Newspaper Page Text
The Springfield Herald. Yol. X. L. A. WIKOFF EDITOR AND IMIOPKIKTOU. Entered nttliopoi*tolHce<)*.Sprinpflt*ld Colorado, ax MiiKHiil'Clabit maticr. SUIWCUUTIOX. - - »l 25 PKIt YEAR Invariably In advnnec. PitblUhed Fridas 1 of each week. A DVKKTISIXU If ATES. U> cents ]>«t Inch, Mingle column, each month. No position given. hunlncssl-ocaD. to Cents per line each Insertion, f.'>4*i\l mention, 15 cents per line each Insertion. I.Koai. Anv.: Final proof notices 15.00, single Contest notices |S.CO each. All other legal printing subject to a rate of 10 rents per line for tlrst Insertion, ."> cents for each additional—nonpareil measure, nine words to a line, unless otherwise contracted. These rates will ho strictly adhered to. Official Paper of Baca County. From January Ist 1898 tlie sub scription rates .of. the Herald will be $1.25 per year, if paid in ad vance. Subscriptions to the load mg papers, magazines and period icals, taken in connection wit )i the Hkkalw at reduced prices. Secretary Sherman does con siderable talking for a diplomat. The newspapers are busy now depicting the honors of a trip to the Ivlondyke. According to late reports there is not the least hope for inter national bifYietalism. Secretary Wilson, of the Agri cultural portfolio, is in Denver, to investigate sugar beet culture. Archie C. Fisk, a former Denver man, is organizing a company for Alaska. Will Archie be as hot headed in the Arctic regions? The striking coal miners are beginning to get hungry, and trouble may be expected soon if an agreement is not reached. While the Cuban leaders be lieve that the death ot Canovas is a good thing for their cause, they have little sympathy for the assas sin. Havana people are wroth at Weyler lor letting the insurgents run up into the suburbs of ..their city. It is very uncomfortable to have to lleo tor their lives. The San Luis valley farmers are happy over t lie high price of wheat as that is their main crop. They will he able to pay off much of their indebtedness this year. Wheat i 3 going up but corn does not follow in proportion. The famine in India and a short crop in Europe will cause a demand lor every bushel of our surplus wheat. The eye trouble among cattle at New Castle is said to result from poisonous weeds. Dr. Creswell’s remedy for the trouble is to bathe the eyes with a solution of boracic acid and anoint the sore parts with vaseline containing one eiglit boracic acid. The Anarchist got in his work Sunday by assassinating Spain’s premier Senor Canovas Del Cas tillo. lie was looked upon as the strong man in the Cuban policy, and opposed to giving up any oi Spain’s possessions. It is believed ins death will result in more liberal policy toward Cuba. Win. B. Felts is seeking nota riety by advertising a Hying trip from the top of Pikes Peak to Colorado Springs, by means of the aeroplane, lie was to tly last Sunday, but the air did not suit his aesthetic nostrils and so the lly is postponed till next Sunday. It ought uof to be n very scientific matter to lly down hill. Freight rates by ship lrom New York to Galveston, have been cut from $1 to 2/ per hundred pounds. This cut has demolished business with the railroads and a strong combination is at work to lorce prices back or ruin the ship line that is responsible for the cut. It would be a good thing for the west if the water lines were in dependent of the railroads. Nothing authentic Jims been heard of Andree, the north pole seeker by means of a balloon. It is possible they never traveled a half dozen hours till the ocean claimed them for their own, and it is barely possible that the com pany reached the Arctic region. ‘•Cap” Hatfield, the West Vir ginia outlaw, who belonged to the Me Cov-Hat field feud, and in which 40 people on either .side have been killed, has, from prison where he was waiting the gallows for killing lour men over an election quarrel. SOOO is offered for him dead .or alive. A good chance for some idle ofil cer. The following special to the Denver Republican from Guthrie, Oklahoma, is of interest to our cattle men whose stock stray over the line into Oklahoma: The Supreme court has affirmed the decision of the lower courts a gainst the Prairie Cattle Company. This was a test case brought a gainst the county treasurer of Beaver county (No Man’s Land) by a number of cattle owners whose herds ranged in Beaver county, hut who, themselves live in Colorado. Several thousand dollars taxes per annum were in volved and the Colorado cattle men must pay the Beaver county rates. Improvements at the State Uuincrsitv The promise for the coming year at the State University is most promising. The past year was one of remarkable prosperity and success. Students entering the University the seventh of next September will find a large sup ply of new apparatus and books; two new buildings, a chemistry building, and a gymnasium; a complete engineering building; a new stable and a wood yard in a different location; a new stone walk from (lie University to the town; and finally six new proiles sors and instructors. The first two years of the Medical School will he conducted at the Univers ity, with additional room and new laboratories and facilities. There is every promise of a large atten dance in all departments. The Life Beyond the Grave. ’’There is a little book entitled ‘The Life Beyond’ that presents the truth of the Resurrection in a wonderful manner,” writes Evan gelist Moody in the August Ladies’ Home Journal. ‘Tt is an allegory and pretends to give the experi ence of a little dragon lly grub. The little insect longs to know what is beyond the sphere ot its little world. In vain it enquires ot the fish that live in the same pond, but they have no experience in any other sphere, nor can any of its fellows satisfy its anxious yearnings. The only world it knows is a little meadow pond; all its experience is limited by the bounds of the surrounding banks. At length the grub is overcome by a strange attraction upward, and gathering about it all its fellows it tells that it must leave them for the regions above, and promis es to tell them what it has found to exist in the beyond, .if, indeed there may be any thins above the bulrushes of their little pond. Then it disappears from the sight of its fellows and emerg es into the bright sunlight of the greater world. Here it is trans formed, and now with outstretched wings it darts hither and thither reflecting the brightness of the sun from its gorgeous body. But it does not forget the promise it has made to the friends here be low. It trios to return to the world lrom which it lias just been reserrected, but cannot now leave the atmosphere in which it lives. All it can do is to wait for them to come where it now is, a beauti ful dragon lly. “And thus it is with those who have disappeared from our sight. Their love for us is not lessened because they are not able to commune with us but they are waiting in the pres ence of the Master for that glorious moment when m their resurrected SPRINGFIELD, BACA COUNTY, COLORADO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1897. bodies they shall unite once more with those whom they have loved on earth.” WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. F. 11. Bit.vxDKXiirui:, CJiiserykr. Denver, Colorado. For Week Ending last Monday. A great amount of cloudy woath or with frequent showers is repel led from all sections of the stale. Heavy local rains occurred Tues day on the western slope and light showers were frequent dur ing the remainder of the week. East of the Continental Divide the rainfall has been much great or than the normal, being excess ive along the Arkansas-Platte Divide, notably in the vicinity of Castle Rock and Elizabeth. The totals for the week were: Oastle Rock Rock 7 .19 inches; Elizabeth 8 .05; Yuma, 1 .S 5; Cheyenne Wells, 1 .71; Pueblo, 1 .00; Le Roy 1 .81; and Denver 1.25. The rain ot the past week has been of great benefit in most sec tions, though stacking and thresh ingot grain and hay making was retarded. A marked improvement in all growing crops is reported from the eastern section. In eastern Arapahoe the prospect for corn is exceptionally good and in Cheyenne fodder crops are grow ing rapidly, and a fair yield of corn is now assured. Rust has appeared in late wheat at Larimer but the early sown, the harvest which is well under way, is good. Corn and potatoes are looking fine, and early planted potatoes are being dug in the vicinit y of Greeley. An immense crop ol hav is being put up in the San Luis; grain, which is ripening fast will be ready to harvest in a feu days. Harvesting continues on the western slope; corn is doing well; large shipments of peaches, summer apples, aml crab apples are being made; plums coming in o market. Melons and cantaloupes are ripe m the vicinity of Ford, and shipments are being made. The storm of last Tuesday afternoon along the Divide was very disastrous to crops in the vicinity of Castle Rock and Eliza beth. Gardens are completely ruined, corn cut down by the hail, grain thrashed, and liny injured more or less. A number ol bridges were carried away by high water. ‘•COLORADO’S CLIMATE AND MINERALS” tells nil about the wonderfully beneficial effects of the dry climate of Colorado on those suffering from depression, pulmanary troubles, aslhmn, etc. It also tells of Colorado's great gold fields and gives a certificate ol stock in a gold mine to ever tenth subscriber. Or it will send a handsome speciinin ol gold on to those who prefer it. Only 50 cents a year. Address “Colorado’s China, e and Minerals,” 1\ O. Box 392, Denver, Colo. Just What Miners Want. All who are, or expect to be, in- : (crested in mines will be glad to know that Henry N. Copp, the Washington, (D. C.) land lawyer, has revised Cops Prospectors Man uel. The mineralogical part of the work has been almost entirely re written by a Colorado mining en gineer, who has had years of ex perience as a prospector, nssayer and superintendent of mines and United States surveyor. The book is a popular treatise on assaying and moneralogv. and will be found useful to all who wish to discover mines. The first part of the work gives the United States mining laws and regula tions, how to locate and survey a mining claim, various forms and much valuable infoi mation. The price is 50 cents at the principal book stores, or of the author. A , Your addrrs.', with six cents » * n SUm l' , i mailed (o our Dead ly tK. 71 H“--meis. II Eliot M.. lbutcm, in \>w\l r }J '*‘ll bring yon a foil line J /F~n ll /1 sample*, and rules for sclf v* f/■ 1/ I I measurement, of our justly fa- T? till nious S 3 pants : Suits, f 13.25; O ** FflJc/j Overcoats, f. 10.23, and i-.p. Cut >* Ml \ •« order. Agents wanted cvcry- H It I v here. % MrSSSNew Plymouth Roch Co. Steel Tanks i - 23. B. WINOEE, . The Power Above And Behind All Thrones Is Public Opinion. RUBRIC .OPINION (New York) represents the result of culling 'lie most .interesting and impor tant articles and items of news from about 8,000 newspapers, magazines, and reviews. A single issue often emitnins matter from 150 different. periodicals. The cost of these publications would amount to hundreds of dollars a week and even by constant read ing no one could gather the assort cd knowledge that is presented each week t > the renders of PUB LIC OPINION. Tiie editors re lieve you ol trouble and expence. The field of Ameiican and For eign A flairs, i.-thoroughly covered, and th .* best thought of the day is presented under the heads of Sci ologicnl, Seionlifie, Religious, Letters and Art, Miscellany, and Business and Finance. Send to the publishers for a sample copy. Any magnzine(except the Ladle’s Home Journal) the price ol which does not exceed SI.OO 'per year, will be sent free to every new subscriber at £2.50, the regular price of subscription, or the pub i fishers will send PUBLIC OPIN ION one year for this amount and also the Rand-McNally, 1897, atlas containing 175 pages ol new maps. I'nhlic Opinion Company, 13 Astor I’lace, New York City. That Trip East May be for business or pleasure, or both; but pleasure comes by mak ing a business of traveling East fi ver the Santa Fo Route its far as Chicago. Thirty miles the shorter! line be tween Missouri river and Chicago; that means quick time and sure connections. 'Track is st raight, rock-ballasted, wit h very lew crossings at grade. No prettier, cosier or more com fortable trains enter Chicago than tliosc overjhe ‘Santa Fo. 1 hey are .YiaiiiJJWifc-i'liwiißcLc'xpresses, with latest pattern Pullmans and free chair cars. Meals in (lining cars served on plan of paying for what is ordered. Inquire of nearest agent, or ad dress G. T. Nicholson.G.P. A. Santa Fe Route, Monadnock Building, j (Chicago. 'I he attention of mining men I throughout the entire West is at present being directed to the pin- j cer diggings ol Bolivia, South America, from which locality the; most alluring reports come. II ; you have any idea of trying your] lortunes in this country be sure i and consult with Messrs. Khepperd ; A Cooper of the Chicago A Alton [ International Steamship Agency j in Cooper building, Denver, who I ran give you correct and reliable; information as to the shortest,- quickest and cheapest way to reach the geld fields and can book you through from any point in the! West. P A Q H 52.100 v''* * * r-nd IRVcNIOR’S ;.SSiSTANT Fi!-* eia*EC•.r 3 ! "V:l’ith v.:j to Will , icri-. ? r V»:j » •••- - •••-> ’.otto ::wr::?CE3 rnoixTion nur.iAV. - wuMagua, d. c. *SMHggB»mKF.CT FROM MILL TO WEARBR. Which Saves you 4 Bis Profils. • Z rie Commission House. The Wholesaler, The Jobber and Store Keeper. E. ROSEN BURGER k CO. 202-201 e. midst, NEW YORK CITY. 'o* !r Or'fat Rr.rgw |n s Oft A CUSTOM MADE TO ORDER $5»00 IpIEED * n ° y iJttb£tra pair of fains, *2.9 3 ' * »&. A !r'w!S The«e Suits are GUARANTEED to be made from imported Worsted Corded Cheviot, made i.i latest Wool Cheviot, in black. Blue, Grey, and brown, in -ures Horn H ,lined with Imported Farmer Satin, T t,» «i years of a,;-. Made op double-brrasted, with Sailor jr;mmed and finished m the best of Custom Cu' Collsr fancy embroidered —lined with fast Black Albert - | ailor manner. You cannot do; '.cate It In ■fwill Sat-cn and I'atcnt Waist Bands. Trimming and Work- your town for $16.00. Sizes )4 to <a. man-hip tli2 vorv best. Same in hires for ages to to 15 years, rhp Mme „ 00 j s ma ,t P for Youth’s, t}C Of7 without Sailor Collar. Sec Pattern's Below. to |S jn j p antt| Coat and Vest, V- *>« " 11 around the a-Y" T ' \ /'(, 7y \ *Vaist O'er ' ?a 5 / l\ / ti- \ nNj'cVouh fid 0 0 11 - I r" '4s TjT 0° °nh —LLJL-Ua sr ■ .' 1.—, ?. _ j :"N MyiiJ r* b .u'.l you ',l -• 3r. \ \ j refund the ‘ 4> •4 O | .g! -dij Wh I’, -I mi ... I.X, ; V .. I 1-n j.i I V.cev Order or UeglMerrd letter., also B 1H • Ojß , .V„d S 8 WJo | , . j; u-i birihd.iv. an.l it |ar K e ot small SS - jn 5 Motn-v cheerfully ‘I C- J lecturers in ! « V9] I n..i JitO'V Seiul if stam;)''■>' 'im Xj. JI, J ! AtneiVJ. I «- - I . , ta:~- measure, measuring thank' etc | or, | _ , —l - '■lt' UGGKGGO" f f 1 rt A 11 ?! G i ven Away \- ji r.'-tra-=v j? .i-s * VkJ 1'1 C J e, to t’.io pn.viti ftibrnlltinsr tto i-» t) « ; t 1 tarif.rlots . msettiiou j, t S isofiioi; Uni j »»•-;'>:• F. A i»l 7n V 1.1 Vi c < . t. ;It 1 t to'j o.7*i . t.) on- |a •> »* 1 '•*••:» " r -• ‘ «" • G v i r.piiit 1 i-m • v.-u 1•’ Liiprosd G ?! tho I'ni i. ", :: :: !>i Tt’a tho Siitiplc, JS •: i riYiC.l J«VCtii«G£s3 )' That YlcLl I-orhiuos 5? O , ? r -5 —s;i:h rs T*o Lph<;\» Hoot «.j •y • Fin.- -r *t im Cry »i ' *-.” "Air- llt-nkf.” oil!. ii • j Alt:n -t rvoryoiio oonco'vcs A, ,a r. t ii;;.*t i ’.oji u*. nton or tk r ; « •!)•• . '- h> u-.t pur. it l:i j*r c r; 1 1 tiCi.l 1 ml? Y(‘U it ti.lfiitu ipiij- e* B I• l* ! 1 IhN timmtlon. May <1 tanko your fortune. V.'hy nut 1} -j D-y? :: :: :: r :: ft for f-.-rtlirr infortr.ui:<3:i ntnl jj luoutioii this pat km*. t. H Tile ri7OSSOLr.!MSGO.|i fi I’itil'.p W. >**v!ictt, Gott. fljer., ff Tl 613 i : Street, North word, R Y. ISIH.NCiTON, D. C. « rp?x»onsllilli»y of th's companr M limy Ini liy tin; itu-t that lit w (f ft)» \i in l.oi t by ovi.TotiK tho'iuaml ff if of Hut Ihitdltij( Quwspupors In tho W United Suitori. liGGiHc ly'&’v&ty ' \G " .--7 rS■„ n iw',' I® -N..... . IlSttt 4 •■.'A'"'- 9Sss Ip § a '" r v " }hr rllm int- ndvortl'oirmfa oni tldn..- you C»n !!• : th: l-'-.-t t-.rulo, Curstt llui'li on ! MOST DOPULA'r eiswific MACHIMB far -mu ro rmur Bnyr-om n-lUlda rnantifitet-.'-im ■ ,r; VO Ti !L V J “ reniirj Mr nt ■. hnm <t nnd , pin;.. ! "•* tu'-fo la none in tlio vnrlil t»:r.t . .. om.-il J- 1 '•'•■nnnleitt>n • ion. .iiiraMllty if • >rl; tr.ry I' ''••*"< nr flnp.ii, 1,, mi tv In npiHii.innc.. M uiuny )i .., •. : tin, fa£-.v HOMu. WRirE roa omoi'LAro. Ths Kt nf Horae Siwlsj{ Machine Co. OuAKcr.. Mar*. Ilo'.T.rr, Mas*. 2i f.-r- ,s :.s-.v vv Cmsi-ia. IM. M. 1.0. t!*.M&. 1* ; . 7 l —* i JiAScmco, cat- /.tt.akw, Ca. FOR BAl.u t‘V -Vtinsy t'.ntl I.a Junta, Colo. DEiTV.-n finr-r. c:l, ti.-vp. cpyittu, si.ccn.oos. BEST «!-•.) SHOE THE *•A doll'tr t'lred fan dollar ranifil." ThluEtull:-*’No’.l* J'wtehniuisoliiKl'mit!. tonlioot dt,-iiv< ii J freo nityw!i ro in the U.S.,on rt)cul|tlnf(.'na!i, Money Order, g-| Eqiuil.i every w.ty ti..i boots 'J cohl Jn nil retail stores for I $2.60. Wo •: aha this boot f oursclres, therefore v/o <7»or- I nn/.-f tho f.', i.-;le and <r?ar, A “'"i il ntiyono in not KnlUflcd mo will refund tho money or send mother pair. Opera Too or Comm.- n J?cn«a, vV widths c, j», j-:. a kk. U F ‘wizen 1 to S and l)alf ! *'•?■ Send your sitt; FREE Dexter Shoe tOiL™!*!: 1 Special (em.s to Dealer*. F. MILTON FRIENOi M. O and Sl UOIiON. South of Court House Lmnar, Coloi-ado. Ptef. Kyo,Thrnnt,rentalentulSuipicttl lil~*-:t Ofllcc hotif.-: R Ini) a. 111., lln and, 7toB p. i.i. s to 10 a. in. Stnnlayn. WAPiTED-AW IDEA of Koniii bitnple thing to patent? Protect your ideas ; they may bring yon wealth. Write .JOHN WJCDIJKIt- IiUItN «V; CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C., for their £l,BOO prize oJTer. S3veryl;o(ly Pays Eo. Caocareta Cnu-iv Cathurtie, the most won derful iikhHiml il i;i) o. t.rv ( f 11:c c. pleas ant and roll--slung to the taste, a-.-t pcntly nml positively on kidneys, live-.- end Lowe’s, i-!i-ii!ts , n , f th'-- entire s.vst in. hi; t ■<! t-olds, cure lie.iilr.elte, h.vif, l:nl iln: I « enslipnlioii and !)!:i.)*:-ta • I’h aae liny end try a box ore. (hr. in-dav; 10. 2**. :o«-f-ntp. J'oluand ewaranteed to ciiro ly «U di u; "ists. I /®ANDYCAimfill€ | I* „S I 25* so * DP-USGISTS $ C.IRCAHET3 CAWAKKTS >»—6 \ « mate kooil. Km them Inureuso tliu r.ow of tt * \ | Gi.NDV KW'SKtSSSSI BOON for I# X Via tl.o mouth, ler.vlt* hj ttin ru'iii.ui-tuukua ¥ I A 1 g&thartec f&tttrrrAsrf Sahara;; 8 mothers \l < rn:il |.| .ii:*uro tn tnko butc«*rt iln effect cm $ AW «=ooo<*—thorn limlciul of uiiu- thn baby, tl.o < i !■/ \ seating liquid ti or ciunun-bull fills. eafu luxutlro for tho bubo-ln-nmis. a :<*TWt«i«» CASCAItIETM .... CAKt'.i ItV.TM - ! -, n -m,,- i | PuP.sly 2Svt;i:S 11 Hii| please : S X kornl poison. Thi.7 bi< |> w lixl-cullc mill V 21 VSSETSBLF. | crt riunoUli'n illrcov- jrt ™ children A liovor bcfcro puttoKctUorlif nrrv > iom*. nUl *° n of ibo uio-arlm: child.""* c "*™ '* * 4 \ < ASCA BBTfl ... f\l HCAIt ETA, •>«.».ft St £HTISE?T!3 pvHSriS; CURE j# LAXATIVE I‘lllSwll 6mm &° |* (P 1 (.-jn'm of m.y clieorful.y 'ref nn'V't & !klud ibat breed ami feed la ibo system. by jour ot.:» drutulit. \ UVEB HMLTH \\ | STIM3LXKT hiKKI&i.’LS.T.:;;; J FOB ID CENTS | A tbctr ttotloo eusy aiul natural. 1.. i:ltb. lion t ■ led ULlny. V judge CiSC SkETS by other medicines you have tried. They \ are new, unlike anything eke ihat’s sole 1 , and infinitely superior. \ j Try a JO; box to-day, if not pleased get \ '"**• Th ,' i your money back! Larger boxes, 25c or 50c. ¥ Sam ? k ond booklet mailed free. Address# ife/ Imitations 1 * CTERLINQ REMEDY CO..CHICACC; IJCtIT.ICA’.. CAN.; NIwVQRK. cca O 'ey C wcvv-m F63/TV c S a <T‘S» m* /A cures Tobacco lii.lH or money refunded Makes woalc incu ■ B ft a Btroug. Sold and (fuaranlced by all druggists. Get booklet. EpSsS^KSKRSSaSKKESSS^ag"^ I A Proof of Q ttality 1 rj2 This name-plate with our trade- R s'* a mark of “lion’s head in wheel” j£g Ot iP™£(fek Ls on every genuine Monarch Bicy- R rn c^4 '» * ‘ s the world iri * * over as a proof of quality. It is a jU 1 guaraxbteccf strength, speed and dur- Be irs v ability, i. 4 * It represents the best prod- iH *-*5 a.\ uct of the finest equipped bicycle k!| >2 factory in the wosld. £ There’s R ■ a safety, ccmfoxt ar.d satisfaction in >o n possessing a J* J* rl J* Monarch | Y ' I,C Wood’s Favorite’* g Imam “ RIDH A monarch E-i M AND KEEP IN FRONT" K If you cannot afford to buy a Mon- Pv Jtrch, the next best are our Defiance, \j*y<y. / thoroughly high-grade v/hecls and K cheap in piice only. .•< Che styles for R children and adults $lO, $5O and 5 J for Catalogue. <2* jt e* O* jA Monarch Cycle Mfg, Co., g SLalcc, Halstcd and Fulton Sts., 83 Rcade St., K CHICA.GO, ILL. NEW YORK, ft aasg^Kgas:s«sSBsaEg:Ba:Kigsias Sample Ivooms for Cqjii- Ilotiso Uulitled Tlirougli meroinl Men. Henson- out. First class Ac able Ivale3. coinmotlalions. SIFVJESTATE HOTEL, W. C. VINCENT, Prop. North of Depot. Lamar, Colorado. flora, W. J. Bryasi’s BooS^ A LL who ars Interested in furthering the sa’e of Hon. *■ IK. J. Brynn's new hook should correspond im mediately v/ith the publishers. The v.-cil: will cor.tau) An account, of bis campaign tc::r . . . Pi'■ y-f Ills fcfoctfflpliy, '.Vfrttcn by his wife . . ! aiijjV His most hnportai’.t speeches . . . ■ The rest;!!; of the Cu.-upaiqn of 1896. ' ' >''' A. review of jhe political sii.iietion . . u> AC3EI\JT£D WANTED <v Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting one-half cf all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism. There are already indications cf an enor mous sale. Address V/. C. CON KEY COMPANY, Publishers, Til-Til nearlgim S,'....CHICAGO. PPRIC^S' fJaglijßakfsi US. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powdci. —No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes —40 YearJ the Standa.’^ No. 51.