Newspaper Page Text
ELEPHANTS AT WORK AND THE.VJTE NO BACK NUM BERS IN A SAWMILL. At 70 They're In Their Prime —Don't Need Membership la Trades Unions, Ueoaase They Aro Fully Competent to lIoUI Up Their Own. - (Special Letter.) LEPHANTS? Of course 1 When a man, gets so he , doesn’t like read ing about elephants —let alone “see ing the elephant” —he’s pretty far down tho vale of mental decrepi tude. The story here given is from Lho experience of Mr. Keith Anstruther Df Michigan and the Messrs. Macgregor fc Co. of Rangoon, gentlemen who con duct great .lumbering Interests In Northern Siam, Asia, and who use from 100 to 150 elephants In their operations. Tho pictures that Illustrate the article are from photographs lent by these gentlemen. To ail Intents and purposes, tho working elephants of Burmah, Slam •d India are trained laborers of en mous strength, and-frequently poss ess more intelligence than their ma houts, or so-galled drivers. Tho initial picture shows an ele phant rolling a huge log through IU« forest with .his head and tusks. When a clearing is reached the great brute will be harnessed to the log, and will drag it down to the river. Great rafls of teak logs are floated down to Moul meln and Rangoon, where they are re ceived and dealt with by other ele phants, the mere recital of whose daily labors would cause the uninformed to gasp with incredulity. When the trimmed and branded logs reach Rangoon, they aro received by working elephants who go to meet ihcm, so to speak, and land them dex terously, afterwards conveying them to the sawmills. Young elephants are 25 years old when they ,begin serious work, and are at their prime at 70, When an elephant can lift with his tusk a log weighing u ton, or drag o t ne weighing three tons. When an elephant gets to be a centen arian he begins to get ready to die. Some of the Siamese elephants actu ally feed the circular .saws In the mill, p.nd so marvelous is their intelligence that an astute little tusker was once ob served to cease the pressure on his log, withdraw -i.t anxiously and then offer •mother part to the revolving saw, which was formerly going crookedly through the log. It sounds- stvauge to say that these elephants are‘very human, but it con veys the exact truth. At the sound of Tie dinner bell the sawmill elephants will Instantly drop their logs and scam per off, screaming with glee nt the wel come respite. The stocking of heavy or square logs Is wonderfully Interesting. The ani mal pushes a log to the pile, raises one end with his trunk and tusks, the trunk chiefly serving to keep It from slipping from the tusks, and raises It to the top of the pile.' Then he goes to the other end on the ground. This, too, is lifted and the whole log pushed home trium phantly. In pulling a stack to pieces, or re lieving a jam of logs in a flooded creek, •the elephants pick out and remove the • key log” ‘with an Intelligence that is absolutely astounding. Tho key log Is, of course, that one which, when pulled I Sweetness and Light. 11 » Put a pill in the pulpit if you want practical (M) preaohinff for the physical man ; then put the pill in the pillory if it doee not practise what it preaches. There's a whole gospel in Ayer’s Sugar Coated Pills; a " gospel of sweetness and light." People used to value their physic, as they did their religion,—by its bitterness, • The more bitter the dose tho better the doctor. Mss-. We'vo got over that. Wo take "sugar in ours”— gospel or physio—now-a-days. It's possible to |gp pleaso and to purge at the same time. There ... may be power in a pleasant pill. That is the yij S Ayer’s Cathartic -Pills. # More pill particulars in Ayer’a Cnrebook. 100 page*. 'jjx' bent free. J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Max. SIOOCP Who will get it ? Schilling's Best tea is not only pure but it is f- because it is fresh-roasted. What is the missing word ? Get Schilling's Best tea at your grocer’s; take out the Yellow Ticket (there is.bne in every package); send it with your guess to address below August 31st. * One -word allowed for every yellow ticket. If only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. If several find it, the money will be divided equally among them. Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping babies at ; the end of the contest Those sending three or more in one envelope-will receive, a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it. Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $l5O each to the two persons who send in'the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between June 15 and the. end of the contest —August 31st. Cut this out. You won’t see it again for two Weeks. B , Address;: SCHILLING'S BEST TEA SAN FRANCISCO. lout, eases and loßsens the whole stack. The second picture represents a scene on a siding on the Assam rail way. A kind of inclined plane has been formed of two stout planka. and up these the great log is being skilfully rolled by the intelligent comrades. The elephants work three days and then rest three days; more work would break their big hearts. Although ap pearing to tho uninitiated veritable monuments of innocence and docility, these workers aro umazingly tricky. They don't need a trade union, every elephant being very well able to look after his own interests. A heavy chain is sometimes fixed to elephants that are turned loose to feed in the jungle that night; this is in order that wan derers may be traced by the trail left by tho chain in tho Jungle. Well, it has been known that when an elephant LOADING LOGS ON ASSAM RAIL WAY. has made up his mind to bolt, he has carefully gathered up the tell-tale chain and carried it for miles oa his tusks. More Hug*. A new bug has reached Philadelphia, imported direct from South America* Like a good many other importations, it is wholly undesirable. The report says this eutomological curiosity has proved itself a most destructive pest, as it will eat wood when it cannot get bones to feed upon. Tho bug. which is an entirely new spoeics to tills country, has been imported into this city by the hundred millions on two vessels which arrived at this port last week from South America. They were taken from the hold of the British barkentine Al bertina, fro?a Rosario. The bugs have several logs, are covered with hair, and aro extremely repulsive In appearance. Cellini; tho Clock to Order. Once, while Mr. Webster was ad dressing the senate, the senate clock commenced striking, but instead of striking twice at 2 p. m., Continued to strike without cessation more than for ty times. All eyes were turned toward tho clock, and Mr. Webster remained silent until the clock had struck about twenty, when he thus appealed to tho chair: “Mr. President, the clock is out of order! I have the floor!" Wealthy Girl Will Wanh Dlahe*. Miss Jessie, daughter of Millionaire O. H. Durell of Boston, and James H. Grover of Lynn, Mass., were married last Wednesday. After the wedding and a bridal tour Mr. and Mrs. Grover will go to live in a flat in Lynn. Mrs. Grover will herself keep house, and with her own hands cook and wash the dishes. She will leave behind her maid and the servants to which she has been accustomed. —Ex. Marvrloualy Tliln Sheet-Iron. Sheet iron is rolled so thin at the Pittsburg iron mills that 15,000 sheets are required to make a single inch in thickness. Light shines as readily through one of these sheets as through ordinary tissue paner. ARE SEEN IN MEXICO. QUEER FEATURES OF LIFE DOWN THERE. Odd Custome of the Spanish Americana —Many Thing* Which Appear Strunge to the YUttora From tho United States. ARBERS all wear long linen dusters. Bank drafts are al ways made out in duplicate. No per son carrying a load' is allowed to walk on the sidewalk. It is contrary to law to indorse a check from one person to an o t her. Drivers never cluck to their steeds, but urge them on with shrill hisses. There aro free parks, free seats and free music In all the cities of Mexico. All kinds of vehicles as well as bicycles arc obliged to carry lights after dark. Strips of newspapers are fastened to the balconies In front of rooms that are for rent. Every householder is required to sweep the slroot in front of his property and sprinkle it twice a day. All men and most of the women of the lower class smoke cigarettes, but none of them chew tobacco. Heavy wagons are not allowed to use the streets paved with asphalt except when absolutely necessary. A hack driver never leaves his seat and you open the door for yourself and settle with him on his high perch. A Mexi can servant or messenger never en ters even a business house or addresses his superiors without removing his hat. Hand rakes are almost unknown. Leaves and loose grass in the parks are swept up with handled brooms, made of stiff twigs. Street cars never stop at street or track intersections to avoid right-angle collisions, but the drivers make their approach known by shrill horns. If the police find any one carrying a bundle through the streets who cannot tell where he Is going, or give a clear account of him self, he is promptly arrested. The single entrance of even tho largest apartment house is locked at 10 o’clock every night, and the portero expects a •‘gratification” if he is roused after that hour. When a person is injured on the street lie and every one connected with the affair are taken to the near est police station, where each is re quired to make a declaration. Tho water pressure is seldom sufficient to furnish a supply to upper stories, and every house is supplied with a force pump with which a reservoir on the roof is kept filled. The residences are all blessed. At the completion of the home guests are bidden and the cere mony of blessing them corresponds to a house-warming. The priest passes through each room, sprinkling it with holy water. The banks will not take for deposit a $5 check on a bank in an other city, although It bear the in dorsement of regular patron with a good balance to his credit, but the same customer can go to the tjank and get a New York draft for a thou sand dollars without paying for it, and the bank will send around the next day for a check to cover the amount. In vitations to baptisms come in many dainty forms, but invariably have at tached to them a new piece of money. To the immediate members of the family the coin is of gold, but to most of the bidden is sent, a silver ten-cent piece. Everything and everybody pays a direct tax, from the street porter to the largest mercantile establishment, and the stamp tax for documents is equally lucrative; Even placards and posters, other than your own in your !own house, must bear a stamp. Water ifor bath rooms is .heated in a novel way. The separate supply tank on the roof has an opening from top to bot tom, through the center, that acts as a chimney to the fireplace below the tank. A small fire heats a good quan tity of water very quickly. Nearly every one is named after some saint, generally the one to whom the day on which he was born is sacred. If he bears the name of a saint whose day falls on other than his birthday, he celebrates only the saint’s day—and calls it el dia de su santo. The Mexi can policeman often seems a bit stub born, but it can be truly said in his fa vor that he never sets himself up as a court of judgment. If an altercation or a fight occurs on the street he does not attempt to decide which party vra3 right, but both are promptly taken to appear before the Judge, whose busi ness it is to determine which one start ed the row. —From Modern Mexico. A Revolution. “We will still pursue our course,” said the speaker. "The bloated bond holder. tho politician, the millionaire and tho swells, we shall still cut them.” “We will!" thundered the assem blage. And then the regular meeting of tho Barbers Union No. Umtity-umpt ad journed. Quito I’roper. Little Johnny—“Pa, is it right to say that the duties of the office aro conge nial to Mr. Pinch, or that they ore con genital?” Pa—“ln the ease of Pinch, who has thrived on government pap from the time lie began to broathe. I think it would be proper to say that the duties of his office are congenital.”— Boston Transcript. A Working: Knonlciljc. “1 thought you guaranteed a work ing knowledge of French in five weeks,” said the puzzled and disgusted pupil. "So I did.” said the professor, bland ly. "You know euough French now to work out the rest by yourself.”—Wash ington Times. Tito Very Tltinir. Mr. Dukane —"My physician tells me that, my health would be better if I would engage In some business which required traveling.” Mr. Gaswcll— “Why don't you open an oleoinargar ino store?” —Pittsburg Chronicie-Telc grapb. More ducks are raised and eaten in China than in any other country in the world. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. One of the latest fads in entertaining is the gridiron party. The smart bo hemian set of London Is fond of this diversion, and even the prince of Wales lias lent his presence to gridiron par ties. The hostess herself must do tho cooking and the broiling of a stealc or chop becomes of absorbing interest to tho company. Dainty silver gridirons j are used by tho amateur chefs, and • smart white aprons are donned to pro- I tect handsome gowns. Every ono knows that tho horseshoe Is accounted lucky. Hundreds of years ago the horse of a Roman princess cast his shoe and a humble artisan rescued it, pressed it to his heart and was crushed beneath tho horse's feet. Ho was picked up for dead, but recovered, and the princess was so touched by ilia devotion that she married him. It is said the odor of flowers is anti- j septic and that during epidemics tho workmen in perfume factories arc ex- I empt. Some essences are good for tho ' nerves. Ambergris clears tho bruin • and induces thought. Musk in tiny quantities acts ns a tonic. Citron and aloes aro soothing to the nerves. A chemist believes that each scent can lie symbolized by a musical note, und a French romanticist in a book says on inhaling tho fragrance of flowers on shore and hearing the strains of music borne on the air from the deck of a vessel “I could not tell whether I breathed music or hoard flowers.” It is said a demand has nrisen in London for the sedan chair as a substi tute for cabs, and one large firm is building theso old style conveyances as fast as possible, enameling them in the manner carriages affect nowa days, in dark green, black, blue, or maroou, with light trimmings. Tho firm expects to make money renting them to people who want to go a short distance to a dinner or dance. The mirror has always been the most important adjunct to a woman’s toilet, but recently It has been put to a novel use. One woman who was far from graceful by nature overcame all obstacles to poetry of motion by stu dying herself in a full length mirror. She would drag a chair beforo tho glass, select a book and seat herself to read. At first she said her ungainly angles actually made her blush. Then she practiced seating herself and ris ing, trying to imitate the movements of actresses she had admired. She in. time became one of the most graceful women of her set. Another woman who is famed as a story teller always practices telling her stories before a mirror in order to attain the right ex pression and gesture. In London women are once more be ginning to wear great bunches of nat ural flowers on the left shoulder, the custom being imported from America. It is a pretty idea, but an expensive one, for, no matter how carefully flow ers are prepared, they contain so much moisture that they, invariably ruin the dellcato laces and gauze with which they come in contact. Smart women do not carry bouquets this season, as they are too cumbersome and heavy. A few roses are tucked into the bodice or hair or tied to the fan instead. Some women still vigorously advocate the wearing of a turban for evening head-dress, but they are the ones who do not possess pretty hair. A ring recently exhibited at Antwerp was tho admiration of diamond cutters and merchants because it was the first successful attempt to cut a ring out of a single stone. There are a great many difficulties in this method of cut ting diamonds, as the stones have a certain cleavage and particular veins, all of which have to be carefully stu died in order to prevent splitting just as success seems within reach. After several unsuccessful attempts and three years’ labor the feat has been accom plished by the patience and skill of one of the best lapidaries of Antwerp. The ring is about six-eighths of an inch in diameter. In the Marlborough cabinet there is a ring cut out of one entire and perfect sapphire. Certainly Doomed. Fortune Teller —“The lines in your hand are very distinct. You will die Just twenty years from the date of your birth.” Victim—" But I’m past twen ty now.” Fortune Teller —“Ah! it was my mistake. I was reading the 1 lines backward. You will die Just twenty years before the date of your death.” Useless. “Martha, listen; there’s a new ma chine invented that records the action of the brain.” "Well, you needn’t fool any money away on one; it wouldn’t earn its salt.” —Detroit Free Press. CENTER SHOTS. The key to every man is his thought. Imaginary eminence is actual humili ation. Don't jeer at everybody’s religious beliefs. The virtues of society are vices ol the saint. The great man is not convulslble or tormentable. A fire plug is not the horse that pulls the hose reel. Don't be rude to your Inferiors In social position. Better a servant from love than a ruler from lust. A dull remark shines in the shadow of a great name. FIGS AND THISTLES. Others see our faults as plainly as we see theirs. Some are active because they fear to be thought idle. Only the man who looks away from himself has ideas. Put the wicked in office and the dev il will rule the town. We excuse our selfishness by assum ing our greater need. It takes as close application to lie a hypocrite as it docs to be a Christian. Happy the man who finds and re moves the particular cause of his mis fortune. UNCLE SAM’S FORETHOUGHT. •>tllclal* Making Kfuil)' to OI)«rrv« Ihf Sun'* Total Eclipse in lUOO. The United States government Is al ready preparing to take observations of the total eclipse of the sun, Which Is to take place on May US, I'.HX), says the Atlanta Constitution. Observation stations will be estab lished along the path of the total eclipse and experienced astronomers \ in the service of the government will i be seut down to take observations and make the astronomical calculations which it is Expected will be so valuable to science and to astronomy. It may seem rather early to begin to take observations now for an event that will not occur within the next three years, but the government will begin to take observations May l"»th, and con tinue until the same date in the mouth of June. These observations will bo for the purpose of determining the best points at which to establish permanent sta- I lions, where the final observations will j be taken during tin* eclipse of 11MK). I The path of the total eclipse will ex | tend in a direct line from New Or- J leans to Norfolk, Virginia, and will pass j through Georgia in the locality of Ma , con. Itlank report sheets have been sent to nil the went iter bureaus in the vicini ty of the path of the eclipse with the instruction to the weather man to se cure the services of capable and intel ligent men to make tin* observations and register tin* results in the sheets made for the purpose. The exact con dition of the sky, of the sun and of the whole heavens will be marked down In tin* sheets every morning of the month when the observations are being tak en, and all of tho sheets when tilled out will be sent t«» Washington and carefully graded. The permanent ob servation stations will he established at the points where the first observa tions taken receive the highest percent age. BEAUTY IS BLOOD DEEP. IT It I*.. HEALTHY BLOOD .MEANS BEAL TIITJL COMPLEXION. Intrstlnnnl Microbe* Poison the lllnnil When the Bowels Arc Constipated. Drive Them Out by Mnkinu the l.lver Lively. “Benuty is skin deep.” That is wrong. Beauty is blood deep. A person constipated, with a lazy livor, bilious blood, dyspeptic stomach, iius pim ples and livor spots and u solo leather com plexion. No one with n furred tongue, a hud breath, a jaundiced eye, can ho beautiful,no matter how perfect are form and features. To be beautiful, to become beautiful, or remuin beautiful, tho blood must bo kept pura aud free from bile, microbes, disoaso gorms and other impurities. Cascaret Candy Cathartic will do it for you quickly, surely, naturally. They never grip nor gripe, but make the liver lively, prevent sour stomach, kill disoose-gorms, tone up tho bowels, purify the blood, aud make all things right, as they should be. Then beauty comes of itsolf, and to stay. Buy and try Cascarets today. It's who* they do, not what wo say tbej- do, that will please you. All druggists, 10c, 25c or 50c, or mailed for price. Send for booklet nnd free samplo. Address Sterling Itemody Co., Chicago, Montreal, Can., or New York. Mental Dwarf*. Experts say that mental dwarfs nre much more common than physical ones. The brightest children are as liable as dull ones to have their mental growth stunted. The .easonlng powers at twenty-one are perhaps the same as at the age of fourteen. Then the man with a boy'a mind becomes an easy prey to tin* unscrupulous. At thirty the mental vacuum Is plainly notlccahle, aud becomes more and more marked. At sixty he perhaps betrays signs of Idiocy. Yet frequently these undeveloped minds grasp certain things with a readiness a broad minded person would fall to show. Medical science knows no remedy for this mental def<*ct. Happily, It is u rare com plaint.—Chicago Inter Ocean. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. Vo quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No to-ltac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c. or Jfl. Cure guaranteed. Booklet ami sample free. Address Sterling Itcmedy Co., Chicago or New York. It Is expected that before July 15th the railway connecting Tientsin nnd Peklu will be completed. This will give China u rail way system of 214 utiles. What Every Farmer Wants. Huston's Laws of Irrigation. Sheep bind ing. postpaid, for $1.50. Chain & Hardy Co., 1020 Curtis street. Heaver, Colo. Hall’s Catarrh Cure I* taken internally. Price, 75c. “I never met n shrewder man than Johns berg. I wish I had him for a partner.” “You do? Well, he Is so blame shrewd that I am glad he is not my partner.'*—Cincin nati Enquirer. First Amateur —“There Is such a difficult scene In the second net." Second Amateur - “What Is It?” First Amateur—“ The hero tells me that he never loved until he ipet nie. und I have to look us If I believe him." —Tit-lilts. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic 10c or tSa. It C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. “And your wife aimed at ami struck your bond with the cup?" "Yes. sir.” “Well, then, nil I have to say Is that you should he very proud of her."—London Tlt-Illts. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ni m. f. iiiniun n iiinvi iiiu,, ni For ohllilron teetlilnir.Hnftcn* the guiiiK.reduceM Inflam uiatlun,allay* pain, cure* wind colic. z& cent* a bottle. He (at the door)—“I think it’s going to rain.” She—" Yes; It looks ns If we would have n bad night." He "Yes: It tines. Good night.’’ She—“Goodnight.”—Judge. I know that my life was saved by Flso’s Cure for Consumption.—John A. Miller, An Subic, Michigan. April 21, 1895. “I know.” muttered the robber, as he ab stracted the actress’ diamonds, "that tills Is ail awful chestnut, but what Is a starving man with a large family to do?"—l’lck-Me- Up. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, bloqd pure. 60c, ft. All druggists. “Timmins* Intest Joke turned out pretty seriously.” “How?* “He couldn't sell It. 1 ndliwin[mils Journal. Denver Public Sampling Works, m. c. SMITH, PsCaiOCNT. ORES SOLD ON THE public market. Denver, Colo. E. E. BURLINGAME'S ASSAY OFFICE LABORATORY EntnMlfthcd In Colorado. 1866. Sample* by mail Of express will receive prompt and caretul attention, GOLD AND SILVER BULLION Rslstd, Melted and Assayed or Purchased. Address. I7M sad 173 S Lawrence SL. DENVER. COLO, UUHIS WHtHt AIL ELSE FAILS. E| best l ough Syrup. Tastes Good. l'»' H In time. Hold hr druggist*. Mi W. N. U. —DENVER. —NO. 28.-1897 When writing to advertisers, please say that you saw the advertisement In tills paper. AN INCIDENT AT TIIE CITY HOSPITAL. A Woman’s Lifo Barely Saved by a Critical Operation—Her Health Destroyed. There was a hurry call for the ambulnncc of the City Hospital In the course of un hour a very sick young woman was brought in on a stretcher. Site was pale us death und evidently suffering' keen ngony. There was a hasty exam iuation ami a consultation. In less than a o 9 9 • quarter of an hour the poor crca ‘ ttUyUL turevvason the operating tuble to undergo the operation culled lkV.‘/Vy There was no time for the usual [h preparation. Her left ovary was on the point of bursting; when it was re jr * —— moved, it literally disintegrated. If it had burst before removal, she ' j[ r' / would have died almost in- JCjj "X stoutly! That young woman {C,., v -,-> V) had had warnings enough in the terrible pains, f 1 v the burning sensation, the swelling low down on her left side. No one advised Iter, so she suffered tortures and nearly lost her life. I wish I had met her months before, so I could PjttmMSm fB have told her of the virtues of L3*dia E. f m Pinkliams Vegetable Compound. As it V is now, site is a wreck of u woman. |m|7 Oh, iny sisters, if you will not tell a J! doctor your troubles, do tell them to a woman who / stands ever ready to relievo you! Write to Mrs. / /V~^\ Pinlthum at Lynn, Mass., confide freely to her all rll / your troubles, and she will advise you free of II WvkV charge; and if you have any of the above symp- KJI I Ilk toms tulce tho advice of Miss Agnes Tracy, who J ■■vk speaks from experience und says: j ■BBA ** For three years I had suffered with inflninma- / lllv tion of the left ovary, whieh caused dreadful pains. / ■■ln. 1 was so badly uffcctcd that 1 had to sleep with / ■■An pillows under iny side, mid then the pain was so / ■mV. great it was impossible to rest. . ■■IV “ Every month I was in bed for two or three days. I took seven bottles of Lydia E. Pinkhnni’s Vege- Mil IB May table Compound, and am entirely cured. liltink will there is no medicine to be compared with the Com pound for female diseases. Every woman who suffers from any form of fcmnlo weakness should try it at once.” Miss Agnes Tracy, Box 432, Valley City, N. D. Lhe/|LthJ ■| Hires Roothccr is healthß^kS soothr-d, tlic r. tom a e bcnciitcd by this delicious I HIRES 1 ■// Quenches the thirst, tickles vl ■/ the palate ; full of snap, sparkle M Ml and effervescence. A temper- V ml anee drink for everybody. ■ V U*4* *nly br Th« Chart*. r. Illraa Cu.. Philadelphia ■ mj A pack**. makrt Of* g.110*.. ■ 'ISH'ZViXIS ! Thompson’* Eyo Water. ■ WS>BIVAH. ■. WILLSON AOO.,Wt>h |iM J fcll § Vingl..n. I) i' No l«i* till patent ■ M I Bill ■ %P»ccur<'<l. IN.paaP iHMIk Oce. HOLIDAY eOOOS'^LSaJS.WjStTS.KS fret-. Webb-Freyschlag Mercantile Co., KkiiuiCity,Mo. DnnrillP T, " h * ,t Rsd Ro P° Roonngfor nuiir inii io - t,,,r *q- r- o*p* »ud d*h* tn. ** w v 11 olud*«1- Hubat tutM for Pla*t«r Samples free. TW FAY ■ amlla noonsu ce.,c*a4**,i A. HDODQV NEW DISCOVERY; «i«* UIWVr O ¥ «|ill«-k rrllrf *nl cur,-* wunt uti*'. Semi for book of l*-»l ImunlaN mul 1 O daJH* treat nirnt Free. nr. H.N.uukKS'HhOSS, iilmu, u*. ■ ■ mtWIK WHO lI.YVK ■ _ e IF nxz Claims ■ ■ in.-kforrt. ivnaion nn.l I*nt#nt Att'y, ni l V U., Wmililiigiihi, tin-y will rncuivo a prompt reply. I DTI 11 ntEKfe'SE’sSf' All I ■■■■ ■ ■ 90 a ■ Waii (iramdst*. or write RenovaOiemlcsl On., Art Hroa<l»v*T. New York. FULL DTFORMATIOH GLADLY WfA*> FKZX. patentsTtrademarks Rxmmlnmtlon anil Advice •* to l'atentabtlltjr of In arntlon. for “liivontur*' Oulde, or llow to Gels Patent.’’ O'KAHRKI.L A HON, Waablntfton. D. C. IBPROTKD lICSTXK FILL CIULI HAY FBFSS. "A I Steel" end Wooden (ateel lined) *blppe<ton trial to reliable partlr*. Fully guaranteed. Write for c»t elogue and prli-c*. M. 11. Ig***ee, Merldleu Me eblnr Shop*, box K, Meridian, Mias. S 75 S 50 ym&D "Wcelcrn'Wheel "Work* - ■ oC*-MAKERS*»Ou CfijCAGO ' /11/A/O/i CATALOG VE FREE CURE YOURSELF! jr | llig Ct for unnatural f Xln 1 M&daya.X I dlarhnri;,-a, Inflaniniationi, /_ f-,1 Oo*r»ou«4 \J trritutiiuia or ulceration* no» u. 0 f niucoua innuibranra. |E“"3F , * T,nu * ool *< lo *- I’atiilcaa, and not aitria- Chemical Co. r»nt or potaonou*. Wold by Drnrslata, C. B. A. *7 f or Bent in plain wrapper, I I'T fxpn-aa, prepniil. for U r r ' *2.70. “ Circular scut ou request. per hour by the celebrated Weber Gasoline En gine. No more trouble to *tart than a gasoline stove. It will irrigate your ranch, pumping the water from fiftecu feet deep for seventy-five cent* per acre, aud no row about the ditch. It will hoist your ore from 400 feet deep for 2)4 j cents per ton. Cheapest power for irrigation, I milling, or for nny other purjiohe. bend for cat- ! aloguc or come ami see it run. THE J. H. MONTGOMERY MACH. CO.. 122 D-22 Curtis St., Denver, Colo. "WINDSOR HOTIIT DENVER. Only First-Class Hotel in the City Centrally Located. (American Plan.) Perfect Service. Table Unexcelled. It AT ICS: OU to per day. The only TURKISH BATHS In the stnte 1 lie tluont In the West, coniic-cted with tin* Windsor. Scud for copy of "Dcnverwurd" and aseldcnt policy—free. J. A. WIGGIN. Manager. f Denver Directory. and awning Co. KRTOrwl WOOTU’I PATfMT ORf lAOXS OT ATC ADC Saniiiiing Works. Office Albany SEALS. RUBBER STAMPSKKSft Work* A M Ik. Co., ist* o rlt. O. Itox JL Cl noiCTC mi.fax avk. i'i,i»itAr, co. rLUnlolO 028 10th 81. Tel. 1.T14. tireen hOULea Cor. Colfax and York Sts.. Denver. 2ND llaml Machinery, Mining, Engine*, Holl ers. etc. Send for prices. 8. 8. Machinery Co., 1529 Lawrence. Wureliouso Oth & Murket. TiinaiiirUara all Ilinkea *lO o|>. Supplies, I rtc. I.l*u fr*e. Typewriter I J|JUTTI llUl 0 Kxchnnge, I6:M CliainpaSt. Uf AUTCn Representative* for The Andrew* If All ICU Hehool Supply Co.. < hleago and other esMturn firm*, add rent l7Ui Ht. Denver. rtnnnCDICC Retailed at wholesale Price*. 'JH UnUUtnltO page price It-t fro*. Murlburt Groi-oiy Co., ir>tTi und Lawrence St*.. Denver. A QQ AYS Goh'ni'iid' stiver I’iocs»*Co! nU Jrt I KJ ihdi-'J ,v7 in hHL, Denver. Wo „;r,s ork furniture. Iron Itod* full aloe only |3.«»; Cano Heat Chair* 7ft- and everything at Hie lowert price*. The.lauie« G.KilpatrickFurnitureCo . IUCKW Cut. KL. I*enver. nT a ttfin ANKW UI’ItIUIIT I’IANG, tight m A linn wood ran*, WAHItANTKD FIVR U I A |\] II \ YK AHS FDR »rn WlllTK or II H 111 111 h im*ami price*. The KNIGHT L iUHUU CAMI’HKI.L MUSIC CO. Douvar BOSTOITBELfINCW. Rubber Uniting. Fire. Steiuu, Air and Water lfoae of all size*. I’ucxtug. Me liauloul Rubber Good* Davis Jt Havllle, Agtw . IttfiUl.qwrencoHt., Denver ELASTIC STOCKINGS i!“« c l:::"ZZ r : Send for diagram. TUIJSMKH. UUUTCUKB. II ATT Kill 138, R Hit It EH HOODS. Estab- I niIDDIU ,r,OH ( urtls llshetl 1874. U. UUnDIHI Bt.. Denver. malt tonic In the (lnest Spring Medicine on tho market. Sold hy all Drugglxl*. Bottled by the O. A. I.A MM KitS BOTTLIXH CO.. Denver. Colo. ■ M r> a Our photoirnphlo finlahlng If 1111 AIT V <>«<>" rime nt t* Om lurgest In , . h n ”.:!;^,,“ r " r “!ir,7ir r .?,'r° Knlarglngand coloring a specialty, v•• loiv.- In ■tOJk every cnmtrn made. All kin I* of auppliea. The Fo r<l Optical A burg. Inst. < o, lA]9 Curd* 8L WILLIAMS \ buy until you \ /v" / wanted, rend *° f cl ‘ t ** OKU> ’- F A I’etteeaCn., T'*x/' tJencral Agent*, - ~ 32116th Ht„ Denver THE COMPANY PAYS THE FP2ICHT On their Oommon-»en»e new ateel hone whim. Will Boiat 26 ton* *f rock SUO f*et each ahtfL I* ju«t a* *ufa Bad reliable a* an engine It can b« packed un/wher* ■a u jack can ga No cog wheel* or clutche* to break. UU per cent. I* JNE wrought Iron and *teel t>en<t m ll tome running i year* without one m ■ ■ dollur'* axpenae. W# make h»r*e- M J %hotsia at pilcem, S2S, 60. 76 100 $126 and on up Head for an Ulnatruted circular to THE WHIM CO.. 1222 CuxUabt-iMiiv.r. Colo. SIOO fo Any Man. WILL PAY SIOO FOR ANY CASE Of. Weakness In Men They Treat anti Fall to Cure. , An Omaha Company placet* for tho 11 rat time before tho public a Maoical Tiikat mbnt for tho cure of Lost Vitality. Nervous I aud Scxuul Weakness,.aud Restoration of Life Force ill old and young men. No worn-out French remedy: contains no l'hosphorou* or other harmful drugs, it is a Wonderful Treatment—mugicul ii i it» •ITectH—positive in its cure. All rent ora, who are suffering from 11 weakness ihut blights their life, causing that mental end physical suffering peculiar to Lost M.m -; uood, should write to the STATE MEDICAL I COMPANY, Omaha, Neb., and they will •end you absolutely FREE, a valuable paper on these disease-*, ami positive proofs of their truly Maoical treatment. Thous ands of men. who have lost all hope of a cure, are being restored by them to a per fect condition. This Maoical Treatment may bo taken at home under their directions, or they will pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who prefer to go there for treatment, if they fail to cure. They are perfectly reliable; have no Free Prescriptions, Free Cure, Free Sample, or C. O I'.fake. They have 7250,000 capital, nnd guarantee to cure every case they treat or refund every dol lar; or their charges may bo deposited in a bank to be paid to them when a cure is effected. Write them today. WINES AND LIQUORS I'm- family ..nd medicinal Absolute pci It.v guaranteed. Claret, per gal . /An f.mdel.per gal.. Nse; I’m l ami Sherry, per gal.. 95c: old Whiskies, per gal.. -V2.2-. up wards; best Deer. *!.:!•> per doz. •piarls. I>ou t eompare us with that clitss wli,. nearlyeontr.d this line. We earry everything that be I mgs to this business. < >ver -ID kinds . f H ii.e*. all popular brands Whiskies, on prices on all "Malt Tonies." fa id for our eoinplete price list ~f Groceries. M""s Win. -a... Liquors. Mall Orders promptly tilled. No charge for |M "tHE WINDSOR GROCERY CO., 1510-23 Chain pa St., DENVER. COLO.