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The Springfield Herald. Yol. X. L. A. WIKOFF Ri»rrou A,*!* proprietor. Kttuwl atthe po»toffies at Hpriiiirfield Colorado. m mnmiiil'«Um mutter. SUBSCRIPTION. - #1 *6 PER YEAR Invariably In advanrc. PnUUahod Friday of cadi week. ADVERTISING RATES. 74 eeqti per Inch, ./Ingle column, each month. No praftml position ijtven. Rusinee#Locale. Hi cents l>cr Unecach Insertion. l-'M-al mention, 14 cents per line each Insertion. Lap si. A nr.: Final proof notices $3.00, single Contest notices $4.00 each. All other legal printing subject to a rate of 10 per lino for drat Insertion, 6 coots for each additional—nonpareil measure,.nluc words to a line, unless otherwise contracted. These races will lie strictly adhered to. Official Paper of Baca County. From January Ist 1896 the sub he $1.25 per year, if paid in ail« vance. Subscriptions to the lead ing papers, magazines and period icals, taken in connection with the Herald at. reduced prices. Leadville had ail one inch snow fall Saturday. The annexation ot the Sandwich Islands is a thing of the fut ure. Turkey would like more of Greece than the powers are will ing to conceed. The 4th of July was celebrated in Venezuela, but not very ex tensively noticed in Spain. If Weyler remains in Cuba a year or two longer Spain's army will be a crippled affair. Small pox and yellow fever are killing many, and thousands are dying from malaria. The gold democrats give notice that they intend to make a vigor ous campaign in Ohio, lowa and Kentucky this tall. In the latter state the republicans will adopt their ticket and vole with them. The United Mine Workers of America ordered a strike to begin July 4tli. The trouble is over the scale of wages. A threatened re duction in Ohio brought about the strike which effects all XJoal miners east of the Mississipi river. Thirty-five people who were starved out in the Indian territory passed through Springer, N. M., last evening mounted on horse and mule skeletons in search of some locality where they can live and die with something in tlieir stomachs. —Trinidad News. The wave ot prosperity rolls. Senator Teller introduced a bill allowing Colorodo to annually re ceive 25 per cent of all moneys paid to the United States for mineral lands within the state ot Colorado, for the maintenance of the School ot Mines established at Golden. The sum so to be paid ' shall not exceed SI2OO per annum. The tariff bill passed the senate late Wednesday afternoon, with a majority of 11. The total vote cast was 67. Teller and Cannon, silver republicans, voted against the bill. McEnerv of Louisiana, was the only democrat who voted lor the measure. It will now go to the house for concurrence in the senate amendments, and it will be several days before that body gets through with it. It looks as though the president would get his signature to the bill by Aug ust Ist. The rush of excursion trains on account of the Christain Endeav or to San Francisco, has been followed by mativ accidents and much loss of life. With all im provements, study and care, the great excursions are attended with serious accidents. The roads at tempt too much, that is some roads do. Most ot the aooidents have . been in the east where more local traffic is found than in the west. The western roads have handled the trains with more ease than the work was done farther east. The west must suffer for her unruly disposition on the money Question, bhe must take a half loaf in the tariff on wool and no\y ♦hr tax on stocks will be a harder slap. The west is “long suffering” it nothing else. If the protective fellows would only tax our hot winds and thereby limit the sup ply it might compensate for our light tariff on wool and the taxing of our mining stocks. It is about time a kick be registered by the bloated mine owners of Baca county. Ex-Governor Evans, at a npe old age has passed into the great beyond. His 1 ife has been one aeries ot triumphs. Few men -in public life have accomplished as much good as this Coloradoan. He accumulated wealth and spent his money by thousands for schools, churches, railroads and other great enterprises. The Fueblo holdup is a handy being when he relieves a lawyer like Uobt. A. Crossman a former resident of Vilas, this county, of his wad. Mr. Crossman lost sll7 a lew nights ago going from his home to the depot to take the train lor Denver. The robbers were unprincipled enough to take all Bob had and compel him to stay at home. The Denver tunes has perform ed a little Pinkerton work on the druggists of Denver, and of the nineteen unsuspected soda water venders not one was found but furnish most any kind of liqu or •‘winked for”. In prohibition Kansas such things are not start ling; but in wide open Denver, where the finest as also the shag giest of saloons do a profitable business with open doors, it stag gers one to believe that the soda fountains must go into the saloon business on the sly to satisfy the craving for strong drink. . “The ijntons proudly boa?t that the sun never sets on the Qeeen's dominions, as if they were special subjects of solar favorit ism,” writes William George Jor dan on “The Greatest Nation on Earth,” in the July Ladies* Home Journal. “But it is equally true that there is always sunshine on some part of Uncle Sam’s great possessions. When it is 6 p. in. on At too*s Island, Alaska, it is 9:36 a. m. on the day following at Eastport, Maine. If we locate the center of the United States, circu lating it as midway between longi tude sixty-seven ot Eastport and longitude one hundred and ninety at Attoo’s Island, it will be found on the one hundred and twenty sixth degree of longitude, about two hundred and eight miles west of San Francisco, in the Pacific Ocean.” “The value of timber yearly cut in the United States is double that 'of the output of all the mines”; “One-third of the population of this country are church members”; “It costs $668.32 every minute during the year to run our govern ment”; “Nearly one half of the 8.000,000,000 letters making up the world’s annual mail, belong to the United States”; Uncle Sam’s farms constitute one-fifth of the national wealth,” These are but instances of the thousands of wonderful facts about every phase of the life and progress of our country, from an illustrated article on “The Greatest Nation on Earth, by William George Jordan, to ap pear in the July number of the Ladies* Home Journal, The article pictures, in a novel way, America’s vast area, her matchless resources, boundless wealth, her marvelous development, and shows how the United States leads the world. “Jim Neumann, one of the town porters, had a four round contest with a keg of beer and the keg got the beßt of the tussle, lie was wheeling the keg in a hand cart, which tipped over, throwing the keg out and knocking Jim down. When the keg rolled over it struck Jim on the jaw, breaking it in two places. Dr. Mathews set the broken member and Jim is getting along nicely.”—During the horse round-up a mule was gathered in to the herd that is the mother of a colt. Wednesday morning Iber SPRINGFIELD, BACA COUNTY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1897. Johnson gave the animal a parade down Main street, and many were the ejecniations of surprise. This one ot the twenty-nine cases on record where a mule is known to be the mother of a colt, and it is indeed a freak. The limit ot the power of Huerfano county gras% has not been found yet, and we expect' to hear of some horses de% veloping wings some day. ThU* about the mule, is no lie. — sen burg Cactus. WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. F. H. Brandenburg, Observer.. Denver, Colorado. For Week Ending last Monday. . . The mean temperature for the week ended July sth was about normal over the Arkansas valley and somewhat higher than usual along the eastern border of the state, while over the Divide and the north-central and south-cen’ra) sections the temperature averaged trom 1 to 3 (degrees a day cooler than the normal. Heavy rains: visited Yuma and Kit Carson at the beginning ot the week, and light showers have occurred along the Divide. Showery weather characterized the week in the San Luis valley and over portious ot the south-central section. The first half ot the week was rainless on file western slope. Owing to the absence of reports from the west at this writing, it is impossi ble to definitely state tbe area visited by rain at the time ot tbe general snow storm in the more elevated sections. Notwithstand ing the low humidity and windy weather, wheat, barley and oats m irrigated districts have continued most promising. The same is true of the Divide and portions of the eastern border counties, where the rain fall has been heavy. In Yuma and the eastern part of Arapahoe county wheat fs ripening and' will soon be ready to cut, while over portions of Logan county, where the rainfall for the past few weeks has been conlined to light showers, wheat is dying rapidly and late oats, though not yet suffering seri ously, will soon go unless copious rains iall shortly. Corn and po tatoes continue promising in all sections, the weather being gener ally favorable to these crops. Showery weather in the San Luis valley and the south central sec tion has interfered with the harvest of the first crop of alfalfa. In the first-named section native hay, which is mostly in stack, is reported good. Potato bugs and grasshoppers are causing consider able damage in localities. In Bent county the grasshoppers are dying in immense numbers *.n the prairie. The range is unsurpassed in the San Luis, while east of the mountains the grass is brown, and m some sections rather short. In the Arkansas valley water is get ting low in localities, but crops have not suffered yet. County Board of Equalization. Notice is hereby giveii that the County Commissioners of Baca County, Colorado, will be in session at the office ot the County Clerk, in Springfield,Colorado, on Monday, July 5, 1897, sitting as a board of equalization, and will continue in session not less than three nor more than ten consecu tive days, for the purpose of cor recting and equalizing the assess ments as returned by the assessor. Said board will also be in ses sion at the same place on Monday July, 19, 1897, sitting as an equal ization board, and will continue m session not less than two nor more than teu consecutive days, for the purpose’of hearing complaints from those whose assements have been changed, and transacting such other business as shall properly come before said board. In witness whereof, I have here unto Ret my hand and official seal at Springfield, this 16, day of June A. D. 1897. Lewis F. Mathews, County Clerk. By Fred R. Matuews, Deputy. SteejTanks The Above And Behind All y thrones l« Public Opinion. C OPINION (New York) repraSfents the result of culling the mmt interesting and impor tant litticles und items of news fam, -about 3,000 newspapers, utagMjiues. and reviews. A single iWifewtati contains matter trom IW * lflirtent periodicals. The IOOMP df. these publications would StOOuSt to hundreds of dollars a Weelt kud even l.y constant react-' iOg no ope could gather the assort"' Jmiwlwlge that is presented! 'eaoii-weelc to t>he readers of BUB UU OPINION. The editors re lieve you ot trouble and expence. *fhi, field ot American and For eign Affairs U thoroughly covered und the best thought of the day is presented under the heads of >Sci illogical. Scientific, Religious, .Letters and Art, Miscellauv, and Business and Finance. Send to the- publishers for a sample copy. , Any magazinef except the Ladle’s Home Journal) the price ol which does not exceed SI.OO 'per year, will be sent free to every new subscriber at $2.50, the regular price of subscription, or the pub Ushers will send PUBLIC OPIN ION one year for this amount and Also the Rand-McNally, 1897, atlas containing 175 pages ot new mqps. Public Opinion Company, 18 Astor Place, New York City. That Trip East May be for business or pleasure, or both; but pleasure comes by mak ing ft business of traveling East o ver the Santa Fe Route as far as Chicago. * fjiirtv miles the shortert line be tween Missouri river and Chicago; that means quick time and sure connections. Track is straight, rock-ballasted, with very tew crossings at grade. fHo prettier, cosher or more com fortable trains enter Chicago than those over the Santa Fe. ’1 hey are vestibuled limited exoresses, with latest pattern Pullmans and free chair cars. Meals in dining cars served on plan of paying for what is ordered. Inquire of nearest agent, or ad dress G. T. Nicholson. G.P. A. Santa Fe Route, Monadnock Building, Chicago. r lho attention of mining men throughout the entire West is at present being directed to the pla cer diggings ot Bolivia, South America, from which locality the most Vflunng reports come. If you have any idea of trying your lorttin«*w in this country be sure and consult with Messrs. Shepperd & Cooper of the Chicago <fc Alton International Steamship Agency in Cooper building, Denver, who can give you correct and reliable information as to the shortest, quickest and cheapest way to reach the gold fields and can book you through trom any point in the West. CASH 52.100 PmzEjpjTFXR ’INVENTOR'S ASSISTANT SIFT fill to oil oa mint ln,van, toy*, gt* Is oil tlltei eu tit Itftiu. wialtb n»y U year*. will too try b*rl ffrtll Write —»«*. I*l, MUi XRVXirTOM' nOKC 7XOV BVUAtf. • Wilhlsgtos. 5. C. DIRECT FROM MILL TO WEARER. m Which Saves you 4 Bin Profits. - Tim Cmmifim Hint. Tht HMtialv. Tim Jrtlmr mud Sltrt lf/mf E. ROSENBURGER & CO. NEW YORK CUT. * CUSTOM MAOS TO OMOStt $5.00 i .u.T. r°jj $2.98 SI6. 7.50 . "KLSSSSL ciirot kV 5, * M * Will) tXtfA pair 0T panif, y flK y Drown, Grsy. BUck. or Bloc Three Suits ere GUARANTEEDIobe msde from imported Worsted Corded Cheviot, medc in leteet Wool Cheviot, in BUck. Blue, Grey. »nd Brown. In siies from ,tvlr. lined with Imported Farmer Sirtn. »to n yeere of ere. Made up double-breasted, with Sailor trimmed and finished in the bast of Custom Collar-Collar fancy embroidered—lined with fast BUck Albert Tailor manner. You cannot duplicate Kln Twill Sateen and Patent WsUt Bands. Trimming and Work- your town for $16.00. Sues >4 to 4*. manihip the vary bast. Ssma In biles for ages 10 to ij yaers, Th« roods made for Youth's, ijt OC without Sailor Col Ur. Sat Pattern's Below. to 18, in Long Pants, Coat end Vest, "• Ir Q I ffi&l ThUs,yl * ISi I How i.l lot 5- S Sizes Jto 9 11, I measure for IDU lie < TW with Fur. Of IM I ««1 ... c 7 lr-1 ,-5* I || voo.h. sun, style. m 5(. 'TIN Hr.alt and 2 ij // >( \ / (jtt_ -y \ the Vast, and 2t | XT O \ \ / * J \ Crotch “I o of - *! jU FI I I F* 1 ! press r l£: HI V r f & < _ V ‘ - i'c=Jf7h»n?Sr^tt r y*w should you > ' S' 1 ,31 fn'lrl not feel aetls- . ' *1 Pv <isd will f -• S’ 3 \ \ IL.. I refund h e £ ♦ r y . m m *f?i 1 n hn. 1 liH * gfk direct from H 5 When ordering send Port Office. Espreas ? E3B . Money OrUrr or Keftixrred lattets. also M ■ CO I ''l.vt.nT S la«t barthdav. an.l tl luxe ot small By * - ~ —— —— ..m.' j Giveti Away 1 Every Month to ttio'Ocroon uuhmlttlng the MurlturloMn luvcutloil (lurlnir the i»r«tcedinif mouth. Wif UKIi I'ATKNT* n you INVKNTOUR. BtKl the W uUJert cf this offer ie to «b. ruursgc |wr>un« tu liivviit- Ivo turn of mind. At tbe rsinn tlm»two wish to linpruss thu lout that v. :: « It's the Simple, ■■ Trivial Inventions That Yield Fortunes —such ri P« I ong’n Hook and Kyc, **>©o th»c Jlutitn." “Mufttty Flu." ••Fii:« in Otr- Vur," "Air Ilrakr." etc. Almost rvery one ctuicolrrs Q n lirlgiit idea at sumo tlmu or tdh-.’f. Why n«if put it In pne tljul use? Yoirh tnleuts may lio l>t this dlrrotlon. May msku your fortune. Wbjr not ■ try? :s :: :: t: :: M for furtlior Information und uteutiou this |Hi per. THE PRESS GLfIIAIS GO. Philip W. Avirett. Qou. Mar., 618 F Street, Northwest, KASHIKOTOW. O. C. IB" Thn mepoDslhllif y of this . ompanf may be Judfrd l*y the fact that He stock ie liald by over uim thousand of the InedliiK newapuoura In the I'nlU-d Mtau*. MO#T POPULAR SKWINQ MAOMIMB KAP* 1 * from nIWMe manafseturere that bHVßjnlaad u rmniWtloa by bnn«vt .ml ratseve ji'sllsf. flur* laMn.ln the world that ran rqul SS^S&SSrlnriwfir** _ WRITS FOR CIRCULARS. Tht lev H«oe Sevlif lukiae 0. dej l nuKiaoc, oau irLißi, Oa POP SALK PY Athnv and Son, Junta, Colo. DtITVB SNOB 00- Idc* P . Cap Hal, tIJR JIA BK4T Al.hO BHOM IN THE WORIA “A dollar eueed U a dollar runsad.** TblsLadlas'MMrrendi Dongola Kid Hat ton Boot dalhand free anywhere In Use U.s..oe wem receipt of Caah, Money Order, or Note for IIAO. Kouala every way the boots sold in all retail atorra for $2.40. We make this boot ourselrea, therefore we £var- BlfflßPwA-j'aß ant4A »tyl4 und war. ■BNBM and If any one la Dot aatlaflad lIJwGIuA wa w **l refund the money or send another pair. Opera Toe or Cotmnuti Henae, nmfi»L width# C. I>, K. fc KK, ESI B Bjjjkilt* l 1 to 8 and half I M ||nAjnolie(. Stndyour rUt; *ted Cate lofftie Dexter Shoe Co!XE?SU!? Bixtlal Urmt to iHmStrt. F. MILTON FRIEND* M. D* and -SURGEON. South of Court House Lamar, Colorado. Pref. Eye, Throat, Female and Surgical Diseases Office hours: Btoß a. m., 1 to 3 and, 7toB p. in. 8 to 10 a. m. Sunday*. WANTED-AN IDEA 3SSUB6 BURN A CO., Patent Attorneys, Wnahlncton, D. C., for their 81,800 prlie offer. lirsrvbody Bay* So. Cascarota Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical disemery of thu uge, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act pently and positlvelj ou kidneys, liver and bowels, eleanaiug th'- entire avstem, dlapcl colds, euro hcadaolio, lever, habllunl « onstipation and biiiouanusA. Pleooo buy and try a box of (!. C. C. to-day; 10, . r O i*enla. Bold and guaranteed to euro by all druggists. i: CATHARTIC i: ii jI j; -<> »♦»<>♦ ~ I ITiinilil ■"»< druggists <> '' oaidy : bmi foi i> j cathartic a«£s**,rrf SPHTwwr mothers 1 Iba^avjaJfe IlfeSHfe-s; * . >t— — I OABOAim CAWAim . ' Brapuralf; yeeetebl* ere like* by t> miCI V ■ortoonuun no nei* Aran. They i«m« M " ssrajsses WiU i> VEBETARLE rssK&SWMi: SSRWitrsj TIE CIILDIII i' \ , _ . . trad ib4 in i mi«ii< *ll kind* of pars* , . < l eonblnfttloa *iim tt»t llm In Uw Immsmwhml ' ( ' before put tocstbsr la »nr fora. bowels of lb. erowlac shlM. ( > . | CAWAim ... CAMAKITIi _■ i n i . , I [ are anUaepUe. That lefcse betlMitly. per-f IITItBDTIA •*»**»!• tb*y atopun-|u»r*B>| OHM X l • ■■lllErllV dt|Mt*d |oo4 froa ladluoaNwyMMl 1811 || I V , _ . . *oarle«ln Mi* Mom- of constipation, do V I' ( LAXATIVE ■(nujofl T ' U |a the SnttMla* X ££| lIAIAITIEI tf .1 bowili and kill «ta- ckaa* aunty will ba ft ft . i I ... ..Xivz.ysi? w tya®x,W!Sftf”" —■ ■* >r— »aa;stgasgi •»••$«?§? —; i liver Srjsrwa ■ulti ( , I I STIMULART |» VeSpuSfbom'lntO j * J r J}sh?wsd 1 «*l ~ foi io can i i SaffiSSSafer [ 1 1 j*Don’t judge CASCARETS by other medicines you have tried. They ; ’. ere new, unlike anything cue that’s sold, end infinitely superior. ’ i Try e 10c box to-day, if not pleased jret < ( 1 1BBM „*** Thf your money beck 1 Larger boxes. 25c of 50c. t 1 I > ■lSwaro'of 6 ' Semple end booklet meiled free- Address {I \ Imitations! eTKMUNO NIMIDV CO., omoaoo. Moerratse. cam., mwvomb. *M ,} iIA.TA.DA/t ear** Tobacco Habit or money refunded Makes weak me* 1 U*PMv euoe»_Sold and guyeoleed by aU drewtou. Pet bockleV |!| A Proof of Quality | I _ Thia name-elate with our trade* U e e mark of “Iron’* head In wheel** , ft> on every genuine Monarch Bfcy i ckp and is recognized the world | over as a proof of Quality. J* It is a . guarantee of strength, speed and dur ■ ability. X It represents the best prod \< uct of the finest equipped bicycle X factory in the world. J* There's O Rafety, comfort and satisfaction in |S possessing a J* J» j* J* J» j* Jt ; “Tbs Wwtd’s Pavwits” V H you cannot afford to hoy a Mon- K arch* the next best arc our Defiance. S WB thoroughly high-grade wheels and ?i ! cheap m price ooly. J* Six styles for V 0 children and adults s4o* $5O and «0 SdO. J> Fully guaranteed. J> Send V foe Catalogue. J* J* Jt J* J* J* 1 ■ | | |;| Monarch Cycle Mfg. Co., j; !■ Lekc, Helstcd end Fulton Sts. 83 Reedc St, ! ft CHICAGO. ILL. NEW YORK. |S Sample Itooms Tor Cum- House Refilled Through mercinl Men. Ruasou- out. First class Ac able Rales. commndations. SILVEESTATE HOTEL, W. C. VINCENT, Prop. North of Depot. Lamar, Colorado. Hon. W. J. Bryan’s Book /L LL who are interested in furthering the sale of Hon. W. J. Bryan's new book should correspond Im mediately with the publishers. The work will contain An account of his campaign tour , , . ■mf His biography, written by his wife . . His most important speeches . . . . The results of the campaign of 1896. ® A review of the political situation . ■ 4> AQENTB WANTED « Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor mous sale. Address W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, Publishers, 341.351 newborn SC.-CHICAGO. MICE’S The ouly l'urc Cream of Tartar Powder —No Ammonia; No Alum. Used iu Millions of Homes —40 Years the Standard. No. 46.