* I • *bout Postal, Department:.! tn-rv*. Indian and other public cmpJovment*:. HO .V 70 087A117 TEEZ. Price 500. For sale at the office cf this paper. S£§P^* DIRECT FROM MILL TO Which Saves you 4 Big Profits. ■ Tho Commission House. The Wholasalsr. The Jobber and Store Keeper. E, ROSENHUUGER Sc CO. 2Q2-204E. iQhdsi, NEW YORK CITY. Am aa Our Great Bargains nn CUSTOM MADE TO ORDER <6.001525353 $2.98 s|g.psS] * There Suit* are GUARANTEED to be made from imported Worsted Corded Cheviot, made in latest Wool Cheviot, in Black. Blue, Grey, and ttrown, in sizes from s *yle. lined with imported Parmer Satin, , | QI . yearn of age. Made up double-breasted, with Sailor trimmed and finished In llie best of l.uslor.i Collar- Collar fancy embroidered —lined with fast black Albert Tailor manner. You cannot duplicate it in Twi.l Sateen and Patent Waist bands. Trimming and Work- y our town for $16.00. Sizes )4 lo -;2. mansltip the very best. Same in Sizes for ages io to 15 years, jj,e same goods made for Youth's, nf* Of. without Sailor Collar, fee Pattern s Below. to |8 in j^, nK j> antSi Coat and Vest, "’I Ti,:. r! to 9 I measure lor 1 !IIS q| Saif | rZZZZZZZZZZZOZZSZZZZZZZZ l I $lOO.OO j Given Away jl Every Month to the porson FuhmPthig the if tuo3t mci-ltorlouu invention «> doritur tho preceding innnlll. IS Wifi Bip lIIt 14 PATENTS.' FO.l INVESTOR*, nml tho 1 1 \J object cf this off*-r i* to en courugo per-ona of mi Invent-* Ivo turn of tniml. At tho s .1110 time wo Wish to impress the fuel thut V, ” h , It’s tho Simple, Trivial Inventions That Yield Fortunes ll such rs Do T.ons*» Honk U nml Uvo, "Sou that Hump," XI -Safety Pin." “Pigs lu flo at v.r." “Air Drake.” oto. K Almost * voryono conceives ti O n bright Men ut s*.ino time or M other. Why tm» put ft In prnc tioul use? Yiilhl tulouta ntny J J 110 it this direction. May j.l make your fortune. WII7 not I nr w rite for f.irther Information end •) mention this paper. < TttE PRESS CLAIMS GO. I'hiU.T W. Avirctt, Gcu. Jljr., 618 F Street, Northwest, WASHINGTON, O. C. S Jr The responsibility of this company limy bo Judged by the litet tliut Its stork n* l.eld by over one thousand «>r tlm lending newspupors In the Util ted Suites. deceived by nlluiing bdverftarmrnUand UUnk you can get the beat nude, f.nert flnlkli and MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE for a mere song. Btiy from reliable manufnrtureni that have rntm-d a rrputatton by lionrrt nnl xiunre d ialing. There la non., in the world that ran rnual lu mm-hinil'-al c<>natnirtlon. durability of working |)*rtx. niw'in m of flnlnh. beauty in appearotii'e. or has uaujanyliuprovumi-ntßoa the HEW HOME. WRITE FOU CIRCULARS. The Kew Home Sewing Bachlue Co O^dS^J^S.V, KSSSKiS , - r halt I'uxxcisco. Cal. Atlanta, Ca FOR SALE PY Athny and Son, Lu luntn, Colo. DRXTKR SHOE CO., Inc’p. Capital, «f .000,003. BEST SHOE IN TIIE WORLD. ‘‘.i dollar tared it a dollar earned." Thlal.ndlcVHolld French Dmigoia Kl<l But ton Boot delivered free nrywli -re in tho U.S.,on ■y Order, 10 boots orca for its boot •o guar d tcear, aatlalied money Opera Sb Upeeiul termi to Dealer*. F. MILTON FRIEND* M. I). and SURGEON. South of Court House Lamar, Colorado. Prof. Eye. Throat, Female nml Surgical Discuss Office hours: HtoU u. in., Ito 3 nml, 7toB p. in. 8 to 10 a. m. Sunday*. WANTED-ANIDEA of Home rimple thing to patent ? Protoct your ideau ; they may bring you wealth. Writ® JOHN WEDUEIP BQIUN & CO., Patent Attornoys, Washington, D. C., for their £l,BOO prize offer. Everybody Faya Eo. Cascarets Candy Cutliurtic, the mcst won derful tnetlieal discovery of the uge. ii.cub* ant ami ndTvshtntr to the taste, ucl gently ami positively 011 kidneys, liver »:nd bowels, the entire syeb in, dicptl «olds, cure licaduolte, t-- .'er, liul ilual «oiisllpnlion ami l»Li*)ti *no«s. Plcneo buy r.tnl try a box of G. t'. C. to-day; 10, 25. ;orents, bsoktand guaranteed to euro l»y till druggists. \ va koahtifths l i ! i # 25* 50* DRUGGISTS £ 111~ ITI■I■ I i i l i CAaCAnm CAirAUF.Ta rnn»g> ■mnam*m i em () ( tiiatogooil. Hut them Inoruuße tliu flow of I \ I AIUnV llkecumly. They ro- mllklnoui ulna moth- 0(11)11 CAR A Q A llJlllllT iuoto any bad toaio em. A tablet e«i-n DUUH rllli X \ I In the mouth.leaving by the mother nmkea I / { CATHARTIC Iperfumed. U la a I ntlvo and tins »*iulld | I MOTHERS \K # real pluimnre lo tako butcortnlu effect on ( f ‘a m m xaaaa mi them Inwteud of mtu« tbe baby, the only ■■•■ ■ ** \ •catlap liquids or cannon-ball pills. aafe laxative for tho babe-ln-arms. M I---t'- i ■ i ■ i ■ i CARCARETS .... CAICAIETR mmmmmm •»•■•> >. \ A laro-puruly vegetable are liked by tbecbll- A f W A DlinCl V landouitUiln no mer- drun. They taidul Gl CACC i \ X rUIIbLI Icurlal or other roln« pood and do good. X rkCNAC X n I loral poison. They stop wlnd-cullc and f I j VEGETABLE 1 eat remedies dlsooy- I «lrtre P <.ff worms, end {THE CHILDREN U t forod and are a scien- all klnda of pnrn-A Is **• ® • ••• tlllo com blnutlon Hies tbut lies In tho •••••••••• A Dover before put togothor In any form. bowels of the growing child. IF CABCARETB ...CAHCABETB, as asasaaa aaiai A are itntlnepMo. That taken patiently. per- A 7 r< IJTICCBTff* means they stop un* si .tcntly areguaran- A AIIDC A Knllodrllil dlgooted food from toed to cure any case X SUItC AT ■muring In the atom* of constipation, no f \ LAXATSYC fuentaUon VC ir» tho obYtlnate!" or ** pur*- t CUARAHTEED If * bowels and kill dta- chneo money will bn 9 A tsaoeeassase •• case germs of any cheerfully refunded •<*••••*•••••• kind that breed and feed In tbe system. by your oxn druggist. \ ..... CAICARETI •••• CANCARETN ■•seaMeewaeoi 7 tone the atoumch and ?, r T.II 0 sl!. l '(iw! 1 9 lIVCR bowelsand stimulate « 0 HEALTH \ LIVCII the laiy llvor. mnk- V'io- nt/'.tin A STIMULANT ““ SEw FOR 10 CENTS l vigorous b-nlthy tho right road to per- \ iwosesssa aa s? eondlUon, making , fwct . d.iVv * " ,Tl * * T 1 A Uiolr action easy and natural. health. Mon t rltk delay. X a* Don’t judge QASCARETS bv other medicines you have tried. They \ are new, unlike' anything: else that’s sold, and infinitely superior. \ .8.5i11.. I, Try a JOc box to-day, if not pleased get f tfSjfifSl Tho your money backl Larger boxes, 25c or 50c. f jjlo' _ Sample and booklet mailed free- Address <F imitations I JJTERLINO REMEDY CO.. CMtCAOOI •SOHTIttAL. CAN.| NCW YORK, 233 A aoif% nje cures Tobacco Habit or money refunded Makoa wroak men Q "* FA strong. Sold and guaranteed by all druggists. Qet booklet. I A Proof of Quality | HS This name-plate with trade- i 5 y. J* It represents the’best prod- ! j f the finest equipped bicycle O •y in the world. J* There's X comfort a action in ij£ X)F A MONARCH D KEEP IN FRONT- R u cannot afford to buy a Mon- V the next best H > m price Six styles for atalogue. jt ji 'ji jt S Mfg. Co., I 83 Reade St., S NEW YORK. ft KjgKKKKKSKKK Large Sample Rooms for Com- House Relilted Through inercial Men. Reason- out.' First-class Ac ahle Rales. coinmodations. SILVEESTATE HOTEL, W. C. VINCENT, Prop. North of Depot. Lamar, Colorado. Hon. W. J. Bryan’s Book A LL who are interested in furthering the sale of Hon. W. J. Bryan’s new book should correspond im mediately with the publishers. The work will contain An account of his campaign tour . . . ■Hy His biography, written by his wife . . -vaflfyh- \ 2251 important speeches . . . . The results of the campaign of 1596. A review of the political situation . . •SO AQENTS WANTED <&■ Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor mous sale. Address W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, Publishers, 341-351 Dearborn St....CH!CAGO. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powdei.—No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes —40 Years the Staudard, No. 33.