The Springfield Herald.
Yol. X.
Entered atthopostonicoat Sprlnpflold Colorado.
ii>> tumond-claon matter.
Invariably In advnnuu.
Published Friday ol each week.
76 cent* pel Inch, Magic column, each month.
No prefored position given.
Bust ness Locals, 10 cents per line each Insertion.
l.nVnl mention, 16 cents per llneeach Insertion. ai. Apt.: Final proof notices *5.00, single
Contest notices *5.00 each.
All other legal printing .-übjert to a rate of 10
cents per line for Hint Insertion, 5 cents for each
additional—nonpareil measure, nine words to s
Hue, unless ntbrrwUc contracted.
These rates will be strictly adhered to.
Official Paper of Baca County.
Prom January Ist ISM tho sub
script ion rates of the Herald will
be $1.25 per year, if paid in ml
vance. Subscriptions to the lend
ing papers, magazines ami period
icals, taken in connection with
the Her a Li) fit reduced prices.
When the bicycle becomes cheap
more people will rule.
The United States will ignore
Japan’s still* protest to the annex
ation of Hawaii.
There are six widows of revolu
tionary soldiers still living, and
the war has been over 115 years.
The rumor that Spain and Jap
gn have formed an alliance against
the United States, is not credited.
Gold is coming ill irom Alaska,
and reports of rich gold fields have
started a tide of immigration to
that coltl region.
Thieves in Weld county stole 35
head of blooded horses from the
range and started east. They were
captured at Julesburg.
Andree, the Swedeish aeronaut
—the north pole in a bal-
July 12th. lie expects to
make the trip m 30 days.
The Trans-Mississippi congress,
in session at Salt Lake City, has
adopted strong free coinage reso
lutions. W. J. Bryan is president
of the congress.
T. V. Powderly has* been ap
pointed commissioner general of
immigration. His confirmation is
being fought by the labor organi
zations? charging that he was a
democrat up to last fall.
The Denver post would send
Tom Watson to the happy hunt
ing ground by the watermelon
route, because Tom wants to start
a new party. It is real naughty
of the Post to want to deprive Tom
of the only pleasure he has in life.
Ballington Booth the leader of
the Salvation army in America,
was seeing the Arkansas valley
last week under the auspices of
the Santa Fe railroad company.
Mr. Booth desires to get a few
thousand of his people from the
east to the west, where they can
be self supporting. Lamar was
honored by the presence of the
general, who preached to the sin
ners of the village. He was shown
the lands under the ditches.
The tariff bill, considerably
tinkered by the conference com
mittee has been passed by the
house and is expected to pass the
senate today. The measure is
more favorable to the trusts than
any tariff law ever placed on the
books. The stock of the sugar
trust lias gone from 10-1 to 144.5-,
representing an increase in value
of 000. This trust is that
much richer to start wiih. Don’t
expect your sugar to be any cheap
er under the new law.
Keeping the House Cool.
‘•How to keep the house cool in
summer is a grave problem,
writes Mrs. S. T. Borer in the
July Ladies’ Home Journal. “Dur
ing the hot months the house is
much more livable if artificial
heat can be cut down to the mini
mum. Use the stove early in the
morning, preparing certain foods
that will keep well, and avoid the
necessity of a big fire during the
rest of the day. Bare floors arc
very much more pleasant in the
summer than straw matting, al
though the latter is preferred to
carpets or rugs. Where one' can
command a water supply the house
is measurably cooled by reducing
the temperature of the grounds
around by copious sprinklings. A
good stream of new air should be
allowed to sweep through the en
tire house morning and evening.
The hot air of midday will con
dense quickly on cool walls and
cause mould or dampness, con
sequently it should not be allowed
to enter any portion of the house.
All the rooms in the house should
be kept scrupulously clean and
| neat. “If the outside temperature
is not appreciably lower at night
than during the day it is almost
impossible to keep sufficiently
comfortable to obtain necessary
rjst. The sleeping rooms may be
cooled by placing in tlie center of
the room a tub two-thirds full of*
cool, or better ice water. This
will absorb the heat of the room
in a few hours, and will be found
particularly helpful where there
are children. If the heat contin
ues during the night the changing
ol* the water will preserve an
even temperature in the room.
Air your cellars at night when it
is possible. Close them at nine
in the morning and they will
keep cool and dry the entire
summer. Exceptions to this rule
are on windy days, as the rapid
motion of the air does not allow
condensation. Keep the cellar
perfectly dean and fresh. Fre
quent coats of whitewash with
plenty of lime are the greatest of
value in summer.
Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly
for August.
A special fiction number is Frank
Leslie’s Popular Monthly for Aug.
Therejaro several complete stories
all illustrated, and all are bright
and clever, the one by Margaret
E. Sangster being particularly
noticeable for its sweet simplicity.
But tho number is not given up
entirely lo fiction. There is an at -
tractively illustrated paper en
titled “ A Grandee of the Fields,”
in which Martha McCulloch Wil
liams chats entertainingly of to
bacco and its cultivation. The
University of Virginia is the
subject of* an article by Richard
Heath Dabney, lorming the tenth
paper in this magazine’s popular
series on American Universities
and Colleges; it ts illustrated with
good portraits and views. Haryey
Rowell describes “Summer Log
ging in Wisconsin”; there is a
most interesting account ol a visit
to Japan, under the title “In the
land of the Mikado,” by Dr. J.
Simms, with capital half-tone cuts;
Colonel Alexander E. Sweet tolls
of an exciting German student
duel of which he was a witness;
“Beasts ol Burden” is the subject
of an article by the well known
traveler author, Frederick Ober;
the department for young people
contains a story, a paper on stamp
collecting, and the continuation
of Honalio Alger’s serial. Then
there are illustrated poems, talks
about books, comments on pictures
and the Leslie Portfolio.
F. 11. Brandenburg, Observer.
Denver, Colorado.
For Week Ending last Monday.
The mean temperature of the
week was below the normal cast
of the mountains and about normal
in the San Luis and on the western
slope. At the beginning of the
week unusually high temperatures
were attained over portions of* t he
western slope and throughout the
Arkansas valley. Generally fair
weather prevailed on the western
slope until near the close ol the
week, while in the San Luis
Park daily showers have con
tinued. East ol the mountains the
rains have been local and generally
light. The reports indicates that
the past week lias been generally
favorable to all crops. Showers
have caused a marked improve
ment over portions of the Divide
and the eastern border counties,
A heavy crop of wheat is report
ed in the eastern portion of Arap
ahoe county, but the oat crop will
be only fair. In the north central
section the cutting of barley, rye,
and fall wheat continues; potatoes
in the vicinity of [Greeley and m
other portions of this section are
making rapid growth. The second
crop of alfalfa in the Arkansas
valley is generally lighter than
usual, and 1 lie seed crop poor in
lacalifies. Apricots, early peaches
and apples are ripe in the vicinity
of Rocky Ford. Potatoes are look
ing well in the San Luis Park. In
Conejos county there has been
too much rain lor crops on the
lowlands but on high ground small
grain is very promising. Very
favorable reports are received from
the western slope. The second
crop ol allalfa is being secured in
good shape; winter wheat is being
cut, spring wheat js nearly ripe,
and corn is in tassel. Fruit is
ripening rapidly, and preparations
to market the large peach crop
are in progress.
Note. —The reports on which
this bulletin is based were mailed
before the severe wind and rain
storm Sunday night.
Commander Booth-Tucker -and
Capt. McFee, of the American
branch of the Salvation Army, ar
rived in Lamar yesterday in a
special car. They spent the day
looking over Prowers county lands
with a view to selecting a large
tract of land to be used in the
great colonization scheme which
their organization has undertaken.
They have decided to begin oper
ations in Colorado and want 50,000
acres of land to place settlers on.
They were aepompanied by .fas.
B. Davis, industrial commissioner,
and John E Frost, land commis
sioner of the Santa Fe Route,
Judge J. S. Emery, of Great Bend
Kansas, and John E. Godding, of
Kooky Ford. They were piloted
over Prowers county’s choicest
lands by L. Wirt Markham.—
Lamar Register.
Just What Miners Want.
All who are, or expect to bo, in
terested in mines will be glad to
know that Henry N. Copp, the
Washington, (13. C.) land lawyer,
has revised Cops Prospector’s Man
uel. The mineralogical part of the
work has been almost entirely re
written by a Colorado mining en
gineer, who lias had years of ex
perience as a prospector, assay or
and superintendent ol mines and
United States surveyor.
The book is a popular treatise
on assaying and ineneralogv. and
will be found useful to all who
wish to discover mines. The first
part of the work gives the United
States mining laws and regula
lions, how to locate and survey a
mining claim, various forms and
much valuable information. The
price is 50 cents at I lie principal
hook stores, or of the author.
Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoko Tour LiTo Away.
11 you want to quit tobacco using easily
ami forever, bo made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new liffc ami vipor, take No-To-linc.
tho wonder-worker, that makes weak 111011
Stroup. Many gain ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bae of your
druggist, under guarantee to cure. f>oc or
fl .00* Booklet and sample mailed I ree. Ad.
Sterling Remedy Uo.. Chicago or Now York.
Steel L D
World’* fair Pi
Tank*. Itepjilator* CSrlnrt.
yAy K. 11. c »VJ?*UI.K.
u. l serby" Ost
3f Z:ZK2>? miKBATMU WS2IKES. •/■vest e
• .-. I, 1 iiiv, N.<vy..n.-i f-y lal.'e.. 'LL
about Posul, Departmental. ' • -ojik. In-linn and
other public ctnp’oyiupnt'. US •, 'iv C'TAIIT
Price 50c. For sale et the office sf Ibis paper.
A. Your address, with six cents
V in stanij s, mailed to our Ilead
4/- ,\ quartets, II Eliot M., boat on,
« vll f)) Hass., will bring you a full line
s £ FT I \f ol M«nplcm. and rules for self
!Z (k / || / / measurement, of ot.r justly fa
-3 If ” imi ; s:s pants : Suits, *13.25;
O H (/;// Overcoats, *10.25, and atp. Cut
y ®. to order. Agents wanted every
°o PIpODdI Rocft CO.
f— ™~WLiGER’S WIN 1)31 ILL
A double Grinder with throe burrs.
Center draft. Can Ik* attached to any
size or make of iiuinplni; wind mill.
532 Kenwood Terrace, ‘Chicago, 111
Scud Six 2 Cent Stamps
*SO First Cl: :-s K,-:eipt?
u. V V r - ‘
The Tower Above And Behind All
Thrones Is Public Opinion.
represent ft the result of* culling
the most interesting and impor
tant articles and items ol news
from about 3,000 newspapers,
magazines, and reviews. A single
issue often contains matter from
150 different periodicals. The
cost of these publications would
amount to iiundrecls of dollars a
week and even by constant read
ing no one could gather the assort
ed knowledge that is presented
each week to the readers of PUB
LIC OPINION. The editors re
lieve you ot trouble and expence.
The field ol American and For
eign Affairs is thoroughly covered
and the best thought, of the day is |
presented under the heads of Sei- j
oloirical. Scientific, Religious,
Letters and Art, Miscellany, and j
Business and Finance. Send to
the publishers for a sample copy.
Any magazine(except the Ladle’s
Home Journal) the price ol which
does not exceed SI.OO per year,
will be sent -free to every new
subscriber at $2.50, the regular
price, of subscription, or the pub
fishers will send PUBLIC OPIN
ION one year for this amount and
also the Rand McNally, 1597, alias
containing 175 pages ol new maps.
Public Opinion Company,
13 Astor Place. New York City.
That Trip East
May be for business or pleasure, or
both; but pleasure comes bv mak
ing a business of traveling East o
ver the Santa Fe Route as far as
Thirty miles tho short.ert line be
tween Missouri river and Chicago;
that means quick tune and sure
Track is straight, rock-ballasted,
with very lew crossings at grade.
No prettier, cosier or more com
fortable trair»9 enter Chicago than
those over the Santa Fe. '! hey are
vestibuled limited exuresses, with
latest pattern Pullmans and free
chair cars. Meals in dining cars
served on plan of paying for what
is ordered.
Inquire of nearest agent, or ad
dress G. T. Nicholson. G.P.A. Santa
Fe Route, Monndnock Building,
Iho attention of mining men
throughout 1 lie entire West is at
present being directed to the pla
cer diggings of Bolivia, South
America, from which locality the
most alluring reports come. If
you have any idea of* trying your
fortunes in this country be sure!
and consult with Messrs. Shepperd j
& Cooper of the Chicago & Alton j
International Steamship Agency,
in Cooper building, Denver, who j
can give you correct and reliable i
information ns to the shortest,!
quickest and cheapest way to
reach f lie gold fields and can book ,
you through from any point in the j
pAQU $2,100 I
CSFT “ESS t 3 ail ca nrawt.' ilrs. vseca. bey*. r:r'.a a;l
ew peijaur.ta Wci'.th nay fcs yean, will yea
::/‘.ari tcrit I VTrt# t:.n t; tis
iinrsmcas iec2:t::r srasAS, - wagiactoa.s. e.
Which Saves you 4 Bin Profits. **
’5 The Commission House. The Wholesaler. The Jobber and Store Keeper.
Our (Treat Bargains CUSTOM MADE TO ORDER
$5,09 52.88 $j0 I psii'£|37,§O
. STi, bV 1 * t . Jrrt-rd -JriZ
★ UJltl) extra pair Cl panis, >2.93 Fancy » rown . Cray. b!«k. or Blue
Thews Suits are GUARANTEKD to be made from imported Worsted Cordol Cheviot, nude in latest
Wool Cheviot. In BUck. Blue, Grey, and Brown, in sizes from style-, lined with Imported Farmer Satin,
jto o years of age. Made lip double i rtj- trd, with S-iilor trimmed and finished 111 the best of Custom
Collar-Collar fancy embroidered—lined with fast Black Albert Tailor manner. You car.nat duplicate It in
Twill Satern and I’atent Wsiit Bands. Trimining and V* ork- y OUr town lor $16.00. Sizes )4 to 4>-
manship the vary best. Same in Sizes for ages lo to 15 years, The same roods made for Youth's. i)C
without Sailor Collar. Sec Pattern's Below. {fJ j n j_^ n g |> 3 nts, Coat and Vest, V
•fj{ \\ riik =Z-|!fl
Rneskr |
send Cost 01T;e?. Kxpress py I'lr-est' f lo- v ‘
‘ • v. . J }'■ a.-lur,n in *f
| $109.00 j
j Given Away L
jj Every Month jj
\) to tlie ponton aubmi'-tlnir tho
e) moi'iturioHM Invent ion *0
</ di"-;?ijr tiio procmliitT niontli. ei
t ) v/ c; 1: u |>AT BN TS U
FO:t INVUN TO US nml tlio M
O o.Jrct ..f this o:X« vJ* to I’ll- 4b
4-, « iufuko persons «*f int ent- e4
iv t; turn of min*'. At tho *4
f mn t mm wo \n .1 t » improse yj
\) tiio fuel tliat v, :: :: *y
5| ICa the Sittiple, fl
;} irivial Invemiotis !i
!] That Yield FortsJtie3 i!
hi —such n, Vo I'ilia’s H.IOII Si
JX P.I--I IJyo, *‘Soj that JI tun i».'* is
O "Surety IM11." “I’:;-3 in Clo- Ji
E vjp. ’ ”.Mi- nnik.y ot.t. rs
v Almost ■ very ono cumooivoa ik
- k Q n lu-itflit Mon ut Hnmii I lino or
.j otlfr. Why not in pr.ic
o 1131? Yoirrt t.tlcnt3 utny r}
;( In ii tliij direction. May K
ninku y.Jttr fortuno. M liy not
Is try/ :: :: :: :: ::
O ry Write for f n tlmr Informulioa nml \\
iiioulion this puptr. W
U lUillip W. Avlrott, Ocu. ;.l£r., (4
!} 613 l : Street, Lorihwcst,
Ia rosponslliility of tli!.-* company fv
kh niuy lm in. land l-y tho I not that in J)
rf tto< n» in-'-l by im-t thousand w
• 3 of llio li-u.lioir ii..-wspopcia 111 the
♦♦ I'nltcd Suites.
Ft f
- £«££££s: S: IZZStttTT?-- " *
<: Sr ey
IVsnotbod.:-.-i-.-rd J : / atlurlns* rdrertUeinec’snr-T
tu-j.k you ia.-j ;; it U.e W. mail.*, Ih,i st CnliZi w.d
most popular cev/iuo MACKIHC
f e r.l .rc Knur rcllshl.. irariufacturm
tbut have irsiurd a,.-i.ulAtlon »-/ J*„u. : t ami M ( ua.«
n—.iiT*. Thuro hro.v m l!,o world tt.r.t trn .«ib«l
In i-i i-’ianlcn! ru. ll.m, durability of work ini;
pitllm n»»»of flnlsli, *ity In Itaj
aa mtny laiprovem r.ia M Iho NEW HOME.
Tkd m Homo Sewing Macbico Ca.
OJUVOX.Uar.-). 1!r,,t0 a. Vi BxjOKSavAmir.ll.r.
CUICS-o. Ir.u Sr. law--. Mo. Im.i.ah 'i Hij.
tax xorsco, C.-.r.. :.a:.:a,
ron BAI.C nv
Atlmy nnd Sun, La Junta, Colo.
D2XTV.TI BKOE CO., Ine’p. fop Hal, 8 1,000.0f.0.
HEM' 81. no siioi: in thk v.t.klo.
“.1 ilotlur s.ticl is <i dollar earned."
This I.ndloH' Solid S'roisrh Itonzoln SCldTliit.
ton Hoot dollVured Ire? r.aynli ro ir. tho U.S.. on
r» rocc-lnt of Cash. Money Order,
■I Not* for 51.50.
ery way the bix.ta
il rctoll ilort* for
.'«• racke this boot
tJicr-foro wo junr
rvfun-l tlij tnoiiry
mother pair. Opera
ir Common Beni<e t
■lts C, 1), I!. & KB,
cs 1 to 8 nml half
sen. Send your site;
Sixcial Urrns to Uiaitrt.
South of Court House
Lamar, Colorado.
Pref. F.yo, Throat, Female and Suigloa! DDob
Oflice ho tin: Stoit n. in., Ito 3 nnd, 7toB p. in.
b to 10 a. in. Sundays.
thinK to patent? Protect your Ideas : tlieymny
bring you v.-caltli. Writo JOIIN W'KDDEIt-
BUHIT CO., Patent Attorneys,
D. C., for their £l,BOO prizo offer.
Every body Gay* So.
Casrarots Catvly Cullv.'.rtic, tlie most won
derful mei'ii’ul discovery of tlie I'-ZC, p eas
ant ami i-ofiv-Hiiinir to the taslc, act pciiUy
an.l positi.-cly on'. liver and bowels,
rlean&hiv: tic- on tiro systr-in. rlisprl coins,
c:uim iicailaabc, i.-.vcf, hahitunl < or.stlpcticn
and bi !!in- ,: .ft. Please buy and try a box
of (J. C. C to-.ley; 10. i". :o rent -. .Soltlaud
cuarautccd to cure by all druygists.
CO?iS T |PA T |O H , eg> < |
25 * 50 * DRUGGISTS *
B I tuntu irood. K.nt them Incrt'KßO tliw How off § \
0 PMKnV 1 llku cundy. They re- inllkin uinMncmoiu- X DAAII CAD Id
A uAilUi biiiovo any bad tn»tn era. A toMn e uteri X DvvSl ■ vcl 1 \
a Vln tlio month.lenvln: by tho mother mukes Jr I A
B riT!lf>l)Tiß If Ihebroain sweet and her milk mildly purir-1 UnTIIERC XT
V lAliln'lliV $ pcrrinned. It I* a alive mid hu* n mild f fittUlfiEllO v \
• A real pleasure to tuko butcurtnln effect on t Aar
***• «i »*» m m thorn Instead of nau- tbo baby, tbo only ■ \
Btutlrii llqtililu or cannon-ball pills. su/e lu.tatlvo for tho bnb«-li.-arni3. &
g—q*» —mrnrnm CSBCAIim .... CABCA Iti:TB trwme> mm A
ii flare purely rcwelnblo mo liked by tbcrhli-A A fr
I purely {ssarivajssK ».»■?.. please u
bever beforo put tnffoilior In nifv forui. ,,a tl ° Q bowols of tbo irrowlin? child.
A ■ «. «> oco a ea a bi ..... CA GCA BETS ...CASCAKETff, m rtm mm mmm A
SI antiseptic liilHiSriv;:::;' ‘SSHvHI cure }
\ H X souring In tho stom- of constipation, no V \
0 | LAXATIVE S mentation °ln the I ctiitlnato. or nnr- I GUARANTEED f>
kU! din- money aellM'a r -iptn■ 1» ■ r r 0
kind .bat breed and food In’tbe'uyaicm. * by your own druKirUt. \
on « nr-ea .... CABCARETN ■ i»oaa v
•••••' ■»»ak*. i ■ ororo.d by all drug-f Igf
i—♦ow.ra«o»i condition. inn king f OC . t ith ll< *iKn7t , rfaik delav "t
tbclr action easy mid natural. health. IJo.t t rI»K delay. T
Don't judge CASCARET3 by other medicines you have tried. They 1
are new, unlike anything else that's sold, and infinitely superior. \
______ i Try a 10c box to-day, if not pleased get f
"- -- Tho j your money back! Larger boxes, 25cor 50c. V
HgjHgp 0 Ooworoof°‘ I Sample and booklet mailed free- Address }
imitatlot’.c ! * sTCnUNQ n&MEDV CO., chicaooi monthim. cam.j new YORK. 2CO J
£-<• « cures Tobacco Habit or money refunded. Makes tv-oak men
8 **Pl£43tro:ig. Sold and Guaranteed by all druKghm:. Oct booklet.
i A Proof of Quality |
aja This name-plate with our trade- gx
%’ J is on every genuine Monarch Bicy
rji clc, and is recognized the world g>
Oi 1 ov * r a# a proof of quality. J* ItJs a
3Qir. {V'mk ability. >■'■* It represents the best prod- »Tr
tl, BnP: «A >4 £\ ub uct of the finest equipped bicycle JO
VJ cßt x)/*twL factory in the world. «.'* There's
HBy /l Q Olwfc safety, comfort and satisfaction in kJi
H 'wL x -’ •y& flkt f you cannot afford to buy a Mon- £■*)
r* lsjk.«y j arch, the next best are our Defiance,
n% thoroughly high-grade wheels and W*
cheap in price only. J* Sx styles for nr
I n chilaren and adults $4O, $5O and pi
V for Catalogue. 3* &J*& J* jv
$ Monarch Cycle Mfg. Co.,
Lake, Halsted and Fulton Sts., 83 Reade St., jft
Lai*">; Satnplo Rooms for Com- House lie lit ted Through
mercial Men. Reason- out. First-class Ac
able Rales. commodations.
W. C. VINCENT, Prop.
North of Depot. Lamar, Colorado.
lion. Wo Jo Bryan’s Hook
A LL who are interested in furthering the sale cf Hon.
* yV. J. Bryan’s new bool: should correspond im
mediately with the publishers. The work will contain
tAn account of hiti campaign lotir . . .
liis biof;rffphy, written by ids wife . .
His most important speeches- . . . .
I " ..ii - *
1 Tlie results of the compßijin of (896.
A>- y A rcvie'.v of the poliLical situation . .
Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting
cne-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of
bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor
mous sale. Address
\V. e. CON KEY COMPANY, Publishers,
3-tl-TSI n.-~firliorn .St....tlliC VGO.
Tlie only Pure Cream of Tartar Potvdct.—No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes —40 Years the Stauda>,i^
No. 18,