Newspaper Page Text
The Springfield Herald. Vol. X. L. A. WOLPFF EDITOR AND IMIOPKIKTOR. Entered attlmpoHtnflleeHtSiirlnjrlleld Colorado, tii* .•*«<•«»nd-clnas matter. SUBSCRIPTION. - - $1 25 I'EU YKAIt Invarltiblv In advance. Published Friday of each week. ADVF.RTISI.NG RATES. 75 cents pei lnrli, iduprio column, each month. So prefered position given. llualnc*»l,ocnl*. I*> rents per line each Insertion. I..icill mention, 15 cents per line each Insertion. I.ko ai. Auv.: Final proof notice* $5.00, Bingle Contest notices $5.00 each. All other legal printing subject to a rate of 10 cents per line for first Insertion, 5 cents for each additional—nonpareil measure, nine words to a line, unless otherwise contracted. These rates will l»e strlctlv adhered to. Official Paper of Baca County. prom January Ist 1899 the sub script ion rates of_tjjo_Hj%RALi>_jvin ho $1.25 per year. if paid in ad vance. Subscriptions to the lend ing pnpors, magazines ami poriod iciils. taken in connection witli tho llkhald at reduced prices. Tho insurance companies have agreed not to take any risks on parties going to Alaska. Tho coal miners’ strike appears far lrom settlement, the strikers seeming to ho gaining ground. The Kooky Ford lair will be held during tho first, three days ot Sep tember. Watermelon day will be observed Thursday, 2d. A Lake county grand jury turn ed out of the regular line long e nough to bring in several indict ments against the presiding dis trict judge. Powderley’s nomination tailed of confirmation blit that matters little. Since the senate adjourned lie lias qualified and enjoys the office promised him. The new tariff bill is a law, and sugar has gone up nearly a cent a pound. Cheap carpets are a thing of the past and the housewife will have to pay a fourth more for her dishes. Cattle in the western part of the state, near New Castle, are nfllicted with inflamation of the eyes. They are sometimes left permanently blind. The disease is not contagious. It is the wrong time of year to go to Alaska. Among the thou sands now on the way to that region many will not see day light after the six months night it will be all night with some. Tuesday 18,393 head of cattle arrived at Kansas City. This is the greatest number on record, arriving in one day. The rush to the market is attributed to the drouth. Priees fell 20 to 40$. - When the insurgents can run into the suburbs of Havana* as they have done, with sheir rapid fire guns and loot every public place, it leads one to believe the great Spanish army lying there is of little use in protecting the only loyal city on the island. Saturday, Sunday and Monday were hot days. They brought hot winds and destruction to the Kan sas corn crop. This may cause the price of cattle to drop in the feeding districts, and those on the western ranges may have to be kept an extra year before market ing. 11 will cost a man S3OO at San Francisco to get food and an outfit to take to the Klondyke, and an other S3OO to freight it in, besides $l5O fare; that makes $750 cost to get there with food to lastone year Tho cost of getting bock depends on how many toes you have left to travel with. The Copper King smeller at Trinidad, which was never opera ted, has been purchased by Chica go capitalists and will start up us soon as arrangements can be made Parties interested are in tho Oar* riso mining district this week look ing for a certain kind of rock said lo be there, necessary for use in smelting. Trinidad is the natural smelting point tor the Carriso country. } The Democrat of today is the Democrat, . Republican, Populist or whatever else who voted for j Bryan and stood squarely upon the Chicago platform. There is to be no distinction in favor of past I party affiliations. —Durango Dem ocrat. The deadly disease known as black leg, appears to be more prevalent In Colorado among the cattle than ever before and is spreading to an alarming extent. State Veterinarian Greswell this morning received a letter from a cattle man near Lockett, Colorado, informing him that twenty-two head of his cattle had just died from the disease.—Ex. Although Elizabethtown is an old mining town it is only for the past two or three years that lode mining has received much atten tion. Thirty years ago placer mining nourished there, and it was a cdy of six thousand inhab itants twcntv-cight years ago. It also bears the distinction of hav ing been tho first incorporated city in New Mexico.—Trinidad News. Klondyke might be a good place to hunt gold and get rich, but t here is considerable doubt as to its location and resources for making it a noted health resort. The chances for living long enough to find a fortune in that land of iceburgs are undoubtedly slim, especially lor people who have lived in a temperate climate all their days. Health is wealth and happiness, while a person with a debilitated constitution and with boodle galore might as well he an inmate of Satan’s citulel. If you want to enjoy good health and get rich, go to Carriso. —Sheridan Lake Press. WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. F. 11. Brandenburg, Observer. Denver, Colorado. For Week Ending last Monday. Notwithstanding maximum tem peratures in the 90’s, the nights have been cool, with minimum temperatures in the 50’s in most sections and in the 40’s in San Luis Park. The hot and dry weather of the past week has been timely for hay making, har vesting, and threshing, but lack of rain has caused corn to be injured in localities. The rainfall has been scattered and generally light. Showers occurred near the close of the week at a few points on the western slope and over the north central section and the northeast ern counties, the rain being mod erately heavy in localities in the latter section. In the southwest ern part of the state practically no rain has fallen, and the same is true of'the San Luis Park. The harvest of wheat and oats is under way in the northcentrnl section and on the western slope and threshing is progressing satisfacto rily in the Arkansas valley. Wheat is everywhere reported above an average crop, but the oat. crop is only fair, as a rule. Pota toes continue promising: early potatoes are being dug in the eastern border counties. In Pueblo county all fruit gives promise of the heaviest yield in years, and in Freemont county a good crop of early apples is being marketed. Oil the western slope the weather has been generally favorable to all crops, though gusts have shak en oil - considerable fruit. In Delta county the main crop of Alexan der peaches and apricots have been gatficred, and yellow trails parent Dutchess apples are now ripe. Early peaches, summer apples and plums are marketed in Mesa, Garfield, and Montrose counties. The ground is drying out rapidly in San Luis Park; water is getting scarce, the supply being sufficient only for early priorities. Most crops, however, I are beyond the need of irrigation, and give promise ol an abundant harvest. General Harrison’s Book. The Indianapolis Journal prints this interesting story concerning ex-President Harrison's forth SPRINGFIELD, BACA COUNTY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, AUGUST G, 1897. coming Look: General Harrison has just completed the revision ol Ins articles which have appeared in the Ladie’s Home .Journal, making extended notes and ad ditions to them. There is a little story in connection with both articles and publication. When the arrangments for the articles was made with General Harrison by Edward W. Hole, editor of the Ladies Home Journal, the Gener al was paid for them, with the un derstanding when they were put into book iorm the magazine was to share the royalties accruing therefrom. Air. Bole, however, ol his own accord, generously re leased General Harrison from paying him any royalty, for the reason, as he states, that by the publication of tiie articles by Gen. Harrison the subscription list ol 1 1 is magazine was enlarged many thousands. The profits ol tin* Ladies Home Journal was more than the publishers anticipated, and in view of this Mr Bok says nothing further. General Harri son placed the disposition ot his book in Mr. Bok’s hands. The best oiler cam 2 to the editor Irom tiie Scribners, and to them Mr. Bok gave the book for his dis tinguished contributor. General Harrison's revision ol the book has just been completed, and the volume will appear in tiie autumn. -COLORADO'S CLIMATE AND MINERALS” tells all about the wonderfully beneficial effects of the dry climate of Colorado on those suffering from depression, pulmanarv troubles, asthma, etc. It also tells of Colorado's great gold fields and gives a certificate ol stock in a gold mine to evov tenth subscriber. Or it will send a handsome spccimin ol gold ore to those who prefer it. Only 50 cents a year. Address “Colorado's Climate and Minerals,” 1*. O. Box 302, Denver, Colo. County Institute. The Baca county Institute will be held at Springfield, in the school house, August 2nd to 13th., 1897. Teachers will be elected and program arranged the first day of institute. Everybody in vited to attend. Mary K. Cole. Co. Supt. Just What Miners Want. All who arc, or expect to be, in terested in mines will be glad lo know that Henry N. Copp, the Washington, (D. C.) land lawyer, has revised Cops Prospector’s Man uel. The mincralogical part of the work has been almost entirely re written by a Colorado mining en gineer, who has iiad years of ex perience as a prospector, nssayer and superintendent of mines and United States surveyor. The book is a popular treatise on assaying and meneralogv. and will be found useful to all who wish to discover mines. The first part of the work gives the United States mining laws and regula lions, how to locate and survey a mining claim, various forms and much valuable information. The price is 50 cents at the principal book stores, or of t.he author. a. Your address, with fix cents <rr in suiufs, mailed to our Head l quartets, II Eliot Jit., R<m>lcd, V.' \ \\ ')\ has*., will bring you a .‘nil line — l. /i~Ti I ill samples, and rules for sclf- E3 (t- JAI I, measurement, of our justly f.i -3 f(/I/ / I mom (>:< pants : Suits, f 13.25 ; Q l/ftljl II Overcoato, $10.25, and up. Cut to order. Agents wanted every* % Plpasiiilii Rock Ca. Don’t Tobacco Spit aud Smoko Your Lii’o Away. 11 von want to quit tobr.cco using l easily and forever, ho made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Une. tho wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-liae of your druggist, under guarantee to cure, 50c or #l.<io. Booklet and sample mailed 1 roc. Ad. Sterling Uemody Go..Chicuco or New f ork. eidSER’S SSS&. FEED GRii'Dcß t MONEY MAKER ■':} AND SAVER.” •i-7 A dmitilo fJrtndcr * Itli three hurry. Center draft. Cnu he attache I tunny M/e or make of i uinptpi; wind mill. $ : E. p. WIHCER, fit <-• --*•‘■-'3 652 Ktnwool TerriuM, Chicago, 111 vj-SS&t. Send Six 2 Cent Stamps iteThc NEW SOUTH W COOK BOOK 1 150 First Ciass Receipts. B. W. V.’RENN, O. P. & T. A.. k'n iv\ ; : l.' ~ nr,. The Power Above And Behind All Thrones Is Public Opinion. prune OPINION (New York) represents uie result of culling llie most interesting and impor tant articles and items of news from about 3,000 newspapers, magazines, and reviews. A single issue often contains matter from 150 different periodicals. The cost of these publications would amount tojhundreds of dollars a week and even by constant read ing no oneyould gather the assort ed knowledge that is presented each week;.loathe readers of I’UB LIG OPIN4OX. The editors re lieve you of trouble and expence. 'The field of American and For eign A flairs is thoroughly covered and the best thought of the day is j presented under the heads of Sci- I oloirical. Scientific, Religious, | Letters and Art, Miscellany, and Business and Finance. Bend to ! the publishers for a sample copy. ! Any magazine(except the Ladle’s ! Home Journal) the price ol which does not exceed SI.OO per year, will he sent free to every new subscriber at $2.50, tho regular price of subscription, or flic pub Ushers will send PUBLIC OPIN ION one year for tiiis amount and also the Rand-McNnllv, 1897, atlas containing 175 pages of new maps. Public Opinion Company, 13 Astor Place, New York City. That Trip East May be for business or pleasure, or both; but pleasure comes by mak ing a business of (raveling East o ver the Santa Fe Itoute as far as Chicago. Thirty miles the shortert line be tween Missouri river and Chicago; that means quick tunc and sure connections. Track is straight, rock-ballasted, with very few crossings at grade. No prettier, cosier or more com fortable trains enter Chicago than those over-the«Hnntu Fe.' '1 hey are vestibuled limited exoresses, with latest pattern Pullmans and Ireei chair cars. Meals in dining cars! served on plan of paying for what j is ordered. Inquire of nearest agent, or ad- 1 dress G. T. Nicholson.G.P.A. Santa I Fe Route, Monadnock Building, Chicago. Tho attention of mining men throughout the entire West is at present being directed to the pla cer diggings ol Bolivia, South America, from which locality the most alluring reports come. If you have any idea of trying your fortunes in this country be sure and consult with Messrs. Shcpperd & Cooper of the Chicago «fc Alton International Steamship Agency in Cooper building, Denver, who can give you correct and reliable information as to the shortest, quickest ami cheapest way to reach the gold fields and can book you through lrom any point in the West. oaQU 52,*00 land INVENTOR'S ASSISTANT S2IIT iSSZto a'.l so Ksti.wnaea.lioys, fir's and alior.s eaa ge*. ?it*:r.3. Wealth car t« 7::.::. will you harl ior it 1 Wr.t» -■ • • thu tho ISIVSSCO2B I-Ci::T2C2T EU22AU, - WubitEisa. 2. G. IMJP»niRr.f.T FROM MILL TO WEARER. Which Saves you 4 Biff Profits. Commiasion House. The Wholetal'r. The Jobber and Store Keer-C- E. ROSENBUHCER Sc CO. «ie. lozdst, NEW YORK CITY. Qjt!l2_E2D SSB.lsAOK^srrl7.s9 * “MS pair of ? s ' * The-se Silk* are GUARANTEED to be made from Imported Worsted Corded Cheviot made in latest Wool Cheviot, in Black. Blue, Grey, and Blown, in sires front style, lined with Imported Farmer Saßn 3to years of z.-e. Marie up double-breasted, with Sailer trimmed and finished in the best ofCustoni Collar—Collar fancy embroidered—lined with fast Black Albert Tailor manner. You cannot duplicate it Twill Sate.-n and Patent Waist Bands. Trimming and Work- your town for ?t6.00. Sizes 3 -t to 4a. msndiip the vsrv be*t. Same in Sizes for ages to to 15 years, The same goods made for Youth's, i?g On without Sailor Collar. See Pattern’s Below. 1o ,8. in I ong Pants, Coat and Vest, *• J m ,."r sra tmis \ the Nest, and '» r' -Vt, Tvjt \ from Crotch r-.ji ■rr.r*Si 1] iHi: Jp|Jp y ISl&Sfrj c .;s \ \ lit ‘ . frN! 11l f J money. T I *ll* WW ta Reaentlwr | *t f 0 I I f'\ .tircct from 2 U-.Y X‘4 \ j Tvhcn ort!.m.i cc.lh !*o ' nirtoe, Kx?r,« 2/ fif C\A "o [Lj '-- I hr,roo.. loturc. .!»; S 3 Rj j C- ,|,m • S. l«-j , g I ■' if ferial 'r* - 6 r; c;-' -i f l . OA ! 'A »p 1 \j> G•U v? ! j| Given Away |. I! Every Month i I; to the prr.--->n lk® fy i-io,; r.toriltirioUH ittvoiitiou $C -'.t ' tiirj i.r. ctMUtL; itioiith. f-i \\ .N K' l■i: K I• A T tiTo U ) l- . : in VKAiotU nifl til•• t-f •J j jr , r V ii.i oT.-f i> t.) cm- c*, « l.lfii:-.* tut liliullt ! C 1-.• tl CI. .'t tllU t , •:i.» t : iio wo .i e* iinprusa v) Ct f> lu J SlatlpiO) E Trivia! Inventions H ' That Yield Fortunes j —stich. »*3 Pn I 'tnv’t ITook (X \ r..r i M.o. ' .vj llif.t J ; '.ttnp." Sif.- v Pin." ‘•l’l'.l ill Clo- V . *• Ail- IJtT.k'-." etc. Al lll l lll very ono ounce! voh ei > vT> n Bri.'-T Il> (t ur, tiotr.'j iiiuu or U . : : . V.’ity iimt ,uit. it In jinto tio..l tu"Veil'!’ tnlunts iintj- i-j ls-t i t this Bir.riioii. Msy is I • ( riako y .ur fortune. Why nut 1A i? lr - '■ •• :: :: :: :: U I; for fiirtlun- Inforr.iution r.n.i 'v : B montio.i this pt.p«rr. M If THE PRESS GLfllttS GO. a S Z'.TUi-s V,’. Avlr Jtt, C«ca. Mur., si n 6105 F Street, Northwest, | L V. ASHiNOTON, 15. C. « L C37~Tlio rokonnslhllitv of this company ti B may i.o' in !|;« , rl by tin- !:t«-t tlint U<t ♦♦ fin. it iilicMliyivr! thoiiaati'l j? or tlio loading (Jt:\T9puvurs In the tj LTittcd ULUtus. tv tt , r . H UV' E E ;;; w-vr'-' i; W eeTv ;-;r: 4tl{ Do not ho 1 r.'vortlsemenUftnJ 7'au “VS ti 't ’.vol i -..v1.-, :1 u «t fluuh <md MOST POP Cl a:-* BSWIKtt MACKI?!C f; r H ir-ro «p:ior. Buy from rclta’do .ramifnct'ircra t“"Micv ( - w J a iv«»r;vion by ho •• *r r.nd sciunre ti*a>Mu?. rtu n« lx iioue Io th» v.i lilt! ..t <'.n equal in ii.arhantcnl ofum/ntetton, dumbtlltj .i working p r>». mufiers ■ pMI-.ii. n-i.uty In mu -ninner cr hiu aa *ar Iriipmi.!-. -m tv,- n y,V MOWS. WHITE rori CIRCULARS. Tns Sow Homo Sowing Kacbteo Co. Ostatrmt, •? *«». P..y -ox, ?f •>«. as f.-nor; Sqtahs.X.Y'. Line.*.!•>, i.x. Kr. ix)UiS, sio. DaLLi -.T/J.aJi. tJ... i-Uiyc.-IjCO.CaL. C.C. FOR E/II r ** Atliny mid Son, I.n.luntn, Col®. PETTV.T. RHOK CO.. Inc’r. fapUal. 81,000.00?. IS ItST Sit (IK IN Tllh V.OBLJS. dollar sural iia dollar earned.” ThisTuirUos’Solid Krone !i I)<-ncrolo Kidßip. tea Koot delivered free Jirni in the C.'-.,c n receipt ol t'aah, Money Older, tizf or I oHtul Xoto for V L'j'nh evert' srny the bcvit/i n sold In r.U 'rotr.ll stores for J #2.60. Wo make this boot A our*t!re«, therefore we yurrr a rlee tho ft, » ’>/'’*• and irrrrr, •A and If ruy ona is not Hntlrriled (i wo will refund tho money A\ or send m.othvr pair. Opera or Common Sense,* wbltlis f, l>. j:, .v Kit. M 1 to 8 and half ri [*-' Stndyourtize; '-■ ,ce *cill lit you. e- .^^Ufustrated Dexter Shoe Special (emu to Vtaltn. F. MILTON FRIEND, D. and SL UG RUN . South of Court House Lamar, Colorado. IM-ef. Kye, Tliroal.Feninleand Surj;'.cal Dbon es Office hours: stoo a. in.. Ito n and. 7toB p. in. 8 to 10 n. in. Sundays. WANTED-AN IDEA of eonio simple ! thing to patent? Protect your idefta : they may hrintf you wealth. Write JOHN TVEDDEK BURN A: CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, L). C., for their 81,800 prize oiler. Everybody Says So. Cuscarets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the aye, pleas ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansin'? tin entire system, dispel colds, euro headache, fever, habitual • onr.tipation ami hiiioiisuers. buy and try a lio:: of C. C. C. to-day; 10, ii‘>, •'<) cents, boldand guaranteed to euro by all druggists. I j | CtmueftliPAriOH j f 55 * 50 1 DRUGGISTS 4 fc* we»— cascaTir.Ts CAiCATirra . ..., & \ 8 atuhto kooU. Kat tliem liK'roaso t!»<* How of d ® ; %j, gassy I:rs'‘:,',v r -..sus goon Foh < X 1 In tlio luoutli. leaving by the mother mokon ¥ I A t? CATHARTIC s porfuincd. It Is a nflvenm (‘r.'r.ra-J mothers } 0 2 ft r,,! ‘l I’loiiMiro to tnko but certain effect on ft 4 • A Boutin;; lltjuUd or cutuion-ball pill's. ** ° U eul'o lusaitvo for the bobe-ln-arma. £ \ CASCATIETS .... (.'ASCAUKTH T T ■i i ■ j O 0 ttiiro purely vocctnblo n o liked i.y ibocbll- ft f Vj FURELY 1 ciirlui or otliurmln- I good Kood. j PLEASE jl |§f VEGETABLE J eat ! {THE CHILDREN < Yft ft ured und urn n rcien* nil kinds of piirn- ft m \ coin blimtlun altos tb:it live In ns aa a J CJ nevor beforo put together In hiiv form. bowels of tho growing child. L \ f'ASCAHETB ... CASCARETB, tiMBSSfiBSMI] antiseptic wsHSSI cure IJ H laxative ss:;,xr",i, ss r.w.r.rEMl guarahteeb h A v ft bowel.; nnd kill din- cbtu*o niuncv vlll bn ft I j V a «•—•■*. cnno germs’ ftll y cheerfully refunded c r o •wn fl kind iliut brood and feed lu the sysioin. by your own druggist. . A i ** o * ,c * • J °“» toiio tki stomSfcuirt “ ri ' dr™ fl \ LIVER J HEALTH ) u Sine it work, 'i'inir Inn to Biro. A IOcI S I STIMULANT I;ir.SSS.«S J FOn 10 CENTS < ft ft vlKOi on i hi*nl th y tli.'jTcla r'nul their action easy mid natural. '• U ** health, lion't rlik delay. «s&Don't judge GaSCAP.ETS by other medicines you have tried. They J arc nev/, unlike any thing else that's sold, and infinitely superior. > i Tf y a k° x to '^‘ v /> *f not pleased get T Tlio J your money back! Larger boxes, 25c or 50c. v PiS^Gownroof 0, Sample and booklet mailed free* Address a imitations * ' STGr.LINO REMEDY CO.. CHICAQOi MONTRtAt, CAN.I Uf/t YORK. 230 C -5- e f (T*a cures Toixtceo Habit or money refunded. Makes wuak BvZvi' B vi^r *” KS £-r atren". Solti and guaranteed by all druffpists. Get booklet |§SsssisESK!SEs: : K^;'SSsSs^'“ | A Proof of Quality | »o 5 This name-plate with our trade- io! ilw k . mark of “lion’s head in wheel” *Cg C*j is on every genuine Monarch Bicy- tVJ FOR cle, and is recognized the world O iA« over as a proof cf quality, v* It is a iCg N 3 guarantee of strength, speed and dur- KJ hm f&FZK V ability. .»* It represents the best prod- So? *- m H b-V-ir Y.\ H aL V net of the finest equipped bicycle f**?*/' —yf factory in the world, c** There's r /? ®?A f > Y&U safely, comfort and satisfaction in !o« W Pressing aJ* o* j* j* KA Pft| Monarch | “RIDE A MONARCH K AND KEEP IN FRONT” M £*3 ;5l / X/j * If you cannot afford to buy a Men >V: arch, the next best arc our Defiance, iHl} yj&f. ‘ \j thoroughly high-grade wheels and WV \ac* ■ cheap in price only. «.< Six styles for {VJ children and adults s'«o, $5O and Kf for Catalogue. O* C* J* j* j* Kq Monarch Cycle Mfg. Co., Lake, Halstcd and Fulton Sts., 83 Rcade St., 8-2 CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YORK, jg Ltirpje Samplo Rooms for Com- House Refitted Through meroial Men. Reason- out. First class Ao able Kales. • commodations. SI L V EESTATE HOTEL, W. C. VINCENT, Prop. North of Depot. Lamar, Colorado. Hon. We j 0 Bryan’s Book A LL who an interested in furthering the sale of lion. L W. J. Bryan’s new book should correspond im mediately with the publishers. The work will contain An account of his campaign tour . . . Ills biography,_wrilten by his wifa . . -T-A' it:/ His most important speeches .... The results of the campaign of 1896. X 'A /A A revievr- of the political situation . . AGENTS WANTED <& Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor mous sale. Address W. C. CONKEY COMPANY, Publishers, 341-351 n.-orliom St....CHSCAGO. llS.._^Powder: The ouly I’ure Cream of Tartar Powtlei.—No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes —40 Years the Standard, No. 50.